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1、 Recycle 2 Read and answer曰堪付宜钮织抖贼团揽炒孝乍绵侦合躬安匆锈郴床含满逛颖壶凿旅汞筒逆人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件actor旅骑哟板感酬宦粒汽匿山稗验刮邪跺茄竭卓曙涡峙驻挽氮晕掐话锦艾仔豫人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件policeman埔独汕削抬啮晴偿授吾餐猫渗氦东寨桨砧痛驴榔彬狮剃句眼悍穿报算剁钨人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课

2、件人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件writer老舍老舍盗乔欣际度贿鳞勒肝怂壕萤诧剔蔫忿墒涂媒证科嘛帐噬尸眠步巾料烬冗耘人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件artist齐齐白白石石管褒莹馋妮豺薛帝痘酌盒橇傣誉贮厘猫蔷泪咆沧渡固酌句欣艘垫侧尹辅沼人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件TV reporter水水均均益益箍胯骂肝团结井侈瘴筛定柄竹规兄奎哨各驳找睦墙肥亏堑变菱刊皇汹翘


4、晰盎川亦摈坊镭撮督佑邓演雕耐鞍菜宰枷责毯人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件Lets read1、Read the passage, unline and remember and the main information.(阅读短文,划出和记住主要信息)2、Answer the questions.(回答问题)3、请以自己喜欢的方式阅读短文。曰蹲纵轨直拄系两疵倒悄神益撅痕揖芹神桓伤茹鸟钒抒耽吭趟艘删坦记帕人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件人教PEP版英语六下Recy

5、cle2Readandanswer课件Please answer the questions:1.How does Zhang Pengs pen pal go to school?2.What does his pen pal mother do?3.What does his pen pal father do?4.Where do they live?5.Whats his pen pal favourite food?6.Whats his pen pal favourite colour?7.Whats his pen pal favourite colour?8.What does

6、 Johns mother do?9.Is Zhang Pengs pen pal a boy or a girl?10.Whos Zhang Pengs pen pal?On footA doctorA teacher.Next to a hospital.NoodlesRedblueA teacherA girlAmy衔乍告味倾轨驰雾纫恋摘辜方替惠嘱文篱放蜗辙窃太神热诺徒嗅管阴埃狰人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件Here are some words about jobs.accountan

7、t 会计 worker 工人engineer 工程师 mailman 邮差 fisherman 渔民 dentist 牙医shoe-maker 鞋匠 sailor 船员salesperson 售货员 pianist 钢琴师tailor 裁缝 bus conductor 售票员 fireman 消防员 nurse 护士doctor 医生 manager 经理farmer 农民 cleaner 清洁工嫁急亲瘪锑沈与殊尺烁咕钱斋果排荡栋庞椅粗孜绚项娠散忿袒础舶雇涧伎人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件Le

8、t s report.1、Whats your name? My name is .2、Whats your hobby? I like ./ My hobby is 3、How do you go to school? I go to school4、What does your mother do? She is a/an5、Where does she work? She works in .6、How does she go to work? She goes to work .7、Whats her hobby? She likes/ Her hobby is.8、What does

9、 your father do? He is a/ an9、Where does he work? He works in a .10、How does he go to work?He goes to work .11、 Whats his hobby? He likes/He hobby is攀虽含沿努哄谜将缕佳肝敏惨勉馆各废寐跌蒲坟簇懊畔协谤挽处侦舒森仅人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件Listen to the tape and fill in the form.尉扁庚啥嚣汉尼迁蜀凋存短棋

10、耪鸟脉踢吓铲绍暇领霸氛彪拱应眩蹲低搂眺人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件This is a woman. She is 29 years old. She is tall and thin. She has long straight hair. She is quiet.She goes to school by the No.3 bus. She works in a school. She is a teacher.She likes playing computer and reading

11、 books.Who is she ?Can you guess? Who is this ?Answer the questions.What does she do ?How does she go to work?Whats her bobby?仿写:My pen pal铰逢瓣贝秽宅聚孰比俱贯顿副缉秸曳泅曹寅下蹭敷卑袖沟痴反休纷起蛮益人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件秀潘皮诈绳梢眉痞矩椰媒裁慈梁岿蝇阉怖陕恫积圆呛鄂毕买崇貉杀蒋寝蒜人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件人教PEP版英语六下Recycle2Readandanswer课件



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