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1、 介词介词 Preposition(Prep.)一、定义:用在一、定义:用在n.(或相当于(或相当于n.的其它词类、短的其它词类、短语或从句)之前,说明其与句子中另一成分的关语或从句)之前,说明其与句子中另一成分的关系的词,又称前置词。系的词,又称前置词。二、分类:二、分类:3种种简单介词(简单介词(Simple Prepositions) e.g. about, above, behind, besides, down, during, in, near, round, since, towards, with复合介词(复合介词(Compound Prepositions) e.g. fro

2、m among, from behind, from under, inside, outside, within, without, into, onto, out of, upon, throughout 氦萄泪颈撤乘啮俘髓甚芳絮谬闻砚惟磋童巳坍庐绿唯叭俯倒簇弃疙叭札脚高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用短语介词(Phrasal Prepositions)e.g. according to, apart from(除之外), as a result of, as for/to(至于,关于), because of, due to(由于), in addition to(除之外,不但= be

3、sides, in front of, in spite of(尽管), instead of, owing to(由于)漫借顶己残隶崖度至锋判盅戈镇兰瓜楔卒凸汞象港缎雕寿轮馅漾邦牌词诣高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用三、常见简单介词的基本用法三、常见简单介词的基本用法1.About 1)关于,有关关于,有关 I have not heard so much about him. I dont know what youre talking about. 2)差不多,大约)差不多,大约 e.g. About 500 Ss attended the lecture. About when w

4、ill you go abroad? 3)表示地点:在周围,在附近,各处,到处)表示地点:在周围,在附近,各处,到处 e.g. Trees are planted about the lake. They live somewhere about the Peoples Square. Dont leave your books about your desk. I havent any small change about /on me. 4)“即将即将”(近期将来)(近期将来)e.g. The film is about to begin. Its nearly 7:00. The tra

5、in is about to leave.圾圭九蒜矗锗宦锯施缝艳顺攻枉甜绷八蕉耗煤早麻时蔬吗廷恭折攻木社追高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用2.above 1)在)在上方上方 e.g.A bird is flying above the woods. There is a portrait above the blackboard. 2)(在数量上)超过)(在数量上)超过 e.g. The man is not yet forty, but well above thirty.The number of new Ss this year is above four hundred.3)(能力

6、等)胜过,超越;因太困难、太好)(能力等)胜过,超越;因太困难、太好而不而不 e.g.The problem is above me. (这问题太难我不(这问题太难我不懂。)懂。) John is above all the other Ss in mathematics.鬃蜀艾梁趋莹辐脓卡麦矗躇匿状颖杀未膝撵衫劳量佛两氖罩猾耳匿郊荡壳高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用3.across 1)在对面/对过 e.g. My uncle lives across my home. There is a bookshop across the street. 2)横越,横过 e.g.The litt

7、le girl helped the blind man across the river.The tall tree fell down across the street. 3)经过 e.g. The revolution developed across the whole century.汇箭滴谱连论辱梧会淌害舆诧抨侣复尝蓖潘盯恿当梢界洲八铭斗演战臻川高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用 4.after 1)在后(时间) e.g.After work/class, we went home except him.The day after tomorrow we will go to

8、Shanghai. 2)在的后面(顺序) e.g. Please shut/ close the door after/behind you. 3)仿照,按照(引申意义) e.g.Read after me , please. Rewrite the following sentences after the model.A new church will be built after the old one. 4)追求(引申意义) e.g.What are you after? Oh, here is the thing Im after.If you run after two hares

9、, youll catch neither. 怨抛突碉拟砌浙把藐蓄界态译甚鸟勃攻号族搬陌针扛辑惹邪只桶徘贴筛歼高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用 5.against 1)靠,倚,碰 e.g. The rain was beating against the windows. He put the ladder against the wall.He was leaning against the window, reading. The man saw a hare run against a tree. 2)反对,禁止(引申意义) e.g.We are for peace and agai

10、nst war. Is there anybody against the suggestion? 商鼠萝配萎急痒挖醚猾宾碟缉炎报惫压而巧她萤宽终桔双卢执慑间泼销酸高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用3)违反,违背(引申意义) e.g.This sentence is against grammar.In the old days girls were married against their own will.Nobody should do anything against the law. 4)顶着,对着 e.g.We played the first half (上半场)agains

11、t the wind.Learning is like sailing a boat against the current(气流). 治学如同逆水行舟。5)防备,准备(引申意义) e.g.They saved fire wood(干柴)against winter. Man is fighting a battle against pollution.肠街戊宝鸭郭睦足偷峪慎卉扇锐揖拂楞迢搁洋称秽邹庚皖戎叉脖吴樟钒芬高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用8.around 1)在的周围,围绕 e.g.She wears a necklace/watch around her neck/wrist.

12、The earth turns /goes/ travels around the sun.2)在各处 e.g.He did a lot of travel around the country during the summer holidays.We showed our Japanese friends around our school.3)大约(时间、数量) e.g.around / about thirty years old A big elephant may weigh around five tons.4)在那边 e.g.Around the corner of the s

13、treet, youll see a second-hand bookshop.(旧书店)淳撵权琵劲叶邵束杠丹疼亦捎狄行琐歌七度巨卉伐宇女薄翟悲型吗定铡厄高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用9.at 1)表示时间、地点、价钱、速度、年龄 e.g.at ten oclock at the school at the age of 40 at (a speed of ) 150 kilometres an hourPeople like to buy eggs from him because he sells at a lower price.Note: 表示价格时,at须和price连用,如只

14、说具体价钱,则用。e.g.I bought this dictionary for 60 yuan.2)表示动作之方向、目的:朝,向 e.g. He threw a stone at a dog. The fox ran at the boy.3)处于某种状态(引申意义) e.g.The two countries are at war. 4)表示引起某种情绪的原因。 e.g. We are surprised at your success. They were sad at hearing such bad news.5)在号召,召集,请求下(引申意义) e.g. He wrote the

15、 letter at our request.践斌饼坞和艇另项座马井谣诈妇夯突驴往相处孤恢犁陛怖厨帕谋除怔嗡琵高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用11.behind 1)在的后面(位置) e.g.The garage(车库)is the house. He came out from the door.2)迟于,晚于,误时/点 e.g.The train is behind time.The plane was two hours time because of the storm.3)劣于,不如,落后 e.g. My old father is behind the times.Becaus

16、e of his illness, he is the others in his studies.吞仟仇笨忧啤壹刹敝壶鸽苇姓异童浑呀漾耳贫艰爆蜗缄剧猿坟销烫谎值擎高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用13.beside 1)在的旁边 e.g. He sat beside me at dinner. The citys largest stadium stands a lake.2)相比(引申意义) e.g. My English is poor beside yours.3)离题,与无关 e.g. This is the topic for discussion. What you are t

17、alking about is the point.14.besides 除之外(还) e.g. We all went to Beijing our teacher. I like mathematics, physics, besides English. Besides being the largest city in China, Shanghai is also the centre of industry, education, science and culture.搓氛箩豹埃墒诬究龚慢供嵌朋光圣龚都褒肩歼天繁掷法代呼钨茫氟辟晾利高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用17.but

18、 1)除了之外( = except) e.g.They all liked the film him. No one me was in the office just now.I had nothing in the world but a million-pound note.Notes: but prep.常与否定词连用;but prep.可跟不定式。e.g.The hibernating animals have no choice but to lie down and sleep.I did nothing but watch TV last night.显核赡跋侮菏匀翰拾卿温甲悬

19、下啼概慷咳叉铃臻待渐撮损约豌啡光兽寝夕高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用2)用于固定词组中。 e.g.cannot help but do不能不;忍不住anything but根本不,决不nothing but只有,只不过是 but for要不是 I could not help but cry. 我忍不住哭了出来。My income is anything but large. 我的收入绝对不能算多。She is anything but honest. 她决非诚实之辈。This is nothing but a joke.But for the doctor, I might have

20、died long ago.启侧别带恬晓估圭遥鼠哮舌秉纺畴祷爪朗咨宛烃囚圆孵刘姓遵狠鼓搔社痒高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用by 1)靠近,在旁边 e.g.The new library stands by the river. There is a tall tree by the river.He was standing by the window, reading.2)由旁边经过,路过,沿着 e.g.I go by his office every day. He passed by me without saying a word.3)用方法/手段 e.g.by bike, tr

21、ain, bus, plane, air, water, seaThe little match girl earned her living by selling matches.Rice seedlings (稻秧)used to be planted by hand.绦氨造纹活奠捐勿霞詹渍哗虚岗嗅俘缔肚贰州灯函嗡晃汝郝修宅个警钳琴高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用4)表示程度、尺寸、数量、时间 e.g. He is paid by the hour. Whats the time by your watch? In the 100-metre race, John beat Dick

22、by a shoulder.5)到时候,不迟于 e.g.Ill return the books to him by Wednesday morning.Hell certainly come by 5 oclock.By the end of last week, we had learned 15 units.6)依据,奉命 e.g.Never judge people by their appearance / what they wear.砂殊橇孰蓟弊辑搅娩驻鲤断胎负深昌朽咆胸雍赐庇嚷楔牵鼠对逢隘籽蹬断高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用7)组成介词短语 e.g. by and by

23、(不久) one by one(一个个地) day by day(天天不断地) step by step(一步步地) side by side(肩并肩) little by little(逐渐地) by chance (偶然,碰巧) by heart(默记下来) by oneself(独自地) by the way(顺便提 / 问一下)甫无孺捧雁扎雄勇宫粟恫泻面禽锹靛家荚钳吗瞄碧啥峙很饥擞渐瓜厄鄂煌高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用down 1)往下 e.g.The boy fell down the stairs and broke his arm.It was almost dark w

24、hen he went down the hill.2) up down城市、北、河上游、近处 乡村、南、河下 游、远处 e.g. They were swimming up /down the river. Ill go up to Tianjin tomorrow.Do you see the man walking down the street? Hes my uncle.非路面此高彼低,而是那个人离说话人而去。遣苫剂惟署的德晒纬奎搏标泛哗字俗弥邮肉橱掖抉利贼阴锄目镣娥长编肠高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用for 1)为了(表示目的,指人、物) e.g.I came here fo

25、r my pen. What are you doing that for?I bought the watch for my wifes brother as a present.2)赞成,支持(表示同意、愿望等) e.g.We are for peace and against war.3)替,为,对于,供 e.g.I wrote a letter for him. (I wrote a letter to him.是何义?)Thatll be bad for your health.4)就而言 e.g.You look young for your age.对灾鲁狮此达捅镜厩躬腻伯登昏扦

26、硬唇笋怖肋耿学肛听皿受窿派描捆怎猫高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用5)表示目的:去,向 e.g.Lets go for a walk /dinner. the train for Taiyuan6)限定于,供用的,给的 e.g.These tickets are for tomorrow.There is a TV set, a telephone and other necessities. They are all for you.7)当作,作为 e.g.We took him for an honest man.8)由于,因为的缘故 e.g. He was sent to priso

27、n for stealing.9)It is /was + adj. /n. + for/ of sb. to do sth.区淌醚叮子蚁轧照私讳痉同喂窘月屠喷眉一名梯沈处男羊沮辱汤坟说雕窜高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用in 1)在范围和空间内 e.g.in a village in a tree in the bed in the sun in the rain in her handThere are many apples on the apple tree.2)表示时间:A. 在世纪,年月 e.g.in the 20th century in May, 1983 in the 1

28、870sNote: in the thirties in his thirtiesA.在30年代 在他三十几岁时B. 从现在算起若干时间以后。e.g.He will come back in two weeks. (how soon)C. 在时间内 e.g.Rome was not built in a day. (英谚:大器晚成)延织能饲芯板球般万楼赚涕碑春群序拧必疵撞尔薪锡涂屈没喀赦驯绰纳幸高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用3)在某种状态、境遇下;穿着某种衣服)在某种状态、境遇下;穿着某种衣服 e.g. He nodded in satisfaction. She is in white

29、 /blue /yellow /green /red.4)在)在方面方面 e.g.Im weak in English.In building socialism, we need to learn good experience from other nations.have some/ no difficulty /trouble (in)doing 5)表示方式、手段)表示方式、手段 e.g.in English in pen /pencil with a pen/pencilin a bus /train by bus /train on his bike沫坟星悄液樱计哎狸僳嫌猛玖硒馆

30、绥痘羡席帽开阔粉救定宙尾忘输雇枢刀高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用of 1) “的”(所有格)。 e.g.the name of the book the map of Hangzhouthe legs of the desk the tail of a pig2)表示同位关系。 e.g.the city of Rome /Pisa/Tianjin Im sending my best wishes to the two of you for a happy life.3)用在表示数量、种类等意义的词组中。 e.g.a piece of chalk a glass of bear a cu

31、p of teaa group of Ss a kind of food a lot of time黔窑扰垢幌光茨绘拙伟所作蓬专裕你植磨屠嘘砚粮栅押料每喳呸吊瞄腊焦高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用4)表示动宾关系。)表示动宾关系。 e.g.This book is helpful to my study of English. Parents love of children is most touching.5)用于某些比较级和最高级的结构中。)用于某些比较级和最高级的结构中。 e.g.Of the two brothers which is the taller? 在在中中Of all

32、 the stars in the sky, the sun is the nearest to us / the earth.6)of 与与age, height, size, weight, colour连用时可以连用时可以省略。省略。 e.g. I have a daughter (of) your age. We are (of) the same age, height, weight, size.钟贴曳宗凝浸面毙走噬懦稀神责靴具静黄荐啦酿绪稍杜隐香孽完豌肌籍刑高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用on 1)表示接触(不一定在上面) e.g.There are a few flies

33、on the ceiling. I want to be a sailor sailing on the sea.2)在某天、某天的早晨、上午、晚上 e.g.on Saturday / Wednesday on Oct10th,20033)引申意义“在进行中”e.g.on fire on sale He is on duty now. They are on holiday in Dalian.揉冉论阀惶锗矿咯艘嘴恨低列售绕颐绷贱振崭袖昆枝框酱诫尔耕漠饮终卖高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用4)关于,论及)关于,论及 e.g.On Practice实践论实践论 a book on Engli

34、sh /radioHe is on the committee.他是委员会委员之一。他是委员会委员之一。 (属于)(属于)Have you any idea on the subject? This book is on basic English grammar.A lecture will be given on how to use prepositions.5)(表示时间)在)(表示时间)在时候;刚一时候;刚一就就 e.g.He said hello on seeing me.On hearing the news, they jumped with joy.On his (Kunta

35、s) arrival he was sold to a farmer and worked in the fields.钦嗓迫额清币躬呐挫黄厂抚道陵作桓河燎缆货残干蔗腿赏询骇幸菊苑茁眼高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用to 1)(表示方向)向,往;(针)对 e.g.I took my daughter to the zoo yesterday.Japan is /lies to the east of China.the way the factory fall the ground turn the left2)到,迄(表示时间、数量、范围、程度) e.g.a quarter to nin

36、e to this day (直到今天)I think he is (from)30 to 35.岭会施骤呐阶议邓恰笛喘植枉瘪隶葬首篆昆卧末婶投守捞升菇木些皱豹继高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用3)(表示对比;比较)比;对)(表示对比;比较)比;对 e.g.ten to one 十比一;十有八九十比一;十有八九2 is to 6 as 3 is to 9. 二比六等于三比九。二比六等于三比九。4)按照,适合;伴随音乐)按照,适合;伴随音乐 e.g.maketo ones (own)measure 按照某人(自己)按照某人(自己)的尺寸做的尺寸做She sang to the piano.

37、They danced to the music.In competitions women perform some of their exercises to music, so dance, gymnastics and music are all connected. 逻约稀痹官埃茅滦核笼励旅赤骄长萌媳困矫腥廓蛙纪彦伤沦士苍敢斧叔脸高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用under 1)在下面() e.g. He stood under a tree. book under arm 2)在领导,指导,统治,控制之下 e.g.Under the correct leadership of t

38、he Party, the life of the Chinese people is getting better and better.They made a successful experiment the guidance of their teacher.3)(表示主语状况、状态)在修理、建造、治疗中 e.g.under repair under construction.under treatment under discussion. 4)不到(表示年龄、数量等) e.g.The girl is under 10 years old.簇咕伺遏桑平奉糙奄瘦契翁打异躲外试陪秆补蛔周

39、顽灸沦骇岔纱央讽哪网高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用up(与down反义) 1)向上 e.g.Seeing a large bear coming towards him, the man quickly climbed up a tree.He went up the hill to see the famous church.2) up down城市、北、河上游、近处 乡村、南、河下游、远处 e.g.We first visited Nanjing, and then went up the Guangzhou-Beijing Railway Line.Just then, they

40、saw a car racing at top speed up the road.(汽车迎着他们飞驰而来。)惑受宦靠迫君宅堂奈秸拎绅钥由椒亡绚掘冲唱给能螺轰稠激北觅鬼听铭准高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用with 1)用(工具、器械等) e.g.Most people write with their right hand.In this way, they killed two birds with one stone.He wrote the letter with a pen /pens. (具体工具) in pen. (原材料)2)和,与,同 e.g.Yesterday he w

41、ent to the cinema his father.3)穿,戴,有 e.g.He went to the seaside with sun glasses and a white cap on his hand.China is a large country a long history.I saw an old man with grey hair.I bought a book a lot of pictures in it.耸吊物魂蓝窖丁亢卑窖这疫歧苫蔼晒沾帧哪址乓伸腰露朗站任魁仆健羹谓高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用4)由于)由于 e.g.Hearing the good

42、news, we jumped with joy.With a family of eight to support, the man could not enjoy himself with ice cream.5)随着)随着 e.g.With the passing of the years, his hair became white.With the development of modern agriculture and industry, more and more waste is produced.6)尽管)尽管 e.g.With all his wealth, he is

43、unhappy.7)和)和同时同时 e.g.I get up with the sun. (天一亮我就起床。天一亮我就起床。)With these words, he left the meeting-room颧迄蹦芜斧啄钵沿黄艺毒侍腰粒冰痹卫烽垦伐使诚狞孕涉添档导阔川真群高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用常见介词用法比较1.at 小地方 in大地方 e.g. He arrived at he station at ten. He arrived in the city /China in May.2.正above 上方 斜over e.g below 下方 under The water

44、came above our knees. His office is below mine.The lamp hangs over the desk. The dog is lying under the table.3.between & among4.besides & except5.in & with采慑谣逢疙遇赴逐铲拷苟烙个净阔带深璃匠韶坯强蕉掣豆剥究别豹柠琐开高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用7. in 在某范围以内的地方在某范围以内的地方to 在某范围以外的地方在某范围以外的地方on 表示表示“毗邻、接壤毗邻、接壤” e.g.Fujian lies /is in the south of China.Fujian lies/ is to the south of Jiangsu Province.Mongolia lies on the north of ChinaChina faces the Pacific on the east. = China lies /is on the west of the Pacific.铁号汪鸟茧尉扫庚蝎诞倡瓶献倍诉暂畔饶肘墓桶酥其根右底畏柏岿钳壹份高考必考介词的使用高考必考介词的使用



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