高中英语 Module 5 Cloning period 2课件 外研版选修6.ppt

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1、词汇预习自测词汇预习自测1(浙江杭州学军中学期中)As a student,you should try to _ being late for your class.ApreventBrefuseCavoid Dpunish解析:选C。句意:作为学生,你应该尽量避免上课迟到。avoid后跟v.-ing形式作宾语。prevent表示“阻止”;refuse后跟不定式作宾语。词汇预习自测词汇预习自测2.The boy couldnt _ reaching out for the sweets.Arefuse BresistCreject Ddecline解析:选B。cant resist doin

2、g sth.“禁不住做”。词汇预习自测词汇预习自测3Nobody wants to make friends with the boy _ money.Asuspected of having stolenBsuspected to stealCsuspected having stolenDsuspecting to have stolen解析:选A。考查固定搭配的用法。suspect.of.怀疑,因为of是介词,后面跟v.-ing形式。在本句中,suspected of having stolen是过去分词短语作定词汇预习自测词汇预习自测4.He knew nothing about wh

3、at had happened outside,for he was _ in the novel borrowed from his classmate.A.absorbed B.attractedC.accumulated D.obtained解析:选A。be absorbed in“全神贯注于”。词汇预习自测词汇预习自测5.Her husband is said _ to study abroad.When do you know he left?Ato have goneBto goCgoing Dhaving gone解析:选A。句意:据说她丈夫已出国学习去了。你知道他是什么时候走的

4、吗?It is said that sb.可以转换成Sb.is said to do.,再者,由后一问句可知“他已经走了”,所以用to do不定式的完成式,故选A。词汇预习自测词汇预习自测6How I wish I _ in medicine instead of history when I was at college!Ahad majored Bshould majorCmajored Dwould major解析:选A。动词wish后面宾语从句中的谓语动词需用虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反用过去完成时。根据when I was at college判断,这里要表达的是与过去事实相反的愿望

5、,故用had majored。Language Points探究案1.(1)refuse sb. sth.拒绝给某人某物(2)refuse to do sth.拒绝去做某事(3)refuse sth.拒绝某事物2.(1)resist sth.抵制某事物 (2)resist pressure to do sth.顶住压力去做某事 (3)couldnt resist doing sth.忍不住去做某事Language Points探究案3.嫌疑犯,有嫌疑的人;可疑的;靠不住的 (1)suspect that 怀疑. (2)suspect sb. of sth. 认为某人有.的嫌疑 Language

6、 Points探究案4.(1)sth.contrast+sharply,finely.with sth.某物与某物形成.的对比 (2)contrast A. with B 把A与B作对比 (3)in contrast to.与.形成对比的是(做状语)Language Points探究案5.(1)absorb sth.吸收某某物 (2)absorb ones attention 吸引某人的注意力 (3)be absorbed into 被吸收到(某物,某组织)里 (4)be absorbed in sth/doing sth专心致志某事、做某事CABBC AAAC学以致用学以致用1.I cant

7、 stand _ with Jane in the same office.She just refuses _ talking while she works.Aworking;stopping Bto work;stoppingCworking;to stop Dto work;to stop解析:选C。句意:我无法忍受和珍妮在同一个办公室工作,她在工作的时候总是不停地说话。cant stand(doing)sth.意为“不能忍受(做)某事”;refuse to do sth.意为“拒绝做某事”。学以致用学以致用2(重庆南开中学模拟)I didnt mean _ anything,but

8、those apples looked so good that I couldnt resist _ one.A.to eat;tryingB.to eat;to tryC.eating;trying D.eating;to try解析:选A。mean to do sth.打算做某事;cant resist(doing)sth.忍不住(做)某事。学以致用学以致用3(湖北六校第二次联考)There is an obvious _ between the cultures of the West and East.AcontentBcontrast Ccontract Dcontact解析:选B

9、。考查名词辨析。句意“东西方文化之间形成明显的对比。”content“内容”;contract“合同”;contact“接触;联系”。学以致用学以致用4She sat at her desk,with her eyes _ on the book,_ in its plot.A.fixing;absorbingB.fixed; absorbedC.fixed;absorbing D.fixing;absorbed解析:选B。本句中with的复合结构作伴随状语。fix ones eyes on sth.“集中目光于”,其中fix与eyes之间为动宾关系,故用fix的-ed形式。be absorb

10、ed in“全神贯注于”,此处是形容词化了的过去分词作状语。学以致用学以致用5The hotel was completely _,only the walls remained.Aburnt downBburnt withCburnt out Dburnt off解析:选C。句意:旅馆完全烧尽,仅剩下墙壁了。burn out烧完,烧光,燃尽;burn down意为“烧毁”,不能说“被烧毁了”;burn with指有强烈的情绪或要求等;burn off意为“烧掉”。学以致用学以致用6The computer system _ suddenly while he was searching fo

11、r information on the Internet.Abroke downBbroke outCbroke up Dbroke in解析:选A。句意:当他在网上查找信息的时候 ,电脑系统突然瘫痪了。break down(机器、车辆等)出故障,坏掉;break out(战争、打斗等不愉快事件)突然开始;break up结束,散开,解散;变得虚弱,垮掉;break in入室行窃,插嘴。学以致用学以致用7.My TV has _ so I cant watch it and I dont know how to kill time.Abroken down Bbroken inCbroken

12、 out Dbroken into解析:选A。break down“出故障,出毛病”;break in“闯入,打岔”;break out“爆发”;break into“闯入”,只有A项符合题意。学以致用学以致用8(高考全国卷)It is often _ that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.Asaid Bto sayCsaying Dbeing said解析:选A。句式结构It is said that.“据说;人们常说”。it为形式主语,指代that从句。本句话的意思为“人们常说,人天生具有语言能力。”学以致用学以致用9I wish I _ a chance to talk with you about my writing before you left.AhaveBhadChad had Dwill have解析:选C。句意是:我真是希望在你离开之前与你谈一谈我的写作问题。根据“before you left”可知,说话者是表达与过去事实相反的愿望,所以要用过去完成时。



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