高考英语新一轮总复习 Unit21 Human Biology 1课前预习落实基础课件 北师大版选修7.ppt

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《高考英语新一轮总复习 Unit21 Human Biology 1课前预习落实基础课件 北师大版选修7.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语新一轮总复习 Unit21 Human Biology 1课前预习落实基础课件 北师大版选修7.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教材复习教材复习第第一一部部分分Unit 21 Human BiologySection 课前预习,落实基础课前预习,落实基础1. They have sold up ten crates of_(矿物物) water in the afternoon.答案:答案:mineral2It was the_(最高的最高的)moment in his life.答案:答案:supreme3Why does he have to wrap it all up in such_ _(复复杂的的) language?答案:答案:complicated4 The_ (处 方方 )of drugs is a

2、doctors responsibility.答案:答案:prescription5They are a_(联合合)family. They never quarrel with each other.答案:答案: united6Is military service c_ in your country?答案:答案:compulsory7Hes working on a screen a_ of his latest novel.答案:答案:adaptation8 Heavy rain p_ the possibility of continuing the game.答案:答案:prohi

3、bited9A wage rise of 5% represents an a_ increase of 250 for the lowestpaid workers.答案:答案: annual10Hong Kong is very proud and p_ to host his significant event.答案:答案:privileged1. 满足足的要求的要求_答案:答案:cater for2遗漏,漏,错过机会机会_答案:答案:miss out3除除之外之外_答案:答案:on top of4徒然,白徒然,白费力气力气_答案:答案:in vain5不管多大代价,无不管多大代价,无论

4、如何如何_答案:答案:at all costs6彻底底毁毁灭_答案:答案:wipe out7终止;消止;消灭_答案:答案:stop sth.in its tracks8无无论如何;至少如何;至少_答案:答案:at any rate9随便地,随意地随便地,随意地_答案:答案:at random10立刻,立刻,马上上_答案:答案:straight away11遇到遇到_答案:答案:come across12聚焦,集中聚焦,集中_答案:答案:focus on13长期地,永久地期地,永久地_答案:答案:for good14超出超出的极限的极限_答案:答案:beyond ones limits15抢劫某

5、人某物劫某人某物_答案:答案:rob sb.of sth.16席卷席卷_答案:答案:sweep through1. It seems a real pity that thousands of people who could have benefited from Traditional Chinese Medicine missed out because of ignorance.很很遗憾憾,由由于于对其其不不了了解解,成成千千上上万万的的人人错过了了用用传统中医治中医治疗的机会。的机会。It seems a real pity that中中的的it为形形式式主主语,真真正正的的主主语为

6、后面的后面的that从句。从句。句子仿写句子仿写你没去看这部电影真遗憾。你没去看这部电影真遗憾。_答案:答案:It is a pity that you didnt go to see the film.2.the Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most acute epidemic in history.西班牙流感被西班牙流感被认为是是历史上最史上最严重的急性重的急性传染病。染病。sb./sth. be believed to.为固固定定结构构,意意为“某某人人或或某某物被物被认为是是”。 句子仿写句子仿写 星期五被星期五被认为是不吉利的日

7、子。是不吉利的日子。_答案:答案:Friday is believed to be on unlucky day.3Meanwhile,governments worldwide have also underlined the fact that thorough and systematic medical research on Bird Flu needs to lead to a cure as soon as possible.同同时,世世界界各各国国政政府府已已经充充分分重重视对禽禽流流感感的的全全面面系系统地研究,地研究,这将会使人将会使人们在短在短时间内找到治内找到治疗的方法。的方法。此此句句为主主从从复复合合句句,其其中中the fact后后的的that从从句句为同同位位语从句。从句。 句子仿写句子仿写 我们女排赢得冠军的消息大大地鼓舞了我们所有人。我们女排赢得冠军的消息大大地鼓舞了我们所有人。_答答案案:The news that our women volleyball team had won the championship encouraged us all greatly.



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