辽宁省中考英语 考点聚焦 第7讲 八上 Units 56课件

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1、辽宁省辽宁省英语英语第第7讲八年级讲八年级(上上)Units 561educational(adj.) _(n.)教育 _(v.)教育2discussion(n.) _(v.)讨论3mean(v.) _(n.)意义 _(adj.)有意义的 _(adj.反义词)毫无意义的4success(n.) _(v.)成功 _(adj.)成功的5education(n.) _(adj.)有教育意义的6medicine(n.) _(adj.)医学的7foreign(adj.) _(n.)外国人educationeducatediscussmeaningmeaningfulmeaninglesssucceeds

2、uccessfuleducationalmedicalforeigner8improve(v.) _(n.)进步;发展9agree(v.) _(v.反义词)不赞成 _(n.)意见一致 _(n.反义词)不赞成10science(n.) _(adj.)科学的 _(n.)科学家11begin(v.) _(n.)开头;开端12week(n.) _(adj.&adv.)每周的(地)13person(n.) _(adj.)个人的;私人的14own(adj.) _(v.)拥有 _(n.)拥有者improvementdisagreeagreementdisagreementscientificscientis

3、tbeginningweeklypersonalownowner1find _查明;弄清2_ to do sth.愿意迅速做某事3_装扮4_ sb.s _代替/替换某人的位置5_ a good job干得好6learn _向学习7_ the world全世界8_出现;出来;出版9_ ones _to do sth.尽力做某事10_ up成长outbe ready dress uptakeplacedofromaroundcome outtrybestgrow11be _about确信;对有把握12make _确保;查明13be _ to能够14at the _of在的开始15write _写下

4、16have to do _与有关系;关于17_ up(尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做18agree _赞成suresureablebeginningdownwithtakewith1_do you _talk shows?/_ do you _talk shows?你认为谈话节目怎么样?I dont mind them.我不介意它们。2I hope to _a TV reporter one day.我希望有一天成为一名电视台记者。3We had a _about TV shows.我们讨论电视节目了。4She _like a boy and _her fathers _to fight in

5、the army.她打扮成男孩模样替父从军打仗。Whatthink of Howlikebediscussiondressed up tookplace5What can you _to _sitcoms?你期待能从情景剧中学到什么?6_ do you want _when you _?你长大后打算做什么?7_ are you going to do that?你打算怎样去做呢?8Sometimes the resolutions may be _difficult _keep.有时这些决定可能会太难而无法实现。expectlearn from Whatto be grow upHowtoot

6、o1不定式作宾语不定式作宾语(见学生用书见学生用书P133)(见本书见本书P155)2一般将来时一般将来时(be going to,want to be)(见学生用书见学生用书P130)(见本书见本书P152)词汇类词汇类1MERS (中中东东呼吸呼吸综综合症合症) ) is a terrible disease (疾病疾病)What should we do?Dont be nervous.Scientists are trying their best to _ _ ways to treat it.(2015,营营口口,3题题) )Afind outBlook forward toCta

7、lk about Dset up【解析】本题考查动词短语词义辨析。【解析】本题考查动词短语词义辨析。find out意为意为“查明查明,找找出出”;look forward to意为意为“盼望盼望”;talk about意为意为“谈论谈论”;set up意为意为“建立建立”。根据题意可知。根据题意可知,科学家正在尽力找出治疗这种科学家正在尽力找出治疗这种疾病的方法。疾病的方法。A2They all looked _ _ at me when I told them the good news.(2015,阜新阜新,3题题)AsadlyBangrilyChappilyDexactly【解析】本题

8、考查副词词义辨析。【解析】本题考查副词词义辨析。sadly意为意为“难过地难过地”;angrily意为意为“生气地生气地”;happily意为意为“开心地开心地”;exactly意为意为“确切地确切地”。根据题干可知他们听到了好消息。根据题干可知他们听到了好消息,应该是开心地应该是开心地看着我。看着我。C3We only have one ticket,_ _ of us is able to the cinema.Its not a big deal.You may go there without _.(2015,盘锦盘锦,6题题)Aall;you Bneither;ICboth;your

9、 Deither;me【解析】本题考查代词的用法。根据上文【解析】本题考查代词的用法。根据上文We only have one ticket可知只有一个人能去。可知只有一个人能去。either表示表示“两者中的任意一个两者中的任意一个”,neither表示表示“两者都不两者都不”,all表示表示“三者或以上都三者或以上都”,both表表示示“两者都两者都”。without为介词为介词,后接宾格形式后接宾格形式,根据题意根据题意,我我不去不去,你可以自己去。故选你可以自己去。故选D。D4If you often help others,you may be very _ _(2015,铁岭,7题

10、)Aangry Bserious Chappy Dhonest【解析】本题考查形容词词义辨析。根据上文help others可知帮助他人会感到开心,happy符合题意。angry意为“生气的”;serious意为“严肃的”;honest意为“诚实的”。C5_ _ are you going back to London,Tony?At the end of July.(2015,大连,10题)AHow BWhen CWhy DWhere【解析】本题考查特殊疑问词。根据下文At the end of July.可知回答的是时间,用when提问。how提问方式,why提问原因,where提问地点。

11、B6Shanxi noodles are very popular.People _ _ them with fresh vegetables.(2014,抚顺,8题)Agrow Bkeep Cinvent Dcook【解析】本题考查动词辨析。grow种植,成长;keep保持,坚持;invent发明;cook烹饪。句意为:山西面非常受欢迎。人们用新鲜蔬菜进行烹饪。故选D。D7Jack,could you help me _ _ when the plane will take off on the Internet?(2013,朝阳朝阳,10题题)Im sorry.My computer do

12、esnt work.Alook out Bfind outCgo out Dcome out【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。句意为:【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。句意为:“杰克杰克,你能帮你能帮我上网查下飞机什么时候起飞吗?我上网查下飞机什么时候起飞吗?”“不好意思不好意思,我的电脑坏我的电脑坏了。了。”look out小心;小心;find out查出;查出;go out出去;出去;come out出现出现,出版。根据句意应选择出版。根据句意应选择B。B情景交际情景交际8Ill go to Qingdao for the summer vacation.Sounds like fun._ _(2

13、015,本溪本溪,15题题)ASorry to hear that. BI dont think so.CI dont mind it. DHave a good time.【解析】本题考查情景交际。根据上文可知【解析】本题考查情景交际。根据上文可知“我要去青岛度我要去青岛度假假”,对方应该祝他玩得开心对方应该祝他玩得开心,Have a good time.意为意为“玩得开玩得开心心”;Sorry to hear that.通常指对上文提到不好的消息表示惋惜、通常指对上文提到不好的消息表示惋惜、同情;同情;I dont think so.意为意为“我不这么认为我不这么认为”;I dont mi

14、nd it.意为意为“我不介意我不介意”。故选。故选D。D9We failed in the English competition._ _Everyone wants to win,but the most important thing is to learn something new.(2015,丹东,23题)AGood job BTake it easyCWell done DCongratulations【解析】本题考查情景交际。根据上文We failed in the English competition.可知下文要表示安慰,take it easy意为“没关系,慢慢来”。B从

15、属连词10_ _ the sun was shining,it wasnt very warm.(2015,葫芦岛,3题)ABecause BIf CAlthough DSince【解析】本题考查连词的用法。because引导原因状语从句,意为“因为”;if引导条件状语从句,意为“如果”;although引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”;since引导时间或原因状语从句,意为“自从,因为”。句意为:虽然阳光照耀,但是不怎么暖和。故选C。C11_ _ electronic textbooks are changing the way they read,most of the students s

16、till like reading in the library.(2015,盘锦,4题)AThough BIf CSo DBecause【解析】本题考查连词的用法。though引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然”,根据题意,尽管电子书改变了大多数学生读书的方式,他们仍然喜欢在图书馆读书。A12Some children prefer to eat junk food _ _ its not good for their health.(2015,丹东,33题)Aalthough Bif Cas Dwhen【解析】本题考查连词的用法。根据题意可知上下文为转折关系,尽管垃圾食品对健康不好,但是有

17、些孩子还是喜欢吃,although意为“尽管,虽然”。13You cant do anything successfully _ _ you put your heart into it.(2015,抚顺,3题)Aif Bunless Cwhen Dsince【解析】本题考查连词的用法。分析题干可知,前后句之间是否定的条件关系,用unless,意为“除非”,相当于“if.not”。AB14The air pollution is so terrible.It will be worse _ _ we do something to protect the environment.(2015,锦

18、州,11题)Aif Bunless Cafter Dwhen【解析】本题考查连词的用法。分析题干可知前后句之间是否定的条件关系,用unless,意为“除非”,相当于if.not,引导条件状语从句。Bthink of【典例在线】What do you think of this movie?/How do you like this movie?你认为这部电影怎么样?Im thinking of buying a new skirt for my daughter.我在考虑为我女儿买一条新裙子。I couldnt think of the mans name at the moment.我一时记

19、不起这个人的名字。【拓展精析】think of意为“认为”时,常用于句型“What do/does主语think of.?”意为“某人认为怎么样”。与“How do/does主语like.?”同义。用于询问他人的看法。think of意为“记起;想起”时,与remember同义。【活学活用【活学活用】1)How do you like your Chinese teacher?_ _(2015,本溪模本溪模拟拟) )AYes,I like him very muchBHe is very kindCI enjoy his classDI like his class2)What do you

20、think of the program called Daddy,Where Are We Going?(改为同义句改为同义句)(2014,重重庆庆) )_do you _the program called Daddy,Where Are We Going?BHowlikeplan【典例在线【典例在线】They are planning to go to the zoo this weekend.他他们们正正计计划本划本周末去周末去动动物园。物园。He makes a plan to visit his grandpa this weekend.他他计计划划这这个个周末去看望他周末去看望他

21、爷爷爷爷。【拓展精析【拓展精析】plan作动词作动词,其后常接动词不定式作宾语。其后常接动词不定式作宾语。plan to do sth.表示表示“计划做某事计划做某事”。plan作可数名词作可数名词,常用于短语常用于短语make a plan中中,意为意为“制订计划制订计划”。【活学活用【活学活用】3)The weekends are coming.We _ _ to go to Yueyang.Aplan Btried Cdecides DwantedAexpect【典例在线】Im expecting Jims letter.我正期待着吉姆的信。Lily expects to come ba

22、ck next week.莉莉预计下周回来。I expect my mother to come back early.我盼望妈妈早点回来。I expect that Ill be back next Monday.我预计下周一回来。【拓展精析】expect动词,意为“预料;期待”。常用于以下结构:expect名词/代词,意为“期待某事/某人;预料可能发生”。expect to do sth.预料做某事expect sb. to do sth.期待某人做某事expect从句预料【活学活用活学活用】4)All the children expected their parents _ _ the

23、m to the cinema on Green Street.Ato take Btakes Ctaking Dtook5)You look sad.What has happened?Everyone _ _ us to win the match,but we lost.(2015,营营口模口模拟拟) )Aexpects BexpectedChopes DhopedABfamous【典例在线【典例在线】She is famous for her voice.她以她的噪音而出名。她以她的噪音而出名。Mo Yan is famous as a writer.莫言作莫言作为为作家而出名。作家而

24、出名。Chairman Mao is famous to every Chinese.毛主席的名字广毛主席的名字广为为人知。人知。【拓展精析【拓展精析】famous形容词形容词,意为意为“著名的;出名的著名的;出名的”,常用于以下短语中:常用于以下短语中:be famous for表示表示“因因而出名而出名”,后接出名的原因。后接出名的原因。be famous as表示表示“作为作为而出名而出名”,后接表示身份或职业后接表示身份或职业等的名词。等的名词。be famous to sb.表示表示“广为人知的;大家都熟悉的广为人知的;大家都熟悉的”。【活学活用【活学活用】6)I hear Jinz

25、hou is a beautiful city.Yes,its famous _ _ its apples.Afor Bas Cto DwithAsend【典例在线【典例在线】She sent me a Christmas card.她她给给我寄来一我寄来一张张圣圣诞贺诞贺卡。卡。【拓展精析【拓展精析】send动词动词,意为意为“发送;寄发送;寄”,send sth.to sb.send sb.sth.把把某物寄给某人。用法相当于某物寄给某人。用法相当于give和和show。send也可意为也可意为“派遣;派遣;打发打发”,send for派人去请。派人去请。【活学活用【活学活用】7)My u

26、ncle _ _ me _ a birthday present every year.(2015,营营口模口模拟拟) )Asend;to Bsends;/ Csent;with Dsend;for8)His leg is seriously injured in the accident._ _ a doctor at once.(2015,铁铁岭模岭模拟拟) )AAsk for BSend for CWait for DLook forBBagree【典例在线【典例在线】I agree with you/what you said.我同意你我同意你/你所你所说说的的话话。He agreed

27、 to my vacation plan.他同意了我的度假他同意了我的度假计计划。划。They all agree on the matter.他他们们在在这这个个问题问题上意上意见见一致。一致。【拓展精析【拓展精析】agree不及物动词不及物动词,意为意为“同意;赞成;应允同意;赞成;应允”,一般不用于一般不用于进行时态进行时态,常用于以下结构中:常用于以下结构中:agree with后常接表示人或意见、看法的名词或代词作宾语后常接表示人或意见、看法的名词或代词作宾语,表示表示“同意某人的意见、主意或所说的话同意某人的意见、主意或所说的话”。agree to后常接表示计划、建议、安排、决定等

28、的名词。后常接表示计划、建议、安排、决定等的名词。agree on表示表示“对对取得一致意见取得一致意见”,指双方或多方就某指双方或多方就某一问题或在某一点上取得了一致意见或达成了某种协议。因此其一问题或在某一点上取得了一致意见或达成了某种协议。因此其主语通常为复数主语通常为复数,宾语则是表示事情、计划等的名词宾语则是表示事情、计划等的名词,而不是表而不是表示人的名词或代词。示人的名词或代词。【活学活用【活学活用】9)I think drinking milk every morning is good _ _ our health.Yes,I agree _ you.(2015,盘锦盘锦模模

29、拟拟)Ato;to Bwith;toCat;with Dfor;withDHowever,he was always ready to try his best.然而然而,他总是他总是乐于竭尽全力。乐于竭尽全力。【典例在线【典例在线1】In our class,Tom is ready to help other people.在我在我们们班里班里,汤汤姆姆总总是是乐乐于帮助他人。于帮助他人。Lucy is ready to clean the house.露西露西乐乐于打于打扫扫房子。房子。【拓展精析【拓展精析1】be ready to do sth.意为意为“乐于做某事;愿意迅速做某事乐于

30、做某事;愿意迅速做某事”。同。同时时,还可意为还可意为“准备做某事准备做某事”。【典例在线【典例在线2】Children are trying their best to learn English.孩子孩子们们正在尽最正在尽最大努力学大努力学习习英英语语。【拓展精析【拓展精析2】try ones best意为意为“尽某人最大努力尽某人最大努力”,与与do ones best同义。同义。try/do ones best to do sth.意为意为“尽某人最大努力做某事尽某人最大努力做某事”。【活学活用【活学活用】1)老师告诉我们何灵生前乐于助人。老师告诉我们何灵生前乐于助人。Our teac

31、her told us that He Ling was ready _others before she died.2)Many children are left alone in the countryside.Lets try our best _ _ them.(2015,鞍山模鞍山模拟拟) )Ahelp Bhelping Cto help Dhelpsto helpCIm going to study computer science.我打算去学电脑科学。我打算去学电脑科学。【典例在线【典例在线】He is going to take the bus there.他打算坐公共汽他打

32、算坐公共汽车车去那儿。去那儿。Jim is going to Shanghai by plane.吉姆打算坐吉姆打算坐飞飞机去上海。机去上海。The bus is coming.汽汽车车就要来了。就要来了。My aunt is leaving for Beijing next week.我姑姑下周要去北京。我姑姑下周要去北京。【拓展精析【拓展精析】“be going to动词原形动词原形”表示将来的打算、计划或安排。常表示将来的打算、计划或安排。常与表示将来的与表示将来的tomorrow,next year等时间状语或等时间状语或when引导的时引导的时间状语从句连用。其中各种句式变化借助间状

33、语从句连用。其中各种句式变化借助be动词完成。动词完成。be随主语随主语而变化。而变化。如果表示计划去某地如果表示计划去某地,可直接用可直接用be going to地点地点,表示位置表示位置移动的动词如移动的动词如go,leave,come等常用进行时表将来。等常用进行时表将来。【活学活用【活学活用】3)Lets discuss the plan,shall we?Not now.I _ _ to an interview.AgoBwentCam going Dwas going4)Jack is busy packing luggage.(2015,丹丹东东模模拟拟) )Yes.He _ _

34、 for America on vacation.Aleaves BleftCis leaving Dhas been awayCChope,wish【典例在线】He hopes to be a doctor.他希望成为医生。I hope (that) you are happy every day.我希望你天天开心。We wish you to be happy.我们希望你开心。I wish I could fly to the moon one day.但愿有一天我能飞向月球。【拓展精析】hope意为“希望”,表示实现的可能性很大,可用作hope to do sth.或hopethat从句

35、。注意:hope不能用于hope sb.to do sth.结构。wish意为“希望;愿望”,可用作wish to do sth.或wish sb.to do sth.。同时,wish之后也可以接从句,但是所表示的希望不太可能会实现。【活学活用【活学活用】1)You look sad.What has happened?Everyone _ us to win the match,but we lost.(2015,朝朝阳模阳模拟拟) )AexpectsBwishedChopes DhopedB一、单项选择。一、单项选择。1China is _ _ the Great Wall and pan

36、das.Afamous as Bfamous forCready to Dready for2Please be quiet.Im reading some short stories _ _ Lu Xun.Aby Bover Cin DatBA3We always _ _ an English class in the morning.But there _ one in this afternoon.Ahave;are going to haveBhave;is going to beCare having;haveDare having;are going to have4My moth

37、er _ _ to read at home on weekends.Aenjoys Bstands Cminds DexpectsBD5What do you think of the Sochi Winter Olympic Games?_ _They are exciting.(2014,云南云南)AI love them BI cant stand themCSounds terrible DI dont mind themA二、根据汉语提示用正确的词或短语填空。There are 3 people in my family,my mother,my father and IMy mo

38、ther likes watching 6. _(肥皂剧),because she thinks they are 7._ (令人愉快的)But my father cant 8._ (忍受) them,because he thinks they are 9._ (无意义的)He likes watching 10._ (新闻),because he thinks they are 11. _ (受教育的) and he can know what 12._ (发生) in the world every day.I like 13._ (卡通片)One of the most 14._ (

39、著名的) 15._ (角色) is the Mickey Mouse.I think he stands for American 16._ (文化)Walt Disney createdsoap operas enjoyablestandmeaninglessnewseducationalhappenscartoonsfamouscharacterscultureMickey Mouse.He 17._ (变得) 18._ (富有的) and 19. _(成功的)Why is Mickey Mouse so popular?Because he was always 20. _(准备好) t

40、ry his best to 21._ (面对) any danger.Sometimes he was 22._ (不幸的) such as 23._ (失去) his house and girlfriend.I love Mickey so much.I 24._ (希望) I can go to Disneyland in America.I 25._ (期待) one day my dream can come true.becamerichsuccessfulready to faceunluckylosinghopeexpect命题作文的写作一、命题作文是依据所给题目,确定中心,

41、选择材料,写出符合题意、内容,表达具体、充分的文章。写命题作文通常要注意以下几点: 1审准题目。文章的中心要通过对题目进行分析来确定,一定要弄清主题的内涵,确立与文章有联系的主题思想。表达不能游离于主题,否则内容再精彩,也是“跑题”作文,得分将会大打折扣。因此,写命题作文最重要的是先审清题目,确立要表达的中心。2构思结构。就是开放思路,启动联想,构思表达形式,勾勒出文章的结构层次,依次写出引言段、主题句、发展段和结尾句,努力使之新颖、别致。3选择材料。这一点很重要,一定要围绕想表达的中心去选择和组织材料,所选的材料必须典型精要。4表达。就是用最确切明了的语言贯穿材料,表达自己的思想,力争用符合

42、英语语法规则和英语表达习惯的,最顺畅自然的词、句、段去表达中心思想,与表达中心无关的话即使再生动形象也不要去写。就写作的表现形式来看,命题作文分为三种形式:a)记叙文类;b)说明文类;c)议论文类。二、写作典例。(2013,黄冈)俗话说:“予人玫瑰,手留余香”。在我们的日常生活中,我们会遇到各种困难,因此,我们会需要他人的帮助;但同时,我们也要学会帮助他人。其实,帮助他人就是在帮助自己。请你结合身边的事例,以“帮助”为话题,用英语写一篇短文。注意: 无需写标题,开头已经给出,但不计入总词数;文中要结合你帮助别人或别人帮助你的一件事例;文中不得透露任何个人和学校的真实信息;词数为80 左右。【范

43、文欣赏【范文欣赏】As_the_saying_goes,roses_given,fragrance_in_hand.In_our_daily_life,we_will_meet_with_a_lot_of_trouble.So it is necessary for us to help those who are in trouble.I still remember I helped one of my classmates with his English when we were in the first term of Junior Eight.Li Hua,one of my cl

44、assmates,was not good at English while I did well.One day,he asked me to help him.So from then on,whenever he had problems,he would ask me,and I was patient to explain them to him.Slowly,his Englishimproved with my help.At the same time,I found my English improved too.Actually,helping others is helping ourselves.



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