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1、Text A “I Forgive You”Living in Harmony 1. Get Started2. Read and Explore 2.1 Global Reading 2.2 Detailed Reading 2.3 After Reading3. Further DevelopmentTeaching Procedure3Get Started1.Do you have some tips to live in harmony with others? Task 1: Brainstorm4Respect ourselves and othersAppreciate, pr

2、aise and thankBe attentive to others needs and learn to forgiveA great friendship SmileA loving atmosphere in our homeAdmit our own mistakes and apologize to the person concernedWhen in disagreement with dont bring up what happened in the past Try to understand and be tolerant of 5Listen and Respond

3、Task one Focusing on the main ideas1) What is the main idea of the passage you have just heard?2) Why do we fight with each other?3) Do you think we have reasons to hate?4) Why must we first love the members of our family?6Task one Focusing on the main ideas1) What is the main idea of the passage yo

4、u have just heard?The passage mainly explains why we should live in harmony.2) Why do we fight with each other?According to the passage, we fight with each other because of hate created by fear, misunderstanding and selfishness, and to gain more resources and power over others.73) Do you think we ha

5、ve reasons to hate?No, there is no good reason to hate. Your neighbours may be of a different colour; they may follow a different religion; or they may have a different culture, but they are still human; they are still worthy of respect.4) Why must we first love the members of our family?Because all

6、 things go well in a house if the family members are in harmony. And how can we love others if we do not love our own family members?Task one Focusing on the main ideas8Task two Zooming in on the details1) Look around you. The world in which we live often seems filled with hate created by _, _, and

7、_.2) But there is no good reason to hate. Your neighbors may be of a different _; they may follow a different _; or they may have a different _, but they are still human; they are still worthy of _.3) All things _ in a house if the family members are in harmony, and such a family will be filled with

8、 _. As it is said, “Better a meal of _ where there is love than a meal of _ with hate”.fearmisunderstandingselfishnesscolourreligionculturerespectgo welllove and vitalityvegetablesdelicious beef92. Read and Explore “I Forgive You” 2.1 Global Readingu Text Organizationu Discourse AnalysisTopic senten

9、ce or key words Para 1.Para 2:Para 3: Oxygen (universal necessity) Bitterness can destroy its host.Unless we can forgive, we can never recover. Text OrganizationHow to forgive? Para 4Para 5Para 6Para 7Para 8Para 9Para 10Its not easy.The core of forgiveness.Forgive and forget?Constant emotional confr

10、ontationThe first sentence A questionAn example Text OrganizationBenefits Para 11Para 12Para 13 Para 14Para 15Satisfying reactionDoing this for yourselfTrue forgivnessThe first sentenceThe first sentence Text OrganizationIn English, usually each paragraph has a topic sentence or a key word or key wo

11、rds, which show the main idea or the authors main position in this paragraph. A topic sentence is often followed by explanation sentences and then examples. Finally a concluding sentence will sum up the whole paragraph. Topic sentence explanation sentence examples concluding sentence Text Organizati

12、on14Why to forgiveHow to forgiveText OrganizationBenefits of forgiving123Para.1 3Para.4 10Para.11 1515Discourse AnalysisWhat might the writing style be? narration, description , exposition or argumentation? Purpose: narration to tell a story, to tell merely what happened (what/when/who) description

13、to describe an object, to tell us how sth looks, to re-create the thing in words exposition to explain an idea, a thing, a person or a combination, to answer the questions how and why argumentation to prove an idea16Discourse AnalysisOrganization: narration in time. description in space. exposition

14、by logic argumentation by argument17 Methods of expository writing: 1)giving examples; 2)comparing and contrasting 3)making analogy; 4)restating; 5)giving reasons 6)classifying the subject; 7)showing cause and effect 8)defining; 9)arguing from premise to conclusion During your reading, please try to

15、 explore what writing methods are used in Text A.Discourse Analysis18u Language Points uDifficult SentencesuDiscourse Analysis2. Read and Explore 2.1 Detailed Reading“I Forgive You”Part 1Understanding Questions:1. What does the author mean to say “the oxygen of forgiveness”?2. How do you translate t

16、he proverb mentioned in Para.3?20Rhetorical devices metaphor and simileA metaphor is the expression of an understanding of one concept in terms of another concept, where there is some similarity or correlation between the two. A simile is a type of metaphor in which the comparison is made with the u

17、se of the word like or its equivalent.Metaphor is the broader term. In a literary sense metaphor is a rhetorical device that transfers the sense or aspects of one word to another.Simile 比喻As sly as a foxAs busy as a bee As faithful as a dog As proud as a peacockAs slow as a tortoise/snailAs quiet as

18、 a lamb As brave as a lion As light as a featherAs white as flour As motionless as a statue As sharp as a knifeAs small as a pins head As hungry as a wolfAs black as a crowQuick as lightening As thick as a wallAs different as apples and oranges Metaphor 隐喻Beauty is but a vain and doubtful good;A shi

19、ning gloss that vadeth suddenly;A flower that dies when first it begins to bud;A brittle glass thats broken present -Shakespeare A shadow of a smile A mountain of waveOur wounds will continue to grow worse美只不过是难以确定的浮光掠影,华彩耀目却会突然失去光明,花儿刚刚绽放转瞬即已枯萎,玻璃一经敲碎眼前顿失晶莹一丝笑意滔天巨浪231. root sth. out:1. They rooted

20、out all the dead plants. 他他们把所有已死去的植物都把所有已死去的植物都连根拔掉根拔掉2. 政府决心根除腐政府决心根除腐败现象。象。 The government is determined to root out corruption.find out where a particular kind of problem exists and get rid of it242. cripple: v.1. damage sth. badly so that it no longer works or is no longer effective2. hurt sb.

21、badly so that they cannot walk properlyAsias economy was crippled by inflation.通货膨胀曾使亚洲经济陷于瘫痪。通货膨胀曾使亚洲经济陷于瘫痪。She was crippled in the car accident. 她在车祸中致残。她在车祸中致残。253. cling: v.1. Some local towns cling to outdated customs.continue to believe or do sth., even though it may not be true or useful any

22、longer 2. 他他坚定地定地认为她有治愈的希望。她有治愈的希望。He clung to the hope that she would be cured.cling to the hope / belief / idea, etc. Collocation:264. heal: v. The wound on my arm has healed.1. 我胳膊上的我胳膊上的伤已已经愈合了。愈合了。1. if a wound or a broken bone heals or is healed, the flesh, skin, or bone grows back together an

23、d becomes healthy again 2. if an argument or disagreement between people heals or you heal it, the people stop arguing or disagreeing2. The disagreement among the family members healed over with time. 家庭成家庭成员之之间的不和随着的不和随着时间的流逝而消失。的流逝而消失。27这三个三个动词均有均有“治治疗”之意。之意。treat指通指通过用用药、住院、手、住院、手术等来治等来治疗疾病。疾病。he

24、al着重治着重治疗的效果,多指外的效果,多指外伤的愈合,也可以指精神上的愈合,也可以指精神上的的创伤的治愈。的治愈。cure也着重治也着重治疗的的结果,多指治愈内科疾病,也可用来指果,多指治愈内科疾病,也可用来指消除某种不良的影响。消除某种不良的影响。1. The dentist is my teeth. 2. Penicillin him of pneumonia. 3. The cut on his finger quickly. 4. The new treatment his skin disease. 5. Time all sorrows. cured _treating_heal

25、ed_heals_cured_CF: treat, heal & curePart 2: Paragraphs 4-7Understanding Questions:1.Do you think it is fair to forgive when you are the one who was hurt?2.According to the author, what should we do if we cant forget the hurt?MetaphorThe saying may roll off the tongueRather than sweeping them under

26、the carpet, we need to draw a line under them 303. count against1. Your criminal record could count against you in finding a job. cause you to be rejected or punished, or cause people to have a lower opinion of you你有前科对你找工作很不利你有前科对你找工作很不利.315. confrontation: n. 1. The commission remains so weak that

27、 it will continue to avoid confrontation with governments.a situation in which there is a lot of angry disagreement between two people or groupsPattern:confrontation with / between confrontconfrontThe soldiers were confronted by two terrorists as The soldiers were confronted by two terrorists as the

28、y left their camp. they left their camp. 勇敢地面勇敢地面对危危险 confront danger Part 2: Paragraphs 8-10Understanding Questions:1.Which choice would you prefer, to forgive as soon as possible or to forgive after a period of time? Why?2.What does the author want to show by citing the example in para.10?346. fla

29、w: n. a mistake, mark, or weakness that makes sth. imperfectPattern: flaw in 这两个名两个名词均有均有“缺陷缺陷”之意。之意。flaw 表示存在或出表示存在或出现瑕疵,使某物不完美。例如瑕疵,使某物不完美。例如: CF: flaw & defectThe flaw in the weapon was its inability to fire rapidly. A defect in the fuel lines prevented the missile from blasting off. defect 常常常常表

30、表示示一一个个缺缺陷陷非非常常严重重,以以致致完完全全妨妨碍碍了了某某种种功能的功能的发挥。Part 3: Paragraphs 11-15Understanding Questions:1.What does the author mean by saying “would you rather be right or happy”?2.Whats the meaning of the sentence “Forgiving puts you in control”?7. nurture: v. help a plan, idea, feeling, etc. to develop2.人的学

31、人的学习能力部分是先天的,能力部分是先天的,部分是后天培育的。部分是后天培育的。The human organism learns partly by nature, partly by nurture.1. Reading aloud nurtures the love of books in children.378. alternative: n.an alternative idea, plan, etc. is different from the one you have and can be used insteadWe have no alternative but to go

32、 on.这三个名三个名词均有均有“选择”之意。之意。choice 指从多指从多样东西中西中选择,强调选择的自由度。例如的自由度。例如:CF: choice, alternative & optionNew stocks have just arrived, so the shop now has a large choice of goods. The blue one is my choice.You have the alternative of staying in high school or going to work. alternative多指在只有两种可能性或者行多指在只有两种

33、可能性或者行为方式之方式之间所作的所作的选择,强调选择的范的范围受到限制。例如:受到限制。例如:38option指在特定条件下作出的指在特定条件下作出的选择,常常,常常侧重于已重于已经被被权威威等所授予的一种等所授予的一种选择能力或自由,能力或自由,强调选择的可能性。例如:的可能性。例如:There are four options in our college. There are three options open to us. CF: choice, alternative & option我们大学里有四门选修科。我们大学里有四门选修科。39Writing methods mainly

34、 used:1) giving examplesSome years ago, my wife and I bought a piece of furnitureIve found that say sorry to my kids 2) cause and effectBut ironically, ., for one simple reasonFor the truth is that Thats why, sometimes, the initial act of forgiveness3) comparing and contrasting like cancer, bitterne

35、ss can destroy its host.4) defining thats the core of forgiveness. thats what true forgiveness isDiscourse Analysis401. 身心健康身心健康physical and mental health2. 彻底根除;根除底根除;根除root out3. 生根生根take hold 4. 坚持持cling to sth.5. 的关的关键the core of6. 脱口而出脱口而出roll off the tongue7. 偏离了偏离了宽恕的真正含恕的真正含义miss the whole p

36、oint of forgiveness8. 的最初行的最初行为the initial act of 9. 一次性的行一次性的行为a one-off act10. 不断的情感冲突不断的情感冲突constant emotional confrontation11. 时间不会治愈不会治愈创伤。Time really doesnt heal.12. 运用运用宽恕的恕的艺术tackle the art of forgiveness Useful Expressions4113. 随着时间的流逝随着时间的流逝as time rolls by 14. 不管喜欢不喜欢不管喜欢不喜欢like it or not

37、15. 认真审视自己认真审视自己take a long, hard look at ourselves 16. 不隐瞒缺点地不隐瞒缺点地warts and all17. 修复破裂的关系修复破裂的关系 heal broken relationships18. 缓和局面缓和局面ease the situation19. 迈出第一步迈出第一步make the first move20. 记住记住 keepin mind21. 为他们,也是为自己为他们,也是为自己for you just as much as for them22. 不再生气不再生气let go of your anger23. 心平气和地对待心平气和地对待发生的事发生的事be at peace with what happenedUseful Expressions1. Do you agree with the authors idea? Do you think we should forgive others unconditionally?2. Should we set a certain bottom line when we choose whether to forgive a person?Consider after reading:



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