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1、1Unit Two Space MysteriesUnit Two Space MysteriesApology Letters道歉信复复习 Review 1 径直走径直走: go straight ahead/on 2 沿着街道走沿着街道走: go along the street 3 过桥过桥: go over the bridge 4 穿过公园穿过公园: go through the park 5 过马路过马路: cross the street 6 向左向左/右转右转: turn left/right 7 在第一个路口右转在第一个路口右转:take the first (turning

2、) on the right 8 在第二个路口左转在第二个路口左转:take the second (turning) on the leftUnit Two Space MysteriesUnit Two Space MysteriesP44 P44 例文例文1 1 翻译翻译 TranslationDear Mr. Hill: Please accept our sincere apology. We are very sorry to have charged you twice for the same product.亲爱的希尔先生:亲爱的希尔先生: 请接受我们真诚的歉意!十分抱歉,我

3、们对同样的产品收取了您两次费用。Unit Two Space MysteriesUnit Two Space MysteriesP44 P44 例文例文1 1 翻译翻译 Translation It was clearly a mistake at our end and not one that we take lightly. We can certainly understand your shock when seeing double the amount expected on your credit card statement. 这显然是我们的错误,而且是不容轻视的错误。当您看

4、到信用卡对帐单上的金额增加一倍时,我们完全能够理解您的震惊。Unit Two Space MysteriesUnit Two Space MysteriesP44 P44 例文例文1 1 翻译翻译 Translation I understand from my staff that the error was due to a computer glitch in our automated billing system. As a result of this issue, and in order to prevent this from happening in the future,

5、 new procedures are being put in place. 我从我的员工那里了解到,这次的错误是由于我们的自动计费系统中存在的计算机故障。 鉴于这个问题,并且为了防止将来发生这种情况,我们正在落实新的程序。Unit Two Space MysteriesUnit Two Space MysteriesP44 P44 例文例文1 1 翻译翻译 Translation In the meantime, we have credit your account for the appropriate amount $500. We hope that this will be su

6、fficient to correct the error and address any inconvenience this may have caused you. 与此同时,我们已经将错误扣除的500美元存入了您的帐户。 我们希望这些举动足以纠正之前的错误,并解决可能给您带来的任何不便。Unit Two Space MysteriesUnit Two Space MysteriesP44 P44 例文例文1 1 翻译翻译 Translation We thank you for bringing this to our attention. It will help us improv

7、e our operations and services. We very much appreciate your business and hope that you will remain a valued customer. 我们感谢您让我们注意到这个问题。这将帮助我们改善运营,提高服务。我们万分感谢您的光临,并且由衷地希望您继续做我们的重要顾客。Unit Two Space MysteriesUnit Two Space MysteriesP44 P44 例文例文1 1 翻译翻译 Translation If there are any other issues that need

8、 to be addressed, please dont hesitate to contact me. 如果您还有其他问题需要解决,请随时与我联系。Unit Two Space MysteriesUnit Two Space Mysteries道歉信的内容道歉信的内容 Contents 一般来说,道歉信应该包括四个基本方面:一般来说,道歉信应该包括四个基本方面: 1 1 表示歉意。表示歉意。To make apologies. 2 2 解释事由。解释事由。To explain the reason. 3 3 提出弥补措施。提出弥补措施。To propose the remedy measu

9、res. 4 4 再次致歉。再次致歉。To apologize again. Unit Two Space MysteriesUnit Two Space Mysteries开开头表示歉意表示歉意 1 I am writing to apologize for. 我写这封信是因.向你致歉。 2 I would like to give you my apology for 关于,我向你道歉。 3 Please accept my sincere apology for 请接受我关于的真诚道歉。 4 I would like to express my deepest apology for 关

10、于. ,我想向您致以最深的歉意。道歉的常用表达道歉的常用表达 Useful Expressions结尾尾再次致歉再次致歉 1 Please allow me to say sorry again. 请允许我再一次向你道歉。 2 Once again, Im sorry for any inconvenience caused. 我再一次为所有的不便向你道歉。 3 I promise that wont happen again in the future. Please allow me to say sorry again. 我保证这件事以后不会再发生,请允许我再次致歉。 4 I since

11、rely hope you can accept my apology and understand my situation. 我真心希望你能理解我的处境,并接受我的道歉。道歉的常用表达道歉的常用表达 Useful Expressions道歉的其他常用句式道歉的其他常用句式 1 Thank you for being patient with us. 衷心感谢您对我们的耐心。 2 Thank you for bring this to our attention. 非常感谢您让我们注意到这个问题。 3 In order to avoid.happening again, I have . 为

12、了避免以后再次发生此类事件,我 4 I want you to know how badly we feel about it and to assure you that it wont happen again. 我想让你知道我们的感受何其糟糕,并向你保证以后不会再发生。道歉的常用表达道歉的常用表达 Useful Expressions Dear_: (收件人) I am writing this letter to express my deepest apology for_. (关于. ,我想向您致以最深的歉意。)The reason for my mistake is that_(

13、犯错的主要原因). First, _. In addition, _. If possible, I would like to suggest that _(提出弥补措施). Thanks for being patient with us. Once again, Im sorry for any inconvenience caused. I promise that wont happen again in the future. Please allow me to say sorry again.(再次道歉。)Sincerely,(寄件人)道歉信的一般格式道歉信的一般格式14Uni

14、t Two Space MysteriesTask Read and CompleteTask Read and Complete1. An effective letter of apology is an important part to _ the problem and then _ with life.2. An effective letter of apology should focus on what you will do to rectify the situation instead of _ you have caused.3. The language of an

15、 apology letter should be _.4. The tone of an apology letter should be .5. Apart from writing an apology letter, you should try to set up a time to express your apology _.remedyget on the damageclear and simpleconsiderate and respectfulin personPractical ReadingDirections: The following is an articl

16、e on how to write an effective apology letter. After reading it, you are required to complete the information about the article by filling in the blanks with no more than 3 words.Task Read and Write说明:假定你是Excellent Laboratory Supplies, Inc. 的销售部经理,给Smith 先生写一封致歉函,内容如下:1. 代表我公司为贵方上周购买的实验室设备的延误表示歉意;2.

17、 根据销售协议设备本应于昨天交付;3. 由于生产设备出现问题,无法完成您订购的1000 台设备;4. 请接受明天将交付的500 台设备的初次交货,其余部分将在一周内交付;5. 向您保证这是一个孤立事件,不会再发生, 希望这不会破坏我们建立的良好业务关系。Words for Reference:实验室室设备 the laboratory equipment 销售售协议 the sales agreement初次交初次交货 the initial delivery 孤立事件孤立事件 isolated incidentDear Mr. Smith, I write to you on behalf

18、of Excellent Laboratory Supplies, Inc. to apologize for the delay in the delivery of the laboratory equipment you purchased last week. According to the sales agreement, the equipment should have been delivered yesterday. However, we had problems with the production equipment. Due to this, we were no

19、t able to complete the 1,000 equipment you have ordered. Please accept the initial delivery of 500 pieces of equipment which will be delivered tomorrow. The rest of the equipment will be delivered within the week. We assure you that this is an isolated incident and will not happen again. We hope this will not break the good business relationship we have built.Yours sincerely,Li Qiang, Marketing Department Manager



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