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1、高中高中重点语法讲析重点语法讲析w冠冠词,代,代词和介和介词w动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态w某些动词的固定用法某些动词的固定用法w非谓语动词非谓语动词w虚拟语气虚拟语气w倒装句倒装句w主谓一致主谓一致w定语从句定语从句w名词性从句名词性从句w情态动词情态动词w独立主格结构独立主格结构w倒装句倒装句(标有符号(标有符号“”为为A 级考试重点句法)级考试重点句法)主谓一致-指导原则:1. 语法一致原则(主,谓语在单,复数上的一致)2. 意义一致原则(谓语取决于主语的单,复数意义)3. 就近原则(谓语决定于最靠近它的词语n.的单,复数形式)语法一致原则:Eg: Many girls want t

2、o buy. Every girl wants to buy.意义一致原则:1可单可复可单可复1.1 集合名词集合名词:family, crew, people, staff, all, etc.用作整用作整体体,谓语用单数谓语用单数;用作个体用作个体,谓语用复数谓语用复数.Eg: My family poor. My family kindly to others.1.2 glasses, trousers, shorts(短语短语),如果之前无单位词而如果之前无单位词而单独使用单独使用,谓语动词用复数谓语动词用复数;否则用单数否则用单数.Eg: My trousers black. One

3、 pair of scissors not enough.1.3 the number of 谓语用单数谓语用单数; a number of谓语用复数谓语用复数.isareisare1.4 关系分句中的主谓一致问题关系分句中的主谓一致问题1)在在“one of + 复数名词复数名词 + 关系分句关系分句”结构中结构中,分句的谓分句的谓语动词常用复数语动词常用复数.Eg. Im one of those people who very happy now.2)如果此结构前有如果此结构前有“the”或或“the only”等限定词或强调等限定词或强调词时词时,关系分句的谓语动词形式依关系分句的谓语

4、动词形式依one而定而定,用单数用单数.Eg. He is the only one of those boys who willing to help the little girl.1.5 主语主语 + as mush as /rather than /more than /no less than, 谓语动词形式视主语本身单复数而定谓语动词形式视主语本身单复数而定.(考点考点:通常该通常该主语是单数第三人称主语是单数第三人称, 所以谓语用单数所以谓语用单数)Eg. His brother rather than his parents to blame.My husband, ,more

5、 than anyone else in the family, anxious to go there again.areisisis1.6 主语主语 + as well as /in addition to /with /along with /together with /execpt, 谓语动词形式随主语本身而定谓语动词形式随主语本身而定.(考考点点:通常主语是单数第三人称通常主语是单数第三人称, 所以谓语用单数所以谓语用单数)Eg. The father, as well as his son, going to travel.2. 单数单数2.1 以以-ics结尾的学科名称后结尾的

6、学科名称后,谓语用作单数谓语用作单数.诸如诸如:physics(物理学物理学); mathematics(数学数学); mechanics(机械学机械学); politics(政治学政治学)等等.Eg. The father, as well as his son, going to travel.2.2 固定名词固定名词the United States, the United Nations 等做主等做主语语,谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数.isis2.3 Many a + 单数名词单数名词,随后的谓语动词用单数随后的谓语动词用单数; more than one (语法一致原则语法一致原则)

7、,谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数.Eg. Many a student that mistake before.A had made B has been madeC have made D has made2.4 数量词数量词(表距离表距离,金额金额,重量重量,时间等复数名词时间等复数名词),谓语动谓语动词用单数词用单数.Eg. Six months is too short a time for me. Twenty miles is a long way to cover.2.5 名词性分句做主语名词性分句做主语,(what, who, why, how,whether等等引导的引导的),

8、 谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数.Eg. What caused the accident is a complete mestery.2.6 不定式和动名词做主语不定式和动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数.D就近原则就近原则3.1 遇到遇到or, nor, eitheror, neither nor, not only but also等等,谓语动词采用谓语动词采用“就近原则就近原则”.Eg. Either my father or my brothers coming. Either my brothers or my father coming.3.2 there be 的存在句型

9、中的存在句型中,主谓一致采用主谓一致采用“就近原则就近原则”Eg. There three apples and one orange on the desk. There one orange and three apples on the desk.isareareis定语从句(限定性定从&非限定性定从)1)限定性定语从句中,定语从句和它的先行词所指意义之间的联系不可分割,若少了它,则不能表达所需的确切含义.Eg. Success belongs to those students who work hard at ordinary times.2)非限定性定语从句和它的先行词之间的联系则

10、较松散,只是对先行词提供一些补充说明.因此,若省去该从句,不至于影响先行词所指的主要意义.它和主句之间常用逗号分开,引导词不可用that,常用关系代词which,who,as以及关系副词when和where引导.Eg. We will put off the sports meet until next week, when the weather may be better.As has been stated, metals have many good properties.1.带前置词的定语从句2.名词(代词或数词) + of + whom/which表示部分与整体关系.3.whose

11、引导定语从句.4.只能用that和who引导的定语从句.5.as引导的定语从句.6.but引导的定语从句.7.一种较特殊的定语从句句式.8.同位语从句定语从句定语从句(the Attributive Clause) made by W.X.F一一. 定语从句的功用和结构定语从句的功用和结构 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定 语 从 句 。 被 定 从 句 修 饰 的 词 叫 做 先 行 词(antecedent) 。定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的关联词有关系代词(relative pronoun)和关系副词(relative adverb)。例如: This is the

12、 present that he gave me for my birthday. Do you know everybody who came to the party? I still remember the night when I first came to the village? This is the place where Chairman Mao once lived. 二二. . 关系代词和关系副词的功用关系代词和关系副词的功用 关系代词和关系副词用来引导定语从句,在先行词和定语从句之间起纽带作用,使二者联系起来。关系代词和关系副词又在定语从句中充当一个成分。关系代词做主

13、语,宾语,定语;关系副词可作状语。1. 作主语:关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词的人称和数须和先行词一致。例如:I dont like people who talk much but do little.The cars which are produced in Hubei Province sell very well.2. 作宾语:She is the person that I met at the school gate yesterday.The book that my grandmother gave me is called “The Great Escape

14、”.3. 作定语关系代词whose在定语从句中作定语用。例如:Whats the name of the young man whose sister is a doctor?The girl whose father is a teacher studies very hard.4. 作状语Ill never forget the day when I first came to Beijing.This is the house where I was born.三三. . 各个关系代词和关系副词的具体用法各个关系代词和关系副词的具体用法1. who 指人,在定语从句中作主语。例如:The

15、 person who broke the window must pay for it.The boy who is wearing the black jacket is very clever.2. whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语。例如:Do you know the young man (whom) we met at the gate?Mr. Lee (whom) you want to see has come.3. whose 指人或物,在定语从句中作定语。e.g.The girl whose mother is ill is staying at home today.I k

16、now the book whose name is The Red Rose is very interesting. 注:(1)whose引导定语从句其先行词可以是人也可以是物,且应紧跟名词,构成名词短语;(2)whose 在从句中与它所修饰的名词一起可作介词宾语,可以与介词一起放在先行词与从句之间;e.g.The boss in whose department Mr. King worked had heard about the accident.(3)whose 的先行词指物时,可用of which 代替,但词序不同,即whose加名词=the+名词+ of which.e.g.H

17、e lives in the room whose window(the window of which) faces south. 4. which指物,在定语从中作主语或宾语。例如:A dictionary is a book which gives the meaning of words.Here is the book (which) the teacher mentioned yesterday.5. that多指物,有时也指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。例如:Ive read the newspaper that(which) carries the important news

18、. Who is the person that is reading the newspaper over there?6. when 指时间,在定语从句中作状语。例如:Ill never forget the days when we worked on the farm. He arrived in Beijing on the day when I left.7. where 指地点,在定语从句中作状语。例如:This is the house where we lived last year.The factory where his father works is in the e

19、ast of the city.四四. 关系代词关系代词 whom, which 在定语从句中作介词宾语在定语从句中作介词宾语时,可以和介词一起放于先行词与定语从句之间,有时时,可以和介词一起放于先行词与定语从句之间,有时为了关系紧凑也可以将为了关系紧凑也可以将 whom 与与 which 与先行词紧挨着与先行词紧挨着书写,而将介词置于定语从句的后面,书写,而将介词置于定语从句的后面,e.g.e.g. That was the room in which we had lived for ten years. = That was the room which we had lived in

20、for ten years. 五五. . 具体使用时还要注意下列问题:具体使用时还要注意下列问题:1. 只能使用that,不用which 的情况:(1) 先行词是all, few, little,much,something, nothing, everything, anything 等不定代词时。All that he said is true. (2) 先行词被only, no, any, all,some,every,few等词修饰时.He is the only foreigner that has been to that place. (3) 先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰的词。H

21、e was the second (person) that told me the secret.(4) 先行词是形容词最高级或被形容词最高级修饰的词。This is the best book (that) I have read this year.(5) 先行词既包括人又包括物时。He talked about the people and the things(that) he remembered.(6)当主语是以who或which开头的特殊问句时,须用that以避免与先行词重复。 Who is the boy that was here just now?Which of us

22、that knows something about physics does not know this?(7)当先行词在定语从句中作表语时。The village is no longer the one that it used to be. 2. 用which,不用that 的情况:(1) 当关系代词前面有介词时。 A zoo is a park in which many animals are kept . This is the job at which they laughed.介词 + which/ whom时,不能用that和who ,若介词放在从句之后不提前,则可代替,也

23、可省略。I dont know the man (whom/ who/ that) you talked to.(= I dont know the man to whom you talked. )(2)在非限制性定语从中。e.g.The motorbike, which belongs to me has been stolen. The meeting was put off, which was exactly what we wanted. 3)在一个句子中有两个定语从句。前一个用that的话,另一个就用which.Let me show you the book that I bo

24、ught from the shop which is near my home.3.As引导的定语从句引导的定语从句as用作关系代词和关系副词引导定语从句用作关系代词和关系副词引导定语从句,构成构成the sameas, suchas.,so.as等结构等结构.I like the same book as you have.I shall do it again in the same way as you did.I want to have such a dictionary as he has. 注意注意此处要注意定语从句和状语从句的区别此处要注意定语从句和状语从句的区别.Mr. C

25、hen gave us such a difficult question as nobody worked out.Mr. Chen gave us such a difficult question that nobody worked it out.4.关系代词在从句中作主语时关系代词在从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词的人称和数必须和从句的谓语动词的人称和数必须和先行词保持一致先行词保持一致.Those who are against the plan please sign your names here.Anyone who breaks the law is to be punish

26、edTom is one of the students who were praised by the teacher yesterday.Tom is the one of the students who was praised by the teacher yesterday.名词性从句 (主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句在主句中起相当于名词的作用,即它们在复合句中的功用和名词相同,分别做主句的主语,表语和宾语.因此这三种从句合称为名词性从句.)相同点: 1)关连词相同 A.主从连词: that, whether, if在从句中只起连接作用不担任成分. B. 连接代词: what, whi

27、ch, who, whose, whatever, whichever, whoever等在句中既起连接作用同时又充当主,宾,表,定语等成分. C. 连接副词: when, where,how,why在句中既起连接作用又作状语. 2)三种从句均不能用逗号与主句分开. 3)名词性从句一般都用陈述句的语序.1.主语从句主语从句2.表语从句表语从句3.宾语从句宾语从句4.状语从句状语从句1.1主语从句的结构和用法主语从句在复合句中充当主语,主句中的动词多为系动词.经常用来引导主语从句的关联词有主从连词that(无词义),whether(是否),连接代词what(的东西)以及连接副词等.1)有代词wh

28、at引导的主从表示“的(东西)”其句子结构相当于一个名词加上一个定语从句Eg. What she wants to know is that. 她想知道的是那一点.2)有主从连词,连接副词引导.Eg. Whether we shall have the meeting remains uncertain.我们是否开会还不能肯定.How she is still alive is beyond us.她怎么还活着,我们实在弄不明白.3)有连词that引导Eg. That the workers managed to do it is a fact.工人做了这项工作是事实.1.2 用代词it做形式

29、主语的主语从句.通常在主句的动词是连系动词的句子中,把主语从句放在句尾,把代词it(无具体意义)放在句首,作为形式上的主语,避免头重脚轻.Eg. It remains uncertain whether we shall have the meeting.当what引导的主语从句表示“的东西”时及whatever,whichever等关系代词引导的主语从句一般都不用it做形式主语.这种形式的主语从句可以用主从连词that和whether引导,也可以用连接代词或连接副词引导.Eg. It is strange that she didnt come yesterday.1.2.1 it +be

30、+ 名词 + 主语从句Eg. It is a pity ( a fact, an honour, a shame, a good news, a good thing, no wonder, a deplorable不幸的thing, etc.) that1.2.2 It +be + 形容词+ 主语从句.Eg . It is strange (natural, true, fortunate, obvious, impossible, possible, likely, unlikely, funny, surprising, etc. ) that1.2.3 It +be + 过去分词 +

31、主语从句Eg. It is reported ( announced, arranged, decided, expected, stressed, etc.) thatIt is not known ( decidedetc.) thatIt must be pointed out thatIt has been discussed that1.2.4 It + 不及物动词 + 主语从句Eg. It happened ( seems, turned out, occurred to me, suddenly struck me, etc.) that2. 表语从句表语从句在复合句中做表语,位

32、于主句中的连系动词之后.常用来引导表语从句的连接词有that(有时可省略),whether,连接副词where,when,why,how以及连接代词what,还可以由as if, as though引导.2.1 有连接代词what引导.Eg. This is what we want.2.2 由主从连词that引导.Eg. Our teachers idea is that we should do our homework first.2.3 由连接副词how引导.Eg. This is how it happened. 事情是这样的。2.4 有as if引导.Eg. It looks as

33、 if it is going to rain. 天好象要下雨似的。2.5 用在“The reason is that”; “ It is because” 或“ This is because”等句型中.Eg. The reason why she is absent in Beijing is that she went to see her friend. 她暂时不在北京的原因是她去看朋友了。This is because you neglected his advice.这是因为你不听他的劝告.3. 宾语从句宾语从句做动词的宾语,其位置与陈述句基本结构的宾语相同,同时也可做介词, 非限

34、定动词(动词不定式,动名词,分词)及be+某些形容词的宾语.3.1 有连词that引导的定语从句最为普通(that常被省略)Eg. I think that you are right.此类宾语的用法一般有以下几种1)可以跟在某些动词后,这类动词有: see, say, think, insist, wish, deny, expect, agree, believe, decide, declare, explain, hear, feel, imagine, require, mand, etc.2)不可紧跟在某些动词后,这类动词有: let, allow, admire, like, d

35、islike, take, forgive, etc.Eg. I take it that you must understand your mother.我认为你要理解你的母亲.3)可作介词expect,in,but的宾语,即为: except that除了; in that因为,在于; but that要不是,只是Eg. He said nothing except that he was all right. 他除了说他很好以外,别的什么都没说.4)可做形容词的宾语:be + 形容词 + that引导的宾语从句.Eg. I am sure that she will come.以下形容词

36、后可跟由that引导的宾语从句: afraid, aware, anxious, certain, convinced, surprised, satisfied, proud, sorry, thankful, disappointed, sure, glad, consident, etc.3.2 由连续代词what, 主从连词whether, if引导的宾语从句.3.2.1 用在主句的谓语动词后.Eg. I asked him if he would answer my questions.以下的动词或词组后可跟有what, whether等引导的宾语从句: ask, advise, d

37、iscover, find out, imagine, inform, inquire, know, show, tell, understand, etc.3.2.2 可用在介词后Eg. We are never satisfied with what we have achieved. 我们不要满足于已取得的成就Jim was not aware (of) what a mistake he had made. 3.2.3 what 引导的从句可做宾语补足语.Eg. You may call me what you like.3.3 由连接副词引导的宾语从句.Eg. I forgot wh

38、en and where I first met Jane.I can tell you how you can learn swimming quickly.倒装1.省略了连接词if的虚拟条件句,且助动词或系动词为should,had,were时,将should,had,were提到主语之前.2.用于so + adj/adv. + (that)和such + (n.) + (that)引出的结果状语从句中,以加强语气.3.用于as引出的让步状语从句和比较状语从句以及“The more, the more”结构.4当(and)so, (and)either (表示与上述情况同样); (and)

39、neither, (and)nor (表示与上述情况同样不)位于句首时,需将系动词, 助动词或情态动词提前,构成倒装句.(#要与所有的系动词, 助动词或情态动词在形式上和时态上一致).注意:如果不是表示“与上述情况同样或同样不”,而是表示“句子内容的同意或肯定”,则不能用倒装句.5. 当下列表示否定意义的副词或短语位于句首时,句子要倒装,以加强语气或强调:no, hardly, scarcely, seldom, barely, rarely, no longer, not until, no sooner(than), hardly (scarely, barely)when, not onlybut also等或only + 状语/副词/介词词组.6. 当下列表示否定意义的介词短语位于句首时,句子要倒装:at no time, in no case, by no means, in no way, on no consideration, by no stretch of the imagination, in o wise.7. 当句首为here,there,now,then,hence而谓语为be, go, come等趋向动词,且主语是名词(词组)而非代词时,句子要倒装.8. 疑问句,存在句,感叹句,祝愿句中的倒装句式.



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