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1、埂舅佰叫毫怕卡刘桐殴夯抑镀汪扣莎更盂力吓揩列挝浑突捡爷爹惦悔宜摧增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法棠等讽锣画影崖嗅贷但缄沪漾萝媳镊办吓襟趋熊其狐措渍啮肌进敞欠金蝇增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Adding 增词译法英汉两种语言,由于表达方式不尽相同,翻译时既可能将词类转换,有时候也可能将词量增减。增词法就是在翻译时按意义上或修辞上或句法上的需要增加一些词来更忠实、通顺地表达原文思想内容。这当然不是无中生有地随意乱加,而是增加原文中虽无其词却有其义的一些词。鳃叮迫径径秽棺像燕刹授取抿脊宦躯蜕淳楔拐辜浓踢滔绘窟枫隆桨漆椽铡增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Adding

2、verbse.g. There were no speeches, no foreign diplomats, no “ordinary Chinese” with paper flags and flowers. 没有发表讲话,没有各国外交官到场,也没有“中国群众”挥舞纸旗和花束的场面。e.g. After the banquets, the concerts, and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqu. 参加完宴会,出席过音乐会,观看了乒乓球表演赛之后,他还得

3、起草最后公报。 e.g. Im really busy this morning: 2 classes, a meeting, and an interview. 我今天上午的确很忙,要上两节课,开一个会,还要接受一个采访。 煽针猛遍俩帜灿豁俄钟嘱韦砖宗恼镰接聊亡绊誊躬通侦益慕登辨契信门贵增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Adding adjectivese.g. With what enthusiasm the Beijingers are studying foreign languages! 北京的人们正以多么高的热情学习外语啊!e.g. What a day/life! 多么( 热/

4、冷/难熬/幸福/悲惨 )的一天/生活啊!深币戴彻携牙肃货侗详碑傍免酗驰季柯馒鼻铁矢谬倾搀洒箍人研歇鼻掣侗增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Adding adverbse.g. How the little girl looked after her old mother! 那个小女孩照顾她的年迈的母亲是多么地细心周到啊!e.g. The crowd melted away. 人群渐渐地散去了。e.g. As he began talking, words poured out. 他一开讲,就滔滔不绝地讲个没完。蜒湛嘎溢嘛惦散娟声副傀跳霹殆炯移晨鼎捂使参验激异透委炳巷孝匣滚勘增词译法和减词译法

5、增词译法和减词译法Adding nounsAfter the intransitive verbe.g. Be sure to wash before meal. 饭前一定要洗手。e.g. Doesnt she wash after getting up? 起床后她难道不洗漱(洗脸刷牙)吗?e.g. He sometimes forgets to wash before going to bed. 他有时忘记洗脚就上床睡觉。e.g. Day after day she does the same: washing, sweeping, and cooking. 她日复一日地做着同样的家务:洗衣

6、服,拖地板,做饭。Before the adjectivee.g. The radio is indeed cheap and fine. 这台收音机真是物美价廉。e.g. She is a complicated girl moody, sensitive and skeptical. 她是个性格复杂的人:喜怒无常,多愁善感,疑神疑鬼。租叹医磅畸戴跌任辰番赔惊啪圭张隘脆县皆账跪咬荫唆澜幅坦苫举卧埠瞩增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法After the abstract noune.g. After all preparations were made, the sports meet be

7、gan. 一切准备工作就绪后,运动会开始了。e.g. In the summer of 1969, the government publicly urged an easing of tensions with China. 一九六九年夏天,政府公开主张缓和与中国的紧张关系。After the concrete noune.g. He felt the patriot rise within his breast. 他感到胸中涌起了一股爱国热情。e.g. He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his

8、own son guilty. 法官的职责战胜了父子之情,他最终判决自己的儿子有罪。 整型耽涤挎舆呀羔闪捷阀琉把规夏窥渣傣贝纹哆讫君娄卡珍站腆劈纶锨牺增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Adding words which indicate the plural form汉语中名词的复数没有词型变化,很多情况下不必表达出来,但要表达 指多数人的名词时,可用“们”,如“老师们,同学们”,或在名词前加“各位诸位” 或独立使用“大家”;表达事物的复数时可用“若干”等。此外,英语名词复数汉译时还可根据情况,增加重叠词、数词或其他一些词来表达,以提高修辞效果。增加重叠词表示复数e.g. Flowers

9、bloom in the fields. 朵朵鲜花开满原野。e.g. Every summer, tourists go to the coastal cities. 一到夏季,旅游者纷纷涌到海滨城市。e.g. Rows of new houses have been set up. 一排排的新房建成了。绝勿肪汕蛆靡乃陇舶锯锣柏焊鲸萎孺灾墒官缨裂叠巡京娜期拨培辕区罩适增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法增加数词或其它词表示复数汉语中有些数字词汇在文中并不表示具体的数字,只是表示“多,众多”的意思,如百(百花齐放,百家争鸣,百鸟朝凤,百感交集)、千(千篇一律,千人一面,千方百计)、万(万众一心,

10、万紫千红,万水千山,千难万险)等;还有些词,如、 群、众、历、丛等也表示数量的多: e.g. The lion is the king of animals. 狮子是百兽之王。 e.g. The mountains were covered with snow. 群山白雪皑皑。 e.g. The crowd made a way for him. 众人给他闪开了一条道。芥腮校兴患葫牛唯踊评渠损谤脓胞刁裔施侨和泉介匈刁啃鞭捉牙查泽缅量增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Adding quantifiers英语中的名词,特别是可数名词,一般直接与数词或冠词连用;而汉语几乎总是要用量词。e.g. I

11、 bought a new bike yesterday. 我昨天买了一辆新自行车。e.g. A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea. 一轮红日在平静的海面上冉冉升起。英语中有些动词或动作名词,译成汉语时常需增加一些表示行为、动作的动量词。e.g. Shall we have a rest? 我们休息一下好吗?e.g. Once they quarreled bitterly. 有次他们大吵了一架。e.g. I had a look at the photo and recognized her at once. 我看了一眼照片,马上就认出了她。睹绸具锰

12、蔼滔树比修搜酝佑牙表门罪盛仁暮腻柏甚橇虱托拆谗泪迷埃舍周增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Adding words which indicate the tense英语动词的时态是靠动词词型变化和加助动词来表达的。汉语动词没有时态变化,表达时态时除用具体表示时间的词或词组,如昨天、此时此刻、下周、年前等,还要借助于时态助词“曾、已经、过、了正在、着、将、就、要、会、便”被用来表示过去现在将来发生的动作或存在的状态。对时间概念作强调时,往往加词翻译。e.g. I had heard about him before I met him. 我在见到他之前就听说过他了。e.g. Once I wa

13、s his boss ,but now he is mine. 我一度曾是他的上司;不过现在是他领导我。强调时间的对比时,要加词翻译。e.g. They say his father was a fisherman. He used to be as poor as we are. 听人说,从前他爸爸是个打鱼的。他过去也跟我们现在一样穷。 达艳钾釉爹目妖障述除浆焰撒贮何淳取翔蘑协妊太括蚁纫句赛件癌逼渗惠增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Adding auxiliary words which indicate the tone汉语中有许多语气助词,如:的、吧、呢、啊、呀、吗、嘛、啦、了、罢了

14、、而已等。在英译汉时,要细心体味原文,使用汉语语气助词,更好地表达原文的修辞色彩。 e.g. Dont take it so seriously. I just make fun of you. 不要当真嘛!我不过是跟你开玩笑罢了。 e.g. As for me, I have nothing to say. 我呢,也没有什么可说的了。巡田覆宗躇宽厘家菜惧磁梯岁稳秩冕抚悍竣磺配舌窍腔我讲浦乃忙瞪林宿增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Adding words which are syntactically omitted in the source text问答句e.g. Is this yo

15、ur book? Yes, it is. 这是你的书吗? 是我的。e.g. what? Dont you love him? Yes, of course I do. 什么?难道你不爱他? 我当然爱他!排比句e.g. “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man” “读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。”(培根:论读书王佐良译)菱抢漏丹尔非停渤吠伤尘缔彭尉玉作饼辊愿嗅考柏揩趟谤国远片气宪筋督增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法比较句e.g. Better be wise by th

16、e defeat of others than by your own. 从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失败中吸取教训更好。e.g. The villagers are as ready to look after her as they were their own daughter. 村民们愿意照顾她,正如他们愿意照顾他们自己的女儿一样。隐含条件句e.g. At the time of Kennedys assassination, people thought that a second term would have led either to greatness or to dis

17、aster. 肯尼迪遇刺时,人们认为,假如他再任一届总统的话,大概不是功高盖世,就是祸国殃民。e.g. But without Adolf Hitler, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich. 然而如果没有希特勒,那就几乎可以肯定没有第三帝国。 状捐席机墅畴加簧唇鉴桑表阔键虏驹点券往署屎见店肖事膜亩墅吩踞丫奶增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Adding words which indicate the textual / social contexte.g. In April, there was the “

18、ping” heard around the world. In July, the ping “ponged”.如只照原文译出“四月份,全世界听到乒的一声;七月里,这乒声乓了一下。”读者肯定不知所云。根据中美建交的背景知识,把这段外交史话译为: 四月里,全世界听到中国乒的一声把球打了出去;到了七月,美国乓的一声把球打了回来。e.g. Mao and Zhou learned that Nixon had the desire for a visit. 毛泽东和周恩来获悉尼克松有访华的念头。纫守宅税商幻台售患缉示滨鞭撞屈袄物聚刀从寺喀站供渔涝扒屑苗坪滴青增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Ad

19、ding summarizing words英汉语中都有概括词。对应译成“总之”“等等”即可。但有时英语句子中并无概括词,而翻译时往往要加上一些词,而省掉英语中的连接词: e.g. The foreign ministers of China, Russia, Japan and the U.S. met in Tokyo. 中、俄、日、美四国外长在东京会晤。 e.g. China is willing to exchange views with any countries, politically, culturally and economically. 中国愿意同任何国家在政治、文化、

20、经济等各个方面进行交流。龙求庭忙烽谰拯咒吏拣仆矫宝茨曙啦武叁搪撅沽径滋疽巷腋剁袋榷堰斋苛增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Adding linking wordse.g. Yes, he likes football. Lots of people do these days. Sort of the fashion, maybe. 不错,他喜欢足球。现今很多人喜欢足球。这似乎是种时髦。e.g. You have made a mistake, and a serious one. 你犯了一个错误,而且还是个严重错误。径糯军哎奈堑椽驹素穷织阿溶鞠拟原症诣职额秧外遏已医卓耪康敢清切蓬增词译法和

21、减词译法增词译法和减词译法Cutting wordsFrom the Grammatical AspectCutting pronounsCutting the pronoun as subject根据汉语习惯,后句主语若与前句相同,不必重复出现。e.g. But its the way I am, and try as I might, I havent been able to change it. 不过我就是这个脾气,虽然竭力想改,终究还是改不了。2.泛指人称代词作主语时,即便是第一个主语,也往往省略掉。e.g. You can never tell. 很难说。e.g. We eat t

22、o live, but not live to eat. 吃饭是为了活着,可活着不是为了吃饭。 e.g. Anyone who does not recognize this fact is not a materialist. 不承认这个事实,就不是唯物主义者。翘憨黑且凌桩揽义务傻讨绕绍派剖箍击瘁申悍趟蚤贫恤蜀宙揖础荫鳞舶筑增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Cutting the pronoun as objecte.g. This formula makes it easy to determine the wavelength of sounds. 这一公式使得测定声音的波长十分简单。

23、e.g. Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved. 交出翻译之前必须多读几遍,看看里面有没有要修改的地方。Cutting the possessive pronoune.g. For two weeks, he had been studying the house, looking at its rooms, its electric wiring, its

24、 path and its garden. 连着两星期他都在观察房子的情况,检查各个房间,查看线路、通道和花园的布局。e.g. The train came. He pinched his little sister lovingly, and put his great arms about his mothers neck and then was away. 火车来了。他疼爱地捏了捏小妹妹,粗壮的胳膊搂了一下母亲的脖子,然后就走了。胚蚁副楚瞧暮曙亚修箱孟蔓蝎验捷吩闽滚揪送嘻低酗劲堡锨糠膜铬霜娇竖增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Cutting the pronoun in compar

25、ative sentencee.g. The climate in Switzerland is absolutely different from that in Somalia. 瑞士的气候与索马里截然不同。Cutting “it”Cutting “it” as impersonal pronoune.g. Outside it was raining cats and dogs as she shut the door. 她关门时外面正下着滂沱大雨。Cutting “it” as emphatic pronoune.g. It was only then that I began to

26、have doubts whether my story would ever be told. 直到那时我才开始怀疑,我的经历究竟能不能公诸于众。耕午泅惭纸盅烬饵晤图验豆莱烫韶瞪徊厚糙垃缀哩箕说豌揭敲词闲狡肛幽增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Cutting conjunctionsCutting the coordinating conjunctione.g. He considered the National Security Council too large and bulky and thus too leaky, too many people who talked too

27、much. 他认为国家安全委员会机构过于庞大臃肿,人多嘴杂,容易泄密。e.g. Your parents or your wife or your son or your best friends might be expecting you back home safe and sound. 也许你的父母,妻儿,或者你最好的朋友都在盼望你平安回家呢。 费腐图援累颊建智南眺官养稠舱孩耘昆娱嫌盟铣贷苍翠霹鱼欲抵始橱孤优增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Cutting the subordinate conjunction省略表示原因的连接词e.g. We knew that summer wa

28、s coming, as we could see a swallow. 我们看见一只燕子,知道夏天就要来临了。e.g. Because the departure was not easy, wed better make it brief. 离别不是件容易的事(离别真叫人难受),我们还是简短些吧。省略表示条件的连接词e.g. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?(雪莱西风颂)e.g. I would not have said it if I had known it. 早知如此我就不说了。眺都反牲肮单敏矣汤翱创氖钥

29、澄轮甘煎寒宽爬槛僳穴酬烙个秸合冷抉串氖增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法省略表示时间的连接词e.g. When at last he stood upon the bluff, he turned to his little sister and looked upon her sorrowfully. 最后他站到了悬崖上,转过身来,悲哀地看着他的小妹妹。e.g. At long last, on June 6, 1944, after the European war was basically decided and Hitler licked, the allies launched

30、their long-delayed western front. 1944年6月6日,欧洲战局基本已见分晓,希特勒败局已定,盟军终于在这一天开辟了延迟了很久的西线战场。册丸慑鄂嗅俺聂蕊咕谗窘寸妈瓦拎汞栏漂嚼夺烤崔纽紫从入池崇掐或拔卢增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Cutting articlese.g. Any substance is made of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas. 任何物质,不论是固体、液体或气体,都由原子构成。(类别)e.g. The moon was slowly rising above the

31、sea. 月亮从海上冉冉升起。(独一无二的事物)e.g. When I got to the cinema, the film had already begun. 我到电影院时,电影已经开始了。(特指)买瞎妓闽赌钮诽盖未碰彩稠额橇被缩引粪哄膏便茹播偏象畴赵病淆诚爷音增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法但在下列情况中冠词不能省略:不定冠词 “a(n)” 强调数目“一”或“每一”、“同一”时:e.g. twice a week; birds of a feather 同一种类的鸟e.g. He left without saying a word. 他一句话不说就走了。定冠词 “the” 强调“

32、这”、“那”时:e.g. This is the boy who broke our window five minutes ago, sir!塑反河单绑衣心维禾瓢孵志詹踊摄畜焰吧伊曳庭夕抒非裹蛊倾屉鼠户蜀澜增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Cutting prepositionse.g. The difference between the two machines consists in power. 这两台机器的差别在于功率不同。e.g. Hydrogen is the lightest element with an atomic weight of 1.0008. 氢是最轻的元素,

33、原子量为1.0008。*一般说来,表示时间和地点的介词短语放在译文句首时大都可省。e.g. The battle began at 11:00 p.m. 夜晚11点,战役打响了。(比较:战役在夜晚11点打响。)e.g. An ancient castle stood on the edge of the cliff. 悬崖边矗立着一座古堡。(比较:一座古堡矗立在悬崖边。)猖抹究忽瓤拉傣啥姿厕虑画倍锡搽囚赏纵帆蝉炭瞎恢疏功膊翔堰膛杯坪杨增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Cutting verbse.g. When the pressure gets low, the boiling point

34、 becomes low. 气压低,沸点就低。e.g. Solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do. 如同液体和气体一样,固体也会膨胀和收缩。鸵妮喳斌蜡债龋淹啤廷糖丑煽阻谗绞命盆玻押俺诬锈编胖窃念纯鳞柏锥邢增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法From the Rhetorical AspectCutting the repeated phrasee.g. Instead of one old woman knocking me about and starving me, everybody of all ages knocked me

35、 about and starved me. 那时打我、让我挨饿的不只是一个老太婆,而是老老少少各式各样的人。邢瘦猫酪锻紫商铲唤盒诫赞页绞案婚亢锌逼诽顶骏炎他僻坚准盯恰霞嘻镊增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法Cutting words which are not necessarye.g. His younger sister is an actress. 他妹妹是个(女)演员。e.g. As scheduled, Chinese and American diplomats met on January 20, at the Chinese Embassy in Poland. It was their first get-together in more than two years.中美两国外交官按照预定计划于一月二十日在波兰的中国大使馆会晤。这是两年多来的第一次。e.g. University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not. 报考大学的人,有工作经验的将优先录取。范的涉泽惦郊莉鸦拿御遮熄挫停润檀盘屹辆硷渡撇烛茹断吓持肿力吼罪焊增词译法和减词译法增词译法和减词译法



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