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1、.关键词语选择关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到五个句子。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。.短对话理解短对话理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。( C C )11.11.Whats the girl looking for? ABooks. BNewspapers. CDictionaries.( C C )12.12.How does the man like the food at Qius Restaur

2、ant? AIts delicious but expensive. BIts terrible and expensive. CIts delicious and cheap.( B B )13.13.Where does Mr.Wang live? ANext to the train station. BNext to the TV station. CNear the bus stop.( A A )14.14.What are they going to buy? AA map. BA magazine. CA pen.( A A )15.15.Wheres the shoe sto

3、re? AIts next to the drugstore. BIts next to the clothes store. CIts behind the clothes store.长对话理解长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第16至17小题。 ( A A )16.16.Where is the science museum? AOn the Fifth Street. BAcross from the zoo. COn the Sixth Stre

4、et.( B B )17.17.How far is the science museum from here? AAbout thirty minutes walk. BAbout thirty minutes bus ride. CAbout thirty minutes bike ride.听下面一段对话,回答第18至20小题。( B B )18.18.Where does the woman want to go? ATo the cinema. BTo the post office. CTo the museum.( C C )19.19.How will she get ther

5、e? ABy bus. BBy car. COn foot.( C C )20.20.How long does it take her to get there? AAbout 5 minutes. BAbout 10 minutes. CAbout 15 minutes.短文理解短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。( A A )21.21.When did Monica go to the shopping center with her mother? AOn Sat

6、urday. BOn Sunday. COn Friday.( C C )22.22. How long did they spend buying clothes and other things? AOne hour. BOne hour and a half. CMore than two hours. ( B B )23.23.What is Monicas favorite color? ABlue. BOrange. CYellow.( B B )24.24.What was the scarf made of? ACotton. BSilk. CWool.( C C )25.25

7、.What can we know from the passage? AThe shopping center was far from Monicas home. BMonicas mother bought herself an orange scarf. CThey bought a pair of sports shoes for Monicas brother.信息转换信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。Tims busy weekendOn SaturdayIn the morning,

8、he got up at 26. 9:00 / nine .After a quick breakfast, he began to do his homework. In the afternoon, he read a book about 27._history_ in the library.In the evening, he played computer games with his 28._cousin_ .On SundayIn the morning, he played 29._basketball_ with his friends.In the afternoon,

9、he watched a 30._movie_ with his parents.单项填空单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( B B )31.31.Could you please tell me how to get to Anhui Hall of Fame(安徽名人馆)? Sorry,Im a _here. Aworker Bstranger Cguide Dteacher( A A )32.32.Is _ difficult for us to pass the exam? Ait Bthat Co

10、ne Dthis( D D )33.33.Will Liu Ying come to school today? I dont know.But I also want to know _ Athat she will come to school today Bwhether will she come to school today Chow will she come to school today Dif she will come to school today( C C )34.34.The teacher always uses a story or game to _ his

11、new lesson. Alead in Bleading Clead in to Dleading in to( B B )35.35.Im sorry to_you,but can you help me? With pleasure. Arush Btrouble Cmail Ddiscover( A A )36.36.Could you tell me _? Of course,last night. Awhen you reached Hefei Bwhen did you reach Hefei Chow you came to China Dhow did you come to

12、 China( C C )37.37.I dont know when _ next week.Please call me when he arrives. Awill he arrive Bdoes he arrive Che will arrive Dhe arrives( C C )38.38.What do you think of the subway? Its _ Ainexpensive Bdelicious Cconvenient Dbeautiful( D D )39.39.My time in the middle school was one of _ periods

13、of my life. Aexciting Bmore exciting Cthe more exciting Dthe most exciting( B B )40.40.I dont know _ he will come tomorrow. Dont worry._ he comes,Ill tell you. Aif;Whether Bwhether;If Cthat;If Dwhen;Whether( D D )41.41.Its reported that Chinese_more than 40 minutes a day on WeChat? Its true.But I th

14、ink it takes too much of our time. Atake Bcost Cpay Dspend( B B )42.42.What clothes shall I wear on your birthday party? There is no need to _,come as you are. Aput up Bdress up Ccome up Dring up( B B )43.43.I dont know difference between the two words.I really dont know _ Awhat to choose Bwhich to

15、choose Cto choose which Dto choose what( D D )44.44.Can anyone suggest_to go for lunch? Awhy Bwhat Cwho DWhere( B B )45.45.Excuse me.Could you tell me _ the man over there is? Im not sure.Maybe he is between 30 and 35. Ahow much Bhow old Chow many Dhow long.完形填空完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所

16、给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。A A In many countries, people travel by car or by plane.They also _4646_ buses or trains to travel around. However,it is _4747_ to build roads in some parts of the world.So in these places,people have to use animals or other means of _4848_ It is difficult to walk in the snow

17、but _4949_ to ski over it.So in places like Alaska,people _5050_ skis to get around._5151_ they want to go faster,they order dogs to pull them on sleds(雪橇)Riding a snowmobile is a cool _5252_ expensive way of getting around on snow. In deserts like the Sahara in North Africa,people _5353_ get around

18、 by using camels (骆驼) Camels can_5454_ water in their bodies. They can live _5555_ water for two weeks and without food for up to one month.So for people who living in deserts,camels are their good friends.( B B )46.46.A.cost Btake Cleave Dpick ( C C )47.47.A.important Bnecessary Cimpossible Dpossib

19、le( A A )48.48.A.transportation Bcommunication Cinvention Dattention( D D )49.49.A.cheap Bsmart Cserious Deasy( B B )50.50.A.treat Buse Crequest Dreview( B B )51.51.A.Though BIf CUnless DUntil( C C )52.52.A.nor Bas Cbut Dor ( C C )53.53.A.cant Bneednt Chave to Dmight( A A )54.54.A.keep Bforget Clive

20、 Ddrop( D D )55.55.A.from Bfor Cof DwithoutB B Once there was a man who was rude.What he _5656_ most was when people were polite to each other,saying things like “please” and “thank you” The man spent a lot of time inventing a machine which could steal words. With this machine,he planned to steal “p

21、lease”,“thank you” and similar words. He thought that _5757_ would notice if these words disappeared. After he turned on his machine,people would open their mouths,planning to say polite things,but nothing would come out.All those words ended up inside the _5858_.Just as the man had hoped,nothing ha

22、ppened. It looked like people didnt need to be _5959_.However,after a while,people found that everyone was _6060_ and argued over little things. There were two special girls.They were deaf,_6161_ they had to communicate by sign language. Because the machine couldnt steal gestures(手势),these girls con

23、tinued being polite.Soon,they realized what had been happening to everyone else. They found out about the man and his _6262_. They decided to stop the machine and _6363_ an idea. The girls began being polite to each other. The machine tried very hard,but it couldnt _6464_ those words.Finally,it expl

24、oded(爆炸)All the letters it had gathered flew into the sky.These letters started coming down,like rain._6565_ that,everyone was polite again.The anger and the arguments stopped. It made people realize the importance of being polite.( A )56.A.hated Bliked Chelped Dthought( B )57.A.somebody Bnobody Can

25、ybody Deverybody( A )58.A.machine Bhand Cbag Dbox( C )59.A.healthy Bclever Cpolite Drelaxed( D )60.A.outgoing Bexcited Cpolite Dangry( C )61.A.but Bif Cso Dbecause( B )62.A.dream Bplan Cchild Dfriend( D )63.A.paid attention to Blooked forward to Ccaught up with Dcame up with( C )64.A.create Bwrite C

26、steal Dteach( B )65.A.Before BAfter CBehind DBelow.补全对话补全对话 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。.阅读理解阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。A A You speak,write a letter,make a telephone.Your words carry a message.People communicate with words. Do you think you

27、 can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you put up your hands in class,the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head,and people know you are saying “No”You nod(点头)

28、and people know you are saying “Yes”Other things can also carrymessages. For example,a sign at the bus helps you to know which bus to take.A sign on the door helps you to know where to go in or out.Have you ever thought that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them

29、 all the time?People can communicate in many other ways.Books are written to tell about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books,magazines,TV,radio and films all help us communicate with others.They can help us to know what is going on in the world and what

30、other people are thinking about.( B B )71.71.People communicate_ . Awith words only Bin many different ways Cin letters and drawings Dwith smiles,tears and hands( D D )72.72.Signs can carry as many _as words. Aquestions Bexamples Ctears and smiles DMessages( C C )73.73.Which of the following is NOT

31、talked in the passage as which can help us communicate? ABooks and magazines. BTV and films. CNewspapers. DRadio.( A A )74.74.Communication is important because it can help you to_ Aunderstand the world and the people around you Bteach each other to speak,write,read and draw Cknow what other people

32、are thinking about Dunderstand what is happeningSide A No.293083Student Bus CardName: LilianFrom: April 1st, 2018To: June 30th, 2018Price: 180College: University of Chichester Not valid (有效的) for travel unless its used in the bus companies of Stagecoach,Season,Goldrider and Busabout in the UK.Side B

33、 No.293083Thank you for traveling with If the card is found,please return to any Stagecoach driver.( C C )75.75.The card is used for_ Ataking a taxi Btraveling by train Ctaking a bus Dentering the college( B B )76.76.Lilian is_ Aa bus driver Ba university student Ca teacher in a college Da middle sc

34、hool student( D D )77.77.The card can be used in any of the four_ Acities Bcolleges Cuniversities Dcompanies( D D )78.78.According to the reading material,if you find a lost card,you can _ Asell it Bphone Lilian Cuse it for traveling Dgive it back to any Stagecoach driverC C Your school has planned

35、a visit to Lions Nature Education Center.It opened in 1991 on what was once a government farm in Sai Kung.Both the government and the Lions Club own it now.Here is what you should know about the center.Please read it. Aims Aims The aim of the center is to show visitors everything to do with rural Ho

36、ng Kong in the country. We also hope to educate people about the environment. For this reason,its really a popular place for school trips and outings. Facilities Facilities(设施) The center has a large number of indoor and outdoor facilities and exhibitions.The outdoor facilities include a garden,vege

37、table fields and a place where trees are grown for study.Indoor exhibition halls provide different kinds of plants,fishes and other things from land or sea.The Farmers Market is open at weekends. Rules for visitorsRules for visitors Wear proper clothes,shoes and hats. Bring some water and food,but t

38、ake your rubbish away with you. Do not break any natural appearance or plants,and do not make the water dirty. Care for other visitors and wildlife,and do keep quiet wherever you go. Opening hoursOpening hours We are open daily from 9:30 am.to 5:00 pm.Exhibition halls are open from 9:30 am.to 4:30 p

39、m.The center is closed every Tuesday. Address: Hirams Highway, Sai Kung Phone: 27922234 Website: http:/ B B )79.79.You can visit Lions Nature Education Center _ Ain the city center Bat Hirams Highway Con a government farm Dinside the exhibition halls( D D )80.80.In the center,visitors can learn abou

40、t _ Arural clothes and shoes Bdifferent kinds of seafood Coutdoor lions in nature Dthe environment around us( C C )81.81.Before your school go to the center,you should tell them _ Anot to visit the Farmers Market Bnot to make a noise or wear hats Cto care for the wildlife and other visitors Dto look

41、 for rubbish and take it away( D D )82.82.Lions Nature Education Center is closed _ Aat weekends Bafter 4:30 pm. Cduring weekdays Dbefore 9:30 am.D D Welcome to the Art Museum! Youve just stepped into one of the worlds greatest collections of art,covering centuries of human creativity from around th

42、e world. With thousands of works on show,you may wonder how to start your visit,but we are here to help. On the back of this Visitor Guide,youll find directions to some mustsee works in our collectionthe “dont miss” list for the Art Museum.Its a great choice to start if you are new to the museum. Th

43、e following pages include a clear floor plan of the museum and its collections.But because we have several buildings, the overlook(鸟瞰图) below might be helpful.Enjoy your visit and feel free to ask for help and directions at any point during your stay.( C C )83.83.The passage is a page from _ Aa tour

44、 map Ba newspaper Ca visitor guide Da picture book( B B )84.84.What can we see in the “dont miss” list for the Art Museum? ASome free paintings. BSome mustsee works. CSome new collections. DSome museum buildings.( D D )85.85. How many parts does the overlook of the museum include? ATwo BThree. CFour

45、. DFive.( A A )86.86. Which part of the museum shows Chinese art? AThe “Bridge”. BRice Building. CThe Modern Wing. DMckinlock Court.( B B )87.87. Where can we see the special artworks? AOn all floors of Rice Building. BOn the second floor of Rice Building. COn the first floor of Michigan Avenue Buil

46、ding. DOn the lower floor of Michigan Avenue Building.阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。E E English has some apologetic terms(表示歉意的用语)It seems that they mean the same thing they almost do.However,whats the difference between “Pardon”“Im sorry”“Excuse me”and“What”? PardonPardon Americans dont really use

47、 “Pardon”If you do, they will probably joke that youre trying to sound pretentious (炫耀的) or joke that youre British. Im sorry Im sorry We often use “Im sorry” for past events. Thats to say, it is generally used to apologize for something you have already done.For example,if you step on someones foot

48、 on a crowded bus,you would say“Im sorry” or“Sorry” Excuse meExcuse me This is generally a term to ask permission(允许) for something.For example,youre walking through a crowded space and someone is in your way.You would say “Excuse me” to ask him to move out of your way. What What Americans usually u

49、se it to ask someone to repeat himself.If you want to be more polite, you could say,“Im sorry,what was that?”or“Excuse me,what did you say?” or any other such thing. Most Americans will just say “What?” though. In our daily life,we can also use these terms by mixing them up.You could,for example,ask

50、 someone to move by saying “Sorry,would you mind moving?”Its an extrapolite way to make your request.单词拼写单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。9191Do you know if there is an undergroundnderground_ (地下的) parking lot nearby? 9292Tom went to the doctor yesterday, and the doctor suggested

51、uggested_ (建议) that he should not eat too much sugar.9393The Fun Water Amusement Park lies in the centralentral_ (中心的) part of the city.9494That church is ten miles in the opposite directionirection_ (方向)95.95. Anna, come here.Please sit besideeside_ (在旁边) me.书面表达书面表达 (共1小题;满分25分) 地震专家Mrs.Jones接受你校学

52、生会邀请,将在本周星期五下午三点半来你校开展题为“What Should You Do When an Earthquake Happens”的讲座。假如你是学生会主席李刚,请你给Mrs.Jones 发一封电子邮件告诉她如何乘车到你校。80词左右。 提示:乘坐4路公共汽车到中山路下,过马路一直往前走,在第一个十字路口向左拐过去后会看见右边有书店,你们学校就在书店的旁边。Dear_Mrs.JonesDear_Mrs.Jones,_ We_are_very_glad_that_you_accepted_our_ We_are_very_glad_that_you_accepted_our_invi

53、tation.Now_let_me_tell_you_how_to_get_invitation.Now_let_me_tell_you_how_to_get_to_our_school.Take_the_No.4_busto_our_school.Take_the_No.4_bus,get_off_at_ get_off_at_ Zhongshan_RoadZhongshan_Road,and_cross_the_street.Keep_ and_cross_the_street.Keep_ going_and_turn_left_at_the_first_crossing.going_an

54、d_turn_left_at_the_first_crossing.You_will_see_a_bookstore_on_your_right.Our_You_will_see_a_bookstore_on_your_right.Our_school_is_right_next_to_it.Ill_be_expecting_school_is_right_next_to_it.Ill_be_expecting_you_to_come_at_3you_to_come_at_3:10_at_the_school_gate. 10_at_the_school_gate. We_are_all_looking_forward_to_your_ We_are_all_looking_forward_to_your_ coming_ _coming_ _YoursYours,_LiLi_GangGang



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