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1、英语1.基础语法基础语法 (五)介词时间介词1Tim is going to give his father a surprise _ Fathers Day.(2016,青岛)Ain Bat Con Dby2(导学号:05472104)Youve been here _ a month.Dont you miss your parents?(2016,荆门)Yes,I plan to come back home _ a month.Ain,in Bafter,afterCfor,after Dfor,in3_ the exam,well say goodbye to our dear te

2、achers,classmates as well as our beautiful school.(2016,北海)AIn BFor CAfter DThroughCDC4When were you born?I was born _ a cold winter morning in 1994.Ain Bat Con Dof5What time do you usually go to school,Jack?_ about half past seven.(2015,盐城)AOn BIn CAt DFor方位介词6Could you tell me the way _ the railwa

3、y station?(2016,天津)Go along this road and soon youll find it.Aat Bto Cin DbetweenCDC7Maria is leaving for France soon by air.She will arrive _ Paris _ the morning of August 8th.(2016,营口)Aat,in Bin,on Cin,in Dat,on8Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel?Go _ the post office,and youll f

4、ind it on the left.Apass Bpast Cto pass Dpassed9Cambridge is a small city _ the east of England.Abetween Bwith Cin DunderBBC10In the picture,the chair is _ the table.(2016,南京)Aunder BonCabove Dbeside其他介词11A good student connects what he reads _ what he sees around him.(2016,苏州)Afor Bwith Cin Don12Yo

5、u can buy almost everything _ the Internet,and its very easy.(2016,天津)Ainto Bfor Cat Don13Many young people put mobile games _ anything else,thinking little of their normal lives.(2016,广东)Aalong with Bbefore Cbehind Din front ofDBDB14Many cities in China,_ Beijing,have been deeply affected by dirty

6、air.Aincluding Bbehind Cwithout Dbeyond15How can we protect ourselves _ the earthquake?We should stay calm first.Awith Babout Cfor Dfrom16Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily _ the windows.(2015,杭州)Abelow Bacross Cbehind Dagainst17Welcome to our store.We have skirts _ all c

7、olors _ $16 each.(2015,烟台)Aat,in Bin,for Cat,at Din,inADDB分类例词表示时间in,at,on,between,since,for,during,until,till,by,from,to,by,before,past表示方位in,at,on,around,before,in front of,between,behind,beside,near,under,above,below,next to,among表示往返的方向to,towards,round,around,through,across,fromto,into,out of,of

8、f,along其他by,to,like,unlike,of,except,about,against,with,but,as,without特例清单1in通常用在世纪、年份、季节、月份、上午、下午、晚上等词前,但后面接时间段,意为“在之后”,用于将来时态;而after意为“在之后”,要用于一般过去时。如:Well be back in two days.我们两天后回来。After he heard that,he left quickly.听到那后,他迅速离开了。2for和since在表示时间时,一般用于完成时,for与时间段连用,since与时间点连用。如:She has worked th

9、ere for two years.She has worked there since two years ago.她在那上班两年了。3表示位置时,in表示某一小地点在另一大地点之内;on表示两个地点相互接壤;to则表示两个地点互不接壤,并有一定的距离。如:Taiwan is in the southest of China.台湾位于中国的东南部。Shandong is on the north of Henan.山东位于河南的北部。Japan lies to the east of China.日本位于中国东部。4between表示“在两者之间”,而among表示“在三者或三者以上之中”。

10、但当between用于三者或三者以上时,强调“两两之间”,侧重指人或物各自独立;而among强调彼此不分离。如:He is the taller one between them.他俩之间,他更高点。Mary is the tallest among the girls.在女孩中玛丽是最高的。5表示方位时,on表示一个物体的位置在另一个物体之上,两者的表面相接触;above表示一个物体比另一个物体所处的位置高,通常两个物体表面不接触;over表示“在的正上方”,强调在垂直的上方。如:My keys are on the floor.我的钥匙在地上。The light is right abov

11、e her head.灯正好在她头上。The bird is flying over the river.那鸟在河面上飞。6with,in,by三者都可以译为“用”,但用法不同:with表示用某种工具,所用的东西都是具体的物品;in表示某种材料、语言、声调等;by表示用某种方法或手段,多指使用某种交通工具。如:Can you say it in Chinese?你能用汉语说它吗?We see with eyes.我们用眼睛看。He goes to school by bike.他骑自行车上学。7besides和except都可译为“除之外”,但含义不同:besides表示“除以外,还有”,指在

12、整体中加入一部分,含义是肯定的;except表示“从整体中除去一部分”,含义是否定的。如:We all had fun besides him.除了他以外,我们玩得开心。(他也开心)We all had fun except him.除了他以外,我们玩得开心。(他不开心)8instead of意为“代替”,后面接名词、代词或动名词;而instead是副词,意为“代替,顶替”,在句子中作状语,后面不能接任何成分。如:Hell go abroad instead of his brother.他将代替他弟弟出国。Lets go to the zoo instead.让我们去动物园。9across和

13、through均可译为“从这一边到另一边”,但用法不同:across的含义与on有关,表示动作是在某一物体的表面进行的;而through的含义与in有关,表示动作是在三维空间进行的。如:Dont run across a street suddenly.不要突然横穿街道。She walked through the gate.她从大门走进来。18Who looked after your sick grandmother in hospital?(2016,鄂州)My father did that _He didnt want anybody elses help.Ain fact Bin

14、personCin total Din disagreement19Xiaogan is wellknown _ the culture of “Xiao”(2016,孝感)Ain Bfor Cat Don20(导学号:05472105)_ my surprise,Jin Ming was chosen into our school football team.Congratulations.He did well _ playing football when he was very young.I hope hell be the best player in our school.(2

15、015,黄冈)ATo,of BAt,atCTo,in DIn,aboutBCB21Jack,you seem to be _.Yes.Its 8:20 now and my train leaves in ten minutes.(2015,盐城)Ain a hurry Bin fearCin safety Din silence22I think drinking milk every morning is good _ our health.Yes.I agree _ you.(2015,咸宁)Ato,to Bwith,to Cat,with Dfor,with23The Dragon B

16、oat Festival is celebrated _ different ways _ the same time in different places every year.(2016,茂名)Aon,in Bin,at Con,atADB介词名词at home在家里;at school在学校;at night在晚上;at work在工作;at sea在大海上;at the same time同时;at times有时;at the moment在此刻;after a while过了一会;by the way顺便说;by the time到时候;by turns轮流;by mistake

17、错误地;in hospital住院;in the hospital在医院;in the end最后;in order to以便;in the daytime在白天;in time及时;in English用英语;in the future将来的某个时刻;in future(整个)将来;in fact事实上;on the way在路上;on show展出;on display陈列;on fire着火;on duty值日;on the other hand另一方面;on foot步行;on business出差;on board在船(飞机)上;on holiday在休假;on the teleph

18、one在接(打)电话;on time准时;on the left/right在左边/右边;on sale在出售;on watch值班;on the earth在地球上;with pleasure很乐意;with ones help在某人的帮助下be形容词介词be amazed at对感到惊讶;be angry with生(某人的)气;be afraid of害怕;be busy with忙于做;be good at擅长于;be excited about对感到兴奋;be kind to对和善;be interested in对感兴趣;be famous for因而著名;be late for迟

19、到;be popular with受欢迎;be pleased with对感到满意;be proud of对感到骄傲;be ready for为准备好;be satisfied with对满意;be worried about为担心动词介词agree with同意;ask for请求;begin with以开始;come from出生,来自;die of死于;get on/off上车/下车;fillwith用装;fall off从落下;hear from收到(某人)的信;hear of听说;look at看;go to bed去睡觉;go to school去上学;look for寻找;loo

20、k after照顾;listen to听;pay for付钱;point to指向;point at指着;send for派人去叫;talk about谈论;think about考虑;wait for等候;write to写信给;worry about担心;laugh at嘲笑;fall behind落在后面;knock at敲介词名词介词at the foot of在脚下;on the top of在顶端;in the middle of在中间;in the front of在前面;at the beginning of起初;by the end of到为止;at the age of在岁

21、时特例清单1in front of和in the front of只差一个定冠词the,但用法不同;前者意为“在的前面”,前后所指的内容不存在包含关系;而后者意为“在的前部”,前后所指的内容存在包含关系。如:She is sitting in the front of the hall.她坐在大厅前面。He is sitting in front of me.他坐在我前面。2in the tree和on the tree都可以译为“在树上”,但用法不同;前者in the tree一般指本身不是树上的事物,而后者on the tree一般指树上本身长的东西。如:There is a kite i

22、n the tree.树上有个风筝。There are some apples on the tree.树上有些苹果。3in the wall表示嵌在墙里,而on the wall表示在墙的表面。如:There is a hole in the wall.墙上有个洞。There is a map on the wall.墙上有一幅地图。4“在太阳下”用in the sun,“在某人的帮助下”用with ones help或with the help of sb.。如:Dont read in the sun.别在太阳下看书。With the teachers help,I got some progress.在老师的帮助下,我取得了一些进步。



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