高中英语 Unit5Inside advertising-Language points课件 新人教选修9

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1、LANGUAGE STUDY FOR LANGUAGE STUDY FOR READING IREADING IUse the words in the text to take the place of the words in red.1. This shop sells clothes of all kinds.2. Advertisements are everywhere in our daily lives.3. The teacher told us that the school would be closed for one day next week.garmentsadv

2、erts/adsinformed4.We have a desire to become respectable citizens.5.Only big companies can afford television ads.6.What is the cost of putting an ad on the Internet? worthycorporationsexpense7.Most shampoo products depend on an ad with good visual effects.8.Advertising cigarettes is not allowed in C

3、hina.9.Not all advertisers are honest.10.Ive known Ben for many years. He is worthy of trust.relybanneddecenttrustworthy1. come across = meet with 偶然遇见偶然遇见;偶然偶然发现。发现。我无意中在一本书的封面上看到他的名我无意中在一本书的封面上看到他的名字。字。 I came across his name on the cover of a book. 我刚才偶然碰到你的一个老同学。我刚才偶然碰到你的一个老同学。 Ive just come acr

4、oss one of your former classmates.more phrases sharing the same meaning with come across:run intobump into noticediscoverencounterEven some of the casual garments we wear have brand names attached to them which turn us into walking advertisements. 2. Analyse the sentence: which are attached to themw

5、alking: 移动的;活动的移动的;活动的1) 他是我们班的他是我们班的“活词典活词典”。He is the “walking dictionary” in our class.2) 要是你穿这么艳的衣服,很容易成为要是你穿这么艳的衣服,很容易成为“活靶子活靶子”。You would become a “walking target” if you dressed in such a bright color.3. 掌握掌握with +复合结构复合结构用用with+复合结构完成下列句子。复合结构完成下列句子。1. _( 心存梦想心存梦想) , he went to Hollywood.2.

6、The boy came running towards us _ (手手被绑在背后被绑在背后).With a dream in his heartwith his hands tied behind his back3. They pretended to be working hard all night _ (亮着灯亮着灯).4. _ (没有可以燃烧没有可以燃烧的东西的东西), the fire became weak and finally died out.5. _(作(作业完成后业完成后), we went to play basketball.with the lights on

7、With nothing to burnWith our homework over / finished4. inform = tell 通知通知 inform sb. (of/about sth.)她通知他们他已经到达。她通知他们他已经到达。She informed them of his arrival. inform (that clause)他们得到了儿子阵亡的通知。他们得到了儿子阵亡的通知。They were informed that their son was killed in battle.be well informed about sth. 精通某事;对某事消息灵通精通

8、某事;对某事消息灵通5. fit in / into 找到时间(见某人、做某事)找到时间(见某人、做某事);有足够空间(放);合得来;适应。;有足够空间(放);合得来;适应。我尽量午饭后抽时间见你。我尽量午饭后抽时间见你。Ill try and fit you in after lunch.我得在一个上午安排十次约见。我得在一个上午安排十次约见。I had to fit ten appointments into one morning.我们没有地方再摆更多的椅子了。我们没有地方再摆更多的椅子了。We cant fit in any more chairs.他过去从未干过这种工作,很难说他是他

9、过去从未干过这种工作,很难说他是否会与他人配合得好。否会与他人配合得好。Hes never done this type of work before; Im not sure how hell fit in with the other people.6. appeal to sb. 有吸引力,有感染力,引起兴趣有吸引力,有感染力,引起兴趣想到要在雨中久等使人扫兴。想到要在雨中久等使人扫兴。The prospect of a long wait in the rain did not appeal.设计得要雅俗共赏,老幼皆宜。设计得要雅俗共赏,老幼皆宜。The design has to a

10、ppeal to all ages and social groups.7. worthy观察下列句子中观察下列句子中worthy的用法的用法:His behavior is worthy of being praised.他的行为是值得表扬的。他的行为是值得表扬的。The film is worthy to be seen twice. 这部电影值得看两遍。这部电影值得看两遍。点拨点拨worthy 为形容词,意为为形容词,意为“有价值有价值的,值得的的,值得的”。联想联想worth 常作形容词,常作形容词,“有某种价值有某种价值的,值得的的,值得的”;worthwhile 形容词,形容词,“

11、值值得花时间、金钱或精力的得花时间、金钱或精力的”。拓展拓展 be worthy of sth. 值得(应得)某值得(应得)某事(物);事(物);be worthy to do 值得值得(配得上配得上)干某事;干某事;be worthy of being done 值得被做某事;值得被做某事;be worthy to be done 值得被做某事。值得被做某事。 同义词同义词worth的常用结构是的常用结构是be worth doing sth.或或be worth sth.; 而而worthwhile可以作定语。可以作定语。如:如:a worthwhile job 值得做的工作值得做的工作翻

12、译下列句子。翻译下列句子。1. They will prove worthy of the Partys trust.2. He is worthy to have a place in the team.他们不会辜负党对他们的信任。他们不会辜负党对他们的信任。他配得上成为该队的队员。他配得上成为该队的队员。8. be appropriate for sth. / to do sth.正式的聚会上穿牛仔裤不合适。正式的聚会上穿牛仔裤不合适。Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party.现在发表演讲是不是时候?现在发表演讲是不是时候?Is now an

13、 appropriate time to make a speech?9. rely on = depend on 依靠依靠,指望指望他们现在依靠自己了,这比以前要他们现在依靠自己了,这比以前要好得多。好得多。 They rely on themselves now, which is much better. 你不能指望他的帮助。你不能指望他的帮助。 You cant rely on him for assistance.10. have no use for sb. 讨厌讨厌人人我讨厌那些不努力的人。我讨厌那些不努力的人。 I have no use for people who dont

14、 make an effort. have no use for sth. 不需要不需要; 用不着用不着 11. over time 随着时间的推移随着时间的推移随着时间的推移随着时间的推移,失败的伤痛也会逐渐消失。失败的伤痛也会逐渐消失。 The pain of this failure will disappear over time. 起初他的父母不喜欢他的女朋友,但随着时起初他的父母不喜欢他的女朋友,但随着时间的流逝他们的看法渐渐发生变化。间的流逝他们的看法渐渐发生变化。At first his parents didnt like his girlfriend, but their

15、opinion has been changed over time. overtime (副词副词), 规定时间之外地规定时间之外地;超超时地时地 他最近老是加班。他最近老是加班。Hes been working overtime recently.1. Complete the summary of the reading passage using words from the text. educate; appeal; target; budget; media; expense. Answers:P45. Learning about language2. Complete the

16、 sentences using words from the box in their proper forms. 1) casual 2) basis 3) attach 4) worthy 5) association 6) corporation 7) refresh 8) conscience 9) garment 10) inform3. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.1) We are exposed _ hundreds of different advertisements every day. 2)

17、She is a remarkable woman who is worthy _ your admiration.toof3) If you keep copying everything she does, youll turn _ her one day.4) The police appealed _ the public for any information about the Murder. intoto5) You cannot rely _ him to arrive on time because he is always late for meetings.6) Youl

18、l soon fit _ your new job and start enjoying yourself.7) Please attach this label _ your suitcase.onintoto根据括号中的提示翻译下列句子。根据括号中的提示翻译下列句子。 1. 买完所有需要的东西后,我离开了那买完所有需要的东西后,我离开了那家超市。(家超市。(with的复合结构)的复合结构)2. 没完成作业,这个女孩不得不熬夜到没完成作业,这个女孩不得不熬夜到两点。(两点。(having done)Not having finished her homework, the girl had

19、to stay up until two oclock.With all the things that I needed bought, I left the supermarket.3. 煤燃烧时,产生很多热量。煤燃烧时,产生很多热量。(generate)4. 他们把会议决议通知了我们。他们把会议决议通知了我们。(inform)5. 我相信他刚才说的话一部分是真实的。我相信他刚才说的话一部分是真实的。(partly)I believe what he said just now is partly true.When coal burns, it generates a great deal of heat.They informed us of thedecisions made at the meeting.HOMEWORKFinish Ex 1, 2 & 3 on P85.



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