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1、2010201320102013河南中考英语真题河南中考英语真题考点总汇考点总汇马家乡一中马家乡一中 石雅楠石雅楠2010-20132010-2013年河南中考题型年河南中考题型题号题号一一二二三三四四五五六六七七题型题型听力理解听力理解单单项项选选择择完完形形填填空空阅阅读读理理解解词词语语运运用用补补全全对对话话书书面面表表达达第一节第一节第二节第二节第三节第三节对话问对话问答答对话对话或或独白独白短文短文理解理解题量题量201510201051分值分值20151040101015第一部分第一部分 听力听力 2020分分题题 号号内内 容容命题特点命题特点第一节第一节短对话短对话(5分分)

2、1、活动(、活动(what)2、地点、地点(where、going to )3、时间、时间(when)4、途径、途径(how) 5、数字、数字(价钱、年龄、数量)(价钱、年龄、数量)6、频率、频率(how often;how soon)7、人物(人物(who、whose)及人物关)及人物关系系 8、想法、情感、想法、情感 9、主题、主题 10、原因(原因(why)第二节第二节对话三段、对话三段、独白一段独白一段(10分分)第三节第三节短文配图或短文配图或活动排序活动排序(5分分)第二部分第二部分 单选单选 1515分分21222324252627282930313233343510冠冠不不定定

3、代代比比较较级级动动短短非非连连动动完完名名副副动动动动短短介介被被动动从从关关代代情情宾宾从从疑疑11冠冠反反身身代代名名连连动动过过进进情情动动短短介介比比较较级级被被动动动动短短非非从从关关代代动动完完感感叹叹宾宾从从疑疑12冠冠不不定定代代名名动动进进时时最最高高级级动动动动短短介介情情被被动动连连动动完完从从关关代代祈祈使使宾宾从从疑疑13冠冠动动名名动动过过时时比比较较级级情情动动进进时时被被动动介介动动短短不不定定代代从从关关代代连连祈祈使使宾宾从从疑疑20102013单选总体题型单选总体题型10动动五五从从二二冠冠 代代(不定)(不定) 形形(比较)(比较)名名连连情情介介副副

4、11动动五五从从二二冠冠 代代(反身)(反身) 形形(比较)(比较)名名连连情情介介感感叹叹12动动六六从从二二冠冠 代代(不定)(不定) 形形(最高)(最高)名名连连情情介介13动动六六从从二二冠冠 代代(不定)(不定) 形形(比较)(比较)名名连连情情介介15个单选题的考查内容:动、从、冠、代、名、介、个单选题的考查内容:动、从、冠、代、名、介、形、情形、情(可归为动词)、连(可归为从句)。可归为动词)、连(可归为从句)。21 22 23242526 27 2829 30 31 32 33 34 3510动动非非动动时时动动动动短短被被动动情情11动动时时情情动动短短被被动动动动非非动动时

5、时12动动时时动动动动短短情情被被动动动动时时13动动动动时时情情动动时时被被动动动动短短祈祈使使10131013年单选动词考察:年单选动词考察:动词考察:动词考察:l动词辨析动词辨析:(2011(2011年没有出现)年没有出现)2010:Rebuilding in Yushu began soon after the earthquake,and it will long into the future。A. reach B. keep C. stop D. last 2012: The internet is so closely connected with our daily life

6、. Can you a life without it? A. understand B. imagine C. consider D. expect 2013:If you want to change the world, you have to yourself first.A. enjoy B. check C. help D. changel动词短语动词短语:(考纲上的(考纲上的300个常见短语)个常见短语)2010:Karin found some waste paper on the floor. She it and threw it into the dustbin.A. p

7、ut; up B. pick; up C. turn; up D. looked; up2011:-Mom, can I leave my homework for tomorrow? -Im afraid not. Dont what you can do today till tomorrow.A. put on B. put down C. put up D. put off2012:-What smell terrible, Tom? -Im sorry. Ill my shoes and washthem at once. A. take away B. put away C. mo

8、ve away D. get away2013: a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself. A. Try on B. Get on C. Turn on D. Put onl非谓语动词非谓语动词(2012与与2013没有出现)没有出现)2010:Father often tells me too much time on computer games. A. dont spend B. not spend C. not to spend D. not spending2011:-Why

9、are you so excited? -Peter invited me on a trip to YuntaiMountain. A. to go B. go C. going D. wentl祈使句祈使句(2010与与2011没有出现)没有出现)2012: out your love. The world will become a nicer place to live in.A. Speak B. To speak C. Spoke D. Speaking2013:Do you want to be healthy? . Smiling can help you stay healt

10、hy.A. Smile B. Smiling C. To smile D. Smiledl情态动词情态动词(can may must 的多种态度表达及的多种态度表达及have to could might 的用法)的用法)2010: -Its such a long way! What shall I do? -you take my car if you want.A. will B. must C. may D. shall2011: you wait a few more minutes? Itll be your turn soon.A. Must B. Should C. Could

11、 D. Might2012:-Do you have any plans for this weekend? -Im not sure. I go climbing Mount Yuntai.A. must B. need C. may D. can2013:-Dad, must we wait until the light become green? -Yes, Im afraid we . Thats the traffic rule.A. Can B. may C. have to D. needl动词时态动词时态:(单选之重考点主要集中于现在进单选之重考点主要集中于现在进行时,一般过

12、去式,过去进行时,现在完成时)行时,一般过去式,过去进行时,现在完成时)2010:Joe, my close friend, moved to Beijing years ago, and I him since then. A. dont see B. didnt see C. havent see D. wont see2010: -Long time no see! -Ive just returned. I to Zhengzhou for a meeting last month. A. am sent B. was sent C. am sending D. was sending

13、 (该题二个考点一是时态二是被动)该题二个考点一是时态二是被动)2011:-I call you at 4:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered. -Sorry, I with my friends at that time.A. swim B. swam C. will swim D. was swimming2011:-Excuse me, where is Mr. Browns office? -Sorry, I dont know. I here for only a few days.A. work B. worked C. have

14、 worked D. will work2011:Soft drinks to children for free in some restaurants on Childrens Day. A. offer B. have offered C. are offered D. will be offered (该题重在两个考点一是时态,二是被动)该题重在两个考点一是时态,二是被动)2012. Can you answer the door, Jim? I _ the dishes. Im coming, dad.A. do B. did C. have done D. am doing2012

15、. Id like to introduce my best friend to you, peter. Thank you, Lucy. But we _ already. A. meet B. met C. will meet D. have met2012. Have you heard of Earth Day? Yes. The first Earth Day _ in 1970 to educate us to protect our planet. A. celebrates B. celebrated C. is celebrated D. was celebrated(该题两

16、考点一是时态一是被动该题两考点一是时态一是被动)2013: -what the noise? -Sorry, I broke my glass.A. is B. was C. has been D. will be2013:-Hey, Tom. Lets go swimming. -Just a moment. I a message.A. send B. sent C. am sending D. have sent2013:-Excuse me. Im looking for Be the Best of Yourself. -Sorry. The book you ask for out

17、.A. is selling B. is sold C. was selling D. will be(该题一考时态二考被动)(该题一考时态二考被动)PS:被动的考察主要集中于一般现在时与一般过去被动的考察主要集中于一般现在时与一般过去时,详见动词时态中每年的最后一题时,详见动词时态中每年的最后一题10131013年单选从句考察:年单选从句考察:21 22232425 26 27 28 29 3031 32 33 34 3510状状连连关关代代宾宾从从11状状连连关关代代宾宾从从12状状连连关关代代宾宾从从13关关代代状状连连宾宾从从从句考察:从句考察:l连词连词:(状语从句的连接词多考察(状

18、语从句的连接词多考察though unless because when及及besides的区分)的区分)2010: its difficult to make her dream come true, she never gives up.A. Though B. Unless C. Because D. If2011:you wont feel happy at school you get on well with your classmate.A. though B. when C. unless D. because2012:we should give the boy anothe

19、r chance he has made some mistakes.A. though B. when C. unless D. because2013:-George,how can you prove the earth is round? -I cant, sir. , I never said it was.A. Then B. However C. Besides D. Insteadl关代-从句引导词(关系代词考察以关系代词考察以who whom whose what which 的区分为重点)的区分为重点)2010:Friends are those make you smil

20、e, always open their harts to you and encourage you to succeed.A. which B. what C. whom D. who2011:Tony, tell me the result of the discussion you had with your dad yesterday.A. what B. which C. when D. who2012:Success will belong to those neversay “impossible”.A. whom B. What C. who D. which2013:A f

21、riend is someone says, “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”A. who B. which C. what D. whosel宾语从句宾语从句(宾语从句主要考察从句语序、前后句时态(宾语从句主要考察从句语序、前后句时态及引导词)及引导词)2010:Some of my friends are interested in science, but none of them can tell .A. when UFOs will appear next time B. why do horses know the way

22、C. where was this kind of plant foundD. how do elephants communicate 2011: I didnt see Laura at the party last night.Do you know ?A. why didnt she come B. what happenedC. when would she arrive D. where she has been2012:My pen pal from America is coming to visit me. Im thinking about .A. what present

23、 did I give her B. how I will give her a surpriseC. where will we have a big mealD. whether I planned a trip for her2013:-Miss Lee, I didnt catch what you said. Could you tell me again? -Ok.A. what should we take B. where shall we meetC. When we should start D. how we will get there 2010.:-Shall we

24、pay visit to Expo 2010,Shanghai? -No,Id rather stay at home and play football A a; the B the;a C不填,the D a,不填2011:What do you want to be in the future,Nick? I want to be_ pilot. It is _exciting job.A. a;a B. a;an C. the;an D. a;the2012:Would you like _red dress as a birthday present , Mary? Sorry, m

25、om. I prefer _orange one.A. an; an B. a; a C. an; a D. a; an冠词考察:冠词考察:2013:She has got two cats now. black and white one is called Rosie and brown one Joseph.A. The; a B. A; the C. The; the D. A; aPS:PS:主要考察冠词的基本用法:主要考察冠词的基本用法:1 1)不定冠词基本用法,特别注意)不定冠词基本用法,特别注意a a和和anan的区别;的区别;2 2)定冠词特指;)定冠词特指;3 3)习惯用法

26、和固定短语如:)习惯用法和固定短语如:pay a visit to, pay a visit to, take a showertake a shower等;等;4 4)零冠词常用情况,如:)零冠词常用情况,如:by bike, play soccerby bike, play soccer等等代词考察代词考察:(主要考察人称代词与不定代词)(主要考察人称代词与不定代词)l不定代词: (2011年没有)年没有)2010: To help Tommy learn better, his parents have done they could:cards, tapes,special learn

27、ing centers,in short, everything they can think of A both B all C none D neither2012: How was your trip in Chengdu? Not so good. I stayed there for two days. But it rained on _of the days. A. none B. neither C. both D. all2013: He think himself somebody, but we think him . A. nobody B. anybody C. so

28、mebody D. everybodyPS: 不定代词不定代词考察多集中于考察多集中于1)all,both,neither,none所表示的数量与肯所表示的数量与肯定否定疑问的区别;定否定疑问的区别;2)固定的用法,如)固定的用法,如2013的的somebody与与nobodyl反身代词反身代词:(只出现于(只出现于11年)年)2011:Will you take part in the English speech competition tomorrow? Sure. I see it as a chance to prove_. A. myself B. me C. yourself D

29、. you形容词考察:形容词考察:( (主要以比较级与最高级的形式考察)主要以比较级与最高级的形式考察)l比较级比较级:(2012没有)没有)2010:Excuse me, Sir. The shoes are a bit small for me. Dont worryIll change them for a size A smaller B smallest C larger D largest2011: What do you think of the dress? Wonderful. I dont think I can find a _one. A. good B. better

30、 C. bad D. worst2013 My grandpa told a good story, but I told a one A. good B. better C. best D. worsel最高级最高级:(只有(只有2012年出现)年出现)2012. Yao Ming is _Chinese basketball player that ever played in NBA.A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallestPS: PS: 副词也有可能考到比较级与最高级。副词也有可能考到比较级与最高级。名词名词:(主要考察词义辨析、单复数形式

31、及固定用法)(主要考察词义辨析、单复数形式及固定用法)2010. It was very hard for me to make a but I decided to leave my job.A suggestion B decision C plan D speech2011. I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some_?A. advice B. decisions C. information D. messages2012. Jennifer takes a lot of exercise ev

32、ery day and she is always full of _. A. knowledge B. energy C. change D. courage2013: He has born in Italy, but he had made China his .A. family B. address C. house D. home介词考察:介词考察:2010. If you try to sit on two chairs,you will fall them. For life,you must choose one chairA between B under C among

33、D into2011. Mr Hu, can you tell us how to learn math well? Sure. But remember nothing can be learned _ hard work.A. by B. at C. without D. for2012. I left my keys in the room yesterday. I had to get in _ the window. Its dangerous to do that.A. in B. through C. over D. to2013:- What did you get your

34、birthday, Tony? -An iPad3,for my aunt.A. to B. at C. with D. forPS: PS: 介词主要考察介词主要考察1 1)常用介词的)常用介词的基本含义基本含义,如:,如:in, on, at, in, on, at, from, for, of, about, with, without, from, for, of, about, with, without, through, over, across, near, between through, over, across, near, between 等等等;等;2 2)常用介词的

35、)常用介词的固定用法固定用法,如,如20132013的的for for sbssbs birthday .birthday .其他考察:其他考察:l感叹句感叹句:(只出现于(只出现于1111年)年)2011. _fine day it is! Lets go and fly a kite. A. What B. What a C. How D. How aPS: PS: 感叹句主要考察感叹句主要考察1 1)what a +what a +名;名; 2 2)how+how+形形10131013年完形填空年完形填空记叙文363738394041424344452010形形名名名名形形连介形形动动动


37、型特点:)题型特点:由易到难的顺序是:由易到难的顺序是:1. 细节题细节题 2.猜词题猜词题 3. 推理判断题推理判断题 4. 主旨大意题主旨大意题 ABCD2010夹叙夹议(父与子)夹叙夹议(父与子)46,47,49细节细节;48推理推理;50标题标题说明文说明文51,52,54细节细节;53推理推理;55猜短语猜短语应用文(电应用文(电影海报)影海报)56-60细节细节任务型阅读任务型阅读(关于马的(关于马的言语言语)61-65完成完成句子句子2011记叙文(爱心记叙文(爱心传递)传递) 47,48细节;细节; 48,49推理推理;50标标题题说明文(说明文(科普)科普) 52,53细节;

38、细节; 51推推理理;54猜词;猜词;55段落主旨段落主旨应用文(广应用文(广告)告)56-60细细节节说明文(如说明文(如何读书何读书)61-65还原还原句子句子2012夹叙夹议(蝴蝶的夹叙夹议(蝴蝶的故事)故事)46,47,细节;细节;48推理;推理;49段落主旨;段落主旨;50标题标题议论文议论文51,53细节;细节;52,55推理;推理;54猜词猜词应用文(广应用文(广告)告)56,57,58,59细节;细节;60推推理理说明文(如说明文(如何交友)何交友)61-65还原还原句句子子2013记叙文(割草)记叙文(割草)46,48细节;细节;49推理;推理; 47猜词组;猜词组; 50文

39、章主旨文章主旨议论文议论文51,52,53细节;细节;54推理;推理;55标题标题应用文(广应用文(广告)告)56-60细节细节说明文(如说明文(如何写作)何写作)61-65还原句还原句子子10131013年词语运用年词语运用:6667686970717273747510动时动时代代所有所有数数序序动单动单 动时动时形形名名名名复复动单动单副副11形形介介动时动时形形比较比较连连动时动时代代所有所有连连名名复复数数序序12介介副副动时动时形形数数序序名名复复连连动时动时代代所有所有名名所有所有13介介动动动动形形形形代代宾宾连连名名复复动动被被名名复复动单动单词语运用考点分布:词语运用考点分布


41、起去)去)2011考试考试结束结束后后去处去处的询问与告知计划的询问与告知计划77题出现了开放答案(原因)题出现了开放答案(原因)2012失物后遇到朋友的对话:关心、询问时间、征询失物后遇到朋友的对话:关心、询问时间、征询建议和问地方建议和问地方78题出现开放答案(里面放的东西)题出现开放答案(里面放的东西)2013旅行旅行去处去处的询问与建议的询问与建议78,80为开放题型(可以去哪里,在家做什么)为开放题型(可以去哪里,在家做什么)补全对话考察特点:补全对话考察特点:1. 设题分为设题分为交际功能题交际功能题(2010、2011、2013),),情景题情景题(2012)。)。2. 补全对话

42、的范围以日常会话为主要内容,话补全对话的范围以日常会话为主要内容,话题包括:遗失、旅行安排、打电话、看病、题包括:遗失、旅行安排、打电话、看病、问路、借物、购物、等等。问路、借物、购物、等等。3. 开放题的设置。开放题的设置。10131013书面表达书面表达:2010议论文,半命题作文议论文,半命题作文 _ is fun2011夹叙夹议,材料作文夹叙夹议,材料作文根据无臂钢琴演奏者刘伟的故事写一篇励志短根据无臂钢琴演奏者刘伟的故事写一篇励志短文。文。2012议论文,提纲类作文,人们了解历史的手段议论文,提纲类作文,人们了解历史的手段(看历史剧、读史书),并发表自己的观点。(看历史剧、读史书),并发表自己的观点。2013议论文,全命题作文议论文,全命题作文What makes me a good friend?书面表达考察特点:1)80个单词2)根据要求简单描述材料或提纲(2011、2012)3)描述与议论并行,夹叙夹议,能够简单表达自己观点



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