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1、第一节第一节 完形填空完形填空 Just as a tree is beautiful in all its stages from its full leafy green in the summer to its naked (裸裸露的露的)skeleton during winter,everything in between human beings are beautiful throughout their life spans. The early 1 of our lives tend to be about learning. We move through the worl

2、d like sponges(海绵海绵), 2 the ideas. 1. A. years B. hours C. weeks D. months2. A. surrounding B. Finding C. pursuing D. absorbingLike a tree in 3 , we are waking up to the 4 . Our physical strength, youth, and beauty help 5 doors and attract attention. Gradually, we begin to use the information we hav

3、e gathered to form ideas and 6 of our own. As we develop our philosophy about 7 , our beauty becomes as much about our appearance. 3. A. spring B. Summer C. autumn D. winter 4. A. country B. world C. bed D. family5. A. close B. make C. open D. repair6. A. conclusions B. decisions C. ambitions D. opi

4、nions7. A. work B. life C. study D. restLike a 8 in summer, we become full, expressive, beautiful, and productive. When the time comes for us to let go of the creations of our 9 lives, we are like a tree in autumn dropping 10 . 8. A. day B. tree C. flower D. night9. A. colorful B. central C. middle

5、D. original10. A. branches B. leaves C. flowers D. fruitsThe children move away,and careers shift or end. The lines on our faces, the stretch marks, and the grey 11 all prove the fullness of our experience very clearly. In the winter of our lives, we become 12 except our essence (精华精华)like a tree. 1

6、1. A. ears B. eyes C. hands D. hairs12. A. naked B. poor C. rich D. tired We may become 13 than ever at this stage. Beauty at this age 14 from the very core of our essence. This essence is a reminder that there is a kind of 15 that comes only after one has spent many years on earth. 13. A. smarterB.

7、 lazier C. wiser D. angrier14. A. hearsB. learns C. results D. comes15. A. beauty B. kindness C. love D. spirit我们总是把美丽同青春联想到一起,事实上,美我们总是把美丽同青春联想到一起,事实上,美丽远远超越了年龄。人的一生各年龄阶段之间的丽远远超越了年龄。人的一生各年龄阶段之间的一切同样美丽。人生经过的每个过程都是美丽的,一切同样美丽。人生经过的每个过程都是美丽的,只有走过的人才知道。只有走过的人才知道。1. A 根据空后的根据空后的of our lives及常识及常识(人生是用年来人

8、生是用年来计算的计算的)可知填可知填years。2. D 由句意及空前的由句意及空前的sponges(海绵海绵)可推出填可推出填absorbing。absorbing与与sponges是词语同现。是词语同现。3. A 根据本段第一句的根据本段第一句的The early 1 of our lives可推出选可推出选A。4. B 根据上句中的根据上句中的We move through the world可可知。与知。与world是原词复现。是原词复现。5. C 由空后的由空后的and attract attention可推出填可推出填open。6. D 根据与之并列的根据与之并列的ideas可知。

9、可知。opinion与与idea是是近义词复现。近义词复现。7. B 根据本段第一句的根据本段第一句的our lives可知。可知。life与与lives是同根词复现。是同根词复现。8. B 由本段第三句中的由本段第三句中的Like a tree in 3 可知。与可知。与tree是原词复现。是原词复现。9. C 根据语境,此处承接上文内容,应该是指人根据语境,此处承接上文内容,应该是指人的中年时期,故填的中年时期,故填middle。10. B 根据句中的根据句中的tree可推出填可推出填leaves。leaves与与tree是上下义复现。是上下义复现。11. D 根据常识,人老了,其身体部位

10、变成根据常识,人老了,其身体部位变成grey的自然是的自然是hair。12. A 根据本文第一句的根据本文第一句的naked skeleton during winter及本句中的及本句中的In the winterlike a tree可知。可知。与与naked是是 原词复现。原词复现。13. C 根据语境及常识可推出填根据语境及常识可推出填wiser。人进入老。人进入老年一般都很明智了。年一般都很明智了。14. D 由下句的由下句的comes only after可知填可知填comes。与与comes是原词复现。是原词复现。15. A 由上文的由上文的Beauty at this age可

11、知。可知。beauty是本文的关键词。是本文的关键词。第二节第二节 语法填空语法填空 Listening to music is the common hobby of many people. It can be said that music is 16 _ important part of our life. It can relax us and give us fun. I still clearly remember that as a child there was a time 17 _ I looked forward to becoming a singer one da

12、y. The music 18 _ (play) by my mother moved me greatly and it was 19 _(true) inspiring. It made me understand 20 _ God was. anwhenplayedtruly what When I felt 21 _(sure) or frustrated (挫败挫败), I would turn to music for comfort 22 _ _music is the strongest form of magic and the best cure for sadness,

13、and its effects are much more powerful than 23 _ arts. So far, music 24 _(provide) me with endless pleasure and encouragement. Now Im still crazy about music and have the habit of spending some time 25 _ it every day, which can allow me to stay away from unhappiness in study and life. unsure because

14、 / since / asotherhas providedon作为一种艺术形式,音乐是普罗大众的共同爱好,作为一种艺术形式,音乐是普罗大众的共同爱好,是我们生活当中的重要组成部分,从小就给了是我们生活当中的重要组成部分,从小就给了“我我”无穷的乐趣和鼓舞。无穷的乐趣和鼓舞。16. an 名词名词(part)前应填限定词,指前应填限定词,指“一个一个”重要组重要组成部分,表示成部分,表示“一个一个”,要用不定冠词,元音前用,要用不定冠词,元音前用an。17. when 因因There was a time when (曾有一段曾有一段时间时间)是固定句型,其中是固定句型,其中when引导一个定

15、语从引导一个定语从句。句。18. played 句中已有谓语动词句中已有谓语动词move(感动感动),play应应为非谓语动词;为非谓语动词;the music与与play是被动关系,用是被动关系,用过去分词短语作定语。过去分词短语作定语。19. truly 修饰形容词修饰形容词inspiring, 作状语作状语, 要用副词。要用副词。20. what 引导宾语从句并在从句中用引导宾语从句并在从句中用was的表语,的表语,填填what。21. unsure 作表语依然用形容词,可考虑表示相作表语依然用形容词,可考虑表示相反意义的形容词;又由与之并列的反意义的形容词;又由与之并列的frustra

16、ted (沮沮丧的丧的)可知,填表示可知,填表示“没有自信的没有自信的”的的unsure。22. because / since / as 两句间的逻辑关系是,前两句间的逻辑关系是,前果后因,引导原因状语从句,用果后因,引导原因状语从句,用because, as等。等。23. other 名词前应填限定词,由句意可知是名词前应填限定词,由句意可知是“其其他的他的”艺术形式,故填艺术形式,故填other。24. has provided 由由so far可知,要用现在完成时。可知,要用现在完成时。25. on 因因spendon sth.(花费时间花费时间/金钱在某物金钱在某物/某某事上面事上面)是固定搭配。是固定搭配。



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