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1、Unit 2 feelings and opinions1Lead-inAsk and answer could you say something about happiness and sadness in your life? when you are happy , what do you like to do?When you are sad , what do you prefer to do?New words生词3New wordsopinion pinjn 看法,意见看法,意见1. in ones opinion 在在看看来来;认为In my opinion, we shou

2、ld study hard. 依我之依我之见,我,我们应该努力努力学学习。opinion pinjn 看法,意见看法,意见周立波Monday = 忙 dayTuesday = 求死 dayFriday = 福来 dayWednesday = 未死 daySaturday = 洒脱 dayThursday = 受死 daySunday = 伤 day1. in ones opinion 在在看看来来;认为 In Zhou Libos opinion ,everyone is very busy on Monday.opinion pinjn 看法,意见看法,意见 In 周立波周立波s opini

3、on ,everyone is very busy on Monday.2. A: Whats your opinion? 你你认为呢?呢? B: I agree with him. A: because “Great minds think alike.” B: I dont agree with him. In my opinion, Monday is the best day in a week .opinion about/on sth 关于的意见或看法New wordsknowledge nlid 知识、见闻、了解知识、见闻、了解1. common knowledge 大家都知道的

4、事大家都知道的事 = = 常识常识2.have knowledge of 在在的知的知识It is common knowledge that Chinese people are very polite and friendly.I have little knowledge of Africa.Young people should have more knowledge of computers.New wordscontrol kntrul 克制,控制克制,控制1. vt. control + n2. n. take control of 控制控制How do you control

5、you anger?I cant take control of my feelings.我控制不住自己的感情。我控制不住自己的感情。2. n. in control of in control of in the control of in the control of 由由.控制控制, , 由由.管理管理, , 由由.负责负责控制控制, ,管理管理, ,负责负责主语是人主语是人主语是物主语是物I am in control of my life.My life is in the control of myself.New wordsforget fet 忘记,忽略忘记,忽略 forget

6、 to do forget to do 忘了要去做忘了要去做 forget doing forget doing做了但是忘了做了但是忘了I forgot to do homework.I forgot doing homework.过去式去式forgot过去分去分词forgottenNew wordsunderstand ndstnd 理解;了解理解;了解过去式去式understood过去分去分词understoodeg. My parents dont understand me.Long live the understanding!理解万岁理解万岁! !New wordsupset ps

7、et 心烦的心烦的,苦恼的苦恼的 eg.1.What makes you so upset? 你怎么那么你怎么那么心烦意乱心烦意乱啊?啊? make sb upset 2.I am sorry to hear that you are so upset. 听说你心情不好,我很难过听说你心情不好,我很难过。 be upset New wordsdisappointed ,dspntd 失望的失望的,沮丧的沮丧的 e.g.:1.She was disappointed to learn that she had failed the course. 她她沮沮丧地得地得知那知那门课没没有考及格。有考

8、及格。 2.We were disappointed at the results. 我我们对结果感到失望。果感到失望。 be disappointed disappoint vt.disappoint vt. 使失望,使沮丧使失望,使沮丧disappointdisappointment ment n. n. 失望失望; ;扫兴扫兴, ,沮丧沮丧 to doto doat +n.at +n.New words stressed strest紧张的紧张的,感到有压力的感到有压力的 e.g.:I am stressed because there will be an exam tomorrow.

9、我很我很紧张因因为明天有明天有场考考试。 New words valuable vljubl 贵重的重的 有价有价值的的 e.g.:1.He bought me a valuable diamond ring as a birthday present. 他他给我我买了一只了一只贵重的重的钻戒作生日戒作生日礼礼物。物。 2.Only time can understand how valuable love is.只有只有时间才知道才知道爱的可的可贵。 New words nervous n:vs 紧张不安的不安的 e.g.:1. She looks a little nervous. 她看起

10、来有点紧张。她看起来有点紧张。2. He always makes me nervous. 他老是使我紧张。他老是使我紧张。 make sb nervous3. He is a nervous man. 他是个神经质的人他是个神经质的人 Only time can understand how valuable love is.17Words you can use to describe your feelingsLead-ina good feelinga bad feelinghappy, pleased happy, pleased glad, joyful, merry glad,

11、joyful, merry excited, excited, satisfied, satisfied, sad, upset,sad, upset,unhappy,unhappy,disappointed,disappointed,stressed,stressed,Describe the following pictures:How does he/she feel ?Lead-inhappyhappyangryangrysadsad LOVETIME20曾有一份真诚的爱情摆在我的面前,但是我没有珍惜。 Once there was a truest love to be put be

12、fore my eyes but I didnt cherish it.等到了失去的时候才后悔莫及。尘世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。Only after losing it I found myself to regret. No pain in the world comes near this.如果上天可以给我一个机会再来一次的话,我会对那个女孩子说:我爱你!If God could give me another chance, I would say to the girl, I love you.如果非要把这份爱加上一个期限,我希望是一 . 万.年.”If there had to be

13、a limit of time before the love, I hope it would be ten thousand years.Western Journey21Only time can understand how valuable love is.22Q: Who didnt gowithLove?Richness Vanity Sadness Happiness23 Listen and answer241.What would happen on the island? The island would sink.2.Did Love make a boat and l

14、eave? Why? No, she didnt. Because she wanted to stay until the last moment.3.What did Sadness say to Love? Sadness said to Love that she was so sad that she need to be by herself.4.Did Happiness go with Love? Why? No, she didnt. Because she was so happy and she did not even hear Love calling her.5.W

15、ho help Love? Why?25Only time can understand how valuable love is.26 Read and fill in the blank27HappinessHappinessOnce upon a time, there was an island where all the feelingslived: , . , . , and so on. One day it was told to the feelings that the island would . , so they all . and left except for L

16、ove. Love was the only one who stayed. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to . .Love said to Richness that if Richness can take her. Richnessanswered that she cant. There is a lot of in her boat. There is. here for Love.SadnessSadnessKnowledgKnowledge eLoveLoveask for helpask for help gol

17、d and silvergold and silver no placeno place make boatsmake boats sink sink28Love decided to ask Vanity if Vanity can help her. Vanity Love decided to ask Vanity if Vanity can help her. Vanity answered that she cant help Love. Love is all answered that she cant help Love. Love is all . . and and mig

18、ht dirty her boat.might dirty her boat.Love asked Sadness if Sadness let her go ,but SadnessLove asked Sadness if Sadness let her go ,but Sadnesswas so sad that she need to be was so sad that she need to be . . ! !Happiness Happiness . . Love, too, but she was Love, too, but she was . . happy happy

19、. . she did not even hear when Love called her. she did not even hear when Love called her.wetwet by herselfby herself passed bypassed by soso thatthat 29Suddenly, there was an elder said to Love that she would Suddenly, there was an elder said to Love that she would take Love. Love was so happy tha

20、t she even take Love. Love was so happy that she even ask ask the elder where they were going. When they the elder where they were going. When they dry dry land, the elder went her own way.land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how kind the elder was, Love asked KnowledgeRealizing how kind the

21、elder was, Love asked Knowledge helped her. Knowledge answered that it was Time. helped her. Knowledge answered that it was Time. Then Love asked Then Love asked Time helped her. Knowledge Time helped her. Knowledge smiledsmiledand said because only Time can understand how and said because only Time can understand how .Love is.Love is.forgot toforgot to arrived atarrived at whowho whywhy valuablevaluable301.What is love2. Many kinds of love around us31Many kinds of love around usLove never leave us aloneLove styleSisters and brothersFamily Friends Parents and childrenClassmatesSweet heart 32



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