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1、义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 六年级下册六年级下册Module 3 Famous peoplePeriod 1单元整体设计内容分配单元整体设计内容分配Period 1 Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen 课文对话,及课本课文对话,及课本P27 相相关词条。关词条。 Period 2 课本课本P28-29 Fun with language内容。内容。Period 3 P30-31 Language focus及及Rhyme Time内容内容,一一篇课外听力内容及自编快速阅读内容。篇课外听力内容及自编快速阅读内容。本节课实现目标本节课实现目标1. 能在听说读写的

2、语言活动中理解和运用下能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用下列单词和词组:列单词和词组:famous, person, history, leader, free, make, inventor, invent, light bulb, actor, funny, movie, musician。2. 能理解和流利朗读课文对话。能理解和流利朗读课文对话。3. 能根据自己的实际情况,选择教师提供的能根据自己的实际情况,选择教师提供的适当方式,口头完成对课文对话的复述。适当方式,口头完成对课文对话的复述。4.能在小组讨论中,根据提示完成对课本词能在小组讨论中,根据提示完成对课本词条所列名人的简单谈论

3、。条所列名人的简单谈论。本页及下两页本页及下两页PPT以名人肖像以名人肖像展示本模块主题展示本模块主题Famous people, 并将主题文字中的并将主题文字中的people通过下页通过下页PPT转化为转化为persons学生根据此处的语境很学生根据此处的语境很容易就能理解容易就能理解person的含义。的含义。Famous peopleFamous personsThispersonisfamouse,too.Doyouknowanythingabouthim?Xiaolingisreadingabookabouthim.LetslistentoXiaoling.Listen for me

4、aning为培养学生良好的倾听习为培养学生良好的倾听习惯教师让学生听第一次惯教师让学生听第一次(只是听,不播放课文视(只是听,不播放课文视频)并获取对话的大意。频)并获取对话的大意。Listen to the dialogue for the first time.Listen & Judge教师让学生第二次听对话教师让学生第二次听对话并进行正误判断。判断内并进行正误判断。判断内容见下页容见下页PPT。Listen to the text for the second time.( ) 1. Jiamin is reading a book about Dr Sun Yatsen.( ) 2.

5、 Sun Yatsen is a great man. He is very important and famous in Chinese history.( ) 3. Sun Yatsen is a great leader now, just like President Xi. ( ) 4. Sun Yatsen loved the Chinese people and tried to free them and make their lives better. ( ) 5. Chinese people love Dr Sun Yatsen. Many streets , scho

6、ols and parks have his name.Listen & Write T or FWatch & Check教师让学生听看视频并对教师让学生听看视频并对刚才判断的内容先自行核刚才判断的内容先自行核对,再统一核对。对,再统一核对。教教师在在核核对答案答案时可以要求学生可以要求学生将将错误的内容找出,并的内容找出,并说出正确的内容。出正确的内容。( ) 1. Jiamin is reading a book about Dr Sun Yatsen.( ) 2. Sun Yatsen is a great man. He is very important and famous in

7、 Chinese history.( ) 3. Sun Yatsen is a great leader now, just like President Xi. ( ) 4. Sun Yatsen loved the Chinese people and tried to free them and make their lives better. ( ) 5. Chinese people love Dr Sun Yatsen. Many streets , schools and parks have his name.Listen & Write T or FFXiaolingTFwa

8、sthenSun Yatsen was a great leader then. President Xi is a great leader now.TTRead the dialogueStudents:1. Follow the teacher and read.2. Read together all the way through.3. Role-play and read in their groups.Read the dialogue with different forms.Retell the text教师将对课文的复述设计成三个层次,教师将对课文的复述设计成三个层次,学生

9、根据自己的程度自行选择其中一种学生根据自己的程度自行选择其中一种方式复述。(这一部分的内容在课堂上方式复述。(这一部分的内容在课堂上可以只是让学生口头进行,课后可将这可以只是让学生口头进行,课后可将这部分布置成书面作业,学生同样根据自部分布置成书面作业,学生同样根据自己的情况选择不同层次完成。)己的情况选择不同层次完成。)Ben: What are you reading, Xiaoling?Xiaoling: A book about _.Ben: Who is he?Jiamin: Hes a very _ and _ person in Chinas history.Ben: Wow!

10、Can you tell me _ about him?Jiamin: Yes. He was a great _. He tried to _ the Chinese people and _ their lives better.Xiaoling: Yes. He loved the Chinese people and the Chinese people love him.Jiamin: Thats right. Today many streets, schools and parks have his name.Ben: Wow, _ a great man! Dr Sun Yat

11、sen famousFill in the blanks according to the dialogue.Level 1 important leader free make what something Xiaoling is reading a book about _.Ben wants to know _ about him. Jiamin tells Ben Dr Sun was _. He tried to _ and _.Xiaoling tells Ben Dr Sun _and _. Ben thinks Dr Sun is a _.Retell the dialogue

12、 and fill in the blanks.Level 2 Dr Sun Yatsen something a great leader free the Chinese people make their lives better loved the Chinese people the Chinese people love him great manUse your own words to introduce Dr Sun Yatsen.用自己的话介绍一下孙中山先生。用自己的话介绍一下孙中山先生。Level 3Dr Sun Yatsen was PK Game由歌曲中的职业引出,学

13、由歌曲中的职业引出,学生分成两大组轮流说出更生分成两大组轮流说出更多表示职业的名词,要求多表示职业的名词,要求各组发言同学所说的职业各组发言同学所说的职业不重复。不重复。Who can say more “job” words?职业学生之前已学过不少,职业学生之前已学过不少,教师呈现职业名词给学生教师呈现职业名词给学生时,也可按一定规律,例时,也可按一定规律,例如按如按er,man,ist,及其,及其它类进行排列。方便引导它类进行排列。方便引导学生进行回忆并记忆。学生进行回忆并记忆。jobs本页本页PPT提供了学生可能提供了学生可能说出的职业名词,程度较说出的职业名词,程度较好的学生也有可能说

14、出本好的学生也有可能说出本课表示职业的生词课表示职业的生词leader,inventor,musician等,等,教师可适时补充。在学生教师可适时补充。在学生PK结束之后教师可呈现这结束之后教师可呈现这些职业名词供学生浏览并些职业名词供学生浏览并齐读一次。齐读一次。Observe & Try在上一环节的基础上学生在上一环节的基础上学生通过观察(相同词根),通过观察(相同词根),试着将下页试着将下页PPT上的职业上的职业活动与职业名称匹配起来。活动与职业名称匹配起来。musicianactorinventorinvent new thingsact in a play or a moviewri

15、te or play music在此过程中教师呈现本课在此过程中教师呈现本课musician,actor,inventor, invent, movie等生词并稍作讲解。等生词并稍作讲解。Quick response操练词组:老师说词组,操练词组:老师说词组,学生说相应职业;老师说学生说相应职业;老师说职业,学生说词组。见下职业,学生说词组。见下页。页。musician-write/playnicemusicdoctor-helpsickpeoplewriter-writeinterestingstoriesactor-actinamoviepainter-paintgreatpictures

16、inventor-inventnewthingssinger-singnicesongsLook & Match教师出示教师出示 由此继续呈现课本由此继续呈现课本P27词条中词条中(J. K. Rowling, Thomas Edison, Xian Xinghai)等的名人信息。学等的名人信息。学生先将人名和代表其人的图生先将人名和代表其人的图片进行配对。(进行此环节片进行配对。(进行此环节时,教师请学生不要打开课时,教师请学生不要打开课本,以检测其课外知识面。本,以检测其课外知识面。知识面较宽的同学可能全部知识面较宽的同学可能全部匹配对,较窄的同学可能有匹配对,较窄的同学可能有个别匹配不了

17、。教师可根据个别匹配不了。教师可根据课堂的实际情况发挥同伴互课堂的实际情况发挥同伴互助的力量。为避免学生因人助的力量。为避免学生因人物英文名读音及拼写过长的物英文名读音及拼写过长的原因带来的认读难度,教师原因带来的认读难度,教师会在学生进行匹配之前读一会在学生进行匹配之前读一次人名,并适时说出其中文次人名,并适时说出其中文名。)名。)Do you know them?J. K. RowlingThomas EdisonCharlie ChaplinXian XinghaiQi Baishi检查答案时可带学生说人名检查答案时可带学生说人名Discuss & Share此时发动小导师的力量,让此时

18、发动小导师的力量,让知识面宽,能力强的同学帮知识面宽,能力强的同学帮助知识面窄的同学。同伴互助知识面窄的同学。同伴互助,以小组为单位讨论这些助,以小组为单位讨论这些人物,教师先不做讲解,但人物,教师先不做讲解,但会在小组讨论之前邀请一位会在小组讨论之前邀请一位同学,以对话的方式就讨论同学,以对话的方式就讨论语言给出示范语言给出示范,学生在讨论时学生在讨论时也可适度发挥(考虑到六年也可适度发挥(考虑到六年级下学期的同学已具有一定级下学期的同学已具有一定的自学能力)。的自学能力)。J. K. RowlingQi BaishiXian XinghaiCharlie ChaplinThomas Edi

19、sonT: Who is Qi Baishi?S: He is a painter.T: Is he a Chinese painter?S: Yes, he is.T: What did he paint?S: He painted flowers and animals. He was good at painting flowers and birds.Qi BaishiExample:J. K. RowlingQi BaishiXian XinghaiCharlie ChaplinThomas Edison此过程,学生就范例之外的此过程,学生就范例之外的其他人展开小组讨论。其他人展开小

20、组讨论。J. K. Rowlingwriterwrote the Harry Potter booksXian Xinghaimusicianwrote great musicCharlie Chaplinactormade many funny moviesThomas Edisoninventor invented the light bulb学生在讨论结束后以小组为学生在讨论结束后以小组为单位进行汇报。此时教师呈单位进行汇报。此时教师呈现此页现此页PPT供学生参考,程供学生参考,程度较好的小组可在本页对话度较好的小组可在本页对话模板内容的基础上进行发挥。模板内容的基础上进行发挥。2134

21、本页本页PPT以名人小卡片的形式,以较完以名人小卡片的形式,以较完整的句子呈现课本整的句子呈现课本P27词条中的内容。词条中的内容。学生可齐读,也可在小组内自由读这些学生可齐读,也可在小组内自由读这些名人小简介。以此种形式呈现也为学生名人小简介。以此种形式呈现也为学生以后制作名人海报做铺垫。以后制作名人海报做铺垫。He is Xian Xinghai.He is a musician.He wrote great music.She is J. K. Rowling.She is a writer. She wrote the Harry Potter books. He is Charlie

22、 Chaplin.He is an actor.He made many funny movies.He is Thomas Edison.He is an inventor.He invented the light bulb. Homework 1.四会掌握四会掌握Unit5生词,家听本课生词一次。生词,家听本课生词一次。2.熟读熟读Unit5对话,用英文将你所了解的中山先生与家对话,用英文将你所了解的中山先生与家人及同学分享。选择课堂练习纸上的三种方式之一,书人及同学分享。选择课堂练习纸上的三种方式之一,书面完成对本课对话内容的复述。面完成对本课对话内容的复述。1.阅读练习纸上关于孙中山

23、先生的文章,并与同学分享。阅读练习纸上关于孙中山先生的文章,并与同学分享。(材料内容见下页(材料内容见下页PPT)必做:必做:选做:选做:2.搜集一些关于中山先生的图片、照片,并制作一张介搜集一些关于中山先生的图片、照片,并制作一张介绍中山先生生平的海报。绍中山先生生平的海报。Dr Sun YatsenSun Yatsun is a very important and famous historical person. He was born in Guangdong, in 1866. He was born in Xiangshan County(香山县)(香山县). Its not f

24、ar away from Zhongshan City(中山市)(中山市). His father was a farmer. He went to school in Hawaii. His elder brother lived there. From 1887 to 1892, he learnt to be a doctor in Hong Kong. Then he became a doctor and worked in Hong Kong. So people called him Dr Sun Yatsen. He was the father of modern China

25、. He came back to China and became President. He was a great leader. He was against the emperor(反对帝制)(反对帝制). He had to leave China again because of his enemies. He stayed in Japan and met Song Qingling. They became husband and wife in Japan. He came back to Guangzhou to work for the people. He freed the people slowly. And finally he started to change China. He died in 1925. all the people were sad.If you want to learn more about him, you can visit the Dr Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall(中山纪念堂)(中山纪念堂) in Guangzhou.本页本页PPT可供学生课外阅读。可供学生课外阅读。



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