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1、形容词,副词的比较级和最高级绝大多数形容词有三种形式,原级,比较级和最高级, 以表示形容词说明的性质在程度上的不同。 形容词的原级: 形容词的原级形式就是词典中出现的形容词的原形。 例如: poor tall great glad bad 。形容词的比较级和最高级:比较级和最高级形式是在形容词的原级形式的基础上变化的分为规则变化和不规则变化。 规则变化如下: 1) 单音节形容词的比较级和最高级形式 是在词尾加 -er 和 -est 构成。 eg: great (原级) greater(比较级) greatest(最高级) 2) 以 -e 结尾的单音节形容词的比较级和最高级是在词尾 加 -r 和

2、 -st 构成。 eg: wide (原级) wider (比较级) widest (最高级) 3)以 -y 结尾,但 -y 前是辅音字母的形容词的比较级和最高级 把 -y 去掉,加上 -ier 和- iest 构成. eg: happy (原形) happier (比较级) happiest (最高级) 4)以一个辅音字母结尾其前面的元音字母发短元音的形容词的 比较级和最高级是双写该辅音字母然后再加 -er和-est。 eg: big (原级) bigger (比较级) biggest (最高级) 5)双音节和多音节形容词的比较级和最高级需用more 和 most 加在形容词前面来构成。 b

3、eautiful (原级) difficult (原级) more beautiful (比较级) more difficult (比较级) most beautiful (最高级) most difficult (最高级) 常用的不规则变化的形容词的比较级和最高级: 原级比较级最高级 goodbetterbest many more most much moremost badworse worst littleless least illworseworst farfarther (further) farthest (furthest) 形容词形容词,副词比较级的用法:副词比较级的用法:

4、形容词的比较级用于两个人或事物的比较,其结构形式如下: 主语+谓语(系动词)+ 形容词比较级+than+ 对比成分。 即: 含有形容词比较级的主句+ than + 从句。注意从句常常 省去意义上和主句相同的部分, 而只剩下对比的成分。 我们老师比我们高我们老师比我们高Our teacher is taller than we are. The sun is much bigger than the moon. 太阳比月亮大得多 今天比昨天暖和It is warmer today than it was yesterday. This picture is more beautiful than

5、 that one. This meeting is less important than that one. 形容词最高级的用法形容词最高级的用法: 形容词最高级用于两个以上的人和物进行比较, 其结构形式为: 主语+谓语(系动词)+the+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语 或从句 这张照片比那张漂亮 这次会议不如那次会议重要。 上海是中国最大的城市之一 Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China. Tom is the tallest boy in his basketball team. He is the most intellige

6、nt student in our class.有关形容词的几个特殊用法有关形容词的几个特殊用法: The+形容词比较级., the+形容词比较级.表示 越. 就越.。(the more the more) The more you study, the more you know. 汤姆是他们篮球队中个子最高的男孩 他是我们班里最勤奋的一个学生 The more I have, the more I want. The more, the better. 形容词比较级 + and + 比较级 表示 越来越. ” . Its getting hotter and hotter. Its pit

7、y he is getting poorer and poorer. The computer is cheaper and cheaper 我有的越多,我想要的就越多 越多越好 很可怜他越来越穷 、计算机现在越来越便宜。 越来越多的人关注明年的会议。 The more and more people focus on the meeting next year. 他车开得比你又快又危险。 He drives faster and more dangerously than you. 主语+谓语(系动词)+as+形容词原形+as+从句。同级比较这个盒子和我的一样大。 This box is a

8、s big as mine. 这件衣服同那件衣服一样便宜。 This coat is as cheap as that one. 我同我兄弟一样学习努力。 I study English as hard as my brother 否定句 not as/so as I study English not so hard as my brother 伦敦不如纽约现代化。London is not so modern as Yew York. 有关形容词的几个特殊用法有关形容词的几个特殊用法: most 同形容词连用而不用 the,表示 极,很,非常, 十分。 Its most dangerous

9、 to be here. 在这儿太危险。 I cannot do it, its most difficult. 我干不了这事,这太难了。 the + 形容词 表示某种人。 He always helps the poor. 他经常帮助穷人。 I like to have a talk with the young. 我喜欢同年轻人谈话。 The rich sometimes complain about their empty life. 富人有时抱怨他们空虚的生活。 She is older than . A any other girl in the groupB any girl in

10、 the groupC all girls in the groupD you and me as well as the group Sound travels _ airA faster through water than throughB faster than through water andC through water faster andD where it is faster through water than through The air in Beijing is getting much _ now than a few years ago.A clean B c

11、leaner C cleanest D the cleanest Which is _ the sun, the moon or the earth? of course ,the moon. A small B smaller C smallest D the smallest.直接引语变间接引语 引述别人的话时,一般采用两种方式:一是引用别人的原话,把它放在引号内,称为直接引语 二是用自己的话加以转述,被转述的话不放在引号内,称为 间接引语。间接引语在大多数情况下是一个宾语从语。直接引语变成间接引语时,要注意以下几点: 人称变化、 时态变化、 宾语从句要用陈述句 语序。 1.直接引语是陈述

12、句时,变成间接引语,由连接 词 that 引导。例如: She said, I am very happy to help you. She said that she was very happy to help you. . 在上述例句中第一人称 I she ; 一般现在时am was 这就是人称和时态都要随之发生变化 She said “ we have finished our work.”She said that they had finished their work. 2. 直接引语是一般(选择/反意)疑问句,变成间 接引语时由连词 whether 或 if 引导。例如:He

13、asked me, Do you like playing football?He asked me if / whether I liked playing football. She said “It is getting colder and colder.” She said that it was getting colder and .You didnt like music, did you?He asked me if I liked music.注意:大多数情况下,if 和 whether 可以互换,但后有or not,或在动词不定式 to 前,或放在介词后作连接词时,一般只

14、用 whether, 而不用 if .例如: She asked me whether I could do it or not. 3. 直接引语是特殊疑问句,变成间接引语时,相应的疑问词 who, whom, whose, how, when, why, where 等引导不变, 但疑问句的语序要变成陈述句的语序。例如: My sister asked me, How do you like the film? My sister asked me how I liked the film. 4. 直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语时,把动词原形 变成动词不定式,并在动词不定前加 tell, a

15、sk, order 等的宾语。例如: “Be quiet.” The teacher asked us to be quiet 此种情况的否定句,在动词不定式前加not。 My teacher asked me, Dont laugh. My teacher asked me not to laugh. 5. 一些注意事项(1)直接引语是客观事实、普遍真理等, 变成间接引语时,时态不变。例如: They told their son,“ The earth goes round the sun. They told their son that the earth goes round the

16、 sun. He said, “ We usually exchange gifts at Christmas.He said /told us that they usually exchange gifts at Christmas.Is the book opened or closed? He asked me if the book was opened or closed? “Dont start writing.”The teacher ordered them not to start writing. “It happened three hours ago.”He said that it had happened three hours before.



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