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1、 第一章第一章第一章第一章 果蔬加工原理及原果蔬加工原理及原果蔬加工原理及原果蔬加工原理及原料的预处理料的预处理料的预处理料的预处理Chapter 1 The principles of fruit Chapter 1 The principles of fruit and vegetable processing and the and vegetable processing and the pretreatments of raw materialspretreatments of raw materials 食工食工食工食工091 2009013034 091 2009013034 高

2、星高星高星高星午挎刮一立鞭坑掣翁苏濒呕擎厩强类勇捡瘫慨翱红孩骇邑寄流企俯迪赐爽食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 提要提要 介绍果蔬的品质因素如色素类物质、风味物质、介绍果蔬的品质因素如色素类物质、风味物质、营养成分和质地因子对果蔬加工工艺及加工品的质量关系;营养成分和质地因子对果蔬加工工艺及加工品的质量关系;果蔬加工保藏的物理方法、化学方法和生化方法原理;果果蔬加工保藏的物理方法、化学方法和生化方法原理;果蔬加工原料选择的原则;果蔬加工预处理方法和处理注意蔬加工原料选择的原则;果蔬加工预处理方法和处理注意事项。事项。 Important concepts and terminolo

3、gy Fruit and vegetable processing, processing characteristics of the raw materials, pigments of fruits and vegetables, fruit and vegetable flavor substances, fruit and vegetable nutrients, texture factor, food corrupted, food preservation method, pretreatment, semi-preserved 食工食工091 2009013034 高星高星

4、敲韦狗抛秤赔社柏陆啤哎果仙售濒闭森隔苟掩插货狂固舱绊葬丛淀闺泅懦食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 教学目标教学目标 (1) (1)了解果蔬原料的品质因素与加工保藏的关系。了解果蔬原料的品质因素与加工保藏的关系。 (2) (2)理解食品败坏的原因及食品加工保藏方法及其基本原理。理解食品败坏的原因及食品加工保藏方法及其基本原理。 (3) (3)掌握果蔬加工原料预处理的目的、基本工艺和注意事项。掌握果蔬加工原料预处理的目的、基本工艺和注意事项。 (4) (4)掌握工序间护色和半成品保存的方法及其原理。掌握工序间护色和半成品保存的方法及其原理。 Questions for review (

5、1)Brief food bad and preservation methods and principles. (2)Raw materials, grading, washing, peeling, blanching, taking the time to the purpose, methods and precautions. (3)Analysis of fruit and vegetable color of reason and asked the color protection measures (4)Fruit and vegetable preservation me

6、thod and the principle of semi-finished products. 食工食工091 2009013034 高星高星凝蚕怒椒馒栈卫迄凡莆业声鞭紊抓悲珐壳乡赠戈君惋想菇绕涧交江卖决浩食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 重要概念及名词重要概念及名词 果蔬加工 原料的加工特性 果蔬色素 果蔬风味物质 果蔬营养成分 质地因子 食品败坏 食品保藏方法 预处理 半成品保藏 Important concepts and terminology Fruit and vegetable processing, processing characteristics of t

7、he raw materials, pigments of fruits and vegetables, fruit and vegetable flavor substances, fruit and vegetable nutrients, texture factor, food corrupted, food preservation method, pretreatment, semi-preserved 复习思考题复习思考题 (1)简述食品败坏的原因及主要保藏方法及原理。 (2)原料分级、清洗、去皮、烫漂、抽空的目的、 方法及注意事项。 (3)分析果蔬变色的原因并提出护色措施。 (

8、4)果蔬半成品的保藏方法及原理。 Questions for review (1)Brief food bad and preservation methods and principles. (2)Raw materials, grading, washing, peeling, blanching, taking the time to the purpose, methods and precautions. (3)Analysis of fruit and vegetable color of reason and asked the color protection measures

9、 (4)Fruit and vegetable preservation method and the principle of semi-finished products. 食工食工091 2009013035 李海丽李海丽噪尺瞻妒痕酣肄烦尹丰萝蝎潍厕唬萍披躇同咬动村泄泪蘸逼讨蘸坐灶聪斗食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章第一章第一章 果蔬加工原理及原料的预处理果蔬加工原理及原料的预处理Chapter IFruit and vegetable processing principles and the pretreatment of raw materials第一节第一节 果蔬的败

10、坏及加工保藏措施果蔬的败坏及加工保藏措施Section 1 The ruin of fruit and vegetable and preserving measurements of processing第二节第二节 加工保藏对原料的要求及预处理加工保藏对原料的要求及预处理Section2 The demand of raw material in processing and preserving and pretreatment 食工食工091 2009013035 李海丽李海丽秉碰歉骆船偶魔嘉四挞氨躯绊骤袱洲罪孙萄瘁谢毁鞭西噬典萎贵孔娱汇浓食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章第

11、一节第一节 果蔬的败坏及加工保藏措施果蔬的败坏及加工保藏措施Section I The corruption and processing of fruit and vegetable preservation measures 一、果蔬败坏的原因一、果蔬败坏的原因 The ruin reason of fruit and vegetable 二、果蔬加工保藏方法 The method of processing and storage about fruit and vegetable 食工食工091 2009013035 李海丽李海丽扼卉课尾氦镐育彰菠酬愿玉身廉攘开未涟粳挪戍洛找灼室坦如饿

12、兹自臂器食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章第一节第一节 果蔬的败坏及加工保藏措施果蔬的败坏及加工保藏措施Section I The corruption and processing of fruit and vegetable preservation measures一、果蔬败坏的原因一、果蔬败坏的原因1Fruits and vegetables to corrupt the reason变质变质 变味变味 食品的败坏,包括食品的败坏,包括 变色变色 等不符和要求的变化。等不符和要求的变化。 分解分解 腐烂腐烂 败坏的原因:败坏的原因: 微生物败坏微生物败坏 化学败坏化学败坏 M

13、etamorphism Sour The corruption of the food, includingDiscoloration Inconsistent and requirements change. Decomposition Decay The reasons of corruption:Microbial corrupt Chemical corrupt 食工食工091 2009013035 李海丽李海丽 诗粥盆傍悯贷席垣癣茅涩谩庇扶蝶丹坑差平郁年武纱搭鹏停堤灰生伞签杏食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章一、果蔬败坏的原因一、果蔬败坏的原因1、Fruits and ve

14、getables to corrupt the reason(一)微生物败坏(一)微生物败坏(1)Microbial corrupt表现为生霉、酸败、发酵、软化、腐烂、产气、变色、混浊等。对表现为生霉、酸败、发酵、软化、腐烂、产气、变色、混浊等。对食物的危害轻则变质,重则不堪食用,甚至误食造成食物中毒。食物的危害轻则变质,重则不堪食用,甚至误食造成食物中毒。The performance of a living mold, rancidity, fermentation, softening, decay, and gas production, discoloration, turbidit

15、y. Hazards ranging from food deterioration, while in bear eating, eating and even cause food poisoning.交汇点萨克森都是交汇点萨克森都是 食工食工091 2009013035 李海丽李海丽唯枪畅乓地起捐匡懒糠斧增乖汾鼠忌椎终锐蜕降佑邮扼琼嵌讨驾多坝曾夜食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章(一)微生物败坏(一)微生物败坏(1)Microbial corrupt 新鲜果蔬主要有霉菌:新鲜果蔬主要有霉菌: Fresh fruits and vegetables fungus: 加工果酱、糖渍

16、制品中主要是耐渗透压的酵母属;加工果酱、糖渍制品中主要是耐渗透压的酵母属;Processing jam, candied products resistance to osmotic pressure of the yeast genus; 食工食工091 2009013038 于璐琼于璐琼划噎项刚鳃轧该办揪别花糖钥岿汛徘聚虹皮崇洽如士理蚀敦英执撂柑梁糖食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 罐头制品中主要有杆菌罐头制品中主要有杆菌 乳酸杆菌乳酸杆菌LactobacillusCanned products mainly Bacillus: 嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌 Bacillu

17、s stearothermophilus 凝结芽孢杆菌凝结芽孢杆菌 食工食工091 2009013038 于璐琼于璐琼 Bacillus coagulans料少春估够夯曼妥灾卉兵穆圣吉雄伎嫉急隧棠诛沮吾嗡誊膨拽鞠只咋汁内食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 果汁中(果汁中(pH小于小于3.7): 乳酸菌乳酸菌Lactic acid bacteria The juice(pH less than 3.7) 酵母菌酵母菌 Yeast 醋酸菌醋酸菌Acetic acid bacteria 果酒中果酒中: 蹼酵母菌蹼酵母菌 Webbed yeast Wine in 醋酸菌醋酸菌Acetic a

18、cid 食工食工091 2009013038 于璐琼于璐琼著址首萤姻蚀泅屈或坎彩蕉翌啡虞鲤肩娠萄檄退哀蜡鸳它惟涂乓晴匡客付食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章(二)化学败坏(二)化学败坏(2)Chemical corrupt 加工和成品贮藏过程中发生的各种不良化学变化有:加工和成品贮藏过程中发生的各种不良化学变化有: A variety of adverse chemical changes occur in the processing and finished products during storage: 氧化氧化Oxidation 还原还原 Reduction 分解分解 De

19、composition 合成合成Synthesis 溶解溶解 Dissolve 晶析晶析 By Crystallization 沉淀等沉淀等 Precipitation 程度较轻的化学变化,一般无毒,但造成色、香味和维生素等营养程度较轻的化学变化,一般无毒,但造成色、香味和维生素等营养组分的损失。组分的损失。 Chemical changes to a lesser extent, generally non-toxic, but caused the loss of color, flavor and vitamins and other nutritional components. 食工

20、食工091 2009013038 于璐琼于璐琼妙宇鸿洪补邻粱锈原亡铱逮斧狐蝶突龟曝憨哮烃巴喻臣蔗崭徒景条券幕色食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章(二)化学败坏(二)化学败坏(2)Chemical corrupt 酶褐变酶褐变 Enzymatic browning 非酶褐变非酶褐变 Non-enzymatic browning 变色变色 叶绿素和花青素在不良的处理条件下变色和褪色叶绿素和花青素在不良的处理条件下变色和褪色 Discoloration Discoloration and fading of chlorophyll and anthocyanin in poor handl

21、ing conditions 胡萝卜素的氧化胡萝卜素的氧化 Oxidation of carotene 各种金属离子与食品中的化学成分发生化学反应各种金属离子与食品中的化学成分发生化学反应 The chemical composition of various metal ions in food and chemical reaction变味:芳香物质的损失和异味的产生。变味:芳香物质的损失和异味的产生。Sour: the loss of aromatic substances and odor. 食工食工091 2009013038 于璐琼于璐琼 寞巨潭另届敷架唇胞彼毕批燎夷幂郎诀宙派倾含

22、曾赐药暇翟翰尝热菇茎结食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章(二)化学败坏(二)化学败坏(2)Chemical corrupt 有时脂肪氧化酶引起脂肪酸败,蛋白酶引起蛋白质水解,多酚氧化酶引起褐变,果胶酶引起组织软化等,造成食品变色、变味、变软及营养价值下降。 Fatty acids lost sometimes caused by lipoxygenase, protease caused by the hydrolysis of proteins, polyphenol oxidase cause the browning, pectinase caused by tissue so

23、ftening, resulting in food color, taste, soften, and nutritional value decline. 食工食工091 2009013038 于璐琼于璐琼胯呐拭呜靠孵期漾抨潜捏钒样船富敬戏评滞廊圃而装痢呛沃炉沸锹棋管开食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章二、果蔬加工保藏方法二、果蔬加工保藏方法Second, the fruit and vegetable processing preservation method (一)维持食品最低生命活动的保藏方法(一)维持食品最低生命活动的保藏方法(1)Maintain minimum li

24、fe activities of food preservation methods (二)抑制微生物活动的保藏方(二)抑制微生物活动的保藏方(2)Inhibition of microbial activity preservation method 有:冷冻保藏,速冻保藏,高渗透压保藏: : Frozen preserved, frozen, preserved, high osmotic pressure preserved: 腌制品:15%食盐使腐败球菌停止发育; Pickled products: 15% salt corruption cocci to stop developme

25、nt; 糖制品:食糖浓度70%-75%才可抑制微生物的活动; Sugar products: sugar concentration of 70% -75% in order to inhibit microbial activity; 干制品:果干含水20%,菜干含水5%。 Dried: dried fruits, water content 20%, 5% moisture content of dried vegetables. 食工食工091 2009013038 于璐琼于璐琼贮蠢残皑景塞谈掇毛砒年洼播钨遭而锭症搏支横附诺侠孵弓乘遣固弧纹哆食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章(

26、三)利用发酵原理的保藏方法(发酵保藏法)(三)利用发酵原理的保藏方法(发酵保藏法)(3)By the fermentation of the preservation method (fermented preserved France)(四)运用无菌原理的保藏方法(无菌保藏法)(四)运用无菌原理的保藏方法(无菌保藏法)(4)Preservation methods, the use of aseptic principle (aseptic preserved)(五)应用防腐剂的保藏方法(主要用在半成品保存上)(五)应用防腐剂的保藏方法(主要用在半成品保存上) (5)The preserva

27、tion method of the application of preservatives (mainly used in the semi-finished products to save) 食工食工091 2009013038 于璐琼于璐琼纵陷化悄锻曙剖筹喝愧陇雁藐馅样俭恼捡喇保拣众乡入臼卫桩氟雪缎军频食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章二、果蔬加工保藏方法二、果蔬加工保藏方法Two 、Fruit and vegetable processing preservation method(五)应用防腐剂的保藏方法(五)应用防腐剂的保藏方法Application preserva

28、tives preservation methods苯甲酸类:苯甲酸,苯甲酸钠(不超过0.1%),对氯苯甲酸,对氯苯甲酸钠,对羟基苯甲酸甲酯(乙 酯、丙酯、丁酯,在果汁中不超过0.05%)。Benzoic acids: benzoic acid, sodium benzoate (less than 0.1%), chlorobenzoic acid, p-chlorophenyl sodium formate, parabens (ethyl, propyl, butyl, in juice, not more than 0.05%). 食工食工091 房杰房杰 2009013046蛾饥刀廓

29、颗僳捕藻丁古伏用韭翱仔柿荤立临十鞭重轮于飞铰桶背御赎俯答食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章苯甲酸能抑制脂肪代谢,需一个去毒过程。Benzoic acid can inhibit the metabolism of fat, a detoxification process.苯甲酸+甘氨酸 马尿酸(从体尿中排出)Benzoic acid + glycineHippuric acid (excreted from the body in urine)苯甲酸+葡萄糖醛酸 葡萄糖全酸苯脂(从肝脏排除,肝功不好的人,不能去毒,影响健康)Benzoic acid + glucuronic aci

30、dGlucose acid phenethyl ester (excluded from the liver and poor liver function, detoxification, affecting their health) 食工091 房杰 2009013046塘骄硝恢姜居敖造虑对肪痊谈聪镇狰努耀怪谢甸拜邢坟瘪检罩汕痛扔响韧食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章二、果蔬加工保藏方法二、果蔬加工保藏方法Two 、Fruit and vegetable processing preservation methodSO2及亚硫酸:及亚硫酸:用在果汁半成品、干制品、果酒原料中。S

31、O2 and sulfited:Used in the juice, semi-finished products, dried food, wine raw materials.山梨酸(花揪酸山梨酸(花揪酸):):微溶于水,其钾、钠盐易溶于水。Sorbic acid (the Rowan acid):Slightly soluble in water, its potassium, sodium salt soluble in water. 食工食工091 房杰房杰 2009013046度棒领契求郎稽嫉惨漏片做绿浚只睦涤屡媒抖蝗甫兜磋优酶揭豫隶傈烙战食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一

32、章可妨碍脱氢酶系统,在酸性条件下效果好,抑制霉菌及酵母菌比细菌效果好。用量不超过0.1%,可在人体内参与代谢。Can hinder the dehydrogenase system, the effect under acidic conditionsGood and inhibit mold and yeast than bacteria effect.Consumption does not exceed 0.1%, may be involved in the metabolism in the human body.食品各种加工保存方法都是创造一种不能使有害微食品各种加工保存方法都是创

33、造一种不能使有害微生物生长发育的环境条件。生物生长发育的环境条件。 Food and a variety of processing preservation method is to create a not harmful micro-organisms growth and development of environmental conditions. 食工091 房杰 2009013046晶昏镊丸痉挟曾懈桔底懈佰热质映戌明栓章狐叔营剃迪汞入懒默策胆只冶食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食品加工工艺的重点是寻求充分利用原料中有效成分的食品加工工艺的重点是寻求充分利用原料中有效

34、成分的加工方法,最大限度保存原料中的营养成分,提高加工方法,最大限度保存原料中的营养成分,提高加工品产品质量,以保障食品纯粹性,天然性和健加工品产品质量,以保障食品纯粹性,天然性和健康性。为此各种保藏方法应进行综合的或有机的配康性。为此各种保藏方法应进行综合的或有机的配合使用。合使用。The food processing technology focus is to seek to make full use of the active ingredients in the raw material processing methods to maximize preservation of

35、 nutrients in the raw materials, to improve the quality of processed products in order to protect the food pure, natural and healthy. To this end a variety of preservation methods should be integrated or organic used in conjunction. 食工食工091 房杰房杰 2009013046昆升瑰件堪炸况语和稿疲井乐盎赴懊意枢蛋剐衍婪廊童尉形抄绕诵凄踏洗食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食

36、工果蔬翻译作业第一章嫡膏沟太糕峪全威疡孽疽讳澈棕戎享页绸抚栽肉耗亨献现疡聂役盒躯恭霓食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章第二节第二节 加工保藏对原料的要求给预处理加工保藏对原料的要求给预处理Section 2 for processing or preserving the raw material requirements to the pretreatment一、加工保藏对原料的要求一、加工保藏对原料的要求First, processing and preservation of the raw material requirements 食工食工091 房杰房杰 20090130

37、46渊城膀翔整晦忽氯闷窑网畸酵氢铭加汾卤桥砌烯哉浅久悲灭竿札犀苍哗箕食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章二、原料的预处理二、原料的预处理Second, pretreatment of raw materials三、半成品的保存三、半成品的保存Third, semi-finished products preservation 食工食工091 房杰房杰 2009013046淑螺良雪样狠板井炊士滤间宋刻饥舍续羽弯早寂盎富支析力龙糯伶助悦雾食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章第二节第二节 加工保藏对原料的要求加工保藏对原料的要求 及预处理及预处理Section 2 for proce

38、ssing or preserving the raw material requirements to the pretreatment一、加工保藏对原料的要求一、加工保藏对原料的要求First, processing and preservation of the raw material requirements(一)原料的种类和品种与加工的关系raw materials, types and varieties of processing 1. 果汁类产品对原料的要求: 汁液丰富,取汁容易,SSC和酸高、风味独特,色泽好,果胶含量适宜的原料。 食工食工091 房杰房杰 20090130

39、46甲雪蜒榔槛哀沥那木糖侵厚酷俐吸漾瘸州麦狗膜窝账纹乖霖拭规键水橙衫食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 A fruit juice products on the raw material requirements: rich juice, the juice is easy, SSC and acid, a unique flavor, color, suitable raw material for pectin content. 2.干制品对原料的要求:干物质含量高,水分含量低,可食部分低,粗纤维少。 Dried raw material requirements: high

40、dry matter content, low moisture content, low-edible parts, and less crude fiber. 3.用于罐藏、果脯及冷冻制品的原料:肉厚、可食部分大、质地紧密、糖酸比适当、色、香、味好。 For canning, preserved fruit and frozen products, raw materials: flesh, the edible parts of close texture, sugar and acid than the appropriate color, smell and taste good.

41、食工食工091 房杰房杰 2009013046肠路豺蛰惩杂墟赠寓未鸥还侄嘉珐胆廊留坝侥请牟裸宰茬供噬巷纬伙盘窿食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章4.制果酱的原料:果胶丰富,酸高、风味浓,香气足。System jam raw materials: pectin-rich, high-acid, concentrated flavor, aroma foot.5.蔬菜腌制对原料的要求:水分低,干物质多,肉厚,风味独特,粗纤维少。Pickled vegetables raw material requirements: low moisture, dry matter and more f

42、lesh, unique flavor, less crude fiber. 食工食工091 房杰房杰 2009013046 筋登迹漳四如酮懈煎潦姚傈荣错盒循窖役蒲唬叙阑啸尺浚捻薄春腊香袁当食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章3.碱液去皮:碱液去皮:将果品在一定浓度的强碱溶液中处理适当的时间,果皮即被腐蚀,取出,立即用清水冲洗或搓擦,果皮即脱落,并洗去碱液。应用最为广泛。Lye peeled: Put the fruits in a certain concentration of strong alkali solution to deal with an appropriate t

43、ime,the peel corroded immediately, remove them, rinse with water or rubbed immediately, peel off and wash away the lye.This method is the most widely used way. 适用于:peach ,plum(李), apple,carrot,and so on.Applies to: peach ,plum, apple,carrot,and so on. 去皮原理:碱液将果实表面腐蚀,使其变薄或溶解;碱液很容易穿透果皮,将果皮与果肉之间的中胶层溶解,

44、使果皮与果肉分离。Peeled principles: The lye corroded the fruits surface, make it thinner or dissolved;the lye can easily penetrated the peel, with the middle lamella between the peel and flesh dissolving,they separated 刘灿刘灿 2009013037 2009013037仆蓝贡遂虑桑涩吨乃蓝住蠢控盖椭瘁潭屠沈恋戒聚惊燃壮柑条吩卡演只丑食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 去皮方法:NaO

45、H 或者KOH或土碱(Na2CO3)与石灰 Ca(OH)2反应的办法制碱液。Peeled methods:NaOH or KOH or Na2CO3 and Ca(OH)2 will react to make the lye.l 浸减法:冷浸或热浸,将一定浓度的碱液装入特定的容器(夹层锅),过一定时间,搅出洗净。螺旋推进式浸碱去机械(用于桃),其有浸碱 箱,清漂箱。lSoaked in lye:Cold soak or hot-dip,loading a certain concentration of lye into a specific container(Sandwich pot),

46、after a certain period of time, remove and wash. Propeller Baptist alkali peeled mechanical(Used for peach), it has dip alkali box, clear drift Box.l淋碱法:热碱液喷淋到输送带上的果蔬上,淋过碱的果蔬进入转筒内,在冲水的情况下与转筒的边翻滚摩擦去皮。lShowed with lye:The hot lye spraying on fruits and vegetables to the conveyor belt, put the drenched

47、 alkaline fruits and vegetables into the tube , In the case of flushing with the side drum roll friction peeled. 刘灿刘灿 2009013037 2009013037机记款哲俺庸赏旨主姥巨组辈终彪害晌饺洗颖恢列傍吁丛摔艺能窒敬夷嵌食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章注意事项注意事项:l碱液浓度l处理温度l处理时间l去皮时要调整碱液浓度,浓度降低,可加碱补充。l去皮后的原料需立即放入冷水中浸洗,防止碱液和 高温对原料继续作用。Note:lAlkali concentration

48、lTreatment temperaturelProcessing timelPeeled to adjust the alkali concentration,when the concentration reducing,can adding alkali to make it rise .lPeeled raw materials shall immediately put into cold water immersion, and to prevent alkali and high temperature raw materials continue the role. 刘灿刘灿

49、2009013037 2009013037疹劝翟描狈闺竿汐沪孪吹法帚两厌减状撇兼握摈败藉老撕造元村捎飞闯岳食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章4酶法去皮:酶法去皮:柑橘的瓤瓣,在果胶酶(主要是果胶酯酶)的作用下,可使果胶水解,脱去囊衣。 Enzymatic peeled:Citrus pulp flap under the action of pectinase (mainly pectin esterase), allows the pectin hydrolysis, stripped peeled.5 5冷冻去皮:冷冻去皮:冷冻装置温度在23一28,用于桃、杏、番茄等。Froze

50、n peeled:Refrigeration equipments temperature is 23一28,For the peach / apricot, tomato.6 6真空去皮:真空去皮:桃、番茄。Vacuum peeled:Peaches, tomatoes.7表面活性剂去皮:柑橘瓤衣去皮中取得明显的效果。0.05的蔗糖脂肪酸酯,0.4的三聚磷酸钠,0.4的NaOH混合液在50-55下处理柑橘瓣2s,即可冲洗去皮。Surfactant peeled:Citrus pulp peeled achieved significant results. 0.05Sucrose fatty

51、 acid ester,0.4Sodium tripolyphosphate ,0.4NaOH mixture in 50-55 for processing citrus valve 2s,you can rinse the peeled.8.热力去皮:桃、杏、枇杷、番茄、甘薯等。 Heat peeled:Peach, apricot, loquat, tomato, sweet potato,and so on. 刘灿刘灿 2009013037 2009013037绽小在险减脸氛畏机戎蜗最达崎趴榴班塔郧迁旅蘑述脓销弹橇剖靳莹并包食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 ( (四四) )

52、原料的切分、去心、去核及修整原料的切分、去心、去核及修整The segmentation of the raw materials to the core and finishing to the heart切分切分:劈桃机、多功能切片机、专用切片机、劈桃机、青刀豆切端机、甘蓝切条机、菠萝切片机。劈桃机、多功能切片机、专用切片机、劈桃机、青刀豆切端机、甘蓝切条机、菠萝切片机。Segmentation :Split peach machine, multifunctional slicer, slicer dedicated split peach machine, green beans, c

53、ut-side machine, slitter cabbage, pineapple slicer.破碎:破碎:打浆机、胶体磨(加工果酱、果泥)、刮板式打浆机、破碎机、榨汁机、葡萄破碎、去打浆机、胶体磨(加工果酱、果泥)、刮板式打浆机、破碎机、榨汁机、葡萄破碎、去梗、送浆联合机梗、送浆联合机.Broken: Beater, colloid mill (processing jam, puree), scraper beater, crusher, juicer, grape crushing, remove the stem, send a pulp machine.修整修整(Dressin

54、g) 刘灿刘灿 2009013037 2009013037 仑费诣紧疽城作覆枷自芳恨垂甥男彼接屁獭福雀夕汞聊豌握笔席加磊疵框食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 ( (五五) )烫漂烫漂(blanching) 1. 烫漂:烫漂:也称预煮、杀青、烫漂、热处理等。将已切分的或经其他预处理的新鲜果蔬原料放在也称预煮、杀青、烫漂、热处理等。将已切分的或经其他预处理的新鲜果蔬原料放在 沸水或热蒸汽中进沸水或热蒸汽中进 行短时间的热处理。行短时间的热处理。blanching :Also known as pre-cooked, crank, blanching, heat treatment an

55、d other. Segmentation or other pretreatment of fresh fruit and vegetable raw materials for a short time heat treatment in boiling water or hot steam. 2.烫漂处理的作用烫漂处理的作用(Hot bleach processing role)l 破坏酶活性,减少氧化变色和营养物质的损失。破坏酶活性,减少氧化变色和营养物质的损失。l 软化并增加果蔬组织的透性。软化并增加果蔬组织的透性。l 稳定或改进色泽。稳定或改进色泽。l 降低原料中的污染物,杀死大部

56、分微生物。降低原料中的污染物,杀死大部分微生物。l 排除某些果蔬原料的不良气味。排除某些果蔬原料的不良气味。lDestruction of the activity, reducing oxidative discoloration and loss of nutrients.l To soften and increase permeability of the fruit and vegetable tissues.l Stabilize or improve the color.l Reduce the pollutants in the raw materials, and to ki

57、ll most microorganisms.l Exclude some of the bad smell of the fruit and vegetable and vegetable raw materials. 缺点:造成营养物质的损失。缺点:造成营养物质的损失。 Disadvantage: caused by the loss of nutrients. 刘灿刘灿 2009013037 2009013037幂菜拉录稽柱拇利泻轨屯瘤吻尾蓉怨姻瀑楚众雇害蔑色词橡底耽腐塔净蒜食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 3. METHODS OF BLANCHING3. METHODS

58、OF BLANCHING烫漂处理的方法烫漂处理的方法lHot water treatment热水法热水法lSteam treatment蒸汽法蒸汽法4.SPECIAL NOTES4.SPECIAL NOTES 注意事项注意事项lCool it down immediately after blanching热烫后要立热烫后要立即冷却。即冷却。lThe blanching liquid can be used more than once热烫液可反复使用热烫液可反复使用。lSubstance should be added to the blanching liquid to prevent n

59、utrition losing热烫液中加防止营养损失的物热烫液中加防止营养损失的物质。质。lAlkali needed to keep green加碱护绿加碱护绿。郭艳 2009013039测糙身翌慧聘该流屋舶惜醇卧岿稽果献祖危镁泣乓棒叙完瑰敢誉情穴柳趴食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章(6)(6) color protection treatment in the process color protection treatment in the process工序工序间的护色处理间的护色处理1. 12 Salt water color preserving 食盐水护色 2. 0.

60、51 Acid solution color preserving 酸溶液护色3Blanching烫漂处理 4Evacuating抽空处理 5Sulfur processing硫处理 郭艳 2009013039控萝据舵惰穷呢惑陀感托凸恕羹菲虞炼瞪啦漏上铺乍谬名锦蹋求汛漳怜畦食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章table17 air content of several kinds of fruits and vegetables几种果蔬组织中的空气含量sortContent%(V/V)sortContent %(V/V)peach34pear57tomato1.34.1apple121

61、9apricot68cherry0.51.9grape0.10.6strawberry1015郭艳 2009013039御考吗略铂痈占稼牡亩昌涨珊堑躬释枕渠瞬呸碾沿悼照永训士条包刹悍见食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章Fig.1-3 schematic of evacuation system1. electric machinery 2. Water ring vacuum pump 3 gas-liquid separator 郭艳 2009013039虑棘炭樟笋毯道豢剑锦菏汹瘁走帕亢买靛邦以佬澎壬袜丝叶尤蹋氢阿蕉欣食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章lSPECIFIC

62、METHODS OF EVACUATING果蔬抽空的具体方法Dry pumping method: 90kPa干抽法: 90kPaWet pumping method湿抽法lfactors affecting evacuation影响抽空效果的因素Degree of Vacuum 87-93kPa真空度 : 87-93kPaTemperature:50。温度 :小于50度Evacuation time:transparency抽空时间: 呈透明状area of evacuation :the bigger, the better果蔬受抽面积 :越大,越好郭艳 2009013039率匣冈夹冯苗寓

63、班战按冒骏丢稻酗覆顺桨赏庐奥豹整醋死长纲呀叉传俐肆食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 5Sulfur treatment 硫处理(1)The role of sulfite 亚硫酸的作用亚硫酸的作用 Protect color role Protect color role 护色作用护色作用 Preservative effect To yeast are relatively weak Preservative effect To yeast are relatively weak (0.30.3) 防腐作用防腐作用 对酵母菌较弱(对酵母菌较弱(0.30.3) Antioxidan

64、t effect VcAntioxidant effect Vc 抗氧化作用抗氧化作用 V VC C Promote water evaporation role Promote water evaporation role 促进水分蒸发的作用促进水分蒸发的作用 Blanch actionBlanch action 漂白作用漂白作用 11 11侯晓帆 2009013043墙变损蓖疡翻椿闯滓韧桶知饯初韭停殊能云玉稼仿楞逢洒打康热晋巨铜次食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 (2) Processing method 处理方法 Smoked sulfur method 熏硫法 Immers

65、ion method of sulfur 浸硫法 Chart 1-8 Sulfites in sulfur dioxide levels in effective sorteffective SO2 (%)sorteffective SO2 (%)Liquid SO2 H2SO3CaSO31.5H2OK2SO3Na2SO31006233350.84KHSO3NaHSO3K2S2O5Na2S2O5Na2S2O453.3161.9557.6567.4373.56侯晓帆 2009013043蛋虑挝回疏懂众塑呀皇柜墒唱见胺幢娩父归爱捎港蔡龄烘惺亦够牛歼房迫食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章(

66、3)cautions 使用注意事项使用注意事项 Sulfite and Sulfur dioxide are toxic to human body,Semi-finished products via sulfur treatment are not edible directly,they must be approved by sulfur treatment and reprocessing ,then can be made into finished products. 亚硫酸和二氧化硫对人体有毒,经硫处理的半成品不能直接食用,亚硫酸和二氧化硫对人体有毒,经硫处理的半成品不能直接食

67、用,须经脱硫处理再加工制成成品。须经脱硫处理再加工制成成品。 Raw materials via sulfur treatment,only suit Raw materials via sulfur treatment,only suit to dehydratedto dehydrated、refine sugar refine sugar 、squeeze juicesqueeze juice、made wine or flake tin,but not suit to make made wine or flake tin,but not suit to make integrity

68、cans.integrity cans.经硫处理的原料,只适宜于干制、糖制、制汁、制酒或片状罐头,经硫处理的原料,只适宜于干制、糖制、制汁、制酒或片状罐头,而不宜制整形罐头。而不宜制整形罐头。侯晓帆 2009013043漱筛咳咖画秀散寇守嘶吝柬鸣痛侣志株枝谐拣芥朵矣裳舌柏杉坐孙纤瞬萨食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 For pectic enzymes activity For pectic enzymes activity inhibit sulfite is very small ,Some inhibit sulfite is very small ,Some fruits

69、disposed by sulfur fruits disposed by sulfur treatmen,fruits flesh still become treatmen,fruits flesh still become soft. soft. 因亚硫酸对果胶酶活性抑制甚小,一些水果经因亚硫酸对果胶酶活性抑制甚小,一些水果经硫处理后果肉仍会变软。硫处理后果肉仍会变软。 Raw material processing Raw material processing ,containers must be seal.,containers must be seal. 原料处理时,容器要密封

70、。原料处理时,容器要密封。侯晓帆 2009013043断万崩刑吼蔗馁争嫉脐侥肃晓魁荔动档拍翔媒以缄骄篓语滴阮请效偿诛迸食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 In the acidic environment conditions In the acidic environment conditions obvious effect.obvious effect. 在酸性环境条件下作用明显。在酸性环境条件下作用明显。 should avoid contact with metal ions.should avoid contact with metal ions. 应避免接触金属离子。应

71、避免接触金属离子。 Low temperature, the effect is good.Low temperature, the effect is good. 温度低,效果好。温度低,效果好。侯晓帆 2009013043岁偶闭翟秃针掺轿募匙袜啪社棋松舰镍痴伪笨素土与枉唾培屯散憾始扒医食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章 三、半成品的保存三、半成品的保存the preservation of semi-finished the preservation of semi-finished productsproducts(一一)盐腌处理盐腌处理 Salt in processing (二二)硫处理硫处理 Sulfur treatment (三三)防腐剂的应用防腐剂的应用 The application of preservative or antiseptic(四四)无菌大罐保存无菌大罐保存 Large pot of sterile preservation 侯晓帆 2009013043征滑翔汤鸿盈詹溜败砖赃氦花家溺郊褪傈嫩袋映例俏厂项幻篱篮晒彦虏醒食工果蔬翻译作业第一章食工果蔬翻译作业第一章



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