高中英语 Unit 4 Section Ⅲ Using Language课件 新人教版必修5

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1、Section Using LanguageWe need it in this edition to be ahead of the othernewspapers.我们抢在其他报纸的前面在这一版刊登它。1ahead of (作表语、定语或状语)点拨(1)(时间上)在之前;提前Mary arrived ahead of others.玛丽在别人之前到达。(2)(空间上)在前面Two roads are ahead of us.在我们前面有两条路。(3)(比喻意义)比更成功;处于优势或领先地位There are many countries ahead of us in this techno

2、logy.有许多国家在此项技术上领先我国。运用完成句子He suddenly sped up and ran _ ( 在其他人前面)ahead of the othersThe first person who saw his article was a senior editorfrom his department.第一个看到他文章的人是来自他所在部门的一位高级编辑。2senior adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的(无比较等级,反义词 junior)典例He is a senior member of the committee.他是委员会中的资深委员。拓展be senior to 比年长

3、/高级/资深be junior to 比年少/低级/资历浅运用完成句子His father is three years _ (比年长) hismother.senior toLast of all, the chief editor read it and approved it. 最后,总编阅读并认可了它。3approve vt.赞成;认可;批准典例The professor does not approve the governmentsforeign policy.那位教授不赞成政府的外交政策。拓展运用approve of 赞成;同意完成句子Her father will never

4、_ ( 赞成) her marriageto Tom.approve (of)All the information was then ready to be processed intofilm negatives.然后,所有的报道材料就已准备好被制成底片。4process vt.加工;处理n过程;程序;步骤典例Supermarkets sell many vegetables that have beenprocessed.超市出售许多已经加工过的蔬菜。The process of making steel is complex.制造钢铁的过程很复杂。辨析process/procedure

5、(1)process 意为“过程;工序”,注重的是经过某个过程得到了一个结果,而“过程”可能是一个大概的过程,是宏观的。如:I will tell you, sooner or later, all the complicated process.我早晚要将整个复杂的过程告诉你。(2)procedure 意为“步骤;手续”,表示固定的、已经成为常规的“程序”,注重的是过程本身,强调一步一步的“过程”,是微观的。如:The chairman was quite familiar with the procedure forconducting a meeting.主席对开会的程序很熟悉。运用用上

6、面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空(1)The first step in the _ for making a kite is to buildthe frame.(2)Producing a dictionary is a slow _.procedureprocess运用用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Try your best to be _ so that we can improve the_.(accurate)encyityedaccurateaccuracy2Government gives _ civilians many complimentarytickets to the o

7、pening ceremony because of their _ andcontribution to the city.(senior)3 This is a new kind of _ material for furniture.(polish)4Today people eat too many intensively _ food as wewhichget more advance technology in various _ ,probably is not good for health.(process)seniorsenioritypolishedprocessedp

8、rocesses一、段落仿写 精彩文段Collecting and writing news is like researching in history:thebest information comes from those who were there at the time.So ifwe want to study the history of China in the sixth century AD, weshould look at the writings of the people who lived then.They arecalled the primary sour

9、ces because they tell us what it was like tolive then.People at a much later date who write about the sameevents are called the secondary sources.For example, when we readthe original writings of Jia Sixie on agriculture, we are reading aprimary source; when we read about Jia Sixie in our textbook,

10、weare reading a secondary source because the passage was writtenabout him and his ideas many years after he died.新闻采集和写作就像历史研究一样:最好的信息来源于那些生活在当时的人们。因此,如果我们要研究中国公元六世纪的历史,我们就得看看当时的人所写的材料。它们被称为原始材料,因为它们告诉我们当时的生活是什么样的。在较后时期的人所写的同样的材料被称为二手材料。例如,当我们读到贾思勰有关农业的原始著作时,我们读的就是原始材料;当我们在教科书上读到贾思勰的材料时,我们阅读的就是二手材料,

11、因为文章是在他去世多年后才就他和他的思想写出来的。分析讲解主 题 句 : Collecting and writing news is like researching inhistory :the best information comes from those who were there atthe time.拓展 1:(对主题句作进一步说明) So if we want to study thehistory of China in the sixth century AD, we should look at thewritings of the people who lived

12、then.拓展 2:(对拓展 1 作进一步说明) They are called the primarysources because they tell us what it was like to live then.People at amuch later date who write about the same events are called thesecondary sources.拓展 3:(对拓展 2 作进一步举例说明) For example, when weread the original writings of Jia Sixie on agriculture,

13、we are readinga primary source; when we read about Jia Sixie in our textbook, weare reading a secondary source because the passage was writtenabout him and his ideas many years after he died. 实战演练(1)原作文材料主题句:英语已成为一种国际语言,因为世界上大多数国家都使用它。拓展句 1:如果想跟外国人做生意,我们必须学习英语。拓展句 2:目前,很多有价值的书籍都是用英语写的。拓展句 3:英语也在我们国家

14、大多数的学校被教授。(2)拓展主题句:英语已成为一种国际语言,因为世界上大多数国家都使用它。拓展句 1:如果想跟外国人做生意,我们必须学习英语,(次要拓展句)因为他们中大多数人在生意上说、写英语。拓展句 2:目前,很多有价值的书籍都是用英语写的。(次要拓展句)为了扩大我们的知识面,我们应该能够阅读英语。拓展句 3:英语也在我们国家大多数的学校被教授,(次要拓展句)但很少学生知道他们必须学习英语的原因。(次要拓展句)人们希望,学生应更加重视英语的学习并好好利用它。_【参考范文】English has now become an international language because iti

15、s used by most of countries in the world.If we want to do businesswith foreigners, we have to learn English, for most of them speakand write English in business.In the present time, many valuablebooks are written in English.In order to enlarge our knowledge, weshould be able to read English.English

16、is also taught in most ofschools in our country, but few students know the reason why theyhave to learn English.It is hoped that students should pay moreattention to the study of English and make good use of it.二、单元写作新闻报道新闻注重客观描绘新事件,避免主观意见。按照事件的性质 , 新 闻 可 分 为 “ 硬 新 闻 ” (hard news) 和 “ 软 新 闻 ”(softne

17、ws)。硬新闻是指题材比较严肃、具有一定时效性的客观事实报道。软新闻是指写法轻松活泼、人情味较浓的社会新闻。提高新闻写作能力最有效的途径之一就是广泛阅读新闻报道,对好的报道进行深入分析,模仿它们的措辞和写作风格。下面简要介绍新闻报道的写作步骤和注意事项:1收集详实资料在写新闻报道之前,常常先收集“5Ws and 1H”,即:Who/What : Who or what is it about?What happened?What changes?If any, what did it cause?Where:Where did the event take place?When:When di

18、d the event take place?Why:Why is this event important?How:How did this event happen? How did it affect people?2选用经典格式写作新闻时可采用经典的金字塔格式,即标题(title)、导语(leadin)和正文(body)三部分。3书写醒目标题好的标题能使读者在最短的时间内了解新闻的主要内容,激发阅读兴趣。写新闻标题的原则是尽量用有限的语句将新闻的主要内容表达清楚。此外,还要注意以下两点:(1)准确选取动词及正确时态、语态,使标题变得活跃,能生 动 地 描 述 新 闻 事 实 。 如 :

19、 Beijing Olympic Flame Arrives inMacao。(2) 使 用 缩 写 词 可 使 标 题 更 简 洁 。 如 : New groups boostHitech research (Hitechhigh technology)。4构思有力导语新闻导语常用一句话描述主要的事实,导语既要简短(一般不超过 25 个单词),又不能缺少重大事实及生动的细节,强调使用具有强烈色彩的、富有动感的词汇,以引起读者的阅读兴趣。如:Beijing Olympic Flame Arrives in MacaoWith waving andlions dancing, Macao wel

20、comed the flame of the 2008 BeijingOlympic Games that arrived here on Friday night.5创作简洁生动的正文正文的报道既要简洁,又要生动。应注意以下几点:(1)避免使用被动语态,多用富含行为动词的陈述句。行文要简洁,省去一切不必要的词汇。(2)抓住一些显著的细节进行深入描写。(3)语法正确。新闻报道作为一种媒体写作应特别讲究语法的准确性,以免对公众产生不好的影响。要确保句子的完整性,主谓要一致,形容词、副词、虚拟语气以及从句等的使用要恰当。【典例】假如你是某报社的一名记者,请根据以下内容,用英语写一篇有关 2010

21、年上海世博会的新闻报道。1在 4 月 7 日召开的新闻发布会上,上海世博会新闻中心主任宋超宣布:在 4 月 20 日至 26 日世博会媒体中心试运营后,4 月 27 日将正式运营,运营期从 2010 年的 5 月 1 日到 2010 年的 10 月 31 日。2在未来六个月的文化盛事期间,一个在线的媒体中心也将建立,并对登记的记者开放。3截止到目前,大约有 13000 名国内外的新闻工作者已经申请采访报道世博会。他们之中有 3500 人是来自 589 家的海外机构,有 9000 多人来自 713 家的中国机构。参考词汇:2010 年上海世博会 Shanghai World Expo 2010;

22、上海市人民政 府 新 闻 办 公 室 主 任 head of the press office of the municipalgovernment of Shanghai ;试运营 a trial run ;正式运营 officialoperation ; 文 化 盛 事 cultural event ; 注 册 的 registered ; 机 构institution范文欣赏Expo media center to open on April 27On April 7, Song Chao, head of the press office of themunicipal governm

23、ent of Shanghai, announced that media centerfor the Shanghai World Expo 2010 from May 1 to October 31 wouldbegin official operation on April 27, after it completes a trial runbetween April 20 to 26.An online media center will also be established for thesixmonth cultural event for the registered journalists.By now,approximately 13,000 media workers in China and from abroadhave applied to cover the Expo.Of them, 3,500 are from 589overseas institutions, and more than 9,000 from 713 Chineseinstitutions.



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