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1、购 物Lesson 201;.2本课学习内容1听力训练2掌握常用的销售人员用语3熟练操作购物时的用语4对话练习3Why many people like to go shopping in supermarket?为什么好多人喜欢到超市买东西?The price is not dearer than those in other places and the quality is super.(服务,态度等)4regular price一般价half price半价 current price时价5change零价 cashers desk收银台 price tag价格标签6Have in s

2、tock 有存货 be out of stock 没有存货Be all sold out 卖完了 fixed prices 实价7Discount 打扣reduce prices减价Wholesale price批发价 retail price零售价8 非卖品非卖品 NOT FOR SALE英语标牌是一种简单的文体,但写起来并不容易,因为地道的英语标牌在书写时是有一定要求的:1.全用大写字母,字体醒目,能引起人们的注意。2.字数不要过多,无需标点,让人一目了然。3.用名词或名词短语。这样显得语言精练、正规、严谨。4.多用祈使句,可以加强语气,增加力度。5.多用大写或正规词。总之,在写标牌时应做

3、到言简意赅、引人注目、文字少、信息多。 9销售人员常用语主动询问时用语:Can I help you?Can I help you find something?What can I do for you?10Is there anything I can do for you?What do you want?您想要点什么?能为你效劳吗?11欢迎您有空再来欢迎您有空再来Come back and see us. 我是售货员我是售货员I am a shop assistant. 谨防儿童使用。谨防儿童使用。Keep away from children.12customercustomer常用

4、语常用语13Id like to buy a new suit. 我想买一套新衣服Im interested in getting some shoes. 我有兴趣买些鞋子14I need a pair of shoes,size 39.我要一双39码的鞋Do you sell candy?你们这有糖卖吗?15Give me a biscuit ,please. 买一袋饼干Let me look at the vases.把花瓶子给我看一下Show me this one,please.把这个给我看一下16It suits me. 这个我中意Have you got a bigger size

5、? 有没有大一点的?17Do you have any cheaper ones? 有没有便宜一点的?Can I try it on? 我能试一下吗?18 付款时有时会说:How much is it altogether?一共多少钱?Can you come down a bit?能不能少一点?1920;.A:Can I help you find something?B:I am just looking right now.(Im only looking.)我只是看看21A: Take your time.And let me know if theres anything I can

6、 do to help you.慢慢看,如果需要帮助就尽管说。22A:How much is it?A:How much do you charge for the bunch of flowers?这束花多少钱?B:The price is marked on the tag.价格就是标签上。23Going shoppingA: Lets go into AiJia supermarket.I need some shoes to match my new dress.B:Thats good idea.I am so tired and Ill be glad to sit down ,b

7、ut I dont need any shoes.24C:Good evening,ladies,May I help you?A:I hope so .Im interested in seeing a pair of shoes to match my new red dress.C:Do you want high heels or low heels?25A:Low heels are more comfortable,but I think I should wear high heels with that dress.26C:Let me measure your foot.Fine ,here are several different styles in your size.Try these on.They are on sale today.(This one is very popular now.)A:OK,Ill buy them.27



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