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1、一、主系表结构一、主系表结构人类居住的唯一家园是地球。The only home for man to live on is the earth. 一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVSC (2) 主语主语+ be + 形形容词容词 + (介词短语介词短语) be rich in, be busy with, be responsible for, be angry with, be different from, be fond of, be welcome to 中国自然资源丰富。China is rich in natural resources.你真糊涂,竟然相信他说的话。Its ve

2、ry foolish of you to believe what he said. 一、主系表结构【句型】【句型】SVSC (3) 主语主语+ be + 现在分现在分词词amusing(有趣的), boring(令人厌烦的), disappointing(令人失望的), charming(迷人的), inviting (引人注目的,吸引人的), comforting(令人鼓舞的), confusing(混淆的), exciting(令人兴奋的), embarrassing(令人为难的), discouraging(令人气馁的), disturbing(烦扰的), fascinating(迷人

3、的), interesting, surprising(惊人的), missing, promising(有前途的), puzzling(令人迷惑的), shocking (骇人听闻的), striking(引人注目的), pleasing(令人高兴的), touching(动人的),worrying(令人担心的)等 这个小伙子真讨人喜欢。The young man is very charming.一、主系表结构【句型】【句型】SVSC (4) 主语主语+ be + 过去过去分词分词 + (介词短语介词短语) 常见带介词about分词: excited, pleased, puzzled,

4、shocked, worried. 常见带介词at分词: amazed, disappointed, dissatisfied, amused, annoyed, astonished, delighted, excited, displeased, pleased, shocked, surprised. 常见带介词against分词:arranged, prepared. 常见带介词for分词:prepared, celebrated, pressed. 常见带介词in分词:absorbed, dressed, celebrated, disappointed, delighted, lo

5、st, embarrassed, engaged, experienced, interested 常见带介词on分词:founded, based, bent, set 常见带介词to分词:devoted, lost, engaged, known, related, married. 常见带介词with分词:excited, bored, delighted, disappointed, satisfied, displeased, dissatisfied, equipped, pleased 一、主系表结构 我不满意我们在那家旅馆受到的待遇。I wasnt satisfied with

6、 our treatment at that hotel.我们要作好下一次考试的准备。We must be prepared for the next exam.受到你的来信,我非常高兴。Im very pleased to hear from you.他发现的情况使他十分惊讶。He was astonished at what he found.一、主系表结构SVSC (5) 主语主语+ be + 形容词形容词 + 不定式不定式 他很勇敢,闯进了那着火的房子。He was very brave to break into the burning building. 他非常仔细, 把每一个细节

7、都核对过了。He was careful enough to check up every detail. 战争中的勇士愿意为国捐躯。The brave fighters at war were ready to die for their country. 他下决心再也不见她了。He was determined not to see her any more. 全世界人民都渴望和平。People all over the world were anxious to have peace.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVSC (6) 主语主语+ be + 形形容词短语容词短语 + 不定式

8、不定式 这些柱子(pillars)太细, 支撑不住屋顶。These pillars are too thin to carry the roof. 这篇文章他翻译起来太难了。The article is too difficult for him to translate. 他很富裕,买得起那辆豪华(luxury)车。He is rich enough to buy that luxury car. 他不是傻子,他不会相信那种事。He was not so stupid as to believe that. 他很容易相处。He is quite easy to get along with.

9、 他气得说不出话来。He was angry to say a word. 一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVSC (7) 主语主语+ be + 形形容词容词 + that从句从句 我恐怕他不能来开会了。Im afraid that he wont be able to come to the meeting. 他很高兴他得到了进入大学的机会。He was very glad that he had got the opportunity to go to college. 我们决心把这项工作提前完成。We are determined that the work should be com

10、pleted ahead of time. 一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVSC (8) 主语主语+ be + 介介词短语词短语 那条铁路正在修建中。That railway is under construction. 李明的父亲失业四年了。Li Mings father has been out of work for four years. 全班学生都反对这个计划。All the students in the class are against the plan 他们是同一国籍。They are of the same nationality. 一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SV

11、SC (9) 主语主语+特殊连特殊连系动词系动词+ 表语表语 常见的“特殊连系动词”可分为三类:表示“变成某种状态”意义的系动词:become, come, fall, get, go, grow, make, prove, run, shine, turn, turn out, wear, work. 表示“保持某种状态”意义的系动词:continue , die, go, hold, keep, lie, live, remain, rest , return, sit, stand, stay 表示 “自己感觉或令人感觉” 意义的系动词:appear, feel , look, seem

12、 , smell, sound, taste。 一、主系表结构 你的手摸起来很凉。Your hand feels cold. 所有的树叶都变黄了。All the leaves have turned yellow. 他们在讨论中全都保持沉默。They all remained silent in the discussion.一、主系表结构二、主谓结构二、主谓结构 【句型】【句型】SV(1) There + be + 主语主语 + 状状语语桌上有盏灯,一本字典和几本笔记。There is a lamp, a dictionary and some notebooks on the table.

13、 近十天一直没有雨。 There hasnt been any rain for ten days. 一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SV(2) There + 动词动词 + 主语主语 + 状语状语 在there+be结构中, 谓语动词有时不用be而用: 动词短语:seem to be(似乎), happen to be (碰巧有/碰巧是), be likely to be (可能有/可能是), appear to be (似乎/看起来) used to be(曾经有);不及物动词:live(生活有/住着),stand(伫立/站着), come, exist(存在), rise(升起), li

14、e(位于/有), occur(发生/有), fly(飞), remain(仍/还有/保持),stand(站/屹立), hang(挂着), rise(升起), run(流淌/行驶), occur(发生/出现)等。 一、主系表结构双方之间发生了一些误会。There occurred some misunderstanding between both sides.从前中国有一个国王。 Once upon a time there lived a king in China. 似乎有个错误。 There appears to be a mistake. 一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SV(3) T

15、here + be + 主主语语 + 定语定语 有许多家务要做。 Theres plenty of housework to do.我们没有一个可说话的人。 There was no one for us to talk to.有几个人我希望你见见面。There s some people Id like you to meet.当心,有辆车正在开过来。 Look out! There is a car coming. 一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SV (4) 主语主语 + 不及物动不及物动词词 + (状语状语) 在地平线上升起了一轮红日。A red sun is rising from

16、under the horizon. 这台机器运转得不正常。This machine is not running correctly. 我在海滨居住已有三月。 I have been living at the seaside for three months.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SV (5) 主语主语 + 动词短语动词短语 + (状语状语) 在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。Great changes have taken place in my home town in the past ten years. 1919年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。 The Ma

17、y Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919. 有一些规则正在逐渐消失。Some of the rules are dying out gradually.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SV (6) 主语主语 + 不及物动不及物动词词 + 副词副词(状语状语) 我们的产品在欧洲市场上非常畅销。Our products sell very well on the European market. 这种不料很耐洗。This sort of cloth washes well. 这种火柴很容易划着。The match lights easily. 这

18、个计划进展顺利。The plan worked smoothly.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SV (7) 主语主语 + 不及物动不及物动词词 + 不定式不定式(状语状语) 他大喊大叫以便引起大家的注意。He shouted so as to attract everybodys attention. 他跑过去帮助受伤的人。He ran over to help the injured. 她仔仔细细地抄写以免遗漏任何东西。She copied so carefully so as not to leave anything out.一、主系表结构三、主谓宾结构三、主谓宾结构 【句型】【句型

19、】SVO (1) 主语主语 + 及物动词及物动词 + 名词名词/代词代词 刚才是谁接的电话?Who answered the telephone just now? 我简直不能相信我的眼睛。I just could not believe my eyes. 他立即听出是他的声音。He immediately recognized his voice. 警察抓住了火车上的小偷。The police caught the thief in the train. 那位音乐家已收集了500多首民歌。The musician has collected over 500 folk songs 他们进行的

20、一项科学实验很成功。They performed a scientific experiment successfully. 一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVO (2) 主语主语 + 及物动及物动词词 + 宾语宾语 + 状语状语 他把桌子推近窗户。He pushed the table nearer the window. 她把她的婴儿抱在怀里。 She carried her baby in her arms. 我们跟随着化学老师进入办公室。We followed our chemistry teacher into his office.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVO (3)

21、主语主语 + 及物动及物动词词 + 宾语宾语 + 不定式不定式 昨天晚上他们开了个晚会来庆祝他们的成功。They gave a party to celebrate their success yesterday evening. 他们学习英语是为了将来更好地工作。They study English in order to work better in the future. 他买了一辆自行车给他儿子骑。He bought a bike for his son to ride. 他每天做晨练,为的是增强体质。He does morning exercise every day so as t

22、o build up his body.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVO (3) 主语主语+及物动词及物动词+可用作动词的名词可用作动词的名词 have + n.: a rest, a walk, a look, a bath, a drive, a ride, a nap, a share, a smoke, a try, a haircut, a good time take + n.: care, a breath, a turn, a notice, measures, a drive, a nap, a bath, a walk, a run, action, a step,

23、an exam make + n. : progress, a telephone call, preparations, aneffort, a discovery, a promise, a change, a mistake, success. give + n.: a ring, push, a pull, a kick, a smile, a cry, a try, a shout, a laugh, a call, a shock, a lead, touch, a talk, a welcome, a wash, a long sign, a nod, a clean, a bl

24、ow do + n. : damage, service, work, exercise, a play, repairs 我将尽一切努力帮助他。I will make every effort to help him. 昨夜风暴造成巨大损害。The storm did a lot of damage last night. 现在深呼吸,你就会感觉好一些。Now take a deep breath, and you will feel better.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVO (4) 主语主语 + 短语动短语动词词 + 名词名词 ,介词仍须紧跟动词之后。常见的短语动词有:wait

25、 for, look after, listen to, depend on, call on, belong to, happen to, hear from, stick to, succeed in, hear of, think of等等。 运动会的日期完全得看天气如何而定。The date of the sports meeting all depends on the weather. 有些学生总是渴望着放假。Some of the students are always longing for holidays. 他终于克服了所有的困难。He succeeded in getti

26、ng over all the difficulty.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVO (5) 主语主语+及物动词及物动词+ 副词副词+ 名词名词 他们将把会议推迟到五天以后。They will put off the meeting till five days later. 那个床占的面积太大。The bed takes up too much room. 他们在英语课上编演了个对话。They made up a dialogue and acted it out in the English class. 你最好把这一句话删去。Youd better leave out the s

27、entence. 他们最后实现了他们的计划。They carried out their plan at last.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVO (6) 主语主语 + 及物动及物动词词 + 动词不定式动词不定式 父亲已经答应给儿子买一辆自行车作为生日礼物。The father has promised to buy a bike for his sun as a birthday present. 他假装知道这件事的来龙去脉。He pretended to know everything about it. 他本来打算和我们一道到西安去旅游。He intended to have j

28、oined us for the trip to Xi an. 我可不是有意伤害她的感情。I didnt mean to hurt her feelings. 每位学生都希望被大学录取。Each of the students wishes to be admitted into the university. 他已下决心不再犯如此愚蠢的错误。He has decided never to make such a stupid mistake.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVO (7) 主语主语+及物动词及物动词+ 疑问词疑问词+不定式不定式 我不知道选哪个好。I wonder/dont

29、know which to choose. 我们将讨论一下如何解决这个问题。 We will discuss how to solve the problem. 我不知道该向谁求助。I dont know whom to turn to for help. 我在考虑下步怎么办。Im thinking what to do next. 他不知道讲话一开始该说什么好。He didnt know what to say at the beginning of his talk. 一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVO (8) 主语主语 + 及物动及物动词词 + 动名词动名词(短语短语) 在本句型中,

30、动名词作宾语。注意有些及物动词必须用动名词作宾语,常见的有:admit, cant help, advise, imagine, report, enjoy, include, resist, appreciate, escape, keep, risk, consider, mention, excuse, mind, stop, defend, face, miss, suffer, pardon, suggest, delay, finish, practice, understand, describe, forbid, prevent, forgive等。有些及物动词用动名词或不定式

31、均可,但用法有区别。常见的有:like, love, hate, prefer, regret, fear, begin, start, continue, try, bear, forget, remember, attempt, need, mean等。 一、主系表结构 你必须在课外练习说英语。You must practice speaking English out of class. 他最后承认杀害了他的妻子。He admitted killing his wife at last. 我的家庭作业真难免出错。I can hardly avoid making mistakes in

32、my homework. 他建议出去走走。He suggested going out for a walk. 我们恭候佳音。We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 我记不起以前在什么地方见过他。I dont remember seeing him anywhere before.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVO (9) 主语主语+ want等等+ 动名词动名词(短语短语) 在本句型中,谓语动词是want(需要), need(需要), require(需要),宾语是动名词,均有被动意义,一般等于动词不定式的被动式(to be done),表

33、示主语是动名词动作的承受者。 他的发音需要改进。His pronunciation wants improving. 玻璃杯需要清洗。The glasses need cleaning. 地板该洗了。The floor requires washing.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVO (10) 主语主语+及物动及物动词词+ that宾语从句宾语从句 我希望明天天气保持晴朗。I hope (that) the weather will stay fine tomorrow. 我但愿自己能年轻三十岁。I wish I were 30 years younger. 我想他们还没拿定主意。I

34、dont think (that) they have made up their minds. 他假装病了以便能待在家里。He pretended that he was ill so that he could stay at home. 他补充说他们对测试结果表示满意。He added that they were pleased with the test result. 医生建议他不要再抽烟。The doctor suggested that he(should) not smoke any more 我们认为没有必要买一台新电脑。We dont think its necessar

35、y to buy a new computer. 在电话里,他说到他病了。On the telephone, he mentioned that he had been ill. 他从不承认自己错了。 He never admits that he is wrong. 政府宣布他们将修建一条通向山区的新公路。The government announced that they would build a new highway to the mountain.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVO (11) 主语主语+及物动及物动词词+“疑问词疑问词”从句从句 他还没有决定什么时候回国。He

36、hasnt decided when he will leave for his homeland. 我想象不出他是什么长相。I cant imagine what he looks like. 我很想知道他是谁, 从哪里来, 来干什么。I wonder who he is, where he came from and why he came. 我们讨论了什么时候召开全体人员会议。We discussed when the meeting of the whole staff was to be held. 他问王先生的手术是否成功。He asked if Mr. Wangs operati

37、on had been successful. 他解释了怎样使用那台机器。He explained how the machine was used. 你有没有发现这些日子以来是谁一直在给你送花?Did you ever discover who had been sending you the flowers these days?一、主系表结构四、主谓双宾结构四、主谓双宾结构 【句型】【句型】SVOO (1)主语主语 + 及物动词及物动词 + 代词代词 + 名词名词 妈妈给我们全家做了一顿丰盛的晚餐。Mother cooked a good and rich supper for my f

38、amily. 我要给没弟弟挑选一件有用的生日礼物。Ill choose a useful birthday present for my brother. 请给我弄一张展览会的票,好吗?Would you please get me a ticket to the exhibition? 这项新技术可以为我们节省大量的时间和劳动力。This new technology will save us much time and labour.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVOO (2) 主语主语+及物动及物动词词+名词名词 +介词介词+名词名词 我们把自己的方案向委员会做了说明。We expl

39、ained our plan to the committee. 我们祝贺他通过了考核。We congratulated him on having passed the examination. 他接到了大会的邀请信。He receive an invitation letter from the conference. 护士致力于病人的护理事业。Nurses devote themselves to the care of the sick. 他对我们耍了一个卑鄙的花招。He played a mean trick on us. 他向主人表示衷心的感谢。He expressed his h

40、earty thanks to the host. 人生常被喻为蜡烛。Mans life is often compared to a candle. 外国人常以孩子祖父母的名字给他取名。The foreigners often name the child after both grandparents.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVOO (3) 主语主语+及物动及物动词词+ 名名/代代 +that-clause 毛主席教导我们说,好好学习,天天向上。Chairman Mao teaches us that we should study hard and make more grea

41、t progress every day. 她答应弟弟将给他写信。She promised her brother that she would write to him. 他警告我说,那个人是很危险的。He warned me that the man was very dangerous. 医生建议我卧床休息几天。The doctor advised me that I should stay in bed for a couple of days. 你能向我示范怎样操纵这台机器吗?Could you show me how I should operate the machine? 请告

42、诉我哪一条路去邮局最近。Please tell me which is the shortest way to the post office.一、主系表结构五、主谓宾补结构五、主谓宾补结构 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (1) 主语主语+及物动词及物动词 + 名名/代代 + 宾补宾补 他的名字叫理查德, 但是我们都称他狄克。His name is Richard but we all call him Dick. 党使他成为一名优秀的共产主义战士。The party made him a fine communist fighter. 他当选为这次大会的主席。He was elected ch

43、airman of the conference. 我们将选他当学校足球队长。 We shall choose him our school football team leader. 一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (2) 主语主语+及物及物动词动词 +名名/代代 +as +名词名词 我们都认为他是我们最好的朋友之一。We all think of him as one of our best friends. 我把他看作一个傻瓜。I regard him as a fool. 不要把这件事当作一个玩笑。Dont treat the matter as a joke. 我以为他是

44、个高大的人。I imagine him as a big tall man. 我被接收为俱乐部新成员。I was accepted as a new member of the club.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (3) 主语主语+及物及物动词动词+ 名名/代代 + 形容词形容词 他把我的一位朋友打得青一块紫一块。He beat a friend of mine black and blue. 你必须在八点以前把会议的一切准备好。You must get everything for the meeting ready before eight. 一颗子弹把他击毙了。 A b

45、ullet struck him dead. 他推开了那座房子的后门。He pushed open the back door of the house.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (4) 主语主语+及物及物动词动词+ 名名/代代 + to be 我们相信他是个忠诚老实的人。We believe him to be a royal and honest man. 我猜他超过八十岁了。I guess him to be over eighty. 他们自以为比别人聪明。They considered themselves to be cleverer than others. 他们

46、发现中国人都很勤劳勇敢。They find the Chinese people to be brave and hard-working.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (5) 主语主语+及物及物动词动词+ 名名/代代 + to do sth. 老板强迫他们每天干活十四小时左右。The boss forced them to work about 14 hours a day. 老师要我们改正我们作文中的每一个错误。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.mThe teacher wants us to correct each and every mistake in our co

47、mposition. 医生嘱咐我多加锻炼。The doctor advised me to take more exercise. 请允许我把我的朋友李先生介绍给你。Allow me to introduce to you my friend Mr. Li. 我必须警告你不要捉弄残疾孩子。I must warn you not to play tricks on the disabled children.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (5) 主语主语+及物及物动词动词+ 名名/代代 + do sth. 我感到树枝碰着了我的脸。I felt the branch touch my

48、 face. (feel) 看着他,别让他逃掉了。Watch him. Dont let him escape. (let) 你可以牵马到河边,却不能逼它喝水。(make)You may take a horse to the water, but you cant make him drink. 我要他在公园门口等我。(have)I would have him wait for me at the gate of the park. 一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (6) 主语主语+及物及物动词动词+名名/代代+现在分词现在分词 我听着他在房间里和一个人低声谈话。I liste

49、ned to him talking to someone in a low voice in his room. 我们当场抓住他从柜台里偷手表。We caught him stealing a watch from the counter. 我不喜欢人背后议论人。I dont like people taking behind ones back. 我闻到厨房里有什么东西烧着了。I can smell something burning in the kitchen.一、主系表结构 【句型】【句型】SVOOc (7) 主语主语+及物及物动词动词+名名/代代+过去分词过去分词 今天下午我要去理

50、发。(have)Ill have my hair cut this afternoon. 我已经把我数学作业中的所有错误都改正了。(get)I have got all the mistakes in my maths homework corrected. 请注意,在人群中你衣袋内的东西是很容易被人扒窃的。Mind you. Its easy to have your pocket picked in a big crowd. 他立刻把自己的意思讲明白了。He soon made himself understood. 我发现所有的瓶子都装满了矿泉水。Ive found all the bo

51、ttles filled up with mineral water.一、主系表结构六、形式主语和形式宾语结构六、形式主语和形式宾语结构 当你学英语时,记忆大量的英语单词是很有必要的。When you study English, it is necessary to remember a large number of English words. 修理那辆旧汽车没有意义。Its no point repairing that old car.有人建议每个学生都用英语唱一首歌。It is suggested that each student should sing a song in En

52、glish.一、主系表结构 【句型【句型1】主语】主语 + vt. + it +adj./n. + (for sb.) to do sth. 我们认为深入调查这个案子是十分必要的。We consider it quite necessary to look into the case. 百年以前人们觉得人不可能飞入太空。People felt it impossible for man to fly into the outer space about a hundred years ago. 我不认为他选择这样难的学科是明智的。I dont think it wise for him to choose such a difficult subject. 一、主系表结构 【句型【句型2】主语】主语 + vt. + it +adj./n. + that-clause. 我认为他每天晚上都出去散步是很奇怪的。I think it very strange that he goes out walking almost every night. 我们都认为他这样快就离开了是个遗憾。We all thought it a pity that he should have left so soon一、主系表结构



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