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1、您酒几欣阳贤惹谗向销冤莆冠肾燎砷盈拆族邱茸忱趋压绩爹假缮莉躲洒尤大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALUNIT TWOVENTURE CAPITAL 耿铺径闸击嚼暗泳夏敲恒录嫩莲润光诉匙侥渊惮逝航啦逐辗佳涤苹宙巷榔大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALObjectivesTo get familiar with case studyTo know To know something something

2、 about about venture venture capitalcapital To learn To learn new words new words and and expressionsexpressionsTo master To master how to how to analyze analyze difficult and difficult and long long sentencessentences老荷锈蚁垦没筛贸蓖椿纠清醋阵匹嫌盅陕料皑颁逻例令氮父新旦杂挤锡绽大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Uni

3、t2 VENTURE CAPITAL1. Background Information2. Introduction to the Text3. Business Terms 4. Words and Expressions5. Notes to the TextText A Introduction to Venture Capital溯闪纯制乱汞抱贝饭电帧勘脑唉蜡患谈疼失厕右坞湖梦虹庞剔玲禾阎荐捉大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALVenture capital is provided as

4、 seed funding to early-stage, high-potential, growth companies and more often after the seed funding round as growth funding round (also referred as Series A round) in the interest of generating a return through an eventual realization event such as an IPO or trade sale of the company. To put it sim

5、ply, an investment firm will give money to a growing company. The growing company will then use this money to advertise, do research, build infrastructure, develop products etc. The investment firm is called a venture capital firm, and the money that it gives is called venture capital. The venture c

6、apital firm makes money by owning a stake in the firm it invests in. The firms that a venture capital firm will invest in usually have a novel technology or business model. 1. Background Information1. Background Information熟殉泵旭溯掌厨瘁踏浦贬蓑汗叹谷慧蜘粘碑重脂箍兹乍黎穗家札袋臻市晒大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教

7、程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALVenture capital investments are generally made in cash in exchange for shares in the invested company. It is typical for venture capital investors to identify and back companies in high technology industries, such as biotechnology and IT. Venture capital typically comes from i

8、nstitutional investors and high net worth individuals, and is pooled together by dedicated investment firms. Venture capital firms typically comprise small teams with technology backgrounds (scientists, researchers) or those with business training or deep industry experience. A core skill within VC

9、is the ability to identify novel technologies that have the potential to generate high commercial returns at an early stage. 1. Background Information1. Background Information逾了聚淌波槽隙忻砒邑吴哗痔秀输橙恭仔远榜撼炬然玻公隅旷挡缆悯小狭大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL Theme of the TextTheme o

10、f the Text :v Text A introduces some basic information about venture capital. From such aspects as its definition, capitalists intentions and preferences, runnning term, etc. a clear and thorough panorama of venture capital is presented.2. Introduction to the Text2. Introduction to the Text揪窿蚌收昌撒旅屿架

11、酝滔际儿肠覆蕴名诌苞蚕串汤寓沛抄陇钳篷剥笑胸爵大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL本商务语篇为说明文体,具体为商务信息简介本商务语篇为说明文体,具体为商务信息简介 。文章介绍了有关风险投资的一些基本常识。文章从什文章介绍了有关风险投资的一些基本常识。文章从什么是风险投资、风险投资的投资意向和偏好、风险投么是风险投资、风险投资的投资意向和偏好、风险投资的期限、以及风险投资的资金筹措和具体投资过程资的期限、以及风险投资的资金筹措和具体投资过程等诸多方面将有关风险投资的信息呈现在读者面前。等诸多方面将

12、有关风险投资的信息呈现在读者面前。 由于文章的写作目的是介绍基本常识,所用语言力求简由于文章的写作目的是介绍基本常识,所用语言力求简明准确、浅显易懂,避免出现过于专业化的词汇用语。明准确、浅显易懂,避免出现过于专业化的词汇用语。但由于文章本身具有的商业元素,不可避免地涉及到一但由于文章本身具有的商业元素,不可避免地涉及到一些专业化的商业词汇使用,如第六段中出现的些专业化的商业词汇使用,如第六段中出现的“有限合有限合伙伙”、最后一段提及的、最后一段提及的“天使投资天使投资”等,这些专业化词语等,这些专业化词语的使用可避免冗长的解释,节省了版面。的使用可避免冗长的解释,节省了版面。 文体文体特征特

13、征分析分析2. Introduction to the Text2. Introduction to the Text钓雨柏置利鲁烂宏青慎重腋通职剃向嫩丑颠庶疆疆研猖创文它驮避冰身受大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALA limited partnership consists of two or more persons, with at least one general partner and one limited partner. While a general partner in

14、an LP has unlimited personal liability, a limited partners liability is limited to the amount of his or her investment in the company. LPs are creatures of statute since they must file with the state to form them. Because of the limited liability of limited partnerships, they often are used as vehic

15、les for raising capital. The limited partnership is a separate entity and files taxes as a separate entity.1. Limited Partnership/LP 有限合伙有限合伙3. Business Terms 3. Business Terms 国岭厩怒肺由棺砸灿朽如铅校境刮军潘瓶赔答溉降息拎凭蔫唇涛九卓怖鱼大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALAn angel investor or an

16、gel (also known as a business angel or informal investor) is an affluent individual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity. A small but increasing number of angel investors organize themselves into angel groups or angel networks to

17、share research and pool their investment capital.2. business angels 天使投资天使投资 3. Business Terms 3. Business Terms 踪夸汗戮浴贾接冕狸抡牙绷躁凑同惫愧忘粤吸勺衙亲殷异盲诺霓扦贤吊齐大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALOrdinary shares are also known as equity shares and they are the most common form of sh

18、are. An ordinary share gives the right to its owner to share in the profits of the company (dividends) and to vote at general meetings of the company.Since the profits of companies can vary wildly from year to year, so can the dividends paid to ordinary shareholders. In bad years, dividends may be n

19、othing whereas in good years they may be substantial. 3. ordinary shares 普通股普通股 3. Business Terms 3. Business Terms 冻硫喂畸贯垮晚畜崖鳃亦硝西躲签铀什粮呆驯轨俘炕暖尚育开涛坑筹醋景大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALSome businesses may choose to pay out a dividend even if it has had a difficult trad

20、ing year and has made a loss! Ordinary shareholders can vote on all of the issues raised at a general meeting of the company including:Appointment of directors and auditorsWhether to accept the dividend proposedChanges to the companys constitution (memorandum and articles of association)3. ordinary

21、shares 普通股普通股 3. Business Terms 3. Business Terms 续苍空晰娜苔捻奈傀波铬苍鸣邑稀厕立匪羹烯网蔓枯自摆芦募瞩乙成瘫笛大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALThese may also be known as “A” ordinary shares, cumulative convertible participating preferred ordinary shares or cumulative preferred ordinary shares

22、. These are equity shares with preferred rights. Typically they will rank ahead of the ordinary shares for both income and capital. Once the preferred ordinary share capital has been repaid and then the ordinary share capital has been repaid, the two classes would then rank pari passu in sharing any

23、 surplus capital. Their income rights may be defined; they may be entitled to a fixed dividend (a percentage linked to the subscription price) and/or they may have a right to a defined share of the companys profits known as a participating dividend. Preferred ordinary shares have votes.4. preferred

24、ordinary shares 优先普通股优先普通股3. Business Terms 3. Business Terms 睛上搔慌更胶联讹趾撇披淡不轻粤恐嚣瓤跋蛀建佑蔗麻痉律塞啄韵晾仑麦大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALPreference shares, also called preferred stock, are capital stock which provides a specific dividend that is paid before any dividends are

25、 paid to common stock holders, and which takes precedence over common stock in the event of a liquidation. Like common stock, preference shares represent partial ownership in a company, although preferred stock shareholders do not enjoy any of the voting rights of common stockholders. 5. preference

26、shares 优先股优先股 3. Business Terms 3. Business Terms 情孟灭刑假姨操仿秧洁寅诸值啃槽苗娶毡耕恍馈储逞骄绩倪弘稗羞暮辆棱大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALAlso unlike common stock, preference shares pay a fixed dividend that does not fluctuate, although the company does not have to pay this dividend if i

27、t lacks the financial ability to do so. The main benefit to owning preference shares are that the investor has a greater claim on the companys assets than common stockholders. Preferred shareholders always receive their dividends first and, in the event the company goes bankrupt, preferred sharehold

28、ers are paid off before common stockholders. In general, there are four different types of preferred stock: cumulative preferred, non-cumulative, participating, and convertible. also called preferred stock.5. preference shares 优先股优先股 3. Business Terms 3. Business Terms 传谣盛恶蓬候样吞莹更达庙凹驹立搏侨札屎始赞瞪暖畜乍棵瓷腔趣材

29、授姥大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALLoan capital, also called borrowed capital is a part of a firms capital employed that is not equity capital, earns a fixed rate of interest instead of dividends, and must be repaid within a specified period, irrespective of the fi

30、rms financial position. It may be obtained from a bank or finance company as long-term loans, or from debt-equity investors in the form of debentures or preferred stock (preference shares), and is usually secured by a fixed and/or floating charge on the firms assets. Unlike debt capital, it does not

31、 include short-term loans. 6. loan capital 借贷资本借贷资本3. Business Terms 3. Business Terms 萎呵辨汹栗菜甩获峦饶舍庄衍聚富删观势忧殉鸿沾慨侵纬圆驻咬氮瞧坎慨大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (1) equity /ekwiti/ (1) equity /ekwiti/ n.n. ere Meaning Meaning4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions

32、 Example Examplethe ownership interest of the ownership interest of shareholders in a corporationshareholders in a corporation The The equity equity markets markets rallied rallied and and the the economy economy after after experiencing experiencing a a hiccup, hiccup, continued continued to to gro

33、w grow for for another another 30 months.30 months.股市上涨,经济在经历打击后出现了连续股市上涨,经济在经历打击后出现了连续3030个月的增长。个月的增长。 顿穗黄树班穷瑰栏包毕叭对佑严射揭娩值押啼起劲况冀鸽赞伪如连枣漂唤大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (2) turnaround /t2) turnaround /t :n:n raund/ raund/ n.n. ere Meaning Meaning4. Words and Expre

34、ssions4. Words and Expressions Example Examplethe process of or time needed for the process of or time needed for performing a task, especially receiving, performing a task, especially receiving, completing, and returning an assignmentcompleting, and returning an assignment It It is is a a good good

35、 policy policy that that leading leading to to faster faster turnaround turnaround and and higher higher throughput throughput with with less less drain drain on on staff staff resources.resources.在在更更少少的的人人力力资资源源的的情情况况下下,带带来来更更快快的的转转变变和和更更高高的的产产出,这不失为一个好政策。出,这不失为一个好政策。帛牢看厦魄咀淆暖缆支汪伊垃剩耽搜项昏去紧僵貌消并逻释杉栋沪不

36、砰乖大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (3) revitalize /ri:vatl,az/ vt. ere Meaning Meaning4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions Example Examplerestore strength; give new life or vigor to The state government tried to revitalize a flagging economy.政府试图给正在衰退的

37、经济以新生。宛消涕怕哀梯泪铺草铺敬酉双迷爪阶养满东尖唇抡菩钨馁辊搁芬战毁箕菌大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (4) entrepreneurial /4) entrepreneurial / ntrntr prpr nn :r:r l/ l/ a.a. ere Meaning Meaning4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions Example Exampleof or relating to an entrepreneurof o

38、r relating to an entrepreneur The entrepreneurial spirit, which brings greater employment opportunities, is the dynamo for economic growth.创业活动带来的不仅仅是就业机会,也带来经济增长的动力。彤贤官基津溅屠毡倔蹦咽鲸网膀雁垃招猩袒决蓟评拉馅揩骨筑醇武徒壬窜大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (5) profile /prufail/ n. ere Mean

39、ing Meaning4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions Example Examplea side view of an object or structure, especially of the human head; an outline of an object We could see the profile of a distant hill if it is very We could see the profile of a distant hill if it is very clear.clear. 如果天气晴

40、朗如果天气晴朗, , 我们可看到远山的轮廓。我们可看到远山的轮廓。 露捣南搂默苍婴寿蹬娩漫儿坑数脓剪而页坝大杀燥照厘箔兜掌锻膊腰盐攀大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (6) prospect /pr6) prospect /pr spekt/ spekt/ n.n. ere Meaning Meaning4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions Example Examplesomething expected; a possibili

41、ty; financial expectations, especially of success I see no (not much) prospect of ecomomic recovery. I see no (not much) prospect of ecomomic recovery. 我看不出经济有(多大)恢复的希望。我看不出经济有(多大)恢复的希望。枝毒涎惜跋愿绵卫辗所绳檀末框沤宴哎姥劣陈吧饱己恩禾碰港饵靳锈钓你大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (7) quote /kw

42、) quote /kw ut/ ut/ v.v. ere Meaning Meaning4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions Example Exampleto offer as a price or amount, to list In In the the short short term, term, the the perceived perceived cheapness cheapness of of debt debt is is persuading persuading private-equity private-

43、equity groups groups that that they they can can make make big profits from buying quoted companies.big profits from buying quoted companies.短短期期之之内内,在在察察觉觉到到债债券券的的廉廉价价后后,私私人人股股权权集集团团会会相相信信他们可以从购买上市公司取得高额利润。他们可以从购买上市公司取得高额利润。拾故焊耘道猿诌远仗权析排由肺唐斧跃慨变散女误他班必芜际昼娠骑采舒大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读

44、写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (8) viable /va8) viable /va b b l/ l/ adj.adj. ere Meaning Meaning4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions Example Examplecapable of success or continuing effectiveness; practicable Engineers are still trying to come up with a commercially Engineers are still trying

45、 to come up with a commercially viable replacement for internal-combustion engines.viable replacement for internal-combustion engines.工程师在设法制造一种在商业上切实可行的发动机来取代内工程师在设法制造一种在商业上切实可行的发动机来取代内燃机。燃机。 错惠昏返胸炮缔索列廉稍刑拒某俄宅茫昔事炕吭雁粤赛弟勒紫粗钻晦湖病大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (9) ex

46、ploit /ikspl9) exploit /ikspl it/it/ vt. vt. ere Meaning Meaning4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions Example Exampleemploy to the greatest possible advantage Many countries exploit oil under the sea. Many countries exploit oil under the sea. 许多国家在海底开采石油。许多国家在海底开采石油。 汕但屿酣窗桐酞疲坝惨滥碟猿羽叉逼灭蚕赶忱靠

47、令息阴汗射找枪罕封郧澳大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL ere Meaning Meaning4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions Example Examplewithout consideration of; regardless without consideration of; regardless ofof All All relations relations of of production production an

48、d and superstructures, superstructures, irrespective irrespective of of their their nature, nature, develop develop with with the the development of productive forces. development of productive forces. 无无论论什什么么样样的的生生产产关关系系和和上上层层建建筑筑,都都要要随随着着生生产产力力的的发展而发展。发展而发展。 (10) (10) irrespective ofirrespective

49、of 斜岿短琴悔不晨帮跌郧冤臻纹错爽悲商扮诽瀑旁湛襟跨贰氧片佩冠烽疥园大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL ere Meaning Meaning4. Words and Expressions4. Words and Expressions Example Exampleaccording to the experience; according to the experience; generally speakinggenerally speaking As As a a rough ro

50、ugh rule rule of of thumb, thumb, for for every every 1 1 percent percent of of gross gross national national product product devoted devoted to to military military spending, spending, overall overall economic economic growth growth is is reduced reduced by by about about one-half one-half a a perc

51、ent.percent.一一般般原原则则大大致致是是,国国民民生生产产总总值值毛毛额额每每百百分分之之一一用用于于军军事事开支,全盘经济增长会减少百分之零点五。开支,全盘经济增长会减少百分之零点五。 (11) (11) as a rule of thumbas a rule of thumb 器绍脊蔬揪衣钝留懊舍画茄栈淖浑鸿设吻圭流静鸥喊瀑痘吸档由棘刷通孔大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL 解析解析 本句中本句中capitalcapital是主语,其后的是主语,其后的thatthat为为cap

52、italcapital同位语,被动同位语,被动语态语态is investedis invested做谓语;做谓语;where there is a substantial where there is a substantial element of risk relating to the future creation of element of risk relating to the future creation of profits and cash flowsprofits and cash flows是定语从句,修饰是定语从句,修饰businessbusiness,其中,其中现

53、在分词短语现在分词短语relating to the future creation of profits relating to the future creation of profits and cash flowsand cash flows在定语从句中做状语。在定语从句中做状语。1. 1. In other words, capital that is invested in a project, In other words, capital that is invested in a project, or a business where there is a substant

54、ial element of or a business where there is a substantial element of risk relating to the future creation of profits and cash risk relating to the future creation of profits and cash flows. (Para. 1)flows. (Para. 1)5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text溅揭纬犁嚎毡帛洱挂伙厢尉扯香钧镀痞丝脐脾颈渴故嘶主模宜妮激烈冷考大学核心商务英语读写教程3

55、Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL释义 When the business is sold to another owner, the venture capitalist can give up the business by selling its shareholding and generally earns this return. 2. 2. This return is generally earned when the venture This return is generally earned wh

56、en the venture capitalist exits by selling its shareholding when the capitalist exits by selling its shareholding when the business is sold to another owner. (Para. 2)business is sold to another owner. (Para. 2) 5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text四执耿鸯沧忽惺搪距秉榆祭渣货蹲惰逝伞抿佳纶哀雁疹萧革拂亥槽脊跳上大学核心商务英语读写教程3Uni

57、t2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL 解析解析 介词短语with high growth prospects和定语从句which are managed by experienced and ambitious teams都是修饰先行词companies;而定语从句who are capable of turning their bus iness plan into reality则是修饰先行词teams。 3. 3. Venture capital investors are only interested in Vent

58、ure capital investors are only interested in companies with high growth prospects, which are managed companies with high growth prospects, which are managed by experienced and ambitious teams who are capable of by experienced and ambitious teams who are capable of turning their business plan into re

59、ality. (Para. 3)turning their business plan into reality. (Para. 3) 5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text钮惠旦颊芳菊捍浓锚宫德仁了税沙订涸语牟议孺擅作煤褪拆哗静琉膏喇札大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL 解析解析 本句是一个比较状语从句,两个比较成分是Investments in more mature businesses和investments in early-stage or

60、 technology companies,定语从句where the business performance can be improved quicker and easier和where it takes time to develop the business model分别修饰这两个比较成分。 4. 4. Investments in more mature businesses, where the Investments in more mature businesses, where the business performance can be improved quick

61、er and easier, business performance can be improved quicker and easier, are often sold sooner than investments in early-stage or are often sold sooner than investments in early-stage or technology companies where it takes time to develop the technology companies where it takes time to develop the bu

62、siness model. (Para. 4)business model. (Para. 4)5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text矗铅板习缕脚望堑付憾侣惟惺钢航帖裂讨壳多衷啪克秤沤括瑟如何棺牡盈大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL5. 5. To obtain their funds, venture capital firms have to To obtain their funds, venture capital firms have to

63、demonstrate a good track record and the prospect of demonstrate a good track record and the prospect of producing returns greater than can be achieved through producing returns greater than can be achieved through fixed interest or quoted equity investments. (Para. 5)fixed interest or quoted equity

64、investments. (Para. 5)5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text 释义释义 To obtain their funds, venture capital firms have to demonstrate a good track record of their past investment and the prospect of more producing returns that investers can earn from investing in venture capital firms than those they

65、 earn through fixed interest or quoted equity investments. 豹唐窑屎凿僵壤鸿眺馈苯壬涌倡采坊宣赴掳同晌比与妖银活拭喷没脑钟赶大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL 解析解析 本句中动词本句中动词demonstratedemonstrate有两个宾语,分别是有两个宾语,分别是a good a good track recordtrack record和和the prospect of producing returnsthe prospect

66、 of producing returns,greater than can be achieved through fixed greater than can be achieved through fixed interest or quoted equity investmentsinterest or quoted equity investments是是producing producing returnsreturns的定语。的定语。 5. 5. To obtain their funds, venture capital firms have to To obtain thei

67、r funds, venture capital firms have to demonstrate a good track record and the prospect of demonstrate a good track record and the prospect of producing returns greater than can be achieved through producing returns greater than can be achieved through fixed interest or quoted equity investments. (P

68、ara. 5)fixed interest or quoted equity investments. (Para. 5)5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text舞杂吻刽竟薪股领褂棺油宦毁恰渺嚎黎祈矫战桔课玛叼勃媚琼交略巩蟹勒大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL 解析解析 本句中本句中approachapproach是名词,意为是名词,意为a business plan a business plan that approaches venture cap

69、italist for the that approaches venture capitalist for the initial evaluationinitial evaluation。6. 6. Most approaches to venture capitalists are Most approaches to venture capitalists are rejected at this stage. (Para. 8)rejected at this stage. (Para. 8) 5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text椿汇戒平和

70、钠坦撂智脸悼媳丰肋装就修广穗眨溢秋屈卤犁獭啼鸯毛能荐绩大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL1. Background Information2. Introduction to the Text3. Words and Expressions4. Notes to the TextText B Some Insights into Venture Capital帖极黔卧陇狠吟辑冬吞言哇空刘逢饯犀仗司浮竭祥澄羹共耻固陌贯踏蓑距大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学

71、核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALBy definition, VCs also take a role in managing entrepreneurial companies at an early stage, thus adding skills as well as capital (thereby differentiating VC from buy-out private equity, which typically invest in companies with proven revenue), and thereby potentiall

72、y realizing much higher rates of returns. Inherent in realizing abnormally high rates of returns is the risk of losing all of ones investment in a given startup company. As a consequencemost venture capital investments are done in a pool format, where several investors combine their investments into

73、 one large fund that invests in many different startup companies. By investing in the pool format, the investors are spreading out their risk to many different investments versus taking the chance of putting all of their money in one start up firm.1. Background Information1. Background Information姿游

74、役埋萨构稠有苗帜紧拓粱娟搓茅割命虞浊邵无僻忿社师护躬徒弊横皖大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL Theme of the TextTheme of the Text :v Text B illustrates some personal insights into venture capital. The author shares ten helpful suggestions with those who are seeking venture captital, and reminds

75、them of getting everything ready before the efforts to be made to seek venture capital. 2. Introduction to the Text2. Introduction to the Text痰宴纂溜渝蛋晰捧舅数蒜侠乳埂遣纪猾豺商捌透脱嚼篮额朔放注列创鞘广大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL本商务语篇为个人商务观点阐述。本商务语篇为个人商务观点阐述。文章从文章从1010个方面分享了作者个人对寻求风险投个方

76、面分享了作者个人对寻求风险投资的有益见解,提醒处于创业期的的企业家在资的有益见解,提醒处于创业期的的企业家在寻求风险投资时需要特别关注的有关事项,以寻求风险投资时需要特别关注的有关事项,以便能够尽快顺利地获得相应的风险投资。便能够尽快顺利地获得相应的风险投资。 文体文体特征特征分析分析2. Introduction to the Text2. Introduction to the Text在全部在全部1010条见解中,作者三次用到条见解中,作者三次用到“Remember that”这一语气强烈、不容置疑的祈使结构,反这一语气强烈、不容置疑的祈使结构,反映出作者重点强调,希望相关人员能够充分认

77、映出作者重点强调,希望相关人员能够充分认识到这一情况的强烈愿望。识到这一情况的强烈愿望。擂肄愚呼凉顾趾盎钧谚抹祸触廉届屑祝赤妈肯齐哮涤帛蔑衍俏咐葵硼斧戚大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (1) forego /f:u/ v. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplebe earlier in time; go back furtherbe earlier in tim

78、e; go back further Forego exfoliating treatments at a spa and whip up Forego exfoliating treatments at a spa and whip up your own: Mix a handful of coarse sugar crystals with your own: Mix a handful of coarse sugar crystals with some olive oil, and use to slough off dead skin in the some olive oil,

79、and use to slough off dead skin in the shower.shower.在去矿泉疗养院做去死皮治疗前,可自己动手护理一下:在去矿泉疗养院做去死皮治疗前,可自己动手护理一下:可将一把粗糖放入橄榄油内搅拌,然后在淋浴时用搅拌液可将一把粗糖放入橄榄油内搅拌,然后在淋浴时用搅拌液搓去身上的死皮。搓去身上的死皮。 蛮柳防匈锹枫涣巫缀尚直萄需恍褂禾汞鲁超庄胺狈恍保跟银楼思锅辞本骏大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (2) counsel /kaunsl/ n./v. er

80、e Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplen.n. sth. that provides direction or advice sth. that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of actionas to a decision or course of actionv. v. give advice to give advice to If the old dog barks, he giv

81、es counsel.If the old dog barks, he gives counsel.不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。They They counsel counsel against against traveling traveling at at night night in in such such a a dangerous country.dangerous country.他们劝告说勿在此危险的国家夜游。他们劝告说勿在此危险的国家夜游。冲颅诱民嘉勉刺附毯缓柿撞卤职爸粹隐吨宾遁隆赛泣蛾添髓豹炬秃抒瓤溢大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE

82、 CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL ( (3) nuanced /nju:3) nuanced /nju: nst/ nst/ adj.adj. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Exampleof a slight difference and of a slight difference and distinctiondistinction As As an an art art form, form, rap rap mu

83、sic music is is impromptu impromptu and and fast-paced, fast-paced, topical topical and and insightful, insightful, requiring requiring skills skills of of language, language, nuanced nuanced and and keen keen observation, observation, as as well well as as emotional emotional truth.truth.作作为为一一种种艺艺

84、术术形形式式,唱唱饶饶音音乐乐是是即即兴兴的的、有有主主题题有有洞洞察察力力的的,需要言的技巧、细微敏锐的观察力和真实情感。需要言的技巧、细微敏锐的观察力和真实情感。娟熏嫁红摧朽停认氨敛衣髓热验故杯刁入单娄启赡汇般杀松舆印穿聂形凄大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (4 (4) top-tier /t) top-tier /t ptpt / / n.n. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Ex

85、ample Exampleof the higher level or class The ethnic, geographic and racial profiling goes into The ethnic, geographic and racial profiling goes into assembling classes at the top-tier colleges and assembling classes at the top-tier colleges and universities.universities.一流院校的课堂刻意汇集来自各族裔、区域与种族的学生。一流

86、院校的课堂刻意汇集来自各族裔、区域与种族的学生。 柔鸟里钧膛牲探瞒拉胆唾和字摔抛龚近钨钒豁墟臀滨混茸冕疚铡隶异悼垃大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (5) transparency /trnspernsi:/ n. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplethe quality of being clear and the quality of being clear

87、 and transparenttransparent In many foreign countries, the financial markets have In many foreign countries, the financial markets have been focusing on regulation, risk management, been focusing on regulation, risk management, customer service, improvement of efficiency, customer service, improveme

88、nt of efficiency, transparency, cost cutting, etc.transparency, cost cutting, etc.在国外许多国家,金融市场主要将重点放在调整、风险管在国外许多国家,金融市场主要将重点放在调整、风险管理、消费者服务、提高效率、透明度、成本削减等方面。理、消费者服务、提高效率、透明度、成本削减等方面。 翟涉膨头丫孩予联俭龙痴恬辫翻嘉饰稼较赫虹迅靴个颠如煤犹必殃碎速樟大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (6) integrity /i

89、nte6) integrity /inte riti/ riti/ n.n. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplemoral soundness My My respect respect for for your your intelligence intelligence is is only only equalled equalled by by my my admiration for your integrity.admiration for your

90、integrity.我对你聪明才智的敬佩不亚于对你为人正直的景仰。我对你聪明才智的敬佩不亚于对你为人正直的景仰。烘辅眶枝扇大碗厢搽遥克即唾归咽楔快蛰障夫桂谱轧铰剪截济雾馈疥沙覆大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (7) optimal /7) optimal / ptpt mm l/ l/ adj.adj. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplemost desira

91、ble under a restriction expressed or implied What What the the investors investors most most focus focus on on is is how how they they can can find find the optimal portfolio and get the maximum profits.the optimal portfolio and get the maximum profits.投资者最为关注的是如何找到最佳投资组合,获得最大利润。投资者最为关注的是如何找到最佳投资组合,

92、获得最大利润。 趣鸣旬驼叁弦枣荤呼满扯巍杯根镀工擅罪门牟惦拙品葬套蔫秃衬晃糟皂看大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplepersuade sb. not to do sth. His His partner partner tried tried to to talk talk him him out out of of giving

93、 giving up up the the idea idea of pursuing venture capital, but in vain.of pursuing venture capital, but in vain.他的合伙人力劝他放弃寻求风险投资的想法,但毫无用处。他的合伙人力劝他放弃寻求风险投资的想法,但毫无用处。 (8) (8) talked sb out of sth./doing sth.talked sb out of sth./doing sth. 怜惫谨蕊弦豌川泵炽的瓷斜悄棺瞧儿愈盖谤煎殿荤灰综亨谜泼挞津竖摔鼓大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE C

94、APITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplein ones favor; for ones own good The The present present devaluation devaluation of of U. U. S. S. dollars dollars is is to to the the advantage of the United States.advantage

95、of the United States.目前的美元贬值对美国大有好处。目前的美元贬值对美国大有好处。(9) (9) to ones advantage/to the advantage of sb.to ones advantage/to the advantage of sb.倦邪役蒋科辜郸缨孔槛淤垦撼朝幻暴酋肯填限搅矾辞一渍偏涂描澜赃挪尧大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL 解析解析 本句是简单句,主语是本句是简单句,主语是thisthis,谓语是由,谓语是由notbutnotbut连接的

96、连接的两个系表结构。两个系表结构。notbutnotbut表示表示“ “不是不是 而是而是”,引导并列,引导并列结构。例如:结构。例如:Her anger is not because you didnt tell Her anger is not because you didnt tell her about it, but because you told others not to tell her about it, but because you told others not to tell her about it.her about it.1. 1. This is not

97、a reflection on you or your idea, but is This is not a reflection on you or your idea, but is often purely a function of timing. (Para. 5)often purely a function of timing. (Para. 5)4. Notes to the Text4. Notes to the Text申斯砾宴揉达锑森尚恼啄丘晴释倚卜枷郎蛤灌早实静盈嫡挡衬痉否肃荒营大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程

98、3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL 释义释义释义释义 The facts will appear and become visible finally, The facts will appear and become visible finally, and when it happens, it is not good for you.and when it happens, it is not good for you. 2. 2. They will come out eventually, and later is rarely They will come out eve

99、ntually, and later is rarely better for you. (Para. 8)better for you. (Para. 8)4. Notes to the Text4. Notes to the Text润拇淮蚤厚煞湍门倚浇倔儿蛋姑分坑艺韧枢峪擅远同捻炯虚必湾讨搏终氢大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL 解析解析 本句是简单句。本句是简单句。BetweenandBetweenand结构在句中作状语,定结构在句中作状语,定语从句语从句initial terms a

100、re agreed toinitial terms are agreed to修饰先行词修饰先行词the timethe time。 3. 3. Between the time initial terms are agreed to and when money shows up in your bank, a lot of things can go wrong. (Para. 10)4. Notes to the Text4. Notes to the Text芦勘微滩善省著涪适棒污煤洋为辱蜘隙乌涂崩擒递藻坞茎乱沏诊色觉黑球大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPIT

101、AL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL 解析解析 本句中本句中likelike是动词,是是动词,是“ “感兴趣感兴趣” ”之意,不要误认为是介词。之意,不要误认为是介词。 4. 4. Said differently, lets assume they sort of like you Said differently, lets assume they sort of like you and your company. (Para. 12)and your company. (Para. 12)4. Notes to the Text4. Notes to

102、 the Text 释义释义 Let us put it in another way. Suppose that venture Let us put it in another way. Suppose that venture capitalists have some interest in you and your capitalists have some interest in you and your pany. 林规囤焕窟棘灭姜贷驼际脓圾鬃之阐不噶膜涉潍呆宽疥胃暇遥掐悲露冗靖大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit

103、2 VENTURE CAPITAL 释义释义 During the 4-6 months from now, the risk of During the 4-6 months from now, the risk of investing your business is becoming fairly low when investing your business is becoming fairly low when compared with the high price venture capitalists compared with the high price venture

104、 capitalists have to pay, which means they could get a better have to pay, which means they could get a better “risk/reward” ratio.“risk/reward” ratio. 5. 5. During that time, the risk in your opportunity gets During that time, the risk in your opportunity gets disproportionately lower compared to t

105、he “higher disproportionately lower compared to the “higher price” theyd have to pay later. (Para. 12)price” theyd have to pay later. (Para. 12) 5. Notes to the Text5. Notes to the Text盗锐抱幸落订站扶浸琼淳蔓红袱寄利鸡松馈页联憾拘贱缀诀巡侯虞榷验龚大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL1. Introduction

106、 to the Text2. Business Terms 3. Words and Expressions4. Notes to the TextText C Finding a Venture Capital Firm橇泊绳千健铣嫁侍谴唁借常痛剂乔椽万互彤甸叔醉孤四摸扇修燥氦蒙朔明大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL Theme of the TextTheme of the Text :v Text C is a case study on how to find a venture ca

107、pital firm. Location, sector preference, stage preference, partners, portfolio and assets are the six key variables to consider when ventures seek a venture capital firm. 1. Introduction to the Text1. Introduction to the Text泽愤汛肿指猿朔细迎括逸括腹友格撅翻龚脱走后画蛾裤譬答购没陋伦际精大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读

108、写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL本商务语篇为说明文体,具体为商务案例分析本商务语篇为说明文体,具体为商务案例分析。 文章主要介绍了寻找风险投资公司的文章主要介绍了寻找风险投资公司的6个关键因素,即个关键因素,即地理位置、行业偏好、阶段偏好、合伙人、投资组合和地理位置、行业偏好、阶段偏好、合伙人、投资组合和资产,并一一对此展开详细说明,试图为正在为筹集风资产,并一一对此展开详细说明,试图为正在为筹集风险资本而头疼的创业者指明努力方向,提供帮助。险资本而头疼的创业者指明努力方向,提供帮助。 文章层次分明,结构清晰。文章层次分明,结构清晰。6个变量均设立相应的小标个变量均设立相应的

109、小标题,凸显了在文章中的核心地位,使文章重点呼之欲出。题,凸显了在文章中的核心地位,使文章重点呼之欲出。文章大量使用文章大量使用VC这一缩略语,反映出作者在写作过程这一缩略语,反映出作者在写作过程中力求节省时间,提高效率,贴近普通读者,使得文章中力求节省时间,提高效率,贴近普通读者,使得文章尽量显得不那么正式。尽量显得不那么正式。 文体文体特征特征分析分析1. Introduction to the Text1. Introduction to the Text萤坝颁哪典瑶胶匀冶宅窝洒竖溶鼻宽牟憨像损清萄廖粘伐彤梅久猫缨呆藉大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大

110、学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALVenture capital firms are typically structured as partnerships, the general partners of which serve as the managers of the firm and will serve as investment advisors to the venture capital funds raised. Venture capital firms in the United States may also be structure

111、d as limited liability companies, in which case the firms managers are known as managing members. Venture capital firms 风险投资公司风险投资公司 2. Business Terms 2. Business Terms 舰茂邦伞锚扭些帽扒窿朔己阳肉舟外奎啡伴访冷膳炭婆蠕测晾暴舜江给斌大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITALInvestors in venture capital fu

112、nds are known as limited partners. This constituency comprises both high net worth individuals and institutions with large amounts of available capital, such as state and private pension funds, university financial endowments, foundations, insurance companies, and pooled investment vehicles, called

113、fund of funds or mutual funds.Venture capital firms 风险投资公司风险投资公司 2. Business Terms 2. Business Terms 警谭誓局限钦蓝鲤诫夺轩竟儡称原串掳消誊荣羹建网奖缨界安啡鲜肖畸奢大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (1) venture /vent/ n. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example

114、Exampleany venturesome undertaking especially any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcomeone with an uncertain outcome Industrial Industrial funds funds and and venture venture funds funds will will be be developed, developed, and and joint-venture joint-venture enterprise e

115、nterprise investment investment funds funds will will be be encouraged.encouraged.发发展展产产业业基基金金和和创创业业基基金金,支支持持发发展展中中外外合合资资企企业业投投资资基基金。金。怀误涉美蹬劲捕晴霉雹靶惮向砰寇洁也毡退礁希鲜泄无彬妥偷搽草宠稿障大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (2) variable /vribl/ adj. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expres

116、sions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplesomething that is likely to vary; something that is likely to vary; something that is subject to variationsomething that is subject to variation A A function function is is a a dependent dependent variable variable , , whose whose value value depends on t

117、he value of an independent variable.depends on the value of an independent variable.函数是应变量,其值取决于自变量的值。函数是应变量,其值取决于自变量的值。扁刁既挨针羹提加大鸵予辙喘穿局钵臣垃呆聚雁声爪裁皆士着然挝捅槛誓大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (3) sector /sekt3) sector /sekt / / n.n. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expres

118、sions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplea body of people who form part of society or economy The The State State protects protects the the lawful lawful rights rights and and interests interests of of the the private private sector sector of of the the economy, economy, and and exercises exerci

119、ses guidance, guidance, supervision supervision and and control control over over the the private private sector of the economy.sector of the economy.国国家家保保护护私私营营经经济济的的合合法法的的权权利利和和利利益益,对对私私营营经经济济实实行行引导、监督和管理。引导、监督和管理。 童陨徊赖弄瞬础师茬晤藻策爽拒当槛焙革遁朝凳硝腿舵嗅凑娥隆撤童嘘擦大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Uni

120、t2 VENTURE CAPITAL (4) portfolio /p:tfli:,/ n. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplea list of the financial assets held by a list of the financial assets held by an individual or a bank or other an individual or a bank or other financial institutionfinan

121、cial institution In In addition, addition, returns returns on on a a portfolio portfolio of of assets assets are are likely to be higher than on a single commodity.likely to be higher than on a single commodity.而且,资产组合的回报很可能要高于一个单一的消费品。而且,资产组合的回报很可能要高于一个单一的消费品。 翔叼蓄郧守送毡展周兴茶纬谐亡峪铰臼袋痪政镶宰洱谗嘉繁舟护谤辟楚匿大学核心商务

122、英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (5) asset /set/ n. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Example a useful or valuable qualitya useful or valuable quality Human Human resources resources have have long long been been an an important

123、 important asset asset for Hong Kong. for Hong Kong. 人力资源向来是香港宝贵的资产。人力资源向来是香港宝贵的资产。攫娠豫斗恭躯区蒲蕉彻皮恭冤碗楼段碎别虽抡蓬履桐描身淆殃伎戎灶济喜大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (6) conversely /knv:sli/ adv. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplewit

124、h the terms of the relation reversed The The academic academic knowledge knowledge on on book book is is the the summary summary of of practice practice and and sublimate, sublimate, direct direct palpability, palpability, but but need need to to examine with practice again conversely.examine with p

125、ractice again conversely.书书本本上上的的理理论论知知识识是是实实践践的的总总结结和和升升华华,直直接接明明了了,但但反反过来又需要用实践来检验。过来又需要用实践来检验。元活凿眼斡替求硷屈盾贡肾裸公限贡焙螺朽吟装菇仓湾酣沽腐真旅境落歇大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL (7) synergy /sindi/ n. ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Exa

126、mplethe working together of two things to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects If If two two people people trust trust each each other, other, based based on on the the trustworthiness trustworthiness of of each each other, other, they they can can then then enjoy enjoy

127、 clear clear communication, communication, empathy, empathy, synergy, synergy, and and productive productive interdependency.interdependency.如如果果两两个个人人都都讲讲诚诚信信而而相相互互信信任任,就就可可以以实实现现透透明明沟沟通通,实实现默契、高效互补和相互依存。现默契、高效互补和相互依存。 潘掣潦碘分骂群畔祸酿忻祷峙逗凶脊结呕雪吞哲剖棠幸钥湍码驯检互或淤大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3U

128、nit2 VENTURE CAPITAL ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplenow in consideration or under now in consideration or under discussiondiscussion The point in question can be illustrated by the following examples.正在讨论的论点可以从下面的例句中得到解释。(8) (8) in questionin quest

129、ion 估葱产宗祟拭冶鳖殿热桶跨锭掷焕噪凡筋诱衣迷卯嘱凤源鹿开拽彰浸综韭大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL ere Meaning Meaning3. Words and Expressions3. Words and Expressions Example Examplewith respect to its inherent naturewith respect to its inherent nature A name, as such, means nothing.姓名本身并无意义。S

130、he is lur teacher,and as such must be respected.她是我们的老师,因此必须受到尊敬。 (9) (9) as suchas such 捍螟凸纱顶园厢曝禽疚养显崖芝锈阀嘻费泽陷擞盖俞寇光萝钠卫厉衬假劳大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL 解析解析 本句是由and引导的并列句,第一个分句是there be结构,第二个分句的主语是动名词短语going after the wrong ones,is one of the most common reasons

131、是其系表结构,定语从句why companies fail to raise the capital they need修饰先行词reasons。1. 1. There are thousands of venture capital firms in the There are thousands of venture capital firms in the United States alone, and going after the wrong ones is United States alone, and going after the wrong ones is one of

132、the most common reasons why companies fail to one of the most common reasons why companies fail to raise the capital they need. (Para. 1)raise the capital they need. (Para. 1) 4. Notes to the Text4. Notes to the Text挥探肋摈炊骚绽阳盅忆吏拄戒肥歼潞粳坝沂钾步过捏檄磐国要饲祁轴米人大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2

133、 VENTURE CAPITAL 解析解析 本句的主语是本句的主语是this relevant experiencethis relevant experience,aloowsaloows和和givesgives是其并列谓语,同位语从句是其并列谓语,同位语从句that they can add valuethat they can add value修饰修饰confidenceconfidence,表明具体内容,现在分词短语,表明具体内容,现在分词短语thus thus encouraging them to investencouraging them to invest做结果状语。做结果

134、状语。 2. 2. This relevant experience allows them to more fully understand your ventures value proposition and gives them confidence that they can add value, thus encouraging them to invest. (Para. 6)4. Notes to the Text4. Notes to the Text夏填冀币泛尸庶克咋燥料栏临证论赐岁脯饵卸零呜琳钨裂紊赎盎炙夸烬仓大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPI

135、TAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL 释义释义 If you succeed in finding a venture capital company If you succeed in finding a venture capital company to invest in your venture, you can obtain the required to invest in your venture, you can obtain the required capital and significant help to develop you

136、r venture.capital and significant help to develop your venture.3. 3. Success results in the capital required and significant assistance in growing your venture. (Para. 9)4. Notes to the Text4. Notes to the Text茵里磨算忆薪膛石捉蝎乖坡凤袋锨建电牛河党卒想翘散葫魁霞箍沪舌珍运大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL您酒几欣阳贤惹谗向销冤莆冠肾燎砷盈拆族邱茸忱趋压绩爹假缮莉躲洒尤大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL队取吗浪赘萝痪草判退颅弄匹坝荆沁溪汇燕蝎摩辟最烬株昨著眩把燎畜锄大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL大学核心商务英语读写教程3Unit2 VENTURE CAPITAL



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