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1、Unit 16On the London Eye1新学期新要求新学期新要求1 上课认真听讲,否则有上课认真听讲,否则有惩罚惩罚。2 课后认真完成家庭作业,要求课后认真完成家庭作业,要求家长签字家长签字。3 及时复习所学内容,否则容易遗忘。及时复习所学内容,否则容易遗忘。2Where did you go on holiday?3Do you like travelling?What do you need?binocularssuitcasecamerasunglasses4binoculars5suitcase6camera7Where is it?England8Big BenWhat t

2、ime is it?9 钟重钟重13.513.5吨,钟盘直径吨,钟盘直径7 7米,时针和分针长度分别为米,时针和分针长度分别为2.752.75米和米和 4.274.27米,米,四个钟面的面积有两平方米左右,四个钟面的面积有两平方米左右,钟摆重钟摆重305305公斤公斤, ,铜钟铜钟重达重达1313吨吨。 大本钟在大本钟在18591859年被安装在钟楼上。每个钟面的底座年被安装在钟楼上。每个钟面的底座上刻着拉丁文的题词,上刻着拉丁文的题词,“上帝啊,请保佑我们的女上帝啊,请保佑我们的女王维多利亚一世的安全。王维多利亚一世的安全。”作为作为伦敦市伦敦市的标志以及的标志以及英国英国的象征。的象征。1

3、0River Thames11River ThamesWhat color is the river?Its grey and silver.12 Tower BridgeIs it open or shut?What can you see there?13 伦敦伦敦塔桥塔桥是一座是一座吊桥吊桥,桥身分为上、下两,桥身分为上、下两层,桥塔内设楼梯上下,内设层,桥塔内设楼梯上下,内设博物馆博物馆、展览展览厅厅、商店商店、酒吧酒吧等。登塔远眺,可尽情欣赏等。登塔远眺,可尽情欣赏泰晤士河上下游十里风光。假若遇上薄雾锁泰晤士河上下游十里风光。假若遇上薄雾锁桥,景观更为一绝,雾锁塔桥是伦敦胜景之桥,景

4、观更为一绝,雾锁塔桥是伦敦胜景之一。一。14Westminster BridgeWhat can you see on the Westminster Bridge?people15London Eye16Isnt it beautiful?1718 “伦敦眼伦敦眼”是是伦敦伦敦最吸引游人的观光点,坐最吸引游人的观光点,坐落在伦敦落在伦敦泰晤士河泰晤士河畔,是现在世界第四大畔,是现在世界第四大摩天轮摩天轮是伦敦的是伦敦的地标地标。高。高135135米(米(443443英尺)的英尺)的“伦敦眼伦敦眼”是为了庆祝是为了庆祝公元公元20002000年而兴建的。年而兴建的。广州塔摩天轮广州塔摩天轮 高

5、高450450米。米。 (2011.9.012011.9.01)新加坡新加坡飞行者飞行者高高165165米。(米。(2008.4.152008.4.15)南昌南昌之星之星高高160160米。米。1920单词三级要求单词三级要求1 1 红色红色单词会读、会默写、知道词义单词会读、会默写、知道词义2 2 蓝色单词会读、知道词义蓝色单词会读、知道词义3 3 黑色单词知道词义黑色单词知道词义21 London Eye 伦敦眼伦敦眼 binoculars 望远镜望远镜 fun 乐趣乐趣 any 任何一个任何一个 believe 相信相信 ship 轮船轮船 together 一起一起 some 一些一些

6、 River Thames 泰晤士河泰晤士河 Westminster Bridge bridge 桥梁桥梁 down there 下面那里下面那里 Tower Bridge 塔桥塔桥 Big Ben 大本钟大本钟 really 真正地真正地 its 它的它的 pass 递给递给2223Daisy:Oh,Jack!Isnt this fun?Can you believe it?Were all together on the London Eye!Isnt.?希望得到肯希望得到肯定的回答定的回答24Jack: Yes,honey. Isnt itgreat? Look, Claire!That

7、s the River Thames.Claire: Yes, Dad. Isnt itgrey?Daisy: Well, grey andsilver!Its beautiful. Look at all thebridges!25Claire: Hey, Mom, I can see Tower Bridge.Its open!Jack: Is it really? Pass me thebinoculars!Binoculars望望远镜,只有复远镜,只有复数形式数形式26Jack: Can you see anyshipsthere?Claire: I can see one.There

8、are someboats, too.there be句型:句型:There are+some +复数名词复数名词27Daisy: Look, Jack!Thats Westminster Bridge down there.There are somepeopleon the bridge.Jack: There are some cars and buses, too.People人;人民人;人民不能在后面加不能在后面加s28Claire: Hey, Dad! Thats Big Ben!Itstwelveoclock!Daisy: Ding-dong, ding-dong; Ding-d

9、ong, ding-dong!Oh, Jack! Isnt London just great?29What can they see on Westminster Bridge?Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.They can see some people, some cars and some buses on Westminster Bridge.30a an some any a +首字母发辅音的单数可数名词首字母发辅音的单数可数名词 a child 一个孩子一个孩子 an+首字母发元音的单数可数名词首字母发

10、元音的单数可数名词 an apple 一个苹果一个苹果 some 用在肯定句中用在肯定句中 some+ 可数名词复数可数名词复数 some children 一些孩子一些孩子 疑问句中要用疑问句中要用any 311.There + Be + 物品物品+地点地点什么地方有什么什么地方有什么,there is 来开头,来开头,中间放东西,最后是地点中间放东西,最后是地点 2.变疑问,变疑问,is are 往前提,往前提, is there,are thereEg; There is a book on the desk. Is there a book on the desk? Yes ,ther

11、e is./ No, there isnt.323 有一个苹果在碗里有一个苹果在碗里 Theres an apple in the bowl.4 有一些船在河上有一些船在河上 There are some boats on the river. Can you see them?5 桥上有一个女人桥上有一个女人 Theres a woman on the bridge. Can you see her?336 校门旁边有个邮递员校门旁边有个邮递员 Theres a postman near the school. Can you see him?7 有一本有趣的书在架子上有一本有趣的书在架子上

12、 Theres an interesting book on the shelf. Can you see it?8 桌子下面有一些鞋子桌子下面有一些鞋子 There are some shoes under the table. Can you see them?34 some 和和 any 的用法的用法 共同点:共同点:somesome和和any any 表一些,都可以修饰可数和表一些,都可以修饰可数和不可数名词。不可数名词。不同点:不同点:1 1. . somesome 一般用于一般用于肯定句肯定句。 2. 2. anyany 一般用于一般用于疑问句和否定句疑问句和否定句。3.some3

13、.some 有时用于疑问句,表达得到肯定有时用于疑问句,表达得到肯定回答,并不表示对某事疑问。回答,并不表示对某事疑问。Can you give me some milk?352 A: Are there any houses behind the church? B: No, there arent. A: What about houses near the school? B: Yes, there are some houses near the school.3 A: Are there any shops near the college? B: No, there arent.

14、A: What about shops near your house? B: Yes, there are some shops near my house.364 A:Are there any buses in the street? B: No, there arent. A: What about buses on the bridge? B: Yes, there are some buses on the bridge.5 A:Are there any people in the park? B: No, there arent. A: What about people in

15、 front of the cinema? B: Yes, there are some people in front of the cinema.37Pronunciation fun football field fair front referee outfit fifty nephew very clever silver river heavy five seven eleven twelve38churchclassroom39parkcinema40on 41in 42under43in front of 44behind 45near / beside46in,in 在里面,

16、在里面,on,on 在上面,在上面,under,under 在下面,在下面,in front of 在前面,在前面,behind, behind 在后面,在后面,在附近,在旁边,在附近,在旁边,near 还有还有beside介词口诀介词口诀47Are there any children in the classroom?Yes, there are.Are there any children in the park?No, there arent.childrenin the classroomnot in the park48Are there any ?Yes, there are.A

17、re there any ?No, there arent.49Can you see any children?Yes, I can. There are some children in the classroom.Can you see any children in the park?No, I cant, but I can see some children in the classroom.childrenin the classroomnot in the park50Can you see any ?Yes, I can. There are someCan you see any ?No, I cant, but I can see some51家庭作业家庭作业: 1 1、抄写第、抄写第4 4页和第页和第6 6页的生词页的生词六六遍。遍。 2 2、跟读第、跟读第4 4页单词页单词三三遍。遍。 3 3、背诵背诵课文第一和第四段对话课文第一和第四段对话。 4 4、默写红色单词。、默写红色单词。 5 5、完成所有的作业后请家长签字。、完成所有的作业后请家长签字。 52



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