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3、ehighschoolaswell.Listthefollowing:Degrees.Month/yearobtainedorexpected.Namesandlocationsofschools.Majorandminor;ifany.6MustIputmyGPAonmyresume? sIfyourGPAis3.0orhigher,listit.sIfyouroverallGPAislowerthan3.0,butyourGPAwithinyourmajoris3.0orabove,youcanisolateyourmajorGPA.7WorkExperience:sIncludesful







10、T!ThingsthatyoushouldAvoid:165-UsingaveryBigorverySmallfontsize&theunusualfonts:ThingsthatyoushouldAvoid:Fontstobeused(English):s Arials Time New Romans Tahomas VerdanaFontstobeused(Arabic):s Arabic Transparents Simplified ArabicFontsSizetobeused:10 - 1217sDontwriteResumeatthetop.sDontputpictureunle



13、ouncementandwhen.Ifyouhavebeenreferredthroughaperson,mentiontheirfullnameandtitle. 26Introduceyourself,youreducationalbackgroundandyourcurrentemploymentsituation.Beginbystressingyourinterestinthecompanyanddisplaysomeknowledgeofitsactivitiesand/orachievements.Identifyyourstrengthareasandwhyyouthinkyo

14、umatchthepositionrequirements.Highlightyourbiggestachievementsandrefertoyourresumeformoredetails.ContentsofASuccessfulCoverLetterCoverLetterExample28Room 123 Zhixing Building 59 Zhongguancun Street Renmin University of China BeijingChina100872Novermber 15, 2012 Ms. Mary Thompson147 Norham Gardens St

15、reetDepartment of Finance XXX University XXX The United Kingdom 123456 29Dear Ms. Thompson,Im writing to apply to MSc in Finance in the Department of Finance at XXX University. As an undergraduate student majoring in Finance in XXX University, I not only systematically learned a wide range of knowle

16、dge, but also paid a great amount of attention to the academic trends and the market of economy and finance. By means of diligence and great efforts during my undergraduate study, I was awarded the 2nd and 1st prize scholarship respectively from my university in 2006 and 2008. Moreover, I was ranked

17、 as the top student majoring in Finance in School of Business Administration and awarded the 2007-2008 National Scholarship issued by Ministry of Education of China in 2008.30sAlong with the taught modules, I also participated in a government-funded research project Liaoning Province which covers da

18、ta collection, assortment and analysis, and accordingly developed new methods of modeling about social insurance funds operation. Through this project, I gained much experience in research with an effective way. I have also published two papers through my own research, one on a local magazine Ningbo

19、 Economy in August 2009 and the other on a national magazine Global Finance in September 2009. I believe these research experience will pave a solid background and smoother way for me to conduct any future research during my MSc study.31sI firmly believe that academic study is not the whole of the u

20、ndergraduate life. I have actively taken part in a variety of social activities through which Ive learned a lot about team work and cooperation with fellow students, as well as leadership ability. I organized the universitys ERP Sandbox Simulation Competition in June 2009 and the “Business Culture”

21、Series Economic Activities on 2008. In addition, I participated in a couple of volunteer programs, one was the 9th Chinese MBA Development Forum and the other was the 29th Olympics Football Games held in Shenyang. These voluntary experiences helped me encounter a variety of new challenges of facing

22、new friends and dealing with news events. It also boosted my confidence through sharing new challenges in my life with others and improved my inter-personal communication skills.32Standing at the edge of graduation from the undergraduate study, where I have both sweated and harvested the fruits of m

23、y efforts, I am confidently looking forward to a new starting point leading to higher pursuit and achievement. I sincerely hope for your full considerations about my qualifications. A most favorable reply is greatly appreciated.Itd be really appreciated if I could be considered for further interview. Should there be any further questions, I can be reached by writing to the above address or by calling (0086)xxxxxx Monday through Friday from 9 to 12 a.m. Sincerely,signatureXX XXX Enc. Resume Application Form Writing sample Thankyou



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