文秘专业英语课件Unit 8

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《文秘专业英语课件Unit 8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《文秘专业英语课件Unit 8(51页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、文秘专业英语Business NegotiationsUnit 8http:/Study Objectivesv掌握与客人洽商时英语口语表达v掌握一些基本的商务谈判技巧v掌握英文询盘信及回信的写法v了解祝贺和称赞的礼仪Tips for Business NegotiationNegotiating is often referred to as an “art ”. While some people may be naturally more skillful as negotiators, everyone can learn to negotiate. As they often say

2、 in business, everything is negotiable. However, lack of preparation in a negotiation almost always sets a person up for failure.vFirst of all, each party must clearly define their own goals and objectives. What can you trade with the other party? Do you have any alternatives that are acceptable to

3、you?vSecondly, each party must anticipate the goals of the opposition. This may require doing some background Effective Meeting Preparation TipsvThirdly, each party must come up with various alternatives to their main objectives. If you can also work out possible solutions, then it is easier to find

4、 an acceptable outcome. vFinally, you should be clear about your “bottom line”, the point at which you can offer no more. ContentsPart One Part One DialoguesDialoguesPart TwoPart TwoUseful ExpressionsUseful ExpressionsPart ThreePart ThreeSimple WritingSimple WritingPart FourPart FourExercisesExercis

5、esPart FivePart FiveSocial EtiquetteSocial EDialoguesA distributor, James Lee, who is from UK, wants to discuss the prices of heaters. However, Susans manager, Mr.Henry Stevenson is still on a business trip in America. He asks Susan to negotiate the prices with the distributor on behalf of the compa

6、ny. Dialogue OneS: Susan Brown J: James LeeS: Hello, James. I havent seen you since last years . J: Hi, Susan. I am doing very well. Thank you. How about you?Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 trade fair11. 交易会 How is everything going on?22. 你最近怎样?DialoguesDialogue OneS: Oh, I am doing fine, too. Thank

7、you. You know, Mr. Henry Stevenson is still in U.S. So Ive got a lot of stuff to follow. J: Right. I heard about it. So todays meeting is just between two of us? S: Thats right. Shall we get down to business now? J: Sure. Well, Ive studied the latest catalogue. Most of the products are very impressi

8、ve. However, I must point out that prices are much higher than before.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part DialoguesDialogue OneS: We to raise the prices. Our prices still compare very favourably with those offered by other suppliers. J: I see your point, but your selling offer is much higher than what we e

9、xpected. You know, we are in a . We will lose all of our customers if we raise the prices. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 Well, as you may know, the increased labour costs, high price of oil appreciation of RMB have made business pretty tough.33.你要知道,劳动成本的上升,高油价和人民币的升值使我们生意非常的难做 have no choice but44

10、. 除之外别无他法 Actually our margins are razor thin5.5. 事实上,我们的利润是非常薄的 market slump66. 市场不景气DialoguesDialogue OneS: I admit the present market is very unfavourable to us. But it wont last long. Plus the Christmas Holiday is coming. I think sales would be fine this year. J: Well, considering our long-run r

11、elationship, could you the prices, say, 15 % discount? S: 15 %?! You cant be serious! That would drive us out of business. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 knock down77. 降低 The best we can do is 5%8. 8.我们最低只能降5%DialoguesDialogue OneJ: I understand where youre coming from, but that high price also forc

12、es us out of the game. S: Well, it will if we keep over this issue. How about ? We can give you a reduction of 10% provided you could double the order. J: Hmm, let me see. All right, S: Thank you, James. I am glad weve settled the question of price.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 haggling1010. 争论 You

13、 do have a way of talking me into it.1212. 你真有办法说服我 get us nowhere99.无进展 meeting half way1111. 妥协,让步DialoguesDialogue TwoS: Susan Brown J: James LeeS: Now that the price has been settled, lets move on to the issue of payment. J: Err, about that, the terms of payment would be a bit different from las

14、t time. We are wondering if we could defer payment until the end of next month because we are having a little trouble in receiving payment. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5After taking a short break, Susan and James continue to discuss the terms of payment and DialoguesDialogue TwoS: Well, we have bee

15、n doing business for a long time. We really want to help you this, but this is a very large order. We have to pay to make the goods. Well have money trouble too if you defer the payment. J: Lets do it this way. Well for our present purchase. What do you think? S: Well, I have to consult with Mr. Ste

16、venson. Would you wait a moment please? I need to call Mr. Stevenson for this.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 pay in instalments11. 分期付款DialoguesDialogue Two(Susan walks out of the room and calls Mr. Stevenson. Later on, Susan walks back to the room. ) S: I am sorry for having kept you waiting so lon

17、g. I just spoke to Mr. Henry Stevenson. He said it would be fine unless you make a twenty percent in two weeks, and the rest in three monthly instalments. J: Thats really nice of you. This is a fair suggestion. Good. So what about the delivery? Is it possible for you to ship the goods before the end

18、 of October? Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 initial payment22. 首期付款 pay off33. 还清DialoguesDialogue TwoS: Well, I am afraid we cant make it. J: Then when at the earliest can we expect the shipment? S: By the end of November. Thats the best we can do.J: Is that your best offer? Im afraid thats not acc

19、eptable to us. We need the goods to be there by the end of October for our Christmas sales. You know Christmas sales usually start about a month before 25 December. S: I see your point. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 But the factories are fully committed now.44.但是现在工厂已经满负荷了DialoguesDialogue TwoJ: I

20、do hope you can try to the production. Theres no harm trying.S: Look. To meet your demand, well manage to advance the shipment from November to October. I hope it wont be late for the Christmas sales. J: Well, I cant see any problem with that. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 But the best we can do is

21、 just ship 40% promptly and the balance will be delivered in the middle of November.66.但是我们最多能准时运送40%的货物,其余的会在11月中旬交货 step up55.加快,加速DialoguesDialogue TwoS: Good. I think weve both agreed on the terms. (Susan her hand.)J: (James shakes it) Lets get something to drink to celebrate the success of the

22、negotiations. S: That sounds a good idea. Lets go!Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 Can we shake on it?77. 那我们就一言为定了!(握手有表示“赞同认可”的意思) holds out88. 伸出DialoguesNew Wordsadvance Ed5vB:ns v. 提前, 预付commit k5mIt v. 承诺; 使自己受约束consult kn5sQlt v. 商议, 请教defer dI5f: v. 使推迟, 使延期impressive Im5presIv a. 给人深刻印象的, 感人的

23、initial I5nIFl a. 最初的, 开头的instalment In5stR:lmnt n. 分期付款issue 5IFu: n. 问题 Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part DialoguesNew Wordsmargin 5mB:dVIn n. 利润promptly 5prmptli ad. 敏捷地, 迅速地 razor 5reIz n. 剃刀reduction rI5dQkFn n. 减少, 缩小slump slQmp n. 消沉, 衰退; 物价,暴跌stuff stQf n. 材料; 东西tough tQf a. 艰苦的, 坚强的Part 1Part 2P

24、art 3Part 4Part DialoguesWord Banka bargain sale 廉价出售a long-term contract 长期合同 accessories配件C.I.F. 成本加保险费,运费价CFR 成本加运费价Chamber of Commerce 商会competitive bidding竟价投标F.O.B. 船上交货make offers 报价on display 展出 partial shipment 分批装船postpone delivery 推迟交货 prompt shipment 即期装运quotation 报价sample 样品 spare parts

25、 备件time of delivery 交货期 trade mark 商标turnover tax 营业税Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part Useful Expressions我必须要指出价格要比先前的高很多1. I must point out that prices are much higher than before. 我明白,但是您的报盘比预期的还要高2. I see your point, but your selling offer is much higher than what we expected. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

26、Part 5For a Supplier 您可以降低价钱吗?你们的价格太高,我们根本支付不起3. Could you knock down the prices? Your price sounds too high and it is really beyond our Useful ExpressionsPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5您认为您能降多少价?4. How much do you think you could bring the price down? 如果你们的产品价格不能再优惠些,那我们就只得从其他供应商那里购买了5. If you cant

27、offer us the goods at a more competitive price, well have to turn to other suppliers. 你们一般采用何种付款方式?6. What is your regular practice about the terms of payment?For a Supplier 我很希望你能尽量加快生产进度7. I do hope you can try to step up the Useful ExpressionsPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5你们能否想些办法提前交货?8. Could yo

28、u do something to advance the time of delivery?我要求一次性把货交完9. I ask that the shipment be made in one single lot. 7月底前必须装船,否则就赶不上销售季节了10. Shipment should be made before July, otherwise we are not able to catch the season. For a Supplier Useful ExpressionsFor a Customer劳动成本的上升,高油价和人民币的升值使我们生意非常的难做 1. Th

29、e increased labour costs, high price of oil, appreciation of RMB have made business pretty tough. 我们的利润已经很薄了,我认为我们已经没有还价的余地了2. Our margins are razor thin,I do not think there is any room for bargaining. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5我们最低只能给5%,我的意思是双方能否都退一步,从而达成协议3. The best we can do is 5%. I mean i

30、f both parties could compromise a little and meet each other half way. Useful Expressions这是我方的最低价格,我们不能再让了4. This is our rock-bottom price / floor price. We cant make any further reduction.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5For a Customer我们可以给你10%的优惠,只要您多订一倍5. We can give you a reduction of 10% provided

31、you could double the order. 除非你可以在两周内先付20%,然后剩下的分三个月还清6. It would be fine unless you make a twenty percent initial payment in two weeks, and pay off the rest in three monthly instalments. Useful Expressions但是现在工厂已经满负荷了7. But the factories are fully committed now. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5For a

32、Customer你们的5,000美元的应付款已拖欠50天了8. Your payment of $5,000 has been 50 days past due. 请马上向我们寄来金额为1 000美元的支票以结清您的欠款9. Please clear your account by sending us your check for $1,000 right away. 如果您同意分批装运,我们就可以接受您的订货10. If you agree to the partial shipment term, well accept your order. Sample WritingSection

33、 1: A Letter of EnquiryvA letter of enquiry may be used to gather information regarding products or services, prices and operation, etc. vThis kind of letters should be short and accurate. Avoid the temptation to add excessive detail and try to maintain a professional tone throughout the letter. You

34、r letter can be fairly short, but it should be long enough to adequately explain what it is that you are inquiring about and what you want the reader to do in response to your letter. vMake sure to include contact information so that the person can easily get in touch with you if necessary, such as

35、your cell or home phone number or email address. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part Sample WritingSection 1: Minutesv询价函可以用来收集信息,如关于产品或服务,价格和运作等v这类信函应该要简短和准确避免加上过多的细节,而要尽量使整封信保持一种专业的语气 v邀请信可以简短,但一定要有足够的长度来阐述你要咨询的内容,以及你期望对方怎样回应你的信v必须要写上你的联系方式,这样对方如果有需要,就可以很容易地与你联系譬如说留下你的手机号码或家庭电话,或者电子邮箱 Part 1Part 2Part 3P

36、art 4Part Sample WritingSample Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Dear Sir/Madam,We learn from the Textile Chamber of Commerce that you are producing a range of high-fashion scarves and gloves. We operate a large chain of retail business and are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide

37、range of scarves and gloves for the teenage market. Would you please send me a copy of your scarves and gloves catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms?We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various materials from which the goods are made.Yours faithfull

38、yMathew BlackMarketing Manager Spencer Retail GSample Writing It is very important to make a good impression when responding to enquiries from potential customers. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Section 2: A Reply Letter to the EnquiryvExpress your appreciation for the persons interest.vThe best impr

39、ession will be made by providing the materials or information that the perspective client has asked for. This positive impression will be improved by a well written response.vIf appropriate, you might want to include additional information about your organization, the products or services you sell,

40、or the subject matter of the inquiry, beyond the scope of the original inquiry. Sample Writing当回复潜在客户的询盘信时,要给对方留一个好印象是非常重要的Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Section 2: A Reply Letter to the Enquiryv 要感谢对方对你公司产品的兴趣v 要建立最好的印象,就是提供潜在的客人所要求的材料或信息这样一个正面的印 象还可以通过一封书写得体的信得以改善v 如果合适,也可以附加一些关于你公司的信息,你们的产品或服务,或者就

41、他/她咨询 的问题再进一步说明 Sample WritingSample Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Dear Mr. Black, We welcome your enquiry of July 8 and thank you for your interest in our scarves and gloves. As requested, a copy of our illustrated catalogue and price list are being sent to you today, with samples of our products.W

42、e are also manufacturing a wide range of socks in which we think you might be interested. They are fully illustrated in the catalogue and are of the same high quality as our scarves and gloves. We hope the samples will reach you in good time. If you have any questions please dont hesitate to contact

43、 us. We are looking forward to your order. Yours sincerely Joe Smith,Marketing Manager Meili Garment Manufacturing Ltd. Exercises Listen to the following passage carefully and fill in the blanks according to what you hear.1. Listening. Negotiation is the art of arriving at 1 on a subject to the sati

44、sfaction of the parties 2 . Negotiation can take place between two people or several people. Negotiations can also happen between different 3 . Business negotiations could involve purchases, sales, loans, contracts or anything regarding business. It is extremely important to 4 a strategy before star

45、ting any negotiation. And you should 5 this strategy during the negotiations. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5a compromise _involved _firms or companies _adhere to _formulate _Exercises1. Listening.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 Before trying to buy anything you should make a study of the product or s

46、ervice and 6 in the market. You should study the 7 of the product from different 8 . This will give you a very good 9 to negotiate its price. During the negotiation one should be very 10 and never 11 the real position or the maximum price at which he is prepared to buy the product. One should pose a

47、s if he is prepared to 12 if the price is not to his satisfaction. sources _availability _its value _insight _confident _reveal _walkout _Exercises2. Role play. You and your customer are in the office to negotiate the terms of the order. You want the customer to pay a 20% deposit immediately and the

48、 payment should be in dollars. While the customer wants a discount for bulk purchase and an earlier delivery. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part Exercises3. Interpret the following Chinese expressions and complete the dialogue.A: Good morning. I am Martha Stone of Endless Fun Videos Shop. 1 (我们想订你们的家庭影碟机)

49、.B: Good morning, Ms Stone. I am Jessica Lee. 2 (你是从我们目录上下订单吗)?A: Yes, I have the item numbers. The first item is 2389. Wed like 52 copies and 30 copies of Item 8673. 3 (这个数量可以要到批发价吗)?B: I am sorry, Ms. Stone. 4 (恐怕您要订够200张以上才有批发价).Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Are you ordering from our catalogue_?W

50、e wish to place an order of your home videos_.Is it possible to have a wholesale price for this amount _?Im afraid we couldnt make it unless you buy more than 200 copies _Exercises3. Interpret the following Chinese expressions and complete the dialogue.A: Oh, that would be rather expensive. Is there

51、 any discount? B: Err, let me see. 5 (如果你购买编号2389超过60 张以上,可以享受10%的价格优惠). 6 (那么单价就变成$19了).A: Ok. So Ill order 60 copies of Item 2389 and 30 copies of Item 8673. 7 (你可以把我刚才所订的东西的发票传真过来吗)?B: No problem. Ill fax it to you by the end of the day. Thank for choosing GP Entertainment Company. See you. A: Se

52、e you. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 There is a price reduction of 10% on Item 2389 if you buy over 60 copies _.That brings the net price to $19 _.Can you fax over an invoice for the items I just ordered _?Exercises4. Practical Writing.Task 1: You work in the Marketing Department in Wal-mart (沃尔玛沃尔

53、玛). Your manager asks you to look for a new toilet rolls supplier for the super market. Write an enquiry letter about the details of the products price, payment terms and delivery. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Task 2: According to Task 1, write a reply to the above enquiry. In your letter, you shou

54、ld include the information of the products, price, payment terms and delivery. Exercises5. Reading Activity. Most of us negotiate every day without realizing it. However when mentioning the word “negotiation” some people will get nervous. It frightens them. They imagine themselves at the car dealers

55、hip and the hassles and pressure associated with making a deal with someone who is an expert negotiator. However, 99.9% of the time negotiation is simply working with someone to find a solution that benefits both parties equally. Whether youre negotiating with your two year old about bedtime or your

56、 biggest customer, the principles are the same. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5The Seven Principles of Mastering the Art of NExercises5. Reading Activity. 1. Creating a Win-Win situation. When you approach a negotiation with the right attitude, it takes the pressure off of both parties. What is the r

57、ight attitude? The desire for both parties to get what they want. To create a win-win situation. If one party is only in the process for themselves, a resolution will be difficult to come by.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5The Seven Principles of Mastering the Art of NExercises5. Reading Activity. 2.

58、Listening skills. In order to know what the other party hopes to get from a negotiation, you have to listen. In fact, your ability to ask the right questions, and listen to the answers, is your No.1 most important negotiating skill. A skilled negotiator enters a negotiation with a questioning mindse

59、t. When you make it your No.1 mission to learn more about your customer, you are more likely to learn quality information, information that you can use to build a rapport and establish a collaborative environment. Look to learn what your customer needs, wants, what makes them successful, and how you

60、 can sell to them. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5The Seven Principles of Mastering the Art of NExercises5. Reading Activity. 3. Creativity. This relates to creative problem solving. When youre approaching a negotiation as a win-win situation and youre listening to the needs of the other party, creat

61、ive problem solving can help design a solution that meets everyones needs. Negotiation is about more than winning the highest contract.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5The Seven Principles of Mastering the Art of NExercises5. Reading Activity. 4. Patience. Many negotiations take time. This is particula

62、rly true when forging new territory with a client or vendor. Creating a solution that works for both businesses can take several drafts, have to be approved by several parties, and quite honestly many businesses arent accustomed to win-win negotiations so they may take some time to adjust to the con

63、cept. Give them the time they need because when you show youre willing to be patient and that youre invested in their interests too, theyll be willing to work with you today and ten years from now. Youll form a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5The Seven Pri

64、nciples of Mastering the Art of NExercises5. Reading Activity. 5. Research. Take the time to learn all you can about the business youre negotiating with and youll be one step ahead to understanding their needs concerns and how you can work together to come up with a mutually beneficial solution. 6.

65、Confidence is the key to a successful negotiation. If you show fear the person or company youre negotiating with can perceive that as power over you or a lack of confidence in your business product or service. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5The Seven Principles of Mastering the Art of NExercises5. Re

66、ading Activity. 7. Knowing when to walk away. Not all negotiations result in a win-win situation. Sometimes its better to walk away but more importantly it is better to be prepared to walk away. When a negotiation is a MUST then it gives some of your power away. Go into a negotiation with a positive

67、 attitude and a desire to make it work, however keep the awareness that it may not in your back pocket.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5The Seven Principles of Mastering the Art of NExercises5. Reading Activity.1. When it comes to “negotiation”, some people will . This is because making a deal with som

68、eone who is an expert negotiator. Please fill in the blanks according to what you have learnt from the passages.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 get nervous_ the hassles and pressure associated with_2. is the circumstance where both parties can get what they want. When you are at this circumstance, ca

69、n help design a solution that meets everyones needs. A win-win situation_ creative problem solving_Exercises5. Reading Activity.3. The most important negotiating skill is the ability and . The more you know about your customers, you are more likely to learn quality information, information that you

70、can use to and establish aPlease fill in the blanks according to what you have learnt from the passages.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 build a rapport_ to ask the right questions_, listen to the answers_ collaborative environment_Exercises5. Reading Activity.4. take time. You should give them the ti

71、me they need because when you show youre willing to and that youre interests too, theyll be willing to work with you today and ten years from now.5. Not all the negotiations end in a win-win situation. Sometimes its better to but more importantly it is better toPlease fill in the blanks according to

72、 what you have learnt from the passages.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 be patient_ Many negotiations_ be prepared to walk away_. invested in their_ walk away_Social Etiquette Everyone likes to hear nice things about him or herself, regardless of where they are in the world. Giving compliments in bus

73、iness is tricky so its important to know how to do it properly. Compliments are easy to give in the work place as long as you dont comment on someones appearance. Its best to comment on someones behaviour, for example, “Great job on that report,” The more specific you can be about a compliment in th

74、e workplace, the better. Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5The Etiquette of Giving Compliments in BSocial EtiquetteYou dont want to say “Gee, Joe, you look great today in that suit” or even “Mary, you look terrific in that skirt” as those are inappropriate for the workplace. If you are in senior managem

75、ent, and you give someone a compliment, it encourages them because it makes them feel like theyre worthy. If your workmate gets promoted, it is also a very gracious and respectful act to acknowledge his or her success by sending a hand-written note or a card. However, its important to remember that

76、being genuinely interested in other people, and expressing sincere compliments is much more effective in developing rapport with people.Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5The Etiquette of Giving Compliments in BSocial EtiquetteGroup Disccussion Study the following saying carefully and discuss with your p

77、artners. What can you learn from it? Can you give any example for it What is the good result for a negotiation How can you reach that? It is unwise to pay too much, but it is worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you will lose some money. However, when you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the things it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot.By John Ruskin (1819-1900)Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 大连理工大学出版社



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