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1、_ _自考英语二历年真题及答案(全)自考英语二历年真题及答案(全)篇一一、 Vocabul ary and Structure(10 poi nts, 1 point each) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1. The traffic was held up for more than thirtyminutes, _caused me toarrive late.A. itB. thatC. whatD. which答案: D2. _he has many friends, he is oftenfeeling lonely.A. AsB. Whe

2、nC. WhileD. Since答案: C第 1 页 共 75 页3. Poor speaker of English though he was at thetime, he still managed to makehimself_.A. understandB. understoodC. understandingD. to understand答案: B4. There are many sales this season, during whichstores will lowertheir_prices.A. normalB. generalC. ordinaryD. usual

3、答案: A5. As for family education, parents areencouraged to rely on_rather thanpunishment.A. criticismB. intimidationC. persuasionD. scolding答案: C第 2 页 共 75 页6. Scientists doubt whether it s_toregulate one s biological clock bydrinking.A. feasibleB. incredibleC. fashionableD. valuable答案: A7. You d bet

4、ter leave things_if you dont know how to deal with them.A. lonelyB. onlyC. loneD. alone答案: D8. The room was quiet, _the occasionalcoughing from my throat.A. in caseB. except forC. by farD. instead of答案: B第 3 页 共 75 页9. So far scientists have onlyacquired_understanding of thephysicalprocesses that ca

5、use earthquakes.A. a partialB. a changeableC. an originalD. an individual答案: A10. The profit-sharing plan is designedto_the staff to work hard.A. calculateB. demonstrateC. speculateD. motivate答案: D二、 Cl oze Test(1 0 poi nts, 1 poi nt each) 下列短文中有十个空白, 每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案, 并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1. Shopp

6、ing for clothes is not the same experiencefor a man as it is for awoman. A man goes shopping1he第 4 页 共 75 页needs something.His purpose is settled anddecided2.Heknows what he wants and his objective is tofind it and3it;the price is asecondary4. Most men5walkinto a shop and ask the salesman6what they

7、want.If theshophas it in stock,the salesman promptly7it,and thebusiness of trying it onproceeds8. All beingwell,the9can be and often is completed in less thanfiveminutes, with hardly any bargain and to theirsatisfaction.For a man,slight problemsmay begin whenthe shop does not have what he wants,10 d

8、oes not haveexactly whathe wants. In that case the salesman,asthe name implies,tries to sell the customersomethingelse.(1).(A). although(B). before(C). unless(D). because答案:D(2).(A). in advance第 5 页 共 75 页(B). in addition(C). in contrast(D). in return答案:A(3).(A). book(B). order(C). buy(D). take答案:C(

9、4).(A). transaction(B). consideration(C). regulation(D). possession答案:B(5).(A). simply(B). necessarily(C). reluctantly(D). inevitably第 6 页 共 75 页答案:A(6).(A). of(B). with(C). for(D). at答案:C(7).(A). leaves(B). makes(C). prevents(D). produces答案:D(8).(A). at once(B). at first(C). at best(D). at least答案:

10、A(9).(A). sale第 7 页 共 75 页(B). deal(C). payment(D). request答案:B(10).(A). and(B). or(C). but(D). as答案:B三、 Readi ng Comprehensi on(30 poi nts, 2 poi ntseach) 从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案, 并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1. My husband Christopher was once a financialplanner. Even though he couldn tbalance our budget,hi

11、s clients trusted him completely and he made themfeelsecure. In exchange they paid him very well.We hada nice life then.At that time,myyoga studio(瑜伽馆)was just starting to make a profit,and I hadrecently decoratedit.At last, I was in control of my第 8 页 共 75 页working life and poured my heart and soul

12、 intomakingit succeed.When we first met,I fell hard for Christopherright away,although I wouldnt callit love. I dnever been with a man who was prettier than I was,butafter a while Igot used to this,and it didnt botherme so much.I was recovering from a brokenheart andneeded something to help me move

13、on.If it wasntlove,it was goodenough, and when he asked me to marryhim I jumped at the chance,knowing that itmight be mylast.Things started out so well.I was working steadilyand Christopher was patientlyclimbing up the ladder inhis department.Then,without any warning,one graywinterafternoon in year

14、five,he just upped and lefthis desk at the bank,handed in hisresignation,andcame home and told me he wanted to start an interiordesignbusiness.He has always loved mixing and matching,and has areal eye for color,texture,andshape, but the idea ofturning a hobby into a business wasnt something we第 9 页

15、共 75 页had everdiscussed. I thought the stress of his job wasbecoming too much and perhaps he wouldtake a fewmonths off over the spring and summer to relax and getthe idea out ofhis system. I didnt believe he couldbe serious.But once he had a few clients,hebegan todraw up plans,ordering catalogues an

16、d turning ourempty workshop into akind of makeshift studio with allof his sketches pinned to the wall.After spendinga lotof time and money on all of this preparation,andreally doing quite a nicejob of it, he called eachclient in turn and apologized,saying he wouldnt beableto design their living spac

17、es after all.(1). As a financial planner, Christopher.(A). paid his clients very well(B). was trusted by his clients(C). was making his yoga studio profitable(D). could make his familys budget balanced答案:B(2). The woman in the passage.(A). fell in love with Christopher at first sight(B). managed a y

18、oga studio with her husband第 10 页 共 75 页(C). felt really uncomfortable with a smart man(D). married Christopher because of a broken heart答案:A(3). His wife thought Christopher suddenly quithis job because he.(A). couldnt wait to get promoted(B). had experience in interior design(C). wanted to do some

19、thing he enjoyed(D). couldnt bear the pressure from his job答案:D(4). The womanher husband s decision.(A). was supportive of(B). was indifferent to(C). was satisfied with(D). was negative about答案:D(5). It can be inferred from the last paragraphthat Christopher.(A). was more likely to change his mind(B

20、). would return to his office in the bank(C). made a big success in interior design第 11 页 共 75 页(D). was not wellprepared for his business答案:A2. In a quiet, darkened lecture room, you begina frustrating fight againstfatigue. The overheadprojector hums, and you cannot concentrate on theslides.Youstop

21、 absorbing information and becomeabsentminded. The professor lost you a longtime ago.You are bored.Virtually everyone gets bored once in awhile. Most of us chalk it up to a dullenvironment.“The most common way to define boredom in Westernculture is havingnothing to do, ” sayspsychologist Stephen Vod

22、anovich of the University ofWestFlorida. And indeed,early research into theeffects of boredom focused on peopleforced to performdull tasks,such as working a factory assemblyline.But boredom is not merely an natural property ofthe circumstances,researcherssay.Rather thisperception is subjective and r

23、ooted in aspectsofconsciousness.Levels of boredom vary among people:some individuals are far lessliable to boredom than第 12 页 共 75 页othersand some,such as extroverts(性格外向者),aremorelikely to have this feeling.Thus, a new generation of scientists is copingwith the psychologicalinterpretations of this

24、mosttedious of human emotionsand they have found thatitis more complicated than is commonlyknown.Researchers say that boredom is not aunifiedconcept but rather comes in several flavors.Level ofattention,an aspect ofconscious awareness,plays animportant role in boredom,such that improvingapersons abi

25、lity to focus may therefore decreaseboredom.Emotional factors can alsocontribute toboredom.People who are poor in understanding their ownfeelings andthose who become sucked in and distractedby their moods are more easily bored,forample.Stayingaway from tedium is not easy.People who are liable tobore

26、dom are morelikely to suffer from ills such asdepression and drug addiction;they also tend tobesocially awkward and poor performers at school or work.(1). The purpose of the first paragraph is to.(A). illustrate why people are less able to focus第 13 页 共 75 页(B). show how boring a lecture in a dark r

27、oom is(C). tell people how fatigue affects concentration(D). describe a situation where people can getbored答案:D(2). It can be concluded from Para. 2 that.(A). doing nothing leads people to get boredeasily(B). western people pay little attention toboredom(C). boredom only affects the assembly line wo

28、rker(D). people are liable to get bored in a dullsituation答案:D(3). Researchers hold that boredom results from.(A). natural surroundings(B). various kinds of factors(C). sensitive personalities(D). subjective perceptions答案:B第 14 页 共 75 页(4). Improvement of people s ability to focusmay.(A). affect the

29、ir moods(B). distract their minds(C). reduce their boredom(D). increase their depression答案:C(5). The passage mainly involves.(A). effects of boredom on peoples life and work(B). various ways to conquer the feeling ofboredom(C). studies of possible reasons why people getbored(D). the importance of sc

30、ientific research intoboredom答案:C3. Storytelling is one of the few human featuresthat are truly universal acrossculture and through allof known history.Anthropologists find evidence offolktaleseverywhere in ancient cultures,written inanskrit,Latin,Greek,Chinese,Egyptianand第 15 页 共 75 页Sumerian.Peopl

31、e in societies of all types weavestories,from oral storytellersin huntergatherertribes to the millions of writers bringing out books,televisionshows and movies.And when a characteristicbehavior shows up in so many differentsocieties,researchers pay attention:its roots may tell ussomething about oure

32、volutionary past.To study storytelling,scientists must firstdefine what constitutes a story,andthat can provetricky.Because there are so many diverseforms,scholars often definestory structure,known asnarrative,by explaining what it isnot.Expositioncontrasts with narrative by being asimple,straightfo

33、rward explanation,such as alist offacts or an encyclopedia entry.Another standardapproach defines narrativeas a series of causallylinked events that unfold over time.A third definitiondrawson the typical narratives subject matter:theinteractions of intentionalagentscharacters withmindswho possess va

34、rious motivations.Howevernarrative is defined,people know it when they feel第 16 页 共 75 页it.Whether fiction ornonfiction,a narrative engagesits audience through psychologicalrealismrecognizable emotions and believable interactionsamong characters.“Everyone has a natural detector forpsychological real

35、ism,”says RaymondA.Mar,assistantprofessor of psychology at York University inToronto.“We can tellwhen something rings false.”Butthe best storiesthose retold through generationsandtranslated into other languagesdo more than simplypresent a believablepicture.These tales attract theiraudience,whose emo

36、tions can be closely tied tothoseof the storys characters.Such immersion(沉浸)is astate psychologistscall“narrativetransport”.Researchers have only begun figuring outthe relationsamong the variables that can initiatenarrative transport.(1). The passage indicates that storytelling.(A). is becoming less

37、 and less popular in modernsocieties(B). attracts researchersattention all throughhuman history第 17 页 共 75 页(C). is the best way to show the evolutionary pastof human beings(D). is a common cultural phenomenon all throughthe known history答案:D(2). The phrase“a characteristic behavior” inPara. 1 refer

38、s to.(A). telling stories(B). writing books(C). studying folktales(D). producing movies答案:A(3). Exposition is characterized by.(A). believable pictures(B). diverse subject matters(C). a simple and direct explanation(D). a number of causally linked events答案:C(4). How many approaches are mentioned to

39、define anarrative?(A). One.第 18 页 共 75 页(B). Two.(C). Three.(D). Four.答案:C(5). The best stories attract their audiencebecause they.(A). present a believable picture(B). express the audiences emotions(C). are translated into other languages(D). are retold from generation to generation答案:B四、 Word Spel

40、 l i ng(10 poi nts, 1 poi nt for twowords) 将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、 首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。1. 能力, 能耐 n. a_ _ _ _ _ _答案: ability2. 吹嘘, 自夸 v. b_ _ _ _答案: boast3. 取消, 删除 v. c_ _ _ _ _答案: cancel第 19 页 共 75 页4. 危险的, 不安全的 a. d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _答案: dangerous5. 过多的, 过分的 a. e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _答案: excessive6. 设备; 便

41、利 n. f_ _ _ _ _ _ _答案: facility7. 喂草, 放牧 v. g_ _ _ _答案: graze8. 几乎不, 几乎没有 ad. h_ _ _ _ _答案: hardly9. 包括, 包含 v. i_ _ _ _ _ _答案: include10. 律师 n. l_ _ _ _ _答案:lawyer11. 较大的, 主要的 a. m_ _ _ _答案:major12. 国家的, 民族的 a. n_ _ _ _ _ _ _答案:national13. 操作, 经营 n. o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _答案:operation14. 透入, 渗入 v. p_ _ _ _

42、 _ _ _ _第 20 页 共 75 页答案:penetrate15. 拒绝, 谢绝 v. r_ _ _ _ _答案:refuse16. 幸存, 存活 n. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _答案:survival17. 技术员 n. t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _答案:technician18. 在楼上, 往楼上 ad. u_ _ _ _ _ _ _答案:upstairs19. 老兵, 老手 n. v_ _ _ _ _ _答案:veteran20. 获胜者, 优胜者 n. w_ _ _ _ _答案:winner五、 Word Form(10 poi nts, 1 poi nt each)

43、将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。1. It was_(care) of her to leave her purse lyingon the desk.答案: careless2. The_(frighten) child gripped his mother shands tightly.答案: frightened第 21 页 共 75 页3. It might be possible to convert_(explode)energy into heat.答案: explosive4. Tom shouted at his wife, “You_(find) f

44、aultwith me. ”答案: are finding5. Jack has exerted all his_(strong) to attainhis goal.答案: strength6. The surface of the earth_(cover) by masses ofland and larger areas of water.答案: is covered7. Tom was the only one of the lookers-onwho_(be) willing to help.答案: was8. Unless there s a storm, we shall se

45、t off onour journey tomorrow as_ (plan) .答案: planned9. The young man was so tired that hefell_(sleep) the moment his head touchedthe pillow.第 22 页 共 75 页答案: asleep10. I would rather he_(paint) the wall whitenext time.答案:painted六、 Transl ati on from Chi nese i nto Engl ish(15 poi nts, 3 poi nts each)

46、 将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。1. 电脑能帮助解决科学研究中的许多问题。答案: Computers can help solve a lot of problemsin scientific researches.2. 好书的产生是努力工作的结果。答案: Good books come about as the result of hardwork.Good books are the result of hard work.3. 问题在于她是否能自己克服这些困难。答案: The question is whether she herself canovercome these d

47、ifficulties.The question is whether she can overcome thesedifficulties on her own.4. 每个听到那条消息的人都兴奋得跳了起来。答案:Everybody who had heard the news jumped forjoy/with excitement.第 23 页 共 75 页5. 你只要不灰心, 一定会成功的。答案: As long as you dont lose heart, you willsucceed.七、 Transl ati on from Engl i sh i nto Chinese(1

48、5 poi nts) 将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。1. Everyone agrees that children s languagelearning begins withlistening. However,individualchildren vary greatly in the amount of listeningtheydo before they start speaking,and late startersare often long listeners.Mostchildrenwillobeyspoken instructions some time bef

49、ore theycan speak.Before theycan speak, many children alsoask questions by gestures and noises. It is agreedthatthey enjoy making noises,and that during the firstfew months one or two noises areconsidered as aparticular indication of delight,distress,sociability,and so on.But since three noises cann

50、ot besaid to show the babys intention tocommunicate,theycan hardly be regarded as early forms of language.Itisagreed,too,that from about three months they play第 24 页 共 75 页with sounds for enjoyment,andby six months they areable to add new sounds to theirspeech.Thisselfimitationleads on to intentiona

51、l imitation ofsounds made or words spoken to them by otherpeople.Canthese imitations be considered as speech?答案: 大家都认同孩子学习语言是从听开始的。不过, 各个孩子在开始讲话前听的多少却大不相同, 说话迟的孩子听的时间往往长。大多数孩子在说话前的一段时间都会服从 口头指令。许多孩子在会讲话前还会用某种体势及闹声来提问。人们也同意孩子喜欢发出闹声这一说法, 而且认为在最初几个月, 一两声吵闹是快乐、 痛苦、 友善等的表示。但是因为三声吵闹声还不能说是孩子想交流, 所以还很难被看作是孩

52、子语言的雏形。人们还赞同, 三个月左右的孩子以发出各种声音为乐,到六个月的时候, 他们就能在发声时添加新的发音。这种自我模仿将会发展为有意识地模仿他人的发音和话语。这些模仿能不能被看作是说话呢?篇二 Vocabulary and Structure(10points 1 point each)第 25 页 共 75 页从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1.You may use bike_ you give it back to metomorrow morning.A. unless B. provided C. though D. because2.He

53、could not _his tears on hearing thathe was not admitted to the universityA. hold up B. hold back C. get over D. get through3.Good parents have the ability to communicatemessages of love, trust, and self-worth _theirchildrenA. on B. for C. with D. to4.The teacher required that all errors should be_el

54、iminated before the students turn in theirterm paper.A. deported B. eliminated C. deprived D.implemented5.A person is lucky if his career _with hisinterest and hobby.A. concerns B. competes C. coinciders D. compares第 26 页 共 75 页6.Out sleep influences our mood. our mood,_,affects our performance.A. i

55、n return B. in vain C. in short D. in turn7.It was _of you not to disturb us while wewere sleeping.A. considerate B. considering C. considerable D.considered8.I'd appreciate it very much if you couldmake some _on my recent article at theconference.A. requests B. references C. remarks D.restricti

56、ons9.He is _absorbed in his own thoughts that heseems unaware of what's going on in the room.A. so B. each C. very D. much10.No sooner (选 C)had I reached home than Michaelarrived with Jane in his car.A. did I reach B.I had reachedC. had I reached D.Ireached .Cloze Test(10point,1 point each)第 27

57、页 共 75 页下列短文中有十个空白, 每个空白有四个选项, 根据上下文要求选出最佳答案。并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。It is difficult to escape the influence oftelevision. If you fit the statistical messages, bythe age of 20 you willhave been esposed_11_atleast 20,000 hours of television. You can add 10,000hours for each decade you havelived _12_the age of

58、20. The only things Americans do more than them watchthe television are work an sleep.Calculate for amoment what could be done with even a part of those_13_.Five thousand, I am sold,are what a typicalcollege undergraduate_14_working in abachelors degree. In 10,000 hours you cordedhavelearned several

59、 lauguages fluently, you could bereading Shakespeare in the _15_,and you couldhavewalked around the world the world and _16_abook about these hours.The trouble with televisionis_17_it discourages concentrations. Almostanything interesting andrewarding inlife_18_some constructive effort .The dultest

60、,第 28 页 共 75 页the least gifted of us can achieve things thatseemremarkable to those_19_never concertrate onanything .But television encourages us not tomakeany_20_.It makes the time pass without gain.11.A.to B. under C. for D. at12.A.at B. from C. after D. before13.A.decades B. hours C. years D. thi

61、ngs14.A.spends B. casts C. takes D. uses15.A.origin B. beginning C. source D. original16.A.written B. write C. wrote D. writing17.A.what B. that C. which D. why18.A.requests B. asks C. orders D. requires19.A.what B. whose C. which D. who20.A.money B. time C. effort D. skill.Reading Comprehension(30p

62、oint,2points each)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。Passage oneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the followingpassage.Michael Stadtlander set Torontos restarantworld on fire in the 1980s with his original food, and第 29 页 共 75 页eastablished anational and international fame. In1994,however,he

63、decided to leave the city restaurantscene and seek a quiet lifein the country, where hehas been preparing meals on his farm two hours borth oToronto and asks guests to bringtheir own wine.Notlong ago, Stadlander was charged with selling liquerwithout a licence, He said when a guest asked forwineat a

64、 dinner in December, he provided two bottles fromhis private stock.But the customer turned out to beanundercover Ontario Provincial Police(OPP)officer whoreturned a few days later along with four armedofficers toseize 83 bottles of wine,and to search thefarmhouse for records. The punishment could ru

65、n ashigh as $100,000 infines and a year in jail.When Mrand Mrs Smisth arrived at the farm on a weekend befreChristmas, they said that it was theirannualcelebrstion and asked if they could get somewine.Nobuyo,Stadtlanders wife,told them the policywas thar guestspeovide their own.Given the occasion,th

66、ough, Stadtlander agreed to provide a bottle ofwhite wiee from own cellar,at cost,as afavor, Later,第 30 页 共 75 页Mr Smith asked for a second bottle and a detailedreceipt that included the price of thr wine.Heturnedout to be OPP Detective Paul Smith and “hiswife,”an assistant who went as a witness.“I

67、wasshocked,”Nobuyo Stadtlander recalls.”How could thydo this to us when we did them a favor?We soldthem ourwine at our cost.”.But Mr.Smith say,” No.they made$20.”Stadtlander is determined to prove his innocenceand continue the business.“People who live in thearea have been very supportive,” he says.

68、”And whenthis is over,I want my wine back.”21.Stadtlander was accused because_.A. be offered too much wine for a guestB. be asked guests to bring their own wineC. be charged too much for the wine offeredD. be sold wise to his guests without a license22.In the 1980s,Stadtlander_.A. threw his original

69、 restaurant menu into thefineB. made his restaurant well-known around the world第 31 页 共 75 页C. sought for a quiet life in the central part ofthe cityD. opened one resyaurant after another home andabroad.23.IT turned out that Mr. and Mrs. Smithwere_.A. two farmersB. two witnesecs C. hasbend and wife

70、D. policeofficers24.Nobuy Studtlander claimed that in the wine casethey made_.A.$1.20 B. no money C.$100,000 D. a lot of money25.Which of the following could be used asevidence against Stadtlander?A. What Stadtlanders wife saidB. The second bottle of wineC. The records from the farmhouse.D.A receipt

71、 with the wine price.Passage TwoQuestions26 to 30 are based on the followingpassage.A recent study shows that sixteen out of every第 32 页 共 75 页100 American couoles have violent confrontations ofone sort oranother during the course of a year. In sixof these cases there is severe kicking, biting,punch

72、ing or hitting withobjects. Almost four of every100 wives are seriously beaten by their husbands.three of every 100 children arekicked or punched bytheir parents. More than a third of all brothers andsisters severely attack each other.As expected, theincidence of violence is highest among the urban

73、poor(many of them minoroties).blue-collarworkers, peopleunder 20 or without religious beliefs, families with ahusband who is jobless and those with four tosixchildren. But the study also showed that violenceoccurs among wealthy families as well. Indeed, thewife of auniversity president once quietly

74、calledStraus, one of the sociologists who conducted thestudy, to ask what shecould do about her husband, whooften beat her. Straus suggested seeking assistancefrom marriage advisors.Steaus and his colleagues foundout that there are various root causes that give riseto such behavior.“Thereason are mi

75、xed psychological,第 33 页 共 75 页sociological, situational,” says Straus.“The husband,for example, may feel underparticular stress becausebe has been out of work too long. Violence may also bean echo of the past,” Strausexplains.“When Mummygives her two-year-old a slap(巴掌) for puttingsomething dirty i

76、n his mouth, he islearning frominfancy that those who love you hit you.” Anotherreason may be the worsening economic situations.“Ifwe have a real economos decline, Its going to getworse,” economic situations.“If we have a realeconomicdeclines,its going to get worse,” saysGelles, one of Straus” colle

77、agues.These sociologistshave no easy answer to violence in the American family.While they welcome such move asthe opening of sheltersfor beaten wives and the establishment of a NationalCenter for Child Abuse and Neglect,they belive thatthere must be more basic attack on vilolence,includingthe reduct

78、ion of “macho”(大男子主义)themes on thetelevision,the outlawing of physical punishment inschools and perhaps even the wlimination ofdeathsenernces.As Straus explains,“Volence is an第 34 页 共 75 页acceptable solution to problems in Americansociety,And that ishow it is used in families.26.Which of the followi

79、ng statements is true?A. More than a third of brothers attack sisters inAmerican families.B. Almost four percent of husbands are seriouslybeaten by their wives.C. Six out of one hundred couples experiencesevere domestic violence.D. Six percent of American couples have some kindof domestic violence.2

80、7.The example concerning a universitypresidents wife shows that_A. domestic violence is found in well-to dofamilies as wellB. the incidence of violence is highest amongurban familiesC. marriage advisons assistance is the bestsolution to violenceD. domestic vilence exists regardless of age,race,and s

81、ocial status.第 35 页 共 75 页28.What Gelles says shows that_.A. vilence is responsible for the decline ofeconomyB. violence may be a reflection of ones pastexperienceC. violence is related to the economic situationof the timeD. violence is the best form of emotional releasefor a husband29.The word “out

82、lawing” in line5 of the lastparagraph means_.A. making something illegalB. freeing someone from prisonC. learning something from lawD. throwing someone out of court30.According to the sociologists, it is impossibleto curb domestic violence unless_.A. more shelters for beateb wives are openedB. child

83、ren are protected by a National CenterC. violence is not accepted as a solution toproblems第 36 页 共 75 页D. Americans get tougher with violent behaviorsPassage ThreeQestions 31to35are based on the followingpassage.American scientists are developing an“intelligent” mabile phone capable of blockingincom

84、ing callsdepending on the owners mood., Using “contextaware”Technology the “Sensay” phone will monitorcalls and send back polite messages saying the usermay becontacted later.A research team at the Institutefor Complex Engineering Systems at Carragie MellonUniversity in Pittsburg,Pennsylvania, are d

85、evelopingbody temperature and electrical skin monitors to helpthe device understand theemotional state of its user.If the phone senses that the user is busy forinstance, involved in a conversationitmight block anincoming call and turn it onto voicemail. The phonewould send back a text message saying

86、 the userisunavailable, but advising that id the matter is urgentthe caller can try again in three minutes. If a callfrom thesame person came in again, the phone would put第 37 页 共 75 页it through.The researchers are interested in fourbasic different statesbusy and not to be interrupted,physically act

87、ive,idle,and “normal.” Most people aresaid to change between these states,an average of 6 to12 times a day.Professor Asim Smailagic, a leadingmember of the Carnegic Mellon team, told TheEngineermagazine.”Todays computers are pretty dumbcompared with the device. We got to work at thebeginning of Maya

88、nd since then have been improving it.The next stage is to make it smarter, adding variousintellingence systems soit can learn about the user.The phone also employs four primary sensonstwomicrophones to pick upconversations and monitor localnoise.a light detector and an acceleromster(加速度计) .The light

89、 sensor shows ifthe phone is beingcarried in a bag or pocket ,while the accelerometerdetermines whether the user iswalking,running orstanding still, In the sensor box, phone is beingcarried in a bag or pocket, while theaccelerometerdetermites whether the user is walking,running or第 38 页 共 75 页standi

90、ng still,In the future,the sensor box,phoneandpersonal organizer will be combined into one device.”31.According to the passage, the “Sensay” phoneis capable of _.A. showing body temperatureB. blocking unwanted callsC. detecting the owners moodD. sensing the callers mood32.The second paragraph mainly

91、 tells us _.A. where the intelligent phone is developedB. how the new phone is going to functionC. whether the researchers failed in theirexperimentD. why the researchers failed in their experiment33.Accorfing to Professor Smailagic, the detectorwill show_.A. where the mobile phone isB. where the mo

92、bile phone user isC. whether the mobile phone user is busyD. whether the mobile phone is within reach第 39 页 共 75 页34.the word “it” in line 5 of paragraph 4 refersto_.A. the phoneB. the monitorC. the computerD. the light sensor35.The best title for this passage is _.A. How to Tell a Persons MoodB. Ho

93、w to Block Incoming CallsC. Sensay Your Personal OrganizerD. Sensay The Futuer Mobile Phone.Word Spelling(10points for two words)将下列汉语单词译成英语, 每个单词的词类、 首字母及字母数目均已给出, 请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。36.乐意地,容易地 adv. r_37.前景 n. p_38.永恒的,不断的 a._39.有益的,有好处的 a. b_40.进口 n. i_41.预报 n. f_42.元素,成分 n. e_第 40 页 共 75 页43.缩短,减少 n.

94、s_44.诚实 n. h_45.有规律的 a. r_46.改变,使不同 v. v_47.坦率地 adv. F_48.减轻,救济 n. r_49.和谐,融洽 n. h_50.赔偿 v. c_51.有效率的 a._52.真诚的 a. s_53.建设 v. e_54.市长 n. m_55.好奇心 n. e_.Word Form(10point each)将括号内的各词变为适当的形式填入空白, 答案写在答题纸上。56.It will be interesting to see whats going tohappen at the next_(elect).57.For those involved,

95、 the scandal has been avery_(pain)experience.第 41 页 共 75 页58._(safe)needs to be improved on therailways in that country.59.The present crisis bears some _(similar)to the oil erisis of the 1970s.60.His mother becomes disappointed whenever hefails to live up to her_(expect).61.Being a _(high) motivate

96、d lauguagelearner, he takes every opportunity to improve hisEnglish.62.Our most _(success)product is based on avery simple idea.63.local people are questioning the _(wise)of spending so much money on the new road.64.Dont worry. This is the_(desire)weight range for you health.65.This scientist was aw

97、arded with several titlesfor his_(accomplish) in biology.Translation from Chinese intoEnglish(15points,3points each)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。66.尽管有困难,他们最终还是把工作完成了。第 42 页 共 75 页67.这次会议在促进两国友谊方面起了重要作用。68.他长久以来梦想着称为一名足球运动员。69.在过去的二十年中,用于科学实验的动物数量大大减少了。70.这次英语考试比我们预想的要容易得多。.Translation from English into Chin

98、ese(15points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。Shy people are likely to be passive and easilyinfluenced by other. They are very sensitive tcriticism. They alsofind it difficult to be pleased bypraises because they believe they are unworthy of them.A shy person may respondto a praise with a statementlike this:“You

99、re saying that to make me feel good.I know its not me.” It is clear that,while self-awareness is a good quality. overdoing it isharmful.Can shyness be completely gotten rid of ,or atleast reduced? Fortunately ,people can overcomeshyness withdetermined and patient effort in buildingself-confidence.答案

100、第 43 页 共 75 页 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1.You may use bike (选 B)provided you give it backto me tomorrow morning2.He could not (选 B)hold back his tears onhearing that he was not admitted to the university3.Good parents have the ability to communicatemessages of love, trust, and self-worth (选

101、 C)withtheir children4.The teacher required that all errors should be(选 B)eliminated before the students turn in theirterm paper.5.A person is lucky if his career (选 C)coincideswith his interest and hobby.6.Out sleep influences our mood. our mood,(选 A)inreturn, affects our performance.7.It was (选 A)

102、considerate of you not to disturbus while we were sleeping.8.I'd appreciate it very much if you couldmake some (选 C)remarks on my recent article at theconference.第 44 页 共 75 页9.He is (选 A)so absorbed in his own thoughts thathe seems unaware of what's going on in the room.10.No sooner (选 C)ha

103、d I reached home than Michaelarrived with Jane in his car. 下列短文中有十个空白, 每个空白有四个选项, 根据上下文要求选出最佳答案, 并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。文章开头第一句话: it is difficult to escape theinfluence of television. If you fit the statisticalaverages11.选 A to 12.C after 13.B hours 14.A spends15.D original 16.A written 17.B that 18.D requi

104、res19.D who 20.Ceffort从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案, 并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。第一篇, 文章开头第一句话: Michael Stadtlander set Torontosrestaurant world on fire in the 1980s withoriginalfood,21.Stadtlander was accused because 选 D. he soldwine to his guests without a license22.In the 1980s,stadtlander 选 B. made hisrestaur

105、ant menu into the fire第 45 页 共 75 页23.It turned out that Mr. and Mrs. Smith were 选 D.police officers24.Nobuyo Stadtlander claimed that in the winecase they made 选 B. no money25.Which of the following could be used asevidence against Stadtlander?选 D.A receipt with thewine price第二篇,文章开头第一句话:A recent s

106、tudy showsthat sixteen out of every 100 American couples haveviolentconfrontations of one sort or another duringthe26.Which of the following statements is true?选 C.Six out of one hundred couples experience severedomesticviolence27.The example concerning a universitypresidents wife shows that 选 A. do

107、mestic violenceis found in well-to-dofamilies as well28.What Gelles says shows that 选 C. violence isrelated to the economic situation of the time29.The word “outlawing” in line 5 of the lastparagraph means 选 A. making something illegal第 46 页 共 75 页30.According to the sociologists, it is impossibleto

108、 curb domestic violence unless 选 C. violence is notaccepted asa solution to probblems第三篇,文章开头第一句话:American scientists aredeveloping an “intelligent” mobile phone capableofblocking calls depending on the owner mood31. According to the passage, the “Sensay” phoneis capable of 选 C.the owners mood32.Sec

109、ond paragraph mainly tells us 选 B.the newphone is going to function QQ 103101064833.According to professor Smailagic ,the lightdetector will show 选 A. where the mobile phone is.34. The word “it” in line 5 of paragraph 4refers to 选 A. the phone35.The best title for this passage is 选 D. Sensay:The Fut

110、ure Mobile phone.将下列汉语单词译成英语, 每个单词的词类、 首字母及字母数目均已给出, 请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。36 乐意地 readily 37 前景 prospect38 永恒的 constant 39 有益的 beneficial40 进口 import 41 预报 forecast第 47 页 共 75 页42 元素 element 43 缩短,减少 shorten44 诚实 honesty 45 有规律的 regular46 改变 vary 47 坦率的 frankly48 减轻 relief 49 和谐 harmony50 倒塌 collapse 51 有效率

111、的 efficient52 真诚的 sincere 53 建设 construct54 市长 mayor 55 好奇心的 curiosity将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白, 答案写在答题纸上。56 election 57 painful 58 safety 59 similarities60 expectation61 highly 62 successful 63 wisdom 64 desired 65accomplishment将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。66 尽管有困难,他们始终还是把工作完成了。Theyfinally finished the job in spit

112、e of the difficulty.67 这次会议在促进两国友谊方面起了重要作用。Thisconference plays an important role in pormotingtherelationship between the two countries.68 他长久以来梦想着成为一名足球运动员。He has beendreaming of being a football player.第 48 页 共 75 页69 在过去的 20 年中, 用于科学实验的动物数量大大减少了。In the past twentieth century, the number ofanimals

113、for experiment greatly reduced.70 这次英语考试比我们预想的要容易得多。The Englishtest was much easier than we had expected.将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题卡上。腼腆的人很容易被动且易受别人影响, 他们对于批评很敏感, 他们也发现表扬很难令他们高兴, 因为他们认为他们不值得表扬。一个腼腆的人对于赞扬可能会这样去回答:“你那样说是为了使我高兴, 我知道我并不是真的值得表扬。”很明显,自知之明是一种好品质,但自谦过度也不好。能否完全克服腼腆, 或至少让自己不那么腼腆,幸运的是人们能够通过努力耐心地建立自信来克服

114、腼腆。篇三一、 Vocabul ary and Structure(10 poi nts, 1 point for each i tem) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。1. Experts have found that normal sleep can bedivided into five_stages.A. moderateB. initial第 49 页 共 75 页C. distinctD. advanced答案: C2. The student_described the beautifulmountains and rivers in h

115、is home town.A. artificiallyB. vividlyC. criticallyD. viciously答案: B3. What her grandfather said left a_impressionon her mind. She still remembersit.A. finalB. vagueC. deepD. main答案: C4. By the end of next year the bridge _.A. is to completeB. has been completedC. will be completing第 50 页 共 75 页D. w

116、ill have been completed答案: D5. We have greatly _the procedure according tothe chairmans suggestion.A. stimulatedB. perceivedC. obscuredD. simplified答案:D6. We should_this in mind: Dont judge a personby his appearance.A. bearB. putC. placeD. print答案: A7. Even after decades of _, the two brothersrecogn

117、ized each otherimmediately.A. separationB. cooperationC. correspondence第 51 页 共 75 页D. communication答案: A8. The spokesman occasionally_his speech withgestures.A. acknowledgesB. accompaniesC. attributesD. anticipates答案: B9. In order to follow fashions, the girl hasto_great discomforts.A. catch up wit

118、hB. put up withC. keep up withD. fall in with答案: B10. There is something wrong with my mobile phone.I must have it_.A. repairB. to repairC. repairing第 52 页 共 75 页D. repaired答案: D二、 Cl oze Test(10 poi nts, 1 poi nt for each item) 下列短文中有十个空白, 每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案, 并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1. If you asked peo

119、ple what the most importantinvention has been, many would saythe printingpress.Others 1 say the wheel.But even though its 2whether theappearance of the printing press affectedthe course of history more than thewheel,the printingpress 3 within the top two or three inventions inhistory.4 the telephone

120、,the television,the radio,andthe computer,the written word wasthe only way to 5ideas to people too far away to talk with.Until the6th or 7thcentury,all books had to be written6.Creating a book was difficult,and veryfewexisted.Therefore,very few people read books.Inthe 6th and 7th centuries,the Chine

121、se invented a wayto print pages by 7characters and pictures on wooden,ivory,or clay blocks.They would print a pagefrom the第 53 页 共 75 页block by putting 8 on the block and pressing paperonto the ink.This 9 iscalled letterpress printing.Theinvention of letterpress printing was a greatadvancein communi

122、cation 10 each block could be inked manytimes and many copies ofeach page could be made.Manybooks could now be made.Therefore,many peoplecouldread the same book.(1).(A). might(B). ought to(C). had to(D). should答案:A(2).(A). variable(B). agreeable(C). reliable(D). debatable答案:D(3).(A). lists第 54 页 共 7

123、5 页(B). ranges(C). ranks(D). covers答案:C(4).(A). Now that(B). No longer(C). Long before(D). Since then答案:C(5).(A). invent(B). communicate(C). generalize(D). motivate答案:B(6).(A). by hand(B). at heart(C). on foot(D). in mind第 55 页 共 75 页答案:A(7).(A). drawing(B). painting(C). writing(D). carving答案:D(8).(

124、A). chalk(B). oil(C). ink(D). crystal答案:C(9).(A). definition(B). action(C). movement(D). process答案:D(10).(A). when第 56 页 共 75 页(B). because(C). although(D). if答案:B三、 Readi ng Comprehensi on(30 poi nts, 2 points for each i tem) 从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。1. The American population w

125、as the tallest in theworld from about the AmericanRevolution to WorldWarthats a long time.The U.S.had a veryresourcerichenvironment,with game,fish andwildlife.In fact we have data on disadvantagedpeoplein America,such as slaves.They were obviously amongthe most mistreatedpopulations in the world,but

126、 giventhe resource abundance,and given the fact thattheslave owners needed their work,they had to be fedrelatively decently.So theslaves were taller thanEuropean peasants.Its no wonder that Europeans werejustflooding to America.第 57 页 共 75 页Americans today are no longer the tallest peoplein the worl

127、d.After WorldWar , many Western andNorthern European countries began to adopt favorablesocialpolicies. There is universal health insurance inmost of these societiesthat,ofcourse, makes adifference in health care.You can also consider incomeinequality inthe U. S. , since people who are at thelow end

128、of the totem pole(图腾柱)haveconsiderableadversity making ends meet.I suspect the difference inheight betweenAmericans and Europeans is due to bothdiet and health care.Americans today suffer from anadditional problem:obesity.If children are toowellnourished, then theyre not able to growoptimally.There

129、are certain hormones thatcontrol thestart of the adolescent growth and the start ofadolescenceNutritionis one of the factors,alongwith genetic and hormonal ones which areassociatedwith the start of puberty(青春期)And ifpuberty comes too early,then the youthwill peak outsooner,and will not become as tal

130、l in adulthood assomeone who hadbetter nutritionAlso,the overload of第 58 页 共 75 页carbohydrates and fats in a fastfood diet mayhinderthe consumption of micronutrients essential togrowth(1). The word game in(line 2, para. 1) refersto.(A). animals hunted for food(B). rich natural resources(C). activiti

131、es played by kids(D). sports events to be held答案:A(2). Slaves in America were taller than Europeanpeasants because.(A). they were badly treated(B). they did not do farm work(C). they had sufficient food to eat(D). they enjoyed better health care答案:C(3). It is implied in the second paragraph that.(A)

132、. Europeans could make more money thanAmericans第 59 页 共 75 页(B). average Americans used to be shorter thanEuropeans(C). welfare helps Europeans grow taller thnAmericans(D). people on the totem pole are leading acomfortable life答案:C(4). According to the third paragraph, overweightchildren in the U. S

133、. .(A). tend to have better nutrition for growth(B). tend to eat more food to grow taller(C). will grow taller than average children(D). will fail to grow into an ideal height答案:D(5). Eating too much fast food may affect.(A). the absorption of micronutrients(B). the intake of carbohydrates(C). the c

134、onsumption of hormones(D). the digestion of fats答案:A第 60 页 共 75 页2. Yoshio and Hiromi Tanaka are a young Japanesecouple living in the USA whileYoshio studieselectrical engineeringThey clearly love each otherverydeeply, but, says Yoshio,“We didnt marry forlove in the Western sense.We gotmarried in th

135、etimehonoured Japanese wayOur parents arranged ourmarriage througha matchmakerIn Japan we believe thatmarriage is something that affects the wholefamily,not just the young couple concerned.So we think it isvery important tomatch people according to theirsocial background,education and so onMatchmake

136、rsareusually middleaged women who keep lists of suitableyoung people withinformation about their families,education and interests.When our parents thoughtit wastime for us to get married they went to a localmatchmaker and asked her forsome suggestionsWediscussed the details and looked at the photos

137、shesent,andthen our parents asked her to arrange amarriage interview for the two of us”A Japanesemarriage interview is held in a public place,such asa hotel orrestaurant, and is attended by the boy and第 61 页 共 75 页the girl,their parents andthematchmaker Information about the couple and theirfamilies

138、 is exchanged over a cupof tea and amealThen the boy and the girl are left alone for ashort time to knoweach other When they return homethey have to tell the matchmaker whether they wanttomeet again or notIf both of them want a secondmeeting, the matchmakerarranges it,and after thatthey can decide w

139、hether to carry on thecourtshipthemselves Here Hiromi said with a gentlesmile,“Not so long ago,the girl couldnever refuseto go out again with a boy who liked her,but now shecan. I thoughtYoshio was really nice,so I didntrefuse”Yoshio continued:“When our parentsrealized we were serious about each oth

140、er, theystartedto make arrangements for our weddingMy family paidthe Yuinomoney toHiromisThis money is to helppay for the wedding ceremony and for setting uphouseafterwardsWe also gave her family a beautifulornament to put in the bestroom of their house,soeveryone knew that Hiromi was going to marry

141、. Six第 62 页 共 75 页monthsafter our first meeting we were married.Atraditional Japanese wedding is awonderfulceremony,and our traditional custom of arrangedmarriage has given me awonderful wife”(1). The Japanese think marriage is importantbecause.(A). it is expensive to hire a matchmaker(B). it is tim

142、econsuming to match people(C). it concerns the couple and their families aswell(D). it is hard to get the approval of the couplesparents答案:C(2). After a marriage interview, the secondmeeting will be decided by.(A). the boys parents(B). the matchmaker(C). the young couple(D). the girls parents答案:B(3)

143、. It is implied in the second paragraph that.第 63 页 共 75 页(A). a good hotel can bring about a good marriage(B). men used to be dominant in choosing a partner(C). women played a leading role in choosing apartner(D). a marriage interview settles all marriagearrangements答案:B(4). Yoshio thinks that the

144、traditional Japanesemarriage is.(A). costly(B). satisfying(C). complex(D). outdated答案:B(5). This passage is mainly about.(A). the process of an arranged Japanese marriage(B). a wedding ceremony in a Japanese fashion(C). conventional marriage and modern marriage(D). the role of matchmakers in arrangi

145、ngmarriages答案:A第 64 页 共 75 页3. College-bound American high school studentsusually have some combination ofparents, teachers,guidance counselors,or peers to support them in thetoughprocess of applying to and beginningcollege.Unfortunately,adults who want to gotocollegeparticularly adults who have bee

146、n out ofschool for a long timegenerallyhave no such supportsystem.“Adults have a much harder time starting outin collegebecause, unlike regular students,they haveadult obligationsraising children andworking fulltimethat often conflict with the demands ofschool,”says DeepaRao, a World Educationexpert

147、.“Also,adults who have been out of school fora longtime may not be academically prepared forcollegelevel work.Some have littleexposure totechnologies like email and Internet research,whichare an increasingpart of college communication andcourses.They may be unaware of availableresources,such as fina

148、ncial aid,tutoring centers or mentoringprograms,and may beunfamiliar with terms such asbursarandprerequisite.And if you dont第 65 页 共 75 页knowwhere to begin or what to do once you do getthere,its easy to get overwhelmedand simply giveup.”The challenges that working adults face when goingto college in

149、spired Deepa todevelop a web page andwebsite as part of World Educations NationalCollegeTransition Network(NCTN),an online forum fortechnical assistance,news,and helpfulresources foreducators,policy makers,and others interested inadult learning.Thenew website is a counterpart(对应物)to the NCTN,set up

150、to guide adults whoareconsidering college through the process of applyingto and succeeding in school.The website is arrangedlike a college campus,withbuildingsrepresentingthesort of departments and classrooms housed on acollege campus.Each buildingcontainsclassesthatdescribe the admissions process,w

151、here to look forgrantsand scholarships,and lists resources,where anoutofpractice student can reviewreading, writing,andmath.There are also lists of advice and resources tohelpstudents with their college life.Another helpful第 66 页 共 75 页aspect of thisinteractive, multimedia site is itsaudio capacity:

152、all texts can be read to thevisitor.This particular feature is especially helpful forpeople with visualproblems or learningdisabilities.The cycle of learning runs from cradle tograve,and World Education works to breakdown barriersto education for people of all ages,all over theworld.(1). According t

153、o the passage, working adultsfind it difficult to start theircollege educationbecause.(A). they are too busy and academically unprepared(B). they have been out of school for quite a longtime(C). tutoring resources in college are unavailableto them(D). they do not have enough money for furthereducati

154、on答案:A(2). The comparison between adult students andregular students shows that.第 67 页 共 75 页(A). the latter are less prepared than the former(B). the latter have more problems than the former(C). the former have more problems than the latter(D). the former are no less prepared than thelatter答案:C(3)

155、. The purpose of the website is to.(A). help adult students edit web pages(B). provide adult students with guidance(C). solve financial problems of adult students(D). enable students to repair computers bythemselves答案:B(4). The newly created website provides programs.(A). for regular college student

156、s only(B). for students interested in websites(C). for students including the disabled(D). for educators interested in adult learning答案:C(5). The last paragraph shows that learning.(A). involves difficulties第 68 页 共 75 页(B). starts at ones birthplace(C). requires repeated efforts(D). is a lifelong p

157、rocess答案:D四、 Word Spel l i ng(20 poi nts, 1 poi nt for twoi tems) 将下列汉语单词译成英语。每个单词的词类、 首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。1. 多种多样的 a. d_ _ _ _ _ _答案: diverse2. 同样地 ad. l_ _ _ _ _ _ _答案: likewise3. 手册, 指南 n. m_ _ _ _ _答案: manual4. 消费者 n. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _答案:consumer5. 商标 n. t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _答案: trademark6. 偏见 n.

158、 b_ _ _答案: bias7. 城市的 a. u_ _ _ _第 69 页 共 75 页答案: urban8. 观众 n. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _答案: audience9. 材料 n. m_ _ _ _ _ _ _答案: material10. 词典 n. d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _答案:dictionary11. 值得 v. d_ _ _ _ _ _答案:deserve12. 科学的 a. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _答案:scientific13. 缺陷, 毛病 n. d_ _ _ _ _答案:defect14. 延长, 拉长 v. p_ _ _ _ _ _答

159、案:prolong15. 图书馆馆员 n. l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _答案:librarian16. 药片 n. t_ _ _ _ _答案:tablet17. 命令, 指挥 v. c_ _ _ _ _ _答案:command第 70 页 共 75 页18. 明智的 a. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _答案:sensible19. 原则 n. p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _答案:principle20. 次等的, 劣等的 a. i_ _ _ _ _ _ _答案:inferior五、 Word Form(10 poi nts, 1 poi nt each) 将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空

160、白。答案写在答题纸上。1. She was taken to hospital because she wassuffering from a(n) _(regular)heartbeat.答案: irregular2. In all _(serious) , if Mike does resign, alot of others will start leaving too.答案: seriousness3. The father has adopted a fairly_(tolerate)attitude toward his son sbehavior.答案: tolerant4. S

161、oon after that, labor markets became verytight and money wages rose_(rapid) .答案:rapidly第 71 页 共 75 页5. It was_(honest) of him to suggest that heactually had a degree fromHarvardhe was just therefor one year.答案: dishonest6. A good_(write) of fiction always manages tohave sympathy for all hischaracter

162、s.答案: writer7. Mike didn t like to be singled out forspecial_(treat) at school because ofhis athletictalent.答案: treatment8. Doctors soon realized that this drug wasalso_(effect) in relieving thesymptoms of diabetes.答案: effective9. She found she was sweating profusely and herbreathing had_(quick) .答案

163、: quickened10. The publishing business is no_(differ) fromany other business in thisrespect.答案: different第 72 页 共 75 页六、 Transl ati on from Chi nese i nto Engl ish(15 poi nts, 3 poi nts each) 将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。1. 我觉得黑洞理论很难理解。答案: I find/found it difficult to understand theblack hole theory.2. 为了按时完

164、成实验, 这位科学家从未在午夜前就寝。答案: To complete the experiment on time, thescientist never went to bed beforemidnight.3. 那位年轻人的研究几乎没有成功的可能。答案: There will be little possibility of successin the young man s research./Itis almost impossible for the young man to succeedin his research.4. 就连警方也不清楚那场交通事故的原因。答案: Even t

165、he police did not know what hadcaused the traffic accident.5. 我倒是希望他明年再买这房子。答案: I would rather he bought the house nextyear.第 73 页 共 75 页七、 Transl ati on from Engl i sh i nto Chinese(15 poi nts) 将下列短文译成汉语并将答案写在答题纸上。1. In the old days, the lines between work andleisure time were markedlyclearer Peopl

166、e left theiroffices at a predictable time,were oftencompletelydisconnected from their jobs as theytraveled to and from work,and were offdutyonce theywere homeThats no longer trueIn todays highlycompetitive jobmarket, employers demand increasedproductivity,expecting employees to put in longerhoursand

167、 to keep in touch almost constantly via fax,cellphones,email,or othercommunications devicesAs aresult,employees feel the need to check whatsgoingon at the office,even on days offThey feelpressured to work after office hoursjust to catch upon everything they have to doThey work harder andlonger, chan

168、getheir work tasks more frequently,andthey worry more about job security答案: 过去, 工作与休闲的界限泾渭分明。第 74 页 共 75 页人们可在预计的时间下班, 在上下班的途中往往与工作完全脱离。而且, 一旦回到家, 就不再工作, 而现今这种情况已不复存在。在今天竞争十分激烈的职场上, 雇主要求提高生产率,希望雇员加班加点, 而且还要通过传真、 移动电话、 电子邮件或其他通讯工具随时保持联系。这样, 雇员就觉得有必要了解办公室的事情, 甚至休假时也不例外, 他们感到压力, 需要加班赶进度, 确保完成每件所要做的事。他们工作更勤奋, 投入的时间更多,工作任务变换得更频繁,越发为保住工作而烦心。第 75 页 共 75 页



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