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1、 大客户销售谋略大客户销售谋略Objective of WorkshopUnderstand Characteristics of Major Account Selling Strategies in Whole Lifecycle, thus to+Shorten bid-to-win ratio+Shorten selling cycles+Minimize discounts and negotiated concessions+Establish clear, unique business value with the customers+Reduce selling costs

2、through more effective sales strategies+Increase sales per employee- Develop expected relationship with the customers. Eg. Strategic Partnership etc.AgendaDay 1+How the Customer Make Decisions+SPIN Question Strategy+Account Entry Strategy+Understand Your Customer & Their Business+How to Make Your Cu

3、stomers Need YouDay 2+Influence the customers choice+Differentiation & Vulnerability+Overcoming Final Fears+Sales Negotiation+How to Ensure Continued Success客户是如何做决策的客户是如何做决策的How Customer Make DecisionsThe Research BaseThe Customer Decision ProcessAccount Strategy in the Recognition of Needs PhaseAc

4、count Strategy in the Evaluation of Options PhaseAccount Strategy in the Resolution of Concerns PhaseAccount Strategy in the Implementation PhaseSummary Overview of Major Account Sales Strategy Sales Strategy should be about customers and how to influence them.+Understanding and Well Prepared are ma

5、ndatory to form a effective sales strategyCustomer Behavior goes through three distinct phases in making a major purchasing decisions+Recognition of Needs+Evaluation of Options+Resolution of ConcernsA fourth phase, follow-up in implementation phases, if it is well handled, can generate significant a

6、dditional sales opportunities.Each of four phases required a different set of strategies and skills. What is Sales Strategy & What is Major Account Sales Strategy +A way of thinking and directing your actions to effectively influence customer purchasing decisions.Focus on Understanding Customer Beha

7、viorNot Procedure or techniqueMajor Accounts+20/80 rules+New Customers+Potential CustomersExercise: A Typical ERP Deal LifecyclesWhat is typical ERP Deal Selling Cycles+Customer Decision ProcessWho is Major Account of ERP S/W+Traditional Mfg+OthersCustomer Decision Process Research BaseNeil RackhamH

8、uthwaite+35,000 sales calls in 27 countries+10,000 sales +SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need Pay-off)DecisionI:Recognition OfNeeds VChange OverTimeIVImplementationIIIResolution OfConcernsIIEvaluation OfOptionsBuyer CycleCustomer Decision ProcessA Typical Purchase DecisionNew Purchase Reques

9、t Of Procurement DepartmentWhat A Procurement Manager Say:+Problem, Dissatisfaction, can not solve with existing equipment or supplies+Spec.; Objective; Must & Wants; Vendor Selection+If decision is big; carefully resolve all concern.Exercise 1. Procurement ProcessRead Appendix A: Procurement Proces

10、s Do you know it before, and how you know which phase you are in while you bid, and your strategies on each phase.10 minutesAccount Strategy in the Recognition of Needs PhaseThe Most Effective Selling Strategy During the Phase:+To uncover dissatisfaction in the account and to develop that dissatisfa

11、ction until it reaches the critical mass.When dissatisfaction reaches a sufficient level of intensity or urgency, the account makes a decision to change.Success sales asks a lot of questions during sales calls than do their less successful colleaguesQuestioning Skills (SPIN)Account Strategy in the E

12、valuation of Options PhaseThe Most Effective Selling Strategy During the Phase:+To Centralize On Understanding, Influencing, and Responding to Customer Decision Criteria.Differentiate your solution with your competitors is one of your effective selling strategy.Common Faults during the period is fai

13、lure to recognize that a shift has taken place in customer concerns.Not try to uncover customer guideline, or criteria, for making the decision.Account Strategy in the Resolution of Concerns PhaseThe Most Effective Sales Strategy During the Phase+To uncover and help resolve perceived riskLast minute

14、s fears and concerns arises that can block the decision or cause customers to re-open discussions with competitors. A successful sales normally works to uncover and resolve issues that are troubling the customer, even if these issues are uncomfortable and difficult to discuss.Negotiation is key sell

15、ing tool of the phase.Account Strategy in the Implementation PhaseMost Effective Strategy of the Phase+Follow-up after post implementation leads to continued success.+Very Few major sales stop when the customer signs the contract.How to build up long term relationship with the customers?Think About

16、How to Build Up Strategic Relationship with the Customer?Customer Decision PhasesDecision PhaseTypical Customer Concerns During the PhaseSign that the Phase is Over and the next phase are startingCommon Strategies errors in this phaseRecognition of Needs-How we a problem-How big is it-Does it justif

17、y actionsCustomer accepts that the problem is severe enough to justify changed and therefore decides to take actionsFailure to investigate/develop customer needsMaking product presentations too earlyEvaluation of Options-What criteria should we use in making a decision- Which competitor best meets o

18、ur criteria?Customer has a clear decision mechanism in place and has used it to select 1 or more final contenders Failure to uncover customers criteriaLittle attempt to influence/change stated criteriaResolution of Concerns-What are the risks of going ahead?-What if it goes wrong?-Can we trust these

19、 people?Customer make the purchasing decisions Ignoring concerns in the hope theyll go away.Pressuring the customer to make a decisionImplementation- Are we getting value from the decision?- How quickly will we see the resultsNew needs and dissatisfactions ariseFailure to treat implementation as a s

20、ales opportunitiesFailure to anticipate vulnerable implementation points强大的销售工具强大的销售工具 提问策略提问策略准备SPIN Questioning Situation Questions+Questions that gather data and background facts.E.g: How many people do you employ? Whats your present ERP system?Problem Questions+Questions that uncover problems, d

21、ifficulties and dissatisfactions.E.g: Are you happy with existing ERP system? Does the existing ERP system has reliability problems.?Implication Questions+Questions that explore the consequences or implications of customers problemE.g.Does this problem leads to increased costsAs a result of the prob

22、lem, do we get more down time.Need-payoff Questions+Questions that explore the value or usefulness of solving a problemEg. Why is it so important to you.?Would it be useful if ?Implied Needs, Explicit Needs, Benefit, Advantage, FeaturesImplied Needs+Statement by the customers about problems, difficu

23、lties or dissatisfactions with the existing situation.Eg. I always get behind schedule.We have been lost a lot of money in this area.Explicit Needs+Statements of a customers wants or intentions. Eg. What I need is I want some to Benefits+Statements which show how a product, a product feature or adva

24、ntage meet explicit need which has been stated by the customer.Eg. You have said you need fast turnaround, we can give it to you by the end of the monthAdvantage+Statement showing how a product, product feature can be used or help the customer. Most advantages can be expressed in the form : because

25、of feature, you can .” Eg. Because of our ERP product finance module, you can get . Our new model can save additional 8% material cost.Features+Characteristics of a product or servicesEg. This unit cost $400.This is a closed loop feedback system.SPIN FormSituation QuestionProblem QuestionImplied Nee

26、dsExplicit NeedsImplication QuestionNeed-Payoff QuestionBenefitsAdvantageFeatureNormal Sales Call Planning FormSituation:The background information I need before probing for the problem:-ProblemsThe difficulties the customerhas that I could solve.-Implications“Knock on” effects for each problem stat

27、ed-PayOfThe Value to the customer of solving these problems.-SPIN Questioning StrategySituation QuestionProblemQuestionImplication QuestionNeed Pay Off Question Achieve fact finding objectives Have low selling impact Useful at focus of receptivity Achieve uncovering dissatisfaction objectives Have m

28、oderate selling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfactionAchieve Objective s of developing and channel satisfaction Have high selling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfaction and focus of power Achieve objectives of rehearsing and selectively channeling customer attention Have high selling impact U

29、seful at focus of dissatisfaction and focus of power强大的销售工具强大的销售工具理解你的客户理解你的客户准备Account FundamentalOwnership LocationCorporation ActionsFinancial PerformanceFuture ProspectsTimingOrganizationTop management cadreUnderstanding Your Customers : Organisation Structure & DynamicsObjectivesPurpose+Provide

30、 a framework for better understanding of the clients organisation and how they make decisionsOutput+Organisation Map & People ProfilesBenefits+Improve your view into the clients organisation for improved relationship management+Develop relationships with the right people who can provide insight and

31、directionKey Components of Understanding Customers OrganisationMacroFormal StructurePolitical StructureInner CircleInfluence NetworksMicroCoverageStatusDecision OrientationInnovation / ChangeMaslows Hierarchy of NeedsPhysiologicalSafetyBelongingEsteemSelf-ActualisationCharacter ProfileMaslowAdaptabi

32、lityDecision OrientationLevels of ContactYour PositionChen YuanCEO#%BVEMaslows Hierarchy of NeedsPhysiologicalSafetyBelongingEsteemSelf-Actualisation SA : Self ActualisationE : EsteemB : BelongingS : SafetyP : PhysiologicalMapping NeedsSA : Self ActualisationE : EsteemB : BelongingCEOSenior VPSales

33、& MarketingSenior VPCFOVP FieldOperationsMarketing DirectorDirector ofR&DDirector ofMfg.Directorof ITControllerSAESABBSAEEBBAdaptability to Change - Technology Adoption LifecycleInnovatorsVisionariesPragmatistsConservativesLaggardsAdaptability to ChangeInnovatorsVisionariesPragmatistsConservativesLa

34、ggardsStatus QuoReference SitesWhat They WantWhat They BuyYour Value PropositionNot to be left behindEvolution Solve ProblemsRevolutionRecognitionState of the artTrialsTestsCustomised SolutionTotal SolutionsIndustry standards at low price with no riskEnhancement of existing servicesProduct excellenc

35、eInnovationFutureCompetitive AdvantageReturn on InvestmentGuaranteesInvestment protectionMapping Adaptability to ChangeI : InnovatorV : VisionaryP : PragmatistC : ConservativeL : LaggardCEOSenior VPSales & MarketingSenior VPCFOVP FieldOperationsMarketing DirectorDirector ofR&DDirector ofMfg.Director

36、of ITControllerSAESABBSAEEBBVVVPPIILCCDecision Orientation“On what factors does our client base their decision on ?”Financial$Technical TRelationshipRBusinessBMapping Decision OrientationB : BusinessR : RelationshipF : FinancialT : Technical CEOSenior VPSales & MarketingSenior VPCFOVP FieldOperation

37、sMarketing DirectorDirector ofR&DDirector ofMfg.Directorof ITControllerSAESABBSAEEBBVVVPPIILCCBBBBRTFFTRLevel of ContactNo Contact!Brief Contact %Multiple Contacts*In-Depth“How often do we meet with our client ?” Mapping Contact Coverage ! : No Contact% : Brief Contact * : Multiple Coverage : In-Dep

38、th *CEOSenior VPSales & MarketingSenior VPCFOVP FieldOperationsMarketing DirectorDirector ofR&DDirector ofMfg.Directorof ITControllerSAESABBSAEEBBVVVPPIILCCBBBBRTFFTR!%!%Your Position EnemyXNon-Supporter“Where are we with the client ?” MentorMMapping Our PositionX : Enemy : SupporterM: MentorCEOSeni

39、or VPSales & MarketingSenior VPCFOVP FieldOperationsMarketing DirectorDirector ofR&DDirector ofMfg.Directorof ITControllerSAESABBSAEEBBVVVPPIILCCBBBBRTFFTR!%!# Gate Keeper - Influencer - Decision MakerHardest way to allocate purchase channel for a new innovative products and services in Selling Cycl

40、es E.G. Mfg. Barcode Printing Outsourcing SolutionSuccess sales normally find a focus (sponsor) within account helping him move towards a point from which they should begin developing needs.3 focus model for successful people to find sponsorsThe focus on receptivityThe focus on dissatisfactionThe fo

41、cus on power Where is decision makerExercise +Who is the decision maker for ERP project bid.CEOCFOCTO or others.What is your passing experience to connect to decision maker?Entry Strategies Successful people tended to seek a sponsor+SponsorAn Individual within the account who helped them, advised th

42、em, and if necessary, represented them in place where they could not gain accessNot only individual, But more a particular function or area of an account as sponsor. Focus+FocusA “ Focus” Within Account a person, a committee or a department who would help them move toward a point from which they cou

43、ld begin developing needsThe Three Focus Points of An Entry Strategy (I)Sales People normally could find sponsors from 3 focus points:+The focus of receptivity:the point in an account where there were receptive people who were prepared to listen sympathetically+The focus of dissatisfaction: the poin

44、t in an account where there were people unhappy with the present system or supplier.+The focus of power: the elusive point in an account where there were people able to make decision.Especially for account, no purchasing channel existed.Entry Strategy ModelFocus of ReceptivityFocus of Dissatisfactio

45、nFocus of PowerLeads you toLeads you toThe Individual, functional area or location most likely to-Listen receptively- Provide you with informationThe Individual,functional area or location most likely to- Perceive problems and dissatisfaction in an area where you can help.The Individual,functional a

46、rea or location most likely to- Approve action- Prevent action- Influence actionThe Focus of ReceptivityEasiest starting point for your account penetration+The reason why they want to listenObjective of sales to focus on receptivity+Find out information+Gain access to focus of dissatisfactionDanger

47、of Focus of ReceptivityDo not misinterpreted the interest as progress+Remember your strategic objective is “ Information” & “ Access”Danger of distractionDanger of misinterpretationDanger of presentationMoving From Receptivity to DissatisfactionObjective of Focus on Receptivity+Gain access to person

48、 or function who probably not satisfiedUse SPIN Situational questionE.G Do you know anybody in your company whos experiencing problems in this areas-Less successful sales concentrated on impressing the receptive person.-Focus of Receptivity, Focus of Dissatisfaction and Focus of Power may be same pe

49、rson.Identify the Focus of DissatisfactionMindset to set your product in problem-solving terms to allocate focus of dissatisfaction.SPIN Questioning SkillsInfluence the focus of dissatisfactionThe objective of influence the focus of dissatisfaction1.Uncover dissatisfaction and develop it to a point

50、where the customer wants to take action2.Use the dissatisfaction youve developed to gain access to the decision maker, either directly or by using your sponsor to sell on your behalf.SPIN Call Planning FormMoving to the Focus of PowerIdentify the focus of PowerDirect or indirect interface with focus

51、 of PowerSelling at the Focus of PowerWhats typical characteristics of executive or high level manager+Normally busy+Objective oriented, value driven+ConfidenceDanger of selling at the focus of power:+Failure to do homework+Failure to take control+Premature meeting+Inappropriate expectations“Well Pr

52、epared & Understanding your customer is KEY”Experience Sharing:How to make an appointment with VIPSet appointment with decision maker is difficultHow to get the face to face opportunities+Homework, dollarize the reason why the customer should do the business with you.+Send a four or five sentence le

53、tter to the customer detailing the dollarized bebefit of the product and promising a follow-up phone call.+The objective of the letter is to let the customer take the phone call+When you have the customer on the phone, suggest a meeting, then ask “is Tuesday at three OK” “ How about next Friday at t

54、hree”“OK, great, the meeting will take about twenty minutes. See you at three, thanks”This is typical a killer sales question because it leads to that precious appointment over 90 percent of the time.Develop Your Account Entry StrategyFirst, Decide who is likely to be most receptive to product or se

55、rvices like yours.Approach receptivity and ask for meeting and ease receptivity fears on hard selling.Uncover information during the meetingLocate the focus of dissatisfaction, setup the meeting, prepare a question list which youll ask to uncover potential dissatisfactionConduct several meeting with

56、 your contact at the focus of dissatisfaction. Youll need to meet other individuals in order to justify involving people at the focus of power.The objective of the phase is to develop satisfactionDevelop a sponsor at the focus of dissatisfaction either introduce you or represent you at the focus of

57、power. Case Study: How to penetrate to a medical account to sell you finance softwareAssume you are sales rep. in a finance s/w company, a Shanghai Stock Exchange listed company opened a new factory in your territory in 2002, you get information that the factory will have a new project to standardiz

58、e its finance operation, you company are one of 2 top players in the area.Develop you account penetration strategies. The objective is to gain bid right for the project.如何让你的客户需要你如何让你的客户需要你认识需求阶段策略认识需求阶段策略认识需求阶段AgendaObjectives for the Recognitions of Needs PhaseUncovering DissatisfactionSetting You

59、r ObjectivesPlanning Your QuestionsAsking Situation QuestionsAsking Problem QuestionsHow Problems Are DevelopedSelling to the Focus of DissatisfactionGaining Access to Decision MakersSelling Indirectly to Decision Makers+Prepare Your Sponsor+Need payoff QuestionsThe SPIN Questioning Strategy认识需求认识需求

60、客户意识到有新的购买需求。策略目标:1.发现不满2.扩大不满3.根据客户的不满提供解决方案Recognition of NeedsThe account recognizes that a need exists which justifiesa purchasing action. Strategic Objectives:1.Uncover dissatisfaction2.Develop dissatisfaction3.Selective channel dissatisfactionObjectives for the Recognition of Needs Phase1.Unco

61、ver dissatisfaction- Because without dissatisfaction there is no reason for the account to buy.2.Develop dissatisfaction- The dissatisfaction you uncover will increase to a level of severity that causes the account to make a decision to act.3.Selective channel dissatisfaction- The people in the acco

62、unt selectively feel dissatisfaction in those areas where your products and services provide them with the best solutionsUncover DissatisfactionHow to uncover dissatisfaction?Ask Questions to customer.Pre-step of asking question:1)What problem your product can solve customers problem.Not only techni

63、cal feature of your product, think about business part of your product can help the customer.2)Set your call objectives1)Build up relationship with specific focus people2)Collect the specific information which can help you moving forward.Objective should be specific and moving forwardPlan Your Quest

64、ionsTwo types of Questions 1)Situation QuestionQuestions that collect effects about the account and individual within it.Typical Question: Do you own the system or lease it?2)Problem QuestionQuestions that probe for problems, difficulties, or dissatisfaction.Typical Question: What part of operation

65、give you the most difficulty.From Psychology point, the customer get more motivated when you ask problem questions.Planning more problem questions is more effective way to fulfill your call objectives.Asking Situation QuestionDo your homework+Annual Report, Media to get basic informationUse the focu

66、s of receptivity+Ask situation question of people at focus of receptivity, thus not waste time in asking basic fact-finding questions.Spread the questions+Do not try to ask all your situational question one timeEarn the right to ask situation question+The motivation of customer answering your situat

67、ion question is you can help customer to solve the problem. So make it clear your questions are motivated by an interest in the buyers problems and out of a desire to help solve them Asking Problem QuestionsSmall sale situation the sale can be finished within a single call. Strategic Objective: To u

68、ncover the problem with problem questioning skillsLarge sales situation the sale are more complicated. Strategic Objective: To develop the problems after you uncover them.How Problem Are DevelopedAfter you uncover dissatisfaction with situation question and problem question, before you show where yo

69、u product can solve or alleviate the problem, you need to develop the problem.The tool is implication question:Implication question:+Questions that explore the consequences or implications of customers problemE.g.Does this problem leads to increased costsAs a result of the problem, do we get more do

70、wn time.Selling to the Focus of DissatisfactionUncover the problem and develop the problem to the points where the customer want to take action Implication question is strong toolGain access to the decision maker.+Direct +Indirect Selling Indirect to the Decision Maker (I)Prepare Your SponsorIf you

71、can not get direct selling opportunity to the decision maker, you should use your sponsor at focus of dissatisfaction to sell to the decision maker on your behalf.Prepare your sponsorWhat will go wrong for your sponsor facing decision maker1.People will not remember all theyve been told.2.People wil

72、l never give somebody else message as convincingly as they would give their own Rehearsal & Their Own LanguageSelling Indirect to the Decision Maker (II)Need-Payoff Question Effective way to rehearsal of your sponsorwhile your sponsor facing decision maker on your behalf.Need-Payoff Question!+Questi

73、ons that explore the value or usefulness of solving a problemEg. Why is it so important to you.?Would it be useful if ?SPIN Questioning StrategySituation QuestionProblemQuestionImplication QuestionNeed Pay Off Question Achieve fact finding objectives How low selling impact Useful at focus of recepti

74、vity Achieve uncovering dissatisfaction objectives Have moderate selling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfactionAchieve Objective s of developing and channel satisfaction Have high selling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfaction and focus of power Achieve objectives of rehearsing and selectively

75、 channeling customer attention Have high selling impact Useful at focus of dissatisfaction and focus of powerRole Play: Prepare Your Sponsor In Front of Decision MakerAssume you get to focus of dissatisfaction, the Finance Admin. Manager, there will have a briefing meeting to CEO tomorrow afternoon

76、in order to decided two invited companies of the coming closed bid.Your company are one of leading 3 finance s/w companies in the market.You set appointment with your sponsor this evening. Now you are thinking how to prepare your sponsor, plan the evening appointment.Assume evening appointment is co

77、ming:Do a role play, one is sales rep. of the finance s/w company, one is the Finance Admin. Manager.The Objective of the role play is to ensure your sponsor is comfortable to present you in front of CEO and add you in the bidder list.15minuts影响客户的选择影响客户的选择方案评估阶段的策略方案评估阶段的策略方案评估阶段AgendaRecognizing t

78、he Evaluation of Options PhaseObjectives for the Evaluation of Option PhaseHow People Make Choices+Identify Differentiation+Establish Relation Importance of Differentiators+Judging Alternative Using DifferentiatorsHow Decision Criteria Influence Sales SuccessSome Points About Decision CriteriaInflue

79、ncing Decision Criteria+Developing criteria from needs uncovered earlier in the sale+Reinforcing Crucial Decision Criteria You Can Meet+Building up Incidental Criteria Where You Are Strong+Reducing the Importance of Crucial Decision CriteriaOvertakingRedefiningTrading-offCreating Alternative Solutio

80、nsThe Psychology of Handling Crucial Decision CriteriaEvaluation of OptionsThe account decides to act and you hope to emerge as leading competitor during the phase. Strategic objectives of the phase will be:1.Uncover decision criteria2.Influence decision criteria3.Maximize perceived fit with decisio

81、n criteria.Recognizing the Evaluation of Options Phase When we can determine the customer goes to Evaluation of Options phasePublished specification+RFP is broad +RFP is very detailPurchasing CommitteeVendor PresentationObjectives for the Evaluation of Options Phase Uncover decision criteria+Find ou

82、t which factors or criteria the customer intends to use to make choice between vendorsInfluence decision criteria+Introduce criteria or factors which should be important in making the decision but which the customer may not have considered.Maximize perceived fit with decision criteria.+Demonstrate t

83、o the customer that your product or service adequately fits those criteria which will be used to make the decisionHow People Make ChoicesThe customer vendor selection process will go through following 3 clear stages:+Identifying differentiation+Establish the relative importance of differentiators+Ju

84、dging alternative using differentiatorsIdentifying Differentiation 1.Identification ofdifferentiators2. Establish relative importance of differentiators3. Judging of alternatives using differentiatorIdentification of preferredalternativeThe three psychological stages in the assessment of alternative

85、 choicesStage:Customer Action Strategic Sales ObjectiveCustomer forms criteria which allow the choices to be differentiatedCustomer Assesses the relative importance of criteria and understands which are crucial to the decision and which are not.Customer Compares alternative options to find“best fit”

86、 with criteria Uncover existing decision criteria Suggest other appropriate decision criteriaIncrease relative importanceof criteria you meet wellDecrease relative importanceof criteria you dont meet wellShow how you product or Service meet decision criteria Differentiate yourself from competitors i

87、n terms ofdecision criteriaIdentifying DifferentiatorsDifferentiator is criteria the customer used to judge between alternatives+A effective differentiator consists of 2 elements1.It allows the customer to differentiate2.It relates in some way to the customers needs.For Digital CameraDifferentiator:

88、 Price, Capacity, Capability, QualityFor ERP softwareWhat is buyers vendor selection differentiators?Establishing Relative Importance of DifferentiatorsReliabilityLow PriceFlexibilityDeliveryQualityReliabilityDeliveryLow PriceFlexibilityQualityCustomer thinks about needs and criteria, then decides w

89、hich are most importantCrucialIncidentalHow Decision Criteria Influence Sales Success (I)Decision Criteria for A Typical Successful Sale Customers Decision Criteria How customer Assessed the Successful ProductQualityReliabilityPriceAfter SalesServicesCompatibility withexisting equipmentCrucialIncide

90、ntalQualityPriceReliability After SalesServicesCompatibility withexisting equipmentStrongWeakHow Decision Criteria Influence Sales Success (II)Decision Criteria for A Typical Unsuccessful Sale Customers Decision Criteria How customer Assessed the Unsuccessful ProductCompatibility with existing equip

91、mentPriceAfter sales servicesReliability QualityCrucialIncidentalQualityPriceReliability After SalesServicesCompatibility withexisting equipmentStrongWeakHow Decision Criteria Influence Sales Success (III)Skillful Sales Rep. influence decision criteria to bring about a better fit with their products

92、.Customer judgment sequence may revisit the previous steps when the customer meet difficulties at any step.+Identify differentiators+Establish relative importance of differentiators+Judge alternatives using differentiators.Decision Criteria SituationThe account may set criteria before needs are full

93、y establishedCustomer may have preexisting criteriaBy developing needs you influence decision criteriaDecision criteria live on after the sales.Influence Decision CriteriaDevelop Criteria from needs uncovered earlier in the salesReinforce crucial decision criteria you can meetBuild up incidental cri

94、teria you are strongReduce the importance of the crucial decision criteria you can not meet.Reduce the Importance of Crucial Decision Criteria (I)It is hard to change a crucial criterion?1.The customer has thought about any issue which is perceived as crucial.The people does not easily change opinio

95、ns which theyve thought about.2.The issue is important to the customer The people is most resistant to change in areas they see as important.Four ways to reduce importance of crucial decision criteria1.Overtaking2.Redefining3.Trade-off4.Creating alternative solutionsReduce Crucial Decision Criteria

96、(I)Overtake To a crucial criterion (eg. Price) you can not meet is to take a criterion which can be met preferably one which is already quite important to the customer and increase its importance so that it overtakes price and replace it as more important criterionQualityPriceDeliveryCompatibility w

97、ithexisting equipmentCrucialIncidentalReduce Crucial Decision Criteria (II)RedefineWhen the customers tell you that a criterion is “important”, they are letting you know that it matters to them and it is hard to change. So if youre unable to meet the criterion well, do not make the mistake of trying

98、 to persuade a customer that it is unimportant.Attempts to talk people out of crucial decision criteria usually fail and often only make the criterion even stronger. Powerful tool - RedefineEasy to use keyboardEasy to use keyboardGood TrainingSupportUser Friendly SoftwareEase of Use Ease of Use Rede

99、fined as Reduce Crucial Decision Criteria (II)Trade Off & Creating Alternative SolutionsTrading off is a useful method for handling any decision criteria which can be met only if the customer is preparing to make sacrifices in other important areas.Eg. special for pricing negotiation.Creating altern

100、ative solutions is final way to handle the criterion you can not meet, it need imagination and creativity. Reduce Crucial Decision Criteria (IV) Psychology of Four MethodsOvertakingRedefiningTrading OffCreating Alternative Solution Recognize that it is dangerous to challenge a crucialcriterion and c

101、oncentrates instead on building up the importance of other criteria.Allows the crucial criterion to remain important to the customer, but alters its definition so that the seller can meet it more easily.Accept the importance of criterion, but shows that thereare other factors which must be balanced

102、against it.Recognize that the criterion is important and therefore searches out new and creative ways to meet it.差异化以及薄弱环节差异化以及薄弱环节 更多的关于竞争性战略更多的关于竞争性战略方案的评估阶段AgendaThe Concept of DifferentiationWhats Unique about Micro-Differentiation“ Hard” and “Soft” DifferentiatorsCompetitive Strategy with “Hard

103、” DifferentiatorsSpeeding Up the Decision CycleTurning “Soft” Differentiators into “Hard”The Expert JudgeBlurring “Hard” DifferentiatorsUsing Differentiation in the Competitive SaleVulnerabilityVulnerability AnalysisWhats a CompetitorStrategies for Countering Vulnerability+Strategy 1: Change Decisio

104、n Criteria+Strategy 2: Increase Your Strength+Strategy 3: Diminish Your CompetitionTwo Successful Strategies for Talking about Competition+Raising Weaknesses Indirectly+Exposing Generic Weakness, not specific OnesCompetitive DifferentiationThe objective of competitive differentiation:+To make your p

105、roduct distinct in the customers mind from other available alternatives.Marco Differentiation (Marketing Term Differentiation)-Likely to have the most impact on the majority of the buying population of the target market.Individual Variations in decision criteria is common for all sales case, the ski

106、llful sales need to differentiate their products effectively during the evaluation of option phase of sale.Hard and Soft DifferentiatorsHard Differentiator: the differentiator can be objectively measured by the customer.Like price, size, weight, speed, compatibility or delivery.Soft Differentiator:

107、the differentiator are relied on judgment or those can not be objectively measured.Quality, responsiveness, or standard of services, ethics, strategic alliance, philosophy alignment etc.Competitive selling will keen to hard differentiator, but soft differentiators are equally or more important crite

108、ria than the “ hard” if the seller will need considerable skills and careful strategic planning.In large deal, soft differentiator is one of important differentiator we need focus on.Competitive Strategy with “ Hard” DifferentiatorsThe ideal selling position is when your product has clear superiorit

109、y in terms of “ hard” differentiators. As top competitor, you needSpeed up the decision cycleTurn “ soft” differentiation into “hard”When some “hard” differentiator, you are not good at, you can take it and soften its outline, make it difficult for the customer to use as objective standard of judgme

110、nt.Eg. Print speed, continuous speed or speed for a one off requirement.Using Differentiators in the Competitive SalesThe most effective way in competitive selling is to harden your soft differentiators, the way to harden your soft differentiator are1.Define the differentiator+Have the customers to

111、define differentiator in their own words2.Refine the differentiatorAdding to customer definition, to be effective, the refining must build on the customer own attempt to define the “soft” differnetiator.3.Re-position the differentiatorFor the case, the customer judgment is only for hard differentiat

112、or, you need to consider re-position your soft differentiator to make it hard.薄弱环节薄弱环节Vulnerability is a risk which your competitor is strong in the area which is important to your customer, and you are weak in the area.Vulnerability analysis Draw a customer viewed decision criteria and his ranking

113、on you and your strong competitor.The obvious V is most vulnerability point.CrucialDeliveryQuality PriceIncidentalStrongPriceQuality DeliveryWeakStrongDeliveryPrice QualityWeakYour Customer DecisionCriteriaYouYour CustomerUnderstand CompetitiorWho is our competitor, what is normal way to compete the

114、m in the marketAre there any alternative solutions to the problem?Are there any alternative use of the budget?3 strategies to countering Vulnerability1.Change decision criteria2.Increase your strength3.Diminish your competitionCrucialDeliveryQuality PriceIncidentalStrongPriceQuality DeliveryWeakStro

115、ngDeliveryPrice QualityWeakYour Customer DecisionCriteriaYouYour CustomerStrategy #1Strategy #2Strategy #3Change Decision CriteriaOvertaking+Build up a lesser criterion so that it becomes more important than the crucial criterion youre trying to reduce.Trading Off+Balance the criterion against limit

116、ation, penalties, or disadvantages which would come from meeting the crucial criterion.Redefining+Alter the way in which the customer defines the criterion so that it becomes easier for you to meet it.Creating alternative solutions+Produce new and creative alternative way to meet crucial criterion.I

117、ncrease Your StrengthTo increase customers perception on your strength1.Correct any misunderstanding 2.NegotiateDiminish Your CompetitorThe most dangerous and most difficult strategy of reducing your vulnerability is to attach the perceived strength of your competitor.You have risk of losing your cr

118、edibility, and other risks are 1.Lower your own image2.Open up areas you can not control3.Build the competitor importance.Be Careful to use the strategiesTwo Successful Way For Talking About CompetitionRaise weaknesses indirectly+Like, when the customer ask your comments on competitor pricing, you a

119、nswer will be our product is more economical to fit the market need.The answer psychology is different.Expose Generic weakness, not specific one.+When the customer ask discussion on competitors specific potential weak area, the better way is to concentrate on the generic reason of the weakness, not

120、on specific weakness itself.SummaryDifferentiation +Hard differentiator+Soft differentiatorCompetitive selling with differentiatorVulnerability & Vulnerability AnalysisStrategies for countering vulnerabilityTwo successful strategies for talking about competition.战胜最终的恐惧 解决客户忧虑阶段的策略解决忧虑阶段AgendaObject

121、ives for the Resolution of Concerns Phase Resolving Concerns in the larger SalesRisk in the Resolution of Concerns PhaseConsequences: The Risks of Going AheadWhat Causes Consequence IssuesRecognition: The Essential First StepSome Early Warning SignalsDetecting Consequences Face-to-FaceSigns Which Su

122、ggest ConsequencesDiscrepancies: The Common FactorHow Do You Handle ConsequencesSome Basic PrinciplesThe Three Deadly Sins of Handling Consequences+Minimizing+Prescribing+PressuringHandling Consequence Issues SuccessfullyResolution of ConcernsOvercome final fears and concerns of the customer, the st

123、rategic objectives of Resolution of Concerns are as followsTo find whether Consequence issues existsTo uncover and clarify any consequence issuesTo help the customer resolve Consequence issuesResolving Concerns in the Larger SaleBigger DecisionsMore PeopleMore CompetitionLonger Selling CycleMore Imp

124、lementation IssuesRisk of buyer: not only for purchase order, but also his career or other more important consequence.Consequnces The Risks going ahead.Exercise Review the large sale you have participated, list 35 normal consequences which the buyer or decision maker normal consider before signing t

125、he contract, and the way you help the customer resolve it.5 minutes.What Causes Consequence Issues (I)Price ConcernsApplicationConcernsContact ContractLevelCustomerConcernSelling CycleHow Price Concern ChangeWhat Causes Consequence Issues (II)How the value equation changesSolutionSavingBenefitCostWh

126、at the customer getsWhat customer must PayBuyDo NotBuySolutionSavingBenefitCostWhat the customer getsWhat customer must PayBuyDo NotBuyExtraRiskHassleEarly in the SaleSellers build up what the customer getsAt the decision nearsCustomers start to worry about what they must payRecognition The Essentia

127、l First StepConsequence is difficult to recognize, because+The consequences are often under the surface.+When they do surface, they are often in the disguised form of a price concern.Some Early Warning Signals+Large Decisions+High Visibility Decisions+Better Known Competitors+Competitors account+Dif

128、ferent TechnologyDetect consequence face to faceSigns which suggest consequences+Resurface of previously resolved issues+Unrealistic price concern+Unjustified postponements.+Unwilling to meet+Withhold of InformationCommon Factor: DiscrepancyHow to Handle ConsequencesDo not ignore ConsequencesBuild u

129、p relationship firstOnly the customer can resolve a consequence - you can not.The Three Deadly Sins of Handling ConsequencesMinimizing +Making light of a customers concern by denying its importance or by offering baseless reassuranceMinimizing does not solve the consequences.Minimizing drives the co

130、nsequences underground.Larger consequences remain hiddenPrescribing+Pushing the sellers own ideas, solutions and recommendations for how the consequence should be solved.Pressuring+Pushing the customer for information or decisions.Handling Consequences Issues SuccessfullyConsequences Issues are solv

131、ed by discussion and confidence building+Enhance communication to have the customer resolve its consequences.Executive Coverage, Executive Visit+Due Diligence to prove your capability.+Executive visit to enhance the commitment.Exercise You are selling a finance software to a company, while your sell

132、ing, the responsible customer project manager, the finance operation manager told you that the customer would like to do further investigation as they are not sure return of investment.Further discussion, you understand the finance operation manger is near retired, he is afraid the consequence of pr

133、oject failure.Customer formed a project office as well, project sponsor is CEO, and there are several project team members from function department, like rep. from IT department, rep. from account department.CEO has strong desire to implement finance software to improve the management of company fin

134、ance, and reduce the cost.You have a successful similar reference in other province, and a development team in place.Whats your strategies to solve consequence. 销售谈判销售谈判 如何做出让步并达成一致如何做出让步并达成一致解决客户忧虑阶段Sales Negotiation To approach decision, the sales rep. Negotiates withthe customer to reach an accep

135、table decision. Negotiation Is not SellingSelling is purely persuasion, you do not change any terms of standard product.Negotiation is you have ability to vary terms in order to get an agreement.+Like Price, Delivery, or Contract Terms.Do not go to the trap: Negotiation Too SoonKey Rule: Negotiate L

136、ate ! When not to negotiateDo not negotiate early in the selling cycle+Negotiation should never be a substitute for sellingDo not try to negotiate you way out of consequence issues or nonspecific concerns.+Final fears will not go away with your negotiationNegotiation: A costly way to resolve consequ

137、ences.ShowstoppersBarriers to moving forward which can not be overcome by selling skills alone+E.g. Exclusive Support of Your Supplier; USA embargo listed countries, license etc.Strategic advice to deal with showstoppers.+To verify the barrier is genuinely a showstopper.+Deal with showstoppers relat

138、ively speedily.Showstoppers are the only things you should negotiate during the Recognition of Need or the Evaluation of Options Phases.Right Time for NegotiationNo consequence, no showstopper.Questions asking yourself before negotiation+Do I have authority to very terms?Do not give the customer sig

139、ns you can change everything.?NegotiationAn attempt by two or more parties to reach an agreement when the following 3 conditions are present+Both parties can very the terms+The resource is scarce+Agreement and conflict exist simultaneouslyThe Overlapping Circles of Sales NegotiationWhat YouWantWhat

140、the Customer WantsWhat YouWantWhat the Customer WantsWhat You/ Customer WantsEvery Sales negotiation looks like thisNot a negotiation; no common ground.No need for negotiation; total overlap.Short-term versus Long Term Some negotiation is around maximize short term advantage over a person youll neve

141、r see again.+Like Long Distance Bus; Train Station or AirportThis is a purely rare caseMost of negotiation is around developing a solid basis for future business, long term.Five Useful Ways in NegotiationFocus on areas of maximum leverageEstablish and Narrow RangePlan and use questionsSeparate under

142、standing from agreementRigorously test for misunderstanding Planned Concession !Focus on areas of maximum leverage Understand decision criteria will led sales rep. to understand which concession areas will offer maximum leverage.Always asking question that “ how important will concession be to this

143、customer?”Besides price, quality, delivery, customer support, training will be other areas of maximum leverage.Think about 5 minutes, give a list of decision criteria of customer, priority them, and plan your concession for your coming negotiation.Establish and Narrow RangesSet a range, gradually na

144、rrow the range, until both parties can agree on a fixed point with the customer.Why, Psychology, Logic way of concession1.Set your upper and lower limits2.Refine your upper limits in terms of customer expectations & competitive strength1.The customer may walk away from the negotiation and decide not

145、 to negotiate further because your position is unrelistic.2.You may create a credibility gap.3.If you initial point is too high, you may become vulnerable to competition3.Refine your lower limits in the same way in order to arrive at realistic range1.You may be giving away margins2.If you lower limi

146、ts is too low, you may create appetite for further concessions.3.If the bottoms too low, then youve no way to go.4.Negotiate, starting at the top of your realisitic range and making concessions in increasing smaller increments until you reach agreement.1.Start at or near the top of your range2.Make

147、concessions in small incremental3.Signal the bottom by making increasing smaller concession.Planning and Using QuestionsQuestions reveal needsQuestion expose problemsQuestion reveal strategic informationQuestion control discussionQuestions are an alternative to disagreementQuestions give thinking ti

148、meSPIN Question SkillsPlan Your Question In AdvanceUncover InformationReveal Underlying NeedsExpose ProblemGet agreementOthers for NegotiationSeparate understanding from agreement.Rigorously testing for misunderstandingAdvice from skilled negotiators+Make sure that each key point in an agreement is

149、clearly understood by both sides.1.Any point to delicate to stand up to rigorous discussion during the negotiation will never survive the strain of implementation after it.2.Ambiguities worsen like a cancer, an ambiguity during the negotiation grows into a misinterpretation afterward, thus in turn,

150、grow into the most fatal of all negotiating illnesses mistrust.3.You can not undo history, once mistrust exists, there is lasting damage4.When you are negotiating, never let misunderstanding or ambiguities go unchallenged.Summary Differentiate between selling and negotiatingDo not try to negotiate C

151、onsequence issuesFocus on areas of maximum leverageEstablish and narrow your negotiating rangePlan and Use QuestionSeparate understanding from agreementNever allow misunderstanding to persist.AgendaWhy the Difference Between Selling and Negotiation is ImportantThe Key Rule: Negotiate LateNegotiation

152、: A Costly Way to Resolve ConsequencesShowstoppersThe Right Time for NegotiationEverybody NegotiatesDefining NegotiationStudies of Expert NegotiatorsShort Term versus Long TermFocusing on Areas of Maximum LeverageEstablishing and Narrowing Ranges+Set Your Upper and Lower Limit+Refine Your Upper Limi

153、ts+Refine Your Lower Limits+Negotiate within Your Narrow RangesPlanning and Using QuestionsPlan Your Questions in AdvanceSeparating Understanding From AgreementRigorously Testing for MisunderstandingWhy Negotiations Go SourA Final Word on NegotiationTips: Eight Ways to Negotiate with the Customer Yo

154、u Can Not Lose1.Increase your controllable factors, and clearly understand the lower limit you can accept. Price is not only factor, you can consider more on R&D, RFP, Shipment & Payment, the more option you have, the more possibility you can win.2.When you are attacked, do not be angry, listen firs

155、t, to have the customer clearly express his opinion, you will get more valuable information from the customer conversation.3.To minimize mistaken, and assure the customer that you are listening, you should stop timely and summarize results both entities achieved.4.Understand yourselves need, too muc

156、h sympathy to customer will weak your problem solving importance and cause concession.5.Have the customer focused on achieving success of negotiation, and ensure solution win/win6.Put most difficult problem at last.7.High start-up point, Slow concession, always keep high expectation and remember, ea

157、ch compromise creates different values.8.Do not be emotional , do not confront with the customer, and point out the customer emotional response is not acceptable.Role Play: Final S/W Development Contract Negotiation如何确保持续的成功如何确保持续的成功 -实施与客户维护策略实施与客户维护策略实施阶段AgendaObjective of the Implementation Phase

158、Stages of Implementation Motivation DipAccount Development +Why is Account Management so important+Five simple strategies for account developmentImplementation Phase In order to achieve continuous success, sales rep. will involve implementation, installation, after sales supportto success develop th

159、e customer as existing install baseand loyal customer via account management.Stages of ImplementationResultEffort“ New-Toy” StageLearning StageEffectiveness StageTime“ New Toy” Stage : A few simple success with little effort.Learning Stage: Hard work but not much to show for it.Effectiveness Stage:

160、Full Results Achieved with much less effortsMotivation DipLevel ofenthusiasmImplementation The level of customer enthusiasm changes during the implementation process.Motivation Dip: Customers enthusiasmDrop off rapidly as the customers enter the Learning stage.Three Strategies to Overcome Motivation

161、 DipStart before the contract is signedInvolve the CustomerPut in effort early.Why Account Management So ImportantWhy Customers Leave?“Relationships” are a critical part of retention and loyalty+15% of customers have left to find a better product+15% of customers have left to find a less expensive p

162、roduct+20% felt a lack of contact and individual attention+49% say contact from the vendors / suppliers personnel was of poor quality+Nearly 70% leave because they do not like the human side of doing business with the previous companyForum Corp. 1999Five Simple Strategies for Account MgmtStrategy 1:

163、 Develop, do not maintainStrategy 2: Document Good NewsStrategy 3: Generate Leads and ReferencesStrategy 4 : Reassess Your Understanding of Customer NeedsStrategy 5: Influence Future Decision CriteriaAccount Management Define Relationship TypeUnderstand your customer and their businessValue to custo

164、merValue to your companyCompetitive AnalysisAccount Planning with account teamExecutive CoverageSummary of WorkshopSummary狼性vs. Good SalesSense+A good sales should have strong sense like wolf, you need know where is big fish and how to fish big fish.Plan+With detail plan, you can achieve your object

165、ives with less resources, selling is one of most objective driven tasks.Quick Response+ Opportunity is not that much, A good sales will not miss the opportunity and he always quick response for a new opportunity , a customer request or a new change of environment. Focus+Focus is key to win. Especial

166、ly in tough selling period, facing critical people and impossible missions.Synergy+To achieve stretch goal or fight big deal, a good sales does not only think about himself, but also he relies on the team, he directs whole team to achieve the goal. He is an actor and more important he is a director.谢谢谢谢! !



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