人教版高一Unit 19 Modern agriculture

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《人教版高一Unit 19 Modern agriculture》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高一Unit 19 Modern agriculture(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、.Teaching Goals:1.Talk about modern agriculture and the effects it has on peoples life.2.Practise giving advice and making decisions.3.Use “It” for emphasis.4.Read statistical graphs.5.Write a plan for a vegetable garden.Teaching Time:Five periods.Background Information:1.An American Small FarmLast

2、year,at harvest time,we visited the Steenhoek farm,which is 2 200mu,or 340 acres.Typical family farms are run entirely by familymembers,with every member playing a vital part in the operation.Both ofthese families are descendants of Dutch immigrants who settled here overa century ago.The Steenhoek f

3、arm supports 3 generations.The family of Mr.andMrs.Steenhoek includes three children and 2 grandchildren.As we willsee,this family is an excellent example of hardworking,experiencedfarmers who stay on the land not purely because of profit,but because theyare living a life-style that satisfies them.S

4、ixty percent of theSteenhoeks acres are devoted to pasture land,on which they raise 120 beefcattle.The rest of the land is used for growing corn.Fifteen years ago,the American farm economy was booming.Farmers couldspecialize,raising one crop,or one type of animal.Today,with an uncertainfarm economy,

5、such an idea is considered foolhardy,and diversifying is oneway that farmers can lesson their risk of loss.For example,if weatheraffects the size of a crop,the sale of the livestock will make up thedifference.If the animals are plagued by disease,at least there is grainto take to market.Kendall Stee

6、nhoek,Simons eldest son,divides his time between runningthis machine shop and farming zoo acres of corn.He attended a communitycollege in Iowa for two years to study diesel mechanics.Then he openedthis repair shop for farm machinery.Kendall also plants and harvests over30 000 bushels of corn each ye

7、ar,but it is the income from the repair shopthat has enabled him to stay within the farming community.The heavyequipment used on the farms today is in constant need of maintenance,andrequires precision tooling for repairs.By far,the most impressive andcertainly the most costly piece of farm equipmen

8、t used on a small farmis a harvesting machine called a combine,which can cost up to $100 000.This type of machinery is what makes the American farm so efficient.Witha combine,one man and his family can harvest an entire crop of a 500 acrefarm in two weeks.The value of the combine is that it performs

9、 severalfunctions.As it moves through a field of corn,this sophisticated machinecuts the stalk,plucks the ear,discards the stalk,shucks the corn kernelsoff the ear and deposites the kernels in a storage bin in the back.Then,aspinning device in the rear of the combine shreds the husks and shaftsand s

10、catters them across the field,to serve as mulch,cutting down on thepossibility of soil erosion from winter rains.The machine is even moreamazing when you think that it has been in use on American farms for onlyone generation.2.GenesEvery living cell contains genes.They are too small to be seen in am

11、icroscope,but they are vitally important.Each set of genes in the bodycontains all the instructions needed to make a human being.Some genesdetermine hair color.Some determine the shape of a nose.Some genes helpdetermine your height and even your weight.Genes are made of a chemical called DNA-the let

12、ters stand fordeoxyribonucleicacid(脱氧核糖核酸).In the early 1950s,twoscientists,Francis Crick and James Watson,figured out how the parts ofDNA fit together.Once scientists understood this structure,it becamepossible to take pieces of DNA apart and put them together in new ways.Newkinds of genes could be

13、 made in this manner.Scientists have studied the genes of many plants and animals.They haveworked out which genes affect the color of a tomato and the stickness ofits skin.Working out which genes determine which features is calledgenetic mapping,scientists have begun the Human Genome Project,anambit

14、ious effort to map all the genes in the human body.Some genes may be effective.For example,something might be wrong with thegene that makes blood clot( 凝聚).An individual born with this defectivegene could suffer serious hemorrhages(出血)or even bleed to death becausehis or her blood fails to clot.If s

15、cientists ever learn how to map allthe genes in our bodies,they could determine whether or not an unborn childhas any defective genes.They might even discover how to treat these genesbefore the child is born.The First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Improve the students speaking ability by practising giving a

16、dvice andmaking decisions.2.Enable the students to master the expressions of giving advice andmaking decisions.3.Get the students to learn more about agriculture.Teaching Important Points:1.How to express oneself,using what is learned or given.2.How to advise sb.to do something and how to make decis

17、ions.Teaching Difficult Points:1.The usage of some expressions.2.How to improve the students listening ability.Teaching Methods:1.Listening some materials to improve the students listening ability.2.Discussion to let the students express themselves freely.3.Group work or pair work to give every stud

18、ent a chance to expressthemselves.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.a projector and some slides3.a computerTeaching Procedures:step .Greetings and RevisionT:Good morning,everyone.Ss:Good morning,teacher.T:Sit down,please.In this class,Ill check your homework first,WangPing,read your homework to us,(T

19、he teacher checks the students homework and have a discussion with thestudents about the mistake Wang Ping made.Let the students have a clearunderstanding and correct it.)step .Preparation for listening and speakingT:Today,were going to learn a new unit,Unit 19,ModernAgriculture(Teacher writes the f

20、ollowing on the blackboard:Unit 19 Modernagriculture,the First Period).First,lets learn the new words of thisperiod.Look at the screen:New words:produce n.产量、产物、农产品effect n.结果、影响、作用dike n.堤坝;排水沟drought n.干旱leader n.领导者lead v.领导、带领cane n.细长的茎、藤条sugar-cane n.甘蔗tobacco n.(烟草)制品;抽烟local adj.地方的、当地的(Teac

21、her asks one student to read the new words,then corrects the mistakesthe student made.)Step .Warming upT:Please turn to Page 32.Lets do Warming up.(Teacher shows the graphson Page 32 on the screen.)Look at the two graphs and discuss the questionson Page 32.You can do it in pairs or groups.In a few m

22、inutes,Ill ask somestudents to talk about them.(Students begin to discuss the questions.Andteacher goes and joins them.A few minutes later,teacher says thefollowing.)T:Are you ready?Who can give us a talk about the first topic?SA,how arepeoples eating habbits changing over the years?SA:From the firs

23、t graph,we can see that the eating habits of the peoplein our country have changed greatly.Before 1949,they had not enough toeat and often went hungry.Once natural disasters happened,a great numberof people would die of hunger.Before the reforming and opening to theworld,grain was still a big proble

24、m.People mainly lived on corn and fewkinds of vegetables.Since the 1980s,especially the 1990s,peoples eatinghabits have greatly improved.People can eat whatever they want.More andmore people eat less grain,more meat and eggs and so on.More and morepeople turn their eyes to meat,eggs,milk and all kin

25、ds of greenvegetables.T:Why do you think this happens,SB?SB:It is all because of the Partys good policies.T:Very good.It is true and everyone can see that.How has agriculturalproduce changed duringthe first half of the 1990s?And what doyou thinkcaused these changes?SC:From the first half of the 1990

26、s,scientists started to develop newtechniques to increase agricultural production without causing damage tothe environment.Especially the new technique, “GM”,has madeagricultural production increase continuously.Scientists develop newkinds of seeds,better cows,pigs,sheep as well as fish.It is the ne

27、wtechniques that make all this possible.T:Do you agree with him,SD?SD:Yes,I do.And I want to give an answer to the three question.T:Good,please say that.SD:With the changes in peoples eating habits,agriculture as well asnature will have to change,too.People are eating more meat and milk.Thatis to sa

28、y,they need more fish,pigs,sheep and cattle as well as poultry.Tofeed these animals,we need more grain,especially more grass.To protectour environment,the ways to raise animals have changed.With thedevelopment of modern science and techniques,some of the fields are notneeded to produce more food.We

29、can grow grass,flowers etc.on them.Lessfarmers are needed and they can do other kinds of work.Step .ListeningT:So much for the discussion.Next well do listening.The passage youlllisten to is aboutfarming.It tells us about farming ofall countries inearly times and protection of nature and environment

30、.Listen to the tapecarefully and do the exercises concerned.Now,read therequirements,please.(Students read the requirements.)Now do you knowwhat youll have to do after listening to the passage?(Ss:Yes.)Duringlistening,Ill play the tape three times.After listening for the firsttime,you can leave over

31、 the ones you are not sure about.You can do themwhen I play the tape for the second or the third time.Check your answerswith your partner after listening.Are you clear?(Ss:Yes.)(Atlast,teacher shows the answers on the screen.)Step .SpeakingT:Now lets do speaking.This part says that a group of farmer

32、s in yourarea have been given a large piece of land.The villagers together withthe village leader have to decide how to use the land.Work in groups offive students.Each group member will play one of the roles.Prepare rolecards,discuss the problem and try to make a decision.Beforediscussion,who can g

33、ive us some useful expressions about giving adviceand making decisions?Giving advice:SE:My advice would be.I advise you to do.SF:I think you ought to.You.d better.SG:If I were you,I would.I would advise you.SH:I dont think you ought to.Making a decision:SI:In my opinion,we shouldI think/believe you

34、shouldSJ:I dont think it is necessary to do sth.We must decide.SK:I hope we can make a decision.(Teacher writes all the expressions above on the Bb.)T:Now lets have a discussion,using the expressions on the blackboardlater,Ill ask some students to act it out.Sample diaolgue:Sa-villager A;Sb-villager

35、 B;Sc-villager C;Sd-villager DSe-the village leaderSe:As we all know,we are given a large piece of land.Ive got all of ushere to have a discussion and decide how to use the land.Please give usyour advice.Sa:I advise we should grow corn on this piece of land.Its large and flatand machines can go up a

36、nd down it,so we can spend less time and get morecorn.A lot of money can be made after selling the corn.Sb:I think we ought to build a farm there and raise pigs or cows with thegrain we harvest.So we can make more money.Sc:My advice is that we should turn it into a garden,and grow flowersthere.Then

37、we can sell the flowers.There is nobody here selling flowers.SoI think our business will surely be good.Besides,sometimes selling grainor meat is hard,for the price could be too low.Sd:I think wed better design it like this:We build a building of a fewfloors.In each floor,we can raise one kind of an

38、imals.With their wastes,wecan raise fish or grow vegetables on the top or in the space which facesthe sun.We can also grow mushrooms in the dark places.We can use onequarter of it to do this and build a garden on one quarter so that peoplecan enjoy themselves here.Half of the rest grow flowers to se

39、ll and forthe other half we can grow grass on it so that our environment will bebetter.Sa:Thats a good idea.But it will need a lot of money to do this.I hopewe can make a decision today.Se:We must make a decision.My opinion is that we do as SD said.Any otheropinions?Sb and Sc:I agree with you.Step .

40、Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,weve talked about two statistical graphs and listenedto a passage.We have also talked about how to use a large piece ofland,using some expressions of giving advice and making deicisions.Theseexpressions are:“”(Pointing to the blackboard.)After class,choose asubjec

41、t as you like with your pratner and have a discussion,using theexpressions on the blackboard.Thats all for today.Class is over.Step .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 19Modern agricultureThe First PeriodGiving advice:My advice would be.I advise you to do.I think you ought to.Youd bette

42、r.If I were you,I would.I would advise you.I dont think you ought to.Make a decision:In my opinion,we should.I think/believe we should.I dont think it is necessary to do sth.We must decide.I hope we can make a decision.Step .Record after Teaching_The Second PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Enable the students

43、to learn something about modern agriculture fromthe text.2.Enable the student to master the new words and expressions in the text.3.Get the students to have the ability to grasp the general idea of anpassage as fast as possible.Teaching Important Points:1.How to improve the students reading ability.

44、2.How to get the students to master the new words and expressions of thetext.Teaching Difficult Point:How to improve the students reading and writing ability.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to raise the students interest in agriculture.2.Ask-and-answer method to help the students understand the text b

45、etter.3.Free talk to improve the students speaking ability.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.a projector and some slides3.a computer for multimedia useTeaching Procedures:step .Greetings and RevisionGreet the whole class as usualT:At the end of the last period,I asked every one of us to join in adisc

46、ussion.Now Ill ask a group to repeat the discussion.Who will act itout for us?Wang Hong,act it for us with your group,will you?Wang:Yes.(Teacher asks two groups to repeat their discussion before the class.)step .Preparation for ReadingT:So much for revision.Please turn to Page 113.Lets learn the new

47、 wordsand expressions together.Li Ming,read the new words and expressions ofthis period,please.Begin with the word“arable”and end with the word“soil”.(Teacher and the students learn the new words and expressionstogether.Teacher corrects students mistakes in pronunciation and givessimple explanations

48、 of some words if necessary.)T:Are there any students coming from the countryside in our class?Ss:Yes.A lot of us students are from peasant family.T:Have you ever worked in the fields,Wang Fei?Wang:Yes.I often work in the field with my parents.I can do a lot of farmwork.T:Have you ever heard of anyt

49、hing about farming in the past?Ss:Yes,I have.T:Now turn to Page 34.Lets do pre-reading.Discuss the questions.Groupwork.Write your answers on a piece of paper.(After a few minutes.)T:Are you ready?(Ss:Yes.)Who would tell us something about traditionaland modern farming?SA:In the past,farmers grow cro

50、ps in the traditional way:Use cattle toplough the field;farmers work in the field most of the day all yearround,but they could not produce enough food for the whole population.Nowthey grow crops in the modern way.They use modern techniques in theirfields,such as chemical fertilizers,greenhouses and

51、so on.T:Who would answer the second question?SB:Ill try.The advantages are:chemical fertilizers,electronic pumps andother advanced technology are used.Farmers can spend less time on farmsand much more grain is produced.The disadvantages are:the air,the waterand the soil round us are more or less pol

52、luted.Sc:Ill say something about other changes that have taken place on farmsin the last 100 years.In the past,we depended on heaven and we could dolittle when natural disasters happened.Now,we can do artificialrainfall.GM makes better seeds possible.In the same fields,better seedscan give us much m

53、ore grain.Besides,all kinds of scientific ways offarming are used in farming.Farmers in our country are becoming richerand richer day by day.T:Very good.Step .Fast ReadingT:Now read the text fast and then answer the questions on the screen.1.When was more advanced technical information was brought i

54、n from abroad?2.What is important for future agriculture?What should future agriculture depend on?3.What does“which”refer to in the last two lines?(After a few minutes.)T:Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Please give us the answers to the questions.SD:In the 1980s,more advanced technical information was brough

55、t in fromabroad.SE:Both food production and taking care of the environment areimportant.And future agriculture should depend on high technology as wellas traditional methods.SF:I think taking care of the environment is more important.Because wehave only one earth.Sa:In the last two lines,“which”refe

56、rs to“golden rice”.T:What is the other name of “golden rice” in the text?Sa:GM rice.Step .ReadingT:Now read the text again and answer the questions in Post Reading.If youare not sure about your answers,have a discussion with your classmates.(After the students discussion)T:Please turn to Page 35.Let

57、s answer the questions.SH,give your answersto the first five questions.SH:They are:1.D2.A3.C4.C5.CT:Is he right?Ss:Yes,he is right.T:Now lets do Part 2.SI:I want to change apples.I want them not only to grow bigger and moredelicious,but also of the same size.Because some of the apples now aresmaller

58、 and not delicious and the apples of the same size are popular inthe market.SJ:I want to change fruit trees.I want them to grow shorter so that thefruits on them are easy to pick up.And they must give us more fruits sothat the farmers can make more money and become richer.T:Thats a good idea!I have

59、the same opinion as you.SK:I want to change carrots.I want them to grow much bigger.Because thecarrots our villagers grow are smaller.SL:I want to change the vegetables people usually eat.I want them to bebetter for peoples health.So they will spend less money on medicine.SM:I want to change cows.I

60、want them to have more babies.So they will notbe expensive to buy.If so,more farmers can buy them and become rich.SN:I want to change fruit trees.I want to plant the trees growing in thesouth.So we will have more kinds of fruits than ever before.T:Youve done well.After class,continue to think about

61、more goodideas.Now Ill explain some expressions and language points of the textto you.Please look at the screen.modernize v.to make(sth.)suitable for modern use or for the needs of thepresent time.e.g.He spent a lot of money modernizing his house.depend on:Health depends on good food,fresh air and e

62、nough sleep.short of:He didnt buy anything because he was short of money.control v.have power over(sb.or sth.),rule,directThe machine is controlled by this button.control ones angerstand for:USA stands for the United States of America.modify:to change(sth,such as a plan,an opinion,a condition,)To mo

63、dify anything is to change it a little.T:(After explaining the words and expressions on the screen.)Now read thetext and see if you still have something you find difficult to understand.(Teacher goes among the students to explain any questions raised by thestudents.)Step .Listening and Reading Aloud

64、T:Lets listen to the tape.Ill play it twice.The first time I play it,justlisten.When I play for the second time,you can read the text after it.Thenplease read the text aloud after I play the tape.(While the students read the text,teacher goes among the students andcorrects any mistakes the students

65、make in pronunciation and intonation.)Step .Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,weve learnt the text“Modern agriculture” .It tells usabout agriculture of our country,for example,its past andpresent,especially its future.Have you had a clear understanding aboutfuture agriculture?From now on,we should

66、 study hard and be ready to makegreater contributions to our agriculture and farmers.After class,pleaseread the text again and master the usages of the new words and expressionsof the text,especially the following:modernize.You can make sentenceswith them in pairs or groups.Thats all for today.Class

67、 is over.Step .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 19Modern agricultureThe Second PeriodNew words:modernize,control,modify.Useful expressions:depend on:Health depends on good food,fresh air and enough sheep.short of:He didnt buy anything because he was short of money.stand for:USA stands

68、 for the United States of America.Step .Record after Teaching_The Third PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Get the students to master the structure:It is that.2.Get the students to obtain some knowledge about word formation so thatthey can enlarge their vocabulary.Teaching Important Points:1.The usage of the str

69、ucture:It isthat2.The basic rules of word formation.Teaching Difficult Point:How to use the sentence pattern:“It isthat”when we emphasize thenouns which mean places or time.Teaching Methods:1.Pair work or group work to get every student to become active.2.Drills in grammar to get the students to hav

70、e a clear concept.3.Repetition to make the student master what they learn.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder.2.a projector and some slides.3.a computer for multimedia use.Teaching Procedures:step .Greetings and Revision(Greet the whole class as usual.Then teacher asks some students to readthe text alou

71、d.)T:Now look at the screen,please.Match the words on the left with theirmeanings on the right.Pair work.Write your answer on a piece ofpaper.Later well check the answers.1.droughtA.(of land)suitable or used for growing crops2.arable B.hang upon,be depend ent of3.fertilization C.a long period of dry

72、 weather,when there is not enoughwater4.depend onD.not having enough5.shortageE.putting fertilizer on land6.short ofF.use;put in use;take advantage of7.irrigationG.a condition of having less than needed8.make use ofH.supplying water to dry land by man-made streams9.delegation I.a group of persons ac

73、ting for one or more others(A few minutes later.)T:Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Ill show the answers on the screen.Please check your answers with them.Suggested answers:1.C2.A3.E4.B5.G6.D 7.H 8.F9.Istep .Word StudyT:Lets go on to do Language study.First well do the first part:Wordstudy.As we all know,word

74、 formation is a useful tool in learningEnglish.It can help us enlarge our vocabulary.We can get a noun by addingsome sufixes to a verb,for example,formformation,Generally averb+-tion=a noun.But there is something you should pay special attentionto.Now lets do the following exercise.Write the noun fo

75、rm of the givenverbs and the verb form of the given nouns.If you are not sure aboutthem,please turn to a dictionary.Then make sentences with each word.Ifyou have anything you dont understand,have a discussion with yourclassmates.(Teacher goes among the students and help them to do the exercise.)T:Ha

76、ve you finished?(Ss:Yes.)Lets check the answers.SA.Write youranswers on the blackboard,please.AnswersVerb Nounirrigate irrigationmodernize modernizationpopulate populationproduce productionfertilize/fertilise fertilizationinform informationprotect protectionmodify modificationT:Now make sentences wi

77、th each group words.One student,one group.SB:irrigate:They irrigate their crops with water from this river.irrigation:We often see irrigation canals on the land.SC:modernize:They have failed to modernize the factories.modernization:We will realize the four modernizations.SD:populate:America was popu

78、lated mostly by Europeans.population:China has a population of more than 1 200 000 000.SE:produce:Australia produces wool and meat.production:This country is famous for the production of cars.SF:fertilize:Rice growers fertilize their fields by flooding them withwater.fertilization:Proper fertilizati

79、on is important for farming.SG:inform:He informed them of his arrival.information:The information might be false.SH:protect:It is our duty to protect our country.protection:The protection of our country is the duty of us all.SI:modify:Adjectives modify nouns.modification:The article needs some modif

80、ication.Step .Grammar:The use of “It”(2)T:(Teacher shows some sentences on the screen.)Look at the two groups of sentences on the screen:T:Are sentence a and b in each group have the same meaning?Ss:Yes.Both of the two sentences in each group have the same meaning.T:Are there any difference?Sa,can y

81、ou tell me?Sa:Yes.Sentence a is the emphatic form,while sentence b is normal.Am Iright?T:Yes,you are right.“It is/wasthat”is the emphaticconstruction.This structure can be used to emphasize almost any part ofthe sentence (except emphasizing the verb).Besides,if we emphasize thesubject,“who”(referrin

82、g to a person)is possible instead of “that”.Ifan object is emphasized,“whom”(referring to a person)is possible.Lookat the screen.Read this sentences and rewrite them,emphasizing the partsunderlined,using“It is/wasthat”.Please prepare them in pairs.Rewrite the sentences:1. The children often help the

83、 father and mother do the farm work.2. In 1993,a tomato wasdeveloped that wasvery different from any grownbefore.3.The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is the shortage of arable land.4. The plants grown in greenhouses are protected from the wind,rain andinsects.5.Future agriculture should depend o

84、n high technology as well astraditional methods.(After a few minutes.)T:Are you ready?(Ss:Yes.)Please change these sentences.One student,onesentence.Who will be the first?Sb:Ill try.Sentence 2:It is the children who/that often help the fatherand mother do the farm work.Sc:I want to rewrite the secon

85、d sentence,but Im not sure whether I shoulduse“is”or“was”.T:Here you should use “was”.Sc:Sentence I:It was in 1993 when a tomato was developed that was verydifferent from any grown before.T:Is he right,Sd?Sd:Yes.T:Youre both wrong.We should pay special attention to “that”when weemphasize the adverbi

86、al of time and place.In both situations,we shoulduse“that”instead of “when ”or“where”.Are you clear about that?Ss:Yes.T:Lets go on with the other sentences.Se:Sentence 3:It is the shortage of arable land that the biggest problemof Chinese farmers is.SF:Sentence 4:It is the plants grown in green hous

87、es that are protectedfrom the wind,rain and insects.SG:Sentence 5:It is high technology as well as traditional methods thatfuture agriculture should depend on.T:Are they right?Ss:Yes,they are all right.Step .PracticeT:Now lets do the second part of Grammar.Rewrite thesentences,emphasizing as many pa

88、rts as possible.First look atExample.Read it carefully and then do the exercise.You can have adiscussion with your classmates if you have any questions.A few minuteslater,well check the answers.(When students finish,teacher shows the answers on the screen and get thestudents to check their answers.T

89、hen teacher answers the questions raisedby the students.)Answers to the exercise:1.It was Herry who/that gave George a new tie for his birthday last year.It was George whom/that Herry gave a new tie for his birthday last year.It was a new tie that Herry gave George for his birthday last year.It was

90、last year that Herry gave George a new tie for his birthday.2.It was during that period of time that they made three importantdiscoveries.It was they who/that made three important discoveries during that periodof time.It was three important discoveries that during that period of time theymade.3.It i

91、s some people in South America who /that still practise this kindof farming.It is this kind of farming that some people in South America stillpractise.Step .Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,weve done some exercises about Word Formation.Pleaseremember these words on the blackboard(Pointing to the

92、blackboard).Weshould also remember the emphatic construction:Itis that(who,whom)What should we pay special attention to?Who can tellus?Sh:1.The verb can not be emphasized.2.When we emphasize the adverbial,we should remember that we cantt usewhen or where.T:(Write what the student said on the blackbo

93、ard.)Thats right.Afterclass,we should do more exercises so that we can master it.Todayshomework:Do the exercises concerned in the workbook.Thats all.Class isover.Step .The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.Unit 19Modern agricultureThe Third PeriodWord Formation:Verb Nounirrigate irrigationmode

94、rniz emodernizationpopulate populationproduce productionfortilize/fertilise fertilizationinform informationprotect protectionmodify modificationThe emphatic structure:It is that(who)Notes:1.The verb can not be emphasized2.When we emphasize the adverbial,we should remember that we cant usewhen or whe

95、re.Step .Record after Teaching_The Fourth PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Have the students learn and master the new words and expressions in thetext.2.Improve the students reading ability by learning the text.3.Get the students to know something about farming,learn from Jia Sixieand dedicate themselves to sc

96、ience.Teaching Important Points:1.How to get the students to master the new words and expressions.2.How to improve the students reading and writing abilities.Teaching Difficult Point:How to get a clear idea of an article as fast as possible.Teaching Methods:1.Pair work or group work make every stude

97、nt take part in the classactivities.2.Writing summary to help the students understand the main idea.3.Ask-and-answer method to help the students to grasp the main ideafaster.Teaching Aids:1.a recorder2.a projector and some slides3.a computer for multimedia useTeaching Procedures:Step .Greetings and

98、RevisionGreet the whole class as usual.Teacher checks the students homework.Step .Preparation for ReadingT:Now lets go over the new words and expressions appearing in the texttogether.Please turn to Page 113.(Teacher and students learn the new words and expressions of this periodtogether.Teacher giv

99、es brief explanations when necessary.)Step .Fast-readingT:(Show the picture of Jia Sixie and his book“Qi Min Yao Shu”.)Do you know the old man and the book“Qi Min Yao Shu”?SA:Yes.He was Jia sixie,a great scientist of ancient China,living inNorthern Wei Dynasty.And he was famous for the book.The book

100、 is about thescience of farming.T:Very good.Now please read the text fast and answer the two questionson the screen.Write your answers on a piece of paper.Ill collect the firstfive pieces of answers.Lets begin.(Teacher shows the screen.)Answer the following questions:1.Where was Jia Sixie born and w

101、hen did he live?2.What advice did Jia Sixie give about ploughing the field?(Teacher collects the answers when the first five students have finished)T:(After all the students finish.)Have you finished?Ss:Yes.T:SB and SC,give us the two answers,please.SB:He was born in Yidu,Shandong Province.SC:He sai

102、d that when you plough the soil,plough deeply the first time andless deeply the second time,and the autumn ploughing should be deeper thanthe spring ploughing.Step .ReadingT:Quite right.Now lets read the text again and discuss the questions onthe screen.Pair work or group work.1.What advice did Qi M

103、in Yao Shu include?2.What should you do first as a farmer?3.What must be done before sowing or planting crops?4.Why did Jia Sixie let sheep or cows walk on the land?5.What should we do if we want to reach the best harvest?6.Should wheat be planted close together or with space?(A few minutes later.)T

104、:Are you ready?(Ss:Yes.)Who will give us the first answer?SD:It includes the following advice:growing green vegetables and fruittrees,keeping cows,sheep and fish in lakes.There are also instructionsfor making wine.T:Please go on with the questions.Vo-lunteers!SE:2.Firstly as a farmer,you should reme

105、mber to do things at the righttime of the year,If so,your work will be less and the result will be better.SF:3.Before you sow or plant crops,you must clean rough ground and removeweeds.SG:4.Because he wanted the animals to destroy the weeds or eat them.T:Do the farmers get rid of weeds in this way n

106、ow?SG:No,they pull up the weeds or destroy them with a hoe.T:Yes,they hoe up the weeds or use weed killer.Please go on.SH:5.If you want to reach the best harvest,you should change the cropsin your fields.T:What does that mean?SH:For example,if you plant rice in a field one year and wheat in the fiel

107、dthe next year,you will harvest good crops.That is to say,do not plant thesame crop year after year in the same field.SI:6.Wheat should be planted close together instead of with space.BecauseJia Sixie did experiments and showen that.T:Your answers are right.That is because you have a full understand

108、ingabout the text.Thank you.Next,Ill explain some language points toyou.Please look at the screen.Notes to the text:a.Jia Sixie was an important agricultural pioneer of the Northern WeiDynasty(386534AD).b.spent his time on research into agriculture:Note the preposition“spendtime on something/doing s

109、omething”and also“research into something”.c.go against nature=do things that are the opposite of the natural way.d.do things at the wrong time of year=do things at a time of year whenthe weather conditions are unsuitable.e.year after year=every yearf.Grow different plants next to each other in same

110、 field:“next to eachother”refers to“different plants”.T:(After explaining the language points.)Do you have anything you dontunderstand?Please read the text again and see if you have any.(Teachergoes among the students and answers the questions raised by thestudents.Then teacher plays the tape and le

111、t the students listen andfollow.)Step .DiscussionT:This text is written in three paragraphs and each paragraph has itstopic.Now read the text again and make notes about the topics on thescreen.You can do it in pairs or groups,then well check the answers.(Teacher shows the screen.)Farming and Gardeni

112、ng1.About Jia Sixie(Paragraph 1)2.About Qi Min Yao Shu(Paragraph 2)3.About Jia Sixies advice(Paragraph 3)T:(After a few minutes.)Have you fi-nished?Now Ill show the answers onthe screen.Please check your answers with them.Farming and Gardening1.About Jia Sixie2.About Qi Min Yao Shu(about farming and

113、 gardening)T:Now lets do the second exercise on Page 37.Read the instructions andwrite it on a piece of paper.You can have a discussion with your classmatesif you are not sure about it.Possible version:November:Its in November that we have to plough the land for the firsttime.The ploughing has to be

114、 done deeply.March:Its in March that we should remove the weed and plough the landfor the second time.The ploughing has to be done less deeply.Then we cleanthe rough ground.April:Its in April that we should sow the seeds.We should remember togrow different plants next to each other.MaySeptember:It i

115、s in this time that we should water the plants,putfertilizer on the soil and remove weeds regularly.JulyOctober:It is in this time that we should harvest them.Step .CheckpointT:Please turn to Page 38.Lets go over checkpoint of this unit.Read theexamples of the use of“It”for emphasis and find useful

116、expressions fromthis unit.Then make sentences with them.You can turn to your dictionaryif ne-cessary.Sample sentences:such as:A student such as he will surely succeed.make use of:On your trip to Mexico you will be able to make good use ofyour knowledge of French.asas possible:Be as kind to her as po

117、ssible.bring in:His work brought him in$50 000 a year.depend on:I depend on you to do it.shortage of:Shortage of skilled workers is our main difficulty.stand for:Our flag stands for our country.in other words:He became,in other words,a great hero.a variety of:This shop has a variety of toys.be usefu

118、l for:This book is useful for English study.spend time on:Every spare minute he gets is spent on the car.go against:They are going against our wishes.year after year:We have been to that place for a holiday year after year.nexe to:The man next to Bill was talking to him in Spanish.Step .Summary and

119、HomeworkT:In this class,weve learned a text.Its about Farming and Gardening andit has three paragraphs,describing about(Write on theblackboard.)Weve learned some useful expressions in this unit,suchas“Such as,make use of”(Write on the blackboard.)After class,read thetext and say the sentences you ma

120、ke in groups.Thats all for thisclass.Goodbye!Step .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 19Modern agricultureThe Fourth PeriodFarming and GardeningUseful expressions:such asmake use ofasas possiblebring independ onshortage ofstand forin other wordsa variety ofbe useful forspend time ongo a

121、gainstyear after yearnext toStep .Record after Teaching_The Fifth PeriodThe use of itTeaching Aims:1.Review the different usages of “it”.2.Get the students to remember some useful sentence patterns.3.Get the students to do more exercises so that they can master the grammaritem.Teaching Important Poi

122、nts:Master the different uses of “it”,esp,the emphatic use and the use asa preparatory subject or a preparatory object.Teaching Difficult Point:How to master and use “it ” correctly.Teaching Methods:1.Review method to revise the common use of “it”.2.Inductive method to go through some sentence patte

123、rns with “it”.3.Practice to consolidate the use of “it”.Teaching Aids:1.a projector and some slides2.a computer for multimedia useTeaching Procedures:step .Greetings and Revision(Teacher greets the whole class as usual and shows the screen.)T:So far weve learned several uses of “it”.Now please look

124、at thescreen.Discuss the sentences with your partner and tell what the word“it”in each sentence refers to and its function.Write your answers ona piece of paper and later Ill ask some students to say the answers.Discuss the following sentences and tell the function of “it”.1.Its difficult to remembe

125、r all their names.2.Its very quiet in the cafe.3.It rained for three days.4.He made it clear that he didnt want to speak to me.5.It was nice seeing you.6.It was on Tuesday that Mrs.Smith came.7.Its three miles from here to the nearest garage.8.A tall man stood up and shook hands.It was captain Lawri

126、e.9.I hear you bought a new bike.Can you show it to me?10.It was five oclock when we got back home yesterday.11.It was dirty and wet below the ship where the slaves were kept.12.It was on this coast that lots of his people disappeared.13.It was most likely that one third of them had lost their lives

127、.(After a few minutes.)T:Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Who will give us the answers?One student,one sentence.Volunteers?SA:“It” is used as a formal subject in the first sentence.Its realsubject is the infinitive“to remember all their names.”SB:2.“It”refers to present situation.SC:3.“It”refers to “weather”.

128、SD:4.“It”is used as a formal object.SE:5.“It” is used as a formal subject.SF:6.This sentence is an emphatic structure,emphasizing the adverbial oftime.SG:7.“It” is used here as an impersonal pronoun,referring to distance.SH:8.“It”here is used to point out definitely a person.SI:9.“It”here is applied

129、 to a new bike.SJ:10.“It”refers to time.SK:11.“It”is used as the subject,expressing state of things in general.SL:12.This sentence is also an emphatic construction,emphasizingadverbial of place “on this coast”.SM:13.The word “it”here is used as a formal subject.T:Quite right.As we all know,the word

130、“it”can be used as a personalpronoun.In this case,“it”is not generally applied to a person,buttoa thing or an animal just mentioned,such as“Sentence 9”.Secondly,“it”is used as a subject in expressions of time,weather,distance,etc,suchas,in Sentence 2,3,7,10,11.Thirdly,“it”can be used as a formal sub

131、jector object.(The real subject is an infinitive or gerundial phrase or aclause.)Such as,in sentences 1,4,5,13.Fourthly,in Sentence8,“it”points to a person and is called the Demonstrative it.It can alsobe used in the emphatic structure,such as in sentence 6,12.Step .PracticeT:From the exercise weve

132、done just now,we can see that you are allfamiliar with the common use of“it”.Next,lets see some importantsentence patterns.Now,Ill give you an exercise on the screen.(Show thescreen.)Pair work or group work.Some of the patterns are perhaps notfamiliar to you.If so,look at the answers some minutes la

133、ter and rememberthem.Complete the sentences,paying attention to the structures of them and theuse of“it”.1._ (据报道)that dozens of children died in the accident.2._(真遗憾)that he cant swim at his age.3._(很可能)that they will beat us tonight.4._(看来)that he enjoys pop songs very much.5._(还是一个问题)when we shal

134、l have our sports meet.6._(还不确定)whether he can attend this conference or not.7._(不要紧,没关系)whether we go together or separetely.8.It is up to you_(决定是否接受这项工作).9.It is important_(我们学英语).10.It is kind_(你帮助我).11.It took me five days_(解决这问题).12.Its no use_(与她争论).(Some minutes later,teacher shows the answe

135、rs on the screen to let thestudents check.)Suggested answers:1.It was reportedIt be+ p.p known,thought,told,believed,hoped)that clause.2.Its a pityIt+be+n.(an honour,a good thing,a fact,a surprise)+that clause.3.It is likelyIt be+ adj.(wonderful,ture,important,surprising,clear,)+that clause4.It seem

136、sIt seem/appear/happen+that clause.5.It is still a questionIt be + n.+whether/when/where clause6.It is uncertainIt be + adj.(not decided,uncertain)+whether/when/how clause7.It doesnt matterIt doesnt matter(Its no wonder.It doesnt make too muchdifference)+wh-/how clasue8.to decide whether to take the

137、 job or notIts up to sb.to do sth.9.for us to learn EnglishIt be+ adj.(difficult,easy,hard,important)for sb.to do sth.10.of you to help meIt be+ adj.(kind,nice,brave,clever,stupid)+of sb.to do sth.11.to solve the problemIt took sb.+time +to do sth.12.arguing with herIts no use/no good/useless doing

138、sth.Step .PracticeT:(Teacher shows the screen.)There are some other useful sentencepatterns for you.Please do the exercise on the screen.Have a discussionwith your classmates.Complete the sentences:1._(已经有三年了)since his father passed away.2._(不久)the police arrived.3._(已经八点了)when we got home.4._(该)she

139、 wrote a letter to her boyfriend.5._(这是第一次)these Europeans have visited the Great Wall.6._(我们该)to go to school.T:(Some minutes later.)Have you fi-nished it?Now look at thescreen.(Teacher shows the screen.)Please remember these sentencepatterns.Suggested answers:1.It is/has been three years2.It was n

140、ot long before3.It was already 8 oclock4.It is high time that5.It is the first time that6.It is time for usUseful sentence patterns:1.It be+a period of time+since-clause.2.It be+a period of time+before-clause.3.It be+a definite time+when-clause.4.It be(high)time+that-clause.5.It be+the first(second,

141、third) time+that-clause.6.It be+time for sb.to do sth.Step .TestT:Now lets have a quiz.Please look at the screen and do the exercise onit.Choose the right answers:1.Does_matter if he cant finish the job on time?A.this B.thatC.he D.it2.It was not_she took off her dark glasses_I realizedshe was a famo

142、us film star.A.when;that B.until;thatC.until;when D.when;then3.Toms mother kept telling him that he should workharder,but_didnt help.A.he B.whichC.she D.it4._is a fact that English is being accepted as an internationallanguage.A.There B.ThisC.That D.It5.It was about 600years ago_the first clock with

143、 aface and anhour hand was made.A.that B.untilC.before D.when6.Was_that I saw last night at the concert?A.it you B.not youC.your D.that yourself7._was in 1979_I graduated from the university.A.that;that B.It;thatC.That;when D.It;whenSuggested answers:1.D2.B3.D4.D5.A6.A7.BStep .Summary and HomeworkT:

144、In this class,weve gone over the use of “it”.Can you rememberit?Lets recall it together.“It” can be used as a personal pronoun(TheDesign of the Writing on the Blackboard.)There are some useful sentencepatterns.They are.After class,make sentences with them.Next class,Illcall some students to say thei

145、r sentences to us.Thats all for today.Classis over.Step .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardGrammar:The Use of “it”The Fifth Period1.The Personal“It”:applied to a thing or an animal mentioned2.The Impersonal“It”:referring to time,weather,distance,the state ofthings in general3.The Demonstrat

146、ive“It”:pointing to a person or a thing or the thingspoken of;4.The Expletive“It”:A:a formal subject or a formal object;B:the Emphatic“It”:It isthat(who)Some useful sentence patterns:It is reported that:It is/has been three years sinceIt is a pity that:It is not long before Step .Record after Teachi

147、ng_Reference for Teaching一、异域风情1.Modern FarmPigs,fishponds and crops-all housed in tall buildings.This is a visionof industrial farming in the Netherlands(荷兰).In a world concerned aboutthe environment and transport,would it not make sense to concentrate foodproduction next to a harbor and an airport

148、?And since humans can live intall buildings,why not pigs and fish?The creative minds behind a government report suggest just this for a siteat Rotterdam very close to mainland Europes largest port.The scale is vast:imagine 10 football fields,six floors of equal area,atotal of 500 acres(亩)stretching

149、skywards.The building,known asDeltapark,visualizes(让人想象到)300 000 pigs,1.2 million chickens,tensof thousands of fish and a giant vegetable growing area all under oneroof.The pigs could enjoymore space than onan average pigfarm,and endtheir days in the slaughterhouse downstairs.Space without daylight

150、in thegiant building could be used for cultivating mushrooms which grow wellin the dark.Higher up,green houses full of tomatoes and flowers,grown in nutrientsolution collected from elsewhere in the building,would profit from thelight.The system is theoretically a complete farming cycle,with oneactiv

151、ity feeding another and everything being recycled.Deltapark is to berun by managers,not farmers.It has nothing todo withagriculture as we now know it,and so far,only exists on paper.But the ideahas created a heated debate(讨论)in the Netherlands and attractedattention abroad.2.Automatic FarmingCan har

152、d work be replaced by machines in agriculture?Yes,man is tryingout(试验)automatic farming.It is fun to watch a machine picking tomatoes.The strange machine sailslike a ship across a sea of plants.In its front is a hole.As the machinemoves forward,tomato plants are pulled into the hole.The tomatoes are

153、gathered while the rest of the plants are thrown back onto thefields.Twelve workers sit on top of the machine.They rapidly pick out thebad fruit from the tomatoes.A red stream of ripe tomatoes is being sentinto a cart that is pulled alongside the machine.One driver and twelveworkers can pick in an h

154、our ten tons of a new kind of tomato.Without theinvention,it would take 60 men to do the job.Not all plants cooperate(合作)well with the farming machines.Takelettuce(莴苣)for example,seeds plants in the same field in the same timeripe at different times.The only way to tell a ripe head of lettuce isto l

155、ook at it and feel it.And now there is a machine even to do that!There is a special machine to test lettuce.When it moves over one thatfeels right,it sends a signal back to the picking machine which goesbehind.The cutting and picking is done satisfactorily by this set ofmachines.二、知识归纳(一)against 的用法

156、(1)作“反对”解,相当于“in opposition to”There were 20 votes for him and 12 against him.有二十票赞成他而十二票反对他。(2)作“防备;预防”解,相当于“in preparation for”。We all need some savings against a rainy day.我们都需要储蓄一些钱以备不时之需。(3)作“抵抗、抵御”解,相当于“as a defence or protection from”。We are all taking medicine against the disease.我们都在服药以抵抗疾病

157、。(4)作“违反;犯;禁止”解。This is against the law.这是犯法的。(5)作“逆,对着”解,相当于“in an opposite direction to”。I swam against the stream.我逆流游泳。(6)作“不利于”解。The evidence is against him.证据对他不利。(7)作“衬托;相映;对照;以为背景”解,相当于“in contrast to;havingas a background”。Mt.Ali is beautiful against the sky.(8)作“对比;比较”解。He was elected pres

158、ident of our class by a majority of forty votes againstseven.他以四十票对七票之多数被选为我们的班长。(9)作“靠;依;接触”解。The ladder was placed against the wall.梯子靠着墙放着。(10)against 与 beat,dash,hit,push,run,strike 等动词连用,作“打在,碰到”解。Rain beats against the window.雨打在窗户上。He hit against a tree.他撞到了树上。(11)against 与 over 连用,作“面对;相对;在的

159、正对面”解。We live over against the temple.我们住在那寺庙的正对面。(二)develop 的用法(1)发展,养成,形成,培养(vt.)He developed an interest in science.他对科学感了兴趣。Fresh air and exercise develop healthy bodies.新鲜空气加上体育锻炼造就了健康的体魄。(2)发展,成长,形成,出现He developed into a strong leader.他成长为一位身体强健的领导人。(3)冲冼(胶卷)Lets have these pictures developed.

160、咱们把这些照片冲洗一下吧。(4)开发,建设We must develop the natural resources of our country.我们必须开发我国的自然资源。(三)research 的用法(1)作名词“研究工作”(不可数)I asked him how his research was going.我问他他的研究工作进展如何。(可作定语:research work 研究工作)“一项研究工作”(可数)They are carrying out a research into(for)the causes of cancer.他们在进行一项研究癌症起因的研究工作。I tried

161、to concentrate my attention upon my chemical researches.我尽力把注意力集中到了化学研究上。(2)作动词“研究”(vt.vi.)The scientist researched the cause of the disease.科学家研究了这种疾病的起因。用于 research into/in/on 研究He is researching into the reading problems of young school children.他在研究小学生的阅读问题。三、词语辨析(一)special(ly),especial(ly),part

162、icular(ly)(1)special(ly),指非一般,非正常,非广泛的人或事物,主要含义为“专门”“特殊”。I came here specially to ask for your advice.我是专门来向你征求建议的。The desk has a special lock.那张桌子有把专门的锁。(2)especial(ly)指的是非普通、非寻常的事物或人,主要解释为“尤其”,一般不能与 special(ly)混用。I think this is a matter of especial importance.我认为这是一件尤其重要的事情。The weather has been e

163、specially cold lately.最近,天气尤其冷。special(ly)和 especial(ly)在数量、程度等方面表示“例外,格外,过分”的意思时,一般可互换。I enjoyed the evening,but the meal wasnt specially good.整个晚上我过得很高兴,但那顿饭不怎么样。(3)particular(ly)表示“尤其,特别,格外”,通常指以不同寻常的方式突出某一事物的个性或独特之处,它常与 especial(ly)通用,但它更强调“与众不同”。The town of Altolf was particularly troublesome.阿

164、尔托夫城是尤其麻烦。These books will be particularly helpful to those who wish to improve theirEnglish.这些书对于那些想要提高外语的人们特别地有用。(二)produce,product,production,produce,product,production 是同根词,它们译成汉语时往往都有生产、产品等意思,但他们之间有区别。(1)produce 作动词是生产、制造的意思,作名词用是产品、产物的意思,主要用于指农产品,为不可数名词。We must produce more food for ourselves

165、and import less.我们必须增产粮食,以减少粮食进口。The factory hasnt begun to produce yet.工厂还没有开始生产。Things produced on a farm,such as milk,potatoes,and wool,are produce.农场里生产的东西,如牛奶、土豆、羊毛,都是农产品。(2)product 是产品、产物的意思,是最普通的用语,可指天然的或人造的,多指工业产品,也可指农产品,还可指脑力劳动、意志力、环境等的产物。Important products of South Africa are fruit and gol

166、d.南非的重要产物是金子和水果。These are the products of our factory.这些是我们厂的产品。Criminals are sometimes the product of bad home.犯罪分子有时是不幸家庭的产物。(3)production 是“生产、产量”的意思 。指生产时,是指生产行为 ,指产品时,侧重产量,也可指文学艺术作品。The production of cloth by hand has been replaced by production of it bymachine.布料的手工生产已被机器生产所取代。The production o

167、f eggs has increased in the last few weeks.我们的蛋产量近几个星期上升了。This book on political history is the writers latest production.这本行政改革的书是作者的最新作品。(三)nearly,almost(1)almost=very nearly 都表示“几乎,差不多”,常可通用。Its almost/nearly two oclock.差不多两点了。He fell off a tree and almost/nearly died.他从树上摔下,险些儿丧命。(2)almost 和 nea

168、rly 可以互换的场合:a.在肯定句中I am almost/nearly 90 years old.我快九十岁了。She fell and almost/nearly broke her neck.他跌倒了,颈骨险些骨折。b.修饰 all,every,always 等时I almost/nearly always go to bed at eleven.我差不多总是 11 点钟上床睡觉。c.在行为动词的否定式前He almost/nearly didnt hear what I said.他几乎未听见我讲了些什么。(3)只能使用 almost 的场合:a.修饰 no,none,never,a

169、ny 以及 no 和 any 的合成词I have almost nothing to do today.我今天没什么事做。There is almost none left.几乎没剩下什么东西。almost 与否定词连用时,可与 hardly,scarecely 换用。b.修饰表示感觉或心境的动词和形容词You could almost imagine you were in Switzerland.你几乎可以设想你在瑞士。I almost think youre right.我还不完全相信你是对的。c.修饰 more than 和 tooThats almost too mcuh.那简直太

170、过份了。(4)只能用 nearly 的场合:a.被 very,not,pretty 所修饰时Im not nearly ready.我还没有准备好。b.表示快要做什么事但后来“没有做”或“避开不做”时We nearly called to see you last Saturday.我们上星期六差点来看你。四、能力训练(一)完形填空China is a large country of agriculture.As you know,there are more than800 million 1 in China.China started to 2 the science of agric

171、ulture muchearlier 3 other countries in the world.4 the people in Europe and Americawere trying to 5 wild animals and birds for food,farmers in China were6 the science of agriculture.For example,Jia Sixie, 7 lived in theNorthern Wei period(386534AD).8 one of the farmning pioneers.After hefinished hi

172、s work in the government,he 9 home and spent his time onresearch into agriculture.He 10 information,did experiments and learnt11 the experiences of farmers.He wrote a book called Qi Min Yao Shu.Thebook, 12 has 110 000 characters,is about both farming and gardening.Thisbook is 13 to be an important s

173、ummary of the knowledge of farming.1.A.workers B.farmersC.pioneers D.scientists2.A.develop B.growC.choose D.collect3.A.to B.tillC.then D.than4.A.Where B.ForC.While D.Because5.A.make B.lookC.collect D.shoot6.A.trying B.workingC.studying D.growing7.A.who B.whenC.which D.he8.A.were B.wasC.came D.consid

174、ered9.A.left B.builtC.returned D.destroyed10.A.advised B.improvedC.collected D.planted11.A.with B.toC.from D.for12.A.who B.whomC.it D.which13.A.made B.consideredC.kept D.studiedAnswers:1.B2.A3.D4.C5.D 6.C7.A8.B9.C10.C11.C 12.D13.B(二)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的同根词填空:1.我认为这不是一个明智的决定。I dont think that was a _(wisdo

175、m)decision.答案:wise2.那个箱子大,可以放得下那些书。That_(contain)is large enough to hold all the books.答案:container3.这个星期他脾气不好,离他远点。His temper has been_(change)this week,so keep away from him.答案:changeable4.在这个城市你能看到一个接一个的古代或者现代建筑物。In this part of the city,you can see ancient and_(modernize)buildings next to each o

176、ther.答案:modern5.多吃营养丰富的食物。Eat more good_(nutrient)food.答案:nutritious6.听说,这个公司缺人手。It is heard that the company is_(shortage)for men.答案:short7.他指导他的学生学数学。He_(instruction)his students in mathematics.答案:instructs(instructed)五、高考真题1.(NMET 2000)It is the ability to do the job_matters not whereyou come fro

177、m or what you are.A.one B.thatC.what D.it简析:选 B。本句子为强调结构,强调主语 the ability to do the job。2.(2001 上海春招)_has been announced,we shall have our finalexam next month.A.That B.AsC.It D.What简析:选 B。这是 as 作关系代词引导非限制性定语从句,而非 It has beenannounced that结构,如果把逗号去掉,加上 that,就应选 C 而不是 B 了。3.(2002 春招)-He was nearly drowned once.-When was_?-_was in 1998 when he was in middle school.A.that;It B.this;ThisC.this;It D.that;This简析:选A。本题考查 it,this,that 的用法,that 用于指代前面提到的事 ,it指代时间。



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