高中英语 Unit 7 The Sea Period Two课件 北师大版必修3

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1、Period Two Lesson 2Protecting the Sea课前预习基础落实课堂讲义核心突破当堂达标检测巩固栏目索引.单词检测单词检测1. vt. 使使污染污染 n.污染污染2. adj.工业工业的的 n.工业工业3. adj.农业农业的的 n.农业农业 答案n词语识记课前预习基础落实pollutepollutionindustrialindustryagriculturalagriculture答案4. n.化学化学物物 n.化学化学 n.药剂师药剂师,化学家化学家5. vt. 禁止禁止6. adv.完全完全7. vt. 对付对付8. n.部部,系,局,部门,系,局,部门9.

2、vt. 演示演示;讲演;讲演10. n.智力智力,理解力,理解力 adj.有有灵性的;聪明的灵性的;聪明的 chemicalchemistrychemistbanaltogetherhandledepartmentpresentintelligenceintelligent答案.短语检测短语检测1. 处理处理;对付;对付2. 做做记录记录3. 对对负责负责4. 谋生谋生deal withkeep a record ofbe responsible formake a living1.often its quite difficult to find whos responsible for p

3、ollution.通常很难发现谁该为污染负责。通常很难发现谁该为污染负责。2.Well,theyre animals of high intelligence and they can communicate.他们是高智商的动物,并且能够交流。他们是高智商的动物,并且能够交流。n句式背诵返回 ban vt.(banned;banned;banning)禁止;禁止;n.禁令;禁止禁令;禁止(1)(原原句句)In the worst areas they ban fishing completely for a few months at a time.在最严重的地区,他们在最严重的地区,他们(甚

4、至甚至)一次完全禁止捕捞好几个月一次完全禁止捕捞好几个月(2)This is a campaign to ban smoking in public places.这是一场禁止在公共场所吸烟的运动。这是一场禁止在公共场所吸烟的运动。课堂讲义核心突破n重点单词1 归纳拓展归纳拓展 ban sb. from doing sth.禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事announce a ban on宣布对宣布对的禁令的禁令put a ban on禁止禁止(3)Everybody is banned from putting up notices randomly.谁也不许胡乱张贴布告。谁也不许胡乱张贴布告。

5、(4)The government has banned/has put a ban on the use of chemical weapons.政府已经禁止使用化学武器。政府已经禁止使用化学武器。(1)查理被禁止开车一年。查理被禁止开车一年。Charlie for a year.(2)我们已禁止吸烟。我们已禁止吸烟。We have smoking.(3)He was banned from attend the meeting.(单句改错单句改错) _答案 即时即时跟踪跟踪 has been banned from drivingput a ban onattendattending ha

6、ndle vt.对付对付;处理;处理;(用手用手)触;操纵;触;操纵;n.把手;拉手把手;拉手(1)(原句原句)How have these two problems been handled?这两个问题是怎样处理的?这两个问题是怎样处理的?2 归纳拓展归纳拓展 handle sth. well某事处理得好某事处理得好handle sth. with care小心处理小心处理( (操作操作) )某事某事get/have a handle on sb./sth.弄懂某人弄懂某人/物;理解某人物;理解某人/某事某事(2)Some people are brilliant with computer

7、s,but have no idea how to handle other people.有些人在计算机方面很出色,却不会与人打交道。有些人在计算机方面很出色,却不会与人打交道。(3)The car handles well in any weather.这辆车在任何天气下开起来都很灵便。这辆车在任何天气下开起来都很灵便。答案(1)A new man was appointed to deal with the crisis.A new man was appointed to the crisis.(2)I cant understand these sales figures.I can

8、t these sales figures. 即时即时跟踪跟踪 handlegeta handle on remind vt.使使想起;提醒想起;提醒(1)(原原句句)If you miss some information,write a question mark to remind you to listen especially carefully the second time.如果你错过了一些信息,打上问号以提醒你第二次听时特别仔细如果你错过了一些信息,打上问号以提醒你第二次听时特别仔细(留意这留意这些地方些地方)。3 归纳拓展归纳拓展 remind sb. to do sth.提

9、醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事remind sb. that.使某人想起使某人想起remind sb. of sth./sb.使某人想起某事使某人想起某事/某人某人(2)I kept it all the time to remind me of them.我一直把它保存下来,使我能想到他们。我一直把它保存下来,使我能想到他们。(3)Please remind me to write to my mother tomorrow.请提醒我明天给我母亲写信。请提醒我明天给我母亲写信。(4)It reminds me that I must order some more butter.这使我想起我得多

10、订购些黄油。这使我想起我得多订购些黄油。答案(1)请提醒我要带雨伞。请提醒我要带雨伞。 my umbrella with me,please.(2)请提醒他必须早点到这里。请提醒他必须早点到这里。Please he must be here early.(3)These photos remind me my college life.(单句改错单句改错) _ 即时即时跟踪跟踪 Remind me to takeremind him thatme后加后加of present vt.演演示示;讲讲演演;交交给给;赠赠予予;到到场场;n.礼礼物物;现现在在;adj.现现存的;当前的;出现;在场存的

11、;当前的;出现;在场(1)(原句原句)How will you present your project?你将如何展示你的计划?你将如何展示你的计划?(2)We do not have any further information at the present time.目前我们没有进一步的消息。目前我们没有进一步的消息。4 归纳拓展归纳拓展 present.to.把把介绍给介绍给present sb. with sth./present sth. to sb.把把某物交给某人某物交给某人at presentnow/at the present time现在,目前现在,目前for the p

12、resent暂时,暂且暂时,暂且(3)They presented him with a bunch of flowers.他们献给他一束鲜花。他们献给他一束鲜花。注注意意:present可可作作形形容容词词,作作“在在场场的的,出出席席的的”讲讲时时,放放在在被被修修饰饰词词的后面;作的后面;作“现在的,目前的现在的,目前的”讲时,放在被修饰词的前面。讲时,放在被修饰词的前面。the people present at the meeting出席会议的人出席会议的人the present president现任总统现任总统答案用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空(1)On Teachers Da

13、y the students present flowers their teachers.(2)People present the meeting were moved by his deeds.(3)I cant remember your name the present.(4)Im sorry hes out the present time.(5)We were all presented prizes. 即时即时跟踪跟踪 toatforatwith deal with应付,处理;对待应付,处理;对待(1)(原句原句1)How can we deal with this probl

14、em?我们如何处理这个问题?我们如何处理这个问题?(2)(原原句句2)Well,some government departments are trying to deal with the situation.一些政府部门正设法处理这种情况。一些政府部门正设法处理这种情况。n重点短语1 归纳拓展归纳拓展 deal with还有还有“做买卖;论述,涉及做买卖;论述,涉及”等意思。等意思。deal with/do with(1)deal with处理;对付,用处理;对付,用how提问。提问。(2)do with处理;对付,用处理;对付,用what提问,提问,what作作do的宾语。的宾语。(3)

15、Weve been dealing with Mr Wang for many years.我们与王先生做了多年的生意。我们与王先生做了多年的生意。(4)The book deals with Asian problems.这本书论述亚洲问题。这本书论述亚洲问题。(5)When he is asked what he did with himself in the summer holidays,he says he dealt with lots of problems.当别人问他暑假都干了些什么时,他说处理了很多问题。当别人问他暑假都干了些什么时,他说处理了很多问题。 易混辨析易混辨析 答

16、案(1)I dont know how they will deal with the problem.(句型转换句型转换)I dont know they will the problem.(2)He didnt know how to do with the property his father had left.(单单句句改改错错) _ 即时即时跟踪跟踪 whatdo withhowwhat或或dodeal make a living谋生谋生(1)(原原句句)They also try to help people to get other kinds of jobs so there

17、 are less people trying to make a living from fishing.他们也尝试帮渔民们得到其他类型的工作,这样以捕鱼为生的人会少一些。他们也尝试帮渔民们得到其他类型的工作,这样以捕鱼为生的人会少一些。2 归纳拓展归纳拓展 make a living by/from谋生手段、谋生手段、方式方式make a living as某一职业或某一职业或身份身份make ones livingearn a livingearn ones living以以谋生谋生谋生谋生(2)He makes a living as a teacher.他以教师这个职业谋生。他以教师

18、这个职业谋生。(3)As an adult,you should be able to earn your own living.作为成年人,你应该能够养活自己。作为成年人,你应该能够养活自己。(1)用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空He earns his living growing rice.Mr Black makes a living a grocer.(2)He leaves his office job to try to make the living on the land.(单单句句改改错错) _ 即时即时跟踪跟踪 by/fromasthea/his答案 it作形式主语作形式

19、主语(1)(原句原句).often its quite difficult to find whos responsible for pollution.通常很难发现谁该为污染负责。通常很难发现谁该为污染负责。n经典句式1 归纳拓展归纳拓展 本本句句中中的的it作作形形式式主主语语,真真正正的的主主语语是是后后面面的的to find whos responsible for pollution。it作形式主语常用句型:作形式主语常用句型:( (1) )itbe过去分词过去分词that从句从句( (2) )itbe名词词组名词词组that从句从句( (3) )itbe/seem形容词形容词tha

20、t从句从句( (4) )itseem/appear/happenthat 从句从句(2)It is said that Chinas new buzzword,tuhao,may be in next years Oxford English Dictionary.据说中国时髦热词据说中国时髦热词“tuhao(土豪土豪)”明年有望收入牛津英语词典。明年有望收入牛津英语词典。(3)Its a pity that he cant swim for his age.很可惜他这年龄不会游泳。很可惜他这年龄不会游泳。(4)It is likely that they will beat us tonig

21、ht.今晚很可能他们会赢我们。今晚很可能他们会赢我们。(5)It seems that he enjoys pop songs very much.看来他非常喜欢流行歌曲。看来他非常喜欢流行歌曲。注注意意:“itbe过过去去分分词词that从从句句”可可转转换换为为“sb.be过过去去分分词词不定式不定式”。(1)句型转换句型转换Its said that Tom has come back from abroad. Tom has come back from abroad.Tom come back from abroad.(2)碰巧我那天外出了。碰巧我那天外出了。 I went out

22、that day.(3)她帮我们的可能性似乎不太大。她帮我们的可能性似乎不太大。 she will give us a hand. 即时即时跟踪跟踪 答案People saythatis said to haveIt happened thatIt doesnt seem likely that beof抽象名词抽象名词(1)(原原 句句 )Well, theyre animals of high intelligence and they can communicate.他们是高智商的动物,并且能够交流。他们是高智商的动物,并且能够交流。2 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)句句中中的的of high

23、 intelligence作作后后置置定定语语,修修饰饰animals,用用以以说说明明animals的性质、特征的性质、特征(注意:此处的注意:此处的of结构不是名词所有格结构不是名词所有格)。(2)“of抽象名词抽象名词”相当于该名词的形容词形式,如:相当于该名词的形容词形式,如:of importance相当相当于于important,of use相当于相当于useful等。等。“of抽象名词抽象名词”在句中既可以作在句中既可以作表语,又可以作后置定语。表语,又可以作后置定语。(2)Machines are of different types and sizes.机器有不同的型号和规格

24、。机器有不同的型号和规格。(3)This book is of great value.这本书很有价值。这本书很有价值。(4)He gave us a report of great importance yesterday.昨天他给我们做了一个重要的报告。昨天他给我们做了一个重要的报告。(1)句型转换句型转换Theory without practice is not helpful.Theory without practice is .Is this useful to you?Is this to you?(2)Speaking loudly is of great important

25、 to beginners of English.(单句改错单句改错) _ 即时即时跟踪跟踪 答案返回of littlehelpof any useimportantimportance答案当堂达标检测巩固.单词拼写单词拼写1.The best solution is to abandon the project (完全完全).2.Swimming in this river is (禁止禁止).3.How we can (处理处理) this problem remains to be discussed.4.There is a great demand for machinery in

26、this country.5.The government has pledged(承诺承诺) to reduce the amount of _ used in food production.6.He himself at the doctors at 9:30 a.m. as arranged. altogetherbannedhandleagriculturalchemicalspresented答案make a living,break the law,deal with,keep a record of,make notes,find out1.The government has

27、 failed to the problem of homelessness in the city.2.Personally, what we do every day is a good habit.3.Li Hua is good at in class.4.They are by employing such young children between 14 and 18. .选词填空选词填空deal withkeeping a record ofmaking notesbreaking the law答案5.He tried to the truth.6.I know that h

28、e by writing childrens books. find outmakes a living.完成句子完成句子1.新规章对我们大家都会大有好处。新规章对我们大家都会大有好处。The new regulations will to us all.2.他被发现吸食可卡因。意大利官方让他停赛一年。他被发现吸食可卡因。意大利官方让他停赛一年。He was found to have taken cocaine,and Italian authorities _ for a year.3.这使我想起了有一次他给我们说的话。这使我想起了有一次他给我们说的话。This what he had once told us. 答案be of great benefit/be very beneficialbanned him from playingreminded me of4.提供尽可能多的帮助是我们的职责。提供尽可能多的帮助是我们的职责。 as much help as possible.5.他们不知道该怎么处理这里的垃圾。他们不知道该怎么处理这里的垃圾。They do not know what the garbage here. 答案返回It is our duty to give/offerto do with



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