英语同步课件:人教版必修5Unit4《Making the news》Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language

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《英语同步课件:人教版必修5Unit4《Making the news》Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语同步课件:人教版必修5Unit4《Making the news》Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Learning about Language & Using Language速效提能演练速效提能演练Unit 1预习多维感知预习多维感知 Section III重点难点探究重点难点探究预习多维感知预习多维感知1Read the text and then answer these questions.(1)Where will the news be placed in the newspaper?_答案:答案:It will be placed on the front page.(2)What was Zhou Yangs first work?_答案:答案:To wr

2、ite the story.(3)What did the copyeditor begin to do?_答案:答案:She began to edit the piece and design the main headline and smaller heading.(4)Who determined the story at last?_答案:答案:The chief editor did.(5)Why did they need four negatives?_答案:答案:They needed them to make a coloured page.2Read the text

3、and then find out the main idea of each paragraph.AHis story was passed on to different editors of the newspaper.BZhou Yang found a famous film star lying.CThe news was ready to be printed.DZhou Yang began to write his story carefully.Paragraph 1_Paragraph 2_Paragraph 3_Paragraph 4_答案:答案:Paragraph 1

4、Paragraph 4:BDAC重点难点探究重点难点探究词汇精研精研1We need it in this edition to be ahead of the other newspapers.我们这一版就要用,这样我们就抢在其他报我们这一版就要用,这样我们就抢在其他报纸的前面了。纸的前面了。品味经典品味经典There is a river ahead of us. 我们前面有条我们前面有条河。河。The time here is nine hours ahead of London. 这里的时间比伦敦早这里的时间比伦敦早9个小时。个小时。The building was finished

5、ahead of time. 大楼提前完工了。大楼提前完工了。About 500 meters ahead of the school is the hospital.医院大约在学校前医院大约在学校前500米处。米处。Three boys were ahead of (in front of) us. 有三个男孩在我们前面。有三个男孩在我们前面。He is ahead of (better than) me in English. 他的英语比我的好。他的英语比我的好。自我探究自我探究ahead of.(表表示示空空间间或或时时间间上上)“在在前前面面”;也可表;也可表“比比强强”,“比比好好”

6、。归纳拓展归纳拓展May I start now? 我现在可以开始了吗?我现在可以开始了吗?Yes,go ahead.可以,开始吧。可以,开始吧。牛刀小试牛刀小试We can believe in him,for he is always _ times in his ideas.AaheadBahead ofCahead in Dahead on解析:解析:选选B。句意:我们可以相信他,因为他。句意:我们可以相信他,因为他的思想总是走在时代前列。的思想总是走在时代前列。ahead of times表表示示“超前于时代超前于时代”。2 The first person who saw his

7、article was a senior editor from his department. 看他这篇文章的第一个人是他们部里的一位看他这篇文章的第一个人是他们部里的一位高级编审。高级编审。品味经典品味经典She is teaching a senior class. 她正在教一个高年级班。她正在教一个高年级班。His father was a senior office at the bank. 他父亲是那家银行的高级职员。他父亲是那家银行的高级职员。自我探究自我探究senior adj. 年长的;高年级的;年长的;高年级的;高级的高级的。归纳拓展归纳拓展The meeting shou

8、ld be chaired by the most senior person present.会议应由在座职位最高的人主持。会议应由在座职位最高的人主持。John is senior to me by two years.约翰比我约翰比我大两岁。大两岁。He is three years junior to me.他比我小三他比我小三岁。岁。牛刀小试牛刀小试完成句子完成句子(1)高级军官和下级军官的房间是分着的。高级军官和下级军官的房间是分着的。There are separate rooms for _.答案:答案:senior and junior officers(2)他比我大三岁。他

9、比我大三岁。He is _./He is _.答案:答案:three years senior to me;senior to me by three years(3)格雷先生是这家银行的一位高级官员。格雷先生是这家银行的一位高级官员。Mr.Gray is _ in this bank.答案:答案:a senior official3 Then as the article was going to be written in English Zhou Yang also took a copy to the native speaker employed by the newspaper t

10、o polish the style.因为这篇文章要用英文来写,所以周阳拿了因为这篇文章要用英文来写,所以周阳拿了一份稿子给一位母语为英语的外国雇员,请一份稿子给一位母语为英语的外国雇员,请她对语言风格进行润色。她对语言风格进行润色。品味经典品味经典David is employed as a baggage handler at the airport.大卫受雇在机场做行李搬运工。大卫受雇在机场做行李搬运工。We should employ English as a common language.我们应当把英语当作通用语言使用。我们应当把英语当作通用语言使用。自我探究自我探究employ

11、vt.雇用雇用;使用。;使用。归纳拓展归纳拓展She was employed in taking care of her baby.她正忙于照顾她的宝宝。她正忙于照顾她的宝宝。牛刀小试牛刀小试(2011年许昌高二检测年许昌高二检测)His mother has not been _ for six months now since she fell ill.Aemployed BtakenCabused Doverworked解析:解析:选选A。句意:由于生病,他母亲已经。句意:由于生病,他母亲已经6个月没有受雇工作了。个月没有受雇工作了。employ雇用;雇用;take拿;拿;abuse滥

12、用,辱骂,虐待;滥用,辱骂,虐待;overwork工作过度。工作过度。4 Last of all,the chief editor read it and approved it.最后主编审读了这篇稿子,并且批准发表了。最后主编审读了这篇稿子,并且批准发表了。品味经典品味经典The mayor approved the new building plan. 市长批准了新建筑计划。市长批准了新建筑计划。The document has been approved. 这份文件获得批准。这份文件获得批准。自我探究自我探究approve 表示表示“批准,通过批准,通过”时,是时,是及物及物动词。动词。

13、归纳拓展归纳拓展Catherines mother will never approve of her marriage to you.凯瑟琳的母亲永远不会同意她和你结婚。凯瑟琳的母亲永远不会同意她和你结婚。I approve of your trying to earn some money,but please dont neglect your studies.我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要忽视了你我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要忽视了你的学业。的学业。牛刀小试牛刀小试单项填空单项填空(1)(2011年宁波高二检测年宁波高二检测)Whatever he said,his parents w

14、ouldnt _ him joining the golf club, which annoyed him a great deal.Aagree about Bapprove ofCconcentrate on Dlet out解析:解析:选选B。agree短语用法应为短语用法应为agree with sb.about sth.;approve of同意;同意;concentrate on专心于;专心于;let out发出。句意:无论他说什么,发出。句意:无论他说什么,他的父母都不同意他加入高尔夫球俱乐部,他的父母都不同意他加入高尔夫球俱乐部,这使他非常恼火。这使他非常恼火。(2)If my

15、 plan isnt _ of by the committee, all my work will have been wasted.Aapproved BconsentedCagreed Dadmitted解析:解析:选选A。approve of同意;同意;consent和和agree不与不与of连用;连用;admit of表示表示“留有余地,留有余地,容许容许”。句意为:如果我的计划得不到委员会。句意为:如果我的计划得不到委员会的同意,那么所有的工作都白费了。只有的同意,那么所有的工作都白费了。只有approve符合题意。符合题意。完成句子完成句子(3)我父亲不同意我今年离校。我父亲不同

16、意我今年离校。My father doesnt _ this year.答案:答案:approve of my leaving school(4)他在会上提的那个计划通过了。他在会上提的那个计划通过了。The plan he put forward at the meeting _.答案:答案:was approved5Practise in pairs making appointments.两人一组练习约会。两人一组练习约会。品味经典品味经典He made an appointment with his dentist at 8 am.他已约定上午八点去看牙医。他已约定上午八点去看牙医。T

17、he appointment of a new judge was reported in the newspaper.报上报道了任命一位新法官的消息。报上报道了任命一位新法官的消息。自我探究自我探究appointment nC,U 约会,约会,预约;任命预约;任命,委任;职位。委任;职位。归纳拓展归纳拓展The committee has appointed Mr.White as headmaster in this high school. 委员会已任命怀特先生为这所高中的校长。委员会已任命怀特先生为这所高中的校长。Now that you have made an appointmen

18、t with your friend you should keep it and shouldnt break it.既然你已经和朋友约好了,你就应该守约而既然你已经和朋友约好了,你就应该守约而不应该违约。不应该违约。牛刀小试牛刀小试单项填空单项填空(1)Mr.Jones has been _ chairman of the conference. Which is WRONG?Amade BelectedCbecome Dappointed解析:解析:选选C。make sb.n.使某人成为使某人成为;elect sb.n.选举某人为选举某人为;appoint sb.n.任命某人为任命某人为

19、。所以。所以A、B、D项用在句中项用在句中皆可,只能选皆可,只能选C项。项。become不能用于被动语不能用于被动语态。态。完成句子完成句子(2)我跟他约好礼拜天见。我跟他约好礼拜天见。I _ to meet him on Sunday.答案:答案:make an appointment(3)他们任命他为秘书吗?他们任命他为秘书吗?Do they _?答案:答案:appoint him secretary 6Then as the article was going to be written in English Zhou Yang also took a copy to the nativ

20、e speaker employed by the newspaper to polish the style.因为这篇文章要用英文来写,所以周阳拿了因为这篇文章要用英文来写,所以周阳拿了一份稿子给一位母语为英语的外国雇员,请一份稿子给一位母语为英语的外国雇员,请她对语言风格进行润色。她对语言风格进行润色。(2)They needed four negatives,as several colours were going to be used on the story.由于这篇报道要用好几种颜色,因此需要四由于这篇报道要用好几种颜色,因此需要四张胶片。张胶片。句型巧析句型巧析句型巧析句型巧析

21、品味经典品味经典As its raining again,well have to stay at home.因为又下起雨来了,我们只好呆在家里了。因为又下起雨来了,我们只好呆在家里了。自我探究自我探究as在此处引导的是在此处引导的是原因状语原因状语从句,既可放在从句,既可放在主句前也可放在主句后。一般来说,主句前也可放在主句后。一般来说,as引导引导原因状语从句表示双方都知道的原因。原因状语从句表示双方都知道的原因。牛刀小试牛刀小试Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada,_ this was

22、a memory she especially treasured.Aas BifCwhen Dwhere解析:解析:选选A。句意为:。句意为:Jenny对于她在加拿大对于她在加拿大照的照片的丢失很伤心,因为那段经历是她照的照片的丢失很伤心,因为那段经历是她特别珍惜的。特别珍惜的。as表原因;表原因;if表条件;表条件;when表时表时间;间;where表地点。表地点。GETTING THE “SCOOP”“Quick,”said the editor.“Get that story ready.We need it in this edition to be ahead of the oth

23、er newspapers.This is a scoop.”Zhou Yang had just come back into the office after an interview with a famous film star.“Did he really do that?”asked someone from the International News Department.“Yes,Im afraid he did,”Zhou Yang answered.He set to work.译译文助文助文助文助读读His first task was to write his sto

24、ry,but he had to do it carefully.Although he realized the man had been lying,Zhou Yang knew he must not accuse him directly.He would have to be accurate.Concise too!He knew how to do that.Months of training had taught him to write with no wasted words or phrases.He sat down at his computer and began

25、 to work.The first person who saw his article was a senior editor from his department.He checked the evidence,read the article and passed it on to the copyeditor.She began to edit the piece and design the main headline and smaller heading.“This will look very good on the page,”she said.“Where is a g

26、ood picture of this man?”Then as the article was going to be written in English Zhou Yang also took a copy to the native speaker employed by the newspaper to polish the style.She was also very happy with Zhou Yangs story.“You are really able to write a good front page article, ”she said.Zhou Yang sm

27、iled with happiness.Last of all,the chief editor read it and approved it.“Well done,”he said to Zhou Yang.“But please show me your evidence so were sure weve got our facts straight.”“Ill bring it to you immediately,”said Zhou Yang excitedly.The news desk editor took the story and began to work on al

28、l the stories and photos until all the pages were set.All the information was then ready to be processed into film negatives.This was the first stage of the printing process.They needed four negatives,as several colours were going to be used on the story.Each of the main colours had onenegative shee

29、t and when they were combined they made a coloured page for the newspaper.After one last check the page was ready to be printed.Zhou Yang waited excitedly for the first copies to be ready.“Wait till tonight, ”his friend whispered.“I expect there will be something about this on the television news.A

30、real scoop!” 抢发独家新闻抢发独家新闻“快点,快点,”编辑说道,编辑说道,“把那篇报道准备好。我把那篇报道准备好。我们这一版们这一版(edition)就要用,这样我们就抢在其就要用,这样我们就抢在其他报纸的前面他报纸的前面(ahead of)了。这就是独家新闻。了。这就是独家新闻。”周阳刚刚采访了一位著名影星回到办公室。周阳刚刚采访了一位著名影星回到办公室。“他真的干了那种事吗?他真的干了那种事吗?”国际新闻编辑部国际新闻编辑部(department)有人问道。有人问道。“是的,恐怕是干了,是的,恐怕是干了,”周阳回答说。接着他就开始工作了。周阳回答说。接着他就开始工作了。他他的的

31、第第一一件件事事就就是是写写报报道道,但但他他必必须须认认认认真真真真地地写写。尽尽管管他他认认为为那那个个人人一一直直在在说说谎谎,但但周周阳阳懂懂得得决决不不能能直直接接指指责责他他。他他必必须须做做到到准准确确无无误误(accurate),还还需需简简明明扼扼要要!他他知知道道该该如如何何做做到到。经经过过几几个个月月的的培培训训,他他已已经经学学会会了了写写文文章章,全全然然没没有有废废话话。他他在在电电脑脑前前坐坐下下来就开始工作了。来就开始工作了。第第一一个个看看他他这这篇篇文文章章的的人人是是他他们们部部里里的的一一位位编编审审(senior 高高级级的的)。他他核核查查了了文文






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