高中英语 Unit 5 Travelling abroad Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课件 新人教版选修7

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高中英语 Unit 5 Travelling abroad Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课件 新人教版选修7_第1页
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1、Section Learning about Language and Using Language 课前 自主预习.重点单词1_n常规;日常事务;adj.通常的;例行的2_adj.平行的;相同的;类似的3_n目的地4apology n道歉;谢罪_v道歉5optional adj.可选择的;随意的_n选择,选择权routineparalleldestinationapologizeoption6agent n代理人;经纪人_n代办处,经销处7abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的_n丰富;充足8govern vt.& vi.统治;支配;管理_n治理;管理;支配 agencyabundance

2、government.重点短语1_向道歉2_申请3_日复一日4_与平行;与相似5_获得独立6_不可能的;不值得讨论的7_各种各样的make an apology to.apply forday in and day outbe parallel to.gain ones independenceout of the questiona variety of8_近距离地9_有的陪伴10_(迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来close up/up closein the company of.settle in.重点句型1教材原句:In the high plains area is Lake Tit

3、icaca,the highest lake in the world,on which boats can travel.位于高原地区的的的喀喀湖,是世界上海拔最高的湖,湖上可以行船。佳句诵读:On a hill in front of them_with a history of more than 500 years.在他们面前的山上矗立着一座有着五百多年历史的巨大城堡。stood a great castle 2教材原句:It is a popular tourist destination as it is close to the famous Inca ruins of the

4、city of Machu Picchu.这里是旅游热点,因为它离著名的马丘比丘城印加遗址很近。佳句诵读:The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair_.那个老人让Lucy去坐另一张椅子,因为他想挨着他妻子坐。as he wanted to sit next to his wife 3教材原句:Admire the Spanish architecture,enjoy some excellent Spanish cuisine and take some time to bargain for some souvenirs at the co

5、lourful markets.观赏西班牙式的建筑,品尝一些西班牙美食,花点时间逛逛五颜六色的市场,与商贩讨价还价,买点纪念品。佳句诵读:_,and gradually we can gain this good learning habit and benefit from it.把它牢记在心,慢慢地我们就能养成这个好的学习习惯,并能从中受益。Keep it in mind .语篇理解Read the passage carefully and tell the following statements True or False.1England once governed the cen

6、tre of the powerful and extremely wealthy Inca Empire.()2The Andes Mountains running paralleled to the coast line.()3The official languages of Peru are Indian and English.()4Tour 3 can take travelers from the Andes into the lowlands of the Amazon Jungle.()5You can enjoy the sunrise over the Andes on

7、 Tour 1.()答案:1.F2.T3.F4.F5.T课内 研析探究apology n道歉(教材原句P40)Sara acknowledged her mistake and made an apology immediately.莎拉承认了错误并且立刻道歉。(1)make/offer an apology to sb.for sth.因某事向某人道歉accept an apology 接受道歉refuse an apology 拒绝道歉(2)apologize for sth./doing sth.因(做了)某事而道歉apologize to sb.for sth./doing sth.因

8、某事而向某人道歉Im afraid I was rather badtempered yesterday;I think I owe you an apology.恐怕我昨天的脾气不怎么好,我认为应该向你道歉。Marge should apologize to her daughter for reading her diary.玛吉应该为看女儿的日记而向女儿道歉。day in and day out日复一日Day in and day out I follow almost the same routine.我几乎天天都是这样做的。She takes care of her sick mot

9、her day in and day out.她天天照顾她生病的母亲。day after day日复一日,一天又一天day by day一天天地by the day按日day and night日日夜夜He went to see the tree he planted day after day and found it taller and taller day by day.他天天去看他栽的那棵树,发现它一天天长高了。名师点津:day after day强调动作的重复,而day by day则强调状态的变化。abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的(教材原句P43)Peru has ab

10、undant plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle.从荒漠草原到广阔的丛林地区,秘鲁有着丰富的植被。be abundant inbe rich in富有;很丰富abundance n大量,丰富,充裕in abundance大量,丰足We have abundant evidence to prove his guilt.我们有充分的证据证明他有罪。Our country is abundant in natural resources.我国自然资源丰富。At the feast there was an abundance of

11、food and drink.宴会上有丰盛的食品和饮料。out of the question不可能Without your help,finishing the task ahead of time would be out of the question.没你的帮助提前完成任务是不可能的。Another trip abroad this year is out of the question.今年再度出国是不可能的。beyond (all) question 毫无疑问out of question 没问题,办得到He is in favour of you without question

12、.毫无疑问,他支持你。settle in(迁入新居;更换工作后)安顿下来He cant seem to settle in a steady job;every two years or so he moves to another city and starts again.他似乎不能找一份固定的工作安定下来,大概每隔两年他就去另一个城市重新开始。They settled in a small village after they got married.他们结婚后在一个小村子里安了家。settle down定居下来;使某人坐下;安静下来settle (sb.)in/into sth.(帮助

13、某人)迁入新居、做新工作等settle on sth.停留They settled down to a serious discussion over coffee.他们喝着咖啡,开始认真讨论问题。After working here and there for several years,he wants to settle down to a permanent job.在这儿那儿工作了几年之后,他想安下心来找份永久性的工作。.单句语法填空1You should make _apology to your partner.Out of_question!It was he who star

14、ted the quarrel.答案:an;the2As we all know,Australia is abundant_unique species of plants and animals.答案:in3The_(abundance) resources and stable policy provide them with the advantages of developing their businesses.答案:abundant4The captain made an _(apologize) to the passengers for the delay of the fl

15、ight caused by the bad weather.答案:apology5He went fishing by the river day in and day_.答案:out6Havent the couple decided to settle_Hong Kong?No,there is a possibility that they might move back to Sydney.答案:in.完成句子1他为没能通知我改变计划而向我道歉。He apologized for_me of the change in the plan.答案:his not being able t

16、o inform2虽然政府说房源充足,但这些年房价一直在上涨。While the government says there is_of houses,prices of apartments have been going up these years.答案:an abundant supply3今年再出国旅游是不可能的。Another trip abroad this year is_.答案:out of the questionIn the high plains area is Lake Titicaca,the highest lake in the world,on which b

17、oats can travel.位于高原地区的的的喀喀湖,是世界上海拔最高的湖,湖上可以行船。本句中主句采用了完全倒装形式,其自然语序为:Lake Titicaca is in the high plains area.Round the corner of the street is a flower shop.在街道拐角处有一家花店。在英语中,把谓语全部放在主语之前的倒装句,称为完全倒装句。常见的完全倒装句有以下几种:(1)地点状语位于句首,主语为名词且谓语为不及物动词时,用完全倒装句。(2)在there,here引导的句子中,谓语是be,exist,live,lie等表示状态的动词时,用

18、完全倒装句。(3)若把作表语的形容词、分词或介词短语置于句首时,用完全倒装句。(4)表示时间、地点和动作转移的副词,如:here,there,now,then,up,down,in,away,out等置于句首时,句子用完全倒装。Just in front of the bus lies an injured man,all covered with blood.公共汽车的前面躺着一个受伤的人,浑身是血。John opened the door.There stood a girl he had never seen before.约翰打开门,他从来没见过的一位女孩站在那儿。 Present a

19、t the meeting were some scientists from China.许多来自中国的科学家出席了会议。There goes the bell for break.下课铃响了。名师点津:上述情况中,若主语是人称代词,则不用倒装。Away they went.他们走了。完成句子1.You should do_(依照老师所说的)答案:as the teacher tells you2Present at the party _(有格林先生,还有一些别的宾客)答案:were Mr Green and many other guests3On the hill _(矗立着一座古庙)答案:stood an old temple4Next door to ours _(住着一位老人),who used to be the headmaster in our school.答案:lives an old man5_(尽管他很忙),he tried his best to help you.答案: Busy as he was谢谢观看!谢谢观看!



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