高中英语 Module6 第2课时GrammarⅠ-Everyday English and Functio课件 外研版必修1 .ppt

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1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 必修必修1 The Internet and TelecommunicationsModule 6第二课时Grammar Everyday English and FunctionModule 6课内合作探究课内合作探究 2课课 时时 作作 业业 5单元课标语法单元课标语法 3课后巩固提升课后巩固提升 4课前自主预习课前自主预习1课前自主预习课前自主预习1根据句意及汉语提示写出合成词并在括号里写出它们的构词特点。A _(键盘) is the part of the computer that yo

2、u type on.()Shes still recovering from her _(崩溃)( )My neighbour is a _(售货员)()2冠词填空。Its too hot. Open _ door, please.()There is _ woman over there. _woman is Meimeis mother.()_ sun rises in _ east.()He often goes to _ school by _ bike.( )salesman; 名词名词2the;特指a; The; 前泛指,后特指The; the; 分别表示“独一无二”和方位/;/;

3、固定表达课内合作探究课内合作探究1.definite adj. 明确的;肯定的I want a definite answer “yes” or “no” 我需要明确的答复,“是”或“否”。Its definite that hell come.他肯定会来。知识拓展definitely adv. 确切地,肯定地indefinite adj. 不确切的,含糊的即学即用完成句子I want an appointment for a_time and place.我要一个有确切的时间和地址的约会。答案:definite2independent adj. 独立的;自立的That country bec

4、ame independent (of France) in 1960.那个国家在1960年(脱离法国)独立。The job will make him independent of his parents.有了那份工作,他就不必依赖父母生活了。单词积累dependent adj. 依赖的,依靠的dependence n. U依靠,依赖independence n. U独立,自主知识拓展be independent of独立的;不依赖的;不受控制的depend(on/upon)v. 依赖;依靠;相信;信赖That/It depends. 视情形而定。You may depend upon it

5、.你放心好了。depend on sb. to do sth. 指望某人做某事depend on it that. 相信某件事即学即用介词填空In western countries,the young people are more independent _ their parents.答案:of3concentrate v. 集中(注意力、思想等)Concentrate on the good things about the Internet.关注网上的好东西。I cant concentrate on designing the cartoon characters.我无法专心设计卡

6、通人物。助记聚集“集中”The girl is concentrating on taking photos.这个女孩正在专注于摄影。即学即用翻译我饿了就无法集中精力工作。_.工业发展目前正集中在这个国家的南方。Industrial development_ _ _ _the south of the country.答案:I cant concentrate on my work when I am hungry.is being concentrated on4pass v超过;通过;度过;(时间)过去;经过;传递The sports car passed on the right.那辆跑

7、车从右边超了过去。It passes my comprehension.那是我所不能理解的。You have passed the final exam. Congratulations!你通过了期末考试,恭喜你!Please sign the form and then pass it to others.请在表格上签名,然后把它传给别人。知识拓展pass away逝世;去世;时光流逝pass down流传;传递pass on传递下去pass the timekill the time消磨时间passerby过路人passersby(复数)pass sth. to sb./ pass sb.

8、 sth. 把某物递给某人即学即用语法填空The custom, practice, idea and belief have been_(pass) down from generation to generation.答案:passed考查现在完成时的被动语态have been done。5frequently adv. 时常;经常He frequently visits London.他时常去伦敦。I know him, but I dont meet him frequently.我认识他,但不经常见到他。图解助记辨析:frequently, oftenReports of new v

9、ictories pour frequently.捷报频传。We go there very often.我们经常去那里。frequently强调动作发生的频繁性(重复性),比often正式,加more和most构成比较级和最高级。often强调动作发生的经常性,在意义上等同于very frequently。知识拓展frequent adj. 频繁的,经常的He makes frequent journeys to Britain.他经常到英国旅行。即学即用改错She frequent went to see the old lady._.答案:frequent改为frequently6dis

10、advantage n. C弊端;缺点The main disadvantage of the project is the cost.这个项目的主要弊端是费用太高。Anyone who cant use a computer is at a disadvantage.不会使用计算机的人处于不利的地位。It would be to your disadvantage to invest in the project.你在这项工程上投资可能要吃亏。链接take advantage of.利用He always takes full advantage of the mistakes made b

11、y his rivals.他总是充分利用他的对手所犯的错误。即学即用完成句子这些新规定可能使欧洲的农民处境不利。The new rules may _ European farmers _ _ _.答案:put; at a disadvantage7average adj. 平均的;普通的;C平均数;C,U一般水平,平均水准The average age of the boys is 17.这些男孩子的平均年龄是17岁。He is just an average student.他只是个普通的学生。搭配on average 按平均数计算,平均The factory produces 60 ca

12、rs a day on average.这家工厂平均每天生产60辆汽车。On average, men still earn more than women.平均来看,男性仍比女性挣得多。即学即用语法填空He was a good student and scored_average in most subjects.答案:above本题考查介词短语的搭配。above average“在平均水平以上”。由He was a good student .可知above正确。句意为:他是一个好学生,大部分科目得分都在平均水平以上。8especially adv. 特别地;格外地;尤其地Our gar

13、den is very beautiful ,especially in autumn.我们的花园非常漂亮,尤其是在秋天。知识拓展especial adj. 别的;特殊的;尤其的a matter of especial importance 尤其重要的事情special adj. 特殊的;专门的辨析:specially,especially与particularly(1)specially特别地;专门地;表示为了某个目的而专门去做某事。(2)especially特别地;尤其地;指有意突出到显眼或例外的程度,表达某事过分或特别重要。(3)particularly表示“程度深”时与especial

14、ly表示“特别地”时意义相同。即学即用语法填空I came here_(special)to see you.答案:specially此处是副词作状语。1.at this point 在这个时候point 其含义是“看法;事实;目的;理由;特点;特征;时刻;关头;阶段;得分点”There is one point on which everyone was agreed.有一点大家达成一致。He was on/at the point of death when he was found.他被发现时已经奄奄一息。知识拓展come to the point 直切要点make a point of

15、 doing sth. 打定主意干某事be on the point of doing sth. 正要做某事up to a point 在某种程度上There is no point in doing sth. 做是没有意义的。即学即用语法填空_this point he got up and left the room.答案:At句意:这个时候,他起身离开了房间。at this point“在这个时候”。2as much asas much as意为“与一样多”;与不可数名词连用,而as many.as与可数名词连用。I havent got as much money as I thoug

16、ht.我的钱没我想象的那么多。He has as many books as the library.他拥有的图书和图书馆的一样多。辨析:as many as与as much as“as many as数词可数名词复数”用来表示某人或某处拥有物品的数量;“as much as数词不可数名词”常用来指金钱、距离、时间、重量、水量、雨量、热量等方面的程度或数量;as much as可用来修饰动词,而as many as不能;在不指具体事物时,用as many as和as much as皆可。The great fire burned down as many as twenty buildings

17、.那场大火烧毁的建筑物达20栋之多。Most of the stones weigh as much as 15 tons.大多数的石头重达15吨重。即学即用完成句子After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced_(二倍) cars in 2011 as the year before.答案:twice as many3辨析:agree with/agree to/agree on(1)agree with的意思是“同意”;“赞成”;后面接指人或表示“意见”、“看法”的词。agree with ones idea/one

18、s opinion/ones decision/ones view同意某人的想法/意见/决定/观点I dont agree with you.我不同意你的看法。I dont agree with what you said.我不同意你说的话。注意:agree with还有“与一致”;“(气候、食物等)适合”的意思。The climate here doesnt agree with me.这里的天气不适合我。(2)agree to的意思是“同意”;“赞成”;后面接表示“提议”、“办法”、“计划”等词。Do you agree to this arrangement/program?你同意这项安

19、排/计划吗?注意:agree to do sth.的意思是“同意(答应)做某事”。(3)agree on的意思是“对取得一致意见”;主语常常是协商一件事的人们或单位,后面常接表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动等名词。We dont agree on this point.在这一点上我们意见不一致。注意:不可说agree sb.to do sth.,但可说agree with sb.to do sth.;不可说agree doing sth.,但可说agree on doing sth.。I dont agree with you to make friends with such a man.我不

20、同意你和这样的人交朋友。即学即用完成句子I quite agree_him_that point.在那一点上我同意他。答案:with,on4in ones opinion 按照某人的意见;据某人看来in the opinion of sb.In my opinion ,youre wrong.依我看,你错了。In the opinion of him ,he shouldnt be punished.在他看来,他不应该受到惩罚。即学即用介词填空Although _my opinion, the old professor didnt come up with his own.答案:agains

21、t5wrap A round B用A将B包起来搭配be wrapped up in被包裹于;被隐藏于;专心于;对有极大的兴趣He is wrapped up in his work.他对他的工作有极大的兴趣。She is wrapped up in her children.她的全部精力都用在儿女身上。注意:过去式、过去分词、现在分词形式要双写p,即wrapped,wrapped,wrapping。知识拓展wrap up意为“把包起来;穿得暖和,(非正式地)完成,结束”。 I put the book in a box and wrapped it up in brown paper befo

22、re I posted it.寄书前我把它放进盒子里,并用棕色包装纸包了起来。Wrap up well,and its cold outside!穿暖和些,外面很冷!即学即用完成句子He_(wrap) in his own thought.他陷入了沉思。答案:was wrapped up1.The number of mobile phone users in China is expected to reach 500 million by 2007.到2007年,中国移动电话用户人数预计达到5亿户。expect v. 期待,预期,等待(指心理期盼);推测,料想,认为常用结构:(1)expe

23、ct sb.to do sth.期望某人做某事(2)be expected to do sth.某人被期望做某事(3)expect to do sth.期望做某事(4)expect thatclause预料Were expecting a letter from home.我们正等待从家里来的信。We expect to finish the work by next Monday.我们预计下周一完成这项工作。You cant expect kids to keep quiet all the time.你不要指望孩子们一直保持安静。As I expected,he is not at the

24、 meeting.正像我预料的那样,他没参加会议。辨析:expect,wait for (1)expect是一种持续的思想状态,指某人有一定的根据,预料、料想某事很可能要发生,多用于好事,也可用于坏事。 Were expecting a letter from Canada.我们正等待从加拿大来的信。(2)wait for表等待;等候;强调在某一特定时间内专门的行为。Im waiting for him to arrive.我在等待他的到来。即学即用(2014山东,1,改编)Writing out all the invitations by hand was more timeconsumi

25、ng than we _.(expect)答案:had expected句意:手写所有的请柬比我们原来预想的要耗费时间。2Who do they communicate with most frequently?Friends?Family?你最经常和谁联系?朋友?家人?communicate v. 传达;传送(与to连用);联系(与with连用)The mother didnt know how to communicate her anxiety to her child.这位母亲不知道怎样让孩子知道她的不安。The deaf often use sign language to comm

26、unicate with each other.耳聋的人常用手语彼此进行交流。知识拓展communicate with sb.与某人沟通communicate sth.with sb.与某人交流信息(消息,意见)communication n. 表达;交际;传递;交流即学即用语法填空Radio and television are important means of_(communicate)答案:communication名词作介词宾语。3How often do you use the Internet?你多长时间上一次互联网?how often“多久一次”;在英语中用来提问表示频度的副

27、词或词组。How often do you hear from her?她多久给你来一次信?Once a month.一月一次。即学即用完成句子_(soon) will you be back?你多久回来一次。答案:How soon4Our English teacher is excellent,but she cant help everyone in the class in 50 minutes.我们的英语老师非常棒,但是她不能在50分钟内帮助班里的每一位同学。有些表示整体意义的词语与not连用表示部分否定,如代词all,both 和形容词whole,every所修饰的名词词组及eve

28、ry构成的复合代词。他们在句中可作主语、宾语或同位语。在英语中有些表示全体意义的词与not连用,表示部分否定。如代词all,both,everyone,everything等,类似情况的副词如altogether,always,entirely,wholly,quite等。Not all men here are honest.这里的人并非都诚实。The rich are not always happy.富人也并非总是幸福。知识拓展表示全部否定用none,no,nobody,nothing, nowhere,neither,never等词。即学即用完成句子Is this book inter

29、esting?Yes,but Im sure it wont interest_.答案:everybody这里but引出一个部分否定的句子。5If you need any help,dont hesitate to call us.如果需要帮忙,请不要客气,给我们打电话。hesitate vi. 踌躇;迟疑;犹豫;在此处意为“对有顾虑;不愿做事”I hesitate to ask you,but will you lend me your car for a few days?我真不好意思向你开口,你能把汽车借给我用几天吗?In case you need something,please

30、dont hesitate to ask me.如果你需要什么东西,请不要客气,对我说。即学即用汉译英在这上面我不愿花太多时间。_.答案:I hesitated to spend too much time on this.6Using the Internet is a bad thing.使用因特网是一件糟糕的事情。using the Internet是动名词短语,在句中作主语。(1)v.ing形式作主语时,谓语动词用单数。Learning new words is very useful to me.学习生词对我很有用。Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。 (2)v.i

31、ng形式作主语时,常用it作形式主语,ving形式作真正的主语。Its no good smoking. Youd better give it up.吸烟没好处,你最好戒掉它。Its a waste of time waiting here.在这里等是浪费时间。Its nice talking to you.很高兴和你谈话。即学即用汉译英和他争论是没用的。_.答案:Its no use arguing with him.单元课标语法单元课标语法图解语法助记()表解语法助记()英语中很多单词是通过合成方式构成的,这类词叫做合成词。常见合成词有合成名词、合成动词、合成形容词等几种类型。合成词例词

32、合成名词n.n.newspaper报纸,hometown家乡,classroom教室 snowman雪人,daydream白日梦n.v.daybreak破晓,sunrise日出n.v.inghandwriting 书法,horse riding骑马v.ingn.washing machine 洗衣机,swimming pool游泳池v.n.bathroom 浴室,playground 操场,postcard明信片合成词例词合成名词adj.n.blackboard黑板,supermarket超级市场,highway公路其他形式gettogether 聚会,breakfast早餐,takeoff起

33、飞合成形容词adj.n.edkindhearted 好心的,middleaged中年的adj.v.inggoodlooking好看的,easygoing随和的adj.n.fulltime全日的,parttime兼职的,业余的,firstclass一流的合成词例词合成形容词n.v.edmanmade人造的,watercovered 被水覆盖的n.v.ingpeaceloving热爱和平的,Englishspeaking说英语的adv.v.edwellknown著名的,widespread广泛传播的其他形式newborn 新生的,worldfamous世界著名的,facetoface面对面的,no

34、nstop不停的合成副词anywhere任何地方,however然而,maybe可能,outdoors 在户外,upstairs楼上合成代词himself 他自己,everyone每个人,somebody某个人,anything任何事,nothing楼上合成动词underline在下面划线,typewrite打字,overcome 克服图解语法助记()表解语法助记()类别用法例句定冠词特指上文已经提到过或已知的、熟悉的人或事物Lets meet at the school gate.咱们在校门口集合吧。用于姓氏复数形式前,指一家人或夫妇俩The Johnsons have lived here

35、 for twenty years.约翰逊一家在这里住了二十年了。用于单数可数名词前,表示类指The tiger is the king of the beasts.老虎是百兽之王。用于某些形容词前,表示一类人或事物Fantasy movies make the unreal seem real.科幻片让虚幻的东西看起来很真实。用于表示时期、年代、世纪的名词或数词前He is the greatest novelist of the 1900s.他是20世纪最伟大的小说家。类别用法例句定冠词用于表示被演奏的西洋乐器的名词前My daughter is learning the flute.我女

36、儿在学长笛。用于指人的身体部位的名词前The old man was wounded in the left leg during the war.那位老人的左腿在战争中受了伤。用于明确所指的、特别是带有限制性定语的人或事物前She was looking at the present that her mother gave.她正看着母亲送给她的那份礼物。用于表示宇宙中独一无二的天体的名词前the sun太阳,the moon月亮,the earth地球,the South Pole南极用于by后表示计量单位的名词前by the pound按磅,by the foot按英尺,by the y

37、ard 按码用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前the Great Wall长城,the Yellow River 黄河,the History Museum历史博物馆类别用法例句零冠词用于表示类指的复数名词前Tigers sometimes can be very kind.老虎有时也很温顺。表示泛指意义的不可数名词及专有名词前Money is not everything.金钱不是万能的。表示学科、语言、球类、三餐的名词前What do you usually have for lunch?你午饭一般吃什么?表示星期、月份、节日、季节等的名词前We had a good time on Chri

38、stmas Day.我们在圣诞节那天过得很愉快。称呼语或表示职位、头衔的名词前My daughter was made president of the Students Union.我女儿被选为学生会主席。类别用法例句零冠词by表示交通工具的名词前He went to Beijing by train.他坐火车去的北京。表示地方的功能用途的地点名词前in hospital住院,in prison坐牢,go to school上学and连接的指同一人或事物的并列名词中的后一名词前a clerk and writer职员兼作家已有所有格、物主代词、指示代词等修饰的名词前This is my ho

39、me address. Lets keep in touch.这是我家的地址,咱们保持联系吧。表示家庭成员的名词或nurse, cook, teacher等前Mother is not at home.妈妈不在家。即学即用冠词填空1(2015四川,5改编)Brain is gifted in writing music;he is very likely to be _Beethoven.答案:a考查冠词。在人名前加不定冠词,表示“一个像那样的人”。2Dr.Peter Spence,_ headmaster of the school,told us,“_ fifth of pupils he

40、re go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.”答案:不填;A句意:皮特斯本塞博士,本校的校长,告诉我们,“我们五分之一的学生要去牛津和剑桥大学继续学业”。首先,如果官衔儿称呼做同位语,不需要冠词,而 a fifth 同one fifth,表示“五分之一”。3Sam has been appointed _ manager of the engineering department to take _ place of George. 答案:/,the第一空表示官衔,在句中作补语,表语和同位语时,其前省略冠词;第二空考查固定短语take the place

41、 of“代替”。4I woke up with _ bad headache, yet by _ evening the pain had gone.答案:a; the某些不可数名词前面常常有不定冠词,如:have a headache , catch a cold , have a fever等。故第一空填不定冠词a。用在表示时间的词前面,一般要用定冠词,故第二空填定冠词the。句意:我醒来的时候头痛的厉害,然而到晚上的时候疼痛消失了。课后巩固提升课后巩固提升.根据汉语意思及英语提示完成句子,每空一词。1他的书法不如你的好。His _ is _ _ _ _ yours.2你可以在这家超市买到

42、你需要的任何东西。You can buy whatever you need _ _ _.3看阅读材料,并在描述各部电影的单词下画线。Look at the reading material._ _ _ that describe the movies.4他们对农民进行了面对面的采访。They had _ _ _with the farmers.5公园里有个人工湖。There is _ _ _ in the park.答 案 : 1.handwriting; not as good as 2.in this/the supermarket3Underline the words4.a face

43、toface interview5.a manmade lake.用适当的冠词填空1Mr Brown, _ chairman of the Trade Union, will visit our factory tomorrow.2After having _ big breakfast, he went to play _ violin.3In _ nature, everything is equal.4You think he is foolish. As _ matter of fact, he is no more foolish than you.5Of all the probl

44、ems, this one is _ most difficult to work out.6It is very hard for me to learn _ chemistry well.7On _ Sundays _ Childrens Palace is open.8I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.It is not your fault. With _ rushhour traffic and _ heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.9Its not _ good idea

45、 to drive for four hours without _ break.10Students should be encouraged to use _ Internet as _ resource.答案:1.不填2.a;the3.不填4.a5.the6.不填7.不填;the8.the; the9.a;a10.the;a.单句改错1The World Wide Web allows computer users access information from millions of other computers via the Internet._.2The computer pr

46、ice has been gone down._.3Within five years , the number of Internet users raised from 600,000 to 40 billion._.4Everyone in the world can access the Internet use this World Wide Web system._.5China past the US to become the largest mobile phone market in the world._6Professor Smith has written some

47、short stories,but he is better known as his plays._.7French is also useful language with a long history._.8Thats important to help students find useful sites on the Internet._9I have no reason of doing that. Its just for fun._10We must make sure of students look for information on interesting and us

48、eful sites._11They have Internet classes once a week. Its a chance for them to do some independence work._12Surf on the Internet is a fantastic thing for many students._答案:1.users 后加to2.去掉 been3.raised 改为rose4use 改为using 5.past 改为 passed 6.as改为for7.useful 前加 a8.That改为It9.of改为for10.of改为that或去掉11independence改为independent12.Surf改为Surfing



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