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1、“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Teaching BP Debate in ChineseChina Debate Education Network Challenge and Method中文BP辩论教学挑战与方法Zeng Qingxi 2012.9“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Focus for this Presenta

2、tion Part I Comparison:Typical Chinese Debate & BP(典型中文辩论与英国议会制辩论的比较) Part II How to teach BP Debate in the Chinese context(如何在中文语境下教授英国议会制辩论)“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Comparison: Typical Chinese Debate & BPWhat is the TCD*(典型中文辩论是什么)What is t

3、he major difference between TCD & BP(两者的主要区别是什么)How the difference affect(这种区别会造成什么影响)*There is no official or unified name of the Chinese debate format we frequently used. So the name “TCD” may not be recognized by other Chinese debate people.我们常用的中文辩论赛制尚无官方的或统一的名称。所以其他中文辩论人士对“TCD”这个名称或许会感到陌生。“雪亮工程

4、是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。TCD HistoryOriginated in Singapore 1970S(20世纪70年代起源于新加坡)CCTV and Singapore media jointly held annual international tournament from 1980S (80年代起央视与新加坡电视传媒联合举办年度性国际赛事)Official platform for promoting Chinese language internat

5、ional in 1980 &1990S(八九十年代中国将其作为推进汉语国际化的重要载体)Crisis,change and reform in last decade(近十年来出现问题、转向和变革)“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。TCD:Debater and Team正方Proposition反方Opposition正方一辩Proposition 1st反方一辩Opposition 1st正方二辩Proposition 2nd反方二辩Opposition 2

6、nd正方三辩Proposition 3rd反方三辩Opposition 3rd正方四辩Proposition 4th反方四辩Opposition 4thOne side one team four debaters“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。TCD:Time orderTCD衍生出很多种赛制,以下为常见的(The most widely used TCD time order)开篇陈词开篇陈词 Opening speech正方一辩 3分钟 Propositi

7、on 1st 3min 反方一辩 3分钟 Opposition 1st 3min 对话对话 Dialogue 正方二辩和反方二辩进行一对一对话 各两分钟 Dialogue between Proposition 2nd and Opposition 2nd 2min total for each debater盘问盘问 Cross-examine 正方三辩向反方一、二、四辩进行盘问 一分半Proposition 3rd cross-examine Opposition 1st 2nd and 4th 1.5min 反方三辩向正方一、二、四辩进行盘问 一分半Opposition 3rd cros

8、s-examine Proposition 1st 2nd and 4th 1.5min小结小结 Halftime summary speech正方三辩 2分钟 Proposition 3rd 2min 反方三辩 2分钟 Opposition 3rd 2min 自由辩论自由辩论 Free Debate双方各总计时4分钟 4min total for each side 总结陈词总结陈词 Closing speech反方四辩 4分钟 Opposition 4th 4min 正方四辩 4分钟 Proposition 4th 4min“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台

9、、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。TCD:Debate Topic辩题 Most topics is sentences from ancient books, famous remark and classic discussion.(常源于古籍、名言和经典论题)Most topics is about philosophy or social sciences. There are more practical and policy topics now. (多为哲学和社会科学理论命题,近年来现实和政策命题逐渐增多)Exam

10、ple: Adequate clothing and food is/is not the precondition of moral.(举例:温饱是/不是谈道德的前提条件)“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。TCD:Typical Methods常见辩论方法 Interpretation of the topic(阐释涵义)Quote from the classics to prove a point(引经据典)Factual evidence(事例证据)Lot

11、s of rhetoric(语言修辞)Sensational speech and theatrics(煽情效果)“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Major difference and its influence主要区别及其影响ITCDBPOne Team One Side(同在一方同为一队)Two Teams One Side(一方两队分上下院)Make sure your students understand:1.Upper House and Lowe

12、r House which is in the same side do not only cooperate but also compete.(同在一方的上下两院不仅是合作关系更是竞争关系) 2.Lower House should persuade that they are loyalty to their Upper House but better than the Upper House. (下院队要劝说观众自己与上院在同一战线但是比上院队更好) “雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用

13、为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Major difference and its influence主要区别及其影响IITCDBPDebater is named by order(辩手按顺序命名)Debater is named by role(辩手按角色命名)Make sure your students understand:1.Each debater has a particular role and the particular duty of this role.(每位辩手都有一个特定的角色和角色所对应的责任) 2. Considering the duty accomplish

14、ed is the important part of judging. (考虑责任的完成情况是裁判中的重要部分) “雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。The critical difference最关键的区别IIIYou should:Encourage your students to use the policy debate. Help them to practice it.(鼓励你的学生使用政策式辩论,帮助他们练习)TCD The sentence of

15、 Debate Topic is the only core of the debate. You cannot prove the sentence by constructing a model which contains specific details such as time, place and policy measures. You should interpret and prove the exact sentence itself . In other words, basically no policy debate*, only principle.(辩题句子本身是

16、辩论的唯一核心。不能通过建构一个包含时间地点政策手段等细节的具体化模型来论证辩题,应该解释和论证辩题原句本身。换言之,基本上没有政策式辩论,只有原则式辩论)BPBoth policy and principle is OK. You can prove the topic by constructing a model.(政策辩论和原则辩论都是可行的。可以通过建构一个模型来论证辩题)*Although there are more and more TCD debate topic about policy now, but still you cannot narrow down the t

17、opic by constructing a model. 虽然现在有越来越多的政策性辩题,但通过建立具体模型来窄化辩题的做法依然是不允许的。“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Other differencesTCDBPNo POI(没有POI)POI(有POI)Any one can challenge the definition any time in the debate.(任何辩手可以在任何辩论阶段挑战对方定义) Only the Leader of t

18、he Opposition may challenge the definition in his/her speech.(仅反对党领袖可以在他/她的发言时间里挑战定义) Sensational speech is considered to be important in usually in Closing speech.(煽情在结辩陈词中常被认为是很重要的)Sensational speech is not necessarily in any speech.(煽情在任何陈词中都不是必须的)“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管

19、理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。How to teach BP Debate in the Chinese context如何在中文语境下教授英国议会制辩论Encourage the students* to utilize the advantages they have learned in Chinese language.(鼓励学生运用中文语言能力之所长)Help them to master BP Format better.(帮助学生更好地把握BP制的特点)*Non-English major students which will debate

20、 BP in mandarin. Some of them may have already been TCD debater. 本文所称学生指非英语专业的参加中文BP辩论的学生。他们中的一些人或许已是华语辩论辩手。“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Encourage the students to utilize the advantages they have learned in Chinese language鼓励学生运用中文语言能力之所长They may

21、 have learned他们或许学过:Basic laws of formal logic(形式逻辑基本原理)Public speaking skills (公共演讲技巧)Evidence & Academic knowledge(证据与知识储备)Writing & Rhetoric(写作与修辞)“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Help them to master BP Format better帮助学生更好地把握BP制的特点Pay attention to

22、 the difference.(注意两种辩论的差别)If you cant explain it in Chinese, try demonstration . (无法用中文解释则尝试演示)If its possible, put English debaters and Mandarin debaters practice together.(如果可能,让中英文辩手一起练习)Practice makes perfect(熟能生巧)“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Thank you! 谢谢!



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