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1、A taste of English humourBook 4 Unit 3晨背佳作积累素材话题词汇1.admire v.钦佩;赞美钦佩;赞美2.positive adj.积极的积极的3.entertain v.娱乐;招待娱乐;招待4.humour n.幽默;滑稽幽默;滑稽5.perform v.表演,行动表演,行动6.applaud v.鼓掌欢迎鼓掌欢迎7.recreation n.娱乐;消遣娱乐;消遣8.relax v.(使使)放松,轻松放松,轻松9.burst into laughter突然大笑起来突然大笑起来10.be content with对对满意满意话题佳作假假设设你你是是吴吴刚

2、刚,喜喜欢欢学学习习英英语语,在在学学习习的的过过程程中中发发现现自自己己看看不不懂懂一一些些英英语语笑笑话话,请请根根据据以以下下要要点点给给某某英英文文报报刊刊编编辑辑写写一一封封信信就就这这一一问问题进行咨询。题进行咨询。要点:要点:1.我是个英语爱好者,英语成绩还不错;我是个英语爱好者,英语成绩还不错;2.不能理解英语杂志上小笑话的幽默之处;不能理解英语杂志上小笑话的幽默之处; 3.向编辑咨询出现这种现象的原因并寻求改进建议。向编辑咨询出现这种现象的原因并寻求改进建议。佳作欣赏Dear editor,I am Wu Gang,a senior high school student,w

3、ho loves English very much,and I am writing to ask you for help.I have been learning English hard for about six years and my English teacher often praises me for my excellent performance. However,I am very puzzled when I cant understand some jokes at all in some English magazines such as Readers Dig

4、est,although I know all the words. Could you please tell me the reason why I cant take in the humor in the jokes? Maybe you can give me some suggestions on how to change the situation.Best wishes to you! I am looking forward to receiving your letter. Sincerely yours,Wu Gang名师点睛本本文文思思路路清清晰晰,三三个个要要点点非

5、非常常明明确确,每每个个条条理理都都很很分分明明。文文中中词词汇汇丰丰富富,如如高高级级词词汇汇puzzled,situation,such as等等;文文章章句句式式多多变变,成成功功地地使使用用了了时时间间状状语语从从句句when I cant understand some jokes at all in some English magazines.及及让让步步状状语语从从句句,although I know all the words等等。文文章章的的另另一一个个亮亮点点是是过过渡渡性性词词语语使使用用得得非非常常成成功功,如如however,although,when,maybe等

6、。等。基础排查点拨要点语篇训练提升能力内容索引教材升华综合运用基础排查点拨要点A. .写作必记单词写作必记单词1.content adj.满足的;满意的;满足的;满意的; n.满足;满足; vt.使满足使满足 (1)be/feel content 对对满足满足/满意满意 ones hearts content心满意足地;尽情地心满意足地;尽情地 (2)But he is not content simply (record) these voices before they disappear without record.(2014新课标全国新课标全国) (3)He was content

7、with one piece of cake.(同义句转换同义句转换) He one piece of cake.重点单词重点单词1withtotorecord contented himself with(1)形形容容词词content只只用用作作表表语语,不不作作定定语语,若若要要加加强强语语气气,可可在在content前加前加quite,perfectly,well等修饰词。等修饰词。(2)content作作“目录目录”解时,总是用复数形式。解时,总是用复数形式。用法点拨用法点拨2.entertain vt. & vi.使欢乐;款待使欢乐;款待 (1)entertain sb. .招待某

8、人招待某人 (2)Such games are (entertain) and fun. (3)Too often it is viewed as mere (entertain),but certainly not an education priority.3.overcome vt. & vi.战胜;克服战胜;克服 (1)be overcome by 被被(感情等感情等)压倒;受不了压倒;受不了 (2)I was overcome by that thought. 我受不了那种想法。我受不了那种想法。toentertainingentertainment4.convince vt.使信服

9、使信服 (1) adj.确信的;坚信不移的确信的;坚信不移的 adj.令人信服的令人信服的 (2)convince sb. sth.使某人相信某事使某人相信某事 convince sb. sth.说服某人做某事说服某人做某事 (3)I said in an adolescent voice that was not very (convince). (4) (convince) of its truth,he felt pleased.convincedconvincingofto doconvincingConvinced5.direct vt. & vi.导演;指示;指挥;导演;指示;指挥

10、; adj.直的;直接的;直率的直的;直接的;直率的 (1)The general directed that an advance (make) the next morning. (2) the direction of his teacher,his study has improved a lot.(填介词填介词) (3)When the police arrived,the crowd scattered all directions.(填介词填介词) (4)I went home (direct) I had finished work.(1)direct后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,

11、即谓语动词要用后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词要用(should) do。(2)directly可用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为可用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“一一就就”。用法点拨用法点拨(should) be madeUnderindirectly6.occasion n.时刻;场合时刻;场合 (1) occasion偶尔,有时偶尔,有时 (2)用适当的关系词填空用适当的关系词填空 I can remember very few occasions he had to ask for leave because of ill health. Its a happy occasion

12、 people feast on tasty mooncakes. (3)We (occasion) meet for a drink after work.onwhenwhereoccasionallyoccasion作作先先行行词词,其其后后跟跟定定语语从从句句时时,如如果果引引导导词词在在定定语语从从句句中中作作状状语语表表示示“时时刻刻”时时,应应用用关关系系副副词词when;表表示示“场场合合”时时,则应用关系副词则应用关系副词where。用法点拨用法点拨7.whisper n.耳语;低语;耳语;低语; vt. & vi.低语;小声说低语;小声说 (1) a whisper whis

13、pers 低声地低声地 (2)It is whispered that he is heavily in debt.(同义句转换同义句转换) heavily in debt.8.react vi.作出反应;回应作出反应;回应 (1)react 对对作出反应作出反应 (2)Moreover,I can find out whether my (react) to an event are reasonable enough by reading about those of others on the Internet. (2016江苏江苏)ininHe is whispered to beto

14、reactionsB.阅读识记单词阅读识记单词9.humour n. humorous adj.humour有有两两种种拼拼写写形形式式:humor,humour,但但其其形形容容词词只只有有一一种种形式:形式:humorous。用法点拨用法点拨幽默;滑稽幽默;滑稽幽默的幽默的10.performer n. perform v._ performance n.perform作作“演演奏奏”时时,可可及及物物或或不不及及物物,注注意意区区别别:若若指指演演奏奏乐乐曲曲,及及物物;若若指指演演奏奏乐乐器器,不不及及物物。They are performing his piano concerto

15、tonight. He will be performing at/on the piano.用法点拨用法点拨表演者;演出者表演者;演出者表演表演表演表演11.astonish vt. astonishing adj._ astonished adj.12.fortunate adj. I was fortunate to have a good teacher.(同义句转换同义句转换) I had a good teacher.13.ordinary adj.使惊诧使惊诧令人感到惊讶的令人感到惊讶的吃惊的吃惊的幸运的;吉利的幸运的;吉利的It was fortunate that平常的;普通

16、的平常的;普通的14.bored adj._ (1)be bored 对对厌倦厌倦 (2)He was a (bore) child. (3)Several years ago,I read some chapters from Harry Potter to my (bore) and noisy children.(2015重庆重庆)15.throughout prep. adv.16.homeless adj.厌烦的厌烦的withboringbored遍及;贯穿遍及;贯穿到处;始终;全部到处;始终;全部无家的;无家可归的无家的;无家可归的17.worn adj. worn 磨破的;耗尽的

17、磨破的;耗尽的18.failure n._ (1)end failure以失败结束以失败结束 (2)His failure (react) quickly enough caused the crash.failure表表示示抽抽象象意意义义的的“失失败败”时时,不不可可数数;表表示示具具体体意意义义的的“失失败的人或事败的人或事”时,可数。时,可数。用法点拨用法点拨用旧的;用坏的;破烂的用旧的;用坏的;破烂的out失败失败(者者)into react19.chew vt. & vi._20.outstanding adj._21.gesture n. vi._ gesture用手势用手势22

18、.particular adj._ n. particular 特别地特别地 be particular 对对挑剔挑剔嚼碎;咀嚼嚼碎;咀嚼(食物食物)突出的;杰出的;显著的突出的;杰出的;显著的姿态;手势姿态;手势做手势做手势by特殊的;特别的特殊的;特别的细节;细目细节;细目inabout23.budget n.24.slide vt. & vi._ n._25.amuse vt. amusing adj. amused adj._ amusement n._26.detective n._预算;开支预算;开支 (使使)滑动;滑动;(使使)滑行滑行滑;滑动;幻灯片滑;滑动;幻灯片使发笑;使愉

19、快使发笑;使愉快好笑的;有趣的好笑的;有趣的感觉好笑的感觉好笑的娱乐;乐趣娱乐;乐趣侦探侦探27.mess n. (1)messy adj. (2) a mess乱七八糟乱七八糟脏或乱的状态脏或乱的状态凌乱的;散乱的凌乱的;散乱的in1. 直到现在直到现在 Up to now,the program (save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died.高频短语高频短语2up to now常与现在完成时连用。常与现在完成时连用。用法点拨用法点拨up to nowhas saved2. 穷的;缺少的穷的;缺少的 off富的富的 of

20、f境况更差境况更差3. 挑出;辨别出挑出;辨别出4. 切断;断绝切断;断绝 When their children lived far away from them,these old people felt cut off from the world. 当孩子们住得离他们很远时,这些老人们感觉是与外界隔离了。当孩子们住得离他们很远时,这些老人们感觉是与外界隔离了。 (2016浙江浙江)5. 在在担任主角;主演担任主角;主演badly offwellworsepick outcut offstar in1. ,“Laughter is the sun that drives winter f

21、rom the human face”,and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin. 维克多维克多雨果曾经说过:雨果曾经说过:“笑容如阳光,驱赶人们脸上的冬天。笑容如阳光,驱赶人们脸上的冬天。”关关于于 这一点,直到今天也没有人能比查理这一点,直到今天也没有人能比查理卓别林做得更好。卓别林做得更好。经典句式经典句式3As Victor Hugo once saidas引导定语从句:引导定语从句:(1)as引导限制性定语从句,先行词前边有引导限制性定语从句,先行词前边有such,as,so,t

22、he same修饰。修饰。(2)as引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句的内容,在从句中作主语或宾语。引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句的内容,在从句中作主语或宾语。用法点拨用法点拨2.Instead he and another man are hiding in a small hut during a snowstorm . 他和另一个人反而被暴风雪困在一个小窝棚中,没有任何东西可吃。他和另一个人反而被暴风雪困在一个小窝棚中,没有任何东西可吃。3.Then he picks out the lace of the shoe and eats it . 然后他挑出鞋带来吃,像是吃意大利面条一样。然后

23、他挑出鞋带来吃,像是吃意大利面条一样。with nothing to eatas if it were spaghetti(1)as if/though可引导表语从句和状语从句。若表示与现在事实相反的假可引导表语从句和状语从句。若表示与现在事实相反的假设,从句谓语动词用过去时;若表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句谓语动设,从句谓语动词用过去时;若表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句谓语动词用过去完成时;若表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用词用过去完成时;若表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“would/could/might动词原形动词原形”。Jackie looks after his younger sis

24、ter as if he (be) an adult.That was the first time he had been to Hong Kong,but he talked about it as if he (be) there before.(2)如果如果as if/though引导的从句所表示的内容与事实相符,则使用陈述语气。引导的从句所表示的内容与事实相符,则使用陈述语气。用法点拨用法点拨werehad been(3)as if/though引引导导的的从从句句可可用用省省略略形形式式,后后面面直直接接跟跟名名词词、不不定定式式、形容词、介词短语或分词。形容词、介词短语或分词。T

25、he patient opened his mouth as if (say) something.to say4.I observed him directing in it. 我发现他在里面既导演又表演。我发现他在里面既导演又表演。as well as acting教材升华综合运用.教材与语法填空教材与语法填空As 1._ outstanding humourous actor, Charlie Chaplin brightened the lives of Americans and British during the period of 2._(silence) films.He m

26、ade people laugh at a time when they felt depressed,so they could feel more content 3. their lives.His charming character,the little tramp,was wellknown all over the world. It was a poor and 4._(home) person wearing large trousers,wornout shoes 5. a small round black hat, and 6._(carry) a walking st

27、ick. Social failure as the little tramp was,ansilentwithhomelessandcarryinghe was loved by all the people for his optimism and determination 7._(overcome) all difficulties and being kind to others when they were unkind to him.In the famous film The Gold Rush,Chaplin 8._(manage) to make the sad situa

28、tioneating a boiled shoe 9._(entertain) by using nonverbal humour.Such is Charlie Chaplin,loved and remembered as a great actor 10._ could inspire people with great confidence. to overcomemanagedentertainingwho.教材与短文改错教材与短文改错Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went camp in a mountainous area. Look up

29、at the stars,Sherlock Holmes whispered,“Watson,when you look at that beautifully sky,what do you think of?”Watson replied to,“I think of how short life and how long the universe has lasted.”“”“No,no,Watson!”Holmes said.“What do you really think of?” ” campingLookingbeautifulis Watson tried again.“I

30、think we are much smaller comparing with the sky.”“”“Try again,Watson!”said Holmes.Watson tried the third time.“I think of how cold the universe is and how warm people can be on their beds.”Holmes joking said,“Watson,you should be thinking that someone has stole our tent!” ” injokinglystolencompared


32、成篇(将以上句子连成一篇将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文词左右的英语短文) Sometimes,we see some failures who are never content with society and never think of overcoming difficulties.Some of them are depressed and cut off from the world.Some are so badly off that they become homeless.We should convince them that life is wonderful.语

33、篇训练提升能力. 阅读理解. 七选五. 完形填空. 阅读理解(2017内蒙古杭锦后旗奋斗中学摸底考试内蒙古杭锦后旗奋斗中学摸底考试)Before I studied psychology,I used to think that people would laugh when funny things occurred. While I was right about that,I discovered there are lots of other psychological factors that make people laugh other than the funny part o

34、f a joke. When someone laughs at a joke,there will usually be more than one reason that makes him laughand the more reasons there are,the more powerful the joke will be.I was attending a standup comedy show in Egypt,and when the man started to make fun of pedestrians crossing streets,everyone laughe

35、d their hearts out. The main reason those people strongly laughed was that almost all of them felt angry towards pedestrians who crossed streets carelessly. The joke wasnt only funny,it also made the audience feel that they were right about being angry at those pedestrians. That is,people were laugh

36、ing both because of the funny joke and because of the happiness experienced as a result of the psychological support they got.The better a joke makes a person feel,and the more it includes other psychological factors,the more the person will like it. For example,if you envy one of your friends,and s

37、omeone tells a joke that is funny and,at the same time,makes your friend seem stupid,then you will probably laugh at it louder than if you werent jealous of him.In short,we dont laugh only when we hear something funny;we also laugh when we experience some kind of happiness that results from the othe

38、r psychological factors involved in the joke. I strongly discourage making fun of a n y o n e o r be l i t t l i ng s o m e o n e t o m a k e s o m e o n e e l s e l a u g h .All I want to explain is that if your joke supports a persons emotions,he will certainly like it a lot.1.What did the author

39、find out after studying psychology?A.Only good jokes make people laugh.B.Many factors lead to people laughing.C.Funny things can make people laugh.D.Laughter can make people healthy.细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第一一段段第第二二句句“While I was right about that,I discovered there are lots of other psychological factors th

40、at make people laugh other than the funny part of a joke.”可可知知作作者者发发现现有有很很多多因素导致人们发笑,故因素导致人们发笑,故B项正确。项正确。答案解析12342.Why did the audience laugh loud at the pedestrians?A.They played a trick on the pedestrians.B.The pedestrians behaved in a funny way.C.They could feel the pedestrians happiness.D.Their

41、emotion was approved of by the show.细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第二二段段最最后后一一句句“That is,people were laughing both because of the funny joke and because of the happiness experienced as a result of the psychological support they got.”可可知知人人们在感到好笑的同时,也体会到自己被认同,故答案选们在感到好笑的同时,也体会到自己被认同,故答案选D。答案解析12343.What does the un

42、derlined word “belittling” probably mean?A.Annoy. B.Blame.C.Look down on. D.Make up to.词词义义猜猜测测题题。根根据据前前面面making fun of(取取笑笑)可可知知此此处处为为贬贬义义词词。故故选选C。look down on瞧不起。瞧不起。答案解析1234A. B. C. D.4.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?篇篇章章结结构构题题。通通读读全全文文可可知知,本本文文第第一一段段引引出出话话题题,第第二二、

43、三三段段进进行行举例阐述,最后一段进行总结,故答案举例阐述,最后一段进行总结,故答案B正确。正确。答案解析1234. 七选五(2016江西红色七校联考江西红色七校联考)The Benefits of Keeping a JournalIf you want to grow,one important thing you should do is keeping a journal. It may seem simple,but it can make a big difference in your life. I have been keeping journals for years. W

44、riting all the lessons I learn and all the ideas I get has become a habit for me. 1 Here are some benefits you will get by keeping a journal.答案解析F And to be honest,I cant imagine what my life would be like without it.根根据据上上一一句句可可知知写写日日记记已已成成了了我我的的一一种种习习惯惯,所所以以我我无无法法想想象象没没有有它它我我的的生生活活会怎样,故选会怎样,故选F。It

45、 prevents you from losing an idea. Have you ever gotten an idea only to lose it later because you didnt write it down? 2 But then I developed the habit of writing down every idea that came into my mind as soon as possible. If Im away from my computer,I usually write it down on a piece of paper that

46、I bring wherever I go. I will then transfer the idea to the journal in my computer.答案解析A I often experienced that myself.根根据据下下一一句句“But then I developed the habit of writing down every idea that came into my mind as soon as possible.”可可知知,我我曾曾经经有有过过这这样样的的经经历历,有有了了一一个个主主意意却却没没有有写写下下来来,后后来来忘忘记记了了。从从此此

47、以以后后,我我就就养养成了写日记的习惯,故选成了写日记的习惯,故选A。It helps you review all the lessons youve learned. By reviewing your journal,you can quickly see the lessons youve learned and the ideas youve gotten. 3 You can use the ideas to propel(鞭鞭策策) yourself forward.答案解析G Then you can do whatever necessary to avoid repeati

48、ng the same mistakes.根根据据本本段段第第一一句句“It helps you review all the lessons youve learned.”可可知知,写写日日记记可可以以帮帮助助我我们们克克服服自自己己以以前前曾曾经经遇遇见见的的错错误误,不不要要再再犯犯,G项符合上下文的语义串联,故选项符合上下文的语义串联,故选G。 4 After keeping a journal for years,you can look back at it and see how far youve gone. Things that were big problems in t

49、he past might seem small today. The raw ideas you had in the past might have been realized today.C It allows you to see your progress over time.答案解析根根据据下下句句“After keeping a journal for years,you can look back at it and see how far youve gone.”可可知知,写写日日记记可可以以让让我我们们回回顾顾过过去去,展展望望未来,故未来,故C项内容正确。项内容正确。It

50、 helps you expand your ideas. When you try to come up with a sentence to express an idea,you are thinking actively about it. 5 In the end,you will expand your ideas.A.I often experienced that myself.B. It trains you to express your thoughts.C. It allows you to see your progress over time.D. Just use

51、 whatever tool you feel comfortable with.E. Thinking actively helps you connect your idea to another idea.F. And to be honest,I cant imagine what my life would be like without it.G. Then you can do whatever necessary to avoid repeating the same mistakes.E Thinking actively helps you connect your ide

52、a to another idea.答案解析. 完形填空(2016山东单县五中月考山东单县五中月考)In the fourth grade,I discovered my one true loveacting.It is not only fun,but it 1 me teamwork and empathy,things I think the world should have more of.1.A.learns B.teaches C.directs D.explainslearn学学习习;teach教教;direct指指导导;explain解解释释。句句意意为为:它它不不仅仅有有

53、趣趣,而而且且它它教教给给我我团队合作和同情。故选团队合作和同情。故选B。答案解析However,I never expected that acting would also teach me to 2 !2.A.kiss B.hug C.bow D.praykiss 吻吻;hug 拥拥抱抱;bow 鞠鞠躬躬;pray祈祈祷祷。句句意意为为:然然而而,我我从从来来没没有有预预料料到到表表演演也也教教给给我我亲亲 吻吻 。 根根 据据 第第 四四 段段 中中 的的“because Frankenstein and Elizabeth had to kiss in the play a lot

54、”及及下下文文中中多多次次出出现现kiss一词可知,选一词可知,选A。答案解析In the first semester of my freshman year of high school,my school 3 the play Frankenstein.3.A.prepared for B.made out C.put on D.took upprepare for 为为做做准准备备;make out理理解解,辨辨认认出出;put on上上演演,穿穿上上,戴戴上上;take up从从事事,拿拿起起。句句意意为为:我我校校上上演演了了弗弗兰兰肯肯斯斯坦坦这这部部戏戏。故选故选C。答案解析I

55、ts about a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who creates a monster,and 4 the monster destroys the scientists life.4.A.when B.where C.whether D.how句句意意为为:这这部部戏戏是是关关于于一一位位名名叫叫维维克克多多弗弗兰兰肯肯斯斯坦坦的的科科学学家家创创造造了了一一个个怪怪物物,以以及及这这个个怪怪物物是是怎怎样样毁毁掉掉科科学学家家的的生生活活的的。故选故选D。答案解析I got the lead female 5 of Frankenstein

56、s girlfriend,Elizabeth.5.A.star B.role C.maid D.keeperstar 星星星星;role 角角色色;maid女女佣佣;keeper监监护护人人,管管理理人人。句句意意为为:我我得得到到弗弗兰兰肯肯斯斯坦坦的的女女朋朋友友,伊伊丽丽莎莎白白这这个个女女主主角角的角色。故选的角色。故选B。答案解析I had been in plays before,so I was very 6 to the rehearsal(排排练练) process of memorizing lines and then 7 a character with help fr

57、om the director.6.A.used B.addicted C.related D.devoted句句意意为为:我我习习惯惯了了记记台台词词的的排排练练过过程程。addicted 沉沉迷迷的的;related 相相关关的的;devoted献献身身的的,忠忠诚诚的的。be used to习习惯惯某某事事或或习习惯惯做做某某事事,符符合语境。故选合语境。故选A。答案解析I had been in plays before,so I was very 6 to the rehearsal(排排练练) process of memorizing lines and then 7 a cha

58、racter with help from the director.7.A.imagining B.convincing C.developing D.revisingimagine想想象象;convince使使相相信信,使使明明白白;develop发发展展;revise校校正正。句句意意为为:我我习习惯惯了了记记台台词词的的排排练练过过程程,然然后后在在导导演演的的帮帮助助下下发发展展一一个个角色。故选角色。故选C。答案解析But this play was different from 8 one I had ever done before,because Frankenstein a

59、nd Elizabeth had to kiss in the play a lot.8.A.each B.no C.some D.any句句意意为为:这这出出戏戏不不同同于于我我以以前前演的任何一部戏。故选演的任何一部戏。故选D。答案解析The boy who 9 Frankenstein was very cute,I must say.9.A.played B.served C.created D.replacedplay扮扮演演,玩玩;serve服服务务;create创创造造;replace代代替替。句句意意为为:扮扮演演弗弗兰兰肯肯斯斯坦坦的的男男孩孩是可爱的。故选是可爱的。故选A。

60、答案解析There was a(n) 10 in which our characters shared “15 kisses”.10.A.space B.part C.area D.intervalspace 空空间间;part部部分分;area地地区区;interval间间隔隔,间间距距,幕幕间间休休息息。句句意意为为:有有一一个个片片段段我们的角色要吻我们的角色要吻15次。故选次。故选B。答案解析 11 ,the director removed it. But there were still some kissing scenes.11.A.Eventually B.Surprisi

61、ngly C.Fortunately D.Regrettablyeventually最最 后后 ; surprisingly令令人人惊惊讶讶的的是是;fortunately幸幸运运的的是是;regrettably遗遗憾憾地地。句句意意为为:幸幸运运的的是是,导导演演把把这这个片段删除了。故选个片段删除了。故选C。答案解析Would we 12 to kiss,or would we actually kiss?Our director 13 having us kiss for real,and for the first few times,it was very 14 . My lips

62、barely touched the boys. Many of the other actors and actresses laughed at us.12.A.intend B.mean C.try D.pretendintend 打打算算;mean 意意思思是是;try 尝尝试试;pretend假假装装。句句意意为为:我我们们将将假装在接吻还是真的接吻呢?假装在接吻还是真的接吻呢?答案解析Would we 12 to kiss,or would we actually kiss?Our director 13 having us kiss for real,and for the fi

63、rst few times,it was very 14 . My lips barely touched the boys. Many of the other actors and actresses laughed at us.13.A.applied to B.ended up C.objected to D.gave upapply to应应用用于于;end up 以以结结束束,最最后后,结结束束;object to 反反对对;give up放放弃弃。句句意意为为:我我们们的的导导演演以让我们真吻而结束。故选以让我们真吻而结束。故选B。答案解析Would we 12 to kiss,

64、or would we actually kiss?Our director 13 having us kiss for real,and for the first few times,it was very 14 . My lips barely touched the boys. Many of the other actors and actresses laughed at us.14.A.fierce B.romantic C.awkward D.pitifulfierce 凶凶猛猛的的;romantic浪浪漫漫的的;awkward尴尴尬尬的的,笨笨拙拙的的;pitiful可可怜怜

65、的的,令令人人同同情情的的。根根据据后后两两句句“My lips barely touched the boys. Many of the other actors and actresses laughed at us.”可可知知这这是是一一件尴尬的事。故选件尴尬的事。故选C。答案解析 15 , one thing about stage kissing that you have to understand is that you are not being yourself.15.A.However B.Therefore C.Meanwhile D.Otherwisehowever然然

66、而而;therefore 因因此此;meanwhile 与与 此此 同同 时时 ;otherwise要要不不然然的的话话。句句意意为为:然然而而,关关于于舞舞台台上上不不得得不不接接吻吻的的事事情情,你你要要明明白白的的是是:你你不不再是你自己。故选再是你自己。故选A。答案解析That goes for any 16 .16.A.behaving B.acting C.touching D.movingbehaving表表现现;acting表表演演,行行动动;touching触触摸摸;moving移移动动。句句意意为为:每每一一个个表表演演都都是是如此。故选如此。故选B。答案解析After t

67、hat experience,I feel like I can 17 any role. It was a big event in my 18 toward becoming a better actress.17.A.change B.design C.handle D.assesschange改改变变;design 设设计计;handle 处处理理;assess评评估估。句句意意为为:经经历历了了那那次次演演出出之之后后,我我感感觉觉我我能能应应对对任任何何一一个个角角色色。故选故选C。答案解析After that experience,I feel like I can 17 any

68、 role. It was a big event in my 18 toward becoming a better actress.18.A.way B.journey C.tour D.tripway 方方法法;journey旅旅行行,行行程程;tour 观观光光,游游览览;trip旅旅行行。句句意意为为:在在我我变变成成一一名名更更好好的的女女演演员员的的旅旅程程中中这这是是一一个个大事件。故选大事件。故选B。答案解析I feel more 19 being on stage and showing my characters personality to the 20 .And th

69、at is important for getting the message of a play across.19.A.comfortable B.practical C.optimistic D.hopefulcomfortable 舒舒适适的的;practical 切切合合实实际际的的;optimistic 乐乐观观的的;hopeful充充满满希希望望的的。句句意意为为:在在舞舞台台上上向向观观众众展展示示我我所所扮扮演演的的角角色色的的个个性性时时,我我感感到到更舒适。故选更舒适。故选A。答案解析I feel more 19 being on stage and showing my

70、 characters personality to the 20 .And that is important for getting the message of a play across.20.A.readers B.actresses C.actors D.audiencesreader读读者者;actress女女演演员员;actor演演员员;audience观观众众。句句意意为为:向向观观众众展展示示我我所所扮扮演演的的角角色色的的个个性性。故故选选D。答案解析 以上语篇训练之素材提炼再拓展.词汇拓展词汇拓展1.jealous adj.妒忌的;羡慕的妒忌的;羡慕的 She is j

71、ealous his success. 她忌妒他的成功。她忌妒他的成功。表示表示“对对忌妒忌妒(羡慕羡慕)”时,其后习惯上接介词时,其后习惯上接介词of。用法点拨用法点拨of(1)“不不要要气气馁馁”译译成成英英语语不不是是“Dont discourage.”,而而是是“Dont be discouraged.”。(2)阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事discourage sb. from doing sth.2.discourage v.劝阻;使气馁;使沮丧劝阻;使气馁;使沮丧 (1) adj.(感到感到)气馁的;沮丧的气馁的;沮丧的 adj.令人沮丧的令人沮丧的 (2)Today,Lucy w

72、ants to see if African honeybees might discourage elephants eating crops.(填介词填介词)(2014安徽安徽) (3)We discourage (smoke) in this school.用法点拨用法点拨discourageddiscouragingfromsmoking3.process n.过程;工序过程;工序 vt.处理;加工处理;加工 the process of 在在的过程中的过程中4.cute adj.漂亮的;机灵的;精明的漂亮的;机灵的;精明的5.more than one不止一个不止一个more tha

73、n one后后跟跟单单数数名名词词,作作主主语语时时谓谓语语动动词词用用单单数数形形式式。More than one book is on the desk.桌子上不止一本书。桌子上不止一本书。用法点拨用法点拨in.句式升级句式升级1.All I want to explain is that if your joke supports a persons emotions,he will certainly like it a lot. (将划线部分改写为将划线部分改写为what引导的主语从句引导的主语从句) is that if your joke supports a persons e

74、motions,he will certainly like it a lot.What I want to explain2.Writing all the lessons I learn and all the ideas I get has become a habit for me. (用用it作形式主语改写作形式主语改写) _ 3.But then I developed the habit of writing down every idea that came into my mind as soon as possible. (用非谓语形式改写划线部分用非谓语形式改写划线部分)

75、 But then I developed the habit of writing down every idea_ .It has become a habit for me to write all the lessons I learn and all the ideas I ing intomy mind as soon as possible4.By reviewing your journal,you can quickly see the lessons youve learned and the ideas youve gotten. (改为含有条件状语从句的复合句改为含有条件状语从句的复合句) If you review your journal,you can quickly see the lessons youvelearned and the ideas youve gotten.



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