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1、小学英语优秀教案模板【篇一:小学英语说课模板(全英文)】小学英语说课稿例小学英语说课稿例 background of english teaching in primary school background of english teaching in primary school it is not a long history that english is as a subject in primary it is not a long history that english is as a subject in primaryschool in our country and th

2、e main instructional aims ofschool in our country and the main instructional aims ofteaching english in primary school is to cultivate pupils basicteaching english in primary school is to cultivate pupils basicabilities of their listening and speaking and their good sense ofabilities of their listen

3、ing and speaking and their good sense ofthe english language. our boys and girls are exposed tothe english language. our boys and girls are exposed toenglish for the first time, so it is very important to develop theirenglish for the first time, so it is very important to develop theirkeen interest

4、in english.keen interest in english. i. contents: i. contents:today im going to talk about part b of unit 2, pep primarytoday im going to talk about part b of unit 2, pep primaryenglish, book 3. this lesson inenglish, book 3. this lesson includes two parts: lets talk andcludes two parts: lets talk a

5、ndlets practice. in section 1, it mainly deals with the dialoguelets practice. in section 1, it mainly deals with the dialogueabout “whats in the schoolbag?” and the answers. and inabout “whats in the schoolbag?” and the answers. and insection 2, it provides a real situation for the ss to prastise t

6、hesection 2, it provides a real situation for the ss to prastise thepattern: how many +n.(pl.)+ do you have? and the answer: ipattern: how many +n.(pl.)+ do you have? and the answer: ihave 23 +n.(pl.)have 23 +n.(pl.) ii. teaching aims ii. teaching aims 1. aims on the knowledge 1. aims on the knowled

7、ge(1) to enable the ss to understand and speak: “my schoolbag(1) to enable the ss to understand and speak: “my schoolbagis heavy. whats in it? thank you so much.” make sure that ssis heavy. whats in it? thank you so much.” make sure that sscan use these sentences in real situations.can use these sen

8、tences in real situations. (2) to help ss to finish the survey. (2) to help ss to finish the survey.(3) let ss finish the assessment of “lets check” in this unit. 2.(3) let ss finish the assessment of “lets check” in this unit. 2.aims on the abilitiesaims on the abilities(3) to foster ss abilities o

9、f communication and their(3) to foster ss abilities of communication and theirinnovation. 3. aims on the emotioninnovation. 3. aims on the emotion(1) to foster ss consciousne(1) to foster ss consciousness of good co-operation andss of good co-operation andproper competition.proper competition. (2) t

10、o lead ss to show their loveliness to the poor. (2) to lead ss to show their loveliness to the poor. iii. key-points of this lesson iii. key-points of this lesson(1)to help ss ask and answer the question: whats in it? (2)to(1)to help ss ask and answer the question: whats in it? (2)toenable ss to stu

11、dy in groups and co-operate skillfully. (3)toenable ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully. (3)todevelop ss interest in english.develop ss interest in english. iv. difficult points iv. difficult points(1) to help the ss ask and answer the question “whats in it?”(1) to help the ss ask and an

12、swer the question “whats in it?”and make sure they can use the plural nouns correctly. (2) toand make sure they can use the plural nouns correctly. (2) tofinish the survey by themselves.finish the survey by themselves. v. teaching methods v. teaching methods as we all know: the main instructional ai

13、ms of learning english as we all know: the main instructional aims of learning englishin primary school is to cultivate pupils basic abilities ofin primary school is to cultivate pupils basic abilities oflistening and speaking and their good sense of the englishlistening and speaking and their good

14、sense of the englishlanguage. so in this lesson ill mainly use “tasklanguage. so in this lesson ill mainly use “task- -based”based”teaching method. that is to say, i will let the ss learn in realteaching method. that is to say, i will let the ss learn in realsituations, finish a task by making a sur

15、vey to help the ss tosituations, finish a task by making a survey to help the ss toget a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue.get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue.i will arrange four kinds of activities: singing, guessing game,i will arrange four kinds

16、 of activities: singing, guessing game,finishing a survey and having a competition. and in this lessonfinishing a survey and having a competition. and in this lessona recorder, cai, school things and a printed form will be needed.a recorder, cai, school things and a printed form will be needed.stude

17、nts should prepare some school things.students should prepare some school things.vi. teaching procedures and purposes of my designing illvi. teaching procedures and purposes of my designing illfinish this lesson in five steps. step 1 warm-up and previewfinish this lesson in five steps. step 1 warm-u

18、p and preview 1. free talk between t and ss about things in the classroom. 2. 1. free talk between t and ss about things in the classroom. 2.sing the song together: books and pencils.sing the song together: books and pencils. 3. do some tpr, for example: show me your english book. 3. do some tpr, fo

19、r example: show me your english book.show me your crayon.show me your crayon.4. review the numbers by asking: “how many crayons4. review the numbers by asking: “how many crayons do you do youhave?”have?” purpose: it is important to form a better english learning purpose: it is important to form a be

20、tter english learningsurrounding for the ss by singing and doing some totalsurrounding for the ss by singing and doing some totalphysical response and at the same time, it provides situationsphysical response and at the same time, it provides situationsto review learned knowledge for the next step.t

21、o review learned knowledge for the next step. step 2 presentation step 2 presentationnow ill mainly talk about this step.now ill mainly talk about this step.1. present the pattern: “my schoolbag is heavy.” “whats in1. present the pattern: “my schoolbag is heavy.” “whats init?.”it?.”(1) show a bag an

22、d say: “look! i have a bag.” carry it and say:(1) show a bag and say: “look! i have a bag.” carry it and say:“oh, it is heavy. my schoolbag is heavy.” help the ss“oh, it is heavy. my schoolbag is heavy.” help the ssunderstand the meaning with the help of my body language.understand the meaning with

23、the help of my body language.then lead the ss to read the sentence. make sure they can saythen lead the ss to read the sentence. make sure they can sayit correctly.it correctly. (2) t: my schoolbag is heavy. (2) t: my schoolbag is heavy.open the bag and say: “whats in it? whats in my schoolbag?”open

24、 the bag and say: “whats in it? whats in my schoolbag?” take out a chinese book. then do the action again. let the ss take out a chinese book. then do the action again. let the ssread the sentence.read the sentence. 2. play a guessing game. divide the whole class into four 2. play a guessing game. d

25、ivide the whole class into fourgroups to have a competition.groups to have a competition.let them guess: whats in the bag? how many?let them guess: whats in the bag? how many? purpose: to present the key structures one by one is much purpose: to present the key structures one by one is mucheasier fo

26、r the ss to learn and grasp the meanings. propereasier for the ss to learn and grasp the meanings. propercompetition can arouse the ss interest in english petition can arouse the ss interest in english learning. 3. with the help of the cai to present the dialogue. set a 3. with the help of the cai t

27、o present the dialogue. set asituation to help ss understand:situation to help ss understand: two ss are coming. one girl is carrying a heavy bag on her two ss are coming. one girl is carrying a heavy bag on herback. they are talking.back. they are talking.girl: my schoolbag is heavy. boy: whats in

28、it?girl: my schoolbag is heavy. boy: whats in it? girl: 20 story-books, 32 pencil, 9 rulers, 12 crayons and 30 girl: 20 story-books, 32 pencil, 9 rulers, 12 crayons and 30picture-books. etc.picture-books. etc. boy: what will you do? boy: what will you do? girl: they are for the poor. girl: they are

29、for the poor.boy: great! ill bring some school things too.boy: great! ill bring some school things too. the boy comes back home and puts a lot of things into the bag. the boy comes back home and puts a lot of things into the bag.then he goes tothen he goes to school again and gives them to a teacher

30、. while he is taking school again and gives them to a teacher. while he is takingthem out, he is countingthem out, he is counting the numbers of all things. the teacher says: thank you the numbers of all things. the teacher says: thank yousoooooooo much.soooooooo much. 4. mention that we should take

31、 care of the poor. 4. mention that we should take care of the poor. 5. play the cassette. let the ss listen and imitate the dialogue. 5. play the cassette. let the ss listen and imitate the dialogue.pay attention to theirpay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. pronunciation and intonati

32、on. purpose: cai can provide a real situation for the ss to purpose: cai can provide a real situation for the ss tounderstand the dialogue and the relationships between peopleunderstand the dialogue and the relationships between peoplebetter. tell the ss we should show our loveliness to the ss.bette

33、r. tell the ss we should show our loveliness to the ss. step 3 practice step 3 practice divide ss into groups of six children. each one would finish divide ss into groups of six children. each one would finishthe printed form by asking and answering: how manythe printed form by asking and answering:

34、 how manystorybooks do you have? find outstorybooks do you have? find out ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation ability of communication and also their ability of co-operationwill be well trained.will be well trained. step 4 assessment step 4 assessmenthelp ss finish “lets

35、check” of this unit and workbook.help ss finish “lets check” of this unit and workbook. purpose: to check the knowledge ss have learned in this purpose: to check the knowledge ss have learned in thisperiod.period. step 5 homework step 5 homework 1. let ss tell each other how many school things they

36、have 1. let ss tell each other how many school things they haveafter class. tell theirafter class. tell their parents how many school things they have at home. 2.take parents how many school things they have at home. 2.takecare of everything they have.care of everything they have. purpose: revision

37、is so important that ss should speak english purpose: revision is so important that ss should speak englishas much as they as in class or after class. it is necessary foras much as they as in class or after class. it is necessary forthe ss to do some extensive exercises after class tothe ss to do so

38、me extensive exercises after class toconsolidate the knowledge they learned.consolidate the knowledge they learned. vi. summing-up vi. summing-up说课稿例(小学英语)说课稿例(小学英语)good morning, ladies and gentlemen! im very glad to begood morning, ladies and gentlemen! im very glad to bestanding here.standing here

39、.各位老师!大家好!各位老师!大家好!今天很高兴能来到这里,借此平台,原与大家一起分享我的说课。今天很高兴能来到这里,借此平台,原与大家一起分享我的说课。一、一、 说教学内容说教学内容我说课的内容是科普版小学英语第一学期第十课。我说课的内容是科普版小学英语第一学期第十课。lesson 10 howlesson 10 howare you?are you? (板书)(板书) 第一课时,第一课时,lets talklets talk 中的前四个情景。本节课是中的前四个情景。本节课是对对话课,对话课是单元整体教学的重要环节。本课的重点交际用语是话课,对话课是单元整体教学的重要环节。本课的重点交际用语

40、是“how are you?”“how are you?”及其答语。及其答语。二、说教材二、说教材本节课是对话教学。通过小熊早上出去,遇见长辈一个个问好,引本节课是对话教学。通过小熊早上出去,遇见长辈一个个问好,引入话题,先短后长,不仅出现了各种答语,还复习了以前学过的问入话题,先短后长,不仅出现了各种答语,还复习了以前学过的问候语。对儿童有文明礼貌的教育意义。候语。对儿童有文明礼貌的教育意义。三、说教学目标三、说教学目标英语课程标准指出:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生英语课程标准指出:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展学树立自信

41、心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神是小学英语教学的基本任务。生自主学习的能力和合作精神是小学英语教学的基本任务。在认真分析教材的基础上在认真分析教材的基础上, ,我针对学生实际,将本课时的教学目标及我针对学生实际,将本课时的教学目标及重重, ,难点确定如下难点确定如下: : 1 1、知识目标、知识目标 1 1)使学生能认读单词:)使学生能认读单词:fine, ok, bird, pig, fox, hen 2fine, ok, bird, pig, fox, hen 2)使学生掌)使学生掌握与熟人打招呼的句型:握与熟人打招呼的句型:how are you?im fine. im ok. thank you. and you?how are you?im fine. im ok. thank you. and you? 2 2语言技能目标语言技能目标【篇二:小学英语教学设计模版】小学英语教学设计模版(供参考)小学英语教学设计模版(供参考) 8. 8.板书设计板书设计 friendlyquiet friendlyquietwhats his/her name?whats his/her name? his/her name is. his/her name is.【篇三:小学英语教学设计模板1】小学英语教学设计小学英语教学设计



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