人教版高一英语必修3Unit 3教学设计教案142459

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1、欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 1 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note 学科:English 授课班级:Senior One 执教教师: 授课时间:11/3 一、学习内容分析及学习者分析 本单元的主要内容是根据马克吐温的名著百万英镑改编而成的剧本中的几个片断。 1. Warming Up 部分提出问题,通过对马克吐温及其作品的讨论引发学生学习兴趣,使学生对马克吐温及其作品有个初浅的了解。 2. Pre-reading 部分要求学生展开想象,假如自己有了一张百万英镑的钞票会怎么做,并阐述自己对百

2、万英镑这部电影的评价。 3. Reading 部分是剧本中第一幕的第三场。富商兄弟俩打赌把一张百万英镑钞票给一个一无所有、诚实可靠的穷人,想看看会发生什么事。最后他们物色到一个穷困潦倒、流落伦敦街头的美国小伙子Henry Adams。教师可以引导学生通过戏剧情节的发展,了解、感受戏剧的语言。同时,还可利用剧本的朗诵和表演帮助学生改进语音、语调。 4. Comprehending 部分Fact or Opinion 的练习和几个形容词的填空练习旨在检测学生对事实和观点的判断,加强对部分词语在语境中的理解和运用。 5. Learning about Language 部分通过英语释义、语篇填空等形

3、式帮助学习理解掌握本单元的重点词汇,并通过先发现再简单运用的模式帮助学生了解、掌握本单元的语法项目:宾语从句和表语从句。 6. Using Language 部分中的Reading and acting 介绍了第一幕的第四场。这一场生动地讲述了衣衫褴褛的流浪汉Henry Adams 到餐馆用餐先遭冷遇,而后由于拿出了一张百万英镑的大钞又倍受关照的有趣故事。作者用诙谐的笔调讽刺了资本主义社会拜金主义者的丑陋嘴脸。 7. 在 Listening and writing 中又介绍了第五场,进一步印证了Henry Adams 诚实正直的品格。 教材重组 1. 将 Warming Up, Pre-rea

4、ding, Reading 与 Comprehending 整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。 2. 将 Learning about Language 和 Workbook 的 using words and expressions 及 using structures 整合在一起上一节“语言学习课”。 3. 将 Using Language 设计为一节包括听说读写在内的“综合技能课(一)”。 4. 将 Workbook 的 READING AND LISTENING 和 TALKING 结合在一起上一节“听说课”。 5. 将 Workbook 的 LISTENING TASK,READING A

5、ND WRITING TASK 和 SPEAKING TASK 设计为一节“综合技能课(二)”。 三、教学目标 1 、知识与技能 功 能 句 式 Request(请求) Would you please come in? Would you mind waiting just a few minutes? May I ask you how much money you have? Well, to be honest, I have none. Could you offer me some kind of work? I wonder, Mr. Adams, if you mind us

6、asking a few questions? Go right ahead. Ordering food (点餐) Id like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak. Ill have a nice long glass of beer. 词 汇 1. 四会词汇 Birthplace, novel, adventure phrase author scene wander pavement businessman permit ahead bay stare fault spot passage account embassy seek patie

7、nce contrary envelope unbelievable steak pineapple dessert amount rude manner scream genuine rag indeed bow barber 2. 认读词汇 narrator, incredible, Roderick, Oliver, nightfall, unpaid, charity, 旁注 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 2 willingness, simply, Clemens, issue, fake, boyhood, Ha

8、nnibal, Missouri, Mississippi, fathom, contest, Yale, loneliness, playwright, script 3. 固定词组 Bring up, go ahead, by accident, stare at, account for, on the contrary, take a chance, in rags, as for 4. 重点词汇 bet, make a bet, permit, go ahead, by accident, stare, account for, to be honest, jealous, in r

9、ags, indeed, even i, get into trouble 语 法 Noun clauses as the object (宾语从句) I cant say that I have any plans. .and he does not know what he should do. I did not know whether I could survive until morning. Noun clauses as the predicative (表语从句) Thats why weve given ou the letter. 2 、过程与方法 To foster t

10、he students autonomy and independence in language learning by training their learning strategies. 3 、情感、态度与价值观 To improve not only Ss linguistic competence, but also intercultural competence 四教学重点与难点 教学重点: a. How to interpret language through tone of voice and body language, gaining a greater apprec

11、iation of the various verbal and non-verbal ways in which language works. b. Discuss the questions: 1) Do you think money is everything? 2) Do you agree that only money can bring people happiness? c. Language Points bet, make a bet, permit, go ahead, by accident, stare, account for, to be honest, je

12、alous, in rags, indeed, even if, get into trouble 教学难点: Noun clauses as the predicative (表语从句) 五教学策略: Elicitation, discussion, listening, reading and pair work. 六教学环境设计: A computer, a projector and a tape recorder. 七、教学过程: Period 1 Vocabulary and Useful Expressions 学案 重点单词 1. amount 【课文原句】A rich per

13、son gives you a large amount of money to use as you like.What will you do? (P17) 【名师点拨】amount n. 通常用amount of sth,表示“数量;数额”,一般修饰不可数名词,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。如: The amount of the money that he has wasted is about $10,000。 【知识拓展】a large amount of 与 a large number of 都可表示“大量的”,但是a large amount of 修饰不可数名词;a larg

14、e number of 修饰可数名词,作主语时谓语动词用复数。 In fact, a large amount of fresh water is wasted. A large number of issues have been raised at the meeting. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 3 2. permit 【课文原句】Permit me to lead the way, sir. (P17) 【名师点拨】permit 表示“允许;许可”,是及物动词,后接名词或代词;接动词时要用动词-ing形式,即

15、permit doing sth;但其后接复合宾语时,要用 permit sb to do sth,表示“允许某人做某事”。如: The guards permitted the prisoners three hours exercise a day. We dont permit talking loudly in the reading-room. Her parents didnt permit her to go to the concert by herself. 【知识拓展】 permit 作名词时, 意为“执照; 许可证”。 permission 是其名词形式, with /

16、without sbs permission = with / without the permission of sb 表示“经过 / 未经某人允许”。如: When the police asked him why he had a gun, he took out a permit to hunt. With the teachers permission, she went home earlier than usual. 3. stare 【课文原句】His eyes stare at what is left of the brothers dinner on the table.

17、 (P18) 【名师点拨】stare 表示“盯;凝视”,是不及物动词,表示“盯着看”要用 stare at sth;stare 也可作及物动词,但只能用在固定短语中。如: The old man was staring, thinking. Do you like being stared at in public? Dont stare him in the face. He is a little nervous. 【易混辨析】stare at / glare at stare at 表示因吃惊、害怕或深思而张大眼睛看,常译作“盯着看;凝视”; glare at 表示由于气愤张大眼睛用强烈

18、的目光看,常译作“怒目而视”。如: Suddenly he saw two eyes glaring at him out of the darkness. 4. spot 【课文原句】The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.(P18) 【名师点拨】句中的 spot 是及物动词,表示“发觉; 找出”,其后可接 that 从句,也可以用 spot sth doing sth。 He spotted a friend in the street and went ove

19、r to her. No one spotted that the bank-note was fake. Neighbours spotted smoke coming out of the house. 【知识拓展】spot 还可以用作名词,表示“污点;地点”。如: How can I get rid of the spots on my clothes? This is the very spot where the accident happened. 5. patience 【课文原句】Patience, Mr Adams. (P18) 【名师点拨】 patience 表示“忍耐力;

20、 耐心”, 是不可数名词。 with patience 表示“耐心地”; have no patience with表示“对忍无可忍”。如: I will be through with it in a little while. Have a little patience. After waiting for half an hour, he was beginning to lose patience. 【知识拓展】patient 是其形容词形式,常用搭配 be patient with sb,表示“对某人有耐心”。 Tom is very naughty and his mother

21、is not patient with him. 经典短语 1. make a bet 【名师点拨】make a bet 意为“打赌”。表示“就打赌”用 make a bet on;表示“同打赌”用 make a bet with。如: Have you ever made a bet with a friend? (P17) We made a bet on the football match between Class Two and Class Three. 【知识拓展】bet 还可以作不及物动词,表示“打赌”。在口语中 I bet = I am certain我肯定。 Mr Smit

22、h spent most of his money betting on horses. I bet he will win the first prize in the English competition. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 4 2. go ahead 【名师点拨】go ahead 是英语口语中的一个常用短语,在此可根据句子的意思译为“请吧”。如: I wonder, Mr. Adams, if youd mind us asking you a few questions. Go right ahead.

23、 (P18) 【知识拓展】go ahead 还可表示“着手干;取得进展”等意思,同with 连用可表示“继续做”。如: Since our plan has been made, lets go ahead. After they settled the problem, they were going ahead fast. After a short rest, they went ahead with their experiment. 3. by accident 【名师点拨】by accident = by chance 表示“偶然地,意外地”,在句中作状语。如: As a matt

24、er of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. (P18) 4. account for 【名师点拨】account for 表示“解释,说明”,在含义上相当于explain。如: I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance. (P18) He has been asked to account for his absence. 5. even if 【名师点拨】even if=even though 表示“即使,尽管”,引导让步状

25、语从句,常指把握性不大或假设的情况,从句中要用一般现在时来表示将要发生的动作。如: It would be wrong of me not to trust a gentleman such as yourself, sir, even if you do dress in a rather usual way. (P22) 【知识拓展】as though = as if 意思为“似乎,好像”,既可以引导方式状语从句,也可引导表语从句,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气。as though / if 后面除了可以跟句子外,还可跟动词不定式、形容词、介词短语和分词。 If a pencil is pa

26、rtly put into the water it looks as if it were broken. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if to see whether he was going in the right direction. (2003 春招) 八、课后作业: Preview the reading 九、板书设计: 固定词组 Bring up, go ahead, by accident, stare at, account for, on the contrary, take a chance,

27、in rags, as for 重点词汇 bet, make a bet, permit, go ahead, by accident, stare, account for, to be honest, jealous, in rags, indeed, even if, get into trouble 十、教学反思 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 5 Period 2 The Million Pound Bank-Note ( Reading ) Mar.14 I. Analysis of Teaching Materi

28、als 1. About the content: Mark Twain is the greatest humorist of the 19th century American literature as well as a great playwright. Many of his plays are known to people all over the world, and The Million Pound Bank-Note is one of his best masterpieces. This text is just a segment of it. The play

29、is one of the most useful and interesting means by which to improve students oral English skills. Besides the format of play, other centre topic is money and wealth. To make the learning situation truer and activate the learners motivation, some authentic materials are introduced into class. It is a

30、 true and funny story about an American couple who won lottery and became millionaires luckily. II. Analysis of students Students come from key classes; however most of them ignore the reading skills and havent formed a good reading habit, but they are hardworking and eager to learn English well. Th

31、ey have gained some background knowledge about the play “The Million Pound Bank-Note” and have learnt the format of drama. They are very interested in authentic language using. II. Teaching goals: 1. Knowledge objectives The Ss are expected to understand the main idea of the play, know and identify

32、some important words and phrases, can use some sentence patterns: (1) Words and phrases: bet, make a bet, permit, go ahead, by accident, stare, account for, to be honest, jealous. (2) Patterns: Would you please come in? Would you mind waiting just a few minutes? May I ask you how much money you have

33、? -Well, to be honest, I have none. Could you offer me some kind of work? I wonder, Mr. Adams, if you mind us asking a few questions? -Go right ahead. 2.Ability objectives (1) To train the students basic reading skills: prediction, skimming, scanning, careful reading, generalization and inference. (

34、2) To improve their ability of using resource and collecting message. (3) To improve the students communicative competence. 3. Emotion objectives (1) To enable students to enjoy (or at least feel comfortable with) reading in the foreign language (Nuttall, 2002:31), and to cultivate their team spirit

35、 and self-confidence. (2) To help Ss form right attitude to money and wealth. III. Learning strategy objectives: To foster the students autonomy and independence in language learning by training their learning strategies. IV. Teaching important points (1) How to interpret language through tone of vo

36、ice and body language, gaining a greater appreciation of the various verbal and non-verbal ways in which language works. (2) problem-solving and outcome-forming in tasks. V. Teaching difficult points character analysis, expression in guess game. VI. Analysis of the Teaching strategies and methods 1.

37、 Teaching strategies 1.1. Resource strategy: computer and online resource will be used to open the Ss eyeshot 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 6 and enlarge the capacity of lesson effectively. 1.2. Communication strategy: tasks are designed to focus on learning to communicate throug

38、h interaction in target language. 1.3. Recognition strategy: the difficulty of tasks should be considered, which depends on the previous experience of the learners, their language ability and the degree of support available. 1.4. Adjustment strategy: teacher will monitor the process and modifies the

39、 tasks according to the learners performance. 2. Teaching methods In order to achieve the teaching goals above, according to the teaching strategies and analysis above, the main teaching method I will adopt is “Task-based Language Teaching Method”, and the design of these tasks will focus on the dev

40、elopment of students communicative competence through deep engagement in the tasks. Richards (1986:289) suggests that the task in task-based teaching is “an activity or action which is carried out as the result of processing or understanding language”. When engaging in the tasks, the students will i

41、mprove their skills in the management of interaction and also in negotiation of meaning (Nunan, 2000:30), which will help the Ss to get a better understanding of the target language and improve their communicative competence. The five tasks in this design are “prediction, interview, restoration, gue

42、ss game and internet resource use”. VII. Analysis of the Learning strategies This design focuses on Ss autonomy and independence in language learning (Benson, 1997), and tasks are designed to train students learning strategies, such as: Using Resources, Activating Background Knowledge, Prediction, I

43、nference, Cooperation, Organizational Planning (Chamot, 1999: 12-18). The design also focuses on Ss motivation to learn English. The success of finishing tasks will cultivate their self-confidence in using English, which in turn will increase their overall motivation to learn English. V. Teaching ta

44、sks: Task 1. Prediction (Lead-in) (1)The students close their book and appreciate a short segment of the movie “The Million Pound Bank-Note”, but it is nonverbal. While watching the movie, the students predict the text content, i.e., what the actors lines are. (2) Ss open their book and compare thei

45、r prediction with the text. Intention of task design: to activate Ss interest and they will read the text eagerly to seek some particular sentences which they focus on. Linkage with task2: So, how about your prediction? Ok, lets read the text and finish the next task. Task 2. Interview Two rich brot

46、hers Oliver and Roderick are making a bet. They will give someone a large amount of money for the sake of finding what funny things will happen. Now they are looking for such a person as must be poor, honest and hardworking. As a result, they decide to choose Henry. Do you think their choice is righ

47、t? (1) Individual work (preparation): Two newspaper reporters will interview Oliver and Roderick, now you find some sentences in the text to support their decision and fill in the form for their using. Henry was poor Well, to be honest, I have none. honest 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供

48、优质的文档! 7 hardworking (2) Group work: (4 members every group) the interview could base on these questions: (1) Why did you do that? (2) Why did you choose Henry? (3) Why do you think Henry is.? Intention of design: To “facilitate students language learning - from the simple and brief exercise type, t

49、o more complex and lengthy activities” (Breen, 1987. in Nunan, 2000:6). The students will master the target language better when processing and using language, while their attention is principally focused on meaning rather than form ( Nunan,2000). Task 3: When Henry was wandering on the Londons stre

50、et, he suddenly got a large amount of money. What a lucky man! Do think this kind of daydream will happen often in daily life? Of course not! But in modern society, a few people win the lottery very luckily and become millionaires. There are many funny stories on line, are you interested in? Task 4

51、Read Act one again, then fill in the following form Henry comes from San Francisco. He used to work for a 1 company. About a month ago Henry was 2 out of a bay. Towards nightfall Henry found himself 3 out to sea by a strong wind. The next morning Henry was 4 by a ship. Lastly Henry arrived in London

52、 by earning his 5 without pay. Now He was 6 in London, wandering in the street in rags and does not know what he should do. Just at that time Roderick 7 him and asked him to step in. In the two brothers house The two brothers ask Henry about his plans, his job in America and how much 8 he has. Henry

53、s eyes 9 what is left of the brothers dinner on table To Henrys surprise Roderick gave Henry a 10 with money in it. 1.mining 2.sailing 3. carried 4.spotted 5.passage 6. Lost 7. called 8.money 9. stare at 10. letter Task 5 Summing up Retell the story by filling the following passage. Henry was an_. O

54、ne day he had an accident in a_. Luckily he was survived by a ship for_. He arrived in London by earning his passage without pay. He was _in the street in_. To his surprise an _ thing happened. Two rich brothers gave him a million pound bank-note because they had made a_. American ,bay, London,lost,

55、 rags, unbelievable,bet Task 6 Homework 1. Preview the language points in the reading 2 Do reading ex A&B in exercie-book. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 8 Period 3-4 Language points for Reading 1 Aims: 1. To learn the language points in the reading. bet n.&v. 赌;打赌;赌钱 fault n. 缺点;

56、错误,过错;故障 vt.挑剔,指责 spot vt. 发现;认出 n. 污点;斑点;地点 passage n. 通道; (书、讲话、音乐等的)一段,一节;通过,消逝;旅费 account n. 说明;理由;计算,账目 vi.&vt.认为;说明;解释总;计有 seek vt.&vi. (sought, sought) 寻找;探索;寻 amount n.数(量);总额 vi.(to)合计;接近 bring up 培养;抚养;养育或教育某人;提出;呕吐某物 go ahead 执行,进行,前进, (于祈使句)可以,往下说,用吧,开始吧 by accident 偶然;无意中 2. To master t

57、he sentence paterns: 1) Towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. 2) The next morning I d just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Organization of Class Step 2.Revision 1. Check the homework-Reading comprhension 2. Ask

58、 some of the Ss to read the text. Step 3.Explaination of the luaguage points in the reading 1. scene / sight / view / scenery 【解释】 scene 指某一处的自然风光 scenery(总称)自然景物,天然风光,是由多个 scenes 构成的自然风景。 sight 景象,风景,名胜,侧重值得看的事物或很难看的东西和很可笑的事物;视力/眼界 view 景色,风景,侧重从人所处的角度(从远处或高处)以眼所看到的景色。 【练习】根据句子意思用 scene,sight,view,

59、scenery 的适当形式填空。 1). Guilin is famous for its beautiful _. 2). The _ is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east. 3). You can get a wonderful _at the top of the tower. 4). The flowers are a lovely _ in spring. 5). He began to lose his _six years ago. Keys: 1). scenery 2). scene

60、 3). view 4). sight 5). sight 2.bet n. (1)agreement to risk money, etc on an event of which the result is doubtful 赌博 make a bet 打赌 Traanslation:咱们赌下次大选好吗? Lets make a bet on the next election have a bet 打赌 win/lose a bet 打赌赢/输了 accept/take up a bet (2) The money, etc risked in this way (金钱等)赌注 v. 1

61、)risk (money) on a race or some other event of which the result is doubtful 打赌,赌博 布莱克夫人把她所有的钱都花在了赌马上。 Mrs. Black spent all her money betting on horses. 2)I bet=(informal) Im certain我肯定 我敢肯定他去游泳了,他喜爱这项运动。 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 9 I bet hes gone to swimming-he loves it. 3. p

62、ermit(v.) 1)permit sb to do sth.=allow sb to do sth. 允许 她的妈妈是不会允许她晚归的。 Her mother would not permit her to come back late. 容我解释一下。 Permit me to explain it. 2) permit sth: allow sth. to exist, happen, or to be done(very formal) 许可、容许(某事物)存在、发生或被(某人)做(非常正式) 在我们的办公室里不准吸烟。 We dont permit smoking in the o

63、ffice. 犯人每天允许有两个小时的户外活动。 The prisoners were permitted two hours outdoor exercise a day. . permit / allow / let 辨析 【解释】 let 允许,让,常用于口语中,一般不用于被动语态。后接不带 to 的不定式作宾补。 permit 和 allow 意思相近,都表示“允许,准许” 。permit 稍正式一些,多指上级对下级或长辈对晚辈的准许,语气较强;allow 多指听任或不管教某人做某事。 常用句型 allow/permit sb. to do sth. be allowed/permit

64、ted to do sth. allow/permit doing sth. 【练习】根据句子意思用 permit,allow 或所给词的适当形式填空。 1). Students are not _ to enter the Net Bar. 2). My mother wouldn t let me _ (go) to the film. 3). We don t allow _ (smoke) in our office. 4). Weather _ (permit), we ll go outing this weekend. Keys: 1). allowed/permitted 2)

65、. go 3). smoking 4). permitting 4. go head :be carried out; take place 执行,进行,举行 1)尽管天气不好,旅行将照常进行。 Despite the bad weather, the journey will go ahead. 新桥的修建将按计划进行。 The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned. 5. matter n.&v (1) n. affair, topic or situation being considered 事情;问题;情况 我不和同事

66、谈私事。 I dont discuss private matters with my colleagues. (2)n.physical substance or things of a specified kind 物质,材料,物品 宇宙是由物质构成的。 The universe is composed of matter. (3)v. be important 关系重大,要紧 他来也好去也好,那有什么关系呢? What does it matter whether he comes or goes? 你做什么我都无所谓。 It doesnt matter to me what you d

67、o. 6.stare v. (1)look at sb./sth. with the eyes wide open in a fixed gaze 瞪着眼睛凝视 盯着人看是没有礼貌的 Its rude to stare. 他们都惊讶得瞪大了眼睛。 They all stared in amazement. (2) be wide open with a fixed gaze 睁大眼睛注视 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 10 他瞪着眼睛注视着这场面 He gazed at the scene with staring eyes

68、. (3) bring sb. into a specified condition 瞪着某人使其做出某种反应 她把他瞪得不吭声了。 She stared him into silence. 她凝视着远方。 She is staring into the distance. 我看了可是看不清楚。 I looked but couldnt see it clear 7.spot n.&v. (1)n. small mark different in color, texture 斑点 豹和虎哪一个身上有斑点? Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger?

69、(2)drop 滴 下了几滴雨,你感觉到了吗? Did you feel a few spots of rain? (3)v. pick out, catch sight of ,recognize,discover 找出,认出,发觉 杰克最终找到了他想要的衬衫。 Jack finally spotted just the shirt he wanted. 我看不出两者的区别。 I cant spot the difference between them. 8. by accident =by chance 偶然地, 意外地 我只是碰巧找到 的。 I only found it by acc

70、ident. 9.bring up 原句呈现 He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississippi .(P17) 含义点拨 bring up 在本句中的意思为 “培养,抚养,教育” ; bring up 还有“提出;吐出,呕吐”的含义。 He was brought up by his uncle.他被他的叔叔抚养大。 He brought up his dinner,which made me worried.他把晚餐吃的东西都吐了出来,这使我很担心。 She brought up a topic for discuss

71、ion. 她提出一个讨论的话题。 短语擂台 bring 的相关短语: bring about 引起,产生,带来 bring down 使倒下;减少;降低(价格、温度等) bring in 引进;获利,赚得;收(庄稼) bring out 取出;出版;生产 即学即测 1.Phelps was_by his mother after his parents divorced when he was young. Abrought in Bbrought up Cbrought about Dbrought out 2.Sam _ some knowledge of the computer jus

72、t by watching others working on it. (10 山东) A. brought up B. looked up C. picked up D. set up 3.Practisig Chinese Kung fu can not only _ ones strength, but also develop ones character. (09 浙 江) A. bring up B. take up C. build up D. pull up 答案 B C C 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 1

73、1 长难句分析: 【原句呈现】Towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. 快到黄昏的时候,我发现自己被一阵大风刮到了大海上。 【结构分析】句中carried out 是过去分词作宾补,表被动,find oneself.发现自己来到某处,发现自己处于某种境地,而且含有一种“在不知不觉中”的意思。find 后的宾语补足语可以是形容词、副词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词 【仿句训练】仿照上面句子结构补全下列句子。 1.The film star_ (发觉自己被围住) by a group of fans

74、immediately he got off the car. 2. He hurried to the store, only to _(发现门关着). Key: 1. found himself surrounded 2. find the door closed. 【原句呈现】The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship. 第二天早上我正感到绝望的时候一艘船发现了我。 【结构分析】此句中的when 为并列连词,译为 “正在这时(突然)”, “ had just do

75、newhen”是常用句式,意思为“刚做完,就”。类似的结构还有: be doingwhen正在做某事这时 be about to dowhen只要做某事这时 【仿句训练】仿照上面句子结构补全下列句子。 1. I_ my test paper _ the bell rang. (我刚做完试卷下课铃就响了。 ) 2. We _our breakfast _ an old man came to the door. (我刚吃完早饭一位老人就来到了门口。) 3. I _ an unexpected guest came.(我正要出去这时一位不速之客来了) Keys: 1.had just finish

76、ed, when 2.had just had, when 3. was about to go out when 3 I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel _I heard the steps. (湖南卷) A. while B. when C. since D. after 4. She had just finished her homework_ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterda

77、y. (09 福建33) A. when B. while C. after D. since 答案3 B 4 A Step 4 Homework Finish Ex in Victor explication(Warming up &Reading comprhension) 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 12 Period 5 Learning about language Teaching Goals: 1. To get Ss to know how to use new words and phrases. 2.

78、To help Ss to master some new words and expressions. 3. To get Ss to have the knowledge of this grammar point: A noun clause is used as the object; a noun clause is used as the predicative. Teaching Procedures: Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Greeting Step2. Revision 1. Ask Ss to look through the readi

79、ng passage and finish Ex1 of Discovering useful words and expressions. 2. Ask Ss to finish Ex2 of Discovering useful words and expressions. Then let them check the answers in pairs. 3. Organize a game. Ask Ss to finish Ex3 to see who can get the most right answers in the least time. 4.Translate the

80、following: 1).We _ _ _ _ (打赌)the outcome of the next horse race. 2). 她总是找我的茬儿。 _ 3) 她在人群中认出了她的朋友。 4). 长期的延缓是因为坏天气。 5)她出生後不久父母双亡, 是由姑母抚养大的。 6)他正要出去时天下起雨来了。 Keys: 1). make a bet on 2). She s always finding fault with me. 3)She spotted her friend in the crowd. 4). Bad weather accounted for the long del

81、ay. 5) Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt. 6) He was about to go out when it bagan to rain. Step 3. Grammar 1. Ask Ss to finish Ex1 and Ex2 of Discovering useful structures and try to find some rules about how to use a noun clause as the object. 2. Ask Ss to fini

82、sh Ex3, Ex4 and Ex5 of Discovering useful structures and try to find some rules about how to use a noun clause used as the predicative. 3. Conclusion 宾语从句 【例句展示】 1. He doesnt know where the post office is. 2. I dont know whether(if) you can help me. 3. Your article is all right except that it is too

83、 long 4. Im afraid (that)we have sold out the tickets. 5. Our teacher said (that) this article was important and that we should learn it by heart. 6. I think it wrong that he told a lie to his parents. 【规律小结】在复合句中充当宾语的句子叫做宾语从句,可以充当及物动词的宾语如例句 1、2,还可以充当介词的宾语如例句 3,一些描述情感的形容词(happy,glad,afraid,pleased,s

84、orry,surprised 等)以及示确信无疑的形容词(certain,sure 等)后也可带宾语从句,如例句4。 引导宾语从句的有连接代词 who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whomever, whichever 和连接副词 when, where, how, why 以及连词 that, whether, if 等。 that 引导宾语从句时无实在意义,也不充当任何成分,在口语和非正式文体中常可省略,如例句 4,但当一个句子有两个或多个 that 引导的宾语从句时,只能省略第一个 that,如例句 5。that 很少在介词后引导宾语从句,只用

85、在 except,but,besides 和 in 后,而且不能省略。 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 13 whether 和 if 引导宾语从句时常可换用,但在后面紧跟 or not 和介词之后时不能互换。 在带复合宾语的句子中,that 引导的宾语从句常移到宾语补足语之后,用 it 作形式宾语,构成“动词it宾语补足语真正的宾语从句”结构,在此结构中主句中常有动词 make,feel,think,believe,find,consider 等,如例句 6。 7. Will you tell me how you lear

86、ned English well? 8. She said she had handed in her homework. 9. The teacher told us the earth moves around the sun. 【规律小结】宾语从句谓语动词的时态: (1) 若主句谓语动词为一般现在时和一般将来时,宾语从句的动词可根据句意用任何时态, 如例句 7; (2) 若主句谓语动词为过去时时,从句的动词需用与过去有关的时态, 如例句 (3) 宾语从句表达客观真理,不论主句是什么时态,从句都用一般现在时, 如例句 9。 10I dont think this dress fits yo

87、u well 11I dont believe shell arrive before 7. 【规律小结】 若主句谓语动词为 think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, fancy, guess, imagine等,其后的宾语从句若含有否定意义,一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定形式,如例句 10、11。 表语从句 【例句展示】 The fact is that we have lost the football game. See the flag on top of the building? That was what we did

88、this morning. This is where the problem lies. It looks as if it is going to rain. The reason for his absence from the meeting was that she has to take her mother to a hospital. 【规律小结】在系动词(be, look, appear, seem,sound,remain 等)后充当表语的从句叫做表语从句。引导表语从句的有: 连接代词 what,which,who,whose 等,如例句 2; 连接副词 when, whe

89、re, how, why 等,如例句 3; 连词 that, whether, as if(though),because 等,如例句 1、4,在表语从句中连词 that 不能省略,如例句 5,注意:在表语从句中只用 whether 而不用 if。 【语法导练】 1.-I prefer staying at home listening to music on Sunday? -Thats _ I disagree. You should have more sports. A. where B. how C. when D. what 2. Part of the reason Charle

90、s Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was_ it was rather closely modeled on his own life. (10 北京) A. what B. that C. why D. whether 见练习题(另发) Key:1-2A B Step4. Homework 1. Ask Ss to finish the exercises of Using Words And Expressions. 2. Ask Ss to remember the rules of the object clauses

91、and predicative clauses and use them to make some sentences. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 14 Period 6 Using Language Teaching Goals: 1. To continue the story and give Ss the opportunity to act out the play or act an interview. 2. To improve Ss abilities of listening and writing.

92、 Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Reading and acting Purpose: To let Ss understand Mark Twins humors and try to act out the story. 1. Pre-reading Ask Ss to try to get the meanings of the new words and let them read Act One loud to recall what happened before Scene 4. Suggested Answer: Henry Adams, an Am

93、erican businessman, had some very bad luck. He was lost in London. He had no money and did not know what he should do. When he was walking down the street, he was invited into a house. Two brothers asked him a lot of questions and promised to help him. They gave him a letter, which Henry couldnt ope

94、n it until two oclock. In fact, they made a bet on him. Now, after leaving their house, Henry steps into a restaurant. 2. Reading (1) Ask Ss to form several groups six, five of whom will take parts in the play. The sixth person will direct the acting. Let Ss read the play and pay attention to their

95、language, making the language sound authentic. (2) Let Ss answer the following questions. What does Henry get from the letter? Is the bank-note a fake? Why? What are the differences between the attitudes of the owner? Why do you think the owner trust Henry at last? Suggested Answers: He gets a milli

96、on pond bank-note. No. Because, two notes in this amount have been issued by the Bank of England this year. When the owner sees Henrys appearance, he looks down upon him. Then Henry takes out the bank-note to pay his meal. The owner is shocked by it. And he changes his attitude towards Henry. The ow

97、ner is so sophisticated (世故的) that he just pretends to be 3. Read through the text quickly and then complete the True or False questions. 1. The owner looked down upon Henry when he noticed Henrys appearance. 2. Henry asked for more of the same food because he is an American who like to eat a lot. 3

98、. When Henry saw the million pound bank-note, he was happy and proud of it. 4. The owner didnt believe that the bank-note was real and he asked Henry to get out of the restaurant. Keys: TFFF 4. Read the passage and answer the following questions 1. What did the hostess feel when Henry came into the

99、restaurant? How do you know? 2. How about Henrys feeling after he finished eating and asked another one? 3. Why were the owner and hostess shocked when they saw the million pound bank-note in Henry hand? 4. What made them trust that the bank-note was genuine? 5. What can we learn from this story? Ke

100、ys: 1. She felt very impatient and looked down upon Henry because of his poor appearance.“ Why, look at him, he eats like a wolf.” 2. He felt satisfied and full. That was a wonderful meal. 3. Because they never thought that the bank-note belonged to such a person in rags. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵

101、权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 15 4.Mr. Clemens words. He said “Two notes in this amount have been issued by the Bank of England this year. No thief would want that to happen.” 5. We shouldnt judge people by appearance. Money is everything in the capitalist society. 5. Retell the story by filling the follow

102、ing blanks: _forced him to go into a restaurant. The owner and the waiters served him in a_manner. However, when they saw the note, their _to Henry changed greatly . It was very common to_ a stranger by their clothes in the capitalist countries. Hunger, rude, attitude, judge Step 2. Language point (

103、1) order n 叫 /要的菜 May I take you order now? 您的菜点好了吗? n 顺序,次序 The books are arranged in order of size. 书籍按尺寸码放。 n 命令 Soldiers must obey orders. 军人必须服从命令。 We did it on his order. 我们奉他之命做了那件事。 v 命令 The officer ordered his soldiers to march. 长官命令他的士兵前进。 v 预订,订购 I have ordered a new computer from the sho

104、p. 我从商店里订购了一台新电脑。 Ive ordered a steak. 我点了一份牛排。 (2). take a chance 碰运气 As for whether he will win the game or not, we must take a chance. 对于他能否取胜,我们只能碰运气。 take a chance = take chances 冒险,碰运气 典例 He took a big chance when he made the investment. 当时他投资时是冒了大风险的。 短语归纳 chance 短语: have a good chance/no cha

105、nce/not much chance of (doing) sth/ to do sth/ that. 大有希望/没有可能/没什麽希望做某事 by chance: by accident: accidentally: unintentionally 偶然地;意外地;非有意地 the chances are (that).: it is likely that. 很可能 give sb. a chance 给某人一个机会 a chance of lifetime 千载难逢的机会 练习 用 chance 短语填空。 1). The guide book didn t mention there

106、being any hotels, but we decided to _ _ _. 2). You should never _ _ when driving a car. 3). What are the chances _ (介词) his coming? 4). 很可能她要来。 _ 5). 我遇见她完全是偶然的。 _ Keys: 1). take a chance 2). take chances 3). of 4). The chances are that / It s likely that she ll be coming. 5). I met her quite by cha

107、nce. (3) manner n 方法;方式 Why are you talking in such a strange manner? 你为什么用这种奇怪的方式谈话? 态度;举止 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 17 Period 7 Listening and writing Purpose: To improve Ss listening ability. To get Ss to know what happened t

108、o Henry after Scene 4. To check some homework. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision Check the Exercises from the beginning to the cloze test in the Paper Learning English. Step 2. Listening and writing 1. Ask Ss to look through the exercises of Ex1 before listening and then play the tape. 2. Ask Ss

109、to think of more things Henry might do with the bank-note. Let them try to make up what might happen after Henry do these things. Step 3. Reading Purpose: To get Ss to know something about the famous writer Mark Twain. To get Ss to learn how to introduce a famous person to the readers. 1. Ask Ss if

110、they know who is the man in the following pictures and tell as much information about him as possible. Under the pictures are some famous Mark Twain quotes for Ss to enjoy. Always tell the truth; then you dont have to remember anything. The man who does not read books has no advantage over the man t

111、hat can not read them. Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. When people do not respect us we are sharply offended; yet deep down in his private heart no man much respects himself. Anyone who can only think of one way to spel

112、l a word obviously lacks imagination. 2. Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and answer the following questions: (1) Which famous river played an important role in Twains writing? (2) Why did Mark Twain get this pen name? (3) What kind of jobs did Mark Twain ever do? (4) For what Mark Twains writin

113、g is so famous? (5) Is he still one of the most popular writers in the world today? Suggested Answers: (1) The Mississippi River. (2) Because he loved the river so much that even his pen name is about the river. (3) A painter, a riverboat pilot, a soldier, a gold miner, a businessman and a newspaper

114、 reporter. (4) His writing is famous for its description of common people and the way talked, but especially for his humors. (5) Yes. He is still one of the most popular writers in the world today. 3. Ask Ss to fill in the table below under the passage on P23 and then check the answers in pairs. Ste

115、p 4. Writing 1. Ask Ss to imagine what Henry will do after he leaves the restaurant, as his hair is a little bit too long. 2. Ask Ss to work in pairs and suppose they are the directors of the play and write their own scenes for the play. Remind them to use at least three stage directions in their sc

116、enes. 3. If necessary, tell Ss what is the stage direction and after they finish, ask some pairs to read aloud their play. Then ask the whole class to decide which pairs writing is the best. Step 5. Homework 1. Ask Ss to choose any topic to make a short play and act it out. 2. Ask Ss to preview the

117、next period. 4. Finish off the Exercises in the Paper Learning English. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 18 Period 8 Workbook Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to develop their imagination to continue the story. 2. To develop Ss ability in speaking and listening. 3. To give Ss the cha

118、nce to finish a play or a story. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Talking Purpose: To get Ss to talk about the stories happening after Henry read the letter from the brothers. 1. Ask Ss to think about the following questions and then present their views to all classmates. What will Henry do with the ban

119、k-note? Does he want to run out of the money as soon as possible? After he finds his coat is worn out, where will he go? 2. Tell Ss that Henry now notices his coat is worn out. So he goes into a tailors shop and wants to get a new coat. Ask Ss to discuss the stories happening in the tailors shop. Th

120、en let them make a dialogue for Act Two, Scene 1 with their partners using all of the following information: Henry tells a clerk that he wants a coat for a suit. The clerk shows him a cheap coat downstairs. Henry doubts if he should take it. The clerk persuades him to buy it. Henry agrees, but expla

121、ins that he cant pay him right now as he has no small change. 3. Ask Ss to use the following expressions on shopping in the dialogue. Then let some groups present their dialogues in class. Can I help you? / What can I do for you? Id like to have This way, please. Do you have a bigger size? What colo

122、ur do you like best? What size do you wear? Could we have a table for five? Whats todays special? May I see the menu, please? What do you suggest I order? What sort of side dish would you like, sir? Eat here or to go? Is there anything else? Here is the change. Can you bring me the check, please? It

123、s not expensive, right? Step 2. Listening 1. Ask Ss to discuss with their partners in groups of six according to the pictures on page 55. 2. Ask Ss to talk about the answers to the following questions. (1) What do you think will happen in the tailors shop after Henry shows the clerk and the owner th

124、e bank-note? (2) Will they think it is not a real bank-note? (3) Will they think that Henry has stolen it? 3. Ask Ss to listen to the tape carefully. Play the tape twice. For the first time, just ask Ss to listen for the gist. For the second time, ask Ss to finish Ex2. 4. Play the tape again and ask

125、 Ss to check each others answers. Step 3. Listening, speaking and writing task 1. Ask Ss to imagine what the situation in which Henry meets the woman (Portia) of his dreams will be like. Ask Ss to discuss the following questions with their partners. (1) If you are Henry, what kind of woman is of you

126、r dreams? (2) If you are the woman what characters of Henry will attract you? (3) As Henry becomes the man many people are talking about, what will you think of him? (4) Suppose you are Henry, what sort of complements do you think Henry would give Portia? 2. After discussion, ask Ss to listen to the

127、 tape twice and make a few notes they will need. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 19 For Your Reference: The ambassador gave him a warm welcome and invited Henry to a dinner party that night Portia said to Henry,“The ambassador tells me you are a rich man.” “Henry is the talk of Lon

128、don.” “Every banker and shop owner in the city wants to meet you.” 3. Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss each of the things in Ex3 on P58. 4. Ask Ss to write the dialogue for Act Two, Scene 3 and remind them to make the words sound believable. Then let some Ss present their writings before the clas

129、s. Step 4. Reading and speaking task 1. Ask Ss to work in pairs and talk about how they think the play will end. Then let some pairs present their ideas. 2. Ask Ss to read the whole passage of Act Two, Scene 4 and answer the following questions. (1) What advice did Portia give Henry about the job? (

130、2) What sort of bet did Oliver and Roderick make? (3) Who won at last? (4) What kind of job does Henry want to get at first? (5) Did Portia know Henrys story before Henry met her? Why? (6) Was the bank-note still useful after their marriage? Suggested Answers: (1) If they ask too much, they may get

131、no salary at all. (2) Whether the bank-not can be spent. (3) Oliver. (4) He wanted nothing. (5) Yes. Because Oliver was her stepfather. (6) No, it was not useful at last. 3. Play the tape for Ss and ask them to learn Act Two, Scene 4 by heart. Then let them act it out. Remind them to speak with expr

132、ession. Step 5. Writing task 1. Ask Ss to imagine what would happen after Henry marries Portia. 2. Ask Ss to work in pairs and imagine Henry fails in his business and becomes poor again. Then ask them to talk about the questions of Writing task. 3. Ask one student to pretend to be Henry and his partner to be Portia. Then let them make up a short dialogue in which Henry tells his wife the bad news. Step 6. Homework 1. Check the Exercises in the Paper Learning English. 2. Ask Ss to review what has been learnt in this unit. 3. Ask Ss to preview the next unit.



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