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1、2023年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语领航卷( 一)学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、阅读理解Football: Designing the Beautiful GameWhether you are a crazy fan or sideline supporter, visitors to this exhibition will enjoydiscovering the remarkable design stories behind the worlds beautiful game.What to expectThe exhibition explores the story behi

2、nd football, showing how design has been used topush the game to new limits. Take a journey through over 500 objects, films and interviews insporting performance, equipment development and stadium design, and involve yourself inthe stories of clubs and game legends( 传奇人物) including Messi, Pele, Geor

3、ge Best andDiego Maradona.Held by the Design Museum and the National Football Museum in Manchester, the showreveals the master planning of the worlds most significant football stadiums, the designinnovation used in todays equipment, how the graphic design of team badges( 徽章) andposters shapes a club

4、s identity and how grassroots9 efforts are pushing the sportscommercialization.Ticket informationOnline booking is advised but tickets will also be available in the booking office. Lastentry to the exhibition is 90 minutes before the museum closes.XAduk tickets are charged from 16 and student ticket

5、s from 12. Meanwhile, youcan save 25% on family and group tickets.Present your exhibition entry ticket for 10% off food and drink at London GradeCoffee on the ground floor.1. What can visitors do at the exhibition?A. Design a team badge. B. Interview master designers.C. Put on football equipment. D.

6、 Learn about famous football players.2. How much should a couple with their 11-year-old son pay at least for admission?A. 33. B. 36. C. 44. D. 48.3. What will visitors enjoy with the ticket?A. A special discount on goods at a cafe. B. A photo of a significant football stadium.C. A free visit to the

7、National Football Museum. D. An invitation to a clubs sportingperformance.A crowd cheered Kunie Adeyanju as he turned off his motorbike engine after completinga tiring 41-day trip. The 44-year-old left London on April 19 and arrived in Nigeriascommercial center Lagos on Sunday after travelling more

8、than 8, 000 miles across 13countries. He started the impressive journey to raise funds for Rotary International to dealwith polio( 小儿麻痹症) in his native Nigeria.Accompanied by a dozen bikers for the last stretch of the journey from the Republic ofBenin, Adeyanju was welcomed by supporters in Ikeja, i

9、n central Lagos. Adeyanju, called“Lion Heart” by fans, won popularity among the public by posting daily pictures withcomments about his journey on social media. At every stop along the way, he was greeted byenthusiastic supporters.He did face some challenges, like the one in Mali where one of his wh

10、eels broke. I wasstanding in the middle of the night, alone in a bush, not knowing what to do, without speakingthe language,he said, explaining he had to walk to the nearest village. Fortunately, thelocals helped me. Not all of the challenges he faced were solved smoothly. Mauritania, acountry in no

11、rthwest Africa, was * terrible, he said, after he got robbed of hundreds ofeuros. The worst experience, ,9he added.The former Shell employee self-funded his trip with $ 20, 400 in savings, hoping to raiseup to $ 48 million for Rotary International. I have been suffering from a lack of sleep latelybe

12、cause I slept only three to four hours per night. But I feel proud because I finished thischallenge,Adeyanju said just after he arrived, wiping the sweat off his face. Adeyanjuadded that he is now planning to have a possible cycling trip to Ghana or a bike ride to Israelto help raise more funds. And

13、 he has another dream:to climb Mount Qomolangma.4. Why did Adeyanju go on the 41-day trip?A. To challenge himself. B. To help fight polio.C. To connect with more people. D. To advertise Rotary International.5. How did Adeyanju become popular during the journey?A. By using the title “Lion Heart”. B.

14、By commenting on other bikersjourneys.C. By sharing his experiences online. D. By showing his deep love for his试卷第2 页,共 10页hometown.6. What happened to Adeyanju in Mauritania?A. He got lost in the bush.C. He failed to understand the locals.B. He met with crime.D. He broke his motorbike.7. Which word

15、s can best describe Adeyanju?A. Caring and determined.B. Reliable and enthusiastic.C. Generous and sensitive.D. Adventurous and confident.We humans often navigate ( 导航) using road signs and GPS. But what about elephants?Connie Allen, a behavioural ecologist at the University of Exeter in the U.K., s

16、aid “theelephants navigate over long distances using their unbelievable memories”, which makesothers consider that an elephant will never forget. But its also been suggested here and therethat maybe olfaction is extremely important for these long-distance movements.Allen and her colleagues checked t

17、hat idea by testing African elephants9 ability toidentify a very special smell: the smell of pee ( 尿) . You see, an elephant pees a lot some 12to 15 gallons a day and that pee can contain a series of chemical signals.But first, they needed some pee. So they headed fbr a spot along Botswanas BotetiRi

18、ver and waited. They waited for elephants to pee and, within 20 minutes, went andcollected these fresh pee samples. Then they set up cameras on seven paths which theelephants usually walked along. After observing the elephants? natural behaviour on the paths,they noticed that the majority of the ele

19、phants checked smells along the paths especiallyelephants travelling alone, which is an indication, the researchers said, that smells may serveas signposts along the paths.Next, they placed those pee samples along the paths. And they found that for at least twodays, passing elephants trained their t

20、runks on the samples, especially samples from matureadults, which is another indication that smells might be an effective navigational signal. Theirfindings appeared in the journal Animat Behaviour.Based on these results, they hope conservationists might be able to use elephant pee as adecoy ( 诱饵) .

21、 If we can trick elephants into thinking other elephants are going this way,maybe we can redirect them away from where they are coming into conflict with humans atthe moment.8. What does the underlined word “olfhction“ in paragraph 1 mean?A. The roadside signpost. B. The sense of smell.C. The long-t

22、erm memory. D. The sense of direction.9. How did researchers get their conclusions?A. By doing field research. B. By analyzing causes and effects.C. By making comparisons. D. By doing laboratory experiments.10. What might be a potential benefit of the findings according to the text?A. Helping elepha

23、nts to find other companions.B. Inspiring new research directions in elephants.C. Raising public awareness of elephant protection.D. Making elephants and humans coexist peacefully.11. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?A. African Elephants Show Personality-based MovementsB.

24、Elephants Are Born With Excellent Ability to NavigateC. African Elephants May Use Pee as a Road SignD. Elephants Have a Good Memory for RoadsFelix Ruppert and Alexander Badri-Sprowitz at the Max Planck Institute for IntelligentSystems in Stuttgart, Germany, designed a half-metre-high robot called Mo

25、rti and gave it theability to teach itself how to walk, rather than to perform a pre-programmed step. Thefour-legged robot took only an hour to learn how to walk steadily, roughly the same amountof time as newborn horses need. And ifs the first time that a machine learning technique hasbeen so succe

26、ssfully applied to four-legged robots.Morti is controlled by an artificial intelligence(AI) algorithm(算法) that doesnt havemuch information about the robofs legs, such as the exact shape of each element. tlThe AI,working like the central nervous system, gives walking instructions for Morti to follow.

27、 Itthen adjusts them based on readings from foot sensors that signal when the robot falls andloses contact with the ground. Initially, Morti falls down, but after about an hour the AI findsthe best way to make it walk,“ said Ruppert.Because the AI learns rather than calculating details of each legs

28、movement in advance,which can use a lot of energy, Morti walks using 42 percent less energy than when it firststarts at the end of an hour-long learning process. Mortis process copies the way babyanimals learn to move, as they also find the most efficient way to use their muscles by trying试卷第4 页,共 1

29、0页and initially tripping.Dhireesha Kudithipudi at The University of Texas at San Antonio said that AI robots canoften learn a specific task very well but cant readjust when the environment changes and thatMortis design, which relies on continually adjusting the robots movements, may performbetter in

30、 that regard. Ruppert said he and the team are working on adding more sensors andrange of motion to Morti to make it a more animal-like robot.12. What is special about Morti?A. It is pre-programmed to walk. B. It can learn to walk by itself.C. It is the first four-legged robot. D. It can help teach

31、the newborns.13. Which aspect of Morti is stressed in paragraph 2?A. Its body structure. B. Its design concept.C. Its learning process. D. Its working conditions.14. How does the Als learning ability benefit Morti?A. By predicting Mortis leg movements. B. By training Mortis muscles to the best.C. By

32、 lowering Mortis energy consumption. D. By strengthening Mortis bond withothers.15 What is Dhireesha Kudithipudis attitude toward Morti?A. Doubtful. B. Concerned. C. Subjective. D. Favorable.二、七选五Youll probably be familiar with the North American spelling of the word “ airplane”.However, if youve ev

33、er been on an international flight leaving the United States and going toanother English-speaking country like the United Kingdom, youve probably noticed thatthere are a few differences between the American and British spellings of words with thesame meaning. 16 . The American English spelling is “a

34、irplane“ while the BritishEnglish spelling is “aeroplane”. So, why does this happen?Lets look at the root of the phenomenon. 17 . “ British English has a generaltendency to favour spellings and words that remind people of French, but American English,when it has deviated( 背离) from what British Engli

35、sh does, often changes into the direction ofseeming less French, says Lynne Murphy, author of The Prodigal Tongue: The Love-HateRelationship Between British & American English.18 . “Aeroplane “is no exception. Were comfortable with aero in scientificterms, but as planes became more common things to

36、talk about, the 4aero9 seemed toofancy, explains Murphy. tuIn Scientific American in 1906, there was already a claim that19 . Ten years later, 4airplane, was adopted by the National Advisory Committee forAeronautics as their term. It was considered in the United Kingdom, but that suggestiondidnt go

37、anywhere.T herea good reason why words that mean the same thing are spelled differently, andwhy that will continue to happen, 20 , and people are generally proud of it, so theycontinue to spell differently, says Murphy.A. Every country has different cultureB. Your spelling tells people where youre f

38、romC. The word “airplane“ happens to be an exampleD. Airplane is a much better word than aeroplaneE. American English and British English have similar historical originsF. Theres a lot of history that goes beyond words and dives deep into politics, government,and scienceG. A lot of words in the Engl

39、ish language are borrowed from other languages, like Latin,Greek, and French三、完形填空After my husband Randy died, deciding what to do with his garden was on the list ofnecessary tasks. Years before, Randy had 21 dozens of daffodils( 水仙) in our yard.For him, they served as signals of hope, showing that

40、light and 22 would soonreplace the dark and cold. Looking at them, I thought about how Randy had 23chosen plants so wed appreciate them every month. Then I 24 the weeds. I neededto get to work.The work was quiet and comforting and I became 25 that it helped me feelclose to Randy. As spring turned to

41、 summer, my list of urgent garden tasks got 26 .It made me feel good, this sense of 27 . Gradually, I felt the seeds of healing( 治愈)began to 28 my heart. My thoughts of Randy 29 less on the sadness of mylife without him. I noticed I 30 more.试卷第6 页,共 10页When summer became fall, I turned my 3j to putt

42、ing the garden to bed”.While in fall and winter garden seems unproductive, I know it 32 plenty of life.The lush greenness(郁郁葱葱) of spring and summer may be 33, but deep in thesoil and down to the roots of every living thing 34 the seeds of what is ready to35 again.21. A. spottedB. raisedC. purchased

43、D. removed22. A. warmthB. beautyC. happinessD. energy23. A. freelyB. randomlyC. carefullyD. willingly24. A. checkedB. pulledC. rememberedD. noticed25. A. determinedB. awareC. proudD. satisfied26. A. clearerB shorterC. neaterD. fuller27. A. purposeB. responsibilityC. achievementD. security28. A. have

44、 control ofB. make room fbrC. keep pace withD. take root in29. A. focusedB. countedC. actedD. based30. A. progressedB. workedC. consideredD. laughed31. A. interestB. heartC. attentionD. back32. A. changesB. presentsC. expectsD. holds33. A. obviousB. goneC. aliveD. great34. A. restB. spreadC. standD.

45、 survive35. A. ariseB. existC. flowerD. mature四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。World Tai Chi & Qigong Day falling on the last Saturday of April is an annual eventorganized 36 (promote) Tai Chi and Qigong across the world. 37 it startedin 1999, the movement has witnessed people in over

46、80 countries taking part in itscelebrations.The first form of Tai Chi as apractical tradition 38 (document) in NorthernChina in the 17th century, 39 the most widely recognized form was the “Yang style”spread by Yang Luchan in the 19th century. In the 20th century, Tai Chis various methodswere standa

47、rdized, helping it gain 40 (wide) recognition. The event that inspiredWorld Tai Chi & Qigong Day took place in Kansas City, Missouri in 1998, where the localTai Chi club held a public exhibition 41 (aim) to spread the Chinese martial arts (武术) . Gradually, the event 42 (catch) peoples interest, begi

48、nning in other Americancities and eventually spreading worldwide by 1999.The goals of the event today are to educate the world about the medical and spiritualbenefits both arts offer, and the benefits of including 43 (tradition) Chinese ideas inhealth, education etc. These are taught through events

49、ranging from educational seminars44 exhibitions. By doing so, the movement helps encourage 45(cooperate) that goes beyond geopolitical borders.五、建议信4 6 .假定你是李华,你校交换生Mike准备参加“ 厉害了,中国” (Amazing China)短视频大赛,特发邮件向你征询视频创意。请给他回一封电子邮件,内容包括:1 . 提出建议;2 . 阐明理由;3 . 表达祝愿。注意:1 . 写作词数应为80左右;2 . 请按如下格式作答。Dear Mike

50、,Yours,Li Hua六、读后续写试卷第8 页,共 10页47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。It was the first week of the summer vacation, and Parisa was already ready to be back atschool. Not everyone she knew liked school, but Parisa loved learning new things. Even morethan that, she loved school because she got to

51、be with her friends all day long. Parisa was anonly child, and she thought it was too quiet at home.Now her two best friends in the neighborhood were out of town fbr two weeks, and toParisa, it seemed like two years. What would she do? Sitting on the wide front step of herhouse, she looked through h

52、er favorite kids magazine. The word “contest” caught her eye.“Create Your Own Magazine!?, the headline read.Parisa loved magazines, but it had never occurred to her that she could create one herself.The article said contestants must send in an eight-page magazine with handwritten articlesand hand-dr

53、awn pictures- nothing was printed by computer.Parisa returned to her room and lay down on the floor next to her cat. This was what shedid whenever she needed to think of really good ideas. She closed her eyes and imagined allsorts of magazines. She imagined magazines about bikes, skating, ballet, so

54、ccer, dessert.But after much thought, she knew what she wanted to feature in her magazine一herneighborhood, fbr there were always interesting things. She would call it “The Tall PinesGazette and fill it with news.She found a notebook and a pen and left her room. Then she found her grandmother atthe d

55、oor and told her about the contest. 44Granny, Tm going to be a reporter fbr a while, “Parisa announced. urm going to see if theres any news. Her grandmother smiled,44 Well,good luck, honey. You do like asking questions, so I bet you wont have too much troublefinding news. Two hours later, Parisa ran

56、 into the house. Granny, Ive got so much newsthat I cant fit it into eight pages!”注意:1 . 续写词数应为150左右;2 . 请按如下格式作答。Parisa got down to working on her magazine.A few weeks later, Parisa received a package from the kids magazine.试卷第10页,共 10页参考答案:1. D 2. A 3. A【 导语】 这是一篇应用文。 文章主要介绍了英国伦敦设计博物馆和国家足球博物馆举办的一场

57、展出一“ 足球:设计美丽的运动” 。1 . 细节理解题。 根 据 “What to expect”部分中的Take a journey through over 500 objects, filmsand interviews in sporting performance, equipment development and stadium design, and involveyourself in the stories of clubs and game legends including Messi, Pele, George Best and DiegoMaradona.(通过50

58、0多件物品、电影和体育表演、设备开发和体育场设计的采访,让自己沉浸在俱乐部和比赛传奇传奇人物的故事中,包括梅西、贝利、乔治 贝斯特和迭戈马拉多纳。) ” 可知,参观者在展览会上可以了解到包括梅西、贝利、乔治贝斯特和迭戈 马拉多纳在内的足坛人物的故事。故选D 项。2 . 细节理解题。根 据 “Ticket information”部分中的Adult tickets are charged from 16 andstudent tickets from 12. Meanwhile, you can save 25% on family and group tickets.( 成人票 16英镑起,学

59、生票12英镑起。同时,你可以节省25%的家庭和团体票。户可知,家庭团体票可以享受七五折优惠。因此一对夫妻( 2 名成年人)和一名11岁儿子( 1 名学生)至少应支付的费用为( 16x2+ x0.75=33( 英镑) 。故选A 项。3 . 细节理解题。 根据Ticket information”部分中的Present your exhibition entry ticket fbr 10%off food and drink at London Grade Coffee on the ground floor.(出示参展门票,可在一楼的伦敦高级咖啡享受9 折餐饮优惠) ”可知,参观者在一楼咖啡厅

60、购买食物和饮料时凭门票可享受折扣优惠. 故选A 项。4 . B 5. C 6. B 7. A【 导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了为了给国际扶轮社筹集资金以应对小儿麻痹症,Kunie Adeyanju成功完成了从伦敦到拉各斯的摩托车骑行。4 . 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话“He started the impressive journey to raise funds forRotary International lo deal with polio( 小儿麻痹症) in his native Nigeria.( 他开始了令人印象深刻的旅程,为国际扶轮社筹集资金,以应对家乡尼日利亚的

61、小儿麻痹症) ” 可知,Adeyanju进行为期4 1 天的旅行是为了给国际扶轮社筹集资金以应对小儿麻痹症。故选B。5 . 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句话“Adeyanju, called Lion Heart by fans, won popularity答案第1 页,共 11页among the public by posting daily pictures with comments about his journey on social media.( 被粉丝称为“ 狮子心” 的阿德扬朱, 通过在社交媒体上发布每日照片和评论, 赢得了公众的喜爱) ”可知, Adeyanju每天都在社

62、交媒体上发布旅行照片和评论, 从而赢得了公众的喜爱。 故选C。6 . 细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句话“ Mauritania, a country in northwest Africa, was ”terrible, he said, after he got robbed of hundreds of euros. llThe worst experience, headded.( “毛里塔尼亚,一个位于非洲西北部的国家,在被抢劫了数百欧元后,他说,“ 太可怕了。” 他补充道,“ 这是最糟糕的经历。“ ) “ 可知,Adeyanju的钱在毛里塔尼亚被抢了,这让他觉得在那里的经历很糟糕。故

63、选B。7 . 推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,为了给国际扶轮社筹集资金以应对小儿麻痹症,Adeyanju进行了为期41天的骑行,由此可知,他是一个关心他人、乐于助人的人。在骑行中虽然遇到了一些困难,但他没有放弃。由此可推知,他是一个意志坚定的人。故选A。8 . B 9. A 10. D 11. C【 导语】本文是- 一篇说明文。行为生态学家Connie Allen认为大象凭借惊人的记忆力进行远距离导航,但也有人提出,大象在进行远距离活动时嗅觉尤为重要。为了验证这一观点,Connie Allen和她的同事们开展了研究,证明确实如此。【 详解】 1 .词义猜测题。 根据下文“AHen and he

64、r colleagues checked that idea by testing Africanelephants ability to identify a very special smell: the smell of pee ( 尿) . You see, an elephant peesa lot some 12 to 15 gallons a day and that pee can contain a series of chemical signals.( 艾伦和她的同事通过测试非洲象识别一种非常特殊的气味的能力来验证这一想法: 尿的气味。 你看,大象尿得很多大约每天12到

65、15加仑这些尿可以包含一系列化学信号。) ” 以及这个实验过程可知,Connie Allen和同事们通过测试大象对路边大象尿液的感知能力来进行研究,最终发现,大象可以利用尿液的气味进行远距离活动,由此可知,嗅觉对大象的远距离活动尤为重要。画线词olfaction的含义应为“ 嗅觉” 。故选B。2 . 推理判断题。根据第三段的They waited for elephants to pee and, within 20 minutes, wentand collected these fresh pee samples.Then they set up cameras on seven path

66、s which theelephants usually walked along.( 他们等大象尿尿,2 0 分钟后去收集这些新鲜的尿样本。 然后,他们在大象通常会走的七条道路上设置了摄像机。) ” 和第四段的“Next, they placed those peesamples along the paths.( 接下来,他们将这些尿液样本沿着小路放置。) “ 可知,研究人员在答案第2 页,共 11页野外收集大象尿液样本, 在七条大象常走的道路上安装摄像机来观察大象的行为, 并把尿液样本放在路边来了解嗅觉对大象的影响。由此可推知, 研究人员是通过野外研究的方式得出结论的。故选A。3 . 推

67、理判断题。根据最后一段Based on these results, they hope conservationists might be ableto use elephant pee as a decoy ( 诱饵) . If we can trick elephants into thinking other elephants aregoing this way, maybe we can redirect them away from where they are coming into conflict withhumans at Ihe moment.( 基于这些结果,他们希望

68、环保人士可以用大象的尿液作为诱饵。如果我们能哄骗大象, 让它们以为其他大象正朝这条路走, 也许我们就能引导它们离开与人类发生冲突的地方。) “ 可知,如果人类可以利用大象的尿液作为诱饵骗过大象,引导大象改变行进方向, 就能避免与人类发生冲突。 因此推断研究结果的潜在益处是使人类和大象能够和平共处。故选D。4 , 主旨大意题。 综观全文, 尤其是第三段中的“especially elephants travelling alone, which is anindication, the researchers said, that smells may serve as signposts al

69、ong the paths.( 特别是大象独自旅行,研究人员说,这是一个迹象,气味可能是道路上的路标。) ” 及第四段中的“And theyfound that for at least two days, passing elephants trained their trunks on Ihe samples, especiallysamples from mature adults, which is another indication that smells might be an effectivenavigational sig n a l.( 他们发现,在至少两天的时间里,经过

70、的大象用它们的鼻子来训练样本, 特别是来自成年大象的样本, 这是另一个迹象, 表明气味可能是一种有效的导航信号。 ) “可知, 本文主要讲述的是行为生态学家Connie Allen和同事们通过研究发现非洲象根据尿液的气味进行远距离活动。故选C。12 . B 13. C 14. C 15. D【 导语】 本文是一篇说明文。 文章主要介绍了一款可以像刚出生的马一样只用一小时就学会走路的四条腿的机器人。12 . 细节理解题。根据文章第一段“designed a half-metre-high robot called Morti and gave it theability to teach its

71、elf how to walk, rather than to perform a pre-programmed step.( 设计, 了 一 一 个 半米高叫做的Morti机器人, 并让它拥有能够教它自己走路的能力, 而不是执行预编程的步骤。 ) ”可知,Morti的特殊之处在于它可以教会自己走路,故选B。13 . 推理判断题。根据文章第二段“The AI, working like the central nervous system, giveswalking instructions for Morti to follow. It then adjusts them based on

72、readings from foot sensors答案第3 页,共 I I 页that signal when the robot falls and loses contact with the ground. Initially, Morti falls down, butafter about an hour the AI finds the best way to make it walk,“ said Ruppert. ( Ruppert 说道: 这个人工智能像中枢神经系统一样,它会给Morti发出行走指令。然后,当 Morti摔倒,( 脚)和地面失去接触时,它会根据脚传感器的读数

73、调整指令。一开始,Morti会摔倒,但大约一个小时后,人工智能找到了使Morti行走的最好方式。D ” 可知,本段强调的是Morti学习走路的过程,故选C。14 . 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Because the AI leams rather than calculating details of eachlegs movement in advance, which can use a lot of energy, Morti walks using 42 percent lessenergy than when it first starts at the end of an hou

74、r-long learning process.( 因为人工智能学习而不是预先计算每个腿部运动的细节( 这可能会消耗大量的能量) , Morti在一个小时的学习过程结束后,比刚开始走路时少用了 42%的能量。 )” 可知,人工智能的学习能力减少了 Morii的能量消耗。故选C。15 . 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Dhireesha Kudithipudi at The University of Texas at SanAntonio said that AI robots can often learn a specific task very well but cant readjus

75、t when theenvironment changes and that Morti?s design, which relies on continually adjusting the robotmovements, may perform better in that regard. ( Dhireesha Kudithipudi 表示, 人工智能机器人通常可以很好地学习一项特定任务,但无法在环境变化时重新调整,Morti的设计依赖于不断调整机器人的运动,因此它在这方面可能会表现得更好。 )” 可知,Dhireesha Kudithipudi对Morti应是持肯定的态度的,是支持的,

76、故选D。16 . C 17. G 18. F 19. D 20. B【 导语】本文是说明文。本文以美式英语中的airplane和英式英语中的aeroplane在拼写上的差异为例介绍了英美语言中拼写差异的形成原因。1 6 .根据空前的However, if youve ever been on an international flight leaving the United Statesand going to another English-speaking country like the United Kingdom, youve probably noticedthat there

77、are a few differences between the American and British spellings of words with the samemeaning( 然而,如果你曾经乘坐国际航班离开美国前往另一个英语国家,如英国,你可能会注意到,具有相同意思的单词在美式和英式拼写中有一些不同广可知,英美语言中有一些词意思相同, 但是拼写方式却不同。 设空处举例说明具有相同意思的单词在美式和英式拼写中有一些不同。 C 项: The word t6airplane, happens to be an example( 飞机” 这个词就是一个例子)答案第4 页,共 11页合

78、乎题意。故选C。17 . 根据上句Lets look at the root of the phenomenon.( 让我们来看看现象的根源) ” 可知,本段主要讲的是airplane和 aeroplane拼写方式不同的原因。结合空后的“British English has ageneral tendency to favour spellings and words that remind people of French, but AmericanEnglish, when it has deviated( 背离) from what British English does, ofte

79、n changes into thedirection of seeming less French,( 英式英语一般倾向于喜欢那些让人想起法语的拼写和单词,但美式英语一旦偏离了英式英语的特点,往往会朝着看起来不那么法式的方向转变) “ 可知,空处内容应涉及英式英语与美式英语和其他语言之间的关系。G 项:A lot of words in theEnglish language are borrowed from other languages, like Latin, Greek, and French( 英语中有彳艮多单词是从其他语言借来的,比如拉丁语、希腊语和法语) 合乎题意。故选G。1

80、8 . 空处为本段主题句。根据空后“Aeroplane is no exception. Were comfortable with aeroin scientific terms, but as planes became more common things to talk about, the aero seemed toofancy, explains Murphy.( “ 飞机” 也不例外。墨菲解释说:“ 在科学术语中,aero这个词让我们感到舒服,但随着飞机成为更常见的话题,aero这个词似乎太花哨了 ) ” 以及“Ten years later,airplane was adop

81、ted by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics as their term.( 十年后,“ 飞机” 被国家航空咨询委员会采用作为他们的术语) “ 可知,本段主要介绍了 aeroplane与airplane 在拼写上的差异和科学上的联系。 F 项: Theres a lot of history that goes beyond wordsand dives deep into politics, government, and science( 有很多历史超越了 文字,深入到政治、政府和科学)概括本段内容,合乎题意。故选F。19 .

82、 根据空前“Aeroplane is no exception. Were comfortable with aero9 in scientific terms, butas planes became more common things to talk about, the aero seemed too fancy, explainsMurphy.( “飞机” 也不例外。墨菲解释说:“ 在科学术语中,aero这个词让我们感到舒服,但随着飞机成为更常见的话题,aero这个词似乎太花哨了” 广讲到随着飞机的普及,带有aero的拼写方式似乎太花哨,以及空后“Ten years later, a

83、irplane9 was adopted by the NationalAdvisory Committee for Aeronautics as their term.(十年后, “ 飞机” 被国家航空咨询委员会采用作为他们的术语) “ 故空处应涉及airplane这种拼写方式在美国得到认可。D 项:Airplane is amuch better word than aeroplane( Airplane 这个词比 aeroplane 好得多) 合乎题意。故选 D。20 . 根据空前的Theres a good reason why words that mean the same thi

84、ng are spelleddifferently, and why that will continue to happen ( 意思相同的单词拼写不同, 而且这种情况会继续发生,这是有原因的) 可知,设空处应是在介绍表示同一含义的单词的英式拼写和美式拼答案第5 页,共 11页写不同这种现象持续发生的原因。B 项:Your spelling tells people where you5re ( 你的拼写会告诉别人你来自哪里) 说明原因是你的拼写会告诉别人你来自哪里, 合乎题意。 故选Bo21. B 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. C 28. D 29.

85、A 30. D 31. C32. D 33. B 34. A 35. C【 导语】本文为一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章主要讲述了丈夫去世后,作者不得不打理丈夫的花园。在打理花园的过程中,作者不仅治愈了失去丈夫的伤痛,还对生命有了更深的感悟。2 1 .考查动词词义辨析。 句意: 多年前, Randy在我们的院子里种植了很多水仙花。 A. spotted看见, 发现; B. raised培育, 种植; C. purchased购买; D. removed移走, 搬走。 根据前文“decidingwhat to do with his garden”可知,此处指作者丈夫种植了很多水仙花,故选B。22 .

86、考查名词词义辨析。句意:对他而言,水仙花象征着希望,预示着光明和温暖很快会取代黑暗和寒冷。A. warmth温 暖 ; B.beauty美 丽 ; C. happiness幸 福 ; D. energy力量。根据空后“would soon replace the dark and cold.“可知, 此处指光明和温暖会取代黑暗和寒冷, 故选Ac23 . 考查副词词义辨析。句意:看着它们,我在想Randy是如何精心地挑选这些植物,以便我们每月都能欣赏它们。A. freely自由地,不受限制地;B. randomly随意地,随机地;C. carefully 精心地,慎重地;D. willingly

87、 愿意地。根据后文“so we, d appreciate them everymonth”可知,此处指丈夫精心挑选植物,故选C。24 . 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后我注意到了这些杂草,我需要开始工作了。A. checked检查;B. pulled 拉 ; C. remembered 记住;D. noticed 注意到,看到。根据后文“I needed to getto work.”可知,此处指作者看到了杂草,故选D。25 . 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:除杂草这项工作很安静,很治愈,这让我意识到,这能让我感觉离Randy更近。A. determined有决心的;B.aware知道的,意识到的

88、; C. proud骄傲的,自豪的;D. satisfied满意的。根据前文“The work was quiet and comforting”可知,此处指花园里的工作让作者感到很治愈,因此意识到这能让她感觉自己离Randy更近,故选B。26 . 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当春天变成夏天时,花园里紧急任务的清单越来越短。A. clearer更清晰易懂的;B. shorter更短的;C. nealer更有条理的,更有序的;D. fuller更满的。根据前文“As spring turned to summer”可知,此处指随着时间的推移, 作者完成了一些任务,的花园紧急任务清单越来越短了,故选

89、B。答案第6 页,共 11页27 . 考查名词词义辨析。 句意: 这让我感觉很好, 很有成就感。 A. purpose目标; B. responsibility责任; C. achievement 成就; D. security 安全。根据前文“As spring turned to summer, my list ofurgent garden tasks got 6 . It made me feel good,nJ Ml,此处指在作者的努力下,她的花园紧急任务清单越来越短了,因此作者很有成就感,故选C。28 . 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:渐渐地,我感觉治愈的种子在作者心中开始生根发芽。

90、A. have control of 控制,支配;B. make room for 为. . .腾地方;C. keep pace with 与. . . . 步调一致;D. take root in 扎根于,植根于。根据空前“It made me feel good, this sense of7 . ” 可知,此处指治愈的种子在作者心中开始生根发芽,故选D。29 . 考查动词词义辨析。句意:想到Randy时,我的思绪不再那么集中在失去他的悲伤上T o A. focused关注,集中于;B. counted指望,数;C. acted行事;D. based基于。根据空后“less on the

91、sadness of my life without him.“可知, 此处指作者的思绪不再那么集中在失去他的悲伤上了,故选A。30 . 考查动词词义辨析。 句意: 我注意到自己笑得更多了。 A. progressed进步, 改进; B. worked工作, 起作用;C. considered仔细考虑, 细想;D. laughed笑。根据前文“Gradually, I felt theseeds of healing ( 治愈) began to 8 my heart. My thoughts of Randy 9 lesson the sadness of my life without h

92、im.“可知, 作者治愈了很多, 因此也就笑得更多了, 故选D。31. 考查名词词义辨析。 句意: 当夏天变成秋天时, 我的注意力也放在了将花园整理好上面。A. interest 兴趣;B. heart 心;C. attention 注意力;D. back 背部。根据空后“putting the gardento bed”可知,此处指随着季节的变化,作者的注意力也发生了转移,故选C。32 . 考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管秋冬季节的花园似乎没有收获,但我知道,它蕴臧着丰富的生命。A. changes改变;B. presents展示,呈现;C. expects期待;D. hold包含,蕴藏。根据前

93、文“While in fall and winter garden seems unproductive”可知,此处与上文形成对比,指作者知道花园里蕴藏着丰富的生命,故选D。33 . 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:春夏的郁郁葱葱可能已经不复存在了,但是在土壤深处,每一种生物下都沉睡着将再次绽放出美丽花朵的种子。 A. obvious明显的; B. gone不复存在的,消失的;C. alive 活着的;D. great 伟大的 根据前文“While a fall and winter garden seemsunproductive”可知,此处指春季和夏季的郁郁葱葱可能不复存在了,消失了,故选B。3

94、4 . 考查动词词义辨析。 句意同上。 A. rest沉睡, 休息; B. spread传播; C. stand站立; D. survive存活,幸免于。根据后文“the seeds of what is ready to 15 aRain.”并结合常识可知,此处指是在土壤深处,每一种生物的根部都沉睡着即将绽放出美丽花朵的种子,故选A。答案第7 页,共 11页35 . 考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. arise出现;B. exist存在;C. flower开花;D. mature成熟,长成。根据前文“so we, d appreciate them every month.”可知,作者他们每

95、个月都能欣赏到水仙,故此处指沉睡着即将开花的种子,故选C。36 . to promote 37. Since 38. wasdocumented 39. but 40. wider 41. aiming 42. caught 43. traditional 44. to 45. cooperation【 导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了世界太极和气功日的历史和发展。36 . 考查非谓语动词。句意:4 月的最后一个周六是世界太极和气功日,这是为了在全世界推广太极和气功而组织的一年一度的活动。空处在此作目的状语,应用不定式。故填topromote37 . 考查时间状语从句。句意:从 1999

96、年开始,该活动见证了 8 0 多个国家的人们参加其庆祝活动。空处引导时间状语从句,结合句意表示“ 自从“ 用 since。故填Since。38 . 考查时态和语态。句意:太极拳作为实用传统的第一个形式是在17世纪的中国北方,但是最为广泛认可的形式是杨露禅在19世纪传播的“ 杨式” 太极。 根据句中的时间状语in the17th century可知,此处陈述发生在过去的事情,空处谓语应用一般过去时;document与句子主语The first form of Tai Chi之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故填was documented39 . 考查连词。句意:太极拳作为实用传统的第一个形式是在1

97、7世纪的中国北方,但是最为广泛认可的形式是杨露禅在19世纪传播的“ 杨式” 太极。根据句意可知,前后句之前存在转折关系。故填but。40 . 考查形容词比较级。句意:在 20世纪,太极的各种招式被标准化,使它获得了更广泛的认可。此处与上文中的the most widely recognized. in the 19th century形成对比, 应用所给形容词的比较级形式。故填wider。41 . 考查非谓语动词。句意:世界太极和气功日的灵感源自1998年在密苏里州的堪萨斯市举行的活动, 当地的太极俱乐部在那里举办了一场公开展览以传播中国武术。 分析句子可知,句子已有谓语动h e ld ,所以

98、空处应填非谓语动词,且 aim 与 exhibition之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,应用现在分词aim ing,表主动。故填aiming。42 . 考查时态。句意:渐渐地,这项活动引起了人们的兴趣,从美国其他城市开始,最终在1999年蔓延到全世界。根据语境可知,此处陈述发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时,所答案第8 页,共 I I 页有空处谓语动词应填caught, catch sb.s interest为固定搭配,表示“ 引 起 某 人 的 兴 趣 故 填caughto43 . 考查形容词。 句意: 如今该活动的目的是让世人了解这两种艺术在医学和精神上的好处,以及将传统的中国思想纳入健康、教育等方

99、面的好处。空处在句中作定语修饰名词短语Chinese ideas,应用形容词 traditional,表示“ 传统的 。故填 traditional。44 . 考查介词。句意:通过从教育研讨会到展览等各种活动来教授这些知识。空处涉及固定句型range from sth. to sth.表示“ 从. . . 到. . . . 之间范围内波动/ 变化 。故填to。45 . 考查名词。句意:通过这样做,该活动有助于促进超越地缘政治边界的合作。空处在句中作encourage的宾语,应填名词cooperation,表示“ 合作 。故填cooperation。46 . Dear Mike,Learning

100、 youre going to sign up fbr the short video competition on the theme of AmazingChina,Em writing to share my ideas with you.If I were you, I would not hesitate to shoot a short video about Chinas smart agriculture.Nowadays, you can see modem farmers using cutting-edge technologies and devices foragri

101、cultural production, monitoring and management. Thanks to this, the efficiency is greatlyimproved and the countrys grain security is guaranteed. Therefore, Tm convinced that showingthe enormous changes in Chinese agriculture will hold much appeal fbr the viewers.May your entry stand out in the compe

102、tition!Yours,Li Hua【 导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给交换生Mike就参加短视频大会的事情写一封回信提出一些建议并表达祝愿。【 详解】1. 词汇积累报名参加:sign upenter for主题:theme subject智能的:smart intelligent设备:deviceequipment2 , 句式拓展简单句变复合句原句: Learning youre going to sign up fbr the short video competition on the theme of Amazing答案第9 页,共 11页China, Im writing

103、to share my ideas with you.拓展句: Because I learnt youre going to sign up for the short video competition on the theme ofAmazing China, Tm writing to share my ideas with you.【 点睛】【 高分句型 1 If I were you, I would not hesitate to shoot a short video about Chinassmart agriculture4运用了虚拟语气在条件句中的运用) 高分句型 2】

104、Im convinced that showing the enormous changes in Chinese agriculture will holdmuch appeal for the viewers.( 运用 了 that 引导的宾语从句)47 . 佳作展台Parisa got down to working on her magazine. She wrote The Tall Pines Gazette“ in big,colorful letters on the front cover. After due consideration, she chose the new

105、s about Barky, hernext doors dog, as the first story. The process was smooth. Days later, Parisa finished all storiesthat covered a lot of ground, with hand-drawn pictures added to each one. She couldnt believehow fast the days had flown by because of her project. Parisa was filled with pride and ex

106、citementwhen she sent it off to enter the contest.A few weeks later, Parisa received a package from the kids magazine. To Parisas surpriseand delight, tcThe Tall Pines Gazette won first prize! The kids magazine had it printed and senther some copies! She rushed to share them with her grandmother and

107、 her friends who had justreturned from their vacations. They congratulated her and told her her magazine was really cool.Her neighbors were so impressed that they suggested Parisa keep her magazine going. Surely shehappily agreed and shes already had inspiration for the next issue!【 导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述

108、了暑假开始了,Parisa最好的两个朋友都不在家,她又是家里唯一的孩子。看书时,儿童杂志上的一则比赛信息吸引了她。比赛要求参赛者创作一本八页的杂志。一番思考之后,Parisa决定以街区为创作主题参加比赛。【 详解】I. 段落续写:由第一段首句内容“ 帕里萨开始着手制作她的杂志。” 可知,第一段可描写Parisa是怎么创作杂志的。由第二段首句内容“ 几周后,帕里萨收到了一份儿童杂志的包裹。“ 可知,第二段可描写Parisa收到包裹后的心情与举动。2 . 续写线索:创造杂志获奖得到赞扬3 . 词汇激活答案第10页,共 11页行为类充满 了 : be filled with/be full of完成

109、:finish/complete赢得一等奖:win the first prize/rank first情绪类令人惊讶和高兴的是:to ones surprise and delight/surprisingly and delightedly高兴地同意了: happily agreed/agreed with delight 点睛 高分句型 1 iParisa was filled with pride and excitement when she sent it off to enter thecontest.( 由 when引导了时间状语从句)【 高分句型 2 She rushed to share them with her grandmother and her friends who had justreturned from their vacations.( 由 who 引导了 限定性定语从句)答案第11页,共 11页



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