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1、Unit 3 The world of colours and light色彩与光的世界. 单词盘点点根据根据词性和性和汉语意思写出意思写出词汇1. _(adj. )抽象的抽象的 (n. )摘要,概要摘要,概要2. _(n. )建筑;建筑学建筑;建筑学3. _(adj. )锐角的;角的;强强烈的;烈的;(疾病疾病)急性的;灵敏的;敏急性的;灵敏的;敏锐的的abstractarchitectureacute4. _(n. )共共识,一致的意,一致的意见5. _(n. )阴影,影子;阴暗阴影,影子;阴暗处6. _(vt. & vi. )全心全意投入;犯罪,犯全心全意投入;犯罪,犯错;承;承诺,保,

2、保证7. _(n. )回回报,报酬,酬,奖励励 (vt. )奖励,励,给以以报酬酬8. _ (n. )纪念物,念物,纪念品念品9. _(n. )风景,景色,景,景色,风光光consensusshadowcommitrewardsouvenirscenery10. _(n. )奖学金学金11. _ (n. )布料,布料,织物;物;(一一块)布布12. _ (vt. )喷,喷洒,向洒,向喷洒洒 (n. )喷剂;喷雾;浪花;浪花13. _ (vt. &vi. )浸,蘸浸,蘸14. _(vt. & vi. )计算;推算;推测_ (n. )计算,算,估估计scholarshipclothspraydip

3、calculatecalculation15. _(adj. )多多变的,易的,易变的的 _ (vt. )改改变 (n. )变化化16. _ (n. )住住处;住宿,膳宿;和解,;住宿,膳宿;和解,调解解 _ (vt. )为(某人某人)提供住提供住处17. _(n. )(机构、机构、组织等的等的)准准许加入,加入,进入入权;承;承认,入入场费 _ (vt. )承承认,准,准许进入,允入,允许加入加入18. _ (adj. )令人不快的,令人令人不快的,令人厌恶的,令人的,令人愤慨的慨的 _ (vi. )令人令人厌恶,令人反感;,令人反感;(vt. )使作呕,使使作呕,使烦;(n. )厌恶,嫌,

4、嫌恶_ (adj. )感到感到厌烦的,感到反感的的,感到反感的changeablechangeaccommodationaccommodateadmissionadmit disgustingdisgustdisgusted【品品词自自测】根据所根据所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空It is obvious that we cant _the _weather. We have to adjust to it. (changeable)A new dorm was built to _the fresh students, that is, the fresh students will b

5、e offered_. (accommodation)Tom applied for _to the graduate program at Northwestern University but wasnt_ into it at last. (admit)The smell there was _and I was _at it. (disgusting)changechangeableaccommodateaccommodationadmission admitteddisgustingdisgusted. 短短语回放回放1. 用用方法方法进行行实验_2. 从从到到,在,在和和之之间 _

6、3. 渴望做某事渴望做某事 _4. 在在以上,大于,超以上,大于,超过 _5. 动身去身去 _6. 作作为的替的替换 _experiment withrange from. . . to. . .be eager to do sth. upwards ofbe off toinstead of7. 预订,预约_8. 由由制成,用制成,用制成制成 _9. 切碎切碎 _10. 布置,布置,设计;铺开,展开开,展开 _11. 剪出,剪下剪出,剪下 _ _12. 试一一试 _13. 试用,用,实验 _make a reservationbe made out ofcut uplay outcut so

7、mething out (ofsomething)have a go (at)try out. 句式句式扫描描1. I _(惊惊讶地得知地得知) that Picasso had an output of more than 20, 000 pieces of art. 2. _(不不仅是位画家是位画家), da Vinci was also an architect, scientist and engineer. 3. _(我我们一离开宿舍一离开宿舍)the next morning when we realized we had left our map in the room. 4.

8、_(如果你和我如果你和我们来的来的话), I guarantee you would have enjoyed Europe too. was amazed to learnBesides being a painterHardly had we left the dormitoryHad you come with us5. It probably smelled good, but _(花花费很很长时间做成做成). 6. There are many other things that you can use to make unusual pictures, so _(为什么不什么不试一

9、一试)at some of the ideas above and then try out some ideas of your own? it took a long time to dowhy not have a go【仿句自仿句自测】根据下面句式仿写句子根据下面句式仿写句子be amazed to do sth. 很吃惊地做某事很吃惊地做某事仿写:我惊仿写:我惊讶地得知他一年之内写了五本地得知他一年之内写了五本书。I was amazed to learn that he wrote five books in a year. besides doing. . . 除了做除了做之外之

10、外还;不;不仅做做还仿写:除了当工人之外,他仿写:除了当工人之外,他还是个歌手。是个歌手。Besides being a worker, he was also a singer. hardly. . . when. . . 一一就就仿写:他一到家,仿写:他一到家,电话就响了。就响了。Hardly had he got into the house when the telephone rang. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 某人花某人花费多少多少时间做某事做某事仿写:看完仿写:看完这本本书花了我花了我20分分钟。It took me twenty mi

11、nutes to read the book. 核核心心要要点点remains三年三年2考考accommodation三年三年2考考hardly. . . when. . .三年三年2考考1. commit vt. & vi. 全心全意投入;犯罪,犯全心全意投入;犯罪,犯错;承;承诺,保,保证commit an error/ a crime/suicide做做错事事/犯罪犯罪/自自杀commit oneself to(doing)sth. 承承诺(做做)某事某事commit oneself to do sth. 承承诺做某事做某事commit to全身心投入全身心投入More crimes a

12、re committed by young men. 多数罪行都是年多数罪行都是年轻人犯下的。人犯下的。Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan. 借款人借款人应当慎重考当慎重考虑后再行借款。后再行借款。Both sides _ _ _settle the dispute peacefully. 双方承双方承诺和平解决争端。和平解决争端。committed themselves to【熟熟词生生义】根据根据语境境选择最佳最佳汉语意思意思The court committe

13、d the woman to a mental hospital. A. 将将托付托付给B. 承承诺C. 投入投入答案:答案:A。2. reward vt. 给(某某人人)报酬酬,奖励励(某某人人);n. U报答答;报偿;C报酬,酬金;酬,酬金;奖金,金,奖赏(1)reward sb. with sth. 用用报答答/回回报某人某人reward sb. for (doing )sth. 因因(做做)某事某事奖赏某人某人(2)in reward (for)作作为(对的的)报酬酬as a reward for作作为(对某事的某事的)报酬酬give/offer a reward to sb. for

14、 sth. 为某事而某事而给某人某人报酬酬He rewarded us with a lot of money for helping him. 对于我于我们的帮助,他大加酬的帮助,他大加酬谢。He worked hard, but got very little in reward. 他他虽辛苦工作,得到的辛苦工作,得到的报酬却很少。酬却很少。我我们会酬会酬谢他的帮助的。他的帮助的。(一句多一句多译)We shall _him _his services. =We shall _ _ _ _ _for his services. rewardforoffer a reward to him3

15、. accommodation n. 住住处;住宿,膳宿;和解,;住宿,膳宿;和解,调解解(1)make accommodations for为提供食宿提供食宿(2)accommodate vt. 供供应,供供给;使使适适应;向向提供;容提供;容纳 vi. 适适应accommodate sb. to sth. 使适使适应accommodate sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物某人提供某物accommodate oneself to. . . 使自己适使自己适应于于accommodate (sb. ) for the night留留(某人某人)住一夜住一夜Accommodation w

16、ill be provided for all new students. 将将为所有的新学生提供住所有的新学生提供住处。The hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests. 这家旅家旅馆可以容可以容纳500多位旅客。多位旅客。He will _ _ _the use of his house while he is abroad. 他在国外期他在国外期间将把他的房子将把他的房子给我使用。我使用。accommodate me withWherever he goes, he can adapt himself to new circumstances.

17、 (句型句型转换)=Wherever he goes, he can _ _ _ new circumstances. 无无论走到哪里他都能适走到哪里他都能适应新新环境。境。accommodate himself to【真真题链接接】 湖湖 北北 After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide _for the homeless families. A. accommodationB. occupationC. equipmentD. furniture【解解析析】选选A。考考查查名名词

18、词词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意:地地震震发发生生后后,当当地地政政府府所所做做的的第第一一件件事事就就是是为为无无家家可可归归的的家家庭庭提提供供食食宿宿。accommodation住住处处,膳膳宿宿;occupation职职业业;equipment 设设备备;furniture家具。家具。4. disgusting adj. 令人不快的,令人令人不快的,令人厌恶的,令人的,令人愤慨的慨的(1)disgust vi. 令人令人厌恶,令人反感,令人反感 vt. 使作呕,使使作呕,使厌烦 n. 厌恶,嫌,嫌恶with disgust反感地,反感地,厌恶地地in disgust愤愤地地(much)to

19、 ones disgust令某人令某人(非常非常)气气愤的是的是(2)be disgusted to find/hear/see发现/听到听到/看到看到很气很气愤be disgusted at/by/with sth. 讨厌或唾弃某物,或唾弃某物,对作呕作呕What a disgusting smell! 这气味真令人作呕!气味真令人作呕!Sam threw his books down in disgust and stormed out of the room. 萨姆姆愤愤地把地把书扔下,气冲冲地冲出房扔下,气冲冲地冲出房间。Everybody except Joe looked at m

20、e_ _. 除了除了乔以外,大家都反感地看着我。以外,大家都反感地看着我。with disgust用用disgust的适当形式填空的适当形式填空I was _to hear that the school treated students unequally. Much to my_, I found a hair in my soup. disgusteddisgust【点点津津】disgusting与与disgusted都都可可用用作作形形容容词,但但disgusting意意为“令令人人厌恶的的”,常常用用来来修修饰物物;disgusted意意为“感感到到厌恶的的”,常用来修,常用来修饰人

21、。人。5. spray vt. 喷,喷洒,向洒,向喷洒洒 n. 喷剂;喷雾;浪花;浪花She sprayed herself with perfume. 她往自己身上她往自己身上喷了香水。了香水。Spray the conditioner onto your wet hair. 往你的湿往你的湿头发上上喷些些护发素。素。The gunman sprayed the building with bullets. 持持枪歹徒向那所房子歹徒向那所房子扫射。射。【归纳】spray sb. _sth. 往往喷洒洒spray sth. _sth. 向向喷洒洒spray (sb. /sth. ) _bull

22、ets开开枪扫射射(某人某人/某物某物)withon/onto/overwith6. be made out of由由制成,用制成,用制成制成The dress was made out of some old curtains. 这件衣服是由旧窗帘制成的。件衣服是由旧窗帘制成的。【拓展拓展】根据根据汉语意思写出下列短意思写出下列短语_被制成被制成_ 由由组成成_ 由由制成制成(从制成的物体上看从制成的物体上看不出原材料不出原材料)_由由制成制成(从制成的物体上能从制成的物体上能看出原材料看出原材料)be made intobe made up ofbe made frombe made of

23、7. lay out布置,布置,设计;铺开,展开开,展开Pam laid her dress out on the bed. 帕姆将她的帕姆将她的连衣裙衣裙摊开放在床上。开放在床上。The gardens were laid out with lawns, flower beds and fountains. 花园的布局有草坪,有花花园的布局有草坪,有花坛,有,有喷泉。泉。【拓展拓展】补全以下短全以下短语lay _裁裁员,解雇,解雇lay sth. _把把放在一放在一边;储存存lay sth. _(开始开始)建造某物;停止使用某事物,放建造某物;停止使用某事物,放弃某事物;制定弃某事物;制定规

24、则、原、原则等等off asidedown8. cut sth. out裁剪出;裁剪出;删掉;放弃,戒掉;停止掉;放弃,戒掉;停止If you cut out the drink, youd feel much healthier. 如果你戒酒,就会感如果你戒酒,就会感觉身体好得多。身体好得多。Lets cut out the unimportant details. 让我我们把那些无关把那些无关紧要的要的细节删掉吧。掉吧。【拓展拓展】cut across超越;不超越;不顾;抄近路;抄近路cut down砍倒;削减砍倒;削减cut off中断,停止中断,停止cut up切碎;切碎;剁碎碎cut

25、 through穿穿过,穿透,穿透cut away切除,砍掉切除,砍掉选用方框中的短用方框中的短语填空填空The village was once _ _after the earthquake. He tried to _ _on smoking but failed. cut offcut down9. Hardly had we left the dormitory the next morning when we realized we had left our map in the room. 第第二二天天早早晨晨我我们刚离离开宿舍,就想起把地开宿舍,就想起把地图忘在房忘在房间里了。

26、里了。hardly. . . when. . . 意思是意思是“一一就就;刚就就”, 主主句用句用过去完成去完成时,when引引导的从句常用一般的从句常用一般过去去时。当。当hardly位于句首位于句首时,主句用部分倒装。,主句用部分倒装。He had hardly begun to speak when the audience interrupted him. 他他刚开始演开始演讲,听众就打断了他。,听众就打断了他。_ _ _ _to speak _his father stopped him. 他他刚开口开口发言就被父言就被父亲制止了。制止了。Hardly had he begunwhe

27、n【想一想想一想】高高中中英英语有有许多多表表示示“一一就就”的的短短语,高高考考也也常常以以此此作作为考点。想一想,你考点。想一想,你还能想起哪些能想起哪些这样的短的短语呢?呢?【拓展延伸拓展延伸】(1)no sooner. . . than. . . 也也表表示示“一一就就;刚刚就就”, 主主句句用用过过去去完完成成时时,than从从句句中中常常用用一一般般过过去去时时。当当no sooner位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。No sooner had I left my house than it began to rain. 我刚离开家就下雨了。我刚离开家就下

28、雨了。(2)as soon as/immediately/directly/the moment/the minute等等也也表示表示“一一就就”。The young lady rushed into the room the moment she heard the noise. 这位年轻的女士一听见响声就冲进屋里。这位年轻的女士一听见响声就冲进屋里。10. It probably smelled good, but it took a long time to do. 它它可可能能闻起来很可口,但做起来要花起来很可口,但做起来要花费很很长时间。句句中中“It takes sb. +时间+t

29、o do sth. ”为固固定定句句式式,意意为:“花花费某某人人多多少少时间做做某某事事”。“It”是是形形式式主主语,后后面面的的“to do”是是真真正正的主的主语。“花花费”表达方式表达方式归纳sb. spend(s) some time/money on sth. sb. spend(s) some time/money (in)doing sth. sb. pay(s) sb. money for sth. It cost(s) sb. sth. to do sth. cost(s) sb. time/moneyIt took the workers 37 years to bui

30、ld the Qinshihuang Tomb. 建造秦始皇陵用了工人建造秦始皇陵用了工人们37年的年的时间。They spent two weeks (in)finishing the rescue work. 他他们花花费了两个星期完成了救援工作。了两个星期完成了救援工作。The work cost me a lot of time and energy. 这份工作花了我大量的份工作花了我大量的时间和精力。和精力。我我们修理洗衣机花了半小修理洗衣机花了半小时。(判断正判断正误)It took us half an hour to fix the washing machine. ( )We

31、 spent half an hour (in)fixing the washing machine. ( )(1)admission与其他名与其他名词的辨析的辨析(2)shadow和和shade的的词义辨析辨析(3)虚虚拟条件状条件状语从句的倒装省略从句的倒装省略1. 2013兰州州模模拟_ there yesterday, I could have asked him not to do so. A. If I wereB. If I wasC. Had I beenD. Was I【解解析析】选选C。考考查查虚虚拟拟条条件件句句的的倒倒装装省省略略。句句意意:如如果果我我昨昨天天在在那那

32、儿儿的的话话,我我就就会会要要求求他他别别那那样样做做。与与过过去去事事实实相相反反的的虚虚拟条件句中用过去完成时,若省略拟条件句中用过去完成时,若省略if,须将,须将had提到主语的前面。提到主语的前面。2. The National Gallery in London has more visitors than any others because of its free_. A. receptionB. admissionC. recognitionD. approach【解解析析】选选B。考考查查名名词词辨辨析析。句句意意:由由于于不不收收门门票票,伦伦敦敦国国家家美美术术馆馆比比任

33、任何何其其他他美美术术馆馆接接纳纳的的来来访访者者都都要要多多。reception接接待待;admission进进入入;recognition认认识识;approach方方法法,途途径径,接近。接近。3. 选词填空填空 shadow/shadeI saw him sitting in the _of a tree. He walked along in the_, hoping no one could recognize him. shadeshadow写作提升写作提升(十一十一)开放作文开放作文 开开放放类作作文文在在近近几几年年高高考考中中的的比比例例不不断断增增大大,试题往往往往给出出

34、一一定定素素材材或或主主题,让学学生生在在此此基基础上上自自由由发挥,不不受受“文文体体形形式式,内内容容要要点点”的的限限制制,难度度较大大。写写该类作作文文时,首首先先要要立意准确,把握好文章要表达的中心思想,然后再立意准确,把握好文章要表达的中心思想,然后再谋篇布局。篇布局。 现如如今今我我国国中中小小学学生生近近视率率普普遍遍增增高高,请你你就就自自己己学学校校的的情况,用英文情况,用英文说一一说中学生近中学生近视的情况。的情况。注意:注意:1. 150词左右。左右。 2. 参考参考词汇: 近近视的的near-sighted【审题谋篇篇】 1. 本本篇篇为开开放放性性作作文文,为常常见

35、形形式式,目目的的是是引引起起学学生生对中中学生近学生近视这一一现象的重象的重视。 2. 人称:第三人称人称:第三人称 3. 时态:一般:一般现在在时 4. 写作要点:写作要点: 介介绍调查中学生近中学生近视的情况的情况 分析近分析近视的原因的原因 就怎就怎样预防近防近视提些建提些建议【常用模板常用模板】 . 格式模板格式模板 开开头:Recently a survey was conducted. . . 正正文文:According to the survey. . . I think one of the reasons is that. . . 23% of. . . 结尾尾:As f

36、ar as I am concerned. . . If you want to. . . you should. . . . 句式模板句式模板 1. 有有23%的的小小学学生生近近视。23% of the primary school students are near-sighted. 2. 随着年随着年龄的增的增长 with the growing of the age as the age grows with the age growing 3. 原因原因(之一之一)是是 one of the reasons is that. . . why. . . is that. . . 【尝

37、试运用运用】 1. 随着年随着年龄的增的增长,越来越多的学生受到近,越来越多的学生受到近视的影响。的影响。 With the growing of the age, more and more students are affected by near-sightedness. (改成状改成状语从句从句) As the age grows, more and more students are affected by near-sightedness. 2. 我我认为原因之一是他原因之一是他们用眼用眼时间太太长。 I think one of the reasons is that they

38、use their eyes too long. 3. 我我认为,如果你想有明亮的眼睛,你就要避免,如果你想有明亮的眼睛,你就要避免长时间用用眼的坏眼的坏习惯。_, if you want to have bright eyes, you should avoid the bad habit of using eyes too long. As far as I am concerned【佳文点睛佳文点睛】 Recently a survey was conducted in my school. _ the survey, the near-sighted rates and reasons

39、 for it can be varied in terms of age and personal habit. 23% of the primary school students, 55% of the junior school students and 70% of the senior school students are near-sighted. Why are they affected by near-sightedness? I think one of the reasons is that they use their eyes too long._, they r

40、ead books while walking, taking the bus and under theWhats worseAccording tostrong light._, they dont have the healthy habits of using eyes._, they lack the knowledge of eye protection. _, if you want to have bright eyes, you should avoid the bad habit of using eyes too long. In other wordsBesidesAs

41、 far as I am concerned 古古人人云云:“笑笑福福开开来来”。微微笑笑是是和和谐的的开开始始,微微笑笑是是沟沟通通的的通通行行证,微微笑笑可可以以冰冰释前前嫌嫌,微微笑笑可可以以舒舒缓窘窘迫迫,微微笑笑可可以以感感化化灵灵魂魂,微微笑笑可可以以增增强强自自信信,微微笑笑可可以以增增添添魅魅力力,微微笑笑可可以以 请你以微笑你以微笑为主主题写一篇英写一篇英语短文,短文,题目自目自拟。注意:注意:1. 对所提示内容不要所提示内容不要简单翻翻译,可以适当,可以适当发挥。 2. 词数数150左右。左右。 3. 文中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。文中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。

42、_【参考范文参考范文】Why Do We Smile? Everybody likes smiling. But why do we smile? Smiling makes us attractive. We are drawn to people who smile. Smiling changes our mood, as it can trick the body into feeling better. Smiling is infectious. When someone is smiling he can light up the room, change the moods o

43、f others, and make them happier. Smiling relieves stress. It helps to prevent us from looking tired. Smiling makes us look healthier. It can bring us energy and pleasure. Smiling makes us seem successful. Smiling people appear more confident, and are more likely to be approached. Smiling helps us stay positive. When one smiles his body is sending us a message“Life is good! ” So just try smiling our way through the day. Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.



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