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1、Book7-m6-The-Book7-m6-The-Worlds-Cultural-Worlds-Cultural-HeritageHeritageWords1.delegate2.heritage 3.heritage sites4.tangible5.intangible6.monument7.consist ofn. 代表代表 =representative遗址遗址 adj. 有形的;切实的有形的;切实的adj. 无形的无形的, 难以理解的难以理解的n. 纪念碑;历史遗迹纪念碑;历史遗迹由由构成构成 = be made up ofheritage n. (sing. U)遗产遗产(指历史

2、、传统和特色指历史、传统和特色)cultural / architectural / literary inheritance n.(钱财等钱财等)继承物继承物,遗产遗产 ;遗传特征遗传特征:inherit v. vt. 继承;遗传而得继承;遗传而得He inherited a fortune from his grandmother.I inherited my mothers curly hair.Wordsadj. adj. 口口口口头头头头的,口述的的,口述的的,口述的的,口述的n. (U)n. (U)工工工工艺艺艺艺,工,工,工,工艺艺艺艺品品品品n. (UC)n. (UC)金金金金

3、银财银财银财银财宝宝宝宝; ;珍品珍品珍品珍品 vt. vt. 珍惜珍惜珍惜珍惜 adj. adj. 濒临灭绝濒临灭绝濒临灭绝濒临灭绝的的的的n. n. 居民;居住者居民;居住者居民;居住者居民;居住者n. n. 人人人人类类类类n. n. 形式形式形式形式 vt. vt. 构成构成构成构成 vi. vi. 形成形成形成形成 以与以与以与以与. .同同同同样样样样的方式的方式的方式的方式把把把把A A加入加入加入加入B B中中中中8.oraloral9.craftworkcraftwork10.treasuretreasure11.requirerequire12.endangeredenda

4、 the same way the same way as.17.add A to Badd A to Brequire vt. 需要需要require sth.require sth. This condition requires urgent treatment. This condition requires urgent treatment. Do you require anything else? (= in a shop / store) .

5、Do you require anything else? (= in a shop / store) .require sb. to do sth.require sb. to do sth. True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty. True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty. require + thatrequire + that从句从句从句从句(should)(should) The situation required that he The situatio

6、n required that he ( (shouldshould) ) be present. be present. require doing sth. (require doing sth. (主动表被动主动表被动主动表被动主动表被动) ) Most house plants require regular watering. Most house plants require regular watering. sb./sth. sb./sth. be required to do sthbe required to do sth You are required by law t

7、o wear a seat belt. You are required by law to wear a seat belt. A lot of patience is required to look after a disabled A lot of patience is required to look after a disabled child.child.The Worlds Cultural Heritage世界遗产的由来世界遗产的由来: :一座大坝和一个公约的诞生一座大坝和一个公约的诞生 1959 1959年,埃及与苏丹两国商定,年,埃及与苏丹两国商定,在在阿斯旺阿斯旺修建

8、一座规模宏大的水坝。修建一座规模宏大的水坝。但让他们没有料到的是,修建水坝但让他们没有料到的是,修建水坝将直接威胁到将直接威胁到努比亚遗址和阿布辛努比亚遗址和阿布辛拜勒神庙拜勒神庙的存亡。的存亡。 假如阿斯旺水假如阿斯旺水坝的建设者不采取行动,那么,水坝建成之日,便是神坝的建设者不采取行动,那么,水坝建成之日,便是神庙灭顶之时。埃及政府被迫向联合国发出拯救神庙的呼庙灭顶之时。埃及政府被迫向联合国发出拯救神庙的呼吁。从联合国教科文组织发出呼吁的那一刻起,拯救阿吁。从联合国教科文组织发出呼吁的那一刻起,拯救阿布辛拜勒神庙成为人类历史上布辛拜勒神庙成为人类历史上首次首次联合保护人类文化遗联合保护人类

9、文化遗产的行动。产的行动。 自然和文化景观的破坏自然和文化景观的破坏人类生存受到威胁人类生存受到威胁自然灾害、战争破坏、工业自然灾害、战争破坏、工业化、城市化、人为过度开发化、城市化、人为过度开发引引起起导导致致人与自然要和谐相处人与自然要和谐相处世界遗产公约世界遗产公约的由来的由来 世界遗产公约世界遗产公约联合国联合国教科文教科文的举措的举措自然遗产自然遗产文化遗产文化遗产保护非物质文保护非物质文化遗产公约化遗产公约双重遗产双重遗产人类口头与非人类口头与非物质文化遗产物质文化遗产物质物质遗产遗产世界世界遗产遗产UNESCO 联联合国教科文合国教科文组织组织(United Nations Ed

10、ucational,Scientific, and Cultural Organization)China has done excellent work in protecting world heritage, both tangible and intangible. One of the delegates praised Chinas work on heritage sites at the Suzhou conference in June 2004. Cultural heritage consists of both tangible and intangible cultu

11、ral heritage. Tangible cultural heritage includes_,things_ Here are some can see and touch.museums,monumentsTheGreatWallThePotalaPalaceLijiangRiverLongmenCavesPotteryCopperCashTheFacebookWannanTribePandaHabitatIntangible cultural heritage is also called _,consisting of _ _ _ _ Here are

12、some examples.oral heritage,living cultural heritageendangered languages,traditional music of the human treasure,Oral Heritage太极拳(河北永年杨氏太极拳、河南焦作陈氏太极拳)少林功夫(河南登封)少林功夫(河南登封)武强木版年画皮影戏木偶戏川江号子川江号子宜兴紫砂陶制作技艺景德镇手工制瓷技艺捏糖人手工技艺入选名录Endangered LaguagesWarning-LanguagesareDying!n nAre languages disapp

13、earing at a fast or a slow rate?n nHow many languages appear on the Internet?n nAre all languages written down?n nWhich part of the world has the most languages?Traditional Music of the WorldKunqu opera 红楼梦红楼梦 The story of the StoneThe Dream of the Red Chamber梁祝梁祝 Butterfly Love玉簪记玉簪记 The Jade Hairp

14、in Kunqu opera 牡丹亭牡丹亭 The Peony Pavilion 东北二人转 陕西秦腔Living Human Treasures越南歌筹民歌(越南歌筹民歌(Ca Ca TruTru)是越南的一种传统)是越南的一种传统民歌民歌Blent Bekar风风笛演奏者笛演奏者(Bagpipe player) n n_n n_n n_n n_SantaFesLivingTreasuresn nHow did the Living Threasures Program develop?n nHow did the idea occur?n nHow does the Program wor

15、k?n nFor what are the living treasures honoured?12,34,56Language Points1. originate v.1. originate v. origin n. origin n. original adj./n. original adj./n.2. dozens of. =scores of2. dozens of. =scores of3. ignore v. 3. ignore v. neglect neglect overlook overlookvi. vi. 发源;发生发源;发生发源;发生发源;发生n. n. 起源;出

16、身;开端起源;出身;开端起源;出身;开端起源;出身;开端adj. adj. 原始的;最初的原始的;最初的原始的;最初的原始的;最初的n. n. 原件;原作;原件;原作;原件;原作;原件;原作; 许多许多许多许多vt. (vt. (故意对知道的事置之不理故意对知道的事置之不理故意对知道的事置之不理故意对知道的事置之不理: :vt. vt. 疏忽疏忽疏忽疏忽; ;疏于照顾疏于照顾疏于照顾疏于照顾; ;不予重视不予重视不予重视不予重视vt. vt. 忽视忽视忽视忽视; ;不计较不计较不计较不计较; ;俯瞰俯瞰俯瞰俯瞰Language Points4. preservevt. 保存保存; 维护维护;保

17、养保养preserve ones reputationEfforts to preserve the peace have failed.Norma tried to preserve a normal family life.We must preserve our existing woodlands.well-preserved adj. 保养得好的保养得好的Language Points5. honour vt. 5. honour vt. 给给给给荣誉,表彰,表扬荣誉,表彰,表扬荣誉,表彰,表扬荣誉,表彰,表扬: :honour sb. for. honour sb. for. be

18、 honoured for. be honoured for.honour sb. with.honour sb. with.因他在教育上的贡献而获表彰因他在教育上的贡献而获表彰因他在教育上的贡献而获表彰因他在教育上的贡献而获表彰. .He was honored with an award for contributions to He was honored with an award for contributions to Points be / feel honoured (to do sth) have the honour

19、 of doing sth It is an honour to do sth in honour of sb /in sbs honour为了表示对某人为了表示对某人/某事物的崇敬某事物的崇敬:Language Points6. contribution (to)make contributions to sth. contribute v.contribute (sth.) to sth.contribute to .n. 贡献;捐献贡献;捐献为为做出贡献做出贡献vt. 贡献,出力贡献,出力把把.贡献给贡献给有助于有助于.;导致导致.Im sure your suggestion will

20、 contribute to solving the problem.He contributed an article to our school paper yesterday.He has made great contributions to the space development program.Language Points7. spread to.8. establish9. extend10. display on display11. ceremonyvt. /vi. (信息信息,灾难灾难)传播;伸传播;伸展展(肢体肢体); 涂抹涂抹;vt. 建立;创办建立;创办vt./

21、vi. 延伸;扩大;推广延伸;扩大;推广vt. /n. 显示;表现;陈列显示;表现;陈列在展出在展出n. 典礼,仪式典礼,仪式The Chinese Cultural Heritage甘肃敦煌莫高窟甘肃敦煌莫高窟山东泰山山东泰山陕西秦始皇陵及兵马俑陕西秦始皇陵及兵马俑明清皇宫:北京故宫(北京)明清皇宫:北京故宫(北京)四川黄龙国家级名胜区四川黄龙国家级名胜区沧浪亭沧浪亭狮子林狮子林退思园退思园 the Garden of Seclusion and Meditation SuzhouClassicalGardensn nSuzhouSuzhou i is s one of the 31 sit

22、es on the one of the 31 sites on the World Heritage List.World Heritage List.n nSuzhouSuzhou was was the the venuevenue for the World for the World Heritage Conference. Heritage Conference. n nSuzhouSuzhou is a city with a 2,500-year is a city with a 2,500-year history. history. n nSuzhouSuzhou is f

23、amous for its is famous for its unique classical unique classical gardensgardens and there are more than a and there are more than a hundred hundred preservedpreserved ancient buildings in ancient buildings in the city.the city.Why is Suzhou referred to Why is Suzhou referred to in the passsage?in t

24、he passsage?Phrasesthe World Heritage Listthe World Heritage Committeeagree on .unique natural beautysign the agreement世界遗产名录世界遗产名录世界遗产名录世界遗产名录世界遗产委员会世界遗产委员会世界遗产委员会世界遗产委员会就就就就.达成一致达成一致达成一致达成一致独特的自然独特的自然独特的自然独特的自然美美美美签协议签协议签协议签协议Phrases在名单上在名单上在名单上在名单上这次大会的会场这次大会的会场这次大会的会场这次大会的会场一座有一座有一座有一座有25002500年

25、历史年历史年历史年历史的城市的城市的城市的城市保存完好的古代建筑保存完好的古代建筑保存完好的古代建筑保存完好的古代建筑投资投资投资投资6060亿来保护这亿来保护这亿来保护这亿来保护这座老城的风格座老城的风格座老城的风格座老城的风格on the liston the listthe venue for the conferencethe venue for the conferencea city with a 2,500-year a city with a 2,500-year historyhistorypreserved ancient buildingspreserved ancien

26、t buildingsinvest 6 billion yuan to invest 6 billion yuan to preserve the character of the preserve the character of the old cityold cityagreeagree on.agree on.agree with .agree with .agree to sth.agree to sth.agree to do .agree to do .agreeagree on.agree on.We agree on this point.We agree on this p

27、oint.agree with.agree with.同意同意同意同意 ( (物物物物) )使难受;使难受;使难受;使难受;not(not(不不不不) )适合;适合;适合;适合;( (不不不不) )相宜相宜相宜相宜: :I agree with you on this point.I agree with you on this point.I agree with what he said.I agree with what he said.Londons weather didnt agree with Liuxiang.Londons weather didnt agree with L

28、iuxiang.I love strawberries, but they dont agree with me. I love strawberries, but they dont agree with me. agree to sth.agree to sth.Although I dont understand your requirement, I still Although I dont understand your requirement, I still agree to it.agree to it.agree to do .agree to do .I agree to

29、 exchange seats with him.I agree to exchange seats with him.agreeIt is (generally)agreed that.普遍认为这座城市的美在于当地的人普遍认为这座城市的美在于当地的人.It is (generally)agreed that the beauty of the city consist in local people.Thats where I cant agree with you.I quite agree. I couldnt agree more. I agree completely.agreeme

30、ntChinaChina signed the agreement signed the agreement in 1985. in 1985.In order to In order to reach an agreementreach an agreement, both sides need to , both sides need to back down.back down.I am glad we have I am glad we have come to an agreementcome to an agreement onon price. price.The tow pan

31、das The tow pandas had to be sent to China had to be sent to China under an under an agreementagreement withwith Beijing. Beijing.agreement (with sb.)(on sth.)sign an agreement reach an agreement come to an agreement with . .under an agreementinvestvi./vt. = put momey into.投资投资The government has inv

32、ested heavily in public transport.The college is to invest $2 million in a new conference hall. n n中国第一批申报世界文化遗产的中国第一批申报世界文化遗产的5个候选名个候选名单,它们是:故宫、万里长城、周口店北单,它们是:故宫、万里长城、周口店北京人遗址、秦始皇陵、敦煌莫高窟京人遗址、秦始皇陵、敦煌莫高窟明清皇宫:北京故宫(北京)明清皇宫:北京故宫(北京)陕西秦始皇陵及兵马俑陕西秦始皇陵及兵马俑万里长城万里长城甘肃敦煌莫高窟甘肃敦煌莫高窟周口店北京人遗址周口店北京人遗址 TheZhoukoudia

33、nBeijingManSiten nZhoukoudian was listed as a world heritage site in December 1987. n nIt has not only given us important information about prehistoric Asian societies, but also has provided amazing evidence about the process of evolution. Pragraph1,2inthe1920sin1929Paragraphs3,4,5n nWhere did they

34、live?n nIs their life span long or short? Why?n nHow to prove prehistoric human in Zhoukoudian use fire?n nHow did they use fire?n nWhat matierals did they use to make tools?n nAre these sites under protection all the time?n nWhy was Zhoukoudian listed as a world heritage site?Laguage Points史前人类史前人类

35、原始人类原始人类n. 残余残余; 遗骸遗骸; 遗体遗体n. 条款,项目;一则条款,项目;一则证明一个人种的存在证明一个人种的存在石灰石岩洞石灰石岩洞prehistoric humanprehistoric humanprimitive humanprimitive humanremainsremainsitemitemprove the existence of a prove the existence of a human specieshuman specieslimestone caveslimestone cavesLaguage Points寿命;使用期限寿命;使用期限寿命;使用期

36、限寿命;使用期限 即便如此,即使这样即便如此,即使这样即便如此,即使这样即便如此,即使这样: :adj. (adj. (人人人人) )久经世故的;富久经世故的;富久经世故的;富久经世故的;富有经验的有经验的有经验的有经验的;( ;(物物物物) )复杂的;精复杂的;精复杂的;精复杂的;精致的;致的;致的;致的;灰烬与化石一起被发现。灰烬与化石一起被发现。灰烬与化石一起被发现。灰烬与化石一起被发现。用骨头做工具用骨头做工具用骨头做工具用骨头做工具进化的过程进化的过程进化的过程进化的过程life span life span even soeven sosophisticatedsophistica

37、tedAshes are found Ashes are found alongside the fossils.alongside the fossils.make tools of bonesmake tools of bonesthe the processprocess of of evolutionevolutioneven so (adv.) 即便如此,即使这样即便如此,即使这样Try to run on a soft surface, such as grass. Try to run on a soft surface, such as grass. Even soEven s

38、o, , you may start having knee may start having knee problems.I know hes only a child, I know hes only a child, but even sobut even so he should have he should have known that what he was doing was wrong.known that what he was doing was wrong.She had only seen Matthew Godden once before

39、, She had only seen Matthew Godden once before, but but eveneven so she recognized him instantly so she recognized him instantly. .alongside prep./adv.在在.旁边旁边; 与与.一起一起, 与与.同时同时Charles spent a week working alongside the miners.A police car pulled up alongside us. Nick caught up with me and rode along

40、side. remain v.1. linking-v. 1. linking-v. 依然是依然是依然是依然是. .Please remain seated until all the lights are on.Please remain seated until all the lights are on.We remained friends.We remained friends.Despite the job losses, Parker remained as manager.Despite the job losses, Parker remained as manager.2.

41、 vi. 2. vi. 剩余;遗留;继续存在剩余;遗留;继续存在剩余;遗留;继续存在剩余;遗留;继续存在: : Very little of the house remained after the fire. Very little of the house remained after the fire. There were only ten minutes remaining There were only ten minutes remaining (left) (left). . The score is The score is in a tie,in a tie, with f

42、ifteen minutes remaining. with fifteen minutes remaining.3. 3. 仍需去做仍需去做仍需去做仍需去做( (或说、处理或说、处理或说、处理或说、处理): ): sth. sth. remain to be doneremain to be doneMuch remains to be done. Much remains to be done. It remains to be seenIt remains to be seen whetherwhether you are are right. There remai

43、ned There remained one significant problem. one significant problem.Part2n nWhy does ZKD attract archaeologists from all over the world?n nWhat are the causes of the destructions of the caves?n nWhat does UNESCO do to protect heritage?n nIn terms of ZKD, what does it do?n nIn order to deal with the

44、serious matter, what does CAS do?n nWho can help to repair the caves?Laguage Points在在( (严重严重) )的危险的危险在空气中的暴露在空气中的暴露引发问题引发问题维护站点维护站点目前目前, , 此刻此刻in (serious)dangerin (serious)dangerexposureexposure to the air to the aircontribute to the contribute to the problemproblemmaintain the sitemaintain the sit

45、eat the momentat the momentLaguage Pointsadv. 不断地;时常地不断地;时常地v. 推荐,介绍;劝告推荐,介绍;劝告从列表中删除它从列表中删除它提高公众对它认识提高公众对它认识提高公众对它认识提高公众对它认识就这个问题提供帮助就这个问题提供帮助就这个问题提供帮助就这个问题提供帮助v. 提议提议, 打算打算建立一个基金建立一个基金集资;筹款;募捐集资;筹款;募捐constantlyconstantlyrecommendrecommendremove it from the listremove it from the listraise public r

46、aise public awarenessawareness about itabout ithelp with the problemhelp with the problemproposeproposeestablish a fundestablish a fundraise moneyraise moneyLaguage Pointsrequestget involvedassistance from ordinary peoplea precious partof vital importancen./v. 请求;需要请求;需要介入介入来自普通民众的援助来自普通民众的援助一个宝贵的部分

47、一个宝贵的部分至关重要至关重要 极重要的极重要的exposure n. (U) (to) 1. 1. 暴露暴露暴露暴露; ; 揭露揭露揭露揭露; ; 显露显露显露显露 (of) (to) (of) (to)We heard of We heard of the exposure of his undergroundthe exposure of his underground activityactivity. .Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause

48、 skin cancer.2. 2. 报道报道报道报道, , 曝光曝光曝光曝光, , 关注关注关注关注The failure of their marriage has got a lot of The failure of their marriage has got a lot of exposure recently.exposure recently.3. 3. 捱冻;受寒捱冻;受寒捱冻;受寒捱冻;受寒: : Two climbers were brought in suffering from Two climbers were brought in suffering from e

49、xposure.exposure.expose vt. 暴露暴露暴露暴露; ; 揭露揭露揭露揭露Miles of sand are exposed at low tide. He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of amazingly white teeth. My job as a journalist is to expose the truth.expose sb / sth / yourself (to sth) 使面临使面临,使遭受使遭受(危险或不快危险或不快): to expose yourself to ridicule. Do not expo

50、se babies to strong sunlight. recommendvt.vt. 推荐,介绍;推荐,介绍;建议,劝告建议,劝告recommend sb.recommend sb. recommend sb.sth.recommend sb.sth.recommend do sth.recommend do sth.recommend doing.recommend doing.recommendrecommendthatthat( (虚虚虚虚拟拟拟拟) )It is/w

51、asIt is/wasrecommended thatrecommended that( (虚虚虚虚拟拟拟拟) )向某人介向某人介向某人介向某人介绍绍绍绍. .,向某人推荐,向某人推荐,向某人推荐,向某人推荐. .推荐某人当推荐某人当推荐某人当推荐某人当 劝劝劝劝告某人做某事告某人做某事告某人做某事告某人做某事建建建建议议议议某人做某人做某人做某人做 Can you recommend me a good novel to read?Can you recommend me a good novel to read?Our English teacher recommends that we

52、Our English teacher recommends that we (should) buy an English-English dictionary.(should) buy an English-English dictionary.I recommended him as a manager.I recommended him as a manager.I recommended _ an EnglishChinese dictionary,which I thought would be of great help to his studies.Abuying Bbough

53、tCto buy Dhe boughtThe headmaster recommended that we_to school on time for the afternoon English reading.Ahad come Bwould comeCcome DcameACawarenessraise (public/sbs) awareness about sth.awarebe aware aware aware thatbe aware that从句从句从句从句The children are aware of the danger of taking dr

54、ugs.The children are aware of the danger of taking drugs. Mr Braley has been made aware of the need for Mr Braley has been made aware of the need for absolute secrecy.absolute secrecy. They were well/ fully / acutely aware that the They were well/ fully / acutely aware that the company was losing pa

55、ny was losing money. As you are aware, a fee will be charged annually. As you are aware, a fee will be charged annually.propose1. 1. formal to suggest something as a plan or course of formal to suggest something as a plan or course of actionaction 提议,建议提议,建议提议,建议提议,建议; ; propose that propose thatH H

56、e proposed that the UN should set up an e proposed that the UN should set up an emergency centre.emergency centre. propose doing sth propose doing sthThe report also proposes extending the motorway.The report also proposes extending the motorway. propose sth propose sth. . to to proposed a

57、possible solution to meHe proposed a possible solution to me. .2. to intend to do sth.2. to intend to do sth. 打算;计划打算;计划打算;计划打算;计划 propose doing/to do sth.propose doing/to do sth. What do you propose to do now? What do you propose to do now? How do you propose getting home? How do you propose gettin

58、g home? propose a toast (to sb)propose a toast (to sb) = =propose sb.s healthpropose sb.s health ( (为某人为某人为某人为某人) )祝酒祝酒祝酒祝酒 Id like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. Id like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.proposal n.(CU)His proposal that the system His proposal that the system (

59、(shouldshould) ) be changed be changed went through.went through.request v.vt. vt. formal to ask for something in a polite or formal wayformal to ask for something in a polite or formal way ( (正式或礼貌地正式或礼貌地正式或礼貌地正式或礼貌地) )请求请求请求请求, ,要求要求要求要求 To request more information, please call our toll free numbe

60、r. To request more information, please call our toll free number. You have to request permission if you want to take any You have to request permission if you want to take any photographs.photographs. request thatrequest that从句从句从句从句( (虚拟虚拟虚拟虚拟) ) So he contacted the site himself to request that the

61、 group be So he contacted the site himself to request that the group be closed.closed. request sbrequest sb. . to do sth to do sth. . All club members are requested to attend the annual meeting.All club members are requested to attend the annual meeting. request sthrequest sth. . from sb from sb. .

62、The Police Committee requested a grant from the Government The Police Committee requested a grant from the Government to cover the extra cover the extra expense.request n.n. (C) n. (C) a polite or formal demand for somethinga polite or formal demand for somethinga a request forrequest for

63、They have They have made an urgent request formade an urgent request for aid. aid.a a request thatrequest thatAnderson repeated his request that we postpone the Anderson repeated his request that we postpone the somebodys request(=because sat somebodys request(=because sb.b. asked

64、 for it to be asked for it to be done)done)应某人的要求应某人的要求应某人的要求应某人的要求The study was done at the request of the Chairman.The study was done at the request of the Chairman.on request(=if you ask for it) on request(=if you ask for it) 已经要求已经要求已经要求已经要求Further details will be sent on request.Further details

65、 will be sent on requestby request 按照要求按照要求按照要求按照要求There were no flowers at the funeral, by request.There were no flowers at the funeral, by request.assistance n. help or supporthelp or support帮助,援助帮助,援助帮助,援助帮助,援助: : WeWe offer offer/ /provide / give financial assistance toprovide / give

66、financial assistance to students. students. Technical assistance forTechnical assistance for the product is free of charge. the product is free of charge. Can I be Can I be of any assistanceof any assistance (=can I help you) ? (=can I help you) ?with the assistance of sb / sthwith the assistance of

67、 sb / sth 在在在在sb./sth. sb./sth. 帮助下帮助下帮助下帮助下 Weve only been able to rebuild the theatre with the Weve only been able to rebuild the theatre with the assistance of the assistance of the governmentgovernment. .come to ones assistance come to ones assistance 来帮某人来帮某人来帮某人来帮某人 One of her fellow passenger

68、s came to her assistance One of her fellow passengers came to her assistance. . Despite his cries, no one came to his assistance.Despite his cries, no one came to his assistance.assist v. 协助,帮助协助,帮助: assist (sb) with / in sth You will be employed to assist in the development of new equipment.assista

69、nt n. 助手,助理,副手助手,助理,副手:of vital importanceYour advice is Your advice is of great helpof great help/very helpful to us middle /very helpful to us middle school students.Students in the same classStudents in the same class are are nearly nearly of an ageof an age. .The old books are Th

70、e old books are of no useof no use. .The new credit cards will be The new credit cards will be of great benefitof great benefit to our to our customers.customers.The wine is The wine is of high qualityof high quality. .Her mother is a woman Her mother is a woman of medium heightof medium height. .Re

71、ading Practice1,2,3list Traditional Chinese Medician on the directorybid v./n. bid formake regular bidsevery two yearsevery other yearevery second yearenlarge the directorythe chance to recommend one candidate4,5make a discrimination against.go throughallocate funds for each items protectionhighligh

72、t the factemphasize/put stress on the factadvocate TCMs advantage and legal statusThere needs to be a compromise between them. 6reflect Chinese cultural traditionremind Chinese overseas of their originsexperts on the festivalrecommend symbolic ambassadorspromote the bid7, 8epic poemsagenda for herit

73、ageat the mercy of.undertake to do sth.take sites off the listan absence of protection9a subjective recommendationcultural diplomacya thorough understanding of the systemin returnautonomy n. autonomous adj. 自治的自治的 automatic adj. 自动的自动的 automobile n. 汽车汽车provincial adj.province n.federal adj./n.guida

74、nce n. guide n./ v. (-bid-bid) 投标(竞争)投标(竞争)投标(竞争)投标(竞争): :bid for.Three firms bid for the contract on the new Three firms bid for the contract on the new buildings.buildings.尤指拍卖时出(价)尤指拍卖时出(价)尤指拍卖时出(价)尤指拍卖时出(价): :bid bid 钱钱钱钱 for sthfor sthI bid 2 000 for the painting. I bid 2 000 for t

75、he painting. bid bid against against sb. sb.We wanted to buy the chairs but another couple We wanted to buy the chairs but another couple were bidding against us.were bidding against us. 努力争取;企图获得努力争取;企图获得努力争取;企图获得努力争取;企图获得 = =attempt attempt bid to do to do sth. The team is bidding to retai

76、n its place in the league. The team is bidding to retain its place in the league. bid n. 投标投标, 竞标竞标 (for.)出价出价 (for.) 努力努力 (for sth. /to do sth.) At the auction, the highest bid for the picture was 200. Weve made a bid of nearly 400 for the company.Any more bids? a bid for powera desperate bid to fr

77、ee herself from a loveless marriageenlarge vt./vi. (使使)扩大扩大 (size or scale)Police will have the pictures enlarged in an attempt to identify the thief.A good way to enlarge your vocabulary is to read a daily newspaper.enlarge on / upon sth (formal) 详述;细说详述;细说Mrs Maughan did not enlarge on what she me

78、ant.extend1.1. ( (空间空间空间空间) )使伸长使伸长使伸长使伸长, ,扩大扩大扩大扩大; (; (时间时间时间时间) )扩展扩展扩展扩展, ,延长延长延长延长; (; (范围或影响范围或影响范围或影响范围或影响) )扩大扩大扩大扩大 to extend a fence / road / house to extend a fence / road / house Our land extends as far as the river. Our land extends as far as the river. to extend a deadline / visa to e

79、xtend a deadline / visa Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car. Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car. The company plans to extend its operations into Europe. The company plans to extend its operations into Europe. The school is extending the range of subjects taught. The

80、school is extending the range of subjects taught. 2 2. . 展开展开展开展开( (尤指手臂或腿尤指手臂或腿尤指手臂或腿尤指手臂或腿) ) He extended his hand to the new employee.He extended his hand to the new employee. (= (= He He offered to shake hands with the new employeeoffered to shake hands with the new employee ) .) .discrimination

81、 n. (U)racial / sex / religious etc discrimination against. 歧视歧视discrimination against the elderly in favor of. 偏袒偏袒 discrimination in favour of the young go through vt. vt. 经历经历经历经历( (困难、痛苦等困难、痛苦等困难、痛苦等困难、痛苦等) ); going through a crisis/a divorce/miserygoing through a crisis/a divorce/misery vt. vt.

82、 仔细查看;详细研究仔细查看;详细研究仔细查看;详细研究仔细查看;详细研究 Lets go through the arguments again. Lets go through the arguments again. Dave went through his pockets looking for the keys.Dave went through his pockets looking for the keys. vi. vi. ( (法律、交易、协定、议案等法律、交易、协定、议案等法律、交易、协定、议案等法律、交易、协定、议案等) )正式通过,成交正式通过,成交正式通过,成交正式

83、通过,成交 My application for a visa went through at lastMy application for a visa went through at last。 vt. vt. 用光,消耗某物用光,消耗某物用光,消耗某物用光,消耗某物 =use up =use up The boys went through two whole loaves of bread.The boys went through two whole loaves of bread.allocate v. 分配,配给分配,配给: allocate sth. to sb. alloca

84、te sth. for sth. allocate sb. sth.You should allocate the same amount of time to each question.One million dollars was allocated for disaster relief.Several patients were waiting to be allocated a promise(1)(1) n n. . 妥协;折衷;妥协;折衷;妥协;折衷;妥协;折衷; (2)(2) vi. vi. 妥协;折衷妥协;折衷妥协;折衷妥协;折衷(1)(1) make compromise

85、s withmake compromises with. . 做出让步;与做出让步;与做出让步;与做出让步;与妥协妥协妥协妥协 reach a compromise on sth.reach a compromise on sth. 就某事达成妥协就某事达成妥协就某事达成妥协就某事达成妥协(2)(2) compromise with sb.on promise with sb.on sth.就某事同某人妥协就某事同某人妥协就某事同某人妥协就某事同某人妥协 be compromised bybe compromised by被被被被危害危害危害危害( (连累连累连累连累) )In any rel

86、ationshipIn any relationship,you have to make have to make compromises.After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise on promise on trade.They were unwilling to compromise with the They were unwilling to compromise w

87、ith the military.military.reflect1. 1. 显示显示显示显示; ; 反应反应反应反应Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community. community. 2. 2. 照出照出照出照出( (影像影像影像影像) )His face was reflected in the mirror. His face was reflected in the mirror. She could

88、 see herself reflected in his eyes.She could see herself reflected in his eyes.3. vt./vi.3. vt./vi.反射反射反射反射( (光光光光, , 热热热热, ,声声声声) )The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunlight. The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunlight. When the sun.s rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat is When t

89、he sun.s rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat is reflected back into space. reflected back into space. remind vt.remind sb.of sth.remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某物使某人想起某物使某人想起某物使某人想起某物remind do sth.remind do sth.提醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事remind sb.remind sb.thatthat clauseclause使某人想起使某人想起使某人想起

90、使某人想起That reminds me of a short story by Lu Xun.That reminds me of a short story by Lu Xun.They They remind remind me me that that one one can can be be strong strong only only when when united with the collective.united with the collective.Please remind me to write a reply letter tonight.Please rem

91、ind me to write a reply letter tonight.promote促进,增进促进,增进促进,增进促进,增进: :promote world peacepromote world peace/ /promotes promotes plantplant growth growth提升,晋升某人提升,晋升某人提升,晋升某人提升,晋升某人 【OPPOPP】 demote demote promote sb to sthpromote sb to sth Helen was promoted to senior manager. Helen was promoted to s

92、enior manager.促销,促销,促销,促销,宣传宣传宣传宣传,推广产品,推广产品,推广产品,推广产品: :Shes in London to promote her new book.Shes in London to promote her new book.The band has gone on tour to promote their new The band has gone on tour to promote their new album. album. mercy n.仁慈;宽恕;幸运;恩惠仁慈;宽恕;幸运;恩惠at the mercy the merc

93、y of. 任由任由任由任由 摆布;任摆布;任摆布;任摆布;任 处置处置处置处置without mercywithout mercy 毫不留情地;残忍地毫不留情地;残忍地毫不留情地;残忍地毫不留情地;残忍地show show (no)(no)mercy tomercy to 对对对对 ( (不不不不) )同情同情同情同情/ /怜悯怜悯怜悯怜悯have mercy onhave mercy on 对对对对 慈悲慈悲慈悲慈悲They They showed no mercy toshowed no mercy to their hostages. their hostages.Shoot them

94、 all Shoot them all without mercywithout mercy! ! Im not going to put myself Im not going to put myself at the mercy of at the mercy of the bank.the bank.The boat was at the mercy of the rapid river.The boat was at the mercy of the rapid river.You should You should have mercy ohave mercy on the poor

95、.n the poor.Its a mercy Its a mercy (that)(that) the accident happened so near the the accident happened so near the 承担,接受承担,接受承担,接受承担,接受: :undertakeundertake sth sthundertake to do sthundertake to do sth = = promise or agree to do promise or agree to do sth.sth.承诺做

96、某事,答应做某事承诺做某事,答应做某事承诺做某事,答应做某事承诺做某事,答应做某事undertake a task / a project / research / a study etcundertake a task / a project / research / a study etcHe undertook to pay the money back in six months.He undertook to pay the money back in six months.I undertook to teach the children English.I undertook t

97、o teach the children English.I cant undertake that you will make a profit.I cant undertake that you will make a returnin returnin return 作为回报,作为报答作为回报,作为报答作为回报,作为报答作为回报,作为报答in return for. in return for. 作为对作为对作为对作为对的回报的回报的回报的回报I wish I could do something for you in return.I wish I could do

98、 something for you in return.She She gave gave us us food food and and clothing clothing and and asked asked for for nothing nothing in return.选修7Some plants can take in carbon dioxide we breathe out and give oxygen to us _.Ain caseBin turnCin returnDin additionin turn“依次,依次,轮轮流流; 相相应应地地,

99、反反过过来来 ”;The children called out their names in turn.Interest rates were cut and, in turn, share prices rose.Increased production will, in turn, lead to increased profits.CThank you!mankindU all humans, thought about as one large group; the human race 人类人类 the history of mankindan invention for the

100、good of all mankind Mankind is much cleverer than it was one thousand years ago. agreeagree on.agree on.我们不一定非要在政治上达成一致我们不一定非要在政治上达成一致我们不一定非要在政治上达成一致我们不一定非要在政治上达成一致. .They do not have to agree on politics.They do not have to agree on politics.agree with.agree with.在这一点上我同意你在这一点上我同意你在这一点上我同意你在这一点上我同意

101、你. .I agree with you on this point.I agree with you on this point.他总是同意我的所有想法他总是同意我的所有想法他总是同意我的所有想法他总是同意我的所有想法. .He agrees with all my ideas.He agrees with all my ideas.agree to .agree to .Although I dont understand your requirement, I still Although I dont understand your requirement, I still agree

102、 to it.agree to it.agree to do .agree to do .他答应出席我们的开幕仪式他答应出席我们的开幕仪式他答应出席我们的开幕仪式他答应出席我们的开幕仪式. .He agreed to attend our opening ceremony.He agreed to attend our opening ceremony.agreeIt is (generally)agreed that.普遍认为这座城市的美在于当地的人普遍认为这座城市的美在于当地的人.It is (generally)agreed that the beauty of the city con

103、sist in local people.Thats where I cant agree with you.I quite agree / I couldnt agree more./ I agree completely.agreement达不成协议将会导致罢工。达不成协议将会导致罢工。达不成协议将会导致罢工。达不成协议将会导致罢工。Failure to reach an agreement will result in a strike.Failure to reach an agreement will result in a strike.他们最终于政府达成了协议他们最终于政府达成了

104、协议他们最终于政府达成了协议他们最终于政府达成了协议. .They finally They finally came to an agreement with his came to an agreement with his the the government .government .under an agreementunder an agreement按照协议按照协议按照协议按照协议, , 农产品价格要下调农产品价格要下调农产品价格要下调农产品价格要下调. .Under the agreement, most agricultural prices Under the agreem

105、ent, most agricultural prices would be cut.would be cut.investvi./vt. = put momey into.投资投资Now is a good time to invest in the property market. He invested his life savings in his daughter.s business. The government has invested heavily in public transport.The college is to invest $2 million in a ne

106、w conference hall. however/however/(but)(but)nevertheless/nevertheless/(but)(but)nonethelessnonethelessIt was a terrible accident. Nevertheless, air travel is It was a terrible accident. Nevertheless, air travel is still the safest form of transport.still the safest form of transport.December saw a

107、more than average rainfall; December saw a more than average rainfall; however, the possibility of a drought is still strong.however, the possibility of a drought is still strong.War is never welcome, nonetheless, I believe that we War is never welcome, nonetheless, I believe that we must defend our

108、 country.must defend our country.but nevertheless/nonethelessbut nevertheless/nonethelessThe leaves arent particularly dangerous, but The leaves arent particularly dangerous, but nevertheless they are not something youd want nevertheless they are not something youd want your child or pet to eat.your

109、 child or pet to eat.still/all the same/then againstill/all the same/then againTeaching is an interesting job. Then again, it can be very stressful too.This trip is going to be very expensive. Still, we dont go away very often.Id love to travel around the world. Mind you, I wouldnt want to go on my

110、own.My parents are happy to lend me the money. All the same, I do feel guilty about it. yetyet The sun was shining, yet it was quite cold.The sun was shining, yet it was quite cold. Last summer there was a drought, yet some people were still watering Last summer there was a drought, yet some people

111、were still watering their lawns every day.their lawns every day. whereas/whilewhereas/while Some house plants thrive if placed near a window with plenty of Some house plants thrive if placed near a window with plenty of sunlight while others prefer to be in a more shaded spot.sunlight while others p

112、refer to be in a more shaded spot. American cars are generally too large for the Japanese market, whereas American cars are generally too large for the Japanese market, whereas Japanese cars are popular in the US.Japanese cars are popular in the US. though/althoughthough/although Dans been very ill,

113、 although hes better now.Dans been very ill, although hes better now. I dont really like classical music, though I did enjoy that Pavarotti I dont really like classical music, though I did enjoy that Pavarotti concert.concert. Theyre a very nice couple, although I very seldom see them these days.The

114、yre a very nice couple, although I very seldom see them these days. thoughthough I think shes Swiss. Im not sure, though.I think shes Swiss. Im not sure, though. George did say one nice thing, though.George did say one nice thing, though.(2)recommend,suggest,propose,advise,order,command,request,dema

115、nd,require,insist,宾语从句对应的名词所接的表语从句、同位语从句,“It is/was过去分词主语从句”结构虚拟语气demand ask for something very firmly, especially because you think to ask for something very firmly, especially because you think you have a right to do thisyou have a right to do this 坚决要求尤因认为有权这么做坚决要求尤因认为有权这么做坚决要求尤因认为有权这么做坚决要求

116、尤因认为有权这么做She demanded an immediate explanation. She demanded an immediate explanation. This sport demands both speed and strength. This sport demands both speed and strength. ( (需要需要需要需要require)require)demand to know/see/have etc something demand to know/see/have etc something I demand to know whats

117、 going on.I demand to know whats going on.demand thatdemand thatThey demanded that the military government free all political They demanded that the military government free all political prisoners.prisoners.demand sthdemand sth. . of sb of sb. .WWhen you demand more of yourself you will be amazed a

118、t hen you demand more of yourself you will be amazed at what you can do.what you can do.demand n.C C a very firm request for sth; sth that sb needs.a very firm request for sth; sth that sb needs. ( (坚决的坚决的坚决的坚决的) )要求;所需之物要求;所需之物要求;所需之物要求;所需之物: : (for sth / that (for sth / that虚拟从句虚拟从句虚拟从句虚拟从句) ) a d

119、emand fora demand for higher pay higher pay Theres Theres an increased demand foran increased demand for or or ganic produce ganic produce these days. these days. There are There are demands that the law on gudemands that the law on gunsns ( (shouldshould) ) be be changed .changed . meet / satisfy t

120、heir customers demandsmeet / satisfy their customers demands meet the demand for a product .meet the demand for a product .demand popular demand by popular demand 由于普遍要求由于普遍要求由于普遍要求由于普遍要求 By popular demand, the play will run for another By popular demand, the play will run for another week. wee

121、k. in demandin demand需求大需求大需求大需求大: : Good secretaries are always in demand. Good secretaries are always in demand. on demandon demand一经要求一经要求一经要求一经要求: : Feed the baby on demand. Feed the baby on demand. require vt. 需要需要require sth.require sth. This condition requires urgent treatment. This condition

122、 requires urgent treatment. Do you require anything else? (= in a shop / store) . Do you require anything else? (= in a shop / store) .require sb. to do sth.require sb. to do sth. True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty. True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty. require + that

123、require + that从句从句从句从句(should)(should) The situation required that he The situation required that he ( (shouldshould) ) be present. be present. require doing sth. (require doing sth. (主动表被动主动表被动主动表被动主动表被动) ) Most house plants require regular watering. Most house plants require regular watering. sb./

124、sth. sb./sth. be required to do sthbe required to do sth You are required by law to wear a seat belt. You are required by law to wear a seat belt. A lot of patience is required to look after a disabled A lot of patience is required to look after a disabled child.child.选修72go through经历(困难、痛苦等);仔细检查;顺

125、利完成;(法律、议案等)被正式通过或接受;用光,消耗某物归纳拓展go against违背go with伴随;与相配go in for喜欢,爱好go by (指时间)过去,消逝go down倒在地上;(船等)沉没;(日、月)落下;(价格、温度)减低,下降go ahead走到前面;继续前进;进展;干吧,说吧选修7【链接训练】Remember to _ the pockets before you put those trousers in the washing machine.Aget through Bpass throughCgo through Dget along【解析】get through“(使)通过,(电话)接通”;pass through“穿过”;go through“经历,经受,仔细检查”;get along“与相处”。根据句意,选C。【答案】C归纳拓展归纳拓展pass throughpass through走过;路过走过;路过live throughlive through经历经历look throughlook through浏览;往浏览;往里面看里面看pull throughpull through(大病、手术后)康复(大病、手术后)康复结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!130



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