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1、 作者简介:鲍清英,1965年生,高级工程师;1989年毕业于西南石油学院开发系钻井工程专业;从事定向丛式井、 煤层气开发钻井研究工作。地址:(065007)河北省廊坊市万庄44号信箱。电话:(010)69213105。E2mail :bqyjlin 我国煤层气多分支井钻井技术可行性研究鲍清英 鲜保安(中国石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院煤层气经理部) 鲍清英等.我国煤层气多分支井钻井技术可行性研究.天然气工业,2004 ;24(5) :5456 摘 要 从国内钻井技术水平、 沁水煤层气田煤储层物性分析研究入手,阐述了用多分支水平井钻井技术开发沁水煤层气田是我国煤层气勘探走向产业化的重要手段,详细介

2、绍了沁水煤层气田煤层概况、 用多分支水平井钻井技术开发沁水煤层气田的技术可行性,设计方案,煤层气多分支水平井钻井的关键技术和井下特殊工具。提出了国内现有技术和装备条件下开发煤层气的实施技术方案。 主题词 煤层物性 钻井技术现状 多分支水平井及设计 井下特殊工具 近几年研究实践证明,当储层纵横向渗透率比值大于0. 1时钻水平井产量可达直井310倍,煤层气储层渗透率完全符合该情况(煤储层通常面割理方向的渗透率比端割理方向的渗透率高出几倍至十几倍)。因此,渗透率较低的煤储层要获得经济可采产量,需要在煤层中人工形成更多的煤层裸露和割理系统才能实现。多分支水平井钻井技术现状分析 多分支水平井钻井技术就是

3、主水平井井眼在目的层平面中钻4支沿煤层的水平井眼,相邻两个主水平井方位相差90,主水平井水平位移在500900m之间。在主水平井眼同一平面两侧相距50 m钻分支水平井眼,分支水平井眼位移在300800 m。 沁水煤层气田储层渗透性相对较好,吨煤含气量高,区域性地应力大小及分布状况研究比较详细,为水平井开发有效的井眼轨迹设计提供了重要地质参数如下:3#和15#煤层是沁水煤气田主要目的层,3#煤层 平均厚度为6. 0 m ,埋深509. 3515. 2 m ,15#煤层平均厚度为3. 0 m ,埋深606. 6609. 6 m ,煤层倾角为7,倾斜面方位为SW30 。 根据储层地质参数主分支井布井

4、方案如下:3#煤层4支主水平井眼分布方位分别为250 、340 、70 、160;主水平井最终着陆点井斜分别为83 、90 、97 、90(见图1)。 在钻进340 方位主水平井时井眼轨迹控制要考虑方位左漂,因钻井参数一定的情况下井眼轨迹方图1 主水平井俯视图位向地层倾斜的方向漂移。 在钻进方位160 主水平井时井眼轨迹控制要考虑方位右漂,另外钻头右旋进一步加局了井眼轨迹右漂的可能性。 在钻进方位240 、70 时井眼方位控制相对比较稳定。井眼轨迹剖面设计 沁水地区已钻的晋试1井资料来看目的层3#煤埋深为509. 3515. 2 m。也就是说钻至垂深512m时井眼轨迹参数要达到沿煤层水平钻进设

5、计的方位和井斜。 主水平井眼钻井时井下导向钻具的造斜率要达到8/ 10 m ,最小曲率半径为71. 62 m。 设计参数见表1。( 1)按SY/ Y60902000标准设计单个主水平45钻 井 工 程 天 然 气 工 业 2004年5月表1 设计参数表井号设计方位()设计井斜()曲率半径(m)垂深H1(m)垂深H2(m)位移S1(m)位移S2(m)总垂深(m)总位移(m)125083724407263. 2936. 85121000234090924209292908512100037097102410102114. 4 885. 7512100041609082430828291851210

6、00井井眼轨迹,根据沁水煤层气田的地质特点,主水平井井眼采用中曲率半径的水平井,曲率半径为72102 m ,剖面为直 增(井下导向钻具造斜) 稳(主水平段)三段制井身剖面,使井眼轨迹圆滑、 摩阻和扭矩小,减小由于井眼局部曲率过大而带来的施工困难,造斜点选在地层相对稳定的下石盒子组410440 m之间。岩性主要是粉 细砂岩互层。中粒砂岩,厚度50150 m不等,地质年代老,岩石强度高,稳定性好,造斜率在(1724)/ 30 m。(2)设计多分支水平井井身结构必须同时考虑排水采气的需要,根据国外煤层试采的成功方案和经验,结合我国沁水煤层气特点综合考虑选用井身剖面结构方案,如图1、 图2。图2 主水

7、平井平视图(3)为了满足排水降压采气的需要在距主水平井130 m处钻一口直井与主水平井眼在煤层内连通(采用钻穿,造洞穴或压裂连通) ,直井井深为582 m ,筛管完井,用于排水降压采气。 一开(直井段钻井施工) :用 215. 9 mm的牙轮钻头钻井至设计造斜点顶部下入 177. 8 mm技术套管注水泥固井。 钻具组合:215. 9 mm3A钻头+214 mm稳定器+177. 8 mm(24) m短钻铤+214 mm稳定器+177. 8 mm钻铤1根+214 mm稳定器+177. 8 mm钻铤12根+127 mm钻杆。 二开(主水平井钻井施工) :用 152. 4 mm 3A钻头小曲率半径造斜

8、进入煤层,煤层中水平位移在8001000 m之间。 钻具组合:152. 4 mm3A钻头+121. 0 mm双弯外壳钻井导向马达+定向接头+88. 8 mm无磁钻铤1根+ MWD或LWD有线无磁短节+88. 8 mm钻铤4根+88. 8 mm加重钻杆6 +73. 0 mm钻杆N根。 三开(分支水平井钻井施工) :用 120. 6 mm钻头由下往上在主水平井眼两侧不同位置交替分钻46个水平分支井眼,每个分支水平井水平位移在300600 m ,全部采用裸眼完井,与主水平井成45夹角。 钻具组合:120. 6 mm钻头+89. 0 mm双弯外壳钻井导向马达+定向接头+88. 8 mm无磁钻铤1根+

9、MWD无磁短节+88. 8 mm钻铤4根+88. 8 mm加重钻杆6 +73. 0 mm钻杆N根。井眼轨迹跟踪测量控制技术 为使多分支井井眼轨迹准确实时控制达到预先设计好的目标区,必须有先进的井眼参数测量仪器。在主水平井、 分支水平井钻井过程中要即时准确获得钻头所处方位、 井斜、 造斜时的装置角等参数,同时要有一套与之相适应的精确数据处理软件系统。 目前水平井钻井轨迹的控制已从单纯通过起下钻更换下部钻具、 弯接头和改变旋转钻柱结构来达到改变方位和井斜的阶段进入到了利用电、 液或泥浆脉冲信号从地面随钻实时改变方位和井斜控制的阶段,使水平井钻井实现了真正的导向钻井方式。 由于煤层可钻性好,钻速快,

10、单层厚度薄(36m) ,井眼轨迹控制难度大。为使井眼轨迹控制在煤层内,同时兼顾测量等综合成本,在主水平井眼造斜段可用有线LWD(目前各油田广泛使用)来监测井眼轨迹方位、 井斜、 工具面角等参数;在煤层段钻主水平井眼和分支水平井眼时使用测量精度高,参数全的MWD(大港油田定向井公司,胜利油田等可以租赁)或更先进的地质导向(国外钻井技术服务公司)测量仪器和井眼轨迹控制技术。 实际施工过程中既要实现连续钻井连续控制,提高井眼轨迹控制的精度,使井眼轨迹圆滑,加快钻55第24卷第5期 天 然 气 工 业 钻 井 工 程井速度,同时又要避免井眼轨迹出现较大的曲率波动。钻井中尽量避免大幅度变动下部钻具组合结

11、构、 尺寸和钻进参数,并控制机械钻速在一定范围内变化,防止井眼出现小台肩现象。从而避免井下坍塌、 起钻困难、 键槽卡钻等复杂施工。煤层多分支井钻井关键性技术 在煤层中实施多分支井钻井主要有以下几项关键技术。1.铰接式钻具接头 分支井井眼轨迹是在地层、 煤层中的三维空间曲线,既有井斜的变化又有方位的变化,如何使刚性较大的钻铤和钻杆能造出这种井眼曲率的水平井并能顺利起下钻,减少煤层坍塌、 键槽卡钻等井下事故,根据国外经验需要在钻铤或钻井连接处加接一个具有柔性连接的铰接式接头,这种接头具有万向节的功能,在一定的锥度范围内可以任意方向转动,同时具有密封功能,降低钻具刚度(牡丹江石油机械厂生产) ,目前

12、生产成本较高,密封使用寿命短。 其接头端部为API标准管扣的两节本体、 密封胶套和固定套等组成,可直接接在钻柱串中。两端本体通过活络铰接形式相互连接,两本体之间由密封胶套来密封,固定套用于固定密封胶套,防止脱落和磨损。铰接式接头可传递扭矩和任何方向偏转;抗内压、 外挤和抗拉强度能满足分支井钻井要求。其优点:圆弧形万向节任意方向转动灵活,可减小钻柱串的刚性,使水平井段起下钻顺利。2.可回收式裸眼封隔器/斜向器 斜向器是分支井钻井中的关键性技术工具,它在分支造斜点处引导钻头偏离原主水平井眼按预定方位进行分支井眼的钻井。由于用于煤层气分支井钻井中的斜向器要求可回收式重复使用,因此国外用于煤层气钻井的

13、斜向器附带能泄压的封隔器组成,斜向器的斜面上开有送入和回收对接的孔眼,施工作业中用于送入和回收斜向器,可膨胀式封隔器用于造斜点以上固定和支撑斜向器。 其使用步骤如下: 按设计方位安放斜向器(用带定向接头的钻具把斜向器送到预定位置)。 在预定设计位置固定斜向器。 起出钻具。 组合钻具,下入井内沿斜向器钻分支井。 按设计钻完分支井眼后起钻, 下入专用打捞工具,对接斜向器回收封隔器,起出工具, 组装好斜向器,重复前面步骤依次从下而上钻其它分支井眼。3.沿煤层钻井井壁稳定技术 煤储层煤层剖理发育,相对砂岩而言机械强度低、 易碎易垮。因此井壁稳定技术问题是多分支水平井成功关键,为此廊坊分院完井所对山西沁

14、水煤层气田3#煤层进行了煤样三轴应力井壁稳定性模拟实验研究,确定防止煤层破裂的最大允许钻井液密度和防止井眼坍塌的最小钻井液密度值。研究结果表明,保持晋城地区3#煤层水平井井眼稳定的钻井液密度范围为1.301.50 g/ cm3,粘度在3070 s。 除密度外,严格控制钻井液的滤失量,钻井液与地层的相互作用,也影响煤层水平井眼的稳定。当煤层井壁渗入时流体使得割理面的有效正应力大大减小,割理张开距离变大,井周围渗入钻井液的块体变得疏松,松散的块体很容易被循环的钻井液冲刷掉而造成井径扩大,钻井液密度越高,流速越大,张开的割理面越多,割理张开的距离越大,煤层井壁越不稳定。 因此,钻井液应有良好的润滑性

15、、 抑制性、 携岩性和防塌性能,严格控制失水和滤液化学性质,适当提高滤液粘度,减少或削弱毛细管效应,降低泥饼的渗透率。采取相应稳定的井眼的工程技术措施:造斜点以下地层和煤层段钻井采用动力钻具。钻柱不旋转相对而言比较平稳,有利于保持煤层井壁的稳定。 尽量采用结构简单的钻具组合以减小煤层井壁碰撞和起下钻时挂拉。 尽量缩短水平井段的钻井周期,减少钻井液对煤层的侵泡时间。认识和建议(1)从地面钻探开发利用煤层气在国内尚无成熟的经验可借鉴,若要煤层气开发走向产业化,取得经济效益,应吸收学习国外的成功经验,先进技术。(2)煤层渗透率各项异性显著,具有钻水平井有利的储层物性条件,能最大限度地沟通煤层割理系统

16、,增大煤储层的泄气面积,从而提高煤层气单井产量,降低综合成本,实现低渗透煤层气的开采。(3)在煤层中多分支水平钻井的井眼设计、 数据处理软件、 专用井下工具、 测量仪器、 设备和工艺技术国内已基本具备,因此,可先与国外技术合作试验12口分支水平井的钻井施工,完全掌握相关经验后再实施多分支水平井开发沁水煤层气田的方案,是少走弯路,节约成本的捷径。(下转第60页)65钻 井 工 程 天 然 气 工 业 2004年5月 综合以上理论分析结果可得出计算带裂纹钻柱疲劳寿命的公式如下13:N = (1- m/2c-1- m/2s) / c( Fm )m1-m2(5)算 例 分 析 根据以上理论所编写的计算

17、机程序,输入以下实例数据后,用钻柱20到200 r/ min的循环便可快速求出有裂纹和无裂纹钻柱的疲劳寿命。井深3000m ,危险点深度1000 m ,扭矩6000 Nm ,内压15MPa ,外压12 MPa ,井径为215. 9 mm。最大井斜角30,增斜后井斜角43,造斜率9/ 30 m。大钩载荷1070 kN ,钻压200 kN。采用 127. 0 mm钻杆,外径0. 127 m ,内径0. 1014 m ,单位钻杆重量373. 28N/ m。杨氏模量E= 206109Pa ,线性裂纹尺寸为1 mm ,材料常数c= 6. 1410- 14,m= 3. 16 ,断裂韧性KIC= 98. 9

18、 MPam。结 论 全国各油气田经常发生钻柱疲劳断裂事故,造成重大的经济损失。本文在对钻柱失效机理进行动力学分析的基础上,考虑了钻柱涡动对其弯曲应力的影响,得到了钻柱钻速与弯曲交变应力的关系。以此为基础,建立了考虑钻柱涡动的钻柱疲劳寿命模型,得到了钻柱转速与疲劳寿命的关系,从动态角度揭示了钻柱失效机理。该模型反映了钻具的实际运动状况与疲劳寿命的关系,揭示了在大尺寸、 高转速井眼中钻井时钻具失效发生的较多的原因。参 考 文 献1Baryshnikov A ,Calderoni A ,Ligrone A , Ferrara P. A newapproach to the analysis of d

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20、atigue and crack growth to optimize drillstringreliability. SPE/ IADC 257756Jiang Wu. Drill2pipe bending and fatigue in rotary drilling ofhorizontal wells. SPE 373537 赵国珍,龚伟安.钻井力学基础.北京:石油工业出版社,1988 :1011188 苏华,张学鸿,王惠德.钻柱力学发展综述之三:钻柱动力学.大庆石油学院学报,1994 ;18(3) :49509 殷绥域.弹塑性力学.武汉:中国地质大学出版社,1990 :233410 章

21、扬烈.钻柱运动学与动力学.北京:石油工业出版社,2001 :304611 徐灏.新编机械设计手册(下) .北京:机械工业出版社,1995 :1206121312 中国航空研究院.应力强度因子手册.北京:科学出版社,1981 :32533713 高庆.工程断裂力学.重庆:重庆大学出版社,1986 :2940(收稿日期 2003212216 编辑 钟水清)(上接第56页)(4)沁水煤层气田的地貌条件,煤储层的物性决定了多分支水平井钻井技术是我国煤层气勘探开发走向产业化的首选开发方案之一,是中国煤层气开发今后相当长时间内不断研究试验的重要课题。参 考 文 献1 王同亮,孙清德等.钻井技术新进展.北京

22、:中国石油集团经济技术研究中心,20032 黄洪春等.煤层气钻井工程技术研究.见:第四届全国煤层气学术研讨会论文集,2003 :2202283 钻井手册(甲方) 编写组.钻井手册.北京:石油工业出版社,19904 赵庆波等.沁水盆地南部斜坡带沁水煤层气田樊庄区块探明储量报告.中国石油天然气股份有限公司,2000 ;9(收稿日期 2003210215 编辑 黄君权)06钻 井 工 程 天 然 气 工 业 2004年5月interference in the region. The Radon domain filtering is that ,by applying the residual m

23、ultiple reflection moveout of CMPgather after normal moveout correction in Radon domain andaccording to the frequency band field in the region ,it is requiredthat ,in low frequence section , the residual multiple reflectionmoveout at the minimum offset should be in excessof more thanquarter cycle an

24、d the residual multiple reflection at the maxi2mum offset must be in excess of above a low frequence apparentcycle as compared with that at the minimum offset ;and that ,inhigh frequence section ,the difference between the residual mul2tiple reflection moveout at the maximum offset and that at themi

25、nimum offset cant exceed the high frequence apparent cycleby a factor of N minus 3 ,thus ensuring the multiple reflectionsbeing fallen in the rejection area of stack direction property.Through processing the newest acquisitive seismic data by use ofRadon domain filtering method and in combination wi

26、th internalmute ,it was proved that the effect on attenuating the multiplereflection in Yining Sag is obvious ,thus providing effective pro2cessing methods and experience for rejecting the multiple reflec2tion in this region in the future.SUBJECT HEADINGS: Yili Basin , Multiple reflection ,Noise, Wa

27、ve attenuation , Radon trans formation , Normalmoveout correctionYang Chunmei( female, engineer) ,born in 1970 ,graduat2ed in geophysical prospecting at the Southwest Petroleum Insti2tute in 1994. Now she is engaged in the seismic data processingand method research.Add:Puyang ,Henan(457001) ,ChinaTe

28、l :(0393)4893207RELATIONS BETWEEN SEDIMENTARY MICRO2FACIES AND GEOPHYSICAL PARAMETERS OFSHALLOW RESERVOIRS IN BOHAI GULFXia Qinglong1 ,2,Zhao Zhichao2and Zhao Xian2sheng2(1.Bohai Research Institute of China OffshoreOil Research Center ;2. Information Engineering In2stitute,ChengduUniversityofTechnol

29、ogy ) .NA TUR.GAS IND.v. 24 ,no. 5 ,pp. 5153 ,5/25/ 2004. (ISSN 1000 - 0976 ; In Chinese)ABSTRACT: In Bohai Gulf ,the shallow oil and gas reser2voirs are mainly composed of the strata of fluvial facies ,the low2er member of Minghuazhen Formation of Neogene ,and the lat2eral reservoir prediction is g

30、reatly difficult because of an acutelyhorizontal change in sedimentary environments. A research onsuch a question was carried out by the authors. Through com2prehensively studying the log and seismic data collected formmore than forty wells in two representative shallow oil and gasfields in Bohai Gu

31、lf ,the sedimentary systems of fluvial facies inresearch area were set up ;the types of sedimentary microfacieswere divided;and the characteristics and identification markersof the geological facies ,logfacies and seismic faciesof major sed2imentary microfacies were determined. In addition ,the rela

32、tionsbetween the types of main fluvial sedimentary microfacies andthe geophysical parameters as velocity , density andwaveimpedance were also studied on the basis of finely dividing sedi2mentary facies. Through investigation it was found out thatsome geophysical parameters are obviously controlled b

33、y the sed2imentary microfacies in this area;the fitted curves indicating thechanges of these parameters as velocity , density and waveimpedance of various sedimentary microfacies at different depthsare in keeping with the change law of quadratic curve;and rele2vant expressions are given out in the p

34、aper. Because 85 percentof the oil and gas reservoirs in this area are point2bar sand bodiesand the wave impedance and density of the point2bar are obvi2ously different from those of the other microfacies in the lowermember of Minghuazhen Formation at different depths , themessages of point2bar sand

35、 bodies may be extracted by furtherprocessing the seismic inversion wave impedance or density da2ta ,thus realizing the lateral extrapolation and prediction of thehydrocarbon reservoirs and single sand body under the control ofsedimentary law.SUBJECT HEADINGS: Reservoir , Sedimentary microfa2cies, A

36、coustic impedance , Seismic interpretation , Bohai Gulf ,Shallow layerXia Qinglong(senior engineer) ,born in 1964 ,graduated inpetroleum geophysical exploration at the former Chengdu Col2lege of Geology in 1986. Now he is the manager of TechnicalDepartment of Tianjin Branch China National Offshore O

37、il Co.Ltd.Add: BohaishiyouRoad , TangguDistrict , Tianjin(300452) , ChinaTel : (022) 25809517E2mail : xiaql FEASIBILITY STUDY ON COALBED METHANEMULTI2BRANCH DRILLING TECHNIQUES OFCHINABao Qingying and Xian Baoan(Coalbed MethaneExploration Project Managing Department ,LangfangBranch , Research Instit

38、ute of Petroleum Explorationand Development ,CNPC) .NA TUR.GAS IND.v.7NA TURAL GAS INDUS TR Y/May,200424 ,no. 5 ,pp. 5456 ,5/ 25/ 2004.( ISSN 1000 -0976 ;In Chinese)ABSTRACT: Through reviewing the course of coal2bedmethane exploration and development for more than ten years inChina and in considerat

39、ion of domestic drilling technical leveland the petrophysical analysis data of coal reservoir in Qinshuicoalbed methane field ,it is pointed out that it is an importantmeans of advaning to2ward industrialization of the coalbedmethane exploration to apply multi2branch horizontal drillingtechniques to

40、 exploiting Qinshui coalbed methane field. The coalseam features of Qinshui field ,the feasibility of applying themulti2branch horizontal drilling techniques to exploiting Qinshuicoalbed methane field ,its design plan and the key techniquesand special downhole tools of the drilling techniques are in

41、tro2duced and the technical implementation program of coalbedmethane development under the conditions of domestic availabletechniques and equipment is proposed in the paper.SUBJECT HEADINGS: Coal bed , Physical property ,Drilling , Technique , Multi2branch horizontal well , Design ,Special downhole

42、toolBao Qingying(senior engineer) ,born in 1965 ,graduated indrilling engineering at the Southwest Petroleum Institute in1989. He is engaged in the research on directional cluster wellsand coalbed methane development drilling.Add: POB 44 ,Wanzhuang,Langfang , Hebei (065007) , ChinaTel : (010)6921310

43、5E2mail :bqyjlin PREDICTING FATIGUE LIFE IN CONSIDERA2TIONOFDRILLSTEMMOVEMENTBE2HAVIOURSLin Yuanhua1 ,2,Zou Bo1,Zhang Jianbing1,ShiTaihe1,Li Runfang2and Wu Caiwen3(1. Key Labora2tory of Petroleum Pipe Mechanics and EnvironmentalBehaviours, Southwest Petroleum Institute ; 2. StateKey Laboratory of Me

44、chanical Drives ,Chongqing U2niversity;3. Central Sichuan Oil and Gas Company ,SPA) .NA TUR.GAS IND.v. 24 ,no. 5 ,pp. 5760 ,5/ 25/ 2004. (ISSN 1000 - 0976 ; In Chinese)ABSTRACT: Because drill stem can be not only normallybut also reversely rotated at downhole ,especially in slant hole orlarge2annula

45、r slant hole ,a great alternate bending stress pro2duced by eccentric reverse rotating and working load can oftenmake the drill stems being damaged owing to fatigue. On thebasis of initially analyzing the drill stem failure mechanism froma dynamic point of view ,the triaxial stress analysis is carri

46、ed outfor the drill stem and a model of calculating fatigue life in con2sideration of the precession and reverse precession of the drillstem is set up in the paper. The model may be used for the fa2tigue lift prediction of both cracked drill pipe and crackfree drillpipe ,being able to reflect the in

47、fluence of movement behaviourson life and its calculation result is of good guiding significance toutilizing reasonably the drill stem and preventing the drill stemfrom failure.SUBJECT HEADINGS: Drill stem , Fatigue , Life , Fail2ure , Mechanism , Research , AnalysisLin Yuanhua( Doctor , associate p

48、rofessor) ,born in 1971 ,graduated from the Southwest Petroleum Institute with his Doc2tors degree in oil and gas well engineering in 1999. Now he is apostdoctoral researcher in the State Key Laboratory of Mechani2cal Drives , Chongqing University.Add: Xindu , Chengdu ,Sichuan(610500) ,ChinaTel :(02

49、8)83032796DESIGN OF A NOVELHYDRAULIC ENERGY2STORING PETROLEUM DRILLING RIGDong Huairon1,Gu Xinyi1academician of ChinaEngineering Academy, Zhang Huifeng2and WangPing2(1. Department of Electromechanical Engineer2ing , University of Petroleum , Huadong; 2. ResearchInstitute of Drilling Technology , She

50、ngli PetroleumAdministration) .NA TUR.GAS IND.v. 24 ,no. 5 ,pp. 6164 ,5/ 25/ 2004. (ISSN 1000 - 0976 ; In Chi2nese)ABSTRACT: A brand2new design thought was used fordeveloping the hydraulic energy2storing petroleum drilling rigwhich is possessed of self2governed intellectual property rightsofour coun

51、try and has been patented by China ,USA and Canada.This drilling rig gives full play to hydraulic drives advantagesand can reasonably store and consume energy so as to achievethe goal of saving energy and reducing the collocation power ofoverall unit. The design principle and thought ,overall projec

52、tdesign ,main technical indexes ,key technology and energy2stor2ing and2saving principles are introduced and the designs of mainparts of the drilling rig ,such as lift system ,energy2storing sys2tem, rotary system and drilling pump improvement , etc. , areemphatically expounded in the paper.SUBJECT HEADINGS: Drilling rig , Hydraulic pressure ,Energy2storing , DesignDong Huairong( senior engineer) ,born in 1969 ,is a post28NA TURAL GAS INDUS TR Y/May,2004



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