高考英语一轮复习 unit1 Great scientists课件 新人教版必修5

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1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件届高考英语一轮复习课件新人教版全国通用 conclude v. 根据语境猜词义(1) The story concludes with the heros death. (2) Those are the facts; what do you conclude from them?(3) He concluded that he would wait a little longer. 根据语义找匹配A. 决定 B. 结束 C. 推断出BCA短语短语conclude sth. from sth. 推断出,断定conclude sth. with sth. 以结束链接

2、链接conclusion n. 结论;结束draw / arrive at / come to / reach a conclusion得出结论 conclusive adj. 确实的;令人信服的 conclude v. 活用活用 用conclude的正确形式填空(1) I wish to _ my speech with a prayer for the happiness of the newly married people. (2) The debate did not come to a_ until midnight. (3) Her fingerprints on the gun

3、 were _ proof of her guilt. 答案答案 (1) conclude (2) conclusion (3) conclusive conclude v. 根据语境猜词义(1) Although he has failed many times, he refused to admit defeat. (2) The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle. defeat vt. & n. 根据语义找匹配A. 打败,挫败 B. 失败BA活用活用 用defeat / beat / win的正确形式填空(1) The army _ the

4、 enemy in the end. (2) The athlete _ his competitors and _ the gold medal. (3) Who do you think will _ the next election?(4) Shes alive her heart is still _. defeat vt. & n. defeatedwinbeatingDefeated/beatwon attend vt. 根据语境猜词义(1) He did not attend the meeting yesterday. (2) The school was attended

5、almost entirely by local children. (3) There was no one to attend him but Tina. 根据语义找匹配A上学B照料;护理C出席;参加CAB短语短语attend to sb. / sth. 注意;护理attend on / upon 服侍;伴随链接链接attendance n. 出席,到场,参加attendant n. 服务员;侍者 attend vt. 活用活用 单项填空(1) Thank you all for coming and _ our camp. A. attending B. joining C. parti

6、cipating D. taking part in(2) I tried to persuade her from _ the club. A. attending B. joining C. participating D. taking part in attend vt. BD(3) I shall _ the meeting. A. attend B. join C. participate D. take part(4) Everyone in the class is expected to _ in the discussion. A. attend B. join C. pa

7、rticipate D. take part attend vt. 活用活用 单项填空AB cure n. & vt.根据语境猜词义(1) This medicine should cure you of your cold. (2) Nothing could cure her of her impatience with Anna. 根据语义找匹配A. 矫正,改正(某人的不良行为)B. 治疗BA短语短语cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人的某种疾病a cure for 的疗法 cure n. & vt.辨析辨析 cure / treat / healcure侧重指治好的结果;trea

8、t侧重指治疗的过程。heal侧重指治愈伤口,伤痛如灼伤等,强调愈合,痊愈。 活用活用 用cure/treat的适当形式填空 Tom had a cold, and he coughed badly. So he went to hospital to see a doctor. Now the doctor (1) _ him. Tom asked whether there was a (2) _ for his cough. The doctor said, “ Dont worry. This medicine will (3) _ you of your cough. ”答案答案 (1

9、) is treating (2) cure (3) cure cure n. & vt. absorb vt.根据语境猜词义(1) The surrounding villages have been absorbed by / into the growing city. (2) Plants absorb sunlight which provides them with energy. (3) So many good ideas! Its too much for me to absorb all at once. (4) The old man was utterly absorb

10、ed in the book. 根据语义找匹配A. 汲取,理解(知识等)B. 合并(公司等);吞并C. 吸收(液体、气体、光、声等)D. 使全神贯注;吸引答案答案 (1) B (2) C (3) A (4) D absorb vt.短语短语be absorbed in absorb oneself in 使全神贯注链接链接absorbed adj. 全神贯注的,一心一意的absorbing adj. 十分吸引人的absorption n. 吸收 absorb vt.活用活用 用absorb的适当形式填空 A teacher was doing an experiment. The experi

11、ment is “Dry sand (1)_ water.” All his students were (2)_ in watching the experiment. absorbed absorb vt.absorb suspect n. & vt. 根据语境猜词义(1) He resigned after being suspected of theft. (2) I suspect they are very disappointed. (3) The police are questioning two suspects. (4) His motives were suspect

12、with others. 根据语义找匹配A. 怀疑B. 嫌疑犯C. 可疑的D. 猜想ADBC suspect n. & vt. 短语短语suspect sb. of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人做了某事句型句型suspect sb. to be 疑心某人是suspect that 疑心 suspect n. & vt. 活用活用 翻译句子(1)Tom被怀疑是个杀人犯。(2)那名嫌疑犯被警察逮捕了。答案答案(1)Tom was suspected of a murder.(2)That suspect was arrested by the police.根据语境猜词义(1) Dont b

13、lame me. You are responsible for your own problems. (2) My father always blames everything on me. blame vt. & n.根据语义找匹配A. 指责,找的差错B. 归咎,把(某事)责任归于AB短语短语blame sb. for sth. 为某事责备某人blame sb. doing sb. 责备某人做了某事blame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人put / lay the blame for sth. on sb. 将某事归咎于某人accept / bear / take the b

14、lame for sth. 对某事负责任 blame vt. & n.句型句型 to blame 表示被动,意思为“某人应该被谴责;应负责任”。 The children were not to blame for the accident. 那次事故怪不着孩子们。 He is more to blame than you. 是他更应受责备,而不是你。 blame vt. & n.活用活用 翻译句子(1) It seemed that the drinking water was to blame for the cholera(霍乱).(2) 这件事谁也不能怨。 (3) 他指责你玩忽职守。

15、blame vt. & n.答案答案(1) 看来霍乱的流行要归罪于饮用水了。(2) Nobody is to blame for it. (3) He blames you for neglect of duty.根据语境猜词义(1) He instructed me to deliver it to a customer. (2) My job is to instruct her in English. (3) My agent has instructed me that you still owe me $150. instruct vt.根据语义找匹配A. 通知,告知B. 指示,命令

16、,吩咐C. 教授;训练;指导BCA短语短语instruct sb. (in sth.) 教, 教导,传授技能instruct sb. to do sth. 命令, 指导某人做某事instruct thatclause 通知链接链接instruction n. 说明;须知;指令;教学instructive adj. 有益的;教育性的 instruct vt.活用活用 用instruct的正确形式填空(1) Prof. Zhang gave an _ lecture at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University yesterday. (2) The childre

17、n were also _ not to leave the classroom after class. (3) I lost the _ book and so I had to find out how to use the machine by trial and error.答案答案(1) instructive (2) instructed (3) instruction instruct vt.根据语境猜词义(1) The doctor examined the boy and found there was nothing the matter with him. (2) Th

18、e lawyer examined the witness. (3) The teacher examined the students in physics. examine v.根据语义找匹配A. 测验B. 检查;细查;诊察C. 审问;盘问BCA链接链接examination n. 考试; 检查;细查短语短语take an examination 参加考试medical examination 体检under examination 在检查中;在审查中 examine v.活用活用 用examine的正确形式填空 Recently, I felt I couldnt see things

19、clearly. I decided to have my eyes (1) _. The doctor gave me a careful (2) _ of my eyes. After that, the doctor asked me to take more care of my eyes, especially before the mid term (3)_. 答案答案 (1) examined (2) examination (3) examination examine v.根据语境猜词义(1) Were trying to raise money for a new scho

20、ol, and were hoping that everyone will contribute. (2) Ten scientists contributed to the special edition of the journal. (3) Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford. (4) Exercise contributes to better health. contribute v. 根据语义找匹配A. 为造成某一结果而作出贡献, 促成的因素B. 捐献C. 贡献D. 投稿答案答案 (1) B (2) D (3)

21、 C (4) A contribute v. 短语短语contributeto 把贡献给contribute to 有助于; 导致make a contribution to 为作出贡献链接链接contribution n. 捐献, 贡献, 投稿contributor n. 捐款人; 捐助者; 投稿者 contribute v. 活用活用 用contribute的恰当形式或短语填空 (1) Everyone is encouraged to _ the discussion. (2) Her work has _ our understanding of this difficult subj

22、ect. (3) She has _ poems to literary magazines. 答案答案(1) contribute to (2) contributed to (3) contributed contribute v. 根据语境猜词义(1) You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes. (2) He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting. (3) We all put him forward for the position of club secretary.

23、put forward 根据语义找匹配A. 向前拨B. 提出C. 推举put forward 答案答案 (1) A (2)B (3)C辨析辨析come up / come up with / put forward三个词组都有“提出”的意思。 come up 被提出,被讨论 A number of questions came up at the e up with(针对问题等)想出;提供 He came up with good ideas for the product promotion. put forward某人提出 Are you serious in putting forwar

24、d such an idea?put forward 活用活用 用put的相关短语填空(1) Try your best to _ what the teacher said in class. (2) The sports meet was _ because of the rain. (3) Its cold outside, _ more clothes. put forward 答案答案 (1)put down (2) put off (3) put on根据语境猜词义(1) Apart from a few scratches, the car was undamaged. (2)

25、This essays good apart from a couple of spelling mistakes.apart from 除之外,除了根据语义找匹配A. 除了外B. 除了答案答案 (1) A (2)B辨析辨析 besides / except / except for / except that/but / apart from (1)besides 表示“除以外还”;后面的词表示的人或物包括在前面所谈到的人、物之内。 I have a few good friends besides Li Ying. 此 外 besides 还 可 以 作 副词用,意思是“况且”,“此外”。

26、apart from 除之外,除了(2)except只作介词,表示“除去没”,后面的词所表示的人、事物、动作等不包括在前面所涉及的人、物等之内。 I like all drinks except whisky. (3)except for表示“只是”,“除了”,在说明整体基本情况后,对局部细节加以修饰;它的宾语与前述对象完全是两回事。 Your class is a good collective except for some shortcomings.apart from 除之外,除了辨析辨析(4)except that后面跟从句。 He has always been in good h

27、ealth except that he has had a slight headache in the past few days. (5)but 作“除之外”时,其后常用主格代词(有时也用宾格)。but常与 no one, none, nothing 等否定词连用,也与who等疑问词以及 all, every one连用。 No one but he (him) showed much interest in the proposal.apart from 除之外,除了辨析辨析(6) apart from其含义主要依据上下文而定,有时可与except换用,有时可代替besides。巧记:

28、巧记:except 用于同类之间。 except for 用于不同类的。 apart from 在同类或不同类都能用。 apart from 除之外,除了辨析辨析活用活用 选用以上单词或短语填空(1) We answered all the questions _ the last one. (2) We all went _ our teacher. We had a good time with our teacher. (3) I know nothing about him _ he is from the south. (4) Your composition is good _ s

29、ome spelling mistakes. (5) He did nothing all day _ play computer games. apart from 除之外,除了答案答案(1)except (2) besides / apart from / in addition to(3) except that(4) except for / apart from(5) except / butapart from 除之外,除了活用活用 选用以上单词或短语填空根据语境猜词义(1) This sentence doesnt make any sense. (2) It would mak

30、e sense to leave early. (3) Can you make sense out of what this book says?make sense根据语义找匹配A. 有道理;有意义;讲得通B. 是明智的, 是合情合理的C. 易于理解;道理明显 ABC短语短语make sense of 理解,明白make no sense 没道理,没意义there is no sense in doing sth. 做没道理in a sense 在某一方面;就某种意义来说in no sense 决不make a difference 紧要;有影响make sense活用活用 翻译句子(1)

31、我们一直看到末尾,但看不懂是什么意思。(2)一点小的失误也会造成很大影响。make sense答案答案(1) We read it through but could make no sense of it. (2) A small mistake can also make a big difference. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined. (P3) 为了阻止这种事情再次发生,John Snow 建议

32、所有的供应水的源头都要被检测过。观察下列例句观察下列例句(1) I suggested to him that we should tackle the problem another way. (2) I suggested going for a walk. (3) His pale face suggests bad health. 归纳:归纳: 1. suggest表示建议:suggest 名词 / 代词或suggest名词 / 代词to人,但不能说suggest sb. sth., 即不能加双宾语作宾语。 We suggest the plan to him. () We sugge

33、st him the plan. () suggestdoing sth. 如例(2) 注意:注意:suggest 不可以加不定式。suggest (that )主语(should) dosth. 其中的should 可以省略。It is suggested that 主语(should)do sth. suggestion作主语时,其后的表语从句也用should do sth. 结构。归纳:归纳: 2. suggest 表示“暗示或表明”之意时,后面的从句用陈述语气,时态与主句保持一致。 Her yawn suggested that she was sleepy. 她哈欠连天表明她困了。活

34、用活用 根据中文意思完成句子(1) That girls suntanned face _. 那个姑娘被太阳晒黑了的脸表明她身体非常健康。(2) I have written him a letter and _. 我给他写了一封信,并建议他把它寄给校长。(3) _ a short play at the party. 有人建议我们在晚会上演一个短剧。(4) The monitors suggestion _ has not been accepted. 班长提出的她改天来的建议还是没有被接受。答案答案(1) suggests excellent health(2) suggested his

35、 sending it to the headmaster (3) Its suggested that we ( should ) put on(4) that she should come another day活用活用 根据中文意思完成句子 Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. (P7) 只有当你把太阳放在那个位置,其他行星在天空中的运动才有意义。1. only if 表示“只有(才);只有在的时候,唯一的条件是”的意思。 I told hi

36、m he would succeed only if he tried hard. 我告诉他,只有努力才能成功。2. only if 有 时 也写成onlyif,表示唯一的条件,但是意思不变。 I will only come home if you come with me. ( I will come home only if you come with me.) 只有你跟我一起走,我才回家。3. 当 only if 引导的状语从句置于主句之前时,其后的主句要用倒装语序。 Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed

37、 to enter this room. 只有得到教师的允许,学生才可以进这间屋。辨析辨析only if / if onlyonly if 意为“只要”,可视为 if 的加强说法,如放在句首,其后的主句要用倒装语序。 Only if you eat the correct foods will you be able to keep fit and stay healthy.if only 表示“但愿”,“要是就好了”,此时多与虚拟语气连用。 Its a good plan, if only we could carry it out. 答案答案(1) Only in this way can

38、 you deal with the problem easily. (2) Only when you lost it will you understand how valuable the time is. 活用活用 翻译句子(1) 只有用这种方法,你才能轻松地解决这个问题。 (2) 只有当你失去时间的时候,你才会懂得它的宝贵。 He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the ear

39、th. (P7) 他在太阳系的中间放了个固定的太阳,还有围着太阳转的几个行星和一个围着地球转的月球。根据语境体会with的用法(1) Mary felt shy with the whole class looking at her. (2) With the machine helping us, we could finish the work on time. (3) She lives in the room with the light burning. 结论:结论: “withsth.doing”是with的复合结构的一种,在 句中可用作原因状语或伴随状语,也可用作定语。 用现在分

40、词时,表示分词动作与前面的名词或代词有主动关系,且动作正在进行。 除了非谓语形式doing, done, being done, to do外,还可以用形容词、副词或介词短语作宾语补足语。 活用活用 单项填空(1) Come on, please give me some ideas about the project. Sorry. With so much work _ my mind, I almost break down. A. filled B. filling C. to fill D. being filled(2)With so much homework _, he cou

41、ldnt come to the concert. A. doing B. done C. to do D. having doneBC(3)The boy couldnt settle down _ the noise outside so loud. A. for B. because of C. with D. as(4)You can use a large plastic bottle, _ cut off, as a pot to grow flowers in. A. the top is B. with its top C. whose top D. the top of wh

42、ich活用活用 单项填空CB一、写作词汇一、写作词汇1.生活在美好的世界_2.低碳生活方式 _3.低碳社会 _4.低碳经济 _5.气候变化 _live in a beautiful worldlowcarbon lifestylelowcarbon societylowcarbon economyclimate change6.无车日 _7.可再生能源 _8.警钟响起 _9.坚持习惯 _10.吃应季的水果 _一、写作词汇一、写作词汇carfree dayrenewable energya wakeup callstick to the habit of eat fruits and veget

43、ables on seasons二、句型操练二、句型操练1.选择低碳的生活方式是我们的责任。(obligation)2.我们完全意识到在我们国家实施低碳经济的必要性。(be aware of )3.为实现这个目标,我们应该牢记以下一些习惯。(bear/keepin mind)二、句型操练二、句型操练答案答案1. It is our obligation to have lowcarbon lifestyle.2. We are fully aware of the necessity of carrying out a lowcarbon economy in our country.3. T

44、o fulfill it, we should bear the following habits in mind.4.在我们的日常生活中随手关灯和水龙头,尽可能回收利用资源是很重要的。(Its important to do sth.)5.让我们现在都行动起来,为我们的地球母亲的繁荣而贡献力量。(contribute to)二、句型操练二、句型操练二、句型操练二、句型操练答案答案4. Its important to turn off taps and lights and recycle everything recyclable in our daily life.5. Lets all

45、 take action now and contribute to the prosperity of our mother the earth.三、实战演练三、实战演练请你根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文短文,介绍同学们这一天的体验活动,并谈谈自己的感受。短文的开头已为你写好。词数不少于120。提示词:提示词: disposable chopsticks 一次性筷子 air conditioner 空调A Lowcarbon DayThe students in our class took part in an activity of “Experience a Lowcarbon

46、Day” during the summer vacation_One possible version: The students in our class took part in an activity of “Experience a Lowcarbon Day” during the summer vacation. In the morning, we went to park by bus instead of going by car. At noon, when we dined out in a restaurant, we refused to use the dispo

47、sable chopsticks served there. Instead, we each took with us a lunch box in which there was a pair of chopsticks and a spoon. In the afternoon, we went shopping at a supermarket. To avoid the damage the free plastic bags caused to the environment, we put what we had bought into cloth bags. It was ho

48、t at night. We didnt turn on the air conditioners. We used electrical fans to cool ourselves down. Although the activity lasted only one day, we have learned a lot from it. We realize that we should take actions for our earth from the small things around us. In this way, we are sure to live in a better world.



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