九年级英语上册Module 5 unit 1课件 外研版小学起点

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1、 用所给动词的适当时态和语态填空用所给动词的适当时态和语态填空 1. When _ the first man-made satellite _(send)upintospace?2.Lastyearvegetables_(grow)inthegardenbyTomandhe_(sell)themhimself.3.She_(help)himwithhishomeworktomorrowevening.4.Howmanymagazines_(canborrow)inyourlibraryeveryweek?5.John_(hear)togoupstairstwohoursago.6.Who_(

2、save)herfather?He_(save)bythatpoliceman.7.Thedoctor_(sendfor)becausehisgrandpawasill. 8.Mooncakes_(make)byhismothereveryyear._yourmother_(make)mooncakesforyoueveryyear?9.Sometoys_(buy)asapresentsforthesechildrenlastMonday.10._paper_(make)ofwood?.填空(完成被动语态填空)1.Theyoftencleantheirclassroomafterschool.


4、ry-books_nextmonth.完成句子:完成句子:1. 从现在起必须使用钢笔从现在起必须使用钢笔.Pens must _.2. 这书已经出版了吗?是的。这书已经出版了吗?是的。 _the book _ yet? Yes, it _.3你能帮我的忙吗?我的笔不见了。你能帮我的忙吗?我的笔不见了。 Can I _? My pen _.4那间图书馆已经使用很长时间了。那间图书馆已经使用很长时间了。 The library _.5无论如何,我会负责的。无论如何,我会负责的。 _, I _ it.6他帮助了几个同学。他帮助了几个同学。 _ classmates _ by him.7今天早上,我的

5、钥匙忘在家里了。今天早上,我的钥匙忘在家里了。 My keys _ at home this morning.8 放学后要关灯。放学后要关灯。 The Lights _ after school.9如果杂志放在网上如果杂志放在网上,就不需要纸了就不需要纸了. If the magazine is online, paper _.10.这则新闻不能在报纸上看到这则新闻不能在报纸上看到. The news _ in the newspaper.句型转换句型转换:(1-5题主动变被动题主动变被动;6-10被动变主动被动变主动)1.Allstudentsmustreadthisbook.Thisboo

6、k_byallstudents.2. I could not find her books anywhere. Her books _ _ _anywhere.3. They used paper to make flowers. Paper _ _ to make flowers.4. They will publish the book. The book _ _ _ by them.5. I have written an article on how to get good grades. An article on how to get good grades _ _ _ by me

7、.6.Messages can be sent by email.We _ _ messages by email.7.Is the work done by him everyday?_ he _ the work every day?The film has been talked about by us.We _ _ _ the film.They were taught English by Miss Gao last term.Miss Gao _ _ English last term.The blackboard will be clean by her later on.She

8、 _ _ the blackboard later on.1.我们可以用手工做饺子我们可以用手工做饺子. We _ dumplings _.2.在那个时代在那个时代,很少人懂电脑很少人懂电脑. _, computers _ by few people.3.这玻璃杯是什么做的这玻璃杯是什么做的? What _ the glass _?4.你一次只能选择一个答案你一次只能选择一个答案 You can choose one answer _.5. 我爸爸坐在电脑前浏览网上的信息我爸爸坐在电脑前浏览网上的信息. My father was sitting in front of the compute

9、r and _ the information online.6. 坏消息通常很快传到国外坏消息通常很快传到国外. Bad news usually _ aboard.7.从某种意义上说从某种意义上说,你做得很好你做得很好. _, you did a good job.8. 病人已经送院了吗病人已经送院了吗? _ the patient _ the hospital?9. 新单词可以在字典上查找新单词可以在字典上查找. New words _ in a dictionary.10. 在我上学路上在我上学路上, 我捡了一个钱包我捡了一个钱包. _ school, I _ a wallet.11.

10、 我宁愿弹钢琴而不愿画画我宁愿弹钢琴而不愿画画. I _ play the piano _ draw a picture.bebecomebeatbeginbreakbringbuildbuycatchchoosecomecostcutdodrawdrinkdriveeatfalldreamMODULE 5Unit1Youmustnttouchitthe Science and Technology MuseumQUIETPLEASESignsaroundyouLook and learn!DONT TOUCHDont take photosLead in and learn to sayDo

11、nt enter the roomDont shoutQUIETPLEASESignsaroundyouLook and learn!YOU MUSTNT TOUCHYou mustnt take photosLead in and learn to sayYou mustnt enter the roomYou mustnt shoutQUIETPLEASESignsaroundyouLook and learn!NO TOUCHINGNo photographyLead in and learn to sayNo entryNo shoutingQUIETPLEASESignsaround

12、youLook and learn!YOU RE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH.Youre not allowed to take photos.Taking photos is not allowed .Lead in and learn to sayYou re not allowed to enter.Youre not allowed to shout.1.进入entry2.摄影photography3.熟悉的familiar4.注意力attention5.在楼上upstairs6.保卫onguard7.标志sign8.在楼下downstairs9.雕像sculpture1

13、0.两者之一的eitherenter(动)theroomanentrance(名)photographphotobefamiliartosb./withsth.pay(littlemuchmoreno)attentionto(doing)sth.paysbsattentiongo/comeupstairseither否定句句末前面用逗号隔开too肯定句句末,前面用逗号隔开。also肯定句句中。aswell肯定句句末改否定句都用eithereither指两者中的任意一个加可数名词,any指两者以上的任意一个。HOW DO WE SAY THE SIGNS AND RULES?3.No+ -vin

14、g / n. 1.Dont +do4.Youre not allowed to do2.You mustnt /cant doQUIETPLEASESignsaroundyouLook and learn!the Science and Technology MuseumBetty: Im very_ about our visit to the museum on Saturday.Bettys mum: Im looking _to it, too.Its all very _from my school days. Look! Ive _lots of information from

15、the museum _. Theyve got a greatScience and _room with lots of old_.Lingling: I want to see the _art-all the old drawings and paintings.Betty: So_I.excitedforwardfamiliardownloadedwebsiteTechnologymachinesancientdo课本录音初三上M52.mp3Daming: My homework is to write a_ about my favourite museum.Bettys mum:

16、 Have you _any of your classmates to come with us on Saturday?Betty: No, I havent. But I heard two friends_in the classroom yesterday. Theyre_ avisit as well.Bettys mum: OK, see you on Saturday. _ be late.Daming and Lingling: We _!Betty: See you on Saturday.reportinvitedtalkingplanningDontwont课本录音初三

17、上M52.mp3Listen and underline the correct word in each sentence.a wax museuman amazing sculpturelook realListen and answer the questions:1.Where is the Science and Technology room?2.Whats closed until January?3.What do Tony and his classmates have to write?4.Why is the sculpture kind of familiar?5. W

18、hat signs can you see in the dialogue?课本录音初三上M53.mp3LISTENINGBetty: Letsgoto_.Itsupstairs.Daming: _Thisway!Im_this!Guard: Shh!_Its_therules.Daming: ButIwantto_beforewehavetogohome.科技厅快点走这边期待别叫这是违反规定的上楼课本录音初三上M53.mp3theScienceandTechnologyroomComeon!lookingforwardtoNoshouting!againstgoupstairsGuard:

19、_Youmustnt_there!Comeback!Daming: Whats_?Guard: Lookatthesign-“_”.Daming: Oh!Why?Guard: _untilJanuary.AndtheNaturalHistoryroom_.等一下禁止入内Hangonaminute!goupthematterNoentryItsclosedaswellTony: Ohdear.MyclassmatesandIhavegottowriteareporthomeworkbyFriday.Well,letsgodownstairs.Lingling: Why?Tony: Iwantto

20、buysomepostcardsintheshop.WheresDaming?Lingling: Idontknow.HesonhisTony: Lookatthis.Hesleft下楼独自离开逼真的雕像forgoneoffown.amazingsculptureGuard: _Youmustnttouchit.Tony: Sorry.Illjust_.Guard: No,youcanttakeaphoto,_._“Nophotography”.Tony: Imsorry.Iwasnt_whatyouweresaying.Iwaslookingatthe_.Itlooks_.别动拍照看这个标志

21、注意看起来很逼真Donttouch!takeaphotoeitherLookatthesign-payingattentiontosculptureveryrealLingling: Hurryup!_long.Letsgo.WheresDaming?Tony: Itlooksverystrange._Itlookslike-Daming: Waaaargh!Tony: -Daming!Betty: Oh,veryfunny!_itlooksreal.Lingling: Itsnotasculpture.ItsDaming!难怪你花了这么长时间有点熟悉YouretakingsoItskindo

22、ffamiliar!Nowonder5.EXERCISEChoosethebestanswer.1. They cant go to the Science and Technology room because _.A.its closed nowB.they are shoutingC.they have to go home a2. The Natural History room is _A.Also open now.B.Also closed now.C.Upstairs as well.3. They think Daming is _.A.in the shopB.alone

23、somewhere in the museum C.looking at sculptures b b 4.Tonyisntallowedto_.a)takephotosortouchthesculptureb)lookatthesculptureorthesignc)payattentiontotheguarda6.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box against the rules, come back, downstairs hurry up , pay att

24、ention to, real, sign, upstairs 1 You arent allowed to take photos. Its _.2 The shop is _ and the technology room is _ .3 _. We havent got much time before it closes.4 I didnt know it wasnt allowed. I didnt _ the _.5 It wasnt a(n) _ sculpture. It was only Daming!6 I dont know where Daming is. I hope

25、 he _ soon. againsttherulesdownstairsupstairsHurryuppayattentiontosignsrealwillcomebackan experimentan exhibit : the thing on show/ display unusual : special work out try out launch pad physics falling adj. sand (u) a truck on wheels position drop in rocket as . as travel human speed obey above all

26、usualmuseumsciencemuseumTalkaboutthedifferencesinthetwomuseumsReading and vocabularyLookatthepicturesandtalkaboutthedifferencesinthetwomuseums.Usethewordsinthebox.boringbusydoexperimentsexhibitfuninterestingnoisynotallowedtoquietseriousunusualbusyunusualfuninterestingnoisydoexperimentsboringquietser

27、iousexhibitnotallowedtonoshoutingan experimentan exhibit : the thing on show/ display unusual : special work out try out launch pad physics falling adj. sand (u) a truck on wheels position drop in rocket as . as travel human speed obey above all 1.最与众不同的博物馆 2.科学博物馆 3.触摸展品 1.最与众不同的博物馆 2.科学博物馆 3.触摸展品

28、4.一个好方法 5.了解科学 6.解出 7.尝试想法 8.发射台 9.做物理实验 10.例如 11.把 装满 12.把 移到正确的位置 13.与动物比速度 14.按这个按钮 15.足够快 16.太空技术 17.遵守规定 18.展品的照片 19.最重要的是 20.顺道拜访 21.想呆多久就呆多久 22.确信 23.整个世界the most unusual museumthe science museumtouch the exhibita good waylearn about sciencework outtry out ideasLaunch Paddo physics experiment

29、for examplefill withmove into the correct positioncompare the speed with animalspush the buttonmake surethe whole worlddrop in on sb.fast enoughspace technologyobey the rulesthe photo of the exhibitabove allstay as long as you like1.最与众不同的博物馆 2.科学博物馆 3.触摸展品 4.一个好方法 5.了解科学 6.解出 7.尝试想法 8.发射台 9.做物理实验 1

30、0.例如 11.把 装满 12.把 移到正确的位置 13.与动物比速度 14.按这个按钮 15.足够快 16.太空技术 17.遵守规定 18.展品的照片 19.最重要的是 20.顺道拜访 21.想呆多久就呆多久 22.确信 23.整个世界Readthepassageandanswerthequestions.1. In what way is the Science Museum different from other museums?2. Where does Tony go when he visits the Science Museum?3. What else is there t

31、o see in the Science Museum?课本录音初三上M5u2.mp31.In what way is the Science Museum different from other museums? In this museum, youre allowed to be noisy. And you can touch the exhibits, work things out and try out ideas. In other museums, you are not allowed to do these things.2. Where does Tony go wh

32、en he visits the Science Museum?He often goes to the Launch Pad, the Rocket Show, the Human and Nature room, etc. 3. What else is there to see the Science Museum?There are rooms on transport, the environment, space technology, maths, physics and chemistry.NameofmuseumPlaceFavouriteroomExhibit/Experi


34、eScienceMuseuminLondonVisitingtheScienceMuseumTheexhibitsinthemuseumAnswerthequestions1. What kind of physics experiments can you do at the Launch Pat?2. What can you try out in the Human and Nature room?asasdropinfillfreephysicspositionsandtrucktryoutwheelYou can move a truck into the correct posit

35、ion and try to fill it with sand.You can stay for as long as you want to from 10 am to 6 pm every day.3. How much does it cost to go in the Science Museum?4. For how long can you drop in at the Science Museum?It doesnt cost anything its free.You can try out an experiment to compare your speed with a

36、nimals.1.It has the _(comfort) seats in town.2._(visit) London is very exciting.3.They can do physics _(experiment) here.4.Some of the machines are very _(noise).5.Its a god way _(learn) about science.6.If you arent fast enough, the lion _(catch) you.7.What is there _(see) in the museum.8.We were bu

37、sy _(check) the students paper.9.It is _(difference) from the one I gave you.1o.the bottle _(fill) with the sand.11.Can you hear a boy _(sing) in the room. the mostcomfortableVisitingexperimentsnoisyto learncatchesto seecheckingdifferentwas filledsingingMAKING NOTES Make notes about what people cann

38、ot do in the museum.1._2._3._4._People cant shout in the museum.People cant go upstairs until January.People cant touch the amazing sculpture.People cant take photos in the museum.EVERYDAY ENGLISHHang on a minute. 等一会儿。等一会儿。Come on ! 快点快点!This way ! 这边!这边!Shh! No shouting ! 嘘!禁止喧哗!嘘!禁止喧哗!Oh, very fu

39、nny ! 哦哦,真滑稽!真滑稽!No wonder it 怪不得怪不得1.注意 2.为某人所熟悉 3.期待 4.加油 5.写一个报告 6. 看上去象真的 7.上楼 8.独自的 9.违反规定 10.不许做 11.科技厅 12.等一会 13.难怪 14.快点 15.花了这么长时间 16.也 17.逼真的雕像 18.有点熟悉 pay attention tobefamiliartolookforwardtocomeonwriteareportlookrealgoupstairsononesownagainsttherulesbenotallowedtodoTheScienceandTechnolo

40、gyroomhangonaminutenowonderhurryuptakesolongtimeaswellamazingsculpturekindoffamiliarLISTENINGBetty: Letsgoto_.Itsupstairs.Daming: Comeon!Thisway!Im_tothis!Guard: Shh!Noshouting!Its_therules.Daming: ButIwanttogo_beforewehavetogohome.Guard: _aminute!Youmustntgoupthere!Comeback!12345BusinessHoursOffice

41、HoursEntranceExitPushPullShutOn/OffOpenPauseStopKeeprightWetpaintDangerLostandfoundNovisitorsParkingHandswantedHandsoffNotforsaleInformationNopassingSeatbyNumberSavefoodTicketoffice(Bookingoffice)此路不通关闭招聘请勿触摸Daming: Whatsthe_?Guard: Lookatthe_-“Noentry”.Daming: Oh!Why?Guard: Its_untilJanuary.AndtheN

42、aturalHistoryroom_.Tony: Ohdear.MyclassmatesandIhavegottowriteareport_homework_Friday.Well,letsgodownstairs.Lingling: Why?Tony: Iwanttobuysome_intheshop.WheresDaming?6789101112Lingling: Idontknow.Hesgoneoff_.Tony: Lookatthis_sculpture.Guard: Donttouch!Youmustnt_it.Tony: Sorry.Ill_takeaphoto.Guard: N

43、o,youcanttakeaphoto,_.Lookatthesign-“Nophotography”.Tony: Imsorry.Iwasnt_towhatyouweresaying.Iwaslookingatthesculpture.Itlooksvery_.13141516171819Lingling: Hurryup!Youretaking_.Letsgo.WheresDaming?Tony: Itlooksvery_.Itskindof_!Itlookslike-Daming: Waaaargh!Tony: -Daming!Betty: Oh,veryfunny!_itlooksre

44、al.Lingling: Itsnotasculpture.ItsDaming!202321221.Nophotography.2.Hewenttobedafterhismothercameback.3.Thegirllookslikehermother.4.HehasgonetoBeijingalone.5.Youmustntgoswimmingalone.6.Noentry.7.dontplaycomputergamesatschool.8.Youmustlookoutforthemistakesinyourhomework.9.ItscloseduntilnextSunday.10.He




48、yslastyear?Readingandplayingcomputergames.A.takeB.useC.spendD.enjoy9.Canyoutellme_?Certainly.A.whereshouldtheygoB.whichgateweshouldgoC.whichgateweshouldgotoD.whichgateshouldwegoto10.Howareyougettingonwithyourwork?_.A.VerygoodB.NotverywellC.GreatD.Nottoobad情情 态态 动动 词词 定定 义义 情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话情态动词是一

49、种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪、态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作人的情绪、态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语,只能和其他动词原形构成谓语。谓语,只能和其他动词原形构成谓语。 We can be there on time tomorrow. 我们明天能按时去那儿。我们明天能按时去那儿。 May I have your name? 我能知道你的名字吗?我能知道你的名字吗? Shall we begin now? 我们现在就开始吗?我们现在就开始吗? You must obey the school rules. 你必须遵守校规。你必须遵守校规。 情态动词数量不多,但用途广泛,主要有下列:情态

50、动词数量不多,但用途广泛,主要有下列: can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would) 情情 态态 动动 词词 的的 位位 置置情态动词在句中放在谓语动词之前,谓语动词前情态动词在句中放在谓语动词之前,谓语动词前若有助动词,则在助动词之前,疑问句中,若有助动词,则在助动词之前,疑问句中, 情态情态动词放在主语之前。动词放在主语之前。 I can see you. Come here. 我能看见你,过来吧。我能看见你,过来吧。 He must have been

51、away. 他一定走了。他一定走了。 What can I do for you? 你要什么?你要什么? How dare you treat us like that! 你怎么敢那样对待我们你怎么敢那样对待我们! 情情 态态 动动 词词 的的 特特 点点情态动词无人称和数的变化,情态动词后面跟的情态动词无人称和数的变化,情态动词后面跟的动词需用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后面加动词需用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后面加“not”。个别情态动词有现在式和过去式两种。个别情态动词有现在式和过去式两种形式,过去式可以用来表达更加客气、委婉的语形式,过去式可以用来表达更加客气、委婉的语气,时态性不强

52、,可用于过去,现在或将来。气,时态性不强,可用于过去,现在或将来。 He could be here soon. 他很快就来。他很快就来。 We cant carry the heavy box. 我们搬不动那箱子。我们搬不动那箱子。 Im sorry I cant help you. 对不起,我帮不上你。对不起,我帮不上你。LISTEN AND UNDERLINE THE CORRECT WORD IN EACH SENTENCES.as well classmate familiar homework look forward to on ones own report pay atten

53、tion to 1. They are looking forward to / paying attention to the museum.2. The museum is very familiar/ strange to Bettys mum.3. Betty is going with her friends / on her own to the museum.1.onlystaffonlybusesonly2.NoingNospittingNoparking3.No名词/介词短语NoentrybythisdoorNoleft4.OnewaystreetSchoolahead4.

54、Damings homework /classwork is to write a report /composition about their favorite museum.5. Two of Bettys friends are planning a visit as well/alone.( ) No shouting( ) You mustnt go up there( ) No entry( ) Dont touch. You mustnt touch it ( ) You cant take a photo( ) No photographyNo shoutingYou mustnt go up thereNo entryDont touch. You mustnt touch it You cant take a photoNo photography3)5)1)6)2)4)



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