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1、 (七)(七)Unit 7 (45分钟分钟 100分分)第第卷(共卷(共50分)分) . 单项选择(单项选择(20分)分)1. His family live in a big house _ green trees around it. A. has B. with C. for D. of【解解析析】选选B。with意意为为“有有”,介介词词短短语语作作定定语语。句句意意为为:他家住在一座周围有树的大房子里。他家住在一座周围有树的大房子里。2. Ill never forget the place _ I was born. A. that B. where C. which D. whe

2、n【解解析析】选选B。定定语语从从句句中中先先行行词词place表表地地点点,且且引引导导词词在在从句中作地点状语,故用从句中作地点状语,故用where。3. 09锦锦州州中中考考More than two _ years ago, people knew little about the universe. A. thousandsB. thousandC. thousand ofD. thousands of【解解析析】选选B。用用thousand 表表示示约约数数时时,结结构构为为thousands of, 注注意意两两有有(有有s, 有有of);表表示示具具体体数数字字时时结结构构为为

3、:数数字字+thousand, 句句意意为为:两两千千多多年年前前,人人们们几几乎乎不不知知道道关关于于宇宇宙宙的知识。的知识。4. The room isnt _ to hold 200 people to have a meeting. A. enough bigB. big enoughC. bigger enoughD. enough bigger【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:这这间间屋屋容容纳纳不不下下200人人开开会会。enough修修饰饰形形容容词词或或副副词词时时,放放在在其其后后,enough不不修修饰饰比比较较级级,故故选选B。5. How much does your c

4、omputer_ ? Its ¥6, 000. A. payB. spendC. takeD. cost【解解析析】选选D。pay“付付款款”,常常用用短短语语pay for,其其主主语语通通常常指指人人;spend “花花费费”,主主语语通通常常指指人人,take常常用用于于It takes sb. some time to do sth. 句句型型中中,表表示示做做某某事事花花多多少少时时间间;cost“花花费费;值值”;主主语语通通常常指指物物,句句意意:你你的的电电脑脑花花了了多少钱。主语为多少钱。主语为your computer, 故选故选D。6. I hope _ enjoy yo

5、urself. A. you to B. you that C. to you D. you can【解解析析】选选D。hope后后可可以以跟跟动动词词不不定定式式或或从从句句作作宾宾语语,但但不能用不能用hope sb. to do sth. 结构结构, 故选故选D。7. His parents are dead. So his grandparents _ him _ the money for his education. A. offer; toB. offer; withC. provide; toD. provide; with【解析解析】选选D。provide sb. with

6、sth. 给某人提供某物。给某人提供某物。8. 09黔黔东东南南州州中中考考Take it easy. Im sure you will pass the exam successfully. A. Keep it upB. Dont be sorryC. Dont worry【解解析析】选选C。此此题题考考查查固固定定短短语语用用法法。take it easy意意为为“从从容容;轻轻松松;不不紧紧张张”。句句意意为为:别别担担心心,我我相相信信你你会会成成功功地地通过考试的,故选通过考试的,故选C。9. Id like to go _ . A. to somewhere relaxingB.

7、 somewhere relaxingC. somewhere relaxedD. relaxing somewhere【解解析析】选选B。somewhere为为不不定定副副词词,故故排排除除A项项,形形容容词词修修饰饰不不定定副副词词,放放在在其其后后,relaxing意意为为“令令人人放放松松的的”,修修饰事物;饰事物;relaxed“感到放松的感到放松的”,修饰人。故选,修饰人。故选B。10. 09泸州中考泸州中考Would you like to join us in the game? _ , but I have to help my mum. A. I willB. Id lov

8、e toC. Im afraid not【解解析析】选选B。Would you like to do. . . ? “你你想想干干吗吗?”,该该句句型型的的肯肯定定回回答答为为“Yes, Id like/love to. ”,否否定定回回答答为为:Id like/love to, but. . . 。故选。故选B。. 完形填空完形填空(10分分) Do you like traveling? Today, Ill give you some 1 about traveling. You should have a good nights sleep before you travel. If

9、you dont, you will feel tired on the way. You should take some 2 with you. It may be helpful when you feel sick. You should eat a meal before traveling. If you dont eat anything, you will feel hungry. And the food on the train is much more 3 . You should listen to the weather report earlier, so you

10、can 4 a good plan for your travel. Youd better take a(n) 5 with you. It can keep off the sun and the rain. You should 6 your right clothes. When youre going from a hot place to a cold place, you have to take some warm clothes. You should drink enough water. Dont wait to be 7 . Youd better take some

11、water so that you can have a drink when you want to drink at any time. You should write down all the travel 8 :departure and arrival time, bus or train number, your parents names, address and phone number and so on. You should take a 9 . You can take lots of photos when you see beautiful scenery. Wh

12、en you come back, you can show the pictures to your friends. Above all, 10 yourself when you are traveling. But please look after yourself and your things carefully. 1. A. idea B. advice C. name D. time【解解析析】选选B。根根据据下下文文的的内内容容可可判判断断,作作者者为为我我们们提提供供了了一些建议。一些建议。advice“建议建议”。2. A. water B. drink C. food

13、 D. medicine【解解析析】选选D。“It may be helpful when you feel sick. ”意意为为“当当你你感感到到不不舒舒服服时时,它它会会有有所所帮帮助助”,由由此此可可推推断断应应选选medicine。3. A. difficult B. different C. expensive D. delicious【解解析析】选选C。由由本本段段第第一一句句“You should eat a meal before traveling. ”推知火车上的食品很推知火车上的食品很“贵贵”。expensive“昂贵的昂贵的”。4. A. make B. get C.

14、 find D. put【解析解析】选选A。make a plan“制订计划制订计划”。5. A. raincoat B. bag C. box D. umbrella【解解析析】选选D。从从句句子子“It can keep off the sun and the rain. ”可知。可知。6. A. wear B. pack C. put on D. have on【解析解析】选选B。pack意为意为“打包打包”,符合文意。,符合文意。7. A. hungry B. sad C. happy D. thirsty【解解析析】选选D。因因为为本本段段主主要要说说“水水”,与与“口口渴渴”有有关

15、关。thirsty“口渴的口渴的”。8. A. kind B. way C. information D. place【解解析析】选选C。从从下下面面所所列列举举的的“departure and arrival time, bus or train number. . . ”可可判判断断,它它们们都都是是“信信息息”。information“信息信息”。9. A. radio B. TV C. computer D. camera【解解析析】选选D。由由“You can take lots of photos when you see beautiful scenery. ”可可判判断断,这这

16、里里用用意意思思为为“照照相相机机”的的camera。10. A. enjoy B. help C. forget D. report【 解解 析析 】 选选 A。 enjoy oneself相相 当当 于于 have a good/great/wonderful time。. 阅读理解(阅读理解(10分)分) I often dreamed about Pisa when Iwas a boy. I read about the famous building called the Leaning Tower of Pisa. But when I read the word Pisa, I

17、 was thinking of pizza. I thought this tower was a place to buy pizza. It must be the best place to buy pizza in the world, I thought. Many years later I finally saw the Leaning Tower. I knew then that it was Pisa but not pizza. But there was still something special about it for me. The tower got it

18、s name because it really did lean to one side. Some people want to try to fix it. They are afraid it may fall over and they dont want it to lean over the city. I do not think its a fantastic idea to try to fix it. The tower probably will not fall down. It is 600 years old. Why should anything happen

19、 to it now? And, if you ask me, I like what it looks like. To me it is a very human kind of leaning. Nothing is perfect. It seems to say. And who cares? Why do people want things to be perfect? Imperfect things may be more interesting. Lets take the tower in Pisa. Why is it so famous? There are many

20、 other older, more beautiful towers in Italy. But Pisa tower is the most famous. People come from all over the world to see it. 1. What is this passage about? A. Italian pizza. B. Italys problems. C. Leaning Tower of Pisa. D. Why the writer likes Pisa. 【解析解析】选选D。本文主要讲作者为什么喜欢比萨。本文主要讲作者为什么喜欢比萨。2. The

21、writer thought Pisa was _ when he was young. A. in SpainB. not very famousC. not the same as pizzaD. the same as pizza【解解析析】选选D。根根据据第第一一段段第第三三句句“But when I read the word Pisa, I was thinking of pizza. ”可知。可知。3. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is _ . A. modernB. falling downC. 600 years oldD. 60 years old【

22、解解析析】选选C。由由第第三三段段第第二二、三三句句“The tower probably will not fall down. It is 600 years old. ”可知。可知。4. The writer _. A. doesnt like what the tower looks likeB. likes what the tower looks likeC. thinks its the most beautiful tower in ItalyD. doesnt like towers【解解析析】选选B。由由第第三三段段第第五五句句“And, if you ask me, I

23、like what it looks like. ”可知。可知。5. The writer likes the Leaning Tower of Pisa because _ . A. its oldB. its perfectC. it sells pizzaD. its imperfect【解解析析】选选D。由由第第四四段段第第三三句句“Imperfect things may be more interesting. ”及及作作者者所所流流露露出出的的感感情情可可以以看看出出他他认认为为不不完美本身就是一种美。完美本身就是一种美。第第卷卷(共共50分分). 词汇运用词汇运用(10分分)(

24、)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5分分)1. The P_ is the largest ocean in the world. 2. Could you t_ this story into English? 答案:答案:1. Pacific 2. translate3. Mount Tai is a great place of interest. Its always t_ at this time of year. 4. She is as _ (活泼的活泼的)as a child. 5. Its one of the famous _ (教堂教

25、堂)in his town. 答案:答案:3. touristy 4. lively 5. churches()用所给词的适当形式填空(用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)分)6. Would you like _ (go) to Shanghai? 7. You can borrow four books, _ (include) this one. 8. I dream of _ (become) a famous singer. 9. We are considering _ (travel) to Xian. 10. He hopes _ (get) good grades in the e

26、xam. 答案:答案:6. to go 7. including 8. becoming 9. travelling10. to get. 完成句子(完成句子(10分)分)1. 他们将离开两周。他们将离开两周。Theyll _ _ for two weeks. 2. 相当多的外国朋友暑假期间来北京度假。相当多的外国朋友暑假期间来北京度假。 _ _ _ foreign friends come to Beijing for their summer vacation. 答案:答案:1. be away 2. Quite a few 3. 只要努力,梦想不久就会实现。只要努力,梦想不久就会实现。O

27、ur dream will _ _ soon if we study hard. 4. 我希望尽快见到你。我希望尽快见到你。I _ _ _ see you _ _ _ _ . 5. 坚持你的梦想,总有一天你会实现它们的。坚持你的梦想,总有一天你会实现它们的。 _ _ to your dreams, one day you may achieve them. 答案:答案:3. come true 4. hold on to; as soon as possible5. Hold on. 短文填空短文填空(10分分) 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示填写单词,补全短文。根据短文内容及所给首字母提示填写

28、单词,补全短文。 The North and South Poles have attracted many people for more than 100 years. Both of the two regions(地地区区)are t 1 , fascinating and of course cold. In the North Pole, winter is long and cold, and summer is short and cool. This is a place in which t 2 sun never rises during at least one day

29、 in winter and never sets during at least one day in s 3 . Many animals live there, both on land and in the sea, such a 4 polar bears and foxes. There are many kinds of birds there. And many plants can be f 5 there, even i 6 hundreds of plants t 7 have flowers. The South Pole is even colder. The war

30、mest temperature there is zero. It is so cold that there are only a f 8 plants. But many animals live there. Are you ready for the challenge? P 9 your warm clothes and snowshoes. Take your camera and lets go andt10through the very different and exciting world at the Poles. 答案:答案:1. thrilling 2. the

31、3. summer 4. as 5. found6. including 7. that 8. few 9. Pack/Prepare 10. trek. 书面表达书面表达(20分分) 假假如如你你是是王王刚刚,应应张张涛涛邀邀请请,两两人人准准备备一一起起去去旅旅游游,现现在给张涛写一封信说明你的旅游建议。在给张涛写一封信说明你的旅游建议。 要求:要求:1. 词数词数80左右。左右。 2. 条理清楚,语意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整。条理清楚,语意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整。 地点:南京,北京,海南地点:南京,北京,海南 活动:浏览,拍照,划船,潜水,购物活动:浏览,拍照,划船,潜水,购物 名胜:

32、玄武湖,天安门,长城,天涯海角名胜:玄武湖,天安门,长城,天涯海角 食物:北京烤鸭,水果,海鲜(食物:北京烤鸭,水果,海鲜(sea food) 交通工具:汽车,火车,飞机交通工具:汽车,火车,飞机_【参考答案参考答案】Dear Zhang Tao, Glad to hear from you. Im fine, thank you. It is really a good idea to travel with you. Id like to start our travel on July 10th. First, we take a bus to Nanjing. We can go bo

33、ating on Xuanwu Lake. Then well go to Beijing by train at night. In Beijing, well visit the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and the Palace Museum. We can take photos there, do some shopping and eat some famous food like Beijing Duck. Wemay spend one week there. Im sure well have a good time! Best wishes! Yours, Wang Gang



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