译林版牛津小学英语What’s that noise课件

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1、Whats that noise?No.4Miss LionListen and guess.大自然中有很多美妙的声音,大自然中有很多美妙的声音,你能猜出来是哪些动物的叫声吗?你能猜出来是哪些动物的叫声吗?Is it a ? Its not aIts a cowsheeplionnoise噪音噪音出现在不恰当的场合出现在不恰当的场合How nice! daddy son and daughter The lion is trying to sleep. (睡觉睡觉)What happened?发生了什么?!?!But somebody is making a noise!Who is it?发

2、出噪音发出噪音What animals can you see in the story?What animals can you see in the story?你在故事里看到了哪些动物呢?Whos making a noise?Tip(小提示):4人一小组,快速浏览整篇故事,找出是哪3只动物在发出噪音,用铅笔划出相应的句子,在组内读一读!Read and underline.fish1.2.3.cowsheepdogbird monkey Whos making a noise?Baa!Listen and imitate.(听音模仿听音模仿) “Whos making that baa

3、 ?” “They cant be far.” (不远不远)“Is it the cow ?” “No , its the sheep . Baa!Lets read.有感情地朗读故事有感情地朗读故事比一比,看谁读得最像生气的狮子!比一比,看谁读得最像生气的狮子!“Whos making that baa ?”Baa!Tweet!Tweet!Baa!Listen and imitate.(听音模仿听音模仿)Tweet , tweet .Whos making that tweet?Fish ,fish .Its not a fish. Bird , bird .It is a bird.Twe

4、et!Tweet!Lets chant!有节奏地朗读吧!有节奏地朗读吧!Woof! Woof!Tweet!Tweet!Baa!Listen and imitate.(听音模仿听音模仿) “Whos making that bark(狗吠)(狗吠)?” “Its coming from the park.” “Its not the monkey.” “It is the dog.” “Woof! Woof!”Lets have a PK!(比一比哪组的配音最好)Tip: 4人一小组,分别扮演小狗人一小组,分别扮演小狗、狮子爸爸和狮子爸爸和2只小狮子。不会读的只小狮子。不会读的句子欢迎问句子欢迎

5、问Miss Lion哦哦. GO! 很快睡着了很快睡着了Its daddy.Hes fast asleep. One day, the is trying to sleep. But the is making a noise. The and the are making noise, too. The two little lions say:“ .” At last the lion is fast asleep. .Retell the story.(先在小组内讨论并复述故事,然后全班一起复述,试一试吧!) 睡着的狮子爸爸又被某个小动物吵睡着的狮子爸爸又被某个小动物吵醒了醒了!这次又是

6、哪只动物呢?发挥你们这次又是哪只动物呢?发挥你们的想象,编写一段自己的故事吧!的想象,编写一段自己的故事吧!某小动物叫声: Whos making that noise? Is it a ? /Its not a No , its a . / It is a!!Tip: 4人一小组,分别扮演小动物叫声人一小组,分别扮演小动物叫声、狮子爸狮子爸爸和爸和2只小狮子,尽量加入自己的句子哟!只小狮子,尽量加入自己的句子哟!抓紧抓紧时间排练!时间排练! GO! GO! GO! oink quackmoo miaowroar buzzDo you know?你还知道其他小动物叫声的英文表达吗? I. Read the story 读一读这则故事读一读这则故事 2.Try to write your own story. 把在课堂上编的小故事写出来把在课堂上编的小故事写出来



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