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1、Convention Management会议管理byHenry Wang Honorary Associate Professor 2009.9M I C EM= Meetings 公司会议I= Incentive 奖励C= Conventions 大型会议E= Exhibitions 展览M = Corporate Meetings公司会议I= Incentive Travel Programmes奖励旅游C = Association Meetings 协会会议E = Exhibitions & Tradeshows 展览会和展示会MICEMeetings Industry会议产业Int

2、ernational Meetings Market国际会议市场M= Corporate Meetings 公司会议IC= Association Meetings 协会会议EWhy do we hold/attend meetings?我们为什么召集或参加会议?Continuing education继续教育Networking建立关系网络 Product update / disseminate new info产品更新或传播信信息Strategic planning战略规划Stimulation, new ideas激励,新观念 International Meetings Market

3、国际会议市场What business are we in?我们在做什么生意?International Meetings Market国际会议市场What business are we in?我们在做什么生意?qTourism? 旅游业?qHospitality Industry? 酒店业?qPublic Relations?公共关系 ?qMarketing?行销?qTraining?培训? qALL or None of the above?以上皆是或者以上皆非? Although the MICE industry has been traditionally regarded as

4、part of the tourism industry, it is important to acknowledge at the outset that business, not leisure travel, is the primary reason for this industrys activities. 尽管会展业传统上已被视为是旅游业的一部分,重要的是一开始要认识到,尽管会展业传统上已被视为是旅游业的一部分,重要的是一开始要认识到,商业是这个行业活动的主要原因,而不是休闲旅行。商业是这个行业活动的主要原因,而不是休闲旅行。 Meetings, incentives, co

5、nventions and exhibitions are essentially a range of management, educational and marketing tools. They enable individuals and businesses to receive benefits in the fields of sales, marketing, education, communication, motivation and evaluation. 集会、奖励、会议和展览本质上是一系列的管理、教育和行销工具。它们使集会、奖励、会议和展览本质上是一系列的管理、

6、教育和行销工具。它们使个人和企业在销售、行销、教育、传播、激励和评估的领域中受益。个人和企业在销售、行销、教育、传播、激励和评估的领域中受益。This recognition of the MICE industry as an effective communications medium, together with increased mobility and travel awareness, has been one of the main driving forces behind the worldwide growth of the industry over the past

7、 few decades. 会展业作为一种有效的传播媒介会展业作为一种有效的传播媒介被承认,加上增长的流动性和旅游的认知,已成为在过去几十年中本产业全被承认,加上增长的流动性和旅游的认知,已成为在过去几十年中本产业全球增长的主要推动力之一。球增长的主要推动力之一。 - taken from the Australian Governments Strategy for the MICE Industry 1995- 摘自1995年澳大利亚政府的会展业策略International Meetings Market国际会议市场The Heart of our business is 我们商业的核心

8、核心是 COMMUNICATIONS 沟通沟通( The primary reason to meet is to communicate a message. ) (主要原因是要交流讯息 )Communications 沟通What is the message 什么是讯息Why 为什么To whom 给谁By whom 由谁When 什么时候Where 什么地方How 以什么方式How much 多少Historical Perspective 历史的角度Meetings in ancient times to discuss communal interests 在远古时代,会议是为了讨

9、论公共利益。Cities were focal points 全体居民是焦点。Key Latin Words Related to the Meeting Industry涉及会议产业的关键拉丁词Forum 广场Comitium 议事堂Conferentia 汇集在一起Auditorius 听讲的地方Origins of the International Meetings Industry国际会议产业的起源Europe1814Congress of Vienna欧洲 1814维也纳会议USA 1894Detroit, the worlds first convention bureau美国

10、1894底特律,世界第一个会议署Historical Development 历史发展Industrialization in late 19th / early 20th century need for business meetings 19世纪末20世纪初的工业化 需要商业会议Meetings on political, religious, recreational topics 关于政治、宗教、娱乐话题的会议Development of the International Meetings Industry since the 1950s自20世纪50年代以来国际会议产业的发展Ex

11、pansion of government organizations 政府组织的扩展Growth of multi-national corporations and agencies 跨国公司和机构的增长Developments in association interests, professional and pressure groups 协会利益,专业和集团的发展Changes in sales techniques, use of product launch and sales promotion meetings 销售技巧的改变,产品发布和销售促进会议的使用Developme

12、nt of the International Meetings Industry since the 1950s 自20世纪50年代以来国际会议产业的发展(续)Need for in-company management training, continuous professional development, and attendance at “ad hoc” or scheduled meetings 需要公司内部的管理培训,持续的专业发展,参加临时的或预定的会议Development of subject specialization 主题专业化的发展Conference enab

13、les an expert to pass on information to a large number of others peripherally involved 会议使一位专家传递信息给很多外围介入的其他人。(contd)International Meetings Industry Today当今的国际会议产业Heavy investment in infrastructure 巨额的基础设施投资 National and city tourism bureaus actively promote destinations 国家和城市旅游局积极推动目的地Much stronger

14、 meetings industry (hotels, airlines, etc) 更繁荣的会议产业(酒店和航空公司等)Improved industry representation and co-ordination (ICCA, MPI, PCMA, etc) 改良的产业代表和协调(国际会议协会ICCA、国际会议专业人士协会MPI和会议管理专业协会PCMA等)Benefits of International Meetings Business国际会议行业的益处 1.High yield 高收益2.Less responsive to price changes 对价格变动的响应较少3

15、.Fills seasonal troughs 填补季节性低谷4.Image 形象Assignment 1 Essay任务 1 作文 (要在xx年x月x日前交)Write a short essay (100-200 words) on the business you are in and state whether you feel you are ready for international meetings business NOW. Please support your statement with reasons. 就你所学的专业写一篇100-200字的短文,表明你觉得你现在现

16、在是否已准备好进入国际会议行业。请写明原因。International Meetings Market国际会议市场MIC = Association Meetings 协会会议E2 Key Organizations in International Association Meetings国际会议市场的两个关键组织UIAICCAUIAUnion of International Associations国际协会联盟 UIA Criteria for an International Meeting UIA对国际会议的定义标准Minimum number of participants:300

17、 参加人数不少于300人;Minimum number of foreigner:40%出席会议的国际成员不少于总数的40%;Minimum number of nationality:5参加会议成员的国籍不少于5个;Minimum duration:3 days会议期限不少于3 天。UIA Database UIA数据No. of international associations:30,619国际协会数量No. of international congresses:9,400+国际大会数量No. of delegates :5 mn +代表数量Geographical Distribu

18、tion of International Organization Headquarters (by Continents)国际组织总部的地域分布(按洲)1.Europe欧洲16,724 2.America美洲8,4763.Asia亚洲2,7544.Africa非洲2,1065.Australia澳洲559Geographical Distribution of International Organization Headquarters and Regional Offices (by Cities)国际组织总部和区域办事处的地域分布 (按城市)1.Bruxelles 布鲁塞尔 2,21

19、22.Paris巴黎1,5143.London伦敦1,1414.New York纽约7985.Washington, DC华盛顿7266.Tokyo东京3087.Geneva 日内瓦城 3081.New Delhi 新德里 1532.Singapore新加坡 1383.Hong Kong香港 1084.Sydney悉尼 1035.Beijing北京 566.Shanghai上海 5International Organization Membership in Asia亚洲的国际组织成员Japan 日本4483(474)India 印度3846(358)China 中国大陆3302(73)Ho

20、ng Kong 香港 2144(108)Singapore 新加坡 1710(138)(revised)Geographical Distribution of International Meetings in 2008 2008 年国际会议的地域分布1.Europe欧洲 56.19%2.North America北美洲 17.17 %3.Asia亚洲 13.08%4.South America 南美洲 5.12 %5.Australasia澳大拉西亚 4.41 %6.Africa非洲 4.03 %Leading Countries hosting International Meeting

21、s in 2008 2008年举办国际会议的主要国家1.USA美国13.81%2.France法国6.7%3.UK英国6.5%4.Germany德国 6.26%5.Italy意大利4.56%6.Australia澳大利亚 3.82%7.Netherlands荷兰3.69%8.Spain西班牙3.51% 9.Belgium比利时3.31%10.Switzerland瑞士2.59%1.Canada加拿大 2.56%2.Austria奥地利 2.44%3.Japan日本2.41%4.China中国1.74%5.Finland芬兰1.59%6.Denmark丹麦 1.55%7.Sweden瑞典1.47

22、%8.Norway挪威1.45%9.Singapore新加坡1.31%10.Portugal葡萄牙1.25%Leading Asian Countries hosting International Meetings in 2008 2008年举办国际会议的主要亚洲国家1.China 中国 13.29 %2.Singapore 新加坡 10.04%3.Israel 以色列 8.83 %4.Korea Republic 韩国 8.83 %5.Thailand 泰国 7.62 %6.India 印度 7.37 %7.Malaysia 马来西亚 3.57 %8.Philippines 菲律宾 2.6

23、7%Leading Cities hosting International Meetings in 2008 2008年举办国际会议的主要城市1.Paris巴黎2.93%2.Brussels 布鲁塞尔 2.21%3.London伦敦2.07%4.Wien 维也纳 1.66%5.Singapore新加坡 1.31%6.Sydney悉尼1.28%7.Berlin柏林1.19%8.Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹 1.15% 9.Geneva 日内瓦城 1.11%10.Kobenhavn 哥本哈根 1.09%1.Washington华盛顿 1.06%2.New York纽约 1.04%3.Budap

24、est 布达佩斯 0.99%4.Madrid 马德里 0.94%5.Barcelona 巴塞罗纳 0.94%6.Rome 罗马 0.86%7.Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯 0.82%8.Hong Kong香港0.81%9.Melbourne 墨尔本 0.79%10.Strasbourg 斯特拉斯堡 0.78%Leading Asian Cities hosting International Meetings in 2008 2008年举办国际会议的主要亚洲城市1.Singapore新加坡 10.04%2.Hong Kong香港 6.16%3.Seoul首尔 6.0%4.Bangk

25、ok 曼谷 5.02%5.Beijing北京 4.46%6.Tokyo东京 4.29%7.Jerusalem 耶路撒冷 4.05%8.Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡 2.84% 9.New Delhi 新德里 2.59%10.Tel Aviv 特拉维夫 2.43%11.Kyoto 京都 1.62%ICCAInternational Congress & Convention Association国际会议协会 ICCA Criteria for an International Meeting ICCA对国际会议的定义标准1.Must be organized on a regular ba

26、sis 必须定期举办。2.Must rotate between at least 3 different countries 至少要在三个不同的国家轮流举办。3.Must attract more than 50 participants 参与者不得少于50人。ICCA Database ICCA数据No. of international associations:5,540国际协会数量No. of international congresses:10,000国际大会数量Economic Impact of the International Association Meeting In

27、dustry国际协会会议行业的经济影响Worldwide: US$ 280 bn全球: 2800亿美元USA: US$90 bn美国: 900亿美元International Meetings : US$7.62bn国际会议: 76.2亿美元 Yr: 199363819946451995651199665419976661998688199967020008152001883Average Number of Participants at International Meetings参加国际会议的平均人数 Characteristics of International Associatio

28、n Meetings国际协会会议的特征Below 100 pax 低于 100 人 9.7%100 - 500 pax 100 500 人 53.4 %501 - 1,000 pax 501 - 1,000 人 17.7 %1,001 - 3,000 pax 1,001 - 3,000 人 13.6 %Over 3,000 pax 超过 3,000 人 5.6 % Types of Venues Considered for International Meetings国际会议考虑的地点类型Congress Centers with in-house facilities 带内部设施的会议中心

29、45%Congress Centre 会议中心42%University 大学29%Hotel 酒店29%Others 其他6%Timing of International Association Meetings国际协会会议的时间选择September 九月 13.4%May 五月 12.5%June 六月 12.4%October 十月 12.1%November 十一月 9.2%July 七月 8.1%Average length 平均持续时间 : 4 daysCharacteristics of International Association Meetings国际协会会议的特征A

30、lmost every interest (profession, discipline) has an association 几乎每一专业或学科有一个协会。Rotating venues (rarely returns to same destination within a few years) 轮流会议地点(在几年之内很少返回到同一地点)。Need for invitation from local counterparts需要当地对等单位的邀请。Area of Subject Matter of International Association Meetings国际协会会议的主题领

31、域1.Medical Science 医学27.2%2.Science 科学 11.7%3.Technology 技术 9.2%4.Industry 工业7.8%5.Agriculture 农业4.9%6.Social Science 社会科学 4.1%7.Economics 经济学4.0%8.Education 教育学4.0%9.Commerce 商业3.7%10.Management 管理3.0%Basic Consideration for an International Association to meet in a City国际协会在一个城市开会的基本考虑1.Invitation

32、 (by the country / government or a local member) 邀请(由国家政府或当地成员)2.Convention facilities / hotel rooms 大会设施、酒店房间3.Air accessibility 航班可到达4.Membership expansion opportunities 成员扩展机会5.Appeal to existing members 对现有的成员有吸引力6.Safety 安全A successful meeting will成功的会议将1.increase membership attendance( = profit to the Association) 增加成员出席人数(=有益于协会)2.secure positive media coverage in relevant trade / professional press( = image building for the Association) 在相关贸易、专业新闻里获得媒体的正面报道(塑造协会的形象)



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