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1、Lesson27Mrs.SmithslivingroomNew words and expressions1livingroomliviru:m客厅客厅2nearniprep.靠近靠近3windowwindun.窗户窗户4armchair:mten.手扶椅手扶椅5doord:n.门门6picturepiktn.图画图画7wall w:l n. 墙墙living room 客厅客厅 sitting room 客厅,起居室客厅,起居室window n. 窗户窗户 wind 吹风吹风armchair n. 扶手椅扶手椅chairman 主席主席door n. 门门 doorbellnear the

2、doorOpen the doorShut/Close the doorpicture n. 图画图画photo 照片照片wall n. 墙墙 on the wallin the wall某处某处(某时某时)有某人有某人(某物某物)”,基本句型基本句型:“Therebe+某物或某人某物或某人+某地或某时某地或某时”Thereisarefrigeratorinthekitchen.否定句否定句:通常在通常在be后加后加not构成构成Thereisnotarefrigeratorinthekitchen。一般疑问句及其答语一般疑问句及其答语:变疑问往前提变疑问往前提,句末问号句末问号Isthere


4、ny通常用在否定句中,或者的疑问句中。通常用在否定句中,或者的疑问句中。Therearenotanyspoonsinthecupboard.Arethereanyspoonsinthecupboard?表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用肯定回答时,多用some而不用而不用any。 Would you like some coffee? 三三. Fill the blanks with some or any : 1)Annhas_candies.2)Billdoesnthave_money.3)Wouldyoulike_brea

5、d?.4)Thereis_milkinthefridge.5)Thereisnt_beer.someanyanysomesometelevisionmagazinespicturestablenewspapersarmchairsstereobooksListening comprehension1. Where is the TV set? The television is near the window.2. Whats on the table? There are some newspapers on the table.3. Where are the books? The boo

6、ks are on the stereo.Mrs. Smiths living room is large.There is a television in the room.The _ is near the window.There are some magazines _ the television.There is a _ in the room.There are some _ on the table.There are some armchairs in the room.The _ are near the table.There is a stereo in the roo

7、m.The stereo is _ the door.There are some _ on the stereo.There are some pictures in the room.The pictures are _ the wall.Listening comprehension1. Listen and repeat sentence 2. Listen and repeat one by one.Listening comprehension1.Mrs.Smiths living room 1.Mrs.Smiths living room isis large. large.2.

8、There2.There is is a television in the room. a television in the room. The Television The Television is is near the window.near the window. There There areare some magazines on the television. some magazines on the television.3.There3.There is is a table in the room a table in the room There There a

9、reare some newspapers on the table. some newspapers on the table.4.There 4.There areare some armchairs in the room. some armchairs in the room. The armchairs The armchairs areare near the table. near the table.5.There is a stereo in the room. 5.There is a stereo in the room. The stereo is near the d

10、oor. The stereo is near the door.6.There6.There are are some books on the stereo. some books on the stereo.7.There 7.There areare some pictures in the some pictures in the room. The pictures room. The pictures areare on the wall. on the wall.Mrs.Smithslivingroomislarge.Thereisatelevisionintheroom.Th


12、nthewall.televisiontablearmchairsstereopicturesMrs.Smithslivingroomislarge. Thereisatelevisionintheroom.Thetelevisionisnearthewindow.Therearesomemagazinesonthetelevision.Thereisatableintheroom.Therearesomenewspapersonthetable.Therearesomearmchairsintheroom.Thearmchairsarenearthetable.Thereisastereoi

13、ntheroom.Thestereoisnearthedoor.Therearesomebooksonthestereo.Therearesomepicturesintheroom.Thepicturesareonthewall.There are some trousers on the bed.They are near that shirtAre there any tickets on the shelf?Yes, there are.Where are they exactly?They are in the handbag.1.books/intheroom/magazines/o

14、nthetelevisionArethereanybooksintheroom?No,therearentanybooksintheroom.Therearesomemagazines.Wherearethey?Theyreonthetelevision.Thankyouverymuch!定冠词the & 不定冠词a/an定冠词定冠词the的用法的用法1、定冠词特指某、定冠词特指某(些些)人或某人或某(些些)事物。事物。_ bag in the desk is mine. 桌子里的书包是我的。 Is this _ book you are looking for? 这是你要找的书吗? 2、如果

15、第一次提到某人或事物的时候,用、如果第一次提到某人或事物的时候,用a / an,那么以后再提到,那么以后再提到的话,就变成特指的人或事物了。的话,就变成特指的人或事物了。I bought _ book from Xinhua book-shop. _ book costs 15 yuan. 我从新华书店买了一本书. 这本书值十五元。I saw _ film yesterday. _ film was ended at eight oclock. 我昨天看了一场电影。电影八点钟结束的。 aTheaTheThethe3、定冠词用于表示世界上独一无二的事物或用于自然界、定冠词用于表示世界上独一无二的

16、事物或用于自然界现象或方位名词之前。这些事物当然是特指的事物,不现象或方位名词之前。这些事物当然是特指的事物,不可能有两个以上。可能有两个以上。 the sunthe moonthe earththe skythe worldthe winter night_sun is bigger than _ moon. 太阳比月亮大。 I can see a bird in _ sky. 我能看到天空中有一只小鸟。 4、定冠词与单数名词连用, 也可以表示这一类人或事物_ dog is not too danger. 狗不太危险。 _ cat is an animal. 猫是一种动物。 定冠词the &

17、 不定冠词a/anThethetheTheThe5、定冠词与形容词连用、定冠词与形容词连用, 可表示某一类人或事物。这可看作是省可表示某一类人或事物。这可看作是省略了名词的用法。略了名词的用法。 _ wounded were brought to the hospital. 受伤者被送到了医院。He always helps _ poor. 他经常帮助穷人。 _ deaf can go to this special school. 耳聋者可以进这所特殊学校上学。 注意:the 用在姓名复数之前, 表示一家人。 _ Greens is very kind to us. 格林一家人待我们很好。

18、_ Whites like the classic music. 怀特一家喜欢古典音乐。 定冠词the & 不定冠词a/anThetheTheTheThe不定冠词不定冠词a / ana / an的用法的用法 a / an 用在单数可数名词前面,表示这个人或事物是泛指的不确定的一个,相当于中文的“一个”。注意:可数的单数名词前,必须要用a / an 或the. 我们不能说 boy, desk, dog,而必须说 a boy / the boy.Give me _ book please. Which one ? _ green one.a 用在读音为辅音开头的名词之前, 而 an 用在读音为元音

19、开头的名词之前。注意:这里指的是“读音”,而不仅仅指字母。例如:_ university 一所大学_ hour 一个小时_ umbrella 一把雨伞定冠词the & 不定冠词a/anaTheaananReview : a/an/the1. When Linda was a child, her mother always let her have _ bed. A. the breakfast in B. the breakfast in the C. breakfast in D. breakfast in the2. Beyond _ stars the astronaut saw no

20、thing but _ space. A. the, 不填 B. 不填,the C. 不填,不填 D. the, the 3. Alexander Graham Bell invented _ telephone in 1876. A. 不填 B. a C. the D. one 4. After watching _ TV, she played _ violin for an hour. A. 不填,不填 B. the, the C. the, 不填 D. 不填,the 5. Many people are still in _ habit of writing silly things

21、in _ public places. A. the, the B. 不填,不填 C. the, 不填 D. 不填,theCACDC知识拓展:零冠词零冠词:有的时候,名词前面不用任何冠词,没有a / an / the. 有的书上称为零冠词。 1)国名,人名前通常不用定冠词:England,Mary;2)泛指的复数名词,表示一类人或事物时,可不用定冠词;They are teachers. 他们是教师。3)抽象名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词;Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。4)物质名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词,当表示特定的意思时,需要加定冠

22、词;Man cannot live without water.人离开水就无法生存。5)在季节、月份、节日、 假日、日期、星期等表示时间的名词之前,不加冠词; We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从星期一到星期五都上课。6)在称呼或表示官衔,职位的名词前不加冠词; The guards took the American to General Lee. 士兵们把这个美国人送到李将军那里。7)在三餐、球类运动和娱乐运动的名称前,不加冠词 如:have breakfast,play chess 8)当两个或两个以上名词并用时,常省去冠词;I cant

23、write without pen or pencil.没有钢笔和铅笔,我就写不了字。9)当by 与火车等交通工具连用,表示一种方式时,中间无冠词;by bus,by train; 知识拓展:零冠词10)有些个体名词不用冠词;如: school,college,prison,market,hospital,bed,table,class,town,church,court 等个体名词,直接置于介词后,表示该名词的深层含义;go to hospital去医院看病go to the hospital 去医院 (并不是去看病,而是有其他目的)11)不用冠词的序数词;a. 序数词前有物主代词 b. 序

24、数词作副词 He came first in the race.c. 在固定词组中 at (the) first,first of all,from first to last知识拓展:零冠词there be句型( )1. There some milk ,some eggs and a few apples on the table. A.is B.are C.has D.have( )2. There anything new in todays newspaper . A.is B.are C.isnt D.arent ( )3. -Where is my wallet ? -There a black on the floor. A.isit B.areones C.isone D.areone( )4.there anything new in todays newspaper . A.is B.are C.isnt D.arent( )5. there books on the shelf ? A.area B.is a C.have some D.areany



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