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1、Turning Failure into Success2021/6/71Turning Failure into SuccessParagraph 1- BeginningParagraph 2-7 - DevelopmentParagraph8-10- Further developmentParagraph 11-14- SolutionParagraph 15- Summary2021/6/72Paragraph 1lBeginning: introduce an example of a common phenomenon of failure. (文章的介绍部分,引出失败这一常见现

2、象的一个极端例子。)2021/6/73Paragraph 1lvote 1.推选 2.投票选举Was the vote for or against the resolution? (表决结果是赞成还是反对这个决议?)lbreakdown 1.崩溃;衰竭 2.中断Our car had a breakdown on the road.(我们的汽车在路上抛锚了。)搭配:a nervous breakdown 精神崩溃;the breakdown of negotiation 谈判破裂2021/6/74Paragraph 1lextreme 极端的;极度的;最大的She follows the m

3、ost extreme fashion in clothes.(她追求极为时尚的衣着。)搭配:go to extreme 走极端;in the extreme 极其;非常lreaction反应;感应What was his reaction to the news?(他对这消息的反应如何?)2021/6/75Paragraph 2-7lDevelopment: It is wrong to assume that any failure is bad and any success is good.(文章就开始提出的例子,具体分析成功和失败的得与失。)2021/6/76Paragraph 2-

4、7l Our society places so much emphasis on “making it” that we assume that any failure is bad. What we dont always recognize is that what looks like failure may, in the long run, prove beneficial.2021/6/77Paragraph 2-7 We assume that everyone is either a success or a failure when, in fact, infinite d

5、egrees of both are possible. In fact, success in one area often precludes success in another. Success that comes too easily is also damaging. Success is also bad when its achieved at the cost of the total quality of an experience.2021/6/78Paragraph 2-7lplace /lay/put emphasis on/upon(强调,着重于) e.g.):

6、The school lay special emphasis on discipline.lin the long run(从长远观点来看) e.g.): Studying may be difficult just now, but you will benefit in the long run.2021/6/79Paragraph 2-7lprove beneficial (大有裨益) e.g.): He saved the child from the fire at the cost of his own life.lat the cost of (以为代价) e.g.): He

7、saved the child from the fire at the cost of his own life.2021/6/710Paragraph8-10lFurther development: the reason why so many people are so afraid of failure. (文章紧接着在思想上更深一步发展,探讨为什么人们如此害怕失败)2021/6/711Paragraph8-10lParagraph 8: Why are so many people so afraid of failure?lParagraph 9: What do most pa

8、rents do to prevent children to fail or to kwon that they have failed?lParagraph 10 (transitional paragraph 过渡段): What is the correct way for children to treat “failure”?2021/6/712Paragraph8lSimply because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes a growing experience.lEvery person has the

9、 right to fail.一种成长的经历 have the right to do sth. 有权利去做;有的权利完全是因为,都是因为2021/6/713Paragraph8lSimply 1.简单地,简明地2.朴素地,朴实地3.完全地,绝对地4.仅仅,只lExperience n.1.U 经验,体验 2.C 经历,阅历,感受,体会2021/6/714Paragraph8lRight1. to sth./to do sth. 对某事物的正当要求,做某事的权利2.by right of sth. 因为,由于3.do right by sb. 公正对待某人2021/6/715Paragraph

10、 9lMost parents work hard at either preventing failure or shielding their children from the knowledge that they have failed.大多数家长不是竭力防止孩子们失败就是竭力不让他们知道自己已经失败。修饰knowledge2021/6/716Paragraph 9lWhat do most parents do to prevent children to fail or to kwon that they have failed?lOne way is to lower stan

11、dards.lAnother way is to shift blames.一种办法是一种办法是,另一种办法是,另一种办法是2021/6/717Paragraph 10lThey leave a child unequipped for life in the real world.使;让be unequipped for 对毫无准备2021/6/718Paragraph 10lLeavel让(或使)某人(或某物)处于某状态或某地le.g.): Leave the door open, please. 让门开着吧。2021/6/719Paragraph 10lThe young need to

12、 learn that no one can be best at everything.lA child who doesnt make the honor roll feels terrible.lThe youngster should be allowed to experience disappointment and then be helped to master it.在某一方面极为出色上 光荣榜战胜2021/6/720Paragraph 10lbe best/brilliant at sth. 在某一方面极为出色le.g.) He is brilliant at his jo

13、b. 他工作干得极为出色。 2021/6/721Paragraph 10lBut parents should not offer a quick consolation prize or say, “It doesnt matter,” because it does.But parents should not offer a quick consolation prize or say, “It doesnt matter,” because it does (matter).但是家长却不应该马上送上一份安慰奖或者说“没关系”,因为这确实有关系2021/6/722Paragraph 11

14、-14lSolution: How to learn to use failure so that it can make a positive contribution to our life. (然后文章就这一常见现象提出解决办法。人人都会失败,但是重要的是要学会如何利用失败如何化失败为动力、为激励、为经验)2021/6/723Paragraph 11-14lParagraph 11: Failure also can make a positive contribution to your life.lParagraph 12: Never to be latelParagraph 13

15、: Success is not nearly as good a teacher as failure.lParagraph 14 One of the authors friends who moved into another career and succeed.2021/6/724Paragraph 11-14lWhen I was a teenager and failed to get a job Id counted on, I telephoned the interviewer to ask why.lShe was turned down by the ballet ma

16、ster, who said, “You will never be a dancer.”lIn such cases, the ways to use failure is to take stock courageously, asking, “What have I left?”2021/6/725Paragraph 11-14lcount on/upon (指望;料想;依靠) e.g.): You can count on me for everything in the future.lturn down (拒绝) e.g.): She turned him down; she wo

17、nt marry him.2021/6/726Paragraph 11-14ltake stock (作出判断;进行评估) e.g.): It is time for taking stock and planning for the future.ltake stock (清点活存货、盘货) e.g.): The store took stock every week on Monday morning.2021/6/727Paragraph 15lSummary and a final touch : A mans success is made up of failures,becaus

18、e he experiments and ventures every day,and the more falls he gets moves faster on.(一个人的成功是由多次失败组成的,因为他每天都在进行试验、冒险,而且他跌倒的次数越多,前进的速度也越快。)2021/6/728Paragraph 15lhaunt 萦绕;缠扰;常去搭配:be haunted by 萦绕于心头;使苦恼;使担忧;haunt about (in;around) a place 常出没于某一地方lbound 准备到去的;一定的;注定的搭配:be bound up in 专心于;忙于;be bound up with 与有密切关系2021/6/729Thats all. Thank you.2021/6/730部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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