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1、酒店英语培训酒店英语培训hotel practical English问候祝福送别祝愿征询应答问路引路致歉答歉致谢答谢接打电话提醒提示日常术语培训大纲Greetings &congratulationsSend-off &wishesrequest &respondingasking&giving directionsgiving&responding apologiesgiving&responding thanksdailing&answering phone reminding&tipsdaily expressions一.Greetings&congratulations问候与祝福Gr

2、eetings问候1.Welcome to Quintessence Century hotel.欢迎光临钱塘世纪大酒店.WelcomeQuintessencecenturyhotel2.Good morning ,sir.afternoon/eveningsirmadamladymissmrs英语一般称谓男士:Sir先生 Gentleman绅士 Man男人(太过随便,慎用) Guy小伙子(慎用)女士:Madam夫人(用于已婚女性) Lady女士“淑女”(多指出生名门,有文化教养的女 性,这样称呼,多半能让对方很开心) Miss 小姐(用于未婚女性,后接姓氏) Mrs.夫人,太太(后接姓氏)

3、Ms.(用于不知道是否已经结婚的女性)备注:英美人的名字一般包括三个部分:名(given name),中间名(middle name)以及姓氏(family name/surname)。比如说,在George W. Bush(乔治.沃克 .布什) 中,George是名,布什是姓。因此,我们可以称呼他George,或是Mr. Bush,而不能是Mr. George. 另外,英美女性在结婚之后都会随夫姓,因此,如果Rose Williams(罗斯.威廉姆斯)嫁给Tom Hamilton(汤姆.汉密尔顿)之后,我们就只能称她为Mrs. Hamilton而不是Mrs. Williams节假日问候要注意

4、换个问法!传统的西方节日 Traditional Western Holidays新年快乐Happy new year!情人节快乐Happy valentines day!复活节 Easter(在每年的三月底或四月初,三月出现满月后的第一个星期天)母亲节快乐Happy mothers day! (五月的第三个星期天)父亲节快乐Happy fathers day! (六月的第四个星期天)(美国)独立日快乐Happy Independence Day! (每年月4日)万圣节快乐Happy Halloween (宗教节日,每年10月日)感恩节快乐 Happy Thanks-giving day!(每

5、年11月的第四个星期四)圣诞节快乐 merry chirsmas!传统的中国节日 Traditional Chinese holidays春节 Spring Festival 妇女节Womens Day清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day 青年节 Youth Day 劳动节 Labors Day 儿童节 Childrens Day端午节 Dragon-boat Day 中秋节Mid-autumn Day国庆节 National Day3.nice to meet you.很高兴见到您.4.how do you do?你好.5.How are you today, Mr. Smith?您好

6、,史密斯先生?很好,谢谢Fine, Thank you. And you?congratulations祝贺3.wish you every sucess!2.have a nice holiday here.1.congratulations.要了解客人的特殊信息客人相关的特殊信息结婚纪念结婚典礼金榜题名喜得贵子职场高升事业发展wedding anniversarywedding day5.I wish you will enjoy your stay in our hotel.希望您入住愉快. enjoy your stay.6.have a good time.注意问候外国人的时候,一定

7、不要说You are very tired.(“您累了吧”)之类的话。而要问how about your trip(旅途愉快吗)?因为文化背景不一样,加之思维方式的差异,外国人会认为这是对其健康与能力的一种怀疑。如果非说不可,可以说“You must be very tired”(你一定很累了吧),这样还勉强可以接受。2.Send-off&wishes送别与祝愿Send-off送别1.goodbye再见.2.see you .再见wishes祝愿3.have a nice trip!旅途愉快4.thanks for your coming.感谢您的莅临.5.welcome to our hot

8、el again.欢迎您再次光临。3.giving&responding thanks致谢与答谢giving thanks致谢1.thank you.谢谢2.its very kind of you.真的很感谢您.3.Thank you for your advice.谢谢您的建议responding thanks致谢与答谢4.not at all不客气.5.you are welcome.不客气6.its my pleasure.这是我的荣幸.4.giving&responding apologies致歉与答歉giving apologies致歉1.I am sorry.对不起2.excus

9、e me.打扰一下3.I am sorry,it is my fault.对不起,是我的错.5.sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了6Im sorry to have taken so much of your time.对不起耽误你这么长时间.7.I am sorry about this.对此我感到很抱歉8.i apologize for this. 对此我感到很抱歉responding apologies答歉1.thats all right.没关系2.Never mind.没事的3.Thats ok.没事4.it doesnt matter.

10、不要紧5.forget it.没关系5.asking&Giving directions指示方向问路引路asking directions问路1.where is the businesscenter?请问商务中心在哪?2.how can I get to the lobby ?3.could you show me the way to the dinning hall?到餐厅怎么走啊?3.I wonder if you could tell me the way to the KTV club?去ktv怎么走啊?giving directions指路1baihe hall is on th

11、e second floor.英文数字表达0 nought;zero;O 1 one 第一 first2 two 第二 second3 three 第三third4 four 第四fourth5 five 第五fifth6 six 第六sixth7 seven 第七seventh 8 eight 第八eighth9 nine 第九ninth10ten 第十 tenth2.take the lift to the first floor,and turn leftleftright3.you will find ,you cant miss it.4.Go ahead 5.Take the se

12、cond turning on the right第二个路口右拐6.you can go to railway station by the NO.60 bus .7.let me show you on the map8.its over there next to lobby lounge.就在那边紧挨着大堂吧.方位词汇near next tobehindat the back ofin front ofin the end ofoppositeon theeast southwestnorthcrossingturningget offget on11. follow me,please

13、.跟我来.6.making& answering a call接打电话making a call 打电话making a call 打电话1.Hello, is that quintessence century hotel?请问是世纪大酒店吗?2.May /Can/Could I speak to Mr. James?answering a call接电话2.Good morning,this is quintessence century hotel.may I help you?钱塘世纪大酒店,请问有什么可以帮您?4.Yes, this is James speaking. Please

14、 hold on for a moment. Sorry, he is not in.May I take a message? May I know your name and telephone number?thanks for your calling.good night.request &responding征询应答request征询四大句式may Icould youwould youshall I提出请求时麻烦客人做时询问客人喜好征求客人意见1.may I help you?2.may I have your name,please?3.could you fill out t

15、he form,please?4.would you like to have a cup of tea?5.what would you like to drink your beer?icy or normal?6.what kind of room would you like?7.shall I draw the curtains?8.shall I make the reservation for you?responding应答应答分类肯定否定疑问客答应人要求拒绝客人要求不理解客人要求1.certainly,ing.3.just a moment,please.4.I am afr

16、aid I can not do that. 谢绝 Refusing in a polite way 谢谢你,但是恐怕这违反酒店的规定。Thank you, but Im afraid this is against the regulations of the hotel.感谢你的邀请,但是我已经有约会了。Thank you for your invitation, but I have already had an appointment.对不起,上班时间,我不能离开自己的工作岗位。Sorry, its not allowed to leave while on duty. 对不起,这是不允许的。Sorry, its forbidden. 5.pardon?6.could you repeat that, please?reminding&tips提醒与提示1.please be careful.2.take care.3.mind your step.4.please dont leave anying behind.4.dont worry.5.take it easy.



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