M9U1 Project language points

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1、Phrases1 1. turn to L5 转向转向 2.devotion to L9 热爱热爱 (devote to)3. be content to do sth L11满足于满足于/愿意做某事愿意做某事 (be content with sth 满足于某事满足于某事) 4. be accused of L14 被指责被指责 被控告被控告5. be consider to beL16被认为被认为6. oweto L18把把归功于归功于 (owe sb sth 欠某人某物欠某人某物)7. be equipped withL25装备,配备装备,配备8. participate in L29参

2、加参加2 9. distinguish from L31区别 10. lead to sth/ doing L33导致. 11. appeal to sb L34 吸引某人, 恳求/呼吁某人 (for sth) 12. be exported to L35 出口到 13. a must L37 不可少的事,必须做的事 14. in particular L45 尤其,特别 3Language points4Sentence analysis 1.There is nothing ambiguous about Australians love of sport.There is no doub

3、t about Australians love of sport.There is no doubt that Australians love sport.澳大利亚人热爱体育,这点毫无疑问。澳大利亚人热爱体育,这点毫无疑问。52. Indeed , _ (sit) in front of the television _ (watch) a sporting event, with a drink in one hand some fast food in the other, is very common in Australia.sittingwatching的确,人们一手握饮料一手捧

4、快餐,坐在的确,人们一手握饮料一手捧快餐,坐在电视机前看体育赛事,这在澳大利亚非常电视机前看体育赛事,这在澳大利亚非常普遍。普遍。63. With most of its population _ (live)near the coast, swimming and surfing are popular activities for many families at the weekend.livingWith +O.+OC.doing / done / to do/prep.短语短语 /adj. / adv. 7 _(随着春天的到来随着春天的到来), the trees are abund

5、ant in fruit. _ (买好了他好了他们需要的需要的东西西), they left the supermarket. _(有些有些东西要西要买), they went to the supermarket. With autumn comingWith what they need boughtWith something to buy8_(他他脸上上带着笑着笑容)容), he looks at me. He fell asleep _(门开着开着).He fell asleep _(灯开着灯开着).With a smile on his facewith the door open

6、with the lights on94. Another popular sport, cricket, is originally from the UK, and has been exported to and followed religiously in countries influenced by Britain. whichinfluencedaffected/impacted另一项流行的体育运动起源于英国,它被介另一项流行的体育运动起源于英国,它被介绍到受英国影响的国家,且大为盛行绍到受英国影响的国家,且大为盛行。105. Considering Australias re

7、latively small population, its outstanding performance in the Olympic Games was really amazing.ConsideringGiven Australias relatively small population taken into consideration /account, its remarkable /excellent performance in the Olympic Games was really amazing.考虑到澳大利亚人口相对较少,它在奥运会考虑到澳大利亚人口相对较少,它在奥

8、运会上的出色表现着实令人惊讶。上的出色表现着实令人惊讶。11与与considering相相类似似的的结构构还有有:supposing (that)“假假如如”;provided/providing that“如如果果”。这些些都都是是固固定定搭搭配配,不不能能以以分分词和和主主语的关系来分析。的关系来分析。*Supposing (that) it rains, can we play the match indoors? 要要是是下下雨雨的的话,我我们在室内比在室内比赛行行吗?*Ill come provided that I am well enough. 只要我身体足只要我身体足够好,我一

9、定来。好,我一定来。126. owe vt. 归因于归因于,欠(帐)欠(帐),欠(人情)欠(人情) oweto. 归因于,归功于,起源于归因于,归功于,起源于 他的成功是靠勤奋工作。他的成功是靠勤奋工作。 owe sth. to sb. / owe sb sth 欠欠(帐帐),欠欠(情情) He still owes 3000 dollars to his father . You owe me a favour . 你还欠我一个人情哪!你还欠我一个人情哪!He owes his success to hard work. 他还欠他父亲三千美元。他还欠他父亲三千美元。13 owing to 因为因为 ,由于,归功于,由于,归功于 由于自然环境,许多人觉得新西兰适由于自然环境,许多人觉得新西兰适合户外运动合户外运动 .Owing to (=Due to) the natural environment , many people feel that New Zealand is perfect for outdoor activities . 1415谢谢观赏!谢谢观赏!



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