高一英语新教材课文Unit 1 教学设计

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1、高中校本教材高中校本教材- 1 -高一英语新教材高一英语新教材 Unit1Unit1本单元阅读文本的话题是美国学生亚当刚入高中所面临的挑战,旨在让同龄读者了解国外学生的校园生活和学习状况,探究和比较中外学生的校园生活,以积极乐观、阳光豁达的心态去迎接新生活的挑战。文本采用了叙事性文体,主人公亚当以第一人称口吻描述了自己刚进入高中所面临的挑战,内容贴近学生生活,很能产生共鸣。标题“The Freshman Challenge”是整个文本的浓缩提炼。正文内容按“总分”建构,第一段为总起段,说明亚当进入高中第一周时所产生的困惑,其余三段分别描述了亚当在选课、课外活动和学习三方面碰到的挑战以及应对挑战

2、的心态和策略。在进行文本教学设计时,要帮助学生梳理关于高中生活的话题类语言,其中包括有关选课以及与课外活动相关的表达。此外,功能类语言,如:obviously, instead, still, but等,也是值得梳理的。本文的主题段、主题句与支撑性内容的关联,是很好的逻辑思维训练载体。此外,本课需首要关注的文化要素是中外高中新生校园生活的对比。学生可将亚当面临的挑战与自己可能遇到的挑战作对比,在比较中感受文化异同。Unit 1Unit 1The Freshman ChallengeThe Freshman ChallengeHi, My name is Adam and I m a fresh

3、man at senior high school. Going from junior high school to seniorhigh school is a really big challenge. The first week was a little confusing.First, I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take. The school adviser helped mechoose the suitable ones: maths, English, chemistry, w

4、orld history, and Chinese. I know that Chinese is a verydifficult language, but I hope to be fluent when I graduate. My adviser recommended that I should sign up foradvanced literature because I like English and I am good at it.I had to choose extra-curricular activities, too. I tried to join the sc

5、hool football team, but the coach told methat I didnt play well enough. Obviously, I was unhappy, but I wont quit. Ill find a way to improve on my ownso that I can make the team next year.I joined a volunteer club instead. Every Wednesday, we work at a soupkitchen and hand out food to homeless peopl

6、e in the community.I know Ill have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lotmore. Im a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course, and itll be quite difficultto get used to all the homework. Still, Im happy to be here.

7、 Studying hard isnt always fun, but Ill be wellprepared for university or whatever else comes in the future.The Second PeriodThe Second Period 教学设计教学设计一、教学内容品读语言,加深理解,学习亚当积极乐观的态度和品质,对比中外校园生活,迁移所学,完成仿写任务。二、课时目标1. 通过品读语言,深入理解文本,概括亚当的生活态度和品质,培养面对挫折积极向上自信的人生态度。2. 结合所学,对比中外高一新生的校园生活,培养文化意识,巩固所学内容并迁移至自身,培

8、养文化意识。3. 结合文本中得到的启示,谈论自身的挑战,最后通过撰写自己作为高一新生所遇到的挑战的文章,提高思维品质和语言能力。三、教学过程Activity 1: Retelling Adams first week as a freshman at senior high school.本活动为实现课时教学目标1 作铺垫。Retell the passage about Adams first week at senior high school.Students are supposed to pay attention to the“opinion and fact”structure

9、and use the words and expressionsin the passage.Attitude determines altitude. 态度决定高度高中校本教材高中校本教材- 2 -高一英语高一英语 Book2(Book2(人教版人教版) )课时练课时练【设计意图】此活动是热身环节,作为第一课时作业的展示,学生需要整合运用语言、内容与结构进行简单复述,一方面可以回顾文章主要内容,复现目标词汇,巩固主线和结构意识,另一方面也自然过渡到本节课的阅读重点品读语言,判断并归纳亚当面对挑战时的态度以及所展现的品质。Activity 2: Exploring Adams attitud

10、e towards the challenges.本活动旨在落实课时目标1。Q1:Do you think that he will get used to senior high school life? Why?1 I like English and Im good at it.2 I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent when I graduate.3 Obviously, I was unhappy, but I won t quit.4 Still, Im happy to

11、 be here.5 Studying hard isnt always fun, but Ill be well prepared for university or whatever elsecomes in the future.6 .(Although it was really a big challenge which made him feel confused, worried, disappointed and unhappy,he was still confident, hopeful , and determined to work hard. )Q2: What ki

12、nd of attitude did Adam take towards the challenges at senior high school?(positive, optimistic, .)Attitude is everything!【设计意图】紧接着复述任务后,教师引导学生重回课本,深入思考,探索亚当面对困难时的态度。首先找出文中依据思考亚当是否能适应高中生活。然后过渡到对第二个问题的探索,分析概括所找出的文本内容,总结出亚当在面对挑战时的积极乐观态度,学会做人做事,培养学生在面对困难时应有的正确的价值观。此时教师再呈现课本的配图充满笑意的亚当,首尾呼应。Activity 3: S

13、ummarizing Adams good qualities.本活动旨在落实课时目标1。Students discuss in groups and summarize the good qualities of Adam and list their evidence.Q: What kind of person do you think Adam is? Why?(determined, hardworking, kind, positive, confident,.)【设计意图】学生再次回顾文本,重新梳理信息,通过讨论,分析论证、概括判断挖掘亚当身上值得学习的品质,学会做人做事。Act

14、ivity 4: Comparing Adams school life with yours.本活动旨在落实课时目标2。Students compare Adams school life with theirs.Q1: Do you have the same challenges?Q2: Do you have other challenges?Q3: Are there any similarities and differences between Adam s school life and yours?高中校本教材高中校本教材- 3 -高一英语新教材高一英语新教材 Unit1Un

15、it1Q4: As for your senior high school life, what in the passage inspire(s) you most?【设计意图】此活动为半开放性的活动,呼应第一课时导入的问题,学生对比自身的校园生活与亚当的校园生活,学生提到自身与亚当类似的挑战以及不同于亚当的挑战,对比了解中外不同的校园文化,培养跨文化意识。通过对比,学生根据课本所学以及自身实际,简单总结出中外校园生活的异同,如都需要选课,都需要面临学业压力并努力学习等, 不同的是美国学生有一个school adviser给他们选课建议,他们必须选课外活动等。最后一个问题,谈谈阅读文本后对于

16、他们的高中生活的启发或鼓舞的点,引导学生向亚当学习,如亚当面对挑战的处理方式,态度和体现出来的品质,以此激发学生树立正确的价值观,学会为人处世, 乐观应对高中乃至人生挑战既是总结, 又是将所学迁移至真实情境中, 为下面的活动做好准备。Activity 5: Talking about your own challenges.本活动旨在落实课时目标3。Think about the following questions and talk about your own challenges in pairs.Q1: What are your challenges at senior high

17、school?Q2: How did you feel?Q3: Facing the challenges, what did you do ?Q4: What will you do and what is your attitude towards the challenges after reading the passage?【设计意图】该活动是一个完全开放性的活动,每个学生都会有不同的答案。结合所学,运用迁移所学,自由口头表达自己高中的挑战、心情以及应对措施,同时谈谈自己阅读后会做的以及会持有的态度,为最后的书面表达做准备。Assignment:此任务旨在迁移一、二课时所学,解决实际

18、问题。1. Write about your own challenges as a freshman at senior high school as well as your feelings and solutions.And add your attitude towards the challenges as a conclusion. Youre expected to use the words and expressionsin the passage.Hi! My name is _ and I m a freshman at XXXX School. Going from

19、junior high school to senior highschool is a really big challenge. The first week was _._2. Get online to gather more information about the similarities and differences between American andChinese school life.【设计意图】结合所学,迁移创新,分析解决自身实际问题,在真实情境中学生通过仿写进行主题语言的精确输出。在完成任务的过程中,能较多地使用已学语言、内容、结构和写作手法来描述自己校园生Attitude determines altitude. 态度决定高度高中校本教材高中校本教材- 4 -高一英语高一英语 Book2(Book2(人教版人教版) )课时练课时练活中的挑战和对待挑战的态度,顺利实现对语言的迁移运用以及自我价值观的提升。另一项作业为让学生课后上网搜寻更多有关中美校园文化的资料,是课堂内容的适度延伸,既能帮助他们更好巩固所学知识,又能培养文化意识,拓宽国际视野。



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